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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 446 KB, 1920x1290, religious-christian-art-myaahaymajlxjrzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6794674 No.6794674 [Reply] [Original]

Congratulations, I've been exposed to so much coomer, degenerate culture. Hentai artists whose patrons are all just coomers. Sakimichan getting more and more degenerate with her fanart. All this pleasure-based thinking. All this exploring sexuality as just a mask for being degenerate. This being attracted to both genders or an animal as a definition of self which is just an excuse for degeneracy. SINIX's Gender anarchism ridiculousness. All this garbage in the art community. Just a bunch of misguided mentally ill people with hyperactive imagination and great artistic skills spreading ideas of filth and degeneracy. I lost a sense of what is right and wrong.
That I basically got Factory Reset and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Now at first I thought Art and Christianity don't mix but now I'm starting to see that No, it's really just there's so many degenerate artists in the internet. And that Christianity is so old that it developed it has its own corruption and created divisions and denominations and some are too strict about Art. But no, the truth lies in reading the Bible and Praying. I realize now that it is possible to create a patreon and have Christian patrons. or other forms of Donation platform. It's possible, I will make IT.
For anyone out there who were before me and reached this heavenly conclusion, the way into the light. I ask for any resources you have, on the internet, on anything related to Christian art, artists, movement, platforms that you found good. I say all this with Humility and I apologize if it you didnt read it as such.

>> No.6794684

And why do you feel the need to be so loud about it, son? What kind of reactions are you expecting from being so loud? What kind of reactions did you met before by being so loud?

>> No.6794689
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230815_034752_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check pic related , it's an example.

>> No.6794692

>on a text post

is that really what you want to ask?
Why are you asking 3 questions consecutively?
Why are all your questions pointed towards your being annoyed at everything I said, son?
Are you new to 4chan?
Are you a Christian gatekeeper? I can't act a specific way you deemed invalid? If so ,explain. I am willing to listen.

>> No.6794699

Thanks anon, I looked into her profile and it is pretty inspiring. I don't particularly lean into Catholic style art. But I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. Theophilia seems successful with her art, I wonder if she works other jobs, or this was enough for her. I sure hope it is. She also literally plays the same videogames I do. I'd love to see more artists like her.

>> No.6794702

On some level I still refuse to believe that people actually like this trash. It looks absolutely repulsive and soulless.

>> No.6794708
File: 1.02 MB, 1005x1468, Chun-Li.full.3369962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are usually coomers if you're referring to her art from the past 3 or so years. But she used to paint like this. And I personally find it good. But I don't really care about her anymore.

>> No.6794710

It's not like I care much either but I see her mentioned so fucking often and I find her arts extraordinarily boring on level of aislop. And I used to be a coomer myself and this shit just isn't coom-provoking at all imo

>> No.6794716

Now that you've mentioned it, I checked out her earlier arts and they do look better although still not my thing.

>> No.6794723

>I realize now that it is possible to create a patreon and have Christian patrons
You Based slimy bastard. LMAO! I wish you success on your business plan, clean those Christian faggs.
Remember to focus/target at blacks and latinos, they are very fervent in their Christian values and beliefs. Go get that Jesus money

>> No.6794726

yes and people mention her a lot because she is at one point the most financially successful one , despite her art being sortof generic which is actually why she found so much success in the first place. And have you ever thought that maybe it's generic because of her? her art is the default internet digital art that mixes anime and western styles. Hers and maybe Artgerm and Riot splash arts. But that was just at one point in time and irrelevant now.

>> No.6794730

It's not about the money, while there would be money there potentially, It won't be a straightforward as drawing coom for coomers. They would easily spot insincerity. But to be fair , you have to embrace coom to really appeal to coomers. So I guess it is a bit like that. But no, I won't "clean" them of their money. I also specifically did not like it when I was receiving so much money from DnD clients. I want to make art but also make it feel like they really benefitted from it based on the amount they gave me. I just need money to survive and make art and do Christian activities such as learning more about Him and spreading the Gospel by building relationships with people and showing His love.

>> No.6794733
File: 171 KB, 621x1000, 038d46cf00b0171ff7551db634d56ee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And have you ever thought that maybe it's generic because of her
Pretty sure I've seen stuff exactly like this in the 00s korean mmos lol. I just don't feel anything at all looking at those arts.
>Artgerm and Riot splash arts
Certainly better though. Old Riot splashes were sovl and Artgerm pinups look certainly more lively than this.

>> No.6794734
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1684844367233373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Americans are so fucking weird with your christianity and porn addiction shit.
No one gives a fuck.

>> No.6794735

> For anyone out there who were before me and reached this heavenly conclusion, the way into the light. I ask for any resources you have, on the internet, on anything related to Christian art, artists, movement, platforms that you found good
don't set out to make religious art, just make art you like that isn't satanic and degenerate, and find a way to make money doing that if you want to make a living from art

t. former furry porn arist

>> No.6794736

You don't speak for everyone. So just say you don' give an f or just dont post anything if you really dont give an f. Otherwise, I'd love to know what kind of art you like or which artist u like anon, or do you have any art to share?

>> No.6794739

Thank you, that is clearly an option, but I dont want to limit myself with that. Im interested in making both.

>> No.6794748
File: 362 KB, 463x600, kisspng-our-lady-of-guadalupe-feast-of-the-immaculate-conc-5b001af5e2f645.0152836715267335579297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can contact theophilia on email and ask her that anon.

>> No.6794769

for all the talk about how bad porn is christcucks sure love to jerk themselves off to how above everyone else they are

>> No.6794774
File: 756 KB, 1298x424, image_2023-08-15_173559497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it might actually be generic because of korean MMOs, I do remember some images from that era though and yeah I did like some of them. I think as a kid I just didn't really like how anime art always has black lines surrounding them and how western artist draws faces back then. So the korean/ singaporean digital art scene of early 00s was really next level to me at the time

>> No.6794778

I worship the one true God. If that's nit based I fon't knowcwhat is.
God is literally my vest friend and I'm proud if it.

>> No.6794783

That's cool, old religious artwork is among the best. You do you anon.
That said, I wish we still had that culture of try to create one work so great it's considered a "gift to god" (I forget the actual name for it), but artists of all mediums would probably whine about how that's too stressful.

>> No.6794784

What you said was extremely cringe. Sounds like dialogue a drunk would have in a bad movie

>> No.6794786

Talking about it and saying how it improved your life isn't thinking you're above everyone

>> No.6794795

>reading comprehension
who are you even talking to? The guy you replied to is clearly not a christian. And nice wordplay with using coomer language to make yourself sound clever but really doesn't mean anything. You kinda just proved my point. "All the talk of how bad porn is?" Are you implying it's good or neutral? Do you feel offended by your coomer habits that you had to take it personally and feel like I'm insulting you by falsely claiming that I implied I'm above you? Making it some sort of an ego thing? I apologize if you felt that way, I'm new to Christianity. But, what I do look down upon is the sin not the sinner. The habit of cooming not the coomer themselves. We are all fallen and the only way to overcome sin is through Jesus. That's why I said that a lot of the artists are misguided. The market demands coom so they provide. So now filth is everywhere. And I only wish to find a way through it. Go against the flow. Rebel against the norm. The norm that is Degeneracy in the Art community.

>> No.6794800

Ceremonial Christian. Shame on you.

>> No.6794803
File: 267 KB, 810x441, hummingfluff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794805

Another accuser. Another judge. Another hypocrite. Go oppress yourself hypocrite. If you seek to inherit. Go and follow Jesus.


>> No.6794811
File: 75 KB, 713x960, 363821382_10223163285285790_2435783661184841571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794819

Thanks anon, I also learned from this. And Ephesians 5:11 speaks to me, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

I don't know what you're on about but you can explain why you name-called me as such. I am new to the faith and would love to learn more for you. You definitely seem to know more than me. Why do think I don't follow Jesus?

>> No.6794826

This is amazing recommend anon. Thank you! She seems like a non-nsfw furry-type artist then became Christian. Her art is so good. I'm very impressed. I'm going to have dig deeper in her art.

>> No.6794836

Not him, but if you're new to Mathematics, you go find a teacher, then sit quietly and learn.

>> No.6794845

retards finding jesus when what they should do is kill themselves so we don't have to deal with their loser asses.

>> No.6794853
File: 249 KB, 820x1439, santa-maria-gloriosa-dei-frari-assumption-of-the-virgin-pesaro-madonna-assumption-of-mary-painting-png-favpng-KY9MbstVMrF9KdV0PFcp47aFv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794855

Thanks, but I'd rather ask the upperclassman who name-called me a bunch of things on why he thinks I am such. If I'm getting rebuked by a fellow believer, I'd want to know what I did wrong specifically so I can correct it.

You sound depressed anon, that language only comes from anger and disappointment maybe from oneself. I used to talk like that as well. Maybe it's not your time yet to find Jesus but I know you will seek Him eventually. We're all losers to sin until Jesus saved us. He will break you to humble you and build you up again. You can make it anon.

>> No.6794858

Go read the book for 2 years before you talk publically about it. And study it. On your own hour.

>> No.6794859

You don't judge. The Holy Spirit does.

>> No.6794864

reddit ahtiest or 4chan neets cant decide which ones ar emore pathetic

>> No.6794866

You were a faggy loser before and you're still a faggy loser now. you converted because of internet COOM? Puritans like you are just giant weak perverts.

you got nothing going on and this new act of yours is just dogshit idiocy manifesting itself in the most predictable and pathetic way.

also yes you should KYS.

>> No.6794867

fuck typos you know what i mean
besides OP nice troll and if you truly are for real about this, bro, 4chan especially boards like /ic/ are filled with the same retards twitter is so any mention of rleigion is like a personal attack at their pathetic selves and youll only attract stupid replies

>> No.6794869

this is the hate filled tard coping with their useless meaningless life by spewing their hate online

holy shit its pathetic

>> No.6794880

I understand what you are saying, and yes I still lack knowledge and I do actively read the Scriptures and convene with other readers regularly. But saying I can't talk about it publicly for 2 years is absurd, don't you think?

So much words of hatred, "giant weak perverts" what does that mean? succumbing to coom is weak, sure, but compared to you, are you like a small strong pervert? What does predictability have to do with anything? Are you filled with hatred because that makes you unpredictable? what did you gain? I won't KMS because despite dire circumstances in my life, I feel joy from God's presence. Aren't you tired of being toxic anon, don't you want to be free? Don't you want the predictable peace?

Hate the sin not the sinner, Jesus went to places filled with sinful people and he also instructed his disciples to do so. I also primarily want to talk about Christian art since there is an over-abundance of degenerate art. I want to collect Christian Art and Artists and hear from fellow believers. So far, I am glad that some of them are actually replying.

>> No.6794882

>Hate the sin not the sinner, Jesus went to places filled with sinful people and he also instructed his disciples to do so. I also primarily want to talk about Christian art since there is an over-abundance of degenerate art. I want to collect Christian Art and Artists and hear from fellow believers. So far, I am glad that some of them are actually replying.
based anon

>> No.6794886
File: 56 KB, 1200x630, godupdates-3-steps-to-break-chains-of-addiction-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794887

You must be 18 to post on here.
you should be doing your summer homework anon.

>> No.6794893


>> No.6794894
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 356064306_210529225293018_1403938908447312423_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, but I condemn the sin and call it out. Tolerance is a sin.
you will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16)
You could say: "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3). Yes, you should change yourself first not others and then can you could lift people up to yourself.

>> No.6794913
File: 2.78 MB, 342x202, 1692004001233754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't judge coom art it's just not for me. I deserve better. I know my value.

>> No.6794919

>I call it out

Then you will raise another beast. Hypocrite.

>> No.6794943

Maaan, you almost got me. I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if I could be exposed to more wholesome content maybe I would like that, and I could reconsider the value of things. But I won't go in search of that, and I think most of the people here won't neither.

Would you consider posting your christian work here? I think you're just trolling us, but maybe I'm wrong. I really don't believe any of us can change. Till I see it at least.

>> No.6794965

Just go draw already tree stop coping

>> No.6794966

Haven't made any yet, but I will post when I have. You should see this
>>6794803 since she just recently accepted Jesus and her art may have dabbled in nsfw furry, but maybe not.
> I really don't believe any of us can change.
If that's how you feel right now, it will feel even better when it happens to you. It will be a great testimony.

>> No.6794973
File: 3.17 MB, 3343x5976, turnarounds unfinished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drawing, I just wanted some Christian Art inspiration.

>> No.6794976

Good keep drawing

>> No.6794984
File: 344 KB, 1080x607, no_bg1691998499236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pray anon for inspiration. You are gonna make it.

>> No.6794988
File: 145 KB, 910x717, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794992

>I realize now that it is possible to create a patreon and have Christian patrons. or other forms of Donation platform
Christianity is a great grift and always has been, make art that appeals to middle-aged, middle class Americans who love Israel. No anime style, to keep away porn users.

>> No.6794996

>Christianity is a great grift and always has been, make art that appeals to middle-aged, middle class Americans who love Israel. No anime style, to keep away porn users.
this is a true cronically online take

>> No.6795013

ESL-kun, you don't even know what that term means. Yes, it is used as an insult, but if anybody is chronically online it is people who convert to Christianity for culture war purposes and never spend any time in church with the local community of geriatrics, who will be selling the building in the next decade or so

>> No.6795093

This is awesome. This board now also promotes christian wholesome content along with coom. Everyone is allowed here, praise the lord.
Now being associated with this site will no longer be a shameful mark on the forehead
Thanks Jesus anon!

I ain't giving up my hecking BIG TIT HOTTIES though, NO FUCKING WAY IN A MILLION FUCKING LIGHT YEARS. Aside from that, I accept Jesus.

>> No.6795103
File: 139 KB, 720x720, 1692003577651196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. 2023 year of the Lord. He is blessing this Lord.

It was about time. Oof!

>> No.6795105

Jesus saves.

He is blessing this board. Amen.

>> No.6795106

God invented tiddies actually. What can I say he is literally perfection.

>> No.6795132

It's funny how weirdos find ways to be even gayer than they were before...keep digging I guess...

>> No.6795133
File: 805 KB, 1500x2250, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones for you my dude.

>> No.6795152

Leave. This place lmao

>> No.6795179

>The virgin world leaders
>The CHAD Gondorian male

Based White Tree of Minas Tirith appreciator.

>> No.6795219

God literally was the first person to draw boobs, the only problem with drawing boobs is lust both from the artist and the viewer. Degenerate art invites both the artist and the viewer to sin. This is what I call out. The coomer artist becomes like a prostitute selling her body to make money off of lust. The consoomer unleashes lust unto the art piece. The viewer can choose not to lust over an image. The artist can choose to make art without lust in his/her art. As for loving yourself, I don't really understand what you mean in its relevance to the post but we are all fallen and loving yourself is good but you do not put that above your love for God because loving yourself just becomes an excuse to sin, to do things that pleasure you and it is no different to hedonism. What I say is based on my understanding of my readings and everyone is encouraged to read and point out if what I said is not biblical. Art isnt very prevalent in the Bible so I am left with coming up with my own conclusions about it that aligns with the Word.

>> No.6795234

For every religious post, I will draw one more set of boobs.
I am the Antichrist.

>> No.6795237

based, only men who swear to be celibate and obey God should be allowed to lead sexually debauched private lives, and if they are caught they should be transferred to a new sex dungeon

>> No.6795239

Also, Money isnt inherently evil, a businessman can choose to not be greedy and not exploit everything in the name of profit. A political position isn't inherently evil, a politician can choose to not be corrupt. The naked human body isnt inherently evil, God literally made us naked. We artists can choose not to be lustful. And focus on beauty instead. And not exploit Humanity's weakness to lust, to sin.

>> No.6795241

Did you know that you come from a long line of horny people? You're going to be the first one who didn't make it.

>> No.6795264

You know God instructed men to multiply right? You can enjoy sexual pleasure under the context of marriage. Because by then you'd have made lifelong vows that honors a woman not as an object of sexual desire but as an individual to love and care for. Which will bear fruit and create children. By then it is no longer lust but rightful sexual desire. You can enjoy breasts after working hard to reach that point. As opposed to sexually desiring drawings.

>> No.6795268

>no longer lust but rightful sexual desire
this just a pornography scenario with extra steps concocted by someone who took a vow of celibacy

>> No.6795276

If he's going to be a damn cock blocking cunt ruining the happiness of the whole human species, then I say, good bye, and good riddance.

>> No.6795287

Marriage is a pornography scenario? Have you not experienced Love yet anon? Desiring to make children with your wife and enjoying all the sexual pleasures that comes with it is part of expressing love to another. That's literally what the long line of our christian ancestors have been doing but not all of them did it because everyone is cursed by sin . To call what exists even before porn as a porn scenario really baffles me.

What vow of celibacy? My only vow is to make art worthy of God's grace. And no I intend to enjoy sex when I get married.

>> No.6795292
File: 720 KB, 750x1125, youu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you.

>> No.6795309
File: 444 KB, 1280x1280, 1688766891164861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His unsolicited desert moralizing about erotic art aside, I suppose if an artist really wanted to apply a sort of chastity to his work he would have a particular woman be the primary model for most of his output, which some old masters did in fact do. A much more interesting discussion would investigate the consequences of what many hentai artists (both Japanese and Western imitators) now do, many aren't looking at actual women or images of women any more to produce their own stuff but referencing other hentai. So what people are displaying lust for isn't even the female form anymore it is actually the (usually) male imagination of this form, with tits the size of air conditioners. There is so much of this now that computers can be trained to generate it. So we went from original to copy, to copy of copy (simulacra), and now to using that simulacra as the original to produce copies. If there is any principled position to take on erotic works, it should be to reference real beauty once again instead of eldritch coom demons.
tl;dr erotic art needs to be improved upon, not banned because of magic rabbis

>> No.6795313

>the long line of our christian ancestors
What about before that, there was no sex and no "lust"? Did all of those men and women err in bringing forth your line? (Maybe they did!)

>> No.6795319

I am not blocking you or anyone, you are free to draw whatever you want, for me to block you I'd have to physically block your hands from drawing. God allows us to run free in this world but also allows us to receive the curse of our arrogance. This "happiness" is just a pleasure based hedonistic mindset of lust. And good luck with that, even redditors made the nofap movement because of the obvious negative effects of it. Calling sinning "happiness" blocks you from the real happiness you could potentially acquire if you chose to let go. Which is God's grace, salvation from sin and an escape from death.

>> No.6795325

If you are going to threaten or insult someone just do it. Why hide behind a volcano demon?

>> No.6795348

Larping as a virtuous person because you can quote second hand retarded scriptures and theological concepts is as masturbatory as any other coom-brained activity out there.
No mentally healthy person overcompensates that much.
You are mentally deficient and it shows, no hocus pocus shit is gonna change that.
You're probably just another bi-polar brainlet who's been religious for like 5 minutes and is using it as band-aid for an otherwise pretty mediocre and empty life. People like you are what keeps others from religion.
Now go back to disappointing your parents and keep your gay ass hocus pocus shit to yourself.

>> No.6795354

the absolute state of people in this board lmao
its like if you even mention anything against coom they take it as a threat to their own lives or some shit, so much hate wasting energy that could be used for something productive

/ic/ truly is filled with retarded degens, no wonder you all cry up a storm about making pennies with art lmao

the codemonkey anon at least is making bank while drawing while you all spew hate at the christian anon for nothing besides an inferiority complex

>> No.6795358

Everyone knows Japanese (and Japanese-derived) media is non-compliant with the Bible. It's not an interesting take.

>> No.6795361

I hate the sin of lust and how it corrupts me, you, the artists, art and the art community. It blocks us from our real potential as artists.

>> No.6795362


>You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God

>For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

>Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God

>> No.6795366

>Character assassination
>Character assassination
>Character assassination
Who hurt you, sweaty? You sound corrupted by demons, so negative. Extremely negative. No mentally healthy person responds to posts like that.

>> No.6795380

>corrupted by demons
You might say he is a corruption champion, a champion of corruption?

>> No.6795386

Its been almost a year since I decided to pursue God and learn about him. So its not 5 minutes. Yes it is self gratifying to talk about God despite all the insults thrown at me both by non believers and believers but I do it to start a discussion about Him and art which I both love. Do you think coombrain is a picture of mental health? Are you an armchair psychiatrist ? Why are you diagnosing me? All our lives are mediocre because of sin, we are all slaves to money, pleasure, desires. The only way out is through Jesus. And I suppose people like you invites people to insult believers. My parents are proud of me for averting from being a coomer, how about you? Why do i have to keep it to myself? you can stay away from it or simply ignore it.

>> No.6795397

>discussing your sexual habits with your parents
kek what are you, french?

>> No.6795401


damn with uninteresting retards like these you wonder why most religious art was made by homos...just a bunch of dogs repeating nonsense...

>> No.6795403

I understand the verse and understand where you're coming from but while art pieces can be used as idols. Not all of them are, I enjoy learning bible stories visually, check out the Bible Project on youtube. Can you honestly call that idolatry? Check out bible stories for kids that has great art that helps introduces Jesus to kids. By simply being clear that it isnt a replacement of the Bible and creating art faithful to the Bible and basically being a faithful adaptation. I believe it obeys No idolatry. The bible points out false gods that sounds similar to egyptian gods and prohibits images of them. God won't be offended by an art that accurately depicts Him because it helps people know about Him more. Just be clear that the Bible is the source of it.

>> No.6795404

I'm French and we definitely don't do that. At least, as far as I'm concerned. But I've saw american "women" talking about masturbation on YouTube.

>> No.6795408

>God won't be offended by an art that accurately depicts Him
That's weird, why didn't the people who invented and took this religion seriously ever think of that? Why was it only hellenized half-converts who sought to keep making icons and idols?

>> No.6795411

I certainly can't imagine discussing pornography viewing habits with my corn fed American mother so the whole turn of phrase about his parents being proud of him for not consuming porn seems like something from another planet. (I also don't believe him since half this board is porn).

>> No.6795432

What I mean is that they are proud I pursued Jesus, which in turn is averting from sin. Which is averting from lust.

>> No.6795433

95% of this board is just chatgpt botspam. The faggot saw the coom threads and then made a new thread OP using elements of it to make a new pasta.

>> No.6795441

Chatgpt doesnt produce personal statements on religion, I've tried.

>> No.6795442
File: 715 KB, 2217x2493, Ilustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP. We need more wholesome eroticism. God created sex so it is divinely inspired.

>> No.6795451

>averting from lust
But you are here right now. And did you delete all your porn? You can't simply declare yourself pious. You should start an art group at your local church, not spend all day chatting with craft hentai brewers

>> No.6795452 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1500x2250, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6795456

skill issue... ngmi as a prompteur

>> No.6795478

I'm here talking about God and art. Yes I did delete them all. I am part of visual communication team in my local church. Which is mostly socialmedia content, so I edit videos , create pubmats based on canva templates and also am a camera technician for the livestream of the service. Its mostly gd stuff and not freehand drawing stuff which is very different as you may know. I chat here because ic has great amount of artists and resources. And no, hentai images dont phase me just like nude photographs for figure drawings dont phase me. So browsing here doesnt bother me. Staying away from video sites is more of what I mean. As I said before, talking to sinners about God is what Jesus instructed, not constantly staying within your fellow believers and being a club.

>> No.6795481
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>> No.6795496

>As I said before, talking to sinners about God is what Jesus instructed, not constantly staying within your fellow believers and being a club.
God bless you anon, if only one person here has their curisosity sparked and goes on to do some research into the faith and see what its all about, it will already have been worth all this trouble

that was how i reverted back to my catholic faith, saw too much hatred and resentment surrounding the places i went both online and irl while some people who were believers were very kind and spoke of christianity in a very rational way non of that weird stuff you see in some evangelical circles of throwing God down peoples throats, that all led me to do some research and read scripture by myself and it was the start of many positive changes in my life

have a good day anon

>> No.6795502

Oh you poor soul..I hope you make it

>> No.6795511

Naked isnt bad, lust is. God created us naked.I appreciate your drawings anon, they are well done and soulful. You can express yourself visually just outside of sin because It corrupts your ability to perceive and depict true beauty and limits you to mediocre hedonistic art instead of more meaningful art.

>> No.6795514

Lust only happens because you oppress yourself and life according to the law of sin.

>> No.6795515

Thanks anon, the hatred and resentment in this world ironically helps people to see the truth

>> No.6795519

>talking to sinners about God is what Jesus instructed
Very rude of you to damn me to your hell, but since I won't be going there anyway I'll let it slide.

>> No.6795534
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I mean, if coping with your life through religion helps you get through life, then go for it. I don't personally think that 'God' likes people who think they're above everyone else, though. Lol

This post has motivated me a bit to keep creating more NSFW art for the world to see. Rake in those Patreon bucks with the cocks balls and tits that I draw, and then spoil my spouse with gifts and some damn good juicy steaks. Thanks, religious anon.

>> No.6795543
File: 589 KB, 600x557, 1450771204378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw a cute girl at church and thought she was cute.. FILTHY UNCLEAN LUST IN MY HEART BEGONE AAAAH

>> No.6795547
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Mucho texto.
Can I get a TLDR?

>> No.6795570

I am human so I am still susceptible to sin just like you. And pride maybe one of them so I thank you for pointing that out. I will work on that. If you dont personally think that God doesnt like pride then i wonder what you personally think about what God thinks of what you do? If it did motivate you, I can't do anything about that, you have the freewill to do that. You seem very proud of what you do to even screenshot your patreon. As an artist I salute your success. You won't seek God when you're not hungry so it's not your time yet. But just remember that God loves you and he will reveal himself to you when you are ready. I hope you choose Him in that time.

>> No.6795583

Lust is sexual, finding her cute isnt unclean. You should try to talk to her and know her as an individual and not as an object of desire. You will then care about her and respect her which will avoid lusting her.
Did you just make that? I like her hair lol

>> No.6795585
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>You won't seek God when you're not hungry so it's not your time yet.
It's always interesting when Christians validate Nietzsche's analysis of them.

>> No.6795600

>finding her cute isnt unclean

That means I find her attractive, which is lustful because I find her arousing. If i approach her then its because I'd like to one day become intimate with her, which is lust. I see erotic art and I feel lust, I play video games and I feel lust, I go to church and I feel lust.

>> No.6795603
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>I will work on that
Not only did you lie to people, but you also lied to yourself. Just by reading how you type I can tell that you never actually went through shit in life. The way you think is so naive.

>> No.6795615

NTA but it is funny how people have come to think that anything less than 100% perfection is reason to dismiss someone

touch some grass anon, maybe then youll have some irl friends and who know a gf/bf

>> No.6795619
File: 440 KB, 750x1125, youuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some cock for OP. I'm jk

>> No.6795633

You dont want to be like him anon, you know how he spent his final days right?
Such is the sin we have to struggle against, you have to approach her , talk to her , know her so you would respect her and avoid lust.
No, you just assumed things then felt lied upon because what you assumed is wrong. Did you assume I am perfect like God? That I do no sin?
What exactly is naive? Accepting Jesus as my savior and hating on sin? What exactly did you go through in life to say that you are not naive unlike me?

>> No.6795660

>you know how he spent his final days right?
Signing his letters as "Dionysus, the crucified"? Sounds like more of a you thing really. When a Christian goes mad and puts holes in his hands and abdomen he is called a saint.

>> No.6795672

The fact that you don't even realize that you fit the exact symptom of a narcissist is so fucking naive. Grow the fuck up. Even "god" couldn't love someone like you. Always looking down on people for the way they live their own lives. Only thinking that a rule on a crusty fictional story is a way to live. Actually, go outside for once and open your fucking eyes.

>> No.6795707

You speak for who God loves now? I look down on sin not on the sinner, I look down on my own sins and the sins of the art community. I despise all that I've done and will do in this world. But I know Jesus saved me from its punishment because I accepted Him.
I did go outside, I also studied a bit of the past too to contextualize it all. I saw that we've just been doing the same thing over and over. It made me realize how true the scriptures are. Actually , open your eyes. Everyone is a slave to death. You work to earn money to afford necessities to avoid death. You sometimes sacrifice morals for work. And sometimes greed consumes you to exploit and harm others and invite others to sin. Compete against each other all to survive. Because you don't know what happens next after death and it scares you. Non believers dont have that peace. They dont have the peace of Heaven because they refuse to accept Jesus' sacrifice. And would rather let that death be final.

>> No.6795712

>I will work on that
Didn't you just say that? Already lying to yourself and to other people I see. Reflect on yourself more, anon.

>> No.6795741

Stop assuming things lol, It's like I'm talking to your mute subconscious. Then your conscious self utters 3 nondescript sentences. I understand your mind is simply closed right now so any further conversation with you is fruitless but you can reply any way you want.

>> No.6795757

>you don't know what happens next after death and it scares you
yeah you are very clearly terrified of your own insignificance which is why you are behaving this way and lecturing strangers on how you are going to be liberated from reality by agreeing with some desert doctrine of world-denial since Jesus weeps for us when we draw hentai... really compelling stuff you got there I'm totally moved

>> No.6795765

This. This christ cuck isn't convincing anyone

>> No.6795780
File: 228 KB, 1006x1300, gaugin yellow christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ex furry artist here

the only time i saw artists clearly making a living from christian-inspired art was mormon artists, but that has its own set of problems obviously.
religious art in general doesn't actually sell that well. you are also competing with 100,000 chinese slaves who make crosses to hang on the wall and other stuff in their factory. it's a race to the bottom
i do a little bit of religious art, but i think it should be something you do purely for enjoyment. there's way, way more money in "irreligious" art (like still lifes, landscapes, etc)

recently i saw this in person, i really like these simplified style where christ is still identifiable. like what the essence of christ the physical figure is.

>> No.6795794

>it's just people living their own lives bro
the same tired, retarded libertarian argument is trotted out when we have the deep state government of most western countries conspiring with the schooling institutions to strip parents of their right to raise their children with the values they believe in, and take drastic medical steps behind their backs if necessary to ratify the child's transsexual "identity".

it's NOT just people living their own lives at this point. coomer degeneracy doesn't happen in a vacuum. like it or not you are a part of the same zeitgeist, the final outcome of which is state-enforced degeneracy. that's the realization that happened to me. i stopped drawing furry porn and learned 3d printing instead.

>> No.6795798

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Matthew 7:6

>> No.6795800

Your religion is merely transgenderism for old people

>> No.6795804

fascinating. let me know what other profound insights emerge from your goon cave

>> No.6795822
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In reality, all the woke and liberal are oldman shit like Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. your ideologies if it is of decrepit old people.

this shit oldman is your idol, asshole

>> No.6795833 [DELETED] 
File: 729 KB, 512x768, pixai-1648299452832070013-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's on purpose but when you try to generate an image in the AI about Jesus Christ it can't or they make you wait like 10 minutes, there are no parrots in civitai, it's all very strange

>> No.6795837
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>> No.6795847
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>> No.6795854
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>> No.6795857
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>be coomer artist
>be catholic
I'm not proud but I do need to make money.
Parallel to the coomer stuff, I have my main where I'm trying to do meaningful non degenerate stuff, but it's very hard because I do have to work on coomer commissions to make money. I want to do God's will, but I feel like I'm prostitute to some extent. Well, in this day and age most peoples job doesn't do God's bidding, do I do cope that way.Wages are dogshit in my country and If I got a (bad) job I wouldn't be able to draw. The coomer stuff is a means for me to grind and hopefully some day honor God. That's the plan. God know's, and I do it for Him.

>> No.6795861
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>> No.6795863 [DELETED] 

Nobody’s ever seen what gods truly looks like, there are no “accurate depictions” of god or Jesus. On top of that, god specifically says not to make graven images. God doesn’t dwell in images, or idols or depictions”. Same with Jesus, whore Jesus is a catholic invention, nobody has any pictures of Jesus. We have a very basic description of what he looked like and it’s more in line with osama bin Laden, that a white blue eyes version, of which it’s not even Jesus. You don’t know what he oooked like and Jesus also said he doesn’t dwell in things, not books, not pictures, not idols. A picture of a god thay nobody knows what that hod looks like is a lie, a lie from your ego, to try and personalize god, but god said not to do that, explicitly.

>> No.6795869
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>> No.6795871

>>6795403 #
Nobody’s ever seen what god truly looks like, there are no “accurate depictions” of god or Jesus. On top of that, god specifically says not to make graven images. God doesn’t dwell in images, or idols or “depictions”. Same with Jesus, white Jesus is a catholic invention, nobody has any pictures of Jesus. We have a very basic description of what he looked like and it’s more in line with osama bin Laden, than a white, blue eyes version, of which it’s not even Jesus. You don’t know what he looked like and Jesus also said he doesn’t dwell in things, not books, not pictures, not idols. A picture of a god thay nobody knows what that god looks like is a lie, a lie from your ego, to try and personalize god, but god said not to do that, explicitly

>> No.6795875
File: 729 KB, 512x768, pixai-1648307528031549031-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6795878

See this, this is idolatry.
>white Jesus
>the cross
>anthropomorphic (why does Jesus have wings)

This whole picture is an affront to god and Jesus. No actual Christian’s would make art like this because Jesus waits not to do these types of things. Completely normal marinara Jesus with a cross. The cross literally holds no power at all.
>inb4 priests use crosses to scare demons n shit
No, it’s all a ruse, priests are satanic by the very nature of them being called father. Evil tricking you into thinking it’s afraid of symbols and sigils, really just tricking you into black magic and away from god.

>> No.6795882

Making any art is not immoral. As long as you don't devolve into a coomer in real life then it doesn't matter what you draw. That is why you can watch movies about murder/horror and not be in sin unless you start thinking about murdering people in real life. Also is why you can drink alcohol as long as you don't become a drunkard.

>> No.6795884

Jesus Christ is Jewish so the most faithful description is based on the Semitic traits of the Hebrews, I don't know where he got the bin Laden thing from, but that Muslim shit has nothing to do with Israel.
Yes, I agree that the European version of Jesus Christ is a typical Roman smoke from the colored Roman togas era, in addition to the fact that Jesus Christ did not wear long hair, in the scriptures it is written that Jewish men at that time wore short hair, and in fact it is mentioned all the time in the new testament, I don't know who was the idiot who invented the hippie hair thing

>> No.6795885

really??? I don't know if you realized it late but I published a lot of images showing exactly that, they always represent Christ in a European way, I would even say that they look like clones, because they come out with the same pose.

>> No.6795889

Cause it would be more accurate to depict him as osama bin Laden than a white person. But a normal Jewish man at the time would probably have resembled osama bin Laden, or I’ll say a Semite. I was just using Osama bin Laden to show how off base the idea of a white Jesus is that it’s more accurate to depict him as Osama bin Laden, but you shouldn’t be depicting him at all.

>> No.6795893

Kek, it’s true. And it’s all fake and gay.

>> No.6795894

It sounds like haram muslim crap and all that extremist crap, art is expression, there will be people who represent jesus christ asian, black, white, indigenous, etc, i don't know why muslims are so retarded with the images they kill people for drawing to his pedophile prophet, Christians are not extremists in that sense, we see how atheists make fun of our Lord but that makes us stronger because it is written that we would be persecuted for serving God and his son, there is nothing more to say the rest is doomed.

>> No.6795896

>my body will live forever if I recite these doctrines, the theology experts said so. If you disagree with me you better watch out
Look all you're doing is following obsolete population control. If you don't want to draw hentai then don't. It has nothing to do with your culture war driven conversion to Christianity. There is no third party here who is going to torture you for all eternity over it. If that's the best reason you have to exercise self-control of any kind, fear that a made-up all-powerful volcano demon will punish you, I would not leave you unattended with small animals or children, and if abuse scandals in religious institutions are anything to go by...

>> No.6795903

>there will be people who represent jesus christ asian, black, white, indigenous, etc
Jesus was a jew from Bethlehem. End of story. You can make up whatever else you want, but if you going the Jesus route than there are only 4 gospels where the words of Jesus were inscribed. Everything is in those 4 gospels. May e you should try reading and understanding them before you try and pervert them.

>> No.6795908

>Jesus Christ drawn by a fucking soulless computer

Is this some next level religious trolling or what?

>> No.6795909

>but if you going the Jesus route than there are only 4 gospels where the words of Jesus were inscribed. Everything is in those 4 gospels. May e you should try reading and understanding them before you try and pervert them
This. Anything SAUL made up in his head after the fact is fanfiction. And don't let zogged preachers and pastors pepper you with bumper-sticker tier quotes and passages carefully selected like fortune cookies to make you feel good. Read the whole damn thing yourself.

>> No.6795913

Really??? So the white Jews are not Jews, or the Ethiopian Jews because they are black are not Jews???? you sound so retarded and old

>> No.6795916

>obsolete population control.
yes yes, and accept current population control by dumbass political ideologies, yes yes coomer-san

>> No.6795920

It feels perverse and I'm not even religious. Though I really like the vibes the christian posters here have so maybe I should put more thought toward it. I definitely became a coomer over the years and my pursuits for what I felt was innocent enough pleasures has eroded away a lot of happiness in my life. I lost my girlfriend largely due to my pursuit of escapism and it really just destroyed me. Got the double whammy of AI hitting at the same time as my heartbreak. My world feels really cold these days.

>> No.6795921

holy shit this thread and this board are filled with children with the absolute retardedness of some replies here

reddit tier fedora arguments holy shit

>> No.6795926

and yet these people on here will tell you you should fuck up your life even more
at this point it is easy to see why religion is becoming more and more compelling by the day despite what atheists like to say

when you look at the people spewing hate at christians its all that, hate and resentment, nothing good to offer, hell these anons seem like the type of people to unironically go up to someone who says they quit being suicidal because of religion, and say to them "hurr durr God doesnt exist you should have killed yourself, would be better than being in a population control squeme hurr durr"

nonthign else to expect from neets with nothing to do besides being crabs in a bucket

>> No.6795929

wow really missed the point there huh?

>> No.6795932
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>> No.6795935

>the people spewing hate at christians
>better than being in a population control squeme hurr durr
It's not " spewing hate" to tell people your astral rabbi will hunt them down for "sinning" if they don't agree with your opinion? At the very least you ought to agree it's a form of population control /behavior modification. If not you're probably the sort to dispute that water is wet.

>> No.6795936
File: 281 KB, 500x500, imagem_2023-08-16_000033265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thanks for the kind words anon. I appreciate it.
I'm quite disconnected from the theme of the artworks in it of it self.I treat it as a job. I guess that's where the initial sin begins. Like, I don't take pleasure from the fact I'm drawing some big tits, rather from drawing. In fact, it's the same if I was drawing a car, a tree, or a building. And just to clarify, I surely don't delve into the truthfully degenerate stuff like loli, scat, preggo, birth fetishes, gay etc. I stay pretty vanilla, only doing nude pinups and the ocasional hereto normative sex scene.
Some anons on here told me it was still imoral, but I appreciate your insight

>> No.6796026
File: 109 KB, 220x165, IMG_0906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dispora hadn’t happened during the times of Jesus. The 12 tribes of Israel were still the only Jewish sects. Ethiopia wasn’t even a country (and wouldn’t be for 1000 years). I know you thought you had a point, but you didn’t even think before you posted. You just went “ohh Ethiopian Jews and Jesus, GOTEM”
But the only person you got was yourself. Have a nice day

>> No.6796036

I'm happy to hear that or I'm sorry that happened to you

>> No.6796043
File: 140 KB, 860x1169, Pope_Julius_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity and art don't mix

It was BECAUSE of Christianity that ART even developed to such an advanced state. It was Pope Julius and various others who commissioned artists and gave them a living so they can improve at their craft without starving.

>> No.6796051

The dispora was happening during Jesus time, but Jews were still predominantly homogenous until the crusades. While sure Ethiopia wasn’t a country, the Abyssinian empire was called the ethiopean empire by the Greek and they were Semitic and were Jewish because of the dispora, but only a very very small population and only because Jews were forced to interbreed with them as slaves. They were not Jewish by custom, but by circumstance.

>> No.6796055

>the pope (the human appointed and voted for arbiter of god, completely satanic) hires artists to paint idols
Makes sense to me. The best place for satan to do the most damage is through the church.

>> No.6796062

How are you this dumb? American education? The country had been conquered a dozen times, started speaking Greek, and there were congregations all over the the wider region from Alexandria to Babylon, but that's not a diaspora?

>> No.6796093

You seem very invested in convincing that evil doesnt exist and does not have control over the sinners, ironically you speak exactly like him showing how much he controls you to do his bidding. Jesus is my God and I pray the devil away from you in His name. Your weak argument about corrupted priests just prove exactly how strong the curse of sin is, it also corrupts weak Christians which shows you dont just have to call yourself one but actually put God in your heart and have a strong intimate relationship with Him.

>> No.6796097

Its immoral if you have lust in your heart when making it or if you are making them to satisfy or incite the lust of your viewer. You'd know this in your heart if you ponder upon it. Pray and ask God for wisdom. God Bless anon and I wish you more success in both faith and art.

>> No.6796103

Anon beware of pleasures, and what your heart tells you. Surrender them to God and choose to be after God's own heart. And you will find peace. Your recent misfortunes is just like mine, God is only testing you to give you a chance to seek Him and choose Him and after that He will build you back up again and rise as one of his sons.

>> No.6796147

Ok I got the dispora timing off a bit. That doesn’t change any of my other points. Including that Jews in “Ethiopia” at the time were of the 12 tribes of Israel as slaves. Youre forcing race into this when, there wouldve only been a small swath of Ethiopian Jews in the times of Jesus from slave race mixing. Not that Ethiopians are Jews, there are Ethiopians that are of Jewish descent. You were being disingenuous with your argument in the first place. And, Jesus specifically says not to call anyone on earth father except for the one in heaven, Catholics mandate that priests are referred to as father. There’s multiple incongruities with Catholicism and what Jesus actually preached. Many Protestant denominations also suffer from this.

>> No.6796156

>evil doesnt exist and does not have control over the sinners
correct, that's just slave morality from your side of things, believing there is some hostile entity lurking behind every stubbed toe instead of just wearing boots
Not the other anon you were arguing with, just saw a retard and felt compelled to correct him for the benefit of other sentient beings. If you can't do basic historical chronology it will be even more difficult to take the other claims you make regarding events during that period seriously. Also Jesus is saying not to call anyone father because canonically speaking he has daddy issues, it isn't some profundity.

>> No.6796162

I don't know anon I call my father, father. Joking aside, I think the Protestant Catholic divide is worthy of a discussion among Christians, not among non believers. Or somewhere in /his/. Do you have art to share as assume you are not catholic? Catholic style art is abundant, as opposed to Protestant's.

>> No.6796172

No the devil isn't responsible for your stubbed toe or every minor misfortune you encounter , or your choices between good and evil. He just influences you through your weaknesses. Guiding your hand. You have freewill. You have the choice. I wonder how much does it benefit you to falsely claim that the devil isn't real, to do his bidding. Does he give you peace, wisdom and understanding or uncertainty, anxiety and depression?

>> No.6796176

>he's not responsible he is just guiding you
>if you deny he is real or efficacious it means you are doing his bidding
so he IS responsible then you dolt, and YOU are serving him right now by downplaying his power

>> No.6796180

I'll try, thanks anons. At the very least for now I think I'll go without fapping for a while. I wish you all better times too.

>> No.6796201

Read it again before typing. You are responsible for serving the devil, the devil is responsible for influencing you. No, downplaying his power isn't serving him , because his power is ultimately meaningless compared to God's so you shouldn't fear the devil's power whatsoever when you have God in you. I am showing you God's power which is salvation and life, the Devil's which is deceit and death, and Humans' which is the free will to choose. Your rationalization of the non-existence of evil and your act of spreading it is serving him and I truly wonder what benefit it adds to your life. It's the arrogance that brought us to ruin. I used to rationalize like that just like you but it only brought me pain and misery, this is a thinking I found that leads to more uncertainty and anxiety when applied to life and no benefits. And realizing I chose it myself was a big revelation to me.

>> No.6796216

>devil this
>god that
>i use this as therapy but also to berate people who disagree with me
>yeah i used to "rationalize" like you but now i feel better parsing experience like a kindergartener

>> No.6796217

Anon, you can make it. Fapping is one of the greatest struggles of our generation. many generations ago, an image of naked moving woman sexually enticing you, stored in your pocket is unheard of. They didn't have to struggle this hard. The best they got was a red light district or static drawings. Even reddit's nofap speaks to the damage of this physically and mentally. So of course, it also damages us spiritually. I also struggle with it as well of course. As of now, I find distracting myself doing God's work or Art keeps me away from it. It truly loses its power once you realize how insignificant it is compared to far more meaningful work we could occupy ourselves upon.

>> No.6796233

Therapy would have to be wholly pleasant, so no. The hold of the devil is strong with you so I employ a harsher tone but I could be definitely be lighter with it so thanks for pointing it out. It's a learning experience for me as well. Your experience is unique to you and yours alone but I seek commonality to establish relationship and discuss good and evil. It is only through malice would you see that as bad, such is the effort of the devil to sow discord among every human interaction and relationships. None of this feels good, I want to discuss Art to be inspired. That would be therapeutic.

For those who wants to visually learn the bible only as a supplement to reading the Scriptures :

The channel also is a successful art studio with patron style funding.

>> No.6796240

Your schizo ramblings about there being an evil entity controlling everyone who disagrees with you is not much of a discussion. I mean, maybe it sounds like one to you since you think you have a bad guy inside your head while a good guy is watching you from a distance to see if you react properly or not, but that's neither here nor there. Since there's no "commonality" you are able to establish here by dogmatic utterance it would seem fruitless to continue any further. This is not a bible study group there are people here who read and believe other things than ancient capeshit.

>> No.6796258

You seem scared of disagreement, it's just a common occurrence with difference of beliefs, ideas and experiences. What's bad is reverting to name-calling like "schizo" and feeding the exchange with toxicity. "Neither here nor there", yet again you deny His existence , what makes you so sure? what proves existence to you? If you've never been to Japan, how would you prove to yourself it exists? Maps made by people? Images taken by people claiming it's Japan? Does this not require you to have faith that these people are telling the truth? the technology to not be fake? Same with history, and science. You put your faith in historians, scientist that they are telling the truth even if they admit that some parts they are not sure of, there are parts that they claim they are sure of and claim it as fact. But you don't go around personally verifying every fact. No you just trust the people that say it is. That's faith, you have it. Or Do you only believe in things you've physically experienced and tested to claim it exists?

There are people here who read and believe other things, sure. But believing in something means accepting something and rejecting everything that denies it. Why? because there is only one truth. You are free to read other things and learn about all kinds of philosophies, religions and ideas and expand your knowledge, this is very helpful. I only urge you to open your mind and widen your gaze, and be guided by good for it will benefit you greatly and don't be sure of the non-existence of something or someone you barely know about.

>> No.6796271

>What's bad is reverting to name-calling like "schizo" and feeding the exchange with toxicity.
>Uhh also people who disagree with me are evil, they are wicked sinners who hate truth, they are the spawn of satan, minions of the devil, and possessed by demons.
you are either an actual bona fide retard or a persistant troll who thought it would be funny to pretend it's 2002 and he voted for Bush

>> No.6796550

>It feels perverse and I'm not even religious.
>My world feels really cold these days.

Timothy 1:7:
>For God hath NOT given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind.

Ephesians 6:11:
>Put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

Corinthians 7:10:
>For GODLY grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas WORLDLY grief produces death.

>> No.6796552

>This is not a bible study group there are people here who read and believe other things
i piss on your talmud and your lies.

>> No.6796562
File: 115 KB, 780x1041, 6a00d8345160bd69e20240a4fce536200d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You morons have fun crying over drawing coom because an imaginary sky daddy told you not to. Meanwhile, I will enjoy life to its fullest by having tons of premarital sex and drawing as much coom as I want. And I will die at peace, knowing that if there is a Hell I'd rather be there than with a hypocrite God.

>> No.6796622
File: 74 KB, 584x960, atheistbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6796627
File: 461 KB, 1200x630, False_Equivalence-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6796629

The price of free will is suffering. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.6796631

moron throwing around fallacies when he himself does the exact same
accuse others of what you are i guess, none of the uppity babies here would last a semester in a STEM or philosophy courses with how dumbed down their thinking is

>> No.6796641

If God could not create a world with both free will and no suffering, God is not all powerful. If he can and he didn't, then he's not all loving. Re-read the graph. Or maybe cry because you can't rub one out without guilt.

>> No.6796644

I'm a STEM major who took philosophy courses prior to that. Womp womp.

>> No.6796659

He did at first. When we had no concept of good and bad knowledge. We were basic automatons. He did this for a reason. There is no growth without suffering. It's not entirely a bad thing. He could have created angel like being who worship Him without question sure, but he made something more. Something that CAN say no to Him something that CAN do it's own thing without Him and if they still chose Him after all of this now that is something else that is actually earned, true love.

>> No.6796665

>god is a scientist running an arbitrary experiment with lab rats
wow what a great guy, truly we have been blessed i hope that cheese isn't poison

>> No.6796667

You don't understand love then, you think mommy has to give you candy but mommy should also deal with your bad teeth. You don't understand consequences, you don't understand how allowing your children to grow and making the right decisions for themselves instead of holding their hands all the time benefits them. You don't understand true love. Fear not anon, life experiences will help you understand this deeply.

>> No.6796671

If God could not create growth without suffering he is not all powerful. If God could not entirely eliminate suffering while maintaining the sanctity and love of his creation, he is not all powerful. You're like a hooker being beat by a pimp claiming it's because he loves her. If this God exists, he is evil because he intentionally causes suffering. This shit isn't hard to understand but you'll die on the hill that God loves you because that's what mommy and daddy told you growing up. Truly pathetic.

Now I'm gonna go draw more coom and make money off it, peace out shit for brains.

>> No.6796676

No, He just wants us to truly experience true love, effort and freedom. He is not a negative figure you can follow Him, but you can go your own way. He will be sad, but if you don't grab His hands he can't save you, because in the end if you can't forgive yourself and can't let go of your sins that pull you back to the mortal realm then how is God supposed to help without breaking your free will? If you think about it logically without resentment in mind it's not that hard to grasp how all this works. or I just sound like a pretentious asshole maybe someone can describe this in a different way but this is what I have gathered so far.

>> No.6796681

> he doesn't understand what hard work is
suffering is growth, bringing pain to your muscles regularly is what makes it grow.
> blames God for that pain and thinks he should be able to grow muscles without exercising it.
are atheists really just scrawny manchildren?

>> No.6796707

They think being a force fed cattle is a good life

>> No.6796718

>if you don't grab His hands he can't save you
Save me from what? He created the experiment I need to be saved from? Why is the cheese poisoned? What is so horrible to you about life that you need to believe someone created it to hurt you and the only way out is to pray that this creator stops hurting you? You claim this is simple and intuitive but it isn't. It was invented by people at a certain point in time for ideological purposes, which you are so far removed from you mistake their cryptic utterances for wisdom.

>> No.6796727

I was talking about the afterlife and how your sins will torture your soul, because without a body nor mind there is nothing to protect it from anything be it good or bad.

>> No.6796732

So when questioned about your dogmatic schizo utterances you just pile more on with all the confidence of a lying four year-old who ate the last cookie? I suppose that's to be expected from the meat version of chatgpt

>> No.6796739

You in particular dont need God, you need meds. Take it.

>> No.6796740

If you think that then be it.

>> No.6796750

You've presented God as a prison warden and insisted we ought to worship him (i.e. agree with you). If he is that powerful and mean-spirited why are you so confident he can be duped into letting you go? Or does he stay in heaven because he is afraid of the hentai we've created?

>> No.6796772

Put more words in my mouth. Truth will always stay true.

>> No.6796834
File: 3.39 MB, 3333x4414, christian art by boxman desgardes dk full res 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they always represent Christ in a European way

Of all places, I learned why in the Wu-Tang Clan song B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)
which I consider a great rap about religion desu
but it has a lyric in there:

The study of wisdom, I preferred it
The understanding, it gave me mental freedom
I even learnt Caucasian were really the Tribe of Edom
>The white image of Christ is really Cesare Borgia
the second son of Pope Alexander
The Sixth of Rome and once the picture was shown
That's how the devils tricked my dome

>an illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI
and honestly when you see paintings of this guy, dude looks like the white christ.

>Making any art is not immoral.

Depends on what your view on Russian icons (which are not seen as idolatry because the actual icon should be treated as a "prayer portal" to the actual depicted saint or god. It is also placed in rank and treated as if it actually were the saint itself)

anyways here's all my christian art done through the years, definitely helped me in my depression and to cope with the death of my russian orthodox grandmother for whom most of them were made for.

high-resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/gqb5b1.png

>> No.6796840

unironically, blog? you make comfy art anon

>> No.6796842

>I'm a STEM major who took philosophy courses prior to that. Womp womp.
prove it

>> No.6796845


Thanks anon, uhh well I do post art to my pixiv but its nothing like that pic, mostly its degenerate coomer stuff (you need to login to see it) but there are some sfw artworks as well:


>> No.6796849

Leave him alone let him have this at least.

>> No.6796853

So all the sperging against religion can me summarized by "i wanna live life doing whatever i want without consequences with a morality of, if it feel good then it must be good"

even an atheist would know that doesnt make sense unless youre a little child

>> No.6796856

I have a great urge of sending each one of you to the gulag.

>> No.6796857

You forgot the classic "religion is le bad because god can't give me things" but yeah, basically.
It's crazy to be against religion this day an age, as an artist, especially with all the current ai sludge shilling.

>> No.6796888
File: 57 KB, 255x361, nshizj8rogatju9yhehq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Now at first I thought Art and Christianity don't mix
My brother in Christ, have you no knowledge of Christian history of the last 2000 years? Ever since Jesus' death, followers were already using art and symbols to communicate with each other when it was still illegal. Not to mention, the amount of art the Catholic Church commissions, and even the architecture of most Churches of all denominations. Art and Christianity are heavily intertwined as is art with almost all facets of culture.

>> No.6796901

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.6796936

and you know you talk like a 30 year old who still thinks he's 16 right?

>> No.6796957
File: 724 KB, 512x768, fb687658db58f0d015d94cfcff889971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully with the help of AI we can all serve the lord to his pleasing! No more need to draw Jesus anymore, just generate him! Amen!

>> No.6796961

>only anon posting his religious art also does hentai
based, larpers btfo
There are entirely legitimate reasons to oppose your religion, and a major one is that you yourselves are only doing this posturing for culture war purposes, i.e. it makes you "feel good" to voice your resentment of a particular enemy the so-called "atheist." Secular, ideological motives for dogmatic opinions... essentially a form of the hated atheism.

>> No.6796963

I admitted my fault, something you obviously can’t do and even with my admissions, my point holds true otherwise you would have actually tried to rebutt it, instead of attacking a resolved conflict. Now if you could actually provide an argument that’s be great.

>> No.6796968

No art of god or Jesus. There are no picture or definitive descriptions of either. God said explicitly, multiple times, NOT to engrave/construct/draw images of god or anything in heaven, BECAUSE WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND US TRYING TO DO THAT IS INHERENTLY OF MAN AND NOT GOD. ANYBODY WHO SAYS THEY ARE BEING INSPIRED BY GOD TO DRAW GOD IS LYING. GOD SAID NO, GOD WAS VERY ADAMANT ABOUT THIS

>> No.6796971

Threads like these are just further proof you fucks are ngmi. Like holy shit who cares about what you draw and the crusade you bring about it, you're spending so much energy on preaching instead of putting it into practice. Just draw

>> No.6796974

>trips(a symbol representation of kek chaos magic)
> Ever since Jesus' death, followers were already using art and symbols to communicate with each other
Ohh that’s nice. So, “followers of Christ” were already doing what Jesus specifically said not to do, shortly after he died. This is nothing new, jesus said to his disciples. Ye of little faith, if you had faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains (cast out demons) but to this day, nobody has had even the faith of a mustard seed. Still his disciples spout out to prophesy and cast out demons in Jesus name. Jesus said, on that day they will come to me and say “lord lord have we not cast out demons and healed in your name” and Jesus relied “depart from me, ye who practice lawlessness.

You’re argument is null.

>> No.6796981

i agree with your anti coomer shit but take your jewish christcuckery nonsense back to /pol/ so you can get shat on there

>> No.6796982

your "legitimate" reason to oppose religion is that believers feel good attacking atheism?
>Believers bad because they attack my lack of belief in anything greater than me
Ironically ,now you sound like atheism is your religion , I can't tell if you're drunk when you typed this.
You're arguing that believers are also atheist who "feel good" attacking other atheists? How long you been online man?

>> No.6796986

I am willing to follow this. desu. How bout drawing the other characters of the bible, like the disciples, or prophets , the humans?

>> No.6797000

>too stupid to remember he is arguing in bad faith
Nowhere have you or many others displayed any genuine belief in this thread, your "religion" appears to be a political fashion statement and means of attacking opponents. You're hardly different from atheist ideologies (e.g. bolshevism). Truth is so much of an afterthought for you that any time your dogmatic utterances have been called out as baseless or nonsensical you merely produce new ones and resume attacking the opponent.

>> No.6797009

We don’t know what the disciples looked like either, but it’s not depicting god. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing from an art history perspective. but, as a Christian what would be the purpose painting disciples? In the Old Testament god does say not to make heaven images of god or anything in the heavens above or earth below that has not been deemed acceptable to depict. I’m not sure where it says what is or is not acceptable to paint and I’m fairly sure it never explains this. So, I go by the other commandment of put no other god before me. Which in my summary comes out like this. It’s ok to paint the things that are not god as long as they don’t become obsession or perversions above god.

>> No.6797011


>> No.6797027
File: 797 KB, 1746x2894, Gandhara_Buddha_(tnm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ban on images/icons/idols is an anti-pagan anti-assimilation ordinance. Like requiring food to be specially prepared by a member of your community and not by an outsider. These are practices designed to separate the believer and prevent his commingling. This distinction is readily apparent if one compares it to the contemporary Hellenic practice of co-naming or interpreting foreign gods in terms of domestic ones. A practice not unique to the classical Greeks, though unacceptable to the Israelites, and one which becomes a very real conflict in the Maccabbean revolt against the Seleucid empire, which had conquered Israel from Persia. Meanwhile in Bactria and Northern India there is no Indian religious revolt against the Hellenistic rulers there because there was no ban on such cross-religious interpretation inherent to paganism. If you are really interesting in breaking the rules you are supposed to believe in, you'd have to make entirely secular representative art where there is no possibility of it being mistaken for pagan religious behavior and weakening your identity as a member of the tribe.

>> No.6797034

>atheists gatekeeps genuine belief
the absolute irony. And what is your genuine belief?
Oh, I get it now, you feel oppressed because a higher moral standard deems your coom lifestyle bad and you know it's right so you focus on whining about oppression. Like a kid who got called out by his parent and instead of correcting, just rebels even more and criticizes his parent and calls it oppression. I am just guessing of course. I could be wrong.
>your dogmatic utterances have been called out as baseless or nonsensical
calling it so ,doesnt make it so
> you merely produce new ones and resume attacking the opponent.
The bible has been the same for the last 2k years so, just translated into different languages, and updated with the natural evolution of language, I don't know what you're on about.
>political fashion statement
almost the entire internet, hollywood, and anime literally hates Christianity, it's not fashionable whatsoever since it's been the same for the longest time. At what point was politics mentioned? Are you drunk? We are discussing morality here.

>> No.6797036

I think it’s good that this discussion involves the morality of drawing god. I’m the adamant “Christian” talking of no heaven images, because god said so and we have no idea what a god would even look like. With that said I also believe that god is in everything both good and evil and depicting anything is depicting different forms of god, though this isn’t trying to encompass god into a singular depiction. I’m wondering what anons think of this

>> No.6797042

Well, the purpose is to tell their story. Like Prince of Egypt.

>> No.6797048

>you feel oppressed
I don't. You do, otherwise you wouldn't insist that the world was full of evil and a dead rabbi needed to rescue you.

>> No.6797049

I appreciate your knowledge of history and I agree that the anti idol thing has been in place by other older religions/societies. I’m not really referring to that, I’m referring to what god says in the Old Testament. That god does not dwell in idols or depictions and you don’t know what god really looks like. So when you depict god it puts an image of man in your head, not god, which perverts the whole idea of god. There’s nothing to rebel against in this situation.

>> No.6797062

and? Sin oppresses all of us, yes.

>> No.6797071

>god does not dwell in idols or depictions and you don’t know what god really looks like.
What's interesting here is that the pagan theologians e.g. the neoplatonists thought statues and the like were basically recepticles for the god, not unlike the ark and later the temple was for the Israelites, it's a similar function but again there is that key distinction of not doing any sort of figuratively representative religious art. A building can house god then but not a statue, because that's paganism. Supposedly by the Hellenistic period there may have been a statue of Moses located in the temple which would seem to be a halfway point, and beyond that in time you will have Christ Pantokrator staring down from the ceiling.

>> No.6797083

>Sin oppresses all of us
>you focus on whining about oppression
as i said, YOU do feel oppressed it is all YOU think about, every stubbed toe, every unsated urge is you being mogged by "satan" and instead of being a problem to be tackled it's something to fantasize about being relieved of

>> No.6797098

Sin oppresses us doesn't mean all oppression is sin.
We also cause our own pain. Sometimes it's someone else. Sometimes it's chance. Sometimes its the devil himself to serve his agenda. Sometimes it's someone affected by the devil.

>> No.6797100

i knew a christian i met at church who told my girlfriend in front of my face that she should dress more slutty and get piercings and tattoos because god gave us one body to use how we wanted. was a woman who was nothing like that too

>> No.6797111

Satan dwells in the herd, disguised as one of the sheep ... That was close anon. Protect your lady, there's a reason why he showed himself like that. He can't refrain himself when something alluring to him comes his way. Stay close.

>> No.6797115

from oppression comes perversion all christfags are perverts, nobody would have conscience crisis because of something as silly as internet coom. OP is probably one of those NOFAP andys that think not cumming will give them superpowers and make them less mentally ill.

anyway religion is boring and gay and nobody gives a fuck it has nothing to do with drawing. Jannies close this garbage before they multiply and we have to whack a mole them like AI threads.

>> No.6797118

What the fuck am i reading on my drawing board?

>> No.6797120
File: 64 KB, 960x947, christianbateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797124
File: 66 KB, 498x634, nun-e1323180083638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies I pray you will destroy this thread with your godly beams of light to prevent the pestilence of a million tradcath fag threads amen

>> No.6797128

Just mental illness

>> No.6797131

>calls christians perverts
then mocks those who doesn't fap like his coomer self, the absolute irony
> nothing to do with drawing
doesn't know what art ultimately is, an expression of emotion/idea/belief
> actually scared Christianity will take over ic based on 1 thread.
can't tell if you're subconscious is already telling you degenerate art truly should be rid of, or genuinely scared that majority of artists will start developing higher morality.

>> No.6797157

like if you read this and you're not convinced that these motherfuckers are so deeply unwell, then maybe you deserve to go and larp angels and demons with the rest of these retards.

>> No.6797163

again, nobody cares about your outdated Proselytism, you're gay and boring kys anon.
shoulda tried gettting some pussy instead of this goofy ass shit.

>> No.6797181

Don't mind the naysayers OP. Your thread motivated me to abstain from some harmful behaviors for a while so thanks for that. I don't know if Jesus is real or not but I know people of wholesome character when I see it and its definitely not the folks dunking on this thread.

>> No.6797193

Yes, it seems every single person in this thread against Christianity is full of vitriolic hate. You guys are not helping you’re cause. It’s true we’ve been inundated with degeneracy and perversions, to the point it’s become peoples whole personality. I’m not saying you can never indulge in your oerversions and kinks, but it seems that if you’re not overindulging than you’re a bigot of some kind. People want to not watch as much porn or try no fap cause they feel their mental health slipping, they get called all sorts of names and they get demeaned for not wanting to over indulge in degeneracy. It’s like a trigger reaction from leftists to attack anything that is actually positive, projecting their own authoritarian views onto you, saying things like “you’re going to be on the wrong side of history” while saying in the next breath “history is false and written by those who conquered others”. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

>> No.6797196

>scared that majority of artists will start developing higher morality
yeah if we ban art the problem of "immoral" art is solved, thank you Yahweh

>> No.6797212

>every single person in this thread against Christianity is full of vitriolic hate
lol this again? But it's not hate to call people who disagree with you evil demons, because, like, my volcano said so?

>> No.6797214

I haven’t, thank you for putting words in my mouth.

>> No.6797217

Then don't claim to have read the thread, dummy

>> No.6797218

>and if we ban murders there will be no more murders
>if we ban drugs there will be no more drug users
That’s your argument

>> No.6797220

>hentai is murder
Japan is a very safe country

>> No.6797221

I have been an adamant poster in this thread and never called anybody a demon. I have seen others in discourse as they preach what you say, I haven’t really had any conversation with I’m focusing more on the topic of the thread. No graven images. If you’d like I link all my posts in this thread.

>> No.6797227

It is hate, God hates sin. So should you, do not hate the sinner, hate the sin. You are not defined by your sin, you're simply misguided. You can just as easily be guided to good and avoid spreading sin. You won't be perfect and be fully free of sin but you're heart and vision will be clear. Peace will be with you and Heaven will be upon you after your life in this world. As long as you accept Jesus and put the Holy Spirit in your heart genuinely and maintain your relationship with Him.

>> No.6797231

Well the ban is very clear in the text and is meant to separate a religious community from its image-crafting neighbors. This is all that can be known without belief. I would agree that Christians should not consume hentai because it isn't kosher by their internal logic, but it's worth noting Japanese censorship laws are what got us hentai as we know it. We can be sure eroticism will have to creep in elsewhere in Christianity.

>> No.6797232

You don't think it's the least bit rude or vitriolic to say that God hates my behavior and will harm me for it if I don't do what you tell me?

>> No.6797238

Esoterica on YouTube does nice quick in depth summaries on the gods of the Old Testament. A mixture of Baal, el, moloch, yhwh and then the supposed one true god. All altars and idol worship is of baal, el, yhwh and in very few cases moloch. The only time that the one true god was to dwell in a building is when David pleaded to god for god not to forsake the Israeli tribes, because they kept breaking the laws and vows. David said you promised to protect my lineage. God said, yeah if you keep my commandments. David said give us one more chance. God said, ok if your grandson Solomon can keep my commandments I will stay with you. So hod dwelled in the holiest of holies til Solomon royally fucked(I think that’s where the term comes from).then god left, Solomon’s temple was destroyed and the Jews were forced into slavery (again). Nothing changed since then.

>> No.6797241
File: 45 KB, 1024x768, 1657920277332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. coomers will seethe

>> No.6797244
File: 46 KB, 600x848, 1692203506393926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with christnigs
lol you might as well talk to tree

>> No.6797251

Trees give off oxygen at least

>> No.6797257

> Well the ban is very clear in the text and is meant to separate a religious community from its image-crafting neighbors.
Not just neighbors, but as Moses came down from my saini with the Ten Commandments all of the Jews were worshiping a idol of a bull(ba’al). God talks about how god is not an idol, there is no image to idolize of god, for god is everywhere.

Leviticus 19:4
Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.

>> No.6797258

What about the talmud?

>> No.6797259


>> No.6797265

Christians are resposanble for 90% of the commodities you use today.
What do atheist do other than let foreigners invade your country, tell you to eat the bugs and mutilate your children?

>> No.6797269

I hate to break it to you, but the people who are telling you to eat bugs do believe in god, it’s their foot soldiers that are brainwashed not to, so their is no moral framework, there is no god given rights, there is only the state.

>> No.6797274

lmao, woke atheism and "science" worship will be our downfall.

>> No.6797275
File: 247 KB, 960x960, 361625731_599637485535088_1493992653441672296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797290

but the bible is already in the picture

>> No.6797292

>a catholic
>a Christian
I’m sorry but even though there may be a few Christian’s in Catholicism, the overarching structure is the “as above so below” twisting of Jesus’s words.
It’s harder for a rich man to enter heaven…
>Vatican city is literally a city of gold
Call no man father on earth….
>every priest is referred to as father
no idolatry/ repetitious prayers are for pagans
>clings to the Roseries and cross.
>”Ten Hail Marys and five our fathers and your sins will be forgiven”
>”thank you father”
Jesus says those that corrupt children only corrupt themselves
>tons of priests and cardinals through the span of the Catholic Church rape little boys. The church just moves them from parish to parish.
You must have a personal relationship with god and Jesus, meaning you need to study the word
>Catholic Church, cut out dozens of pertinent books from the Bible, destroyed most of them and hid away what was left away from believers eyes to actually study the breadth of the word for themselves in the golden cities library of Pharisees
>kept laymen uneducated on purpose for hundreds of years, so they couldn’t read the Bible and had to rely on priests.

It goes on and on. Catholicism is NOT Christianity.

>> No.6797295
File: 36 KB, 638x640, 3674946751391197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6797296

>let foreigners invade your country,
Christian churches and charities are virulent advocates for refugee resettlement and other immigration programs. If you want a racist religion it's not your predominately Afro-Latino faith.

>> No.6797297

God hates sin, you can find it rude, vitriolic, insulting, revealing, oppressing. God hates sin. Your harm yourself with sin. What you do is your choice, its your freewill. I only speak of your available options and the benefits it will give you.

>> No.6797307

Since there's no real volcano demon or the sins he is going to retaliate against me over, you are the one hurling insults and calling me evil, young keyboard warrior.

>> No.6797312

Why are you so attached to sin?

>> No.6797315

It is their duty to help those who are in need, but it's the atheists that support the continuous invasion of their country which was built upon christian values.

>> No.6797318

So you have chosen, for now, but remember that it will not always be too late to seek God.

>> No.6797322

>volcano demon
The one true gods description is the same in every religion
>always have been and always will be
Abrahamic, Hinduism, Greek, etc… there seems to be a theme in modern Christianity, because of idolatry, that the god if the Bible is separated from this “primordial creator”. Even anamistic religions tend to have an all or supreme creator being.

>> No.6797324

If it's literally something your "team" supports how are you blaming "atheists" for it?
passive aggressive slave-moralists

>> No.6797332

>The one true gods description is the same in every religion
any other stuff you want to be totally wrong about today or have you maxed out?

>> No.6797334

people objecting christianity here really need to go do their research
just regurgitating the same old talking points, that have been answered plenty of times a quick youtube search can answer all these questions easily if you are too lazy to read a book
and again, even atheists dont act like complete retards, how the hell can the mere mention of religion trigger people to this extent?

maybe there is some truth to what some anons are saying....feels like you guys in here are acting like twitter lefties when you mention anything against trannies or commies holy shit

>> No.6797336

Well ok I shouldn’t say every religion, my mind immediately just think all major religions. Though, I don’t see how that changes your imposition of volcanos onto a god of creation, in which that tod would have created volcanos

>> No.6797339

We're victims of sin, but also conspirators. Everyone sins but the longer you stay in it the harder will it be to get out of it.

>> No.6797340

God* I apologize for all my typos I’m sick and drank half of a bang energy drink thinking that would help… it didn’t

>> No.6797341

and ill add, ive been in the comany of mostly atheist my whole life and none reply like this to religion

this board really is filled with neet degens with nothing going for them? or just have irrational hatred? because a lot of what people are sperging out can be said about governments and political ideologies, yet they are happy to defend those....

>> No.6797347

>passive aggressive slave-moralists
people are already slaves to politics, governments, several industries, pick your poison i guess

>> No.6797349

> passive aggressive
Yes and? Sin and the devil are enemies that deserves every form of aggression.

The sinner on the other hand, deserves love and compassion. Hence, my statement about God giving everyone sufficient time to seek Him.

There is only one truth.

>> No.6797354

Anon thats not what he meant with slave moralists. Did you assume slave to morality?

>> No.6797357

>Did you assume slave to morality?
good question, i assumed the stereotypical idea of religion = slavery through moral control or something, which i find weird given that people are being slaves on a daily basis to things that only harm them/dont have their best interest in mind, thus my comment

but if there is another interpretation, please illuminate me

>> No.6797358

Volcano demon is a joke you need to be somewhat well read for. In addition to Moses and Paul perhaps you should read Freud, same community of desert ruminators.
>a lot of what people are sperging out can be said about governments and political ideologies, yet they are happy to defend those....
Who are "they"? Why would my objection to insincere religious larping born of sociopolitical grievances not logically extend to other forms of shitty behavior?

>> No.6797361

Please stop hiding behind your metaphysical props, they aren't real. Own your opinions with conviction. If you hate someone hate them.

>> No.6797363

It's from Nietzsche

>> No.6797376

You don't have to hate. People do change. Just because someone lacks information doesn't mean he is stupid you can always learn. It's the same with the good in your heart.

>> No.6797380

>he really can't mentally separate the actions from the person, The art from the artist, the book from the author, the sin from the sinner

>> No.6797383

ITT christian apologists have denied it is hateful to accuse people you disagree with of being controlled by satan and denied the religion is a behavior modification program, all for the sake of disagreeing with "atheism." But now "people do change" which suggests those assumptions are indeed plausible if not necessary to Christianity. Yet the real mystery if faith remains—is it a sin to watch Bible Black?

>> No.6797385

>It's from Nietzsche
Master–slave morality (German: Herren- und Sklavenmoral) is a central theme of Friedrich Nietzsche's works, particularly in the first essay of his book On the Genealogy of Morality. Nietzsche argues that there are two fundamental types of morality: "master morality" and "slave morality". Master morality values pride, wealth, fame and power, while slave morality values kindness, empathy, and sympathy. Master morality judges actions as good or bad (e.g. the classical virtues of the noble man versus the vices of the rabble), unlike slave morality, which judges by a scale of good or evil intentions (e. g. Christian virtues and vices, Kantian deontology).

For Nietzsche, a morality is inseparable from the culture that values it, meaning that each culture's language, codes, practices, narratives, and institutions are informed by the struggle between these two moral structures.

from wikpedia

so i assume you are just calling people passive agressive slave moralists, because why exactly? is this convo going deeper or should i reply with a shallow reply like "hurr durr ofc NEETs who indulge in porn are going to love the master morality concept because of fantasies and escapism hurr durr"
that wouldnt be productive of me now would it? and yes i may be passive agressive i dont have the same patience as OP for reddit atheists and their "gotchas"

>> No.6797390

>actions don't have agents
Wait, now you're a Buddhist? Are you sure this is how you want to defend Christianity on a hentai website?

>> No.6797402

spkeaking as an agnostic, a lot of people would benefit from a culture with values rooted in christianity and not the culture promoted in online groups and mass media

escapism to the point you are creating porn not even because you like it, but because its the culture youre in (online groups) or because for some reason they think earning pennies for porn art while not having a social life is better than what most people would call "a normal life"

what you see around this board and other online "places" is a lack of something that brings people true but simple happiness

i think what some of the christian anons are trying to convey is exactly that, do not turn your escapism into a black hole that destroys your life and christianity unironically give you a basic framework to escape that fate, you dont even need to believe any of the supernatural stuff, just the cultural

>> No.6797405

>Wait, now you're a Buddhist? Are you sure this is how you want to defend Christianity on a hentai website?
anon....you argue like youre 5 years old or that woman from that one jordan peterson interview who kept saying "so what youre saying is..."

>> No.6797414

> he thinks when he gets scolded for bad actions, he is being insulted as a person. Takes it personally and calls it oppression.

When someone says what you did was stupid, do you just take it personally and think youre stupid? Or the action itself was stupid and your decision to do it?

>> No.6797454

You actually have to read Genealogy of Morals, and Beyond Good and Evil, not wikipedia. I have succintly alluded to the essence of slave morality elsewhere ITT as believing there is evil malice behind every experience of pain or weakness. Evil has no ontological reality it is all a matter of relative affect and power. When you insist there an evil force which can be escaped from though denial of reality (affirming something imaginary such as the counter-reality God) rather than overcoming the real experience, this is a form of nihilism to Nietzsche. Consider our discussion on "sinners" being controlled by the devil or whoever else. Because hentai causes them distress it is considered evil. But it is really just an expression of eroticism by someone with more appetite. Certainly it may be inappropriate to consume and produce certain kinds and amounts of such content for certain kinds of people, and moderation may be personally beneficial for those who overflow with desire, but for it to be the work of an evil force that can be exorcized by denying the reality of this world and affirming an imaginary one where up is down is total nonsense. That's how you get even bigger perverts and sex pests.

>> No.6797460

>you dont even need to believe any of the supernatural stuff, just the cultural
That's atheism with extra steps, or as I have put less charitably to other anons, believing in Christianity for culture war purposes.
Somebody has to be responsible for actions, right? I know you aren't Buddhists, you believe there are eternal souls which will be rewarded or punished by your God. Now are these souls judged for their actions or for those committed by others? Is "the devil made me do it" going to fly on last judgment? Why are you pretending to be Christian if the Lord will know his own? Won't a tree be known by its fruits?

>> No.6797464

It's both. We're accomplices and sufferers of sin, but in the end you are the one who chooses their actions.

>> No.6797473

>That's atheism with extra steps
I warned OP in the first post of this thread >>6794684

But he didn't listen. People never listen to me. Never. They all think they know better than me. And I always sit down and wait, observe, and see what I warned them about become true.

Go sit quietly and learn. You underestimate how ignorant you are, and you've displayed it many times here. Go sit quietly and learn.

>> No.6797494

I find your pseudo-gnostic condescension pretty ridiculous. If you believe in a religion not because it is true but because it is effective at doing x for you (such as letting you attack culture war enemies as evil, interpret your weaknesses as virtues, etc.) you are just a competing brand of secular/atheist ideology with a different coat of paint

>> No.6797513

I'm not the other anon, and you should have known.

See, I told you that I've sat in a corner, waited and observed. But you didn't listened. I told you people don't listen to me. But still, you didn't listened. I told you to sit quietly and learn. But
again, you didn't listened.

Why is this so hard to understand? Sit quietly and learn. Don't you see? Sit quietly and learn.

>> No.6797529

I guess I've learned it's 2023 and this is now a CHRISTIAN hentai website. Weird that you all spend so much time sinning, but if sinners aren't actually responsible for sins and God hates sins and not sinners anyway, then things can only get even more silly

>> No.6797541

> still doesn't listen.
> still can't learn.
One last time: sit quietly and learn. Are you really different from the people here. Don't you see?

>> No.6797546

I have coompassion for my fellow craft hentai enjoyers yes.

>> No.6797556

Then why don't you listen to them?

>> No.6797626

>People never listen to me.
probably cause you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.6797646

These symbols were used to mark sites where Christians were buried or to mark sites of faith when speaking out wasn’t possible. Images of Shepherds and sometimes even Apollo were commonly used by members of the faith as allegories.

The Church has also said that it’s not idolatry to create images of Christ or imagery from the Bible but it is idolatry to worship the images as God. The art is meant to make those who cannot read the Bible or the average person feel closer to God; not replace Him.
Your argument is null.

>> No.6797844

Big man, so strong, so wise, so courageous, so self-controlled. Heracles re-incarnated. I'm in awe.

>> No.6797858
File: 29 KB, 385x390, 1640316940556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lot of reddit niggers ITT super mad at the fact OP finally decided to denounce the talmud and stop being a coomer

do with this information what you will

>> No.6797860
File: 119 KB, 929x1175, 1640063724504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reddit spacing

>> No.6797934

Actual dunning krueger

>> No.6797935

> he really cant process it
Sinners are responsible for sin but you can ask for repentance for your sins and walk with God.

>> No.6798015

> are these souls judged by their actions
Yes, part of those actions is whether or not you accepted Jesus as your savior, the one who paid the price for all our sins, and put the Holy Spirit in you, which is to Love God with all your heart.
> aetheists gatekeeps christianity
For someone who gatekeeps based on reading the wikipedia article on christianity you seem to have missed the part about Jesus which is the central part of the Bible.
> B-But thats actually bolshevism, b-but thats actually buddhism, b-but thats actually just culture war, b-but thats just what Nietzche said.
You have the gift of reading , I pray you receive understanding. There is only one truth, everything else you read will reveal the truth eventually. Keep on learning as I will, and keep engaging in discourse. Your willingness to learn will eventually grant you the wisdom you seek. I too have learned from our exchanges so I thank you anon.

>> No.6798598


>> No.6798659

Ohh I see you study Christian esotericism, well jesus said no idols. That’s it, end of story. No crosses, no rosaries, definitely no Apollo.

>> No.6798664

> The Church has also said that it’s not idolatry to create images of Christ or imagery from the Bible
>the church
>the catholic church (overrides the teachings of Jesus)
>there are no picture of Jesus
I’ve gone through this a thousand times in this thread. NO GRAVEN IMAGES OF THE LORD. I don’t give a fuck what the pedopope says, it’s a complete contradiction of what Jesus said, JESUS not man, repent.

>> No.6798673

> The art is meant to make those who cannot read the Bible or the average person feel closer to God; not replace Him.

Read the Bible, god says not to do this multiple times as does Jesus. There are no picture of god or Jesus.
why do you insist man can supersede gods words and somehow that’s what god wants you to do? You need to learn to read to study the WORD( not the picture book) and have a personal relationship with the lord. Not a picture of fake god or a picture of fake Jesus, because that takes away from understanding god. You put a fake picture of Jesus on a cross, boom now Catholics worship a white simulacra on a crops. A cross, t has zero powers except for when to mama lashed you to it. Jesus doesn’t dwell in a cross, jesus doesn’t care about crosses. They are idols, worthless, you can’t wave a cross and scare demons, the demons are in the cross playing games with you.

>> No.6798899

Not the anon ur talking to. This means the humans in the bible can be drawn right? Like David and Goliath. Or Samson with his ripped body. Or the 12 disciples