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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 536x572, images - 2022-09-12T003244.131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6801655 No.6801655 [Reply] [Original]

Is drawing porn of someone's OCs who don't want porn to be made that big of a deal?

>> No.6801683
File: 87 KB, 1307x1054, whats-a-line-or-scene-that-gets-you-laughing-every-time-v0-bieqtbjn66191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read "don't draw porn of my OC" as "draw whatever the fuck but if you tag me in it I'll ignore it and if some day at a con a 12 year old wants me to sign it I'll end you ", unless she has six mental illnesses in her bio in which case it's "this character is literally me, I created them to cope, If you draw them having sex I'll have a mental breakdown and kill myself ".

I draw the porn either way.

>> No.6801690


>> No.6801691

Fuck you for making me look at this. I hope snails will crawl into your nostrails and ears every night while you sleep for the next 10 years.

For your question, draw whatever the fuck you want, however if the artist explicitly mention not to draw nsfw, then don't fucking tag or show them, simple.
You can't control people but I honestly get more offended at the low quality of the artwork than the porn, if you're going to draw coom at least know how to draw

>> No.6801692

Is it a big deal? No. Is it something a cunt would do? Yes.

>> No.6801700

ULTRA fucking based.
That was my intention ;)

>> No.6801707

Nah, I mean so much porn is drawn of children's cartoon characters to the point it's dubious to simply do an image search of them, it's just something you have to accept on the internet. Don't want porn drawn of your character? Don't upload images of them to the internet.

That said, it is a dick move - though the creator should never see it anyway, unless they're searching for it (or if your share it with them, which would be an even bigger dick move).

>> No.6801723

do you even shittingdicknipples, bro?

>> No.6801751

you should both kill yourselves asap

>> No.6801762

It boils down to your empathy towards other people and their wishes.
If you are a person that can feel empathy towards others, then you won't do it. If you don't care about others and them being in distress, then you will do it.
Your call.

>> No.6801765

>That was my intention ;)
If you keep it to yourself and don't post it on the internet, then you are good.
If they ask you to remove something they don't like, because it's their OC, then if you are a decent human being, you will do it. If you aren't a decent human being, then ignore them.

>> No.6801771

If you are upset by a drawing of your ocs fucking you must live a cushy life or are very mentally ill.

>> No.6801772

I personally am not, cause I'm not one of those autists.
Nice deflection tho, gg.

>> No.6801773

It was a general statement

>> No.6801813

Then don't reply to me and make a fucking general statement.
You are a dodge master dude.

>> No.6801876

It'd be kinda rude and shitty if you drew someone's OCs like that without asking them about it and then showing it off to everybody.
Definitely a low/zero empathy move regardless of your thoughts on the matter but the simple solution is to just not show it to people. You're just drawing them out of admiration and for fun, and not purely out of some coom-driven spite, right?

>> No.6801884

>french kissing a tit
I could work with that

>> No.6801888

The OP pic is actually pretty tame for what Modeseven usually draws.

>> No.6801901
File: 157 KB, 478x463, 1655463627398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here actually got any unsolicited porn of their characters to begin with? What's your experience?

I dont get many fanarts to begin with, and only my friends have done coom art under my own admission, the only unsolicited thing I got was a guro fanart of my girl from some anon, which I only saw for a few frames before closing it out of reflex.
I wasnt even mad, just grossed out, I told the anon nicely and politely this and that I wasnt going to watch it, let alone save it, but I thanked him the effort put into; I called it was to get a nasty react out of me, so I kept cool about it and it work. Should you give people a nasty reaction, you're bound to make it worse for you.

>> No.6801974
File: 806 KB, 1000x563, 165496856516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post oc on social media
>someone draws porn of it
>tell them im 16
Theoretically, i would do that.

>> No.6802009

God who fucking cares
You should be flattered anyone gives a shit to like it in the first place let alone draws fan art of it

>> No.6802015

>the age of the artist doesn’t matter
>the artist that drew your oc flags it as 18+ so only mature audiences can view it
>your made up character doesn’t care because she doesn’t exist
Life goes on

>> No.6802058

>If you're a decent human being
Jesus fucking christ imagine caring this much about a fictional character. Grow up

>> No.6802133

If it looks as disastrous as pic related? Yes. Otherwise, idc

>> No.6802162

We get it you're a cunt.

>> No.6802181
File: 650 KB, 581x945, 6c597ce0a329cae6c76a08774e2a35e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an alien carnivorous invertebrate monster with a body structure somewhat similar to a seastar with an inner and outer layer. The body has no internal organs it is essentially hollow and is wholly composed of specifically contorted and folded up arms to achieve the desired shape showing only the outer layer towards the environment. It takes the shape of a beautiful woman and produces alluring songs from the orifices on the face to lure in unsuspecting human males as prey. Once prey has been lured in it uncurls and opens its body revealing the hollow insides and attempts to grab and swallow its prey which then gets trapped and digested by the inner side of their body which produces digestive juices and numbing agents.

>> No.6802191

>based Lynn enjoyer
I like it when she eats people with her tits but her never draws her anymore. Shame, luckily op will draw fanart and not give 2 fucks

>> No.6802215
File: 258 KB, 502x485, 1448387651650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture gave me another reason to hate Women.

>> No.6802279

I don't give two shits about the fictional character, you smoothbrained moron. I do care about the person that is asking me not to draw porn of their characters.
Are you unironically this fucking slow?

>> No.6802284

legal where I live
also I didn’t draw you
also post tits

>> No.6802292

Isn't that the one Native American Chief?

>> No.6802301

People like that need to toughen the fuck up

>> No.6802307
File: 1.74 MB, 2927x4096, kawamoto_minori_shobo_uchiyama aki memorial c102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayao Miyazaki essentially hates this, but that didn't stop people from drawing Clarisse and Lana in their Lolicon-zines back in the 1980s, and still doesn't stop the King of Lolicon, Uchiyama Aki, from creating fan-zines of Miyazaki's heroines alongside Spiderman in erotic material in the mid 2000s.

Despite his hatred of the fandom, it's really only companies like Nintendo of Japan who are willing to go after the fans. I also find it funny when one of my artist friends was getting mad at someone posting AI-generated fan art of Miyazaki's work when she does erotic fan art that would also annoy Miyazaki and Nintendo. At a certain point, you just need to accept other people with low IQ and the people whose characters you admire hate your work and just ignore them.

>> No.6802319

It's quite simple niggerfaggot OP
if the artist draws porn of his oc then you can assume he's okay with it, otherwise don't.
you apparently have a tiny smooth monkey brain so I'm not surprised somebody has to spell these things out for you.

>> No.6802325

why not just make your own gay OC instead of taking other peoples' shit and ruining it with your deranged fetishes?

>> No.6802407

Holy shit dude you have a next level persecution complex

>> No.6802433

there's probably a good reason we never hear about it happening in the first place

>> No.6802512

While I agree with you, it's way easier for the artist to simply respect their wish.

>> No.6802558

>implying women drew these
pronouns don't make a person

>> No.6802611
File: 63 KB, 348x309, 1680538516753356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised by the amount of people in this board that care so much about the artist's wishes and how much they berate at anyone for doing otherwise. Not that I think it's a bad thing, I think it's kind of wholesome.

I used to believe I was the one in the wrong for telling people to respect my wish of keeping lewds vanilla and that the norm was people not giving a shit about an artist's rules. But turns out it's pretty divided.

>> No.6802653

What OCs are prime target for lewds? I thought about lewding Silvervale but since I heard she enjoys the thought of men jerking off to her girl I've been meh about it

>> No.6802685
File: 901 KB, 240x180, CapitalFixedIrrawaddydolphin-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird. The artist that pissed me off enough to create this thread actually drew INCEST porn of his "most beloved" OCs but when I made vanilla art of some OCs I believe he forgot about he freaked the fuck out.

>> No.6802688

i dont care about oc's, but seeing how people react like retards having a meltdown over thei oc's makes me draw it just to make them mad and have a laugh

>> No.6802689

yeah go ahead and draw coom art of a coom artist's OCs honestly it sounds really funny if he gets mad at it

>> No.6802694

>That picture gave me another reason to hate Women.
same, femboys are just better
actually, men are better than women at everything, including being women

>> No.6802715

>t. jerks off to trannies

>> No.6802743

Have you actually seen what the typical crossdresser/troon looks like? You may just be an actual fag if you believe this

>> No.6802759

Seeing faggots seethe over someone drawing their OCs or fixing their shitty art is always funny so it's very good to contribute to that.

>> No.6802789 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 156686136273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I wager none of you have actually pissed off an artist by drawing porn of their characters and are just trying to sound cool and edgy.

>> No.6802795

nah im saying its fine if its a coom artist's OCs
if OP wasnt gonna do it, some other mentally ill coomer type that the artist has naturally attracted would have done something just as offensive anyway

>> No.6802800 [DELETED] 

I wager none of you have actually pissed off an artist by drawing porn of their characters and are just trying to sound cool and edgy.
(Yeah, I know, I just misreplied you lmao)

>> No.6802807

I wager none of you have actually pissed off an artist by drawing porn of their characters and are just trying to sound cool and edgy.
(Yeah, I know, I just misreplied you TWICE lmao)
Now that you mention, what artist would forbid coom of their characters while drawing the coom themselves? unless is a matter of kinks where the artist has their own kinks and anything besides them are a no-go.

>> No.6802808

No one cares about you, the art you're making or whomever art you're referencing. So no, it's that big of a deal.

>> No.6802861

let the man be gay and jerk off to femboys, no need to diss

>> No.6802894

>Draw porn
>don't post it in public places
problem solved.

>> No.6802908

It's (CURRENT YEAR), he should be proud of being a homosexual instead of spouting dumb shit.

>> No.6803200

If you're gonna draw them like that, then yes.

>> No.6803207

This board does have a surprising amount of women

>> No.6803454

At this point you took the goalpoasts to another stadium. WP.

>> No.6803457

It's funny how anonimity brings out the worst in most people. I wonder if you would admit to being such psychopath bullies if there was a name attached to your posts kek.

>> No.6803487

You taking it this personally tells me that the statement applied to you this whole time.

>> No.6803493

Why do you think I took it personally. You are just another anon on a basket weaving forum.
I was discussing something, and you turned out to be a dishonest interlocutors. Many such cases here, don't worry.
I'm just pointing out your dishonest debate tactics, that's all.

>> No.6803521

I'm going to draw your oc with her penis out.

>> No.6803529

>Psychopath bullies
Get off 4chan you soft underage faggot.

>> No.6803537
File: 27 KB, 500x275, animesher.com_sigh-manga-guy-421667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question here is why do you keep sperging and posting about this shit. Of course people won't like it if you draw bad coom art of their characters. Do you lack basic social skills or something? And you're the same moron that started a fight in the rate your work thread because you couldn't handle being called beg. Make your own OCs to draw shitty cartoon porn over and shut the hell up.

>> No.6803551

Idk who you think I am but I'm pretty sure I'm not who you think that is.

>> No.6803556

Aren't you the moron who drew this shit? If not my bad.

>> No.6803557
File: 525 KB, 2356x2510, 1692334501026833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn't upload for some reason

>> No.6803558

What shit are you referring to? The OP?

>> No.6803560

Yeah OP sorry if I responded to the wrong person, I'm just tired of seeing this guy post stupid shit everywhere like diarrhea

>> No.6803561
File: 301 KB, 1200x900, 1692367626717512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you couldn't handle being called beg
Inb4 you're the abrasive faggot who drew this. You're just salty that people rated mine higher than yours.

>> No.6803567
File: 3.46 MB, 2048x2732, Untitled_Artwork-278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally not that faggot I'm the faggot who drew this. And I was right it is you making 200 threads about this shit. Someone called me beg and you didn't see me argue with them, I accepted the criticism and moved on. I don't claim to be better than anyone else, that's why I'm here, to learn. Anyways please stop spamming IC with your cartoon coom drama and actually go draw, it's tiresome.

>> No.6803572

Literally when did I argue with someone though? I remember nothing of the sort. Do provide screenshots! I'm curious as to what you consider an argument.
>it is you making 200 threads
I made two threads you overdramatic faggot.
>Someone called me beg and you didn't see me argue with them, I accepted the criticism and moved on. I don't claim to be better than anyone else, that's why I'm here, to learn.
Okay? Good for you I guess. Something tells me you're either not the person you claim to be, are mistaking me for someone else entirely, or are so incredibly butthurt that you perceive everything I do as arrogance. Tell me, when did I claim to be better than someone? Again, provide screenshots!

>> No.6803577
File: 103 KB, 736x1077, ce3237c044d096248a48748eb8f4a47c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two threads is too much for this stupid shit. And I'm not arguing with you. I don't care if you don't think it's me. And you're uploading weird fetish art too like anyone wants to see crap like that. Go read your own dumbass responses in that thread to see how you acted like a major embarrassment. You have no social skills, even worse than most people on this board, which is saying a lot. Anyways, I won't respond here anymore. Draw something worthwhile and stop being such a major faggot. See you in beg.

>> No.6803584

>P-Prove it?!
>I-Im not arguing with you! See?! I WIN!!
Lawl you just had to announce that you weren't engaging, huh?

>> No.6803586

I don't need to prove something everyone can read with their own two eyes in a currently active thread. No wonder that artist deleted their OC, they didn't want some idiot like you creeping around.

>> No.6803587

Ah look who's back!

>> No.6803594

More like you're too lazy and/ or know the information doesn't exist anyway and are banking off the hope that no one cares enough to look for themselves. On the off chance you AREN'T lying how about you stop being a lazy faggot and put all that seething to good use and take a screenshot or two?

>> No.6803601


>> No.6803617

It really doesn't matter, I can draw WHATEVER I want. But if it's something that REEEEEALLY bothers them, then I just won't post it.

>> No.6803630


>> No.6803650

Which faggot drew this monstrosity

>> No.6803661

The one, the only *drumroll* MOOOOODESEVEN!!!!!!! (if you think this is bad hoo boy)

>> No.6803683

Oh no, how will I ever manage to cope.
Go eat a bag of dicks, dumbass.

>> No.6803684

Point proven, anonymous keyboard warrior kek.

>> No.6803686

Just accept the fact that you are an autistic retard, that can't work normally among other people.
Move on and stop littering the board with your autistic rants.

>> No.6803703


>> No.6803712

>Create an inflammatory response as bait for a long drawn out autistic rant
>Blame the other person of doing what you're currently doing
Lol? Anyways, you still haven't answered anything you lazy faggot.

>> No.6803719
File: 30 KB, 610x357, be8f58bde5d22274dec34546d9f5381f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> preparing for hurricane all day
> haven't opened /ic/ until now to post a sketch
> someone using my art to bait


>> No.6803779

I don't condone drawing porn of someone's OC if they don't want it...

Unless it's Illuminaughtii or an equally sociopathic assclown.

>> No.6803788

I did, but it was a shitty edit of one of my drawings. I was more annoyed about that than the fact that it was porn

>> No.6803825

>>Blame the other person of doing what you're currently doing
I'm not the one opening threads because I have a guilty conscience.

>> No.6803877

wait so the anon who was constantly saying "I don't care what others think" in that dumpsterfire thread ended up making another 2 threads on the topic for validation after (presumably) being called out on it by other people?
Or is this some retarded falseflagging bullshit? anonymity is a bitch

>> No.6804103

>Or is this some retarded falseflagging bullshit? anonymity is a bitch
Probably falseflagging, one of the threads is indeed Minty's, she explicitly mentioned the issue, but the other two doesnt seem like they're her doing. Some anons just like to make connections over nuances.

>> No.6804350

I FUCKING KNEW IT. I hope your house is untouched by the hurricane anon.
So uhhh what happened to the "I'm not gonna argue with you!" argument?
Falseflagging. I made this thread and another one (I posted my art in the second post it's kind of hard to miss)

>> No.6804356

>So uhhh what happened to the "I'm not gonna argue with you!" argument?
You are probably talking to a different anon.

>> No.6804359

Something tells me I'm not.

>> No.6804376

>in that dumpsterfire thread

>> No.6804425

Thanks my house should be okay! And for the record I rarely post outside of generals. Sorry for whatever is going on here it seems very weird.

>> No.6804558

For big artists and studios no.
For small artists is way more personal.

>> No.6804723

Draw whatever you want and don't let prudes get in the way.

>> No.6804795
File: 93 KB, 276x276, 1633674191315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty soulless art hes convinced himself is better than others
>Starts shit with randos for no reason then gets surprised when people shit fling back
>Accuses others of doing the exact stuff he's doing and is so blinded by his arrogance that he can't even see it
>Needlessly inflammatory thinking that insults will distract people from him losing the argument and looking like an ass clown
>Incessant need to "win"
>Virtue signaling for no reason
>Doubles down on his lie and vehemently insults anon when asked to asked simply to prove his outlandish claims
>Actively lies about what anon said AND about being the person who drew >>6803567 because he's too much of a pussy to own up to his mistakes
you should unironically kill yourself. good on you OP for not devolving to this beg faggots level

>> No.6804926

Barring extraordinary cases involving sociopathic assholes, it's unnecessary. I was on the fence until I started asking questions about the whole Deltafag shitshow where some pedo that got permabanned from /vp/ for grooming a minor came to /i/ then /ic/ to stalk anons he hates. The shitshiw started where he complained about his OC being drawn as a himbo, then it escalated. It culminated in the faggot being outed with screenshots from some loser's den Discord server he shared with, and it turns out he and his handlers was targeting anons they hated with much worse shit over petty shit. I don't want to attract shitlords like this.

>> No.6804928

I want to fuck the titty

>> No.6804977

Copyrights, patents, so on are all made up and have no bearing on morality. Neither does someone being pissed. If you create something and put it out into the world publicly, what the world does with it isn't for you to say.

>> No.6805145

I never ever wrote or implied "I'm not gonna argue with you!" in any of my posts.
Which were 2 so far.
You are just being paranoid and uncapable of accepting the fact that multiple people think you have a mentality of an asshole.

>> No.6805480

>Which were 2 so far
You *drumroll* Are an obvious liar! You already got BTFO so how about you quietly leave with your tail between your legs before it gets any more embarrassing, yes?

>> No.6805507
File: 245 KB, 760x652, Screenshot_20230821-202248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme get this straight
Giving you the benefit of the doubt you wrote this one
And presumably this one
...But saw this one and said nothing? Vice versa is pretty bad as well. Shows you stole someone else's art because you knew you'd look like a faggot if I guessed right. Also
>I never ever wrote or implied "I'm not gonna argue with you!" in any of my posts.

>> No.6805593

>Giving you the benefit of the doubt you wrote this one
I didn't write any of those.

These are my posts meant for you in this thread:

>> No.6805598

Didn't mean to c/p this one >6804350
The others are mine.

>> No.6805676

If you truly aren't the purple sweater guy why did you respond to someone else's argument as if you were that person? It makes zero sense and is exactly the level of autism I'd expect from someone who steals art to look their retarded argument look better.

>> No.6805743

I just recognized OP from another similar thread and chimed in.
Now I'm not so sure it's the same OP though.

>> No.6805746

I have certainly observed a recent shift in attitudes towards respecting the wishes of artists. I am uncertain whether this trend is specific to /ic/ or if it's becoming more widespread across 4chan. I've noticed individuals pushing back against this issue on /aco/ as well, along with a few other places, which is quite remarkable.

>> No.6805754

You are all incredibly autistic
This is akin to going through someone else's trash.
Somebody will say
>Please don't mess up with my trash
Then an autist will go on 4chan and say
>Is going through someone else's trash a big deal? I want to do it!
Imagine the level of social autism of some people that you have to explain to them why it's not illegal or "bad" to go through somene else's trash, but that it's a socially unacceptable thing to do
They just can't get it why
They are broken

>> No.6805758

A sane person on ic. Who would've thought.

>> No.6805772

I have my moments

>> No.6805857
File: 29 KB, 500x403, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame poor parental decisions.

>> No.6805877

It's not. if it affects someone strongly theyre a weak little faggot

>> No.6805950

>wait so the anon who was constantly saying "I don't care what others think" in that dumpsterfire thread ended up making another 2 threads on the topic for validation after (presumably) being called out on it by other people?
link thread

>> No.6806159

I can't draw well at all but I've found even one of my characters has had cuck porn drawn of it unsolicited.

>> No.6806160

I'm pretty sure Nitrotitan/Modeseven is a guy.

>> No.6806178

He won't because it doesn't exist. And if he does he won't provide screenshots or anything specific, he'll just say "do it urself!!!1!1!" Hoping that no one cares enough to press him.

>> No.6806237

maybe this one
I don't know tho

>> No.6806246
File: 85 KB, 680x672, 1606828817074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6806363
File: 233 KB, 760x916, Screenshot_20230822-080911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic how the only time that was said was when someone was accusing me of saying that. Try harder, schizos.

>> No.6806372

I'm not the anon you're arguing with but you are so retarded it hurts.

>> No.6806630

Yours too

>> No.6806778

Based whore

>> No.6806913

which OC should i draw to make the most amount of clicks on my twitter page

>> No.6806974

Draw more of this character >>6803557

>> No.6806983

Draw shygals, you know, those Minus8 make. Trust me, I've done them myself and even with a silly sketch of them, I've gotten quite some numbers.
Alternatively this >>6806974

>> No.6806997

shygals might work thats true, but who the fuck is this >>6806974
ive never seen this character in my life

>> No.6807000
File: 332 KB, 1125x1125, 1691026954945304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6808348

Fucking what now?

>> No.6808370

That's because it's on OC. her name is dolly apparently

>> No.6808617

I'm seconding this >>6806997
Drawing shygirls is gonna get you a lot more engagement on social media than a rando's OC.

>> No.6808663

I have 2 girl OCs, and some artist on a server sent me a suggestive drawing of them, nothing nsfw though. I told him my thoughts on it and he hasn't crossed the line since. What scares me though is that I recently got followed by a big NSFW artist that draws 'unsolicited' porn of vtubers' OCs

>> No.6809041

Imagine being so much of a cunt that free art affects you negatively to the point of being worried. Jesus christ enjoy it or just move on it's not that deep.

>> No.6809296

I want himbo anon to come back and draw hot guys? And maybe cause another melty in fhe process?

>> No.6809540

It'd be funny as shit after he got caught red-handed beta-orbiting and bitching at an artist with a witch OC.

>> No.6809553

>never post OCs
>never have porn of it drawn
that easy, everyone here posts OC's cause they are desperate for them (you)'s and that little feel good spike in their brain

>> No.6810274

i don't respect narcissists, so it doesn't matter if it's a big deal

>> No.6810621

In order to make it in the long run you should draw what you enjoy the most.

>> No.6810630

that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.6810767

yes and you're a retard for not getting why. I blocked some dude who made feet porn (bottom of the barrell) of my oc and he cried about it. I hate autistic artists so much it's unreal

>> No.6810785


>> No.6810871

In severe cases, yes, the creator shouldn't compromise or be expected to do so.

>> No.6811230
File: 143 KB, 1026x531, Please I wanna Die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger deal is nobody making porn of your character.
I don't want to ask and commission because that would defeat the purpose, my dick would shoot ropes at the idea of someone appreciating me or my stuff so much that they draw sexual scenarios of my character, possibly with their character.

>> No.6811238

Post your character, if it's cute to me I'll draw porn of it and post it here.

>> No.6811249
File: 310 KB, 730x451, 1411878177931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the offer anon, I appreciate it but it wouldn't hold the same meaning since I don't know you: it would feel like begging.

>> No.6811395

If you're a kid then it's a big fucking deal. Otherwise, nobody cares.

>> No.6811402

>being worried about seeing something you don't wanna see makes you a cunt
If I send you a free box of shit do you eat it because its free?

>> No.6811527

I noticed a lot of these types of fags act like there's never going to be consequences to their actions, then shit the bed when their shitty behavior gets exposed.

>> No.6811558
File: 17 KB, 168x175, 1658423048040333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, You wouldnt be happy if I made unsolicited porn of (You), would you?
>Verification not required.

>> No.6811578

Not OP but he would probably be glad that somebody finds his unwanted ass to be sexually attractive.

>> No.6811640

i posted a pokemon splice on /vp/ once almost a decade ago
someone drew it with a cone dick

>> No.6811835

>meltdown on dad, a shadman thread, and the oc thread in one go
that was some real good shit ngl

>> No.6811860

>He thinks he found some sort of "gotcha"
Anon I'd unironically be delighted. Someone made fat fetish porn of me once. Did I freak out? No! I saw the humor in it and was flattered that someone gave enough of a shit about me to draw my likeness regardless. You know, like a good fucking sport.

>> No.6811861

I'm a female stripper try again.

>> No.6811892
File: 98 KB, 500x441, normies get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting upset that someone did something on the internet.

>> No.6811924

NTA but it sounds like you're just another whore with no self-respect. Sorry, but no one's obliged to eat shit for some parasocial reject's amusement.
That's not being a "bad sport" - it's not wanting to be involved in some retarded game.

>> No.6811926

Jesus Christ what are you even on about

>> No.6811930

Fuck around, find out. If one's really so pathetic that you need to go around making "fetish porn" about complete strangers because he can't get a life, then I'm sorry, but I'm not obliged to eat shit about it.
Conversely, if I were some kind of attention-starved pervert with daddy issues, I'd love to be the subject of some fat porn. I'd get a kick out of it. But I'm not, and if some faggot keeps pushing, then they deserve whatever comes their way.

>> No.6811934

I don't draw porn, but I'm not retarded enough to think that anyone owes anyone anything on the internet. If you want a social life, get a real life. The internet is for what doesn't fit in the real world, and if you think you can cleanse it or tame it, you're in for a nasty surprise. Like all those kids who got mentally crippled by elsagate. Never expect decency or security on the internet, you will always be disappointed.

>> No.6811939

nothing has ever been a big deal in art over the last decade or two except for people dying and some books being published
but don't be surprised if the audience you're building finds it in bad taste or you start to attract edgelords
>inb4 that's the point
godspeed then, faggot
i have mental illness and my super special oc is a self insert but even i can understand that whatever other people draw of them has no bearing on the things that i draw them doing or experiencing. it's not canon so why the fuck should i care lol

>> No.6811940

"canon" is a lie, there is no such thing. Only each individual work, as it reflects the creator's intention while creating it.

>> No.6811941

If someone wants to have fun with my persona/ any OC I create I see that as nothing but a positive. I get free art out of it and a story to tell people. Though if I didn't like it I'd just ignore it unless I was being straight up harassed because doing otherwise is baby behavior.

>> No.6811946

this reply isn't canon to my argument so i can conveniently ignore it :^)

>> No.6811949

Okay, nothing stopping you from ignoring it though.

>> No.6811955


>> No.6811960

Empathy doesn't work if you in their situation would feel something completely different. Kinda like how most people cant empathize with trannies since they would just live their lives normally if they found themselves in a genderbent body

>> No.6811979

I bet some of you draw porn of minors' OCs without their consent.

>> No.6811983
File: 283 KB, 411x310, F3mmjHWXcAAcclj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6812069

Damn right i do nigger

>> No.6812070


>> No.6812265

Yeah, that shit is a red line for me. If some fags wants to attract pedos and shitlords to enable them, by all means.

>> No.6812270

The fact that this is one of the most replied to threads on the board right now explains a lot about this place
This is what you people want to talk about
This is what art is to most people on ic, drawing porn of anime characters

>> No.6812318

Yes now shut up or get out nigger.

>> No.6812362

of what?

>> No.6812366


>> No.6812368


>> No.6812539

Partially. The primary topic of discussion looks like it's revolving around solicitation and consent, particularly in relation to smaller artists and creators and their characters. There is a very noticeable divide in opinions, largely due to varying circumstances. However, there seems to be a minor consensus regarding the point at which it transitions into "gay ops" and harassment.

>> No.6812709

tranny hands typed this post

>> No.6812753

kys nigger

>> No.6812921


>> No.6812936

^tranny with tbp

>> No.6813032

^ tranny with a man made meat hole

>> No.6813955

This has been an interesting thread.

>> No.6814733

Of course it's fine.

>> No.6814872

Play stupid games win stupid prizes, anon.

>> No.6815775
File: 64 KB, 600x900, very-angry-nerd-11684341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn right i do nigger

>> No.6815777
File: 94 KB, 723x666, 8f76761bde2e2c37c99b71e74aae32cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I draw the porn either way.

>> No.6815864

>this is my oc fucking yours
It's just an altered version of: op's mom sucked me dry last night.

>> No.6815961


>> No.6818123

And somehow even more pathetic.

>> No.6818666

bruh is this your first day on the internet or something?

>> No.6819358


>> No.6819868 [DELETED] 

>made up
DMCA strikes are incredibly common. A guy I knew tempted fate drawing the Samsung chick with an iPhone and got struck down hard. Even his fans said he was asking to get hit. Another ended up getting threatened with legal action over shilling porn of some well-known artist's OC, who are very litigatious abiut protecting their brand. Another case jnvolving a different artist involved one faggot getting report bombed into oblivion.
>no bearing on morality
No one is saying copyright and morality are mutual. That being said, if they hold a strong legal claim they can decide to protect whatever is they sell or create however they like.
Now, once shit starts involving gay ops and shit gets linked back to you or leaked? Good luck maintaining moral high ground.
>not for you to say
They're free to do whatever as well, even if that means fucking you over. Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. They absolutely have a say.

>> No.6819870

>made up
DMCA strikes are incredibly common. A guy I knew tempted fate drawing the Samsung chick with an iPhone and got struck down hard. Even his fans said he was asking to get hit. Another ended up getting threatened with legal action over shilling porn of some well-known artist's OC, who are very litigatious about protecting their brand. Another case involving a different artist involved one faggot getting report bombed into oblivion.
>no bearing on morality
No one is saying copyright and morality are mutual. That being said, if they hold a strong legal claim they can decide to protect whatever is they sell or create however they like.
Now, once shit starts involving gay ops and shit gets linked back to you or leaked? Good luck maintaining moral high ground.
>not for you to say
They're free to do whatever as well, even if that means fucking you over. Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. They absolutely have a say.

>> No.6820068
File: 198 KB, 1600x900, twocakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has anyone here actually got any unsolicited porn of their characters to begin with? What's your experience?
My reaction was basically this:

>> No.6821352

This drawing is absolutely abhorrent on so many levels.

>> No.6821458

I love lewding OCs of tumblrtards who have asexual characters

>> No.6823481
File: 29 KB, 633x552, 1680067651769286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

>> No.6825464

Might have to give this a try.

>> No.6826896

This. Shit like this makes me think China is in the right to execute these fags.

>> No.6826949

I like how
1. It only brings up american poltics because who besides Americans are getting upset over drawings.
2. Both sides were brought up because OP knew that she'd get (you)d into oblivion with "but I support that too"

>> No.6829256

uh it turns me on i would fuck them

>> No.6830602
File: 21 KB, 463x375, 3246406_pixiedavie_davigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you I'd get a HUGE kick out of it and draw follow up pieces of my characters fucking/ doing something humorous trannies, blacks, or whatever politician that's been made. Revenge art is absolutely hilarious no matter what and I honest to god wish people would make some pertaining to me.

>> No.6830603

MEGA based

>> No.6830717

Why do all of your characters wear rugby caps? Is this a fetish thing?

>> No.6830737
File: 98 KB, 1005x1368, tumblr_a4ddb45c93baf6ebd8b61ecf6c9792f3_22b1a546_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol that's not my character or my art. Just something silly to go along with my post. (For context this is what he canonically looks like)

>> No.6831269

holy fucking shit my sides what