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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6802071 No.6802071 [Reply] [Original]

>Post a bikini pinup of a certain character to rule34 and nowhere else
>Four hours later the creator flips out and deletes said character
Is it even really my fault though? They were pretty clearly looking to start shit.

>> No.6802077
File: 539 KB, 2356x2516, Untitled2_20230815151446~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a drawing to horrific it offed an entire character.

>> No.6802124

Were you aware of how they felt about it? If not you're fine, otherwise you're a sociopath

>> No.6802126

Kill yourself.

>> No.6802996

Not your fault, there's no issue got which you could be at fault. Someone chose to delete their post.
If you want to self censor and limit your subject matter because of the feelings of others, that's your mental illness to carry.

>> No.6803106

>rule34 subhuman user fails to realize how repulsive that whole thing is

>> No.6803113
File: 19 KB, 220x293, images - 2022-01-01T043408.628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally so refreshing to hear this, finally someone who actually believes in artist freedom. Here's the kicker though! The orginal artist of the OC drew literal incest porn of his closest characters (it was posted to r34 presumably without his approval but that doesn't discount the fact that he still did it) I figured if he was willing to go that far some vanilla pinups of an OC he hasn't drawn in nearly a year wouldn't be too big of an issue, right? Wrong. Puritanical faggots make me so fucking tired especially when you KNOW they're pervs deep down.

>> No.6803139

>Japanese dog after transcending through 4 hoops

>> No.6803143

you know what you have to do, double down and draw more, it's your character now

>> No.6803152

Oh I've been encountering more... uh, 'angry people' on r34. Something happened there recently? It feels like it's slowly turning into twitter-lite

>> No.6803211
File: 62 KB, 379x226, Dood318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this, I was going to reply to that post earlier.
I can understand an artist not being comfortable with coom art of their characters and putting some limits, it's very fair and reasonable, coom is not always someone's tea of cup.
I can kind of understand an artist getting sensitive over people not respecting boundaries and throwing a fit, it's not okay by any means, but comes from a somewhat reasonable idea.

Now, abandoning a character because of the coom art? And for literally just three pieces that are not even NSFW to begin with? You have to be a huge bitch to do this. You're not at fault here, OP, specially because you just did three pinups, no one with a right mind gets this bad for pinups.

Also, considering this is now your character (or at least you're making more of her), I really look forward to see what you do! This board never has too many cute blondies.
Have a doodle.

>> No.6803280

>Draws degenerate coom art of his own OCs
>For some reason gets fucked up when you make something that isnt even outright nsfw
do you have history with this person or..? if not dont mind it too much its most likely just attention whoring

>> No.6803394

I could totally see that but that logic kind of goes out the window if you're drawing your "most beloved" characters getting nailed by their own siblings, kek. To add yet another layer of "what" onto this the only place I ever posted those pieces was rule34, didn't even speak about them anywhere else but here. That can only mean he was actively searching for them on a site exclusively made for pornography for the sole purpose of getting triggered. I still can't believe that it took him less than four hours to find it too, like.. Literally how often must you gotta look at rule34 to catch that? Imagine letting three bikini pinups on rule34 over the course of four months affect you this hard. He keeps saying that it doesn't affect him much as well which is just. Lol.

Dolly was already not well liked by him, he hasn't drawn her in ten freaking months in fact! I'm glad I basically own her now, shes cute and deserves better. Absolutely adorable image by the way!! Looking at it made me really happy :)

>> No.6803477


>> No.6803717

draw modeseven levels of disgusting with her and wait to see what happens next

>> No.6803851

I fully agree people can draw whatever they want but your behaviour is creepy. It seems like you were looking to start shit yourself and probably chose that character to that end.

You can do whatever you like, but don't be shocked if you end up scorned for it later. Also it's still their character, deleting it off social media doesn't negate that.

>> No.6804024

Creepy how? I fail to see how drawing a character you find cute is creepy....

Also yes, the op was totally looking to start shit when he drew a pin up of a 10 month old character that the artist stopped drawing and the artist somehow noticed that instantly, very true.

I agree with the later part though.

>> No.6804044

I can draw whatever I want and I do, but if someone else creates a character, it's theirs. So I'm not gonna purposefully draw something that will upset them and then post it for everyone to see. That's basic human decency. I believe in free speech as well, doesn't mean I'm gonna verbally abuse my mom you retards, even if I want to. If that's mental illness then I'm severely mentally ill, yes. I care about other people

>> No.6804758

That would unironically be so fucking funny but nah.
If I were looking to ACTUALLY start shit I would've posted it in multiple places and made it graphic. I also wouldn't have chosen a character out of literally hundreds that was so obscure. After everything it seems much more like THEY'RE the one attempting to start shit.

>> No.6804760

>Basic human decency
>Posting porn to rule34
Maybe if he didn't wanna see it he shouldn't have went on rule34 and actively looked for it?

>> No.6804784

Assumption. Somebody probably saw it and told him about it

>> No.6804797

guys, you need to be 18 years or older to post here
also wtf is going on, this board has slowly been turning into twitter/tumblr 2.0, whats next? posts trying to cancel "muh 'nsert people who have different opinions here' " or some shit?

draw wtv the fuck you want, if people dont like it, then its on them to use their copyright of the character to strike you down nintendo style, oh wait...

>> No.6804807

Even so getting pissed about art discreetly posted on rule34 is on you. It has like 15 upvotes, getting your panties in a twist over that especially considering the circumstances is schizophrenic. Maybe if I was drawing hardcore rape or guro I'd get it but a fucking bikini pinup that doesn't even show anything? Please.

>> No.6804815

>Even so getting pissed about art discreetly posted on rule34 is on you
anon, we live in a society where blame is always on someone else, using even 3 brain cells is verboten

>> No.6804827

Wtf I wish people drew porn of my ocs without my consent. I’d never draw porn myself or even request it because it’s just not something I’d do, but if someone just “did it” I’d get the fun of it happening with all the beautiful cognitive dissonance of being able to say I didn’t actually will it into the world.
I’d maybe pretend to be mad about it but that would be the extent of it and I’m a huge OC autist. (Obviously)

>> No.6804931

I don’t draw porn. If someone drew porn of one of my characters, my reaction would be somewhere between “neat” to “eh, kind of weird” depending on how weird the fetish in the drawing was.

>> No.6804944

This is /ic/ not /i/
If you want to make it as an artist you need to cultivate a good image.
If you're just a faggot that wants to draw memes, nothing you do matters so you can go have fun on /i/

>> No.6804952

this. its not even like op drew weird/gross/offensive/ugly porn either. i have a feeling they may know each other because who would get that fucked up over something so benign? (if they do not then that guy must have some serious attention whoring issues. id say sex aversion issues too but being that they apparently drew incest porn that cant be it)

>> No.6804953

>If you want to make it as an artist you need to cultivate a good image
No you don't. Just post good content regularly and you will be popular. Stop mistaking your own opinion as fact.

>> No.6804955

/ic/ - Artist Critique

>> No.6804958
File: 511 KB, 1033x670, deykilledtupac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minty be like
yeah i don't care about what niggaz be doin or thinkin
but den proceeds to post a thread about something some other homie did and jumps at any validation anonzmous gives her (as a nigga do be expectin froms a ho' postin her tittiez on /trash/)
deez peeple always be sayin one ting and doinz anudder ting u know? like frfr on god bruh no cap deez women be crazy for attention and validation

>> No.6804967

Posting nothing but art and never saying anything else is one of the best images you can have, that's not antithetical to what I said.
I'm sure you're not surprised how many artists you see that blogpost more than they draw and post more reaction images than drawings

>> No.6804984

Nobody types like that. Go away purple sweater faggot.

>> No.6805002

Never said that it wasn't. Balancing your blogposts with your art at a 2:1 ratio (2 art 1 blogposts) is generally okay though. I do agree that too many artists fall into that trap however. One of my favorite artists would quite literally make five posts a day attention whoring about how much he hates himself and then posted art like once a fucking month. I still have that faggot muted. I guess it doesn't matter how good your art is if you're really fucking annoying which is a pretty good lesson.

>> No.6805013

Boo and also hoo

>> No.6805020
File: 66 KB, 525x613, bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'chu say cuh?? you boutta pay the coal toll

>> No.6805251

Kill yourself troon

>> No.6805516

Art is about freedom. Of one can't handle what that entails they shouldn't be online at all

>> No.6805562

Art is about self expression

>> No.6805569

Can't have proper self expression without freedom.

>> No.6805577

Your point? I never said this shouldn't be allowed

>> No.6805578

but...but...muh determinism

>> No.6805580

you must be over 18 to post anon

>> No.6805586

Thank God summer is almost over

>> No.6805603

>Thank God summer is almost over
Let me guess, anyone who doesnt go along with twitter tourists must be a summer vacation school kid? Is that all you guys know how to do, just flip things onto others, ya know, accuse others of being/doing what you yourself are/do
what herd mentality does to a mfer

>> No.6805735

>They were pretty clearly looking to start shit.
elaborate, what did they do looking to start shit other than design a character?

>> No.6805756

I think they are the rainbow people from the exodus from Twitter and DA. Most of them somehow doesn't migrates to pixiv or NG

>> No.6805805

I wouldn't flip out, but I'd also never acknowledge their existence/help them out, and if I ever come across a piece of information to destroy their entire life, I would in a heartbeat.

>> No.6805832


>> No.6805974
File: 99 KB, 850x1415, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_techi_techi35499__sample-1c6c133e019f47956c868593a91ceb27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6806001
File: 485 KB, 2187x479, Screenshot 2023-08-21 220939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate schizophrenics so much, I absolutely despise all of you, and it's saddens me greatly that killing you and your disgenic excuse for family with raptor drone is out of my reach, you suppose to quietly chew dirt in the corner instead of invading MY internet space

>> No.6806007

True. Drawing porn of a character when the artist doesn't want it is literally rape. OP has raped that artist by violating her mind. She is no longer pure and wholesome, she's a used goods whore now, great going OP.

>> No.6806042


>> No.6806780

>woman on woman mind rape

>> No.6806795

>meanwhile this thread as instantly deleted
>AI shit is always online too
it's over