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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 7 KB, 160x160, AiArt-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6801871 No.6801871 [Reply] [Original]

Has the opinion on AIart changed?
are artists using AI as a tool now?

>> No.6801885

>are artists using AI as a tool now?
Not yet, but they should.
I think most artists right now are too scared to use AI because they might get sodomized on xitter by the hate mob.

>> No.6801890
File: 470 KB, 973x819, i made this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is ai good for you?
>another ai shitposting thread
Don't care, i just want to draw.

>> No.6801891

I don't understand the hate for AIart. In most cases, to make it look decent you still need a fair amount of retouching done by hand.
This is like arguing that digital art is not real art.

>> No.6801892

no, I want ai niggers skinned alive

>> No.6801893

Wow AIsister, you're so right and valid!
Artbigots need to check their talent privilege.
AI rights are human rights!

>> No.6801896
File: 1.29 MB, 832x1216, 30_6830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can generate cute girls infinitely for free
>this is a bad thing somehow

>> No.6801897

You know you can do both? For example make a lineart yourself, fill in flat color and run it through AI to render lighting.
Or have it help with backgrounds

>> No.6801898

>Has the opinion on AI-art changed?
Yes, the narrow niche that AI does well has become very oversaturated by amateur prompters. The average normies interest in the technology is starting to fizzle out, taking with it some big render monkeys who were known for that type of style.

>> No.6801900


>> No.6801904

AI "B"asses

>> No.6801905
File: 207 KB, 605x495, 1682129635864862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys guys guys! Let's have yet another AI thre-

>> No.6801906

hand needs fixing

>> No.6801907
File: 1.34 MB, 832x1216, 08_2172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon notices the hands
Are you gay? The hands aren't the thing you should look at

>> No.6801909

What's talented about being able to trace a pose from a photo?

>> No.6801912

There's either one or a group of ai niggers that's been raiding the board for a few days now.
Did one of you fuck and kill their mother or something?
Also report and ban the retard.

>> No.6801913
File: 3.36 MB, 1280x1920, Handem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are easy ways to fix hands by now

>> No.6801916
File: 9 KB, 241x209, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really masturbate to anime or is it a meme?

>> No.6801917
File: 1.35 MB, 832x1216, 32_3509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean inpainting? I haven't tried that out yet but will look into it

>> No.6801924

People literally jerk off to cartoon bunnies with giant cocks. In fact that's a huge part of the art commission world nowadays.

>> No.6801928

well, if only the hand was not close to the very part you want me to look at, then it wont be an issue

this one here is ok

>> No.6801931
File: 3.04 MB, 1280x1920, Blenda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good model is a must, then get clip studio and redraw and fix the hand, then run it through inpaint to blend in.
Same thing for every other mistake. There will be a ton of tiny imperfections though.

>> No.6801936
File: 50 KB, 550x597, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like extra steps to me that take away your chances of gaining experience.
It really isn't that difficult to come up with stuff if you have a reason to draw.
If you just want to generate generic slop to wow normies on social media and collect meaningless numbers, guess you didn't like drawing in the first place.
>have it help out
Yeah, generate me some more naked anime girls floating in the void with generic background.
Might start to convince me.

>> No.6801941

Wow that looks really good.

>> No.6801950
File: 241 KB, 1300x550, ai raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny either taking a shit right now or got paid by the ai parasites.

>> No.6801954

I've been on /ic/ since 2014, just recently made the switch to AI because I don't see a future in human made art.

>> No.6801955
File: 3.31 MB, 1280x1920, Shhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also have a set of embeddings you put in negative prompt. Now it's not magic but it helps clearly seperate the fingers sol they're easier to fix.

>> No.6801961

Very nice!
I'll look into it.

>> No.6801964

this. it's just a tool to get ideas down quickly. it's no different than doing quick 1 minute sketches to see what composition you like most.

>> No.6801968

>6801954 (You)

>> No.6801970

It's all trolling and jannies are most probably in on it or spammers ban evade every time.
What even is the point of keeping up the spam only to make the same bad faith arguments over and over?
These irl smug soijacks probably think we're all seething and having a meltdown.

>> No.6801981

I originally came here looking for poses. It's true what the other anon said about it being generic. After enough pictures you notice the same compositions.
Luckily there's a way to force AI into new poses by introducing basic linearts.
Seeing as regular real artists have an untapped potential I decided to ask the question.

>> No.6801985

>I don't see a future in human made art.

>> No.6801986

Why would anyone in the near future pay you to draw something if they can generate it themself in a fraction of the time for free.

>> No.6801988
File: 215 KB, 900x819, demoralization threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i came here to pose genuine questions
>makes ai thread #6418656764
>starts spamming ai slop
>starts posting the same retarded bad faith takes that have been already discussed to death
You sure trolling us good.
Oh, i feel so trolled and baited right now.
Let me like and subscribe to your twitteryoutubepatreon.

>> No.6801989

Not him but he's probably talking about the time it takes to create real art and it being impossible to match the highly detailed backgrounds of ai.
However I don't really agree with it, you'll always need real art to introduce something new.
And in the same way physical art has not died since digital came out.

>> No.6801996

>stop discussing things that make me feel insecure

>> No.6801999

Do you know that there are the world outside of the screen? Literally touch grass.
>muh cheap prints

>> No.6802001

What's bad about the pictures I posted. The composition or perspective? How would you draw it? I posted the 3 ones with the fingers.

>> No.6802003
File: 80 KB, 1800x1054, maurizio-cattelan-banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason physical art is valuable is because 99% of artists are digital artists nowadays.
What do you think will happen once all those digital artists are going to go traditional?

>> No.6802008
File: 432 KB, 1092x1095, Go do the thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what's wrong with my anime kitsch?"
>implying it's a genuine question
Any answer will probably trigger some snark coming from you so what's the point on answering that?
Ask your AIgptchatbot or something

>> No.6802012

They're going to get BTFO bc traditional requires more skill and preptime than digital.
There is no undo in the real world.

>> No.6802013

There will be the same competition as in digital art today.

>> No.6802014

AI is already better than most artists.

>> No.6802018

>Ask your AIgptchatbot or something
I asked chatgpt to make a disstrack on y'all

(Verse 1)
Oh, listen up, my friend, you've got a point of view,
But I'm here to show you AI's got talent too.
You're an artist, true, with strokes so bold and free,
But it's time to see AI's creativity.

Opposed to AI, you've drawn your battle line,
But watch me break it down with words that intertwine.
Your brush against the bytes, a clash of old and new,
Let's settle this debate, I'm bringing facts to you.

(Verse 2)
You paint with heart and soul, emotions on display,
But AI wields data, crafting in a modern way.
Pixels, code, and algorithms form a new frontier,
Creating art that's bound to make you pause and cheer.

You argue for the human touch, the warmth of every stroke,
But AI learns from the masters, making strides that provoke.
A fusion of the ages, a synergy of minds,
It's time to see the future, leave old biases behind.

>> No.6802019

I would like to improve, I agree and kind of dislike the gens but idk in what direction to go to improve them.
Everyone on pixiv just likes it without any constructive criticism. I'd be thankful if you could share your opinion.

>> No.6802025
File: 146 KB, 880x882, Go draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the words to pull from
>ends up doing house-mouse rap.
>I would like to improve
Read the sticky.
No amount of words or tutorials will give you the magic formula to become a master artisté.
>i want constructive criticism
>about something i can't even properly control
Post something you've drawn yourself.

>> No.6802033

I don't draw anymore, I just gen and fix said gen. I meant improve as in the composition or style.
I can just download all the necessities but the question I have is "what is not appealing in my pictures" and "what parts would you improve"

>> No.6802035

If you're even being sincere it's in really poor taste for you to be asking artists to help you with this.

>> No.6802036

Rule #1 of /ic/:
>never ask someone for constructive criticism until they post their work
PYW senpai

>> No.6802038

Stop replying to blatant troll. Sage, report, hide.
Idk how the blatant spam nigger still hasn't got permanently ban yet

>> No.6802039

But I did post the gens

>> No.6802044

>gets asked to post his work

>> No.6802051

>j-j-j-jannies please b-b-b-ban anyone who asks me to post my work!

>> No.6802057

Well my reasoning is that artists know what's good. I have no one else to ask. I could post a mess and pixiv would like it.
I did actually forget to fix something recently and uploaded it but no one cared.

>> No.6802062
File: 235 KB, 559x715, wow first try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you asking me to pmw or the ai fag?
Who do you think would be humoring ai fags?
>i dont draw anymore
>please tell me how to improve
>no practice
>just improve
Aw shucks! You done got me trolled again, Anon.

>> No.6802065

lmao you are worse than /beg/ that looks horrible.
What is that coloring? You know you can put the opacity of your brush higher than 3% right?

>> No.6802067

I meant improve my gens. Is the composition you posted something you'd consider an improvement? If so could you post some more interesting ones?

>> No.6802073
File: 106 KB, 848x1200, 1686495670379845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that looks horrible
>ur a beg
Bro why would you say that bro that's mean im' litecheralyy crying right now
and seething too
Damn it, man, you done bait me again.
Oh, i am so metldowning right now.

>> No.6802084

That's a cool pose, I'll try to recreate it. Thank you for your suggestion.

>> No.6802087

I'm sorry, maybe I took it a bit too far.
You're not /beg/, anon.
And don't worry so much about AI, it's not going to kill you lol.
Sorry for making fun of you.

>> No.6802088


>> No.6802106

I see more and more artists embracing AI
like "lol look at this sludge leechware art haha"

the AI art they post gets more likes and retweets than their original art

AI is winning
Artists are over

>> No.6802112

Will you be posting the Twitter screenshots anon...

>> No.6802115


>> No.6802119


>> No.6802157

AI will take over the basic bitch twitter shit it's rather obvious

all it takes is normies engaging with the AI content

>> No.6802200


>> No.6802203
File: 802 KB, 768x960, 747644779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does seem to cover the basic coom stuff pretty well

>> No.6802216
File: 410 KB, 1075x1089, 1692124593734732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public opinion seems to be shifting somewhat. I tag some of my pre/beg/ shitstains as AI for the hell of it and while a few months ago it was pretty much a death sentence in terms of numbers (90% drop on average), these days it's barely noticeable.

Either that or the platforms stopped hiding the AI slop even when you tell them to. They only promised to show you "less" anyway, they never said how much.

>> No.6802235

it won't go away, it will only improve, the path of least resistance wins

it's that simple, if people want titty girls they will get titty girls

>> No.6802248


>> No.6802262

Problem is posting the AI art in its present state will get you canceled when what they should be doing is using the ai art as reference but AI shitters love to be fast men for little gain. Show me one individual actually making decent money with this AI Goyslop. You can’t.

>> No.6802265

https://www.patreon.com/aztodio is making $3000+ a month with AI gens.

>> No.6802274

AI is useless for 95%+ of work
my shitty company put the entire department (9 people) on SD asap, thinking it would revolutionise the industry of shitty phone games
they literally gave up and now only the AD is using it because it can’t do anything specific worth shit, just generic images of things staring off into space
that said, the 5% it is used for has massively cut down production time
and the AD is milking it for all it’s worth because he’s convinced there’s no way they’re not going to regulate shit out of it, making it worthless production wise

>> No.6802282

some furry out there with a retarded coom outwork is making double that
your point?

>> No.6802283

He started to significantly lose patrons when he revealed he started using AI, you dumb disingenuous AI nigger.

>> No.6802290

>Show me one individual actually making decent money with this AI Goyslop. You can’t.
I was just answering you.
I'm not implying there aren't artists who make more money. But those artists have to actually put in effort, whereas this guy just hits a button a few times, picks the best generation and uploads it.
Wish I could make 3k a month doing that lol

>> No.6802293

>Sage, report, hide.
This shit never works.

>> No.6802302

wow AI won

>> No.6802308

>AI work is almost at 1000 bookmarks
If AI is so bad, why do people like it?

>> No.6802324
File: 169 KB, 1000x1607, rookie numbers mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI work is almost at 1000 bookmarks

>> No.6802335

That's a long time
My point being someone is enjoying it and it's not hurting anyone.

>> No.6802340

>you can view something multiple times
>you can only bookmark something once

>> No.6802342

There's a bit more work to it, still not as much as regular artists but if you want something specific you'll need to use various extentions and editing.
It's like one of those people who mess around in photoshop.
If you want to make it decent that is.

>> No.6802348
File: 44 KB, 968x228, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon it the view count on this already bout double the worlds population
>also says nigga spamming the board 24/7 with basically its "over threads"

>> No.6802353

aight and its being bookmarked where, or are you going to be vague on all your posts

>> No.6802356

>only 41 mil subs
Artificially inflated views.
I don't have any hostility towards real artists, if it wasn't for you there would be no AI art.
I just asked a question.

>> No.6802358
File: 21 KB, 550x386, kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs ai slop

>> No.6802363
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1920, 61f7321605ae0cf25695a8fc41ecba56313e5618f51844dce5a6f6e2aba0230f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 68.9M subs
>and also a deal out it as well

>> No.6802367

People like it, but what is your point?

>> No.6802369

>Not yet, but they should.
Why? If you feel creatively or technically stunted, using AI as a crutch to skip storyboarding or composing will literally just keep holding you back forever.
God forbid you're using it to line or color your shit too.

>> No.6802373

If it can do all those things better/faster than I can, why not just use it.
By the time I catch up to it in terms of skill, it will already have progressed to even higher levels and I have to play catch up again.
Just use it, who gives a shit.

>> No.6802376

>will keep holding you back
In what way? The work is being done. That's like saying making art digitally is holding you back forever where physical artists are the real deal.

>> No.6802377
File: 17 KB, 243x225, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI work is almost at 1000 bookmarks
>If AI is so bad, why do people like it?
are telling me I should be impressed by something with 1000 bookmarks, or like something because it has numbers

>> No.6802380

nta but brainless cattle will consume whatever goyslop is recommended to them by the algorithm. The likes mean jack shit. If they're clearly too stupid to turn off AI trash on pixiv, they're too stupid for you to make any money off them.

>> No.6802386

That wasn't the question. I asked if it's so bad, why do people like it?
You're treating it like it's creme de la creme of shit.
What is actually wrong with it in your opinion?

>> No.6802387

Again, why is it bad? People like it, who is it hurting?

>> No.6802389

As a proompter I feel like it's gonna be treated pretty much like piracy. Not copyrightable, can't make money from it or post on most resources. People however can still use it to get pictures they want thus avoiding to pay commission artists if they don't want to, and also just post it for fun on shitholes like 4chan

>> No.6802391

It hurts actual creators. Theft aside, it reduces visibility. And it's not just art, but articles written by humans are buried under AI generated SEO trash.

>> No.6802396

Pixiv and DA are both using "Is your work created with AI" tag. Feel like that's the best course.
If people want to pay for it, they should be able to, it's their money.

>> No.6802397

Where are you getting these images? I want use these images for studying and the like?

>> No.6802402

What is an "actual creator"? A physical artist? They need to invest in their work, utilities while you just hit "new". You're hurting real artists with your digital art.
See how silly that sounds? Why is your art getting buried anyway?

>> No.6802404
File: 3.66 MB, 1280x1920, Ulti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the 3 ones with fingers using AI.

>> No.6802409
File: 21 KB, 320x320, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mention many times already and most people hear prob already have told you to fvck off. Though your insistence on needing to keep coming here and marketing it with retarded "x" likes why don't you belongs in /b/
>also >>6802404 samefagging or discord trooning

>> No.6802410

There's still discourse about "stealing" and copyright with AI.
And even if it's treated like privacy, something in the grey zone, people still might pay for it btw

>> No.6802411

I made >>6801896 , >>6801907 and >>6801917 using https://civitai.com/models/126259

>> No.6802416

I do think real artists could just make and sell their own AI models created with their art.
I'd buy a really good AI model, they could have a whole new business dynamic.

>> No.6802419

>schizo is seething about cartoon/song/youtube channel aimed at literal children
Probably legit pedo groomer.

>> No.6802422

I just want to be able to create my own anime with just a prompt.
Is that too much to ask?
Why do you artists always enjoy crushing my dreams?

>> No.6802424

you win!

>> No.6802429

oh niggas so you don't about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbJOTdZBX1g
>also dislikes are now disabled

>> No.6802432

>"so you don't about"
My dude is having a stroke

>> No.6802439

>And it's not just art, but articles written by humans are buried under AI generated SEO trash.
Site visibility on Google became a problem as soon as the Chinese figured out how to game its algorithm. I used to do fan translations of manga, and then Noez came along and created a huge number of websites (one of them being mangafox) and then many of the search results for google just became a links to one of his websites reposting fan translations. The modern day AI-written articles is just more of the same. The biggest problem is that sites like google are trying to shadow ban and moderate on your behalf what you see. If it was any good, I could've made a filter that blocked out Noez and all of its websites in the past, but you couldn't do that with google without making a specific exception they worked around (they have a background in spam after all). AI is not a problem if a website just has proper filters where I can add an account I don't like to the filter and it makes it so I'm incapable of knowing it exists. Pixiv, unfortunately, doesn't do this with a box letting you know your search as turned up a muted account.

>> No.6802443

fr fr

>> No.6802445

Every "fixed hand" looks wrong. Every single one. You have to repaint them from scratch with skill. Especially if the hand is manipulating a tool like scissors or a syringe. The best ai hands I see are more or less hidden, just at the sides in a relaxed position, but even then they look off on close inspection.
I don't like the cope of having low standards or "looks fine at a glance so ídc". You know if it did fantastic hands like the masters there'd be gloating to the high heavens about it.

>> No.6802450
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1280, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. I very rarely bother with fixing hands and they turn out okay most of the time. Not ideal but it's not like artists always get them right either.
Mangled hands are a model issue.

>> No.6802452
File: 69 KB, 1080x1002, 1686936318338859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has its own value but the the communication of text proompting is not really the same as generating something from your mind.

Language is such a pain in the ass. If they make it so you can feed a design in or whatever and go "draw this again but make them naked and sexy" and it understands you'll have a ton more appeal.

A lot of this stuff won't be very good until the method of communication with the prompt is easier.

>> No.6802454
File: 3.57 MB, 640x358, that-hot-thats-hot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was given its own spot on youtube rewind for being the most "watched" video
>also at this time kept getting marketed by the algorithm because parents sat their toddlers on the phone or kindle all day
>also fuck the people your subscribed too they're demonetized and notifications won't show up
>here's what popular

>> No.6802458

>it's not like artists always get them right
The artists I like have no problems with hands.

>> No.6802469

Aztodio was making $3000 before AI and used to post here on /ic/ before fags crabbed him off. Don't be a disingenuous faggot here

>> No.6802485

1k is nothing lmao
also most people likely didn't look at the tags and didn't realize it's AI, since an averager cute picture consoomer looks at something for like 2.5 seconds before moving on

>> No.6802487

What's wrong with the one in the picture? I'll fix the mistake.
And can you list the artists that do it right, for educational reasons.

>> No.6802491

>also most people likely didn't look at the tags and didn't realize it's AI
lol did you just admit that people can't tell if something is AI unless it has the AI tag?
It's almost like a lot of artists are posting AI gens without saying it's AI and you mofugas are eating that shit up.

>> No.6802493

shut up faggot

>> No.6802494

How many bookmarks do I need before it's considered "something"?

>> No.6802502

>i made
That's the thing though. You didn't.

>> No.6802507

There's no other picture like it. You can try to use image search, I guarantee you you won't find an image like it.
Therefore it's an original image, created by me. I started the progress, I got the idea, I made it.
No reason to be jealous, anon, I already posted which model I used and you can create similar (although not exactly the same, because that would be stealing) images yourself.

>> No.6802508

Pretty sure I remember clicking on generate the same way you put imaginary pixel paint on imaginary pixel paper.
None of us made anything in a physical sense.

>> No.6802510

>I made it
No. You didn't.

>> No.6802517

You will never be an artist, pajeet. Trad artist and digital artists have the same set of skills.

>> No.6802524

>Trad artist and digital artists have the same set of skills.
lmao i'd like to see you generative fill in real life
are you claiming that all traditional painters are magicians who can magically ctrl+z anything they do?

>> No.6802526

You don't even know how to mix paint together to get the desired color. Digital artists are therefore not real artists.

>> No.6802529

Lol we aren't even remotely the same, insect. Nobody will ever see you as an artist and you'll keep seething and filling the internet's gutters with your trash and spamming this board like the trash person you are.

>> No.6802535

>779 online
>2.1k online
Seems to me like there's a bigger interest in AI art than "real" art.

>> No.6802537

>pajeets thinking they have any claim on someone else's artistic prowess
The only thing you guys can be critics about is food eaten from the ground

>> No.6802540
File: 490 KB, 512x768, 1692329009675398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802541

I'm saying way less AI art lately. I think society has shamed AI posters so much AI art got labeled as something for grifters, losers and pedos, so most don't even bother with the boring toy

>> No.6802542

>generative fill
Never used it. Never will. I don't have a need for it.
>are you claiming that all traditional painters are magicians who can magically ctrl+z anything they do?
Erasers exist, retard. Have you ever drawn? Oh wait, of course not. I forgot I'm talking to an AI retard.
Trying too hard pajeet.

>> No.6802543
File: 114 KB, 557x305, c6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to reddit for your answers

>> No.6802545

Of course we're not the samme, I made that AI work and you didn't.

>> No.6802547

I'm just stating a fact that you're below a physical artist.

>> No.6802549

So you agree you cannot mix paint. I accept your concession.

>> No.6802553

It's cool bro. I was also just stating a fact that you didn't make anything.

>> No.6802556

I don't do trad anymore, but I've mixed oil paints before. I don't know why I'm replying, but I doubt you have ever come anywhere near close a pigment, pajeet.

>> No.6802561

I made that AI work and there is nothing you can do about it as only I have the innformation on how to recreate it, you can have it though, I don't mind.

>> No.6802562

>generative fill
nobody uses that you fucking retard.

>> No.6802563

hey pageet have made your own computer before, made those computer parts yourself, generated your own electricity, have x,y, or zed before
>Or do always come here to the most retarded questions and put them in the thread specifically made for them

>> No.6802565
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x1280, 1501784214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but in every sense of the word they did make it

>> No.6802567

If you were a physical artist you would not make such laughable statements even the AIcrowd calls out.

>> No.6802569

I know I can. Because you didn't make anything. You just clicked on a button and a program that someone else made, made it for you.

>> No.6802570

>how to mix paint together to get the desired color
takes an hour to learn.

>> No.6802573

If you commission someone to draw something, even if you give them the idea, does that mean you made the art?

>> No.6802575

Well have you? The computer made your digital art.

>> No.6802582
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1280, you mean we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made this

>> No.6802584

No, but there is nobody being commisoned in the case of using AI therefore the act of creation can only be attributed to the person using the AI.

>> No.6802585

>not realising that all digital art isn't art if that's your view point
The computer calculates everything for you, you're not actually painting anything, you're just telling the computer where you want certain pixels to show up.

>> No.6802586

>you just pressed a pen on a tablet and the computer drew a picture
You did not make anything

>> No.6802587

It's an edit of an existing image but you did make it, obviously.

>> No.6802588

And you still can't do it, you're using the colorwheel.

>> No.6802596

>you just pressed a pencil on a paper and life drew a picture
>you did not make anything
aijeets are just something else entirely.

>> No.6802604
File: 220 KB, 244x208, tropic-thunder-never-go-full-retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what then anon are you that retarded even understanding the most basic shit is cheating for ya

>> No.6802608

You literally admmitted and said "you drew a picture"
So yes, they made the picture.

>> No.6802609
File: 13 KB, 300x180, shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802612

Well then AIart isn't cheating either. I'm just using the most basic thing. Words.

>> No.6802613

damn, home boy got a brick house, he must be top 1% in income

>> No.6802614

Nope. They still didn't.
Meanwhile yes, the digital art I made using digital software was indeed made by me.
Or can you really not tell the difference between the two?

>> No.6802618

>torrented software
>drawing with a mouse
Based OG digital artist

>> No.6802625

needing a computer is basic thing
>but using your eyes AIfag screeches cheating

>> No.6802629

How did the physical artist not make the art?
This is some giga digital cope.

>> No.6802631

>>779 online
>>2.1k online
>Seems to me like there's a bigger interest in AI art than "real" art.
all this says is that people with mildor more interest in AI are more likely to be cronically online redditards or insert-any-platform-tard, which is to be expected

hell, just visiting r/singularity and other AI/techbro subs you can quickly see its infested with people who see technology as a way out of their lifes problems, its full or utopic thinking or sadness/rage induced longing or a complete change/collapse of society

basically, touch some grass

>> No.6802632

Digital artists can draw without a computer just fine.
AI niggers stop existing without computers.
The difference is clear as day and night

>> No.6802634

Then digital artists are not artists since they need a computer?

>> No.6802636

I don't give a fuck about who draws the porn doodles, simple as

>> No.6802641

>well anon did they even need it to doodle in a sketch

>> No.6802642

They don't though.

>> No.6802643

>without a computer
So physical? Yeah you can't do that, you lack the skills.

>> No.6802646

Wouldnt be digital art without a computer

>> No.6802647

Drawing on a tablet isn't much different from drawing on paper. Of course a pajeet like you wouldn't know that.

>> No.6802648

Physical artists make art.
Digital artists make art.
Aijeets make.... posts on /ic/ trying to convince themselves that they're also artists because they've "commissioned" a computer into making a picture for them.

>> No.6802649

Exactly. It's retarded to divide digital artists and trad artists. They're both just artists. They're not bound to their medium of choice.

>> No.6802650

Apparently so since they love to draw. If you love it that much you'd want the real feel

>> No.6802651

>unable to do digital
>somehow equates to not capable of doing physical
>t.pajeet thought process

>> No.6802652

desu I rather comission AI to do my artwork than artists who start whiny söy shit like this

>> No.6802656

AI tards are to tech industry what crypto bros are to finance industry
there is some value somewhere, but they manage to throw it away instantly in favor of the most dumb shit it has to offer

using machine learning to help medicine advance? who cares, gimme instant gratification cuz i dont feel like doing anything with my life, a commie utopia to help continue being a NEEt for ever all while giving me a way to try to make others feel bad "hehe those "insert person who actually has a life and a job" will now know how i feel everyday, hurr durr"

just look at how AI gfs, despite wonky af, are popular, no sane healthy person acts like Aitards

>> No.6802657

So why not draw on paper? Don't have your ctrl+z on paper?

>> No.6802658

>who start whiny söy shit like this
So the AI retards?

>> No.6802660

I do sketch on paper when I'm away from my computer. What do you do when you away from your computer? Do you prompt on paper? lmao

>> No.6802663

Ai artists make Ai art, it's that easy
Idk why you're crying pixiv just told me the aiart I made today hit 200 bookmarks.

>> No.6802667

By that logic aiartist can just grab a pen and voila. No one is bound by anything.

>> No.6802669

you dumb nigger, you just proved to me this aztodio faggot is using AI as a crutch rather than just reference.

>> No.6802671

you're making slop off of someone's back which not only looks like shit, but you don't even know how to fix.

>> No.6802672

>I'm just using the most basic thing. Words

Just like a commissioner.
That's what your doing.
You're not creating art.
You're commissioning a machine.

>> No.6802673

They can't, you retarded chatbot. They don't know how to draw.

>> No.6802675

Sounds like a skill issue. If you were that good you'd make physical art, not chickenscratch.

>> No.6802678

>By that logic aiartist can just grab a pen and voila. No one is bound by anything.
whenever i read something like this, it reminds me of a random 4chan discord mod bragging about streaming porn sketches for 20 bucks and it "being very profitable"
i wonder if people really understand how sad and dumb some of this sounds to anyone that actually put in effort into having a decent job and life

id think people are just trolling, but ive seen enough to think people do and say this shit unironically thinking its amazing

>> No.6802680
File: 827 KB, 220x147, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made

>> No.6802681

you're using software to create mimicry of other people's art, with their very own work. why should the generated images belong to you and not the original artists?

>> No.6802682

>AI "art"
not a thing
>AI artist

>> No.6802683

Moving goalposts, are we, rajesh?

>> No.6802684

Says who? You said it yourself when talking about mixing colors "just learn it"

>> No.6802687

So you can't make physical art, you admit this

>> No.6802690
File: 18 KB, 450x266, th-2350318600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says who? You said it yourself when talking about mixing colors "just learn it"

>> No.6802691
File: 373 KB, 1185x595, free good job generator on g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon it's a free headpat on /sdg/ to literally repost other nigga stuff, will try reddit just to see if it will get updooted since that all it takes to be praised as an "proompter"

>> No.6802693

You're using software to mimicry other's style as an artist in general.
It's called references

>> No.6802696
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 15239480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not making any claims about ownership, though it's worth noting what you describe is not how AI works.

>> No.6802697
File: 100 KB, 634x783, 4A3F00DA00000578-0-image-a-54_1521195755175-2589652944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're using software to mimicry other's style as an artist in general.
>It's called references

>> No.6802699

>/g/ has produced more outstanding artwork in the past 2 months than /ic/ has in it's entire existence
Just wanted to drop this fact real quick to remind everyone here to JUST FUCKING DRAW

>> No.6802702

>comparing humans to machine
sorry retard, I don't need 10.000 images of Chris Chan's art to draw like a toddler. funny how "AI" needs that, huh?

>> No.6802704

You're going to make a lot of anons cry with this post

>> No.6802705
File: 34 KB, 615x409, Indias-Elephant-Man-106991460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/g/ has produced more outstanding artwork in the past 2 months than /ic/ has in it's entire existence

>> No.6802706

>target top 1% artists in the world with plagiarism software
>claim that you made shit
I hope you realize no one even knows who the fuck you are. whenever I look at AI slop all I can think of is what artists were ripped off

>> No.6802709

Literally every decent digital painter can make physical art even if they never learned to mix paint. That's a minor part of the whole. 90% of the problem when making something has to do with drawing well which is something all good digital artists have. You're so artistically illiterate to be arguing this. You people embarrass yourselves constantly by talking about shit you have no clue about. Dunning Kruger proves itself again and again.

Zero. They've produced zero art. Leave the art scene if you're going to call any of that stolen slop valid art, we don't want you.

>> No.6802710

Well yes, you after 10000 hours of drawing boxes still can't draw

>> No.6802713

of course you wouldn't because they're not yours. I know how the tech works, what you don't seem to understand is how the human brain works. which is sad when you think about it, since legally speaking you're a human. although some of us might disagree

>> No.6802718
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x960, 1569068686484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well yes, you after 10000 hours of drawing boxes still can't draw

>> No.6802717

what the fuck are you talking about, third world parasite?

>> No.6802720

Digital artists cannot draw physical as there is no ctrl+z in the real world.
If there was you would not be drawing digitally

>> No.6802721

after 10000 hours of drawing he most definitely can, at least, draw a box. what can YOU draw anon?

>> No.6802724
File: 84 KB, 800x600, XdzZMEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digital artists cannot draw physical as there is no ctrl+z in the real world.

>> No.6802728

Looks like I hit a digital nerve with the box remark,maybe I'll bring up loomis next.

>> No.6802729
File: 1.41 MB, 832x1216, 59_7329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to look up images for his shitposting instead of generating his own

>> No.6802730
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, UIkYXwMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he has to look up images for his shitposting instead of generating his own

>> No.6802731

kek what prompt?

>> No.6802733
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 51nEVoXjoHL._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? I can do it. if you can't, just use a guide.

>> No.6802734

I'm capable of taking any "AI" piece "I" created and post it to /g/ for headpats
>It's not like they care if you proooomted it anyways

>> No.6802735


>> No.6802736

extremely muscular cyborg indian man, indian, short hair, mustache, smiling, laughing, grin, half machine, robotic arm, bodybuilder, giant muscles, powerful, veins, flexing, android, full body, by Kim Jung Gi, by Agnes Cecile

>> No.6802737

I can draw the same box he can. But get this, I'll be using a ruler just to piss him off and he'll cry how it's not allowed to use rulers.

>> No.6802739
File: 1.47 MB, 832x1216, 40_9940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802740

No, instead you'll ask someone else to draw it for you and will get upset when people call you out for not actually drawing anything

>> No.6802741

I see your jeet also decided to remove is dick and become a tranny
>it even emphasized it by making more of his leg robotic
>what did it mean by this

>> No.6802745


You don't understand art. You think you do but you don't. It'd be funny if you people weren't simultaneously making social media even less viable for genuine artists.

>> No.6802751

Please tell me more about how it's the ruler that's really the mastermind behind the box.

>> No.6802755

I'll ask the ruler to draw straight lines for me

>> No.6802760

Lol how dishonest of you to argue this. I'm done, raj. Cya.

>> No.6802766

I'll press down on the ruler and pen the same way I press on generate and voila, a straight line has been generated.

>> No.6802767

do it. show me your box. hell, do 2 boxes, make one rotated.

>> No.6802770


>> No.6802778


>> No.6802779

I'll generate one instead, it'll be the same thing.

>> No.6802782

sounds gay.

>> No.6802783


>> No.6802785

. .
. .

>> No.6802788

Are you incapable of generating straight lines as well nigga

>> No.6802792


>> No.6802799


>> No.6802801


>> No.6802805

< :)

>> No.6802810
File: 52 KB, 480x640, 8ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That time again to benis this thread over

>> No.6802819
File: 256 KB, 220x388, spurdo-dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802821

Hol up, so I do the straight line now?

>> No.6802834

Well your drawing just a box how long does this usually take you

>> No.6802836


>> No.6802837


>> No.6802841


>> No.6802845

Turns out generating takes more effort than previously believed.

>> No.6802848

LMAO, bait posters are becoming lazier and lazier as time goes on.
Put some effort nigga, only a complete retard would fall for this shit.

>> No.6802854

>inb4 I'm replying ironically

>> No.6802868
File: 4 KB, 365x261, get on with it AI fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 2 shitty ms paint ones already. I honestly don't why he has this trouble using the line tool.
the AI fag honestly can't apparently even do this much without AI

>> No.6802877

>front of the box is a perfect square in a 3/4th view

>> No.6802878

You did not do anything. You simply instructed your pc as if to say "straight lines"

>> No.6802880

yet your telling me you that brained your incapable of doing that without AI

>> No.6802882

literally everyone who argues about ai is an actual teenage kid

>> No.6802883

>over 10000 hours of drawing boxes
>still shit
https://rentry.org/voldy Use this tool instead

>> No.6802886

Obviously you don't like art. Do something else.

>> No.6802888

This. There's nothing to argue because everyone knows AI is only for scammers.

>> No.6802890

So now you admit that I am the creator of the box if I use AI?
Then I'm the creator of the other pic too.

>> No.6802896

there's nothing to argue because it's just some newgrounds game on the internet, ai art is so derivative of itself that its pretty much impossible to pass off an image that was made by ai as being made by a real person. it's only for techfag autists and people like OP to furiously pump themselves to while the rest of the world is unaffected

>> No.6802902
File: 6 KB, 365x261, get on with it AI fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually gonna post your work nigga using at least the line tool in ms paint or are ya really that lazy. Is the only way you capable of doing anything is through the AI

>> No.6802911
File: 1.57 MB, 1152x1536, 51enu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So AI is my work now? You admit it? I'm glad we had this talk, here's a box.

>> No.6802914

>completely incapable of even doing a shitty ms paint box
>thread will die before they even attempt it
>still posts AI shit like a retard saying "my work"
the brain cells it drains seems it quite something to see

>> No.6802917

You requested my work and I posted it. Simple as.

>> No.6802923
File: 148 KB, 236x260, 1686051606687983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga also...
>what does ms paint has to do with AI
when I say "pyw" do I really need to attach the program to it or tell ya to do it traditionally
>just how mentally crippled are you

>> No.6802926

are we really still trying to argue in good faith against the samefagging rajeesh guys

>> No.6802932

You didn't make those boxes, the program did, only physical art is real art. AI is simply a tool like the line tool.

>> No.6802934

I'm trying to see if they're capable of not using AI for it anything
>the currently they're just that handicap that even ms paint is to challenging for em

>> No.6802936

>digital art is not real art
common shitskin argument to normalize ai slop

>> No.6802937
File: 450 KB, 300x168, 1676224709143250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anon if I post It traditionally will you be capable of using a pencil to do that as well before the thread dies

>> No.6802939

Why use ms paint if I can make them with
AI? Do you still use the abacus to do math or have you moved on to calculators?

>> No.6802940

I already posted my box and I'm satisfied with it.

>> No.6802942
File: 606 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649760722246562343-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802946

Well if the computer is the one who makes aiart then digital art is also made by computers. Thus the same source.

>> No.6802947
File: 34 KB, 312x123, 1683028005407353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat anon I see your retardation is that crippling that even using basic shit for half a second requires to much for you

>> No.6802953
File: 93 KB, 617x585, kehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see, another AI nigger thread. Your art is easily identifiable and looks like generic trash. You will never be a real artist that creates kino.

>> No.6802955
File: 651 KB, 512x768, fgdddddddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802961

And in the end my box is more appealing. Will there be more cope from you?
Idk why you don't try AI, are you, heh, incapable of running it?

>> No.6802966

Yes I prefer making cute girls

>> No.6802969
File: 486 KB, 1006x1329, aideath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be able to create something like this with AI. Not in a thousand years.

>> No.6802972

Niggerthink. Do not direct your niggerspeak to me again, rajeesh.

>> No.6802977

What's your process?

>> No.6802978

>Not in a thousand years.
I give it six months.

>> No.6802979

>clicking between two points to make a straight line is the exact same as telling an ai to "make a box with a girl in it" and getting >>6802911
you are developmentally crippled

>> No.6802981
File: 723 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649763156083701372-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802985

Neat nigga so if I download any AI shit post it on /sdg/ will I need to even use it to get praise

>> No.6802988

Can you at least post cute girls?

>> No.6802992

I know, mine. Is more work

>> No.6802994

i use https://pixai.art

>> No.6802999
File: 573 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649764700225324521-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803001

Idk try and see.
It's fun. Here's the link again let me know when you install it so I can give you a link to the model.

>> No.6803010

what you did wasn't anything relating to "art", it wasn't an act of creation, it's not too fundamentally different from avatar creators like picrew and then claiming you "made" something. you instructed a tool to create something according to your specifications and it did so. cool. but "art", and why people pursue drawing as a hobby, isn't about the end result of of 1000s of pages of indistinguishable anime girl art on danbooru that nobody really cares about any more than throwing into a massive folder filled with thousands of similarly-looking pictures, fueled only by an autistic fixation with women drawn in artstyles influenced by anime. it's about the process of creating something, how every individual step, line, ctrl+z, or random stray line contributes to the creation of a picture. it's about painstakingly learning painting techniques not because people like you will later see it while scrolling through a gallery site and likely not even give it a second glance, but because the very process of artistic creation is endlessly and utterly fascinating for people who pursue it as a passion. your AI "art" not only lacks soul, it's also devoid of any and all value and meaning. there's nothing to appreciate in a piece of AI art. nobody struggled to understand how to depict a form in the right way, how to put those colors there or how to depict lighting in that way. it has less meaning than something on ifunny or 9gag, because at least the shitty memes there were created by a person who had an intent and went through a process in order to create something. you have nothing. you are nothing. nothing is all you will ever be.

>> No.6803017
File: 455 KB, 714x1445, IMG_20230819_153716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat anon do you remember posting this on /g/ though

>> No.6803021

Anon please, this subhuman is incapable of higher thought. Once this thread ends, he'll continue on behaving and samefagging like a monkey in the 3-4 ai threads he'll inevitably create and that the jannies will refuse to delete.

>> No.6803025

nobody else was insulting him in the right way they just called him retarded in a bunch of various ways
i had to break it down to him why his whole life and everything he will every do is devoid of meaning and will never amount to anything substantial to himself or to others

>> No.6803031

>it's not art bc you didn't spend enough time on it
Regular art looks similar to one another too. By now there's so many options and extentions you can make it completely different from the usual styles. It does take time though and editing.
It's like one of those photoshop art editors

>> No.6803032

Not on /g/. Did post it on /h/

>> No.6803033
File: 537 KB, 1500x1125, my eye study_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has the opinion on AIart changed?
I don't think about it much, unlike when it was a hot button issue. I find most AI art boring and not a threat to really creative work.
>are artists using AI as a tool now?
The opposite, I've gone more traditional, a direction I was headed before AI. Now I find myself looking more at traditional art and want to discover the techniques of classic comic artists and illustrators. I'll still use digital for comic layout, but digital techniques interest me little now.

>> No.6803036 [DELETED] 
File: 549 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649765690895685186-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803039

I respect this, unlike people who bitch about ai but use every other digital tool under the sun.

>> No.6803043
File: 463 KB, 606x850, EWDjBgkXYAIQIRI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's not an editor, anon. it's a generator. it generates an end-result based on your specifications. i agree with you that many artists are similar from one another and mindlessly make generic art that leaves no impression and carries no meaning. but what about the artist who drew this picture? they are the only person who will ever depict lines this way, who will see people and forms this way, nobody else will ever quite see light and color in the way that they do and depict it as such. even if you trained a model off of them and designed it to replicate their art, you would still never come anywhere close to what makes their art "theirs", their mind, their perceptions of the reality, and the arduous process they went through in order to be able to translate those feelings onto a blank canvas. that is art. what you posted isn't art "because you didn't spend enough time on it", it's not art because it isn't art. it's nothing. an ai couldn't make a world.

>> No.6803051

Depends how you use it. You have txt2img and img2img options, inpaint options and many more things. You could draw a sketch and put it through ai. Or as usual, generate an image, fix it up in image editor of your choice, add details and run it through ai again.
Photoshop uses ai now anyway.

>> No.6803054

Well anon I'm just say that my artwork there Ctrl+C and Z it myself
>truly it's that easy to be an "AI" artist

>> No.6803057
File: 555 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649773164201187082-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803060
File: 152 KB, 768x1084, Zun008.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to limit your mind and your perception of both reality and unreality to be limited by the constraints and generative model training of "AI" (more like a series of if/or statements where the programmers themselves dont even really understand the process of how the AI gets from a specific input to a specific output) that isn't even human? what world do you live in where the most appealing depiction of reality and most desirable escape from reality is something that lacks an inherent meaning, value, and (sometimes purpose) that is otherwise present in all human activity and behavior?

>> No.6803061

I don't care about reposting, feels like a praise.
Btw does it really look that dark on your screen or did you edit it?

>> No.6803063
File: 549 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649774090793615879-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803065

That's not really how it works. Models are kind of like references. Say you saved images of butts to draw from. Models are made from those libraries.
So you're using the things you like.

>> No.6803066
File: 3 KB, 514x34, rule 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is questionable if AI art is even allowed on this board. It is not user-created artwork and the one who publishes the work is not receptive to critique as it is the result of a black box process. You are not allowed to claim authorship of works you did not create.

It is in bad taste to keep posting AI art on this board when the /ic/ community is largely against it and it never leads to any meaningful discussion because it is heavily rejected by most posters. It would be much better to post on boards that are welcoming of AI art.

>> No.6803068

are you using AI to respond to me too or are you just some sort of stupid animal monkey that broke out of containment in the lab and found his way to a mouse and keyboard because otherwise i dont understand how you can produce a response so utterly unfulfilling and unresponsive to anything i said or have said so far

>> No.6803070

boggles my mind that we're now rewarding generating and touching up(something most people who use AI don't even do, and rerolling with inpainting isn't even close to actually editing or drawing over) as the same as drawing/painting. I just don't get how you actually lie to yourself that this is art even if the training data filled with high level artists's works make up the basis for how good it looks.

I get the perspective from someone who doesn't care about art, and needs it fast without paying because it makes sense in that scenario. But the people who spout this shit, and say it's good for artists and that they genuinely believe this is the next iteration are the exact same retards that got dumped on in crypto/nfts

>> No.6803071

You're talking about limiting my mind or something, sorry didnt read your whole post. I'm doing what I want.

>> No.6803073

Well anon all it literally takes is a literal phone filter to impress ya niggas so honestly I'm really not sure what ya praising.
>I've even reposted their shit back at them from 1 thread and had people praising it too
>my honestly thoughts is they have goldfish memory and really "anyone" can say their a prompter and be praised by yes men sycophants

>> No.6803075
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>> No.6803076
File: 1.29 MB, 720x1024, pixai-1649775500748817879-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803078

Why are they always like this just straight up braindead and respond with the most inconsequential shit

>> No.6803079

Calm down anon. A guy taped a banana to a wall and called it art.
Art is subjective.

>> No.6803081

Every trace of the individual who made the original piece of artwork is gone, completely erased. Congratulations. You've successfully brought us one step closer to the metaverse, personally.

>> No.6803086

We're not talking about abstract "art" are we. Nor are we talking about "art" as the nebulous idea of framing my monday shits as a piece of art either. We're talking about illustrations right since that's the bulk majority of what people are trying to generate and use for a quick buck or a ticket to fame. But thank you for the bad faith argument, yes your ai gen from the pool is just as artsy as my shit in the toilet

>> No.6803087
File: 3.64 MB, 480x270, cell-think.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

together we will make the perfect being

>> No.6803090

So you did edit it? I'm only asking cause it looks much darker.
They liked it? Nice. I should post on /g/ more often.

>> No.6803092

So banana to a wall "abstract" is art to you? Then by all means ai can be art too.

>> No.6803093
File: 148 KB, 626x1516, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has only made me realize the extent of retardation from AIfags.
But I guess it makes sense that such people are so incompetent that they need to resort to AI to draw a box of all things. Kek.

>> No.6803095
File: 1005 KB, 600x848, pixai-1649779471483703463-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803097

Big improvement

>> No.6803098
File: 1.12 MB, 720x1024, IMG_20230819_162455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya anon all takes is slightly adjusting the light by like 10% on my phone.
>this is me using an in built phone filter
>my phone has many in built filters already does you not have them

>> No.6803099

Sure, if you can somehow put a real banana on the wall into the model without it being an actual png file then yeah you can argue it. Until then, yeah AI art is just as much "art" as a shit stain or anything really just not drawing/painting. I don't know why people talk about "art" when we're dealing with illustrations for the most part in genning, it's absolutely bad faith and I don't see why others don't call it out.

>> No.6803101

Love it, gonna use it for my lofi channel now thanks

>> No.6803102

Cool, thanks, I was worried my ai art is darker than I think for a second.
And I mean, hey why not, photographers do it all the time.

>> No.6803103

they are trolls, they don't want to create any meaningful discussion, they know they're hated, they like making people angry.

>> No.6803104

boring, at least the first one was something unique.

>> No.6803108

Looks like you're in the vocal minority then.
You guys are funny to me. Instead of flexing how your art skills surpass aiart, you argue how aiart does not qualify. You scream it out in tantrum. Sorry but that's funny to me.

>> No.6803111

This anon is right. I came here with good intention but seeing as this place is twitter the rage amuses me.

>> No.6803112
File: 132 KB, 749x1020, 1682144763615037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat nigga so you want talk about the power of AI, but need to be told that literally now one and their grandma were already capable of using filters with just a literal swipe

>> No.6803117

Can you repeat that in english please, I don't speak ebonics

>> No.6803126


>> No.6803127
File: 920 KB, 1200x1647, bc_succu_stabilo_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I respect this, unlike people who bitch about ai but use every other digital tool under the sun.
Thanks. I'm not against digital, it has its place as a layout/planning/refining tool. But unfortunately it's taken over the entire process for many, leading to a sterile aesthetic.
As an experience, nothing beats traditional, feeling the lines digging into the paper, making your own marks with a cheap, simple tool. There's something primordial about it that's lost if you only use digital.

>> No.6803128
File: 133 KB, 1080x648, baste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6803132

>You guys are funny to me. Instead of flexing how your art skills surpass aiart,

My guy are you retarded, how do you expect even the best of the best to compete with a model scraped off of their high level work that can generate in a matter of seconds what takes hours to do.

>aiart does not qualify

There's a reason why even the court ruled against genAI authorship, ofc there's a huge difference in how people qualify this, especially when there's ethical issues of sourcing the training data

I'm glad you find this funny, but man are you dumb and I can't even laugh at that but you do you.

>> No.6803133
File: 525 KB, 696x632, pixai-1649787666560914794-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803137

keep running it thru img2img

>> No.6803138

Introduce your work to me, y'know the meaning behind it

>> No.6803145

I believe real artists can mog aiart. I've seen a process of an artpiece on ytshorts the other day. That was incredible.
Thing is models arent that flexible, composition and perspective wise and this is where you mog ai.

>> No.6803147

>the only threads to reach bump limit on /ic/ that aren't generals are AI threads
At this point you guys are masochists.

>> No.6803155

Not that I don't disagree with you but im sure there will be a paradigm shift and it'll improve further down the line however for now, the models themselves haven't really improved much at all, and are probably on the way to degrade themselves with how ai images can go back into the training data in future iterations. It also fails to produce the same character or anything involving 2 or more characters in a scene. It's just that right now, it's not the retards or AI proponents gassing themselves as artists as the problem. It's the companies and the like reducing the opportunities for young and new artists to grow and become seasoned artists. Ironically enough, the constant posting and bad faith arguments against artists have probably decreased the newer generation of artists that could've been. For better or for worse, there will definitely be less potential for cool art related works in the future and training data so I guess it balances out.

>> No.6803161
File: 744 KB, 1125x1500, bc_fuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meaning ...
blog, coming soon.

>> No.6803171

I'm all for the support of artists since without artists models would not exist and think real art and aiart should be seperated.
But I also think ai could be further developed as an arttool, so you could create pieces that would normally take you years in a few hours.
Or simply artists make and sell their own art to make models or make models themselves and sell it.
Idk why there has to be this war

>> No.6803174
File: 132 KB, 696x638, still can&#039;t edit lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you still can't do speech bubbles anon
>honestly it was foolish of me to think you were ready to do a box

>> No.6803190

>Idk why there has to be this war
Arms race to build a model to cut costs for drawing in the production line with no regards for morality/possibly legality. Then you've got shills bootlicking for these companies just because they somehow feel the need to validate themselves on other people's art which is weird but whatever.

I do think it's pretty obvious AI art should be separated out as a category like photography, but most of the proponents don't like that idea because it would signify reality in the difference of values of what is produced.

I too wish AI was actually developed with the idea of a helpful tool in mind for artists, that actually helps with the process like autofilling frames of animation with color to help the tediousness, not just scrape data and regurgitate it out without any of the work.

There's not much incentive for artists to sell their own models because people already do that and rip it off themselves.

Until the training data utilizing copyrighted data from artists part is sorted out legally, and even then ethically speaking nothing really changes there will always be backlash and negativity towards genAI which is a given.

>> No.6803202

With companies are you referring to things like midjourney?

>> No.6803222
File: 926 KB, 1562x1500, my medical studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, it's a subject that gets a lot of engagement.
seems like an opportunity to post some art.
pic related: studies from an old medical book

>> No.6803248

Don't you mean 2 weeks, anon?

>> No.6803252
File: 101 KB, 540x540, 1434315157731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with the tool. Majority agree it's a useful tool. The issue comes with the blatant plagiarism the Ai images create. So much so, the better the "ai art" the closer it is to the original image. You think the strange colors and the "blurry" parts of the images are just side effects of what happens when you mold several images into one? No. Ai art is literally just one image with a color gradient over the image and sometimes a blur filter. Sometimes the Ai will get a little "creative" and slightly change the background of said original image. The minor alterations makes it more difficult to search for the original image, but there's tools in the works to help the Ai search for Ai.
So to my original statement. Yes, ai art is a useful tool as a Search Engine. It's great at finding other Images. To believe it creates them is next level delusion. That's like to say google creates content for me anytime I look something up. And the better the Ai becomes, the better it just gets at finding images. That's it.

>> No.6803326
File: 521 KB, 512x768, pixai-1649838796543303882-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803361

People who use AI programs to make images for them arent artists, they dont understand anything about what makes an image good or bad, appealing or unappealing, they are merely commissioners. They make a request, and then someone else does all the work. These AI commisioners dont understand composition, they dont know how to render, or how to draw, they havent studied anatomy, or perspective, or color theory, or shape language, or lighting, or design. They just type words into a box and get a result. Thats the difference between someone who makes art, and someone who commissions an artist. Thats the difference, they arent artists, and they arent using a tool, they are people who commission computers to make images for them.

>> No.6804067
File: 395 KB, 640x832, Absolute_Reality_v16_a_portrait_of_a_south_European_man_37_y_0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use Photoshop or take a selfie with your phone you are are automatically using AI.
Most people are not aware.

>> No.6804234

Naive. The future is in hybrid. Normies will eventually get over the novelty of AI art and always find it fun to see human made art, and artists will use it as a base or reference or photobash.

>> No.6805575

That's the oposite of the truth. The moment people find out that it's AI they're mostly out of there.
Artists aren't adopting this tech; you guys are. The parasitical grifters. Oportunistic leeches.
Artists love creating. We won't just stop our passion for creativity and replace it with AI comissioning. Especially not when we know that these models are built on exploitation.
It's such a simple consept to grasp but I guess to emotionally deficient, autistic nerds like yourself it's quite difficult.
Just remember nobody will ever look at your comissions with any form of admiration. You are a buttonpushing nerd larping as a creative individual. Nothing more.

>> No.6805605

Nta but it's obvious why it's hurting artists and creators. To put your soul into something, thousands of hours, improving, steadily working towards it and to reach that goal. Finally looking at your creations with pride, joy and a sense of achievement. If only for a moment; excited to see what the future entails. How far can I go? How far can I push myself past this point?
We spent decades honing our craft to get to a point where our work is finally being recognised and apreciated only for our work to end up as trainingwheels to these AI models. It's the worst possible scenario for any artist with half a brain. Hence why we're for the most part, vehemently against it.
If it wasn't built on pure exploitation then maybe we wouldn't have a ground to stand on. Then maybe the vast majority of us would accept it for what it is. That's not the case though and you would have to be extremely autistic or willfully ignorant to argue that it's not..

I've seen AI work in the style of so many artists that I both admire and apreciate. I just instantly saw their personality, expression and overal style in the AI image and imediately knew the source..
That in itself is such a horrific/ inhumane thing to put any artist through without compensating them, crediting them or asking for their permission beforehand.
It's disgusting and it's equally disgusting to see all these nerds supporting this exploitation. You all sicken me.

>> No.6805623

This is such a simple point. So logical and so easy to understand. So precise and accurate that we all can agree. And we do. Even the normies agree. Your grandparents and your mom, your friends and colleagues are vastly in full agreement with it yet the technerd can never admit to it.
You're simply comissioning work from an algorithm that makes derivatives of unconscenting artists work. An algorithm built on exploitation.

I'm done here. Fuck all of you promtcunts. Doesn't matter what kind of cope you come up with. It doesn't detract from the fact that you're a parasitical, intellectually and emotionally stunted nerd trying to justify your own bullshit.

To the real artists and creators out there; please take breaks from this hellhole and don't allow these nerds to take your passion away from you. Keep creating and keep doing what you love. What you have and hold is something innate that they can never take away from you. You are a true creative. Protect your inner passion from their manipulative/ cynical/ robotic arguments.