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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6800519 No.6800519 [Reply] [Original]

Why are good art communities so hard to find?
>big discords filled with normies and furfags that all lie to each other about how good they are
>4troon discords have a stick up there ass about becoming "gmi" and are soley devoted to the craft

>no inbetween community that encourages the grind without the constant pressure to be hardcore

Is /IC/ truly the only place to get a good balance since its just a forum

>> No.6800520

/ic/ is full of fragile losers though

>> No.6800551

Yeah and I can call them dumb little pussies for being fragile and not get banned for it

>> No.6800618

Art is a personal thing. The kind of people who want to talk about art are generally retards. Critique? Just reverse the image, dude. If you can't see what's wrong by yourself, you're never going to improve.

>> No.6800620

> the constant pressure to be hardcore
Isn’t this what you want? This is all I want.

>> No.6800644

Sometimes I just feel lonely and want to talk about a hobby I'm passionate about anon, it's not like I want to jerk another artist's dick while we share a canvas or something
Drawing for fun is a thing. Improving is important, of course, but it can be a bit tiring when everything you post is only met with insults and the likes, even if sometimes there's a rare helpful critique thrown in the mix. Or at least what I imagine OP's experience is like anyway. I haven't posted anything since forever.

>> No.6800652

there are a lot of good communities, you probably have never heard of them because nobody likes you, and your art is shit...

>> No.6800694
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Every community sucks now, not just art ones.
It's all a constant race for attention, clout, validation and trying to drag down each other by any cheap means necessary.
Look at this faggot for example 6800652
What does he hope to get out of posting this shit?
Such posts come off either as a child who shouldn't be here in the first place, or some mentally handicapped irl smug soijack who molests animals.
People are all like this now; say anything and get insulted for no reason whatsoever while they all play hugbox and suck each others mutilated dicks when their online profiles can be blocked and their reputation ruined.

My point is that you should be alone if you value your sanity and not seek out to connect with the mentally ill freaks that are "artists".

Alternatively, if none of the aforementioned things apply, it's all just bait, drama, shitposting and porn, like /ic/.
Communities have become a joke because people have too much of an ego, due to the delusional promise of getting famous on social media.
The clear solution to this problem is either to ban social media or unironical violence.

>> No.6800697

While I approve the latter of your solutions, I think you just spend to much time on 4chan or any other online public spaces anon. There are nice and niche places you can have fun with like minded people, so long as you behave politely. You don't need to suck dicks but also don't be a dick

>> No.6800710

This man speaks undeniable truth.

>> No.6800715

sounds like you're mad cuz nobody likes you too, you know being socially retarded is something you can work on instead of making shit up about other people.
stop crying about other people having fun and learn to enjoy the party ya schizo bum.

>> No.6800747
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>I think you just spend to much time on 4chan or any other online public spaces anon
Where do i go if i want to have autistic discussions about things and topics without people getting uppity if they don't feel heckin' valid?
All the shit i experience online, is the same shit i saw and experienced irl.
You can't talk about anything anymore if it's not circle jerking.
Online is the only space you should be able to talk about shit without getting directly ostracized or attacked for not having the popular opinion or risk beating the shit out of a retarded faggot.
Meanwhile fucking youtubers and ecelebs say the exact same shit i said, and everyone magically agrees and sings praises.
>nice and niche
>so long as you are polite
That's bullshit when even pointing out things that are less than flattery is "being a dick" and gets you attacked for the sole reason of not parroting the correct opinion or people just go off on assumptions and projection like:
>"oh you must be bad at the game"
>"oh you must suck"
>"oh you're just terminally online"
>"oh you must be mad"
But i honestly don't get it; Why come to forums and participate in discussion when people have nothing but insults to post and only derail discussions?

But no, it's always and somehow my own fault instead of admitting that most people fucking suck and just want to consume and get clout like the brain dead cattle they are.

If i could talk about this shit irl i wouldn't seek out online spaces, but you can't say anything anymore and in the end; why bother contributing anything at all if shit is all you get in return?
This is why communities decline; because the shitters who don't care about the thing the community revolves around except for trying to farm ego and clout, alienate actual people who care and make them leave.

>> No.6800752

I have a server that I started with other begs last year because I've never gotten useful critique posting here.
It was pretty balanced. Chill, but still focused on art and improving. Only encouragement but still giving critiques and doing exercises together.
It's dead now and I think I'm too old to be in servers with these zoomers honestly. I don't fit in with the outsider artist types either. Destined to walk this path alone with acquaintances here and there at best

>> No.6800759

The larger the community/audience size, the less you can control things to your satisfaction. It's a trade off. Your options are to deal with it, or to start your own community.
To quote Groucho Marx, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." The good communities you want to find are only good because they are so secretive and work hard keep people like you out.

>> No.6800792
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Any decent community is gatekept to the extent you usually can't even find it unless you lurk adjacent places for a while. It's like Kiwifarms back in the day, not saying it was decent but despite it being right there on Google, you could spend ten years without even hearing about it unless you got invested in ridiculously specific things and ended up in the kind of place that would actually name it instead of calling it the bingo bongo homo club or some other euphemism.

If communities are so easy to find, easy to join, and easy to shit up without instantly getting banned for life they let people like me in, there'll be at least twenty other people who are as annoying as I am, ten more who are even worse, and three of those guys will also be jannies.

>> No.6800875

you seem like a deeply annoying person, I wouldn't want deal with online or offline desu...
people are mostly nice, you just suck...

>> No.6800901

>If communities are so easy to find, easy to join, and easy to shit up without instantly getting banned for life they let people like me in, there'll be at least twenty other people who are as annoying as I am, ten more who are even worse, and three of those guys will also be jannies.

>> No.6800918

>If communities are so easy to find, easy to join, and easy to shit up without instantly getting banned for life they let people like me in, there'll be at least twenty other people who are as annoying as I am, ten more who are even worse, and three of those guys will also be jannies
By doing that you're only shitting in your own plate and when someone way worse than you appears, you have no right to complain.

>> No.6801188


>> No.6801224
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The Internet used to be a place to run away from real life.

Now the Internet is populated by every single one of those niggers you didn't want to socialized with when you came here.

Basically, there is no escape.
If you escape to the "next Internet", that'll be going to Onion links, but the really far-gone people take such measures, usually with an illegal reason.

The people you really want to find, who'd be in the good old Internet, are still holding on to the current, dead Internet, swimming in this sea of shit.

Jowari da, you have to handpick your friends and treasure them.

>> No.6801324

the secret is to get friends in real life that like to draw

>> No.6801328

You're supposed to make friends in those public discords and that's how you get invited to the actual good servers or just invite the people you like to your own

>> No.6801338

>humans want to be around other like minded humans
They function that way to keep people like you out. You should've noticed this while u were in school. Get cliquing or dont partake in the social hierarchy.

>> No.6801341

>joins community
>devolves into coomer shit
Like pottery, every single time. Inb4
>Everyone's horny anon
Fucking cope serotonin addicted fuckers

>> No.6801348
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>The clear solution to this problem is either to ban social media or unironical violence.
Hmmm...we might have to bring back an old classic.

>> No.6801352

You shouldn't be in an art community. People talk to too many people. 30 years ago you wouldn't know the name of anyone outside an immediate 10 mile radius of where you lived and worked.

>> No.6801361

Even ic has gone downhill with moralfagging becoming more and more rampant. Seriously, this placed used to be somewhere you go to if you want to improve your art but now, troons hijack every thread and turn it into morals discussion.

>> No.6801369

I might soon start yet another attempt to amass a decent community.
I've had success with other topics in the past, but art never works out.

I'd invite you two, but I won't be advertising it on /ic/, it will be more like Fight Club, with one-on-one invitations.

>what is radio

>> No.6801370

>Critique? Just reverse the image, dude. If you can't see what's wrong by yourself, you're never going to improve.
How do you people even survive being this stupid
You're allergic to the concept of education

>> No.6801387
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>I'd invite you two, but I won't be advertising it on /ic/, it will be more like Fight Club, with one-on-one invitations.
Personally, i'm not interested in joining a community or actually network with people anymore.

Usually ends up with the creator getting high on power or people invite their friends until they outnumber the originals and then start destroying the community from the inside, then the same people go make a community for themselves which lets everyone in but can't retain new users once they see what they are and only keeps drama whores and schizos like them.

Art never works out because a great majority of artists are either immature, heavily on the spectrum or just plain narcissists and they can't keep a social setting in harmony.
When you feel that everything you say and do might be like stepping on a land mine and offend some autismo that he won't ever let it go, it's only dumb to keep staying there and risk jeopardizing your work and online activity, especially if you make a living with it.
It's just too much of a risk and a headache getting together with other artists.

>> No.6801389


>> No.6801391

Less talk more draw.

>> No.6801420
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, smkayrt-231066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some discords out there, but it's hard to find them. I joined a small drawing discord this year for a while. It was a lot of fun and I was finally making friends that enjoy art. I have noone to share my art with IRL and I don't post online, but I made an exception for that discord. About a month ago the server disappeared from my list, idk if I did something wrong or maybe the server disbanded. It feels horrible to be alone again bros. I'm trying to stay positive, but seeing how things could be and losing it hurts so much.

>> No.6801455
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I just lurk the Hakobe discord, he has accumulated strange amount of talented artists from /ic/ and twitter in there despite his small following and they all give good advice and feedback. Only downside is no nsfw but maybe that's for the best.

>> No.6801465

Oh is Aba still going strong? FFP still running things?

>> No.6801491
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I've also related to the feel of wanting a place where people aren't total beginners so you know they're passionate, but also that there isn't that pressure stressing me out to perform, so I made my own server a while ago of people I know and their friends. I'd be willing to invite people but you have to post your work first and let me talk to you first. I wanna keep out the Gabes and Freds and frankly a lot of you guys ruin the atmosphere of a place if left to run rampant or just aren't any fun. If you aren't a furfaggot or animefaggot desu you're not really getting in

>> No.6801494

who's hakobe? what's they're twitter?

>> No.6801497

I just want an art forums community. Missed the train on that cg forum, and I want to experience that magic.

>> No.6801709

Good communities are difficult to find in general, this is not a problem unique to or even especially prevalent with art.
And /ic/ is dogshit in many of the same ways that every other art community is. The only difference is that there's no consequence for saying something retarded.

>> No.6801836

Post your own work so I know at what level is expected of me.

Also, how fur are we talking?

>> No.6801873
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Not gonna post anything finished, but here is an old unfinished sketch i guess. the expected skill level is really just if i like it, which i understand is not at all objective, but i view it as i'm cultivating my own little spot online and any kind of real rules or expectations is an unnecessary obstacle I'm not gonna impose on myself. Rules for servers are gay
>Also, how fur are we talking?
you don't have to draw furshit you just have to be chill with my friends that do draw furshit and not be a sperg about it. there's no point in letting anyone in that's just going to start fights with my friends

>> No.6801910

That's why you apply the nigger litmus test.

Use the word often and if people throw a shitfit, put them in their place.
Not because being racist is the point, but because it wards off dramaqueens.

If you use the search function to look for the word in a Discord server, you can quickly find out how open they actually are.
Try others if you fail, like faggot and whatnot, sometimes you might find people having an issue even with retarded, and if it's community-backed, you know to stay the fuck away.

>> No.6801914

looks like he took down his invite link sorry. He usually has a pretty active little group maybe you can DM him and ask. Doesn't look like he's been active on social media but it's worth a shot. His server is pretty comfy sounds like what OP is looking for.


>> No.6801938

Bro you’re talking about yourself in 3rd person. Stop, bitch. This is clearly you.

>> No.6801995
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Looks cool but I'm not gonna ask some random guy that I don't know that hasn't posted in a month for the invite to his discord. That would speak redflags to me and probably him too

>> No.6802005

If you're an artist and you aren't a bitter, broken person, then you're still new. Community and Art are like oil and water. Art is about personal suffering, there's no time to make friends and have fun talking about current events like a gaggle of whores. I have boxes to draw and so do you. Every second you spend thinking about other people is a second you could have spent drawing.

>> No.6802054
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Yes, but also no.
If you're seeking some place to hang around anonymously, it's a good tactic to keep dramatrannies away.

Some place where your online activity/identity is linked to; not a good idea, since some niggers might want to try and fuck shit up, cause that's what tranniggers do.

Alternatively, fags might have gobbled up the koolaid and gone into politics or be some unironical honey pot.

Well, the major issue is that you're creating obvious weak points and if there is clout to be gained by exploiting them, fags will do that.
I'm too old for this high school shit.

>> No.6802056

Boxes? That's a little too advanced for me, I'm still drawing roughly circular shapes.

>> No.6802136

boohoo bitch

>> No.6802143

>>what is radio
yeah because everyone owned a ham radio and was always chatting with other people on it

>> No.6802144

i think you're just coping that nobody likes you. pretending solitude was your choice when really you were forced in because you make retarded takes like this and don't even have the skill to back them up

>> No.6802223

It was a niche hobby just as much as the Internet was in the 90s and early 00s, anon.
People were already having multiple friends back then and it didn't damage society.
Only when you add normalfags in the mix does it go to shit.

Just don't use your identity on things, one of the rules for any 4chan-tier community is to keep your IRL info to yourself, no one wants to know where you study or where you live, don't post your picture or personal Steam account, fuck off with that garbage.

I don't mind furfags, but what about porn?
Not interested in coom communities.

>> No.6802243

30 years ago was 1993. that was before the launch of the first flip phone, which was 1996. people had multiple friends, sure. but at no point in human history could you ever turn on a screen and have instant direct communication with any and every variation of person and freak you can find out there on the internet. the impacts of this are pretty enormous. what i've been thinking about recently is before the internet you just had to brutally confront your life as it was, whatever it was, but now instead of staring at the wall/out in space and being made to face your own thoughts during the quiet parts of your life, it's now the social norm to use your phone or computer for whatever purpose, youtube, imageboards, instagram, to treat "real" reality as a higher plane of existence that supersedes their own life and becomes something they turn and resort to instead of furthering the development of their own consciousness...

>> No.6802246

to treat digital* reality as a higher plane of existence

>> No.6802258

See, you don't understand, Japan had imageboards (well, textboards) in the 90s.
Amateur radio operators spent the night looking for people to talk to.
Telephone lines to meet random people to talk to were available services for a long time, since the 60s I would say.

Do you know the song "Hello Ma Baby", from 1899? It's about a nigger who keeps dialing through an operator to his "baby", who he has never met IRL, but still dates through the phone, despite being mostly shunned by her.

When phones became widespread in my country (60s), guys would dial random numbers until some female voice picked it up and try to strike conversations, looking for dates.

Is it more crowded now? Yes. But it wouldn't be hard to interact with a hundred unknown people in a month, even in the 80s.

>> No.6802303
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i dont think you understand how different telephone and radio conversations by hobbyists are from the mass adaptation of a massive* and global* real-time* and instant* communication network that most people have incorporated as a daily part of their lives spending hours every day consuming media on the internet and talking with strangers who they don't even know the first name of or what their voice sounds like, incorporating everything they do as a part of their personality, consciousness and thoughts
picture the life of an average white guy who was born from 1950-1960, or even imagine what your own life would be like if you grew up in the ante bellum of the internet. as a kid you wouldn't be going online, you'd talk to your parents, your family, the people at your school, if you were still a nerd loser with glasses you'd go to a real-life comic book store except this is during the time that pretty much everyone agrees the comic medium was the pinnacle of expression by the white man. there's no 4chan for you to spent an exorbitant amount of time on from like 14 years old throughout the rest of your life, you can't get brain blasted by youtube faggots, there's no discord where your brain gets rewired through years of tranny brainwashing and acting as a part of dozens of different random social hierarchies involving random likely stupid and genetically deformed people all hundreds of miles away who you would blissfully be unaware of without the internet, you can't watch anime in the school bathroom instead of going to prom, and if you're an incel neet you go loiter outside and hang out under bridges and do drugs with hippies or sit there and think about how much you hate hippies. now people are staring at the computer thinking about how much they hate trannies, when the only tranny they likely ever saw was one person at high school, a place they never formed any connections or had any relationships in either. it's a fucked up world.

>> No.6802327
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Well, I generally agree with your sentiment that people lack time to self-reflect, but I don't agree with it being something new.
Boomers had disco, which were just physical Discord servers, full or horny retards you barely knew trying to socialize.

I have always been an introvert, so I never frequented such places, and that reflects on how I peruse the Internet; while I do talk to a lot of people, I dislike environments where there's a constant influx of messages and you have to spend 24/7 reading the feed.

I'd much rather talk 1-on-1 to people, or in small, slower groups.

If anything, it's not hart for me to imagine the old society, but the new one, because I don't have a phone, so I don't know what it feels like to be a hostage of information at all times.
I mostly stay on my computer, working/playing/learning/socializing through it, but whenever I do go out, I'm a free man. I see people constantly checking their devices and wonder how me, the computer-addict, can be less mentally unstable than these anxious NPCs.

All of this can be fixed by taking 2, 3 breaks a day to unplug. Do the dishes, take some sunlight, go for a casual walk, no wires, no screens.
Just be mindless and let thoughts circulate.
I wish more people understood that, but this is seen as wasting time, so people think "going for a walk? time to listen to that e-book or to call my mom and catch up".

Time for oneself is precious.

>> No.6802495

>Just don't use your identity on things, one of the rules for any 4chan-tier community is to keep your IRL info to yourself, no one wants to know where you study or where you live, don't post your picture or personal Steam account, fuck off with that garbage.
Yeah, no shit.
But posting your work is basically showing your "identity", your online identity if you have one, if we're talking art communities.
If you look at all the big online artists who are/were in communities, they have some sort of ongoing drama with people from their communities.

How do you reconcile belonging in an closed art community/discord but not posting your work?
The critical thing about social relationships is trust, and online niggas can't be trusted.

>> No.6802589

Sounds to me like you're not looking for an art community to improve but a community where you can insult and repeat slurs with no consequence.
I think /b/ would be right up your alley/

>> No.6802639

kek wtf do you think 1993 was like? horse and buggies?

>> No.6802726

yeah cuz u have sooo many friends all around you can just drive for miles in any direction and still be near a friends house u can drop by and smoke some dope up with despite having never left the place you were born and not going anywhere asides from work/school/nearby places

>> No.6802749
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>The Internet used to be a place to run away from real life.
Funny how sometimes it feel like real life is a place to escape from the internet.

>> No.6802769

so knowing someone's name has turned to smoking dope with them? you're not making too much sense.
but as a matter of fact, yes. I have at least one friend or family in nearly every major city in the adjoining states. At least a few of them smoke dope i guess. and yes there was pot in the nineties

>> No.6802790

that's deep bro, I bet all the other kids at recess think you're the coolest!

>> No.6802825

cool you lived a life and traveled around your local part of the country but having friends and family in nearby cities is still absolutely no comparison to the amount of daily social interaction you can get from the internet. my point is probably better understood as volume of social interaction. most people are talking to 100x more people and having 100x more conversation daily on the internet than anybody ever had 30 years ago. eric harris and dylan klebold probably talked to like less than 100 people in their whole life before they shot up a school and then killed themselves. 100 is the amount of people you can meet and learn intimate details about on discord in an afternoon.

>> No.6803013

"Your online identity" isn't a thing, I have separate identities, one for art, one for other things, even one where I associate my real face/self with.

As long as you keep it separate, let them try to cancel you.
>So, guys, RandomArtist1920832 is a racist
Cool, what should we do?
>Yeah, so here's his personal information:
Cool, but I can't seem to find anything about him online...
>Guess we can't do anything.

>> No.6803088
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I'm looking for frens, anon. I'd like to draw with you guys if you've have me. I'm also into cunny tho, but I don't draw it much.

This is what I do on an average day. I like to doodle like on the left, top right is something more serious that I plan to paint, and bottom right is a flockdraw with a friend which I hope maybe we can do sometime.

I'll post my discord id if you approb

>> No.6803094


A chill place for posting art, don't drama it up

>> No.6803125

My husband throws tantrums about me only having 10 followers on x, "not networking" and coming here instead of making friends. but every time I load into the website it's some you have to do a commission for me and lick my ass and also I won't even talk to you or follow you back anyway." I try to be nice to people with gradeschool tier art and I get ignored. wish he would get off my back and I wish more than anything that social media would go away. I was a mute kid and not talking is more comfortable. I kinda wish I wasn't an artist so I had an excuse but my hobby is all I have. /ic has been nice though. it's a lot easier and half of the people here care more even if they feel like being a crab that day.

>> No.6803204

>pyw in an art community
>people find your online handles if you have any
>say "nigga"
>or say any "wrong thing"
>or don't support the "correct thing"
>retards who are desperate for clout exploit this and start drama to get attention
>have to either deny everything and keep the drama alive until they give up, which they won't
>your earnings/commissions might start dropping
>might have to delete profiles and start over
You might be misunderstanding the whole issue.
The online identity has nothing to do with the real one.
If i am pussysmasher69_art on social media and make a living selling comms, merch, etcetera and then i happen to have an intellectual incident on an art community i'm part of, what makes me so sure some faggots won't get together and fuck shit up because by having sided with the "enemy", they feel justified to inflict anything they want upon me and use it to get numbers on social media since they will get supported by the average virtue signaling, clout chasing artist and that in turn will reflect how people will think of me, which then might not want to support me anymore.

This is all implying i am unable to draw differently or mask my penmanship and my memetics, and i wouldn't be willing to just lie and manipulate my ass off, because that would be just easy and there would be no issue.
But then what would be even the point of seeking out communities if you're just going to lie, censor yourself, walk on eggshells all the time and be someone you aren't?
Actually, what would be even the point of going out of your way to join a community unless to grift or farm social media numbers like everyone basically does?
To hang out? To just be in the same community doing nothing and talking about nothing or to be able to say; "hey that guy is in the same chat server as me"? Just posting works in the void and have the local wannabe critic deliver absolute shit takes or biased opinions? Or just spamming memes?

>> No.6803254
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>what is the point of having friends
You should have prefaced it all with "I am a sociopath", because this is assuming you already understand why people want to make connections.

Sure, there's a minefield to be avoided, just like in real life. Social hygiene is important, don't go saying nigger around everyone if you can help it.

By not seeking communities you are already self-censoring. If you don't walk at all instead of stepping on eggshells, then you're also being prevented from walking.

There is no clear cut solution, culture wars are here to stay until heads start rolling, but I chose to try and congregate with like-minded people. Everything in life has its risks, your concerns are valid, but so is the concern of leaving your house and being struck by lightning or getting in a very likely traffic accident. Will you fight, or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.6803264
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You may think it's funny, but it's true.
There are times where the internet gets overwhelming, gigantic and loud, once you take a step back and look at your own surroundings, the physical space you live in, you feel how everything becomes quieter, smaller and less overwhelming.

I often take breaks from the internet social circles and focus on my own life outside of them, it's oddly therapeutic.
Sometimes, all you need to do to take all that bitterness and gloom away is literally touch grass, dont forget you have a life of your own that you should appreciate.

TL;DR: "Touch grass" is unironically a great advice.

>> No.6803269
File: 163 KB, 848x1200, 1667175239114606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clingy autists/underage clingy autists want online discord art friends XD

Your kind have already ruined 4chan with all this discord shit. Even IRCs were not this cancerous. If (You), young anon, read this thread here is the advice:
avoid all this community shit at all cost. Nothing good comes from it. Online friends are not real friends. If anything (You) are the one who should be in charge of casino with blackjack and hookers. You don't want this

>POV from gigafaggot drama bitch

>> No.6803271
File: 182 KB, 1077x988, 1689487481526311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And take a notes from this redpill

>> No.6803274
File: 85 KB, 640x624, 1599024098453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sociopaths have lots of friends, ignoramus.
You can't have the same type of connection online like irl friends. That's just not possible since there is a critical lack of knowing whether someone could be genuine, or genuinely fucked up, in the current year where everyone is some sort of autistic fanatic and social media addicted tranny that desperately seeks social connections he couldn't possibly achieve irl due to being a true unhinged freak everyone avoids on sight.
>culture wars are here to stay until heads start rolling, but I chose to try and congregate with like-minded people
Echo chambers are fucking cringe and result in these same exact cancer we're talking about.
It is exactly because of echo chambers that retards got this way.
>By not seeking communities you are already self-censoring
I'm avoiding a head ache, drama and other shit i don't need with people that have no personality, besides ideology and social media indoctrination.

I see lots of people wanting to connect, but on a very shallow and self-serving manner, as if people should exist to pander and pamper to them and validating everything they say and think and wanting to crush anyone who dares oppose them.
In the end, they seek out echochambers and the spiral of retardation keep getting worse.
This is more or less what i think too
In the end, it's all parasocial, people want to consume other people to get the social dopamine.
It's beyond fucked and i honestly can't relate to the human experience anymore.

>> No.6803288


>Fellow based Vicar Amelia enjoyer


>> No.6803290
File: 501 KB, 800x900, ddxwkav7530cc8a5b0045da9ff877139df70874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes cute, bros...

>> No.6803294


>> No.6803304

Why do you deserve a good art community? Are you good at art? "Where are the communities for me to join" is complete digital-native naïve nonsense. Nobody has set up shop as Cool Art Zone with a welcome mat >>6800759 >>6800792 much like these anons are saying. (Although if you were in a tiny private group with art friends, you'd call it something dumb like that). You can't order community on Amazon. You can't search for them on Google. You will always have to make friends by talking to strangers. Suppose there's a character you like making fanart of and there's an artist comparable to you (no more than a "level" or two above you, which you should be able to intuit if you have some experience and aren't /beg/) on social media (somewhere that allows messages or at least comments) that does the same character. You should say hello! Maybe he won't be very friendly. Maybe he will. Maybe he has artist friends that could become your artist friends.

>> No.6803307

Blah blah, I have 4 Internet friends that I've met between 2005 and 2007, I've met 3 of them IRL and they are the ones I can count on when shit hits the fan. No IRL friends since forever, all my school friends have become trannies or some sort of bug-eating retard.

In the past 4 years I have joined quite a few /ic/ communities.
And truly you don't know those people nor vice-versa, but that's why you're there, to start talking, having deeper conversations and eventually even collabing together, voice-chatting together, helping each other out with life advice, I've done it all.
I've saved a few guys from suicide by "being there", although these people are generally more utilitarian and disappear once they've overcome their anguish.

You are trading the uncertainty of compatibility for the certainty of loneliness.
Which is a winning strategy compared to failure, but which does not offer what a successful connection can.

Despite 4 years of searching, and some initially promising connections, nothing ever "clicked" until last year. I've since made at least 3 great friends with whom I've collabed, talked about life, etc. I'm even somewhat friends with a tranny for his being one of the least unhinged people in a certain community, although I refrain from getting too close as I know the can of worms that awaits.

All in all, worth it. 7 years ago I started my own community for another hobby and it gathered maybe 400~500 people throughout the years, these days we have maybe 10 active guys. Still, I've made 2 deep friendships from that and one of them even got me my current job.

Caring, helping, that's a limited resource that people WILL drain you out of if you're careless, but you have to give it in order to test the grounds. Know those who appreciate and value your contributions.

Give without expecting anything in return, earnestly, but don't keep doing it with the same ungrateful people. That'd be my advice.

>> No.6803331

I understand the sentiment, though I don't feel strongly against other artists, maybe because I never joined an online art community, only spent some time with other artist irl, but lost contact with all of them and it's partially because I can't split my mind in too many things at once, having time to watch courses and tuts and polishing my process would've been much harder otherwise.
I think being on your own is pretty relaxing if you're not tied up to social media or being pressured to stay in touch with others, there are a lot of drawbacks to this, but if you have commitment and are conscious of your own problems with your art and don't lose your mind over it you should be fine.

Now I have been a friendless autismo for a couple of years so take that as you will.

>> No.6803343

>mostly memes in the media tab, very few drawings
what a shame

>> No.6803346

Easily in the top 3 souls girls.


Honorable mention to Gwyndolin as he cannot officially compete in this chart.

>> No.6803347
File: 140 KB, 1200x900, FRvcj-vUUAAxlUe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rya and her chronic gamer neck should be mentioned too

>> No.6803367
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>You are trading the uncertainty of compatibility for the certainty of loneliness.
Personally, It's not like i dislike being alone and not having any attachments to other people and i've done all the socializing.
I'm starting to think i'm being misunderstood as wanting to belong, when i'm simply articulating my thoughts about this topic.

I mean, good for you that you had good experiences, but wouldn't it be extremely naive to use that as to make a statement or an argument? Isn't that called survivorship bias or something?
It's like the guy who won the lottery telling others to buy scratch tickets until they win, disregarding the high probability of people never winning anything and losing everything.
In this case, one would be playing the social lottery until they find people who aren't mentally ill freaks driven by what the consumeristic behaviors they identify themselves with, and the search will consume them.
>Which is a winning strategy compared to failure
Failure, in what sense?
I don't see it ever "clicking" with people because i simply cannot relate to people anymore. And i really also do state this with absolute neutrality, because i expect just getting more shitty replies like; "you think you're better than me?".

All in all, i would say i can't handle and i really don't want to deal with insecure people, and i am well aware that it's like trying to find hay in a needlestack.

>> No.6803387

You're pretty good at listing what you dislike about others, but can you do the opposite? I mean that's where you'd usually start when looking for someone that clicks with you.

What places have you tried to meet other artists in? And what would be your ideal environment for a community for artists to interact with? Also how do you approach other artists when it comes to looking to befriend them, any anecdotes?

I'm genuinely not trying to find an angle here, not clicking with anyone is fine, but I'm curious on how did you come to these conclusions from your own personal experience.

>> No.6803393
File: 74 KB, 637x628, IMG_4332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get why you guys have to psycho analyze each other. anons just want to draw together

>> No.6803403

I kind of don't want to talk about myself since how is this even relevant, but i'll indulge you this once, since otherwise we could simply end the conversation;

Someone that would click with me, is exactly me.
>how do you approach other artists when it comes to looking to befriend them, any anecdotes?
That heavily depends. I don't interact with people with the purpose of befriending them. I'll have a chat with them about stuff or if i can help them or anything i feel i can shed some light to and if mutual interest develops, then so be it, but i am not going to force anything.
I know that might be a "mistake" and i know the sociopath's handbook on how to win friends and influence people, by heart, but anything that is forced is just fake and will be even more fragile since it's an online connection.
>I'm curious on how did you come to these conclusions from your own personal experience.
You hold your opinions because you went through your experiences.
You might be biased towards a more positive outlook because your outcome matched your desired interest and the type of social personality you have.
My own opinions and outlooks might well be the results of my own personal experiences and you're going to need to take what i say on faith.
>what would be your ideal environment for a community for artists to interact with?
The environment is really not the main issue, anything is good.
>What places have you tried to meet other artists in?
I don't try to seek out places to meet other artists because i have been around and invited to places where artists congregated. I never directly or indirectly or consciously sought out relations with another artist.

>> No.6803413

Why should an art community would have consequences for saying slurs, nigger?

>> No.6803444

OP asked a question that is contingent on group psychology, motivations, and incentives. These things are not the exclusive domain of psychoanalysts. These are things one ought to intrinsically understand to function at the most basic level in society. OP is, in a roundabout way, asking "why doesn't anyone like me?"
OP is confused as to why the elder art gods have not descended from the clouds and lifted him above the peons that currently surround him, never once able to intuit the reasons such gated communities exist in the first place, or creative enough to place himself in their shoes and realizing many of them also believe they deserve better than the community they're in. He wants to barge into a discriminating community, never once thinking he may be discriminated right now. People aren't psychoanalyzing this, they're poking fun at the lack of self awareness.

>> No.6803447

Because artists as a general rule are annoying retards and I had to learn this the hard way over years

t. artfag who trashed idea of making art a career and enjoy art more now

Wouldn't say /ic/ is that much better though, at least there is less dicksucking and normalfags but feels pretty much the same

>> No.6803453

NTA but kys samefag

>> No.6803456

naw I like that guy, he's not full of shit and tries to look at things for what they are

inb4 samefag because I can immediately disprove that

>> No.6803460

See I sort of agree with what you're saying and typically faggot and retard do the job, however I find use of nigger just draws in a different type of annoying retard I don't want around so you have to sort of stay within a line to get the best results.

Just "edgy" enough for faggot or retard but not so "edgy" with nigger that they might be a dramacunt just less phased by shit compared to trannies or politifags.

>> No.6803463

>Why are good art communities so hard to find?
After reading all the problems you have with various groups of people, I think this is a you problem.
You know the saying...
"If you meet an asshole in the morning, then you met an asshole. If you keep meeting assholes all day long, then you are the asshole."

>> No.6803466

FFS learn English

>> No.6803497

>survivorship bias
I mentioned it took me 7 years to make 5 friends.
All in all, I don't see how IRL would be better than online for this type of thing, people are equally petty, fake, and you're limited to the ones immediately around you, the Internet at least give you some filtering tools to funnel demographics a bit more.

When it REALLY REALLY counts, family is the best thing, but yeah, Internet communities are just communities, nothing special about them that make them inferior/superior. I hear horror stories about people going to Art School and experiencing all the bickering you talk about and the cancel culture.
Met a sperg online once who quit school because she'd get into fights with her libtard teachers, until her roommate got arrested for hatespeech or some dystopian shit like that. Not that I'm excusing her schizo behavior, but ta-dah, that's real life, no block button.

>> No.6803514

>"If you meet an asshole in the morning, then you met an asshole. If you keep meeting assholes all day long, then you are the asshole."
That saying is complete retard cope and you know it.

>> No.6803545
File: 636 KB, 1284x1259, 1683479411691582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely this is a great way to meet art friends! People whose daily verbiage is mostly slurs are definitely hard at work on developing artistic skills, and not spending all day in cyberspace jeering at their political enemies or screaming at other teenagers playing Halo or pretending they are in the 2009 YouTube comment section. You should apply this standard in bars and gyms and supermarkets and see what other high caliber people you can discover.

>> No.6803589

Most of these retards are looking for a /b where people draw. /ic is that place ,and that's the quality of people those behaviors attract.
Stop complaining and be a nicer person to be around ya spergs.
And yes there are a lot of good communities, you bitter edgy dummies are just filtered.

>> No.6803642
File: 2.53 MB, 3450x2822, ZHAAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I am OP I made this thread as a joke I already have my own community I just wanted to stir the pot its funny to see what people are saying on here assuming the worst anyways my heart goes out to all the begs God Speed to you retards

>> No.6803643

and narcissists that think they're above everyone else

>> No.6803644

is it really that hard to not use slurs in your everyday vocabulary?

>> No.6803646
File: 1.64 MB, 2534x1584, 1691845257806649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this anon is correct my place is comfy but I don't want people who don't draw in my server

>> No.6803648
File: 266 KB, 540x383, me drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i actually draw can i dm you on twitter

>> No.6803653
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>> No.6803690

Nah, it's pretty on point and describes very well a lot of autistic anons on this board. You guys are simply incapable of normal socialization.

>> No.6803907

Found the mooncricket.

>> No.6803953
File: 2.16 MB, 1430x1577, not related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mentioned it took me 7 years to make 5 friends.
That's not the point. Survivor ship bias means that since you got your desired outcome, it will guaranteed happen to someone else, based on you and your own experiences alone.
It's like a millionaire telling a homeless guy to stop being poor.
>that's real life, no block button.
Alone the perceived threat of physical violence is a pretty effective irl block button.
Let's say, if you're a big guy, not many people will be eager to fuck with you, and it keeps shitty people away from you, due to them mostly thinking that if they try to fuck with you they'll catch hands, even if you're not a violent person.
Whereas someone weaker or smaller, will be seen as easy prey; this behavior is much like animals in the wild.

The slur litmus test is the closest thing to violence in online spaces, since the average normie considers certain words to be acts of violence, even telling facts.
Most of the time, when you have unreasonable and emotionally unstable and egoistically driven individuals like the majority of people, no amount of reasoning will ever create harmony, only violence will.
This is also why spaces where it's majority women or highly emotional men, tend to easily regress into bitch fights about who's got the bigger dick and drama shit, and then to find any statement that barely applies to them as an excuse to flip out and start shit.

I would say that the majority of art communities are highly effeminate; whether it's women or feminine men, hence i would circle back to my initial point that if you value your sanity, learn to live with and by yourself.

>> No.6804064

If I have "won the lottery" 5 times, it's more than likely I am not merely a survivor. Still, my point is that it's not easy, takes years, but it can happen.

>threat of physical violence
So you're using your survivorship bias to tell weak people "just be strong"?
Sounds like an extremely biased opinion.

>> No.6804107
File: 753 KB, 574x863, 1606126660558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and i'm going to assume you're just being a faggot on purpose right now.

But it serves as a general example;
Now see, if it were irl, someone wouldn't say this because if they were an actual person, they'd know how seriously mentally deranged this is and how instantly they'd make people avoid them, unless they were effeminate cunts like you're pretending to be and take you even seriously.
If say, they kept going and doubling down on it, still trying to provoke a reaction, they'd catch a beating for sure, hence why most wouldn't do or say this shit irl, because of the imminent threat of violence or consequences.
On the internet it's different; you'll get an emotional reaction from retarded trannies, because pretending to be dumb and saying even dumber shit or simple provocations, is how you get engagement on social media now, and that's how people communicate now. And there is the layer of the internet protecting them from the consequences of their actions; only to call it trolling at the end of the day. Which is basically just a huge cope to justify them trying to get attention for the sake of attention.

Anyone who isn't a retarded tranny or an immature woman, simply doesn't take this stuff seriously and personally.
But give that the internet is now flooded with a majority of retarded trannies, niggers and women who have to play high school drama on the internet and try to catch all the clout and validation they can; fallacious shitposts like yours are effective in what they're trying to do: get an emotional response for the sake of engagement.

>> No.6804126
File: 441 KB, 444x518, 1682468021082289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I argued making friends is possible, you said I'm biased and that your experience is what counts, then said SAY THAT TO ME IRL NOT ONLINE RETARD AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS, which makes you the terminal shitposter.

I even gave you pointers on how to foster something more than your sociopath view of relationships.
You claimed not to be one, then said you know by heart the playbook of "how to influence people", meaning you went out of your way to read a book on juicing people's emotions to your favor.

You won't find me saying "stupid shit" IRL because I don't congregate with normalfags, I treat everyone distantly and avoid any invitations to outdoors activities unless it's someone I'm already extremely familiar with.

You have now flanderized yourself into a corner. I won't shame your social inability or justified fear of minorities, as that's the board roasties' job, I am merely mocking your denial of merit in finding connections.

If you don't want to put in the effort, ok, but don't sour grape the ones trying. Many will fail, many ARE the problem, but again, such is life. Sink, swim or go to the margin of the river and backseat drive what everyone else should/shouldn't do based on your apathy.

>> No.6804154
File: 452 KB, 576x1152, 1671068597854180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, see, all those personal assumptions about my person and baseless insults, really don't make up for a lack of reason and critical thinking and only shows that you might be highly immature or have other reasons to act as you're doing right now.
>"It worked for me so it should work for everyone"
I can give you an exact same response to anything you say to me; "If it didn't work for me, it didn't actually work for you". It's exactly as shallow and stupid.
What you're doing is lowering the standard of conversation to a discussion about individuals, or yourself in this case, like you already did before and are doing right now, instead of discussing the broader topic that are internet communities and the complexities of online relationships.
>i am merely mocking you
Yes, you are merely mocking, and you're proving exactly what i have been saying all this time; You saw something you could exploit, and you tried to exploit it, because some of the "wrong things" that have been said so of course you add assumptions to justify you mocking me, because some of the things that have been said might be remotely applying to you, and you felt personally attacked.

You are unable to have an objective conversation, since all you do is projecting, straw manning and virtue signaling and trying to attack what you perceive as being my insecurities, and i don't need to assume these things since you are clearly providing explicit examples.
>You claimed not to be one, then said you know by heart the playbook of "how to influence people", meaning you went out of your way to read a book on juicing people's emotions to your favor.
See, another typical attack on the person.
Why would someone attain knowledge and not simply refuse things based on what or who they represent? You read "Mein Kampf" or the "Communist Manifesto? Guess you must be a Nazi/Communist.
Anon, this only works on retards and you only admit to being a mere animal.

>> No.6804238
File: 232 KB, 650x1275, 1681720022682499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I was only watching this gay porn in order to know what disgusting things these faggots are jerking off to, honey!

I exchanged many civil messages before switching to mockery, because you leave no space for debate with your generalistic talks. It's like a MGTOW complaining he's being ignored in a circle of discussion about how to get a wife.
You've made up your mind, you don't think it's worth trying, so shut up.

Didn't you say violence is a response to annoying, insistent people? And that online mockery is some sort of violence?
Well, that's me, a big guy for you, a meme specialist, if you will, fighting back once you don't take the hint.

Back to OP's topic, "why is it hard?" - you've exposed why, I exposed why, then offered some extra anecdotes on how despite it being hard, I accomplished it.
If that upsets you, then get confrontational on the Internet and write endless walltexts about how you're being shoah'd by anonymous being mean on the Internet, that'll surely help. And it's definitely a new trend, pic related wasn't done pre-2010, no no no.

>> No.6804318
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, haha funni doggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe pic anonbro! You should check your gallery and clean the cringe that you have there.

>> No.6804319
File: 64 KB, 411x640, 1685465465454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I exchanged many civil messages before switching to mockery
Talking about yourself or making up schizo accusations isn't civil.
>because you leave no space for debate with your generalistic talks
Ah, yes, the mark of a normie; "generalizations bad because they don't make ME feel valid about my own personal experiences."
What are you even debating except talking about yourself?
>Didn't you say violence is a response to annoying, insistent people?
Sane people with a functioning brain don't perceive mean words as violence. Only niggers and trannies do.
I am not going out of my way to single you out and mock you, for whatever reason.
Neither am i projecting whatever someone says as part of their personality.

What do you get out of this? Why derail conversation? Why go online and pretend to be this retarded?
>inb4 but i'm epic trolling and mocking you
Not really.
I am simply humoring you to make an example since you make no points except trying to play high school tier social games.

You commit so many logical fallacies, twist words and are incredibly unreasonable, it's unreal.
By posting what you do, in response to simple objective observations; You simply show that you're an uppity tranny, when you could simply not interact with the thread in a public space, since this isn't a closed discord server and i'm not forcing you to interact with me or sending you direct messages.
You consciously chose to pick out a post and try to fight whoever is speaking, rather than the things that have been said and trying to get validation for your own "accomplishments", when there is lots of other things that could provide you with the validation you desperately seek, because validation is cool, but validation from the "enemy" makes one high as fuck.
>that's me, a big guy for you
That's not how it works, Chris-chan.

I don't take anything you said personally neither do i feel affected by it, i am merely explaining what you're doing with the reactions you provide.
Last reply btw

>> No.6804344

you're a bitch, you'll always be a bitch, and whoever meet will think you're a bitch.
You're on this earth to be laughed at and mocked, don't forget your place retard.

>> No.6804387

Now you've just gone functionally illiterate and argued against the opposite of what I'm stating, I will not waste my time finishing reading this.

Back to 9gag with you, le sir.

>> No.6804420


>> No.6804437

/ic/ is good because some people give good advice and aren’t afraid to say your work is shit/beg or at the least not lie to you about your proficiency in art.

But it would be Nice to have a more relaxed but still focused community around art and improving. Be the change you want to be anon

>> No.6804447

>/ic/ is good because some people give good advice and aren’t afraid to say your work is shit/beg or at the least not lie to you about your proficiency in art
That's why I like 4chan the anonymity gives you peoples rawest thoughts

>be the change you want to be anon
I'm already doing it fren see >>6803646

>> No.6804474

Yo Zhaar, I went to your twitter the other day now that I actually have an account and it says you nuked it? Anywhere else I can follow?

Also do you still drop in on ABA from time to time? Would you mind throwing a link to the discord up?

>> No.6804606

/ic/ is the worst place to talk about art, except for all the other ones.
4chan is the worst website on the internet, except for all the other ones
and it's a god damn sorry state we're in.

>> No.6804654

Thats not Zhaar I drew it for him, here is his twitter https://twitter.com/ZhaarArt?t=H6aX6i45Ui_MNXBmdIlEBQ&s=09

>> No.6804715

Jesus Christ this thread went to shit.

Oh thanks anon. I wonder why his account came up as deactivated for me earlier.

>> No.6804857

>If I look for Discords, I might find my ans-
In the time it took you to find a server, you could have had another drawing.
Making another drawing is more viable than any idea you can think of.

>> No.6805554

>>4troon discords have a stick up there ass about becoming "gmi" and are soley devoted to the craft
>>no inbetween community that encourages the grind without the constant pressure to be hardcore

try art school fag