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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 275 KB, 1800x1024, beg struggle vs int chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6791116 No.6791116 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction
to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help.
When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

previous >>6787881

>> No.6791130
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x3852, IMG_0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I primarily wanna get better with making my stuff looking more 3d I guess.

>> No.6791132

I don't know who started with the funny /beg/ OP images, but God bless his soul

>> No.6791135

Fuck that OP picture is too real.

>> No.6791141

I imagine this is the kind of thing Kojima shows his artists when coming up with bosses

>> No.6791166

>Literally me edition

The anon that drew this did a great job, as did the lad whose work inspired this pic.

>> No.6791167

Is it true that right handed artists struggle with left facing portraits and is the opposite true for left handed ones, or was I lied to by japanese mangaka man in that one documentary that I watched like 3 years ago or something?

>> No.6791169

I meant right facing portraits for right handed artists

>> No.6791172
File: 436 KB, 1000x1000, 1691925268782314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other anons recommended I spend more time on measurements. I got hung up on the face and I know there are other errors. I'll try again tomorrow.


>> No.6791179

Im a beg but I made this, somehow your character seemed fun

I know proportions are all over the place and I cant draw clothing for shit but whatever I had fun


>> No.6791186

I like it, he is supposed to be like a buddy cop friend to a main character. In the far future companies and business have zero limits on what they can do. A giant toy conglomerate makes robo cop style police force with a toyline to go with it. They either create cyborgs or take advantage of superhumans like painapple.

>> No.6791192
File: 1.70 MB, 2500x3125, gdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing some random stuff from gesture drawing websites and pinterest

>> No.6791208
File: 794 KB, 2040x2550, 2023-08-13 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foot studies

>> No.6791270
File: 1.30 MB, 857x857, corto maltese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quick way to do it is using different line weights depending on the proximity to a light source and material, look up old comics done in ink only like what they were publishing in 2000AD, Sin City and such.
or just cross-hatch stuff, the only difference between a circle and a sphere is that one has hatches on it and a shadow

>> No.6791312
File: 30 KB, 226x346, image-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I draw her left arm and sleeves?

>> No.6791320
File: 1.20 MB, 962x1100, 90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791337
File: 1.31 MB, 3000x2411, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there /beg/ here are some more heads, 39-46 I did following along seeing a guy on youtube draw and 47-48 I did from reference. I put comparisons from earlier this week because while I am still dogshit I still think I progressed a lot this week, anyways gonna grind noses, eyes, mouths etc this week and just gonna look at people better than me, copy and grind see y'all later.

>> No.6791356
File: 212 KB, 894x1280, IMG_5522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791358
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>> No.6791376

>never gonna have a #39 gf
kill me

>> No.6791382

Has anyone here actually dome the David Finch roadmap?
If so, how effective was it in improving your art?

>> No.6791384

you know what every study plan/roadmap has in common?
it makes you draw more while focusing on the fundies, so every single one will improve your art, stop overthinking all this shit

>> No.6791396
File: 30 KB, 736x590, Screenshot_816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791494

I completed David Finch's roadmap in 2021 and my skills had a tremendous leap. On top of that I suddenly became ripped and my dick grew 10 inches, but women are repulsed by me now no matter what I do. 10/10 was worth.

What the other anon said. Fundies + draw more. It's a good enough roadmap if you don't have a better idea of something else you want to pursue. If you were to try to hack your own "study guide", you'd end up with similar books to what he suggests anyway.

>> No.6791570

Why is it so gray. Add more contrast. Think of light like a blanket on the form.

>> No.6791574
File: 1.45 MB, 1170x1491, IMG_0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to start reading loomis head and hands, seems pretty helpful

it was inspiring me too much so i had to take a break and draw this

>> No.6791618

What resources did you guys use to learn how to draw eyes at different angles?

>> No.6791626
File: 206 KB, 556x943, I own unreasonable amounts of japanese pornography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pictures of people at different angles.

>> No.6791639

sister poses for me

>> No.6791648

It's good if your main focus is western comic style character design. If you're not interested in that you pick resources that align with your goals and as long as you put effort into it and self-reflect on your work and progress you'll improve.

>> No.6791651
File: 93 KB, 1089x1080, 1689438070580412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791677

>decided to start reading loomis head and hands, seems pretty helpful
>it was inspiring me too much so i had to take a break and draw this

>> No.6791698

I just got my first pen tablet, One by wacom, from a friend and wanted to start painting right away.
I'm running on linux and tried my best to make Photoshop cc 2015 work optimally on my tater PC but with no luck, I then installed Krita
I want to take a leap towards painting but I've never really painted. Is there a more or less practice wheel -esque course I could piriate/watch anywhere?

>> No.6791705
File: 1.91 MB, 2300x2600, heresy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says you're a heretic!

>> No.6791717

Uncensor that, you coward!

>> No.6791737

Not allowed sir

>> No.6791743

if he did that you'd see the weird faces he drew

>> No.6791747

Then use catbox, silly.

>> No.6791759
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, tongue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tongues to practice forms.

>> No.6791761


>> No.6791772

what are you planning to do with it?

>> No.6791780

I just wanted to look at it, and anon, this is perfectly allowed on the board, there's no genitalia and there's nothing wrong with naked butts on furries.
Anyways, it's really cute, face shapes are a bit weird, specially on the Gardevoir, but the poses are really nice. Keep it up!

>> No.6791791
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x2303, WIP3 a different kind of unrequited love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my current projects are still WIP, thought I'd post an update for this one since I wanted to share 2 links.


Been trying to find colors that look right in the lighting I am going for and trying to make sure I preserve the value ranges as best I can. Have some thing I'm still not 100% on how I want them to look. The girls transparency levels for one. This one is a real fun learning experience.

>> No.6791794

Whoops, forgot to downsize image. Sorry, lads.

>> No.6791796
File: 628 KB, 724x598, CHILLBEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the equivalent of this?

>> No.6791798

>Beg spends hours "studying" how to draw.

>> No.6791804

>start drawing
>'wow this looks great, Im improving, this is fantastic'
>take picture to show fellow anons
>'this looks terrible, what a fucking mess, everything is off'

Anyway, here it is.
Its not finished or anything. Idk if im gonna finish it desu.


>> No.6791808

Damn, Tyreese from the hood looking hella kissable?

Shit happens, anon. Don't let it get to you.
One thing I would suggest is doing 3 of each separately from reference - eyes+eyebrows, nose, lips. Then try to put them together in smaller head drawings, then going bigger again. It might be that not being quite sure how to draw the individual parts of the face is messing with your perception of the whole of it.

>> No.6791842
File: 644 KB, 1805x2484, 20230813_122719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 132 of my first bridgeman pass.

I'm over 25% of the way done from cover to cover (excluding the head section)

>> No.6791849

looking good bro

>> No.6791859
File: 202 KB, 1000x1000, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who can help me improve?

>> No.6791877

still making the same mistakes, ngmi

>> No.6791887
File: 527 KB, 877x664, Day 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so adorable, love the concept! what ive been doing to develop a better sense of 3D is breaking everything down into simple shapes, and using plenty of reference.
I think theyre not looking too bad! i like that you use a very fine line to sketch out the ideas, and for some reason my neanderthal brain just cant get my lines light enough no matter how lightly i draw..
excellent work! good use of gesture and clear forms.

I'm gonna fuck around with my digital brushes to get something that feels more comfortable to draw with.. the big chunky lines making me feel like an actual amateur..

any advice welcome (:

>> No.6791892
File: 817 KB, 1125x1125, PowerTheBeach-Small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the "Wet T-Shirt" look?

Looking for general critiques as well

>> No.6791910
File: 187 KB, 358x546, quack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /beg/-chan, I brought you a duck! Isn't he cool?

>> No.6791922

This might be dumb to ask but I've been going through Keys to Drawing and got a tablet halfway through. Should I finish the book on paper or is doing it on a tablet just as good?

>> No.6791929

Just look at all the artists drawing digitally. There are thousands and thousands of them. Is every single digital artist not improving? Are all of them stagnant and plateauing? Do they only improve when they draw on paper?

Think of that, before you let someone convince you that you NEED to draw on paper. Draw digitally all you want.

>> No.6791941

you didn't draw the floor he's standing on correctly, wrong perspective

>> No.6791992

it’s supposed to be flatter, but to be honest, the more i look at it, the wonkier the whole thing gets. i think i was just putting the floor in to give myself at least an idea of depth, but i agree, it’s placed incorrectly.

>> No.6792002
File: 720 KB, 1057x1535, Screenshot_20230813-170620_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More line and shape practice. Getting more confident with the overhand grip. If you're working with pencil and paper it's worth trying out just because you can very easily get incredibly light construction lines when you're doing your lay in and if you stick with it there's a lot more variety in lines you can make and when you do start getting out some decent ones they're better looking lines

>> No.6792018
File: 198 KB, 400x400, 5499 - concerned hakurei_reimu lowres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished Right Side of the Brain. What now.

>> No.6792026

now do the left side

>> No.6792028

you use it

>> No.6792032

What do you want to do? What's your ultimate drawing goal? Right Side is good for quickly showing people that drawing is skill they can learn, but it's more a bunch of easy to grasp tools for completely newbies. Of course you can do more observational drawing with it but if that's not necessarily where you want to go I'd need to know what you want to do before I can offer advice.

>> No.6792033

yo anyone in here have that photo of the sweaty muscular woman that talks about copying bridgman twice?

>> No.6792049

How much do you think is muscle memory in your hands and arm etc and how much do you think is your brain? I'm starting to think that it is mostly just the brain.

>> No.6792050

My ultimate goal is to draw cartoon girls and women like from my japanese animes. A common motivation around these circles.
As well as solid hard-edged objects like firearms, tools, vehicles, etc., being used by these characters, or alone. I assume what I'd need next is construction, perspective, gesture and figure drawing, and so forth. But thinking about those things right now feels like putting the cart before the horse, especially because my copying skills are still very poor.

>> No.6792055

practice your accuracy copying from character reference sheets
once your copies are accurate you can try and pose them in original ways

>> No.6792064

What you did in Right Side is good for starting to copy artists you like and objects you want to get into your visual library. That's not a terrible place to start. Find a drawing course that takes a more systematic approach to construction and then after that either do figure drawing or persisting based on whether you're more drawn to people or objects. It's gonna be a long trip no matter what you do so don't be discouraged and have fun.

>> No.6792072

>It's gonna be a long trip no matter what you do so don't be discouraged and have fun.
My number one priority right now is trying to learn how to draw without becoming mentally ill like I regularly observe from drawfags elsewhere and crabs here.
Is Drawabox any good? I heard mixed opinions, but it seems to be a very basic entry into construction and perspective from what I tried out before. Also got any course recommendations yourself?

>> No.6792091

Is it wrong to be overjoyed by the fact that it's infinitely easier to go fix errors when drawing digitally?

All the tools are just so much easier to access. I genuinely feel guilty.

>> No.6792093

Ints on the right with the gun
Begs on left thinking it would be cool to be an int.

>> No.6792098

I'm not a fan of drawabox. I agree with a lot of people that the first few lessons can't hurt, but it's based on Dynamic Sketching which is not a learn how to draw class but he tries to retro fit it into that framework. I think The Art and Science of Drawing is a good next step, it's closer to the structure of a traditional observational drawing class. You can check out Brent Eviston's YouTube where he has some free lessons so you can get an idea if you like it.

>> No.6792106

Cheers anon, see you later on the /beg/ stairwell.

>> No.6792114

that’s what it exists for

>> No.6792122

Is a great tool, but I think I can be a trap because sometimes you can suck the soul out of a drawing by "fixing" the "mistakes".

>> No.6792124
File: 57 KB, 1358x1026, 7n1dq6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing wrong with naked butts on furries
mods usually nuke furries on sight outside a select boards and general, I got banned like six times on this board alone for posting furry studies and some of the stuff I draw for /tg/, and three times on /co/ for famous cartoon characters furfags happen to beat it to.

>> No.6792130
File: 803 KB, 1708x911, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why he colors her this way and then edits the color(idk what tool he is using to do it because i dont speak japanese but translator says "color replacement"). Why not just color it with the intended color instead of this?

>> No.6792131

Being able to flip the canvas so easily feels like a sin.

>> No.6792143
File: 392 KB, 1413x1563, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd run at new approach to making lines
this picture became obsolete in the middle of the process because i already figured out another mistake in my mindset

dont get me wrong anon, i commend your work ethic and consistency - but you are doing the practice/study equivalent of polishing a turd. in one hour you could have drawn 4 progressively longer quick sketches, including warmup and a simplified light/shadow attempt at the end
if i were you i would make shorter but more practice pictures

it does look like you are making a bit of progress across your paintings. the face might not be pretty but proves you know how to "see" correctly. you are however sometimes letting your guard down and make obvious mistakes around the rest of the figure
if i were to guess, i would say you can measure and you have an advanced /beg/s grasp of proportions, but the way you paint and make lines, the way you "progress" through the figure makes some errors stack up, in some other areas your way of painting makes it too difficult for you to attempt finer (yet important) parts for example the lighting on the breasts
i would recommend you to use a digital analogue of a greasy pencil and just indicate the forms through approximate shading instead of trying to paint accurately while still learning the form
dont learn / struggle with two separate things simultaneously
if you do keep painting, quickly select and erase the tone outside of the figure. it will make a big difference in how you perceive your drawing and you will judge it more accurately

keep up the work anon

something about the girl top right you captured very well. she feels very lively

agreed. post #39's ref
regardless, good job anon! i dont have much to say about your faces. it looks like you are progressing through regular ups and downs with the results. remember
>skill is
>when luck
>becomes common
and your drawings appear to have quite regular "lucky" very good faces

>> No.6792173
File: 70 KB, 1024x745, color_dodge_by_mystifique_d9vwzwt-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably means color dodge. I don't know what the fuck it actually does and never use it but apparently it's just magic and makes everything look cool when you put bright colours on the layer or the one below it

>> No.6792180
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 20230813_185400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792182
File: 295 KB, 1248x1664, 20230813_185323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792190
File: 188 KB, 1183x1169, 20230813_185244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792194
File: 114 KB, 1210x898, 20230813_185143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792203
File: 93 KB, 745x895, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i now regret having praised you for that diagonal construction / abstract form indicating line on the cheek of a portrait
i have made you dependent on that morsel of kindness
and it let you down a dark path
towards not seeing the obvious round potato-y cheek bones of that lady
she is not a k-pop singer anon lmao

seriously though good job anon. i wanted to say your eyes are too flat and not 3d-form-felt - but then i looked at the ref and it turns out you nailed it

dont be afraid to make facial features "stick out" of the head more. we may construct the head using a spherical shape and get used to the most important features (eyes especially) to lie near the surface of that sphere, but nose, brows, cheeks, sometimes even lips should be thought of sitting "on top" of the surface of the sphere. you made a pretty unnecessary mistake with the nose. you understood its form, you measured it correctly in relation to the rest of the features, but when it came to make it actually stick out like a nose does, you gravitated towards the safety of the underlying spherical head sphere.
for ears and noses, try to really exaggerate their "sticking-outness". perhaps even place a simple form representing them on the surface of the head sphere when constructing

you should be proud of the progress you have made btw
there are crabs and permabegs in this thread that are intimidated by the display of pure, slow, gradual, honest, consistent progress of yours

>Tongues to practice forms.
thats a good idea! ill share my go-to form practice subjects - whales and mushrooms. i am adding tongues to my list =)
also some of those look very hot gj

>> No.6792222
File: 211 KB, 1652x1272, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the tshirt reads not as wet but as weirdly pastel colored in bright sunlight to me.
i like that picture. very sovlful
i dont have good critique for finished pictures. obviously you could benefit from practicing many different things, but do you actually want to grind exercises instead of making pretty finished pictures? not a trick question, genuinely asking. and if so, what do *you* want to improve? and what do *you* want to be able to draw?
if you have gotten this far, chances are you are going to improve naturally at your pace.

very cute
where is this character from?

when i make full pictures i color this way
before worrying about what exact, precise color will look the best - i fill in all color areas on separate layers

the bright, clashing colors make it easy to see what spot belongs to which clothing item / object / body part while also making it easy to see where you missed something

(you can also fill them all into one layer, in that case the clashing colors make it easier to be picked up by an automatic smart select tool)

and fiddling with all the colors simultaneously makes it easier to find the right combination. if i place down skin tone first, i might not see that is off. if i have all colors ready to be tweaked, i can narrow them down through quick iteration. after all colors influence each other very much and no color chosen in a vacuum will be right at first.

>> No.6792225

>not millions must get spooked

>> No.6792244
File: 810 KB, 2560x1440, 373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg. Shades, but in 3PP.

i like the whole set, it looks like you are having fun!
very cool pose, did you use some 3d model or reference for that?
Vilppu said: no rules, only tools.
you didnt PYW so we cannot tell if you got gud or not enough. Anyway if i were to be optimistic then you mastered drawing from observation. Now you need to do 1 book about perspective (perspective made easy is shortest and most casual one) to understand how to accurately plot space into canvas and or how to feel the form. After that you can pick any art book (figure drawing, painting, landscapes, anime cartoons) and you should be able to stomach it since your fundie toolkit has all you need.
there really isnt a difference between trad and digital from fundies perspective. just dont forget about restating which the KtD taught you in 1st chapter and stay away from spamming UNDO button
good, i was getting hungry
the idea is good, the execution is very beg. you are in digital world so use layers: draw her naked, then put on layer with tshirt, set mode to multiply and paint the shirt with some transparency aware brush and play with colors until it looks good. you can do the same with water: for example in krita you can attach filter (blur) to layers so you paint her legs normally and it will auto blur them bellow the water
As how to cope with water waves: abuse google and find good reference and then simply draw what you see. dont try to invent water splashes as beg
when drawing perspective grid, always try to imagine where is horizon (its always on height of camera) and then try to align the lines to point towards to vanishing points on it. aka never draw parallel lines as parallel in perspective
now pick up blending tool and make soft edges and you are master painter
just move the eyes closer and its good. finish your work BEG!

>> No.6792268
File: 776 KB, 1125x1125, toplesspowersmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but do you actually want to grind exercises instead of making pretty finished pictures? not a trick question, genuinely asking. and if so, what do *you* want to improve? and what do *you* want to be able to draw?
To be honest, I had been grinding for the past few years and I couldn't build a solid gallery because I have such a hard time creating finished pieces.
So I made that one specifically to see if I could finish something

The two things I want to improve most are composition and values (lighting, shading)

The composition is really basic and I think the shading lacks contrast. These are consistent issues of mine.

>and what do *you* want to be able to draw?
My own comics and pieces that I can sell at conventions

>i like that picture. very sovlful
>if you have gotten this far, chances are you are going to improve naturally at your pace.
Very high praise, thank you.

Here's a variant for ya ;)

>> No.6792286
File: 191 KB, 566x800, TheHatmanCometh(workingtitle)page1small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your perspective is kind of wonky.
Look at Kobeni and see where her body meets the water? It should be higher on the image than where Power is, since Power is closer to the foreground.

Here's the first page of my comic about a girl being visited by the hatman.

Did I break the 180 degree rule? If so, does it look like shit or no?

>> No.6792300
File: 954 KB, 987x1312, Screen Shot 2023-08-13 at 6.45.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just gotta have fun


>doesn’t say the mistakes
come on man…

yeah i definitely made her nose too shallow, i feel like i only notice all the minor mistakes after i post on here lol

>> No.6792305
File: 289 KB, 1812x896, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! i have yet to actually capture the appeal of anime, but while still practicing i just throw in anime references into my practice queue to keep it fun

i may be over interpreting but your picture seems weird
on one side, your anatomy is wonky but on the other side hands, pose, proportions in general are all giving off the feeling that you actually know what you are doing, or at least more than the picture makes one believe
the shading seems lazy and very quickly done on one side, but on the other side the colors seem well chosen and balanced and the shading seems to indicate you understand how it is supposed to look
the composition seems clear enough, i dont know those characters but their relationship and what is going on in the picture are clear even in the small thumbnail preview
like i said, i am not very good on judging finished pictures and an artists skill in general so dont assign too much weight to what i say

if i had to analyze it, i would say that your skill is higher (maybe only a little, but nevertheless higher) than what this picture shows. maybe you need to raise your own expectations at your own art - as opposed to focusing on some isolated area to study.
maybe you need to spend more time on finished pictures (not polishing and tweaking when its 90% done, but spending more time and effort on all stages. done with the sketch? create a new layer and "tighten" your sketch up. done with the line work? think again faggot, add a thicker outline on top, change the line color to something other than black. done with the flat colors? no! add a bit of blush on the cheeks and shoulders, and a pale weak sun tan on the breasts. done with the cell shading? wrong again, blend the shapes of shadow where the curve away from the light, keep them sharp where they are the result of cast shadows. now you are done with shading right? no. add ambient occlusion in crevices etc etc


>> No.6792312

>doesn’t say the mistakes
he's symbol drawing, he's been told a thousand times, he can't make a proper study, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink

>> No.6792327

does it ever get fun

>> No.6792333
File: 441 KB, 1686x1752, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792350

there's no similarity between the reference and his drawings besides the general idea "old woman", it's symbol drawing, you can't find one line from the reference that was moved into the drawing

>> No.6792397
File: 40 KB, 484x375, AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from previous thread
Trying to look more at interior anatomy from the advice here >>>6788882

Focused more on where muscles and bones are, but I still need to train myself a bit more to notice it. What do you guys think, and how do you feel I could improve? Advice on the sketchy, underlying construction is appreciated as well.

Model used: https://quickposes.com/assets/poses/8a6d7c7f15751af48d06cd70180c9794.jpg

>> No.6792425
File: 379 KB, 637x635, 4860365a-1598-4a06-a0df-98424ebfd75d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere. just threw something together on the spot. A random synaptic discharge.

>> No.6792441
File: 865 KB, 1269x1827, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lowlife nigger scum crab have no idea what the term "symbol drawing" actually means. you throw it out to feel superior and boost your own ego. if you were to point to a specific part of his drawings that demonstrate "symbol drawing mindset" (because actual instances of symbol drawing is not to be found in his drawings anymore) you would inevitably stumble over your own """"critique"""" and find it harder and harder to justify it.
that is why you refuse to give specific advice.
in the end, you can harshly interpret his practice and find plenty to criticize, and just as much you can generously interpret his practice and argue that he is in the process of understanding the individual features more and more
after that the only remaining consensus we would reach is
>he needs to keep practicing
which is what he already does. and all that you did was just crab around for the sake of crabbing around
you piss me off so god damn much. i try to actively ignore posts without work posted but your post just fucking triggered me. dribble your non-advice at artists who are good enough to ignore it instead of /beg/s that run the risk of taking it even slightly serious

by the way
>there's no similarity between the reference and his drawings
you absolute cockmunching turbo faggot would look at a caricature drawing and call it "symbol drawing" then
>you can't find one line from the reference that was moved into the drawing
in your tiny brain, anything that is not a perfect copy is symbol drawing? makes sense
since symbol drawing is the extreme low end of abstract representation, your 3 braincells connect anything that is abstract or stylized or not perfectly accurate to symbol drawing.

you and people like you are the reason these threads slowly push away all but the most dedicated or must autistic artists leaving no place for average artists to congregate and improve together
kill yourself

my last response to (You) btw

>> No.6792461
File: 1.12 MB, 840x830, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so emotional little bro?
>if you were to point to a specific part of his drawings that demonstrate "symbol drawing mindset"
Here you go little buddy, attached picture
>my last response to (You) btw
We know it's not

>> No.6792478
File: 1.51 MB, 1170x1491, angles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we might get too hung up on the phrase 'symbol drawing'
in any case, anon's heads are low-accuracy, and his studies would be more effective if more attention were paid to the major angle and proportion relationships

>> No.6792483

did you already forget? >>6785279 >>6785885

>> No.6792506
File: 390 KB, 2880x1623, cubes28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 28 (colors and values namek)
So yesterday I got baked and thought of a few things, I remember my initial idea that you need to push the brain to its limits for it to actually develop (which is true). In the shower I got the idea that to go forward with figure drawing I need to go beyond, I thought of drawing a scene with multiple characters, all interacting with each-other, all in perspective. While I was trying to sketch it out I felt a switch in my brain going off, this is the correct approach.
Also I figured out a thing with backgrounds that I need to write down

I think water is supposed to distort the body that's submerged inside of it instead of just blurring it

>> No.6792525

I prefer the notion that he's "hearing himself aloud" like a character in Shakespeare during a moment of self-revelation. Mario was designed as a play... or at least SMB3 was. Ideally he would be voiced by Derek Jacobi.

>> No.6792532

weebfags cant tell when something is symbol drawn because everything they draw is symbol drawn

>> No.6792542
File: 699 KB, 765x1087, c4023efe-c328-4b47-95af-5d7e9257b590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is NOT for eating!

>> No.6792578
File: 370 KB, 806x435, horizon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like this?

>> No.6792581
File: 347 KB, 806x435, persp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792586
File: 263 KB, 1662x1745, Untitled 177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792590

>you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.6792591
File: 520 KB, 1773x1710, Harley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looked better before I inked it

>> No.6792594


>> No.6792609

Symbol drawn and inaccurate are not the same.

>> No.6792610

yup, and this is symbol drawn, this is not an issue with wrong measurements, it's an issue with not even drawing what's on the reference, look at the ear

>> No.6792619
File: 3.60 MB, 5000x4377, 2-5min sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some crit on some 2-5 min gesture/sketches?
top right was a lot shorter, sub 2 min

>> No.6792622

why is everyone so obsessed with this anon?

>> No.6792623

I get what you are saying but that is not what people mean when they say symbol drawing think you have a wrong understanding of what that means. What you are doing is equivalent of seeing someone draw the jaw inaccurate and calling it symbol drawing.

>> No.6792624
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_20230813_052940_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this portrait with cheap crayons.

>> No.6792628

if it's wrong because the artist is pulling shit out of his ass instead of drawing what he's looking at then it's symbol drawing, if that's not symbol drawing then what is?

>> No.6792634

This is > >>6791804

>> No.6792668
File: 3.65 MB, 5000x3000, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't drawn an old person in a wild so took the opportunity to get some crit
was going to shade but decided not to which is why it's a bit weird with some parts blocked in /terminators drawn, but is there anything else I fucked up on

>> No.6792677

5x3 k pixels
bro wtf you doing crop it down, downscale, save as jpg crank up the compression

>> No.6792681

i know it says in the sticky, but why?

>> No.6792694
File: 318 KB, 1199x853, suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning a bit about folds

>> No.6792711

Anon you might be symbol thinking

>> No.6792730 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1359x526, Screenshot 2023-07-29 164027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to share the full thing yet

>> No.6792733

suddenly everyone is master of symbolism

>> No.6792739

We are a hivemind. I'm actually working on symbolism.

>> No.6792759
File: 340 KB, 1440x487, Screenshot 2023-08-13 223717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6792760
File: 645 KB, 2500x3000, gestures 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont feel as though im gesturising i feel like im stickmanning. should i even start with vilppu. its either bridgman, hampton or vilppu, i wanna do all 3 this year. also how do you even foreshorten a gesture and have it be obvious what you're looking at

>> No.6792798
File: 508 KB, 1715x1290, Screenshot 2023-08-13 222857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have a really good solid effort there man. Nothing wrong with stick figures actually. Starting with rhythm is a totally artificial contrivance and doesn't really matter in the end result. You will see all different artists starting a drawing in different ways, and it all works.

Vilppu can be hard, and so can Hampton. Perhaps you might want to look at "how to draw comics the marvel way". It seems more clear and level headed, to me at least. I know I recommended Vilppu, Hampton, and Bridgman in the past, but I think Buscema's book is actually better than all of their's and because he was a professional artist who had to live from his work, he approached everything in a very practical way. Buscema starts you off with stick figures, like you were doing.

When you do gestures, don't just do gestures, but also add in the basic forms. To me, forms are 1000 times more important than gesture, especially for beginners.

After Buscema, you can do Hampton or Bridgman. Vilppu can be tackled later

>> No.6792800

This sounds super simple. Is.. is this all it really takes? Doing something enough times that you can do it all on your own?

>> No.6792806
File: 95 KB, 625x417, The-Arbol-de-Piedra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i achieve the rough texture that you see in rock formations with only a simple black ink pen?

>> No.6792811

the second part isn't so simple: you need to really understand the forms/proportions you learned by copying and move them in perspective
it's even harder since some of those shapes only work in certain angles (for appeal) and will need to be distorted for a different pose/angle

>> No.6792820
File: 227 KB, 1542x399, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792826

thank you my friend :) gonna try drawing this again with this in mind

>> No.6792849
File: 246 KB, 1029x750, Anon52c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An exercise in consistency.
AKA drawing a uncomfortable-looking naked girl over and over.

>> No.6792851

I just learned that the tripod grip or even digital pronate grip isn't an intuitive thing. Watched a random video about it and thousands of comments admit to just grugging the pencil for decades. Does anyone itt have a weird grip?

>> No.6792856

I grip the tip with all 5 fingers. Ringfinger and pinky acting as 'support' where the pen rests on it. Middle finger and pointer on the right. Thumb holding it in place on the left. In reality the thumb is only there to make it so I can move the ringfinger and pinky out of the way as need demands, swapping to a more regular tripod grip but I never 'start' there, and I never stay there very long.

Google it makes this look like a... lateral quadrupod grip? Is that weird?
>tl;dr you're developmentally challenged

>> No.6792878

>see porn
>focus more on the brushstrokes and coloring technique than I do on the titties
>then I also analyse the titties to figure out what makes it looks so appealing
being an artist is fun

>> No.6792880

Yeah I was gonna say, the entire time I was reading the video comments I had the thought, "I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen these techniques used by sped kids..." little bit of research and it turns out the tripod is actually HARDER for neurodivergents for some reason, I guess it's just motor function. So the crooked, improvised, and uncorrectable grips are a staple of autism...at least according to the googled consensus. Well, as long as it doesn't have your art looking like Chris Chan drawings.

>> No.6792882
File: 280 KB, 1486x1665, IMG_0096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave it another shot, keeping in mind the feedback from last thread. I tried to incorporate more hard edges and better defined structures than last time, so she’s not just pure softness. Hopefully it looks better this time.

How’d I do? Any more pointers?

(I know the head and arm and hair are… not great lol.)

Also I kinda outside out on the color front. Instead of worrying about/having to think about color, I decided to just set up a trois crayons thing in procreate. I think it worked, but I’ve been looking at it for so long I can’t really tell anymore.

>> No.6792883

Anon... You seem to be the one who doesn't understand what "symbol drawing" is.
>you absolute cockmunching turbo faggot would look at a caricature drawing and call it "symbol drawing" then
Yes. Caricatures are absolutely symbol drawn. Just as any other cartoon. Any heavy stylization is a symbol drawing.

>> No.6792885
File: 205 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I kinda outside out on the color front.
Pussied. Pussied out. Anyway here’s the ref.
Goodnight, frens.

>> No.6792895

You overdid it a bit IMO, especially the hip area

>> No.6792903

This is what copying Bridgman bodies does to a mf

>> No.6792904
File: 276 KB, 2332x1027, int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related has weird grip
idk, does pic related look like he has fun?

>> No.6792911

Bro all your bodies look like lumpy bags of potatoes

>> No.6792916

>my drawing has been used as an example of symbol drawing

>> No.6792936

accuracy > perspective > simple forms in space > objects in space > figure drawing/anatomy > figures in an environment > shape design, appeal, rhythm

>> No.6792964

Im not feeling the form anons


>> No.6792966
File: 512 KB, 768x1024, kits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793126

I am glad my posts bring you joy, anon :)
I'm already back in the city lol. You are right though, I should probably dedicate more time to drawing outside when I go back there. Though I wonder what it will be hmm. There's only like 10 5-10m rows of veggies and a garden with 10 trees or so, no animals, our plot of land is quite small. I guess there's plants, the forest, tools, fruit, fire, our house... Yeah there's actually quite a lot lol. We'll see.

I'll post more of my work either today or tomorrow, but thought to reply to your posts now.

>> No.6793131
File: 283 KB, 894x1280, IMG_5524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793156
File: 12 KB, 278x300, 8125t152oAL.__AC_SX300_SY300_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like the whole set, it looks like you are having fun!
yeah it is fun, I'd like to recommend these Pentel RSVP plastic grips to anyone who needs more purchase on their pencil. They're terrible pens, but come with terrific knurled grips. Just slide them off and put them on a premium pencil.

>> No.6793184
File: 1.54 MB, 1680x1652, IMG_20230814_145613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this while waiting for my GP. No reference, no grids, just fun

>> No.6793319

So I'm doing the Hampton Analytican Figure drawing course, should I draw along him, and how long do I need to take for "homework" and how do I know what I need to repeat and learn?

I'm watching the course on an russian streaming website vk.com or something

>> No.6793325
File: 314 KB, 1500x1100, pikmin porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time trying porn
honest thoughts?

>> No.6793332

whats going on here

>> No.6793352
File: 73 KB, 684x1329, 1371501561422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he had a outline on his blog
check his youtube for examples, should help you to critique your own

>> No.6793368

It's pikmin fucking each other

>> No.6793394

>first time
my honest thought is I hope its also the last time

>> No.6793399

>fat purple bastard

>> No.6793405

I've seen worse ideas turned into better smut. If you want to make more coom, you gotta learn to draw good like the rest of us have to.

>> No.6793412
File: 3.04 MB, 2765x3456, Creepy .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793413

How do I get good at drawing? I'm left handed, have perpetually shaky hands, ADHD, autism and a learning disability. Almost 24.

I've wanted to get good at art since I was a teen but I've lacked the motivations, resources and teachings to get started.

I don't know
>which brush size to use
>optimal size to draw digitally
>good pressure curve to start out with
>how to find a comfortable pressure curve
>how to undo bad habits like drawing stiff figures
>how to fix shitty lines you're too used to drawing
>how to get better when you're experienced but /beg/
I legitimately don't even know how to do sketch lines. My coordination is so fucked thanks to my autism, I can barely even sketch without even the most basic lines fucking up. I can't visually imagine stuff in my head when I'm actually drawing, and my ADHD just wants me to finish as soon as possible. I can barely decide on something as basic as what model to use when trying to sketch a head.

>> No.6793417

What can I improve on?
With such basic character designs I feel anatomy has reached its limit. Something about style/technique?

>> No.6793420

your post makes it seem like you're looking for a reason not to draw. i'm almost 30 and have those things but here I am drawing like a retard still trying to improve.

>> No.6793422
File: 148 KB, 820x1024, 20230214_110455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793426

Is she wearing a mask?
Sketch looks better. Congrats you made it.

>> No.6793433

Of course everyone who started getting good would leave these fucking threads. FUCK!

>> No.6793436
File: 3.50 MB, 4080x3060, 1661064938157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one week into drawing and copied some anime faces here. Guess the character

>> No.6793443

you should start a google document and write down every single excuse you find for not drawing and by the end you'll at least have a book on why you'll never be good at it

that or stop asking for advice you won't listen to anyway and just start

>> No.6793447

Literal analysis paralysis

>I MUST use the PERFECT brush size, not even one pixel bigger
>I MUST use the PERFECT canvas size
>I MUST use the PERFECT pressure curve
>I MUST have perfect habits from day 1
>I MUST have perfect lines

Literally stop thinking and draw, and go by feeling.

>hmmm the brush feels a bit too big, I'll try a smaller one
>hmmm I lose a lot of detail when i zoom in while using this canvas size, I need a bigger one
>damn theres a lot of wasted space, ill use a smaller canvas
>my lines always tend to be on the darker side, Ill try adapting the pressure curve so it adapts to this, so I dont lose the midtones


>> No.6793449
File: 989 KB, 1500x1106, 1691654247254422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters let's assume you would lean towards realistic or an animesque aesthetic as opposed to Disney-ish or 1980s-1990s furry porn art, Crumb etc.
What you want to simulate is the meatyness of the the figure while transforming the usual human proportions to a pikmin sized/chibi form. Pic related is proportion wise how I imagine a good sexy pikmin could be shaped.
If you look at this anons work:
you can see a similar oiliness and how exaggerating the fat of the female form make it sexier (if done well).
I wholeheartedly disagree that anatomy has reached it's limits. To make this feel more erotic, you can't just keep their straight lines and body shapes and hope that it would evoke the same sexual nature as any human figure. Usually coom artists go hard on the butt, thigh and tummy fat, giving small breast shapes even for flat figures like the pikmin.
>What can I improve on
1. Find an artist that makes chibi porn. Don't jack off, but try to analyze what he does that makes it look sexual and not just cartoony.
2. Try to draw an actual human woman that has an oily sheen while being thin+well endowed. In the end you are trying to translate human sexual attractive figures into a stylized form.
3. Copy an the aforementioned chibi porn, but then try to change the image into pikmin using that image as a reference. You do this because you should try to copy how the artist solved the visual puzzle to create the thing he wanted. Obviously so you can do the same.

>> No.6793452

Tried the Google document. Gave up because I didn't want to draw what it was asking and when I tried, I fucked it up anyway.

>> No.6793456

I've seen threads like this so many times.
Imma be real with you, dawg. Get a different hobby. If you really wanted to git gud at art, you wouldn't be posting this shit without pyw for practical suggestions to a single problem you are working on. When actual quad paralyzed centipede-men are painting whatever they feel like using their mouth, your complaints sound more and more like you need a magic bullet that will turn your life around.
Either give up or figure it out. All of that shit is non-issues for improving as long as you know how to work around them.

>> No.6793457

>Know how to work around them
What the fuck do you think I'm looking for?

>> No.6793460
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20230809_111822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's circles that I've attempted to draw. Now tell me what the fuck I should do with this.

>> No.6793464 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 4032x3024, 20230814_112253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only watch I can get a half way decent circle is if I do many small lines with the motion of my fingers.

>> No.6793466
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20230814_112422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some fucking triangles that I attempted to do

>> No.6793467

Embrace your shake weight existence, attempt to study figures as you do, market yourself and get invites to galleries as the neurodivergent artist of choice. Fuck the circles, try to draw a human figure as you do. You switch to ink it would look like a hard to copy way of portraying line weight and forms.

>> No.6793469

it's bait anon, you can't help them because they're baiting

>> No.6793479

That's a fair point, although I wanted to be on-model though

>> No.6793483

Remember to tell howies to kill themselves

>> No.6793493

Sure. It's a bit of a spectrum that would take experimentation to fit your ideas. Since they are small water drops with limbs you would need to go off model to insert the genitals. You never know what you can come up with if you try it this or that way. Just like that one anon that made Birdo sexy.

>> No.6793506
File: 261 KB, 1919x1043, abox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793511

messy scribbling sketches get me really hot

>> No.6793517

>when doing a sketch, don't do each line at once, just bitty increments so you can keep the pen moving where you want.
Then when you trace it for lineart, you'll know which direction you wanna go so just do it really fast

>> No.6793519

I don't know how I can draw figures with as fucking awful of lines as this.

>> No.6793520
File: 33 KB, 540x720, rcb16ignt3j31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793527
File: 403 KB, 791x765, dikmin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can achieve a lot with anthropomorphizing. But even if you're committed to being on model then having a strong sense of three dimensional forms and utilizing good composition will go a long way too.

Can't say I expected to be drawing pikmin porn when I got up this morning, but life's full of surprises

>> No.6793538

If the next OP image doesn't include Pikmin porn, then I it confirms /ic/ has 0 taste.

>> No.6793561

should you always use real life as reference or do you guys ever use anime or cartoons or 3d models as ref?

>> No.6793568

I have an animoo artstyle, but I usually ref a real person for the pose and structure and then change the proportions after I got my simple shapes down. It's a lot easier for me to visualize the real thing first rather than trying to deform from the start at my skill level.

>> No.6793570
File: 129 KB, 720x540, ft78r9hjqjl19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793574

lol drawings like that are exactly why I asked. Like in that case maybe the dude should've just grabbed a page from the manga if he was gonna draw that particular character

>> No.6793579

what about the face if you're using an animoo style? do you reference a real face or do you use an anime face that you like?

>> No.6793585

How? I can't even draw the most basic shit.

>> No.6793593


>> No.6793636
File: 129 KB, 549x687, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im such a fucking talentless ngmi retard
someone redline the face for me please?

>> No.6793640

Redline should only be applies to realism. Mirror it if it looks good then it works.

>> No.6793644

This isn't anywhere close to ngmi
Already in a good spot

>> No.6793645

>Mirror it if it looks good then it works.
it doesnt work and i dont know why, it needs a redline

>> No.6793688
File: 1.10 MB, 3613x3985, 21808B2A-0DF9-4EE0-B98A-E355FA238A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw like The Other Half, or other artists with a very eye popping colorful but still proportional cartoon style
What techniques do I need to learn?

>> No.6793696


>> No.6793701

>it needs a redline
On a stylized character... Try redlining something like adventure time, only way you can do it is by redlining depth(volume), your pic is absolutely fine volume wise.

>> No.6793703
File: 20 KB, 464x349, 305194678_1860839077451625_6015083820747525482_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793708

On a second look. Chin line weight and flat falling piece of hair on the forehead(kinda hatching fault tho). But that`s about it. You can try scewing one eye a bit closer. Do your homework.

>> No.6793709

I don't get it. I'm pretty sure this character is canonically 18. It's just a random pic I grabbed.
Are cartoon styles not allowed?

>> No.6793753
File: 572 KB, 828x1000, pikmin porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well practice what I preach. There goes 1 hour and 7 minutes of my life. Never expected the first bit of porn I draw to be of Pikmin desu.

>> No.6793758

Cute horse. Try not to create huge darks at certain point of the image without reason. Ears and strap around the horses face are a lot darker than the rest and they pop out too much. Even if the image was approximately the darkest areas of the reference, currently they pop out because there aren't enough gradual value changes towards them.

>> No.6793759

>popping your porn art cherry with fucking pikmin
I kneel.

>> No.6793766

>Is she wearing a mask?
no just a trillion filters
she probably looks like an ogre without them

>> No.6793774

That's cool and all, but not my vision for what I find sexy.
I mean, even I was going for a more human proportion, this one is just lard

>> No.6793781


>> No.6793782

*even IF
I mean

>> No.6793784

I don't disagree. More of a challenge to myself, really even if results subpar even by my own standards. 2 points still stand, follow your dick and experiment with what you know.

>> No.6793785
File: 49 KB, 435x652, zRPHjud_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I were to use something like this as a reference, how would I construct it? am I just supposed to guess where the boxes should be?

>> No.6793789

>brush size is purely subjective taste- but usually thicker brushes allow for more mistakes, thinner requires you to be more precise. make your choice from there
>300dpi if you have any plans on printing, no less than 2000px for canvas size unless you are doing pixel art
>pressure curve depends on how hard/light you press, experiment and figure it out
>figure draw with the line of action and movement in mind
>stop thinking about the lines so much, just make a decent drawing. a good drawing won't be ruined by the line quality
>get good at mimicking other artists, replicate until you can do the same

I have ADHD, autism, and am almost 21- there's no easy or quick route to getting better, you just have to keep doing it even if you think you're bad

>> No.6793807

stop using AI trash for reference and go learn the landmarks of the body to figure out where to place and how to angle your boxes
disgusting NIGGER

>> No.6793822

>Keys to drawing or drawing on the right side of the brain
That’ll teach you to see and how to stop symbol drawing. If you find that learning from those books is a struggle, then just look up symbol drawing on YouTube and watch all the videos until you understand and can see. Next:
>Draw A Box
This will teach line control, shapes, forms, and construction. Once you’re confident you can feel the form, add in (or switch to)
Start with the Vilppu Drawing Manual or Renaissance Figure Drawing.
Also these anons are right:

>> No.6793831

Gesture, then box

>> No.6793838

Yeah, AI is really bad to use for reference and study if you’re not at least /int/. It’ll make learning so much goddamn harder for you. Anatomy, perspective, and shadows especially. If you don’t already know how to construct, don’t use AI as reference yet.

>> No.6793842

Oops. Meant to quote >>6793807

>> No.6793844

is my photo AI? I just saw it somewhere and downloaded the image, didn't think it was. also where should I learn to construct?

>> No.6793851

>also where should I learn to construct?
read the fucking sticky, stupid

>> No.6793854

>is my photo AI
lmao. Of course it is. It's like you've never seen a real human in your life before. Go outside

>> No.6793857
File: 126 KB, 474x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was over before it started for you I'm sorry
>Watermark that says "AIpaintTW" in the corner
>missing hands when they should be visible
>incredibly clear skin
>cartoon tits
>overly glossy lighting
>nonesense fonts/words

>> No.6793858

I did read the sticky but the tutorials that lead to construction guides timed out. I think the sticky needs to be updated

>> No.6793863
File: 36 KB, 474x484, crying.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some crit on this please or is it that bad

>> No.6793871
File: 504 KB, 1465x2048, Archangel-Michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone you filthy ugly thing! Remove your presence from this thread.

>> No.6793872

oh you are beyond helping. Too stupid to draw. Give up

>> No.6793874

>>when doing a sketch, don't do each line at once, just bitty increments so you can keep the pen moving where you want.
Isn't that chicken scratching?

>> No.6793881

why don't you go through the sticky yourself and see if I'm right before you accuse other people of being stupid? Or are you that much of a piece of trash that you act like without actually checking stuff first?

>> No.6793883
File: 14 KB, 1733x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything works

>> No.6793884

I literally just clicked the very first tutorial in the w/ic/i and it said 404 not found. Why don't you actually click on all them and VERIFY PROPERLY instead of this half-assed shit

>> No.6793890

lol you're quite new here, aren't you. Welcome! Get good at fundamentals like line control and volume and color/painting and anatomy (so you know what's stylized and what's error) and do master studies of the artists/art you like. The caveat is that if you don't recognize that, for example, those hands and feet aren't great, you might end up internalizing those same mistakes. So, do master studies of the art you like, and grind fundies so you only absorb the good and not the bad.

First, you need to learn how to see and how to copy and how to avoid symbol drawing. It's very easy to internalize symbol drawing by studying cartoony styles, so you want to be aware of it. I recommend Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain or Keys to Drawing. That way you can accurately study and copy, and also won't fall into any traps.

PS — I don't think anyone on /ic/ cares about canonical age. Cartoons and stylization are very much allowed. If you want to study anime, there's an anime study thread, if you want to draw loli, there's a loli and shota thread, if you want to see people doing master studies, there's a master studies thread.

/beg/ and /int/ threads like this one are a general catch-all for posting work, asking questions, and getting/giving feedback.

>> No.6793891

>clicks the first tutorial
>doesn't go to the second tutorial
At least read the OP of the very thread you're posting in, retard-kun. Literally no one else has this issue

>> No.6793892

>everything works
>oh except the first one
>I guess you're the idiot and not me

>> No.6793893

>oh no, I can't... make sculptures anymore because the link for the sculptures is down! This must mean I can't learn to draw with construction!
If you can't use a browser and figure out that a picture that has a giant watermark that says "AIPainter" is AI you're retarded, I'm sorry you have no future anywhere
that or you're trolling, unsure but either way you're not worth anyones time

>> No.6793896

don't bother w/ him he's moving goalposts, first it was I can't get a construction tutorial in the sticky, then it's all sticky links must work or I can't draw and its your fault

>> No.6793897
File: 288 KB, 2048x1152, fastest guide on how to draw anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw A Box is a good crash course, also ModernDayJames for more advanced concepts.

>> No.6793898

I didn't say I couldn't I just the said the ones I tried timed out and someone responded that I was too stupid to know how a tutorial works.

I didn't even see the watermark till someone pointed it out. It blends in background

>> No.6793900
File: 225 KB, 569x332, 1689886596697560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

>> No.6793901
File: 8 KB, 139x24, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white blends into... black!

>> No.6793904

there's a little bit of black underneath the water mark and I thought it was just part of that

>> No.6793907

Once you break outta /beg/ limbo and start drawing relatively decent things as an /int/. OPs pic is generally true.

>> No.6793953
File: 489 KB, 4496x2160, cubes29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 29 (colors and values namek)
I realized today that im eternal beg ngmi, so now it's about how far I can go before i spiral and kms
each of these took you 5 minutes?
/pro/ desu, i wish I could absorb your skill like shang tsung

>> No.6793970
File: 3.12 MB, 4503x4424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793977 [DELETED] 

Colors are muddy, light sorce is wack. Please help.

>> No.6793978

2-5 minutes, most were closer to 3 or 4 if I had to say

>> No.6793979
File: 111 KB, 792x833, Screenshot 2023-08-14 155108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colors are muddy, light source is wack. Please help.

>> No.6793980
File: 397 KB, 1000x696, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 10 for the 100 heads challenge

None of them resemble the reference but at least I'm keeping with it

I like what you're going for but as someone else said you overdid it. Especially that thing going over the panties, just looks strange

only thing i could think of is be more decisive with your lines. Put the brush on higher opacity and do the lines clearly. Because it took me quite a while to realize what some of those badly visible scribbles were suppoused to represent. I also almost never do gestures so make of this what you want

>> No.6793983

I know for a fact I'll never improve if I do nothing but doodling random shit, but im so lost anons
I dont know what to practice, what to focus on


>> No.6793985

what's you goal with art

>> No.6793991

I have no fucking clue anon.
I just do it.
I just want to improve.
No real goal.

>> No.6793992

youre gonna be like pawell

>> No.6793993

I'm legitimately too retarded to do construction. All the lines visually over stimulate me and I don't know basic trig.
So now what?

>> No.6793994


>> No.6793995

either you are doing it for the fun of it and you just draw and stop complaining
or you have a goal you want to achieve so you just draw that improves the skills you need and stop complaining

or you don't have fun with it and have no reason to draw and you just stop drawing. it is as simple as that

>> No.6793997

I know that feel, anon.

You should give yourself some kind of project. Design a character and make a 4 panel comic with them every week or something. browse draw threads on other boards and fulfill a request every now and then. You don't need to make highly polished art, just focus on delivering something somewhat presentable.

Once you're drawing with a purpose you'll be more motivated to look up and analyze things with the proper intent.

>> No.6793998

draw cute girls as an outlet for my dysphoria

>> No.6794006
File: 346 KB, 1170x1503, IMG_0756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay bros… i’ve made a decision

i’m gonna stop my 100 heads challenge, i feel like it’s restricting me more than it’s helping me at this point

of course, i’m gonna keep drawing, and keep drawing heads, just not in the context of this challenge (probably more stuff like this)

>inb4 ngmi symbol drawing

whether i’m symbol drawing or not, i do need to improve my observation skills if i want to improve, and the only thing that’ll help that is time and vigilant practice, so that what i’m gonna do

and even if it’s bad practice, it’s practice nonetheless, and i want to focus more on having fun anyway, the grind is sucking the joy out of things

>> No.6794007
File: 283 KB, 1024x1024, sauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure practice turned steamy.

The more I try to practice/study the more aimless I feel. I think I'll switch it up and go copy some art for a while, maybe I'll soak up more experience.

>> No.6794022
File: 16 KB, 450x894, 362218633_1722166364912189_2078260901290623956_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why beginners are told not to study proportions first before figure or gesture study.

Study proportions and basic shapes. Draw them as mannequins first. then go from there. I think you'll feel a lot better knowing this so your drawings don't look so massively disproportionate.

>> No.6794075

Not technically an art question, but how do I come up with a good username for my online art persona?

>> No.6794077
File: 331 KB, 1278x896, 1673625661056008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some drunken trash I won't finish

>> No.6794078

could be a play off your name or something you like (just don’t make it random related unless you want to be linked to that fandom for the rest of your life)
and try not to make it too long/complicated/derogatory

even stupidly simple ones work (etc; samdoesarts)

>> No.6794082
File: 252 KB, 621x718, 1680149502982371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794085

dont reply to obvious trolls baiting

>> No.6794107

Today was a hard day drawing. Going to get back into it tomorrow.

>> No.6794114

I don't want people to know the identity behind the art I do.
How the fuck is that bait??

>> No.6794122

same. went through several mentally and physically painful drawings til i found a pose or a brush or something that clicked for 1 decent drawing.

>> No.6794128

Same here anon, went through lots of struggle, the pen just wasn't moving right. Tomorrow will be better, anon

>> No.6794193
File: 1.29 MB, 1486x1665, head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redid your head for fun

>> No.6794200

if ever change your mind about finishing this one, her right eye is way too far out

>> No.6794203
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys its okay to suck at drawing, it's okay to be weak. All this ambition is just toxic greed that is bad for you, so much time spent on boring drawings is just stressing you out, put down the pencil and watch some Netflix and some tiktoks. You don't have to be good.

>> No.6794210

Actually he is right. Pollock sucked and Picasso too, specially the his last works.

>> No.6794215

>me talking to my pencil before a good drawing


>> No.6794228
File: 2.92 MB, 2000x4539, what&#039;swithyourteeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way I can improve my comic before I release it? It's missing the last panel and needs some shading.

>> No.6794229

I think people just kinda hope that beginners will learn proportion naturally as they draw the human figure more and more. Accuracy and Proportion really does feel like a step in learning that's overlooked a ton, it's what most begs suffer from.

>> No.6794236

how the FUCK do i get better at copying references

it’s really pissing me the fuck off how bad i am

>> No.6794237

dont copy your reference, analyze it.

>> No.6794239

Actually analyze the reference and not just look at it, the proportions, the angles, the values, the large shapes, the small shapes, etc.

>> No.6794241

Not a fan of that text on the right, but I guess it's "punk" so if that's what you're going for

As for the last panel, are you going to go with a shot from the big gook of british smiles or something?

>> No.6794244
File: 587 KB, 2206x2720, IMG_0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, hyper angle poses are goddamn mindfuck.

Hm. Yeah, I see what you mean.
Kek. Don’t blame Bridgman, he’s innocent in all of this. I haven’t really done that much copying compared to other anons. If anything, I need MOAR Bridgman.
Yeah… I’ll try to work on that.
> you can see a similar oiliness and how exaggerating the fat of the female form make it sexier
Oh, hey, maybe I’m getting bett—
>(if done well)
At first, as I kept reading, I thought you decided to give me feedback as well, telling me that the way to improve my figure drawings was to forget normal anatomy, push even further beyond, and leave humanity behind. Only then would I be ready to study chibi coom art to get a better feel of how to stylize secondary sex characteristics.

My confusion was deepening, but I was mentally preparing to dive into chibi porn. If you really think I should, then I guess I could give it a try. Maybe this would teach me about appeal? Your pic related is pretty cute… I guess I could try copying it if it’ll help.

Then I read
>try to change the image into pikmin
Man, this post was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Ah, yeah, I see what you mean. Thanks for the feedback!
Oh, that’s much better. Very nice, anon!

It seems like like the tl;dr of the advice I’m getting is
>Yeah, but you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could feel the form, you didn't stop to think if you should.
I hope I’m at least trending in the right direction lol. I guess the composition is better since that hasn’t been brought up yet.
I’ll try and do a more conservative figure drawing along traditional trois crayons stuff, and try to adhere more closely to the ref.

>> No.6794257

Second panel, the redhead’s arm nearest us needs work.
Also, I’d make it so she’s holding up either a Polaroid or a smartphone or a family album looking thing. Like it is now, just holding up a little hardcover book, doesn’t seem quite right. It reminds me of the “Read, nigga! Read!” scene.

The rest is just a matter of needing more fundies and mileage. Perspective, proportion, form, yadda yadda yadda.
Overall, it’s cute and soulful and I’m interested in seeing more of this.

>> No.6794277

It's gonna be a yearbook from highschool, but I get your point lol

>> No.6794279
File: 453 KB, 1322x885, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to add depth or shadows while inking. I try to space out the hatching but it always ends up looking muddy.

>> No.6794292

Kind of, It's gonna be a picture of her from 10th grade and her whole face is absolutely fucked up with massive braces and headgear and everything

>> No.6794295

try doing a value study? figure out your composition

>> No.6794339
File: 332 KB, 1255x972, r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try doing a value study?
Yeah good point, I tend to do the underdrawing then randomly ink different areas instead of focusing on one section. I usually put down all the linework then try to figure out how to shade it which I guess is a bad workflow. I'm struggling trying to do something like pic related where the lines delineate surface texture and emphasis.

>> No.6794344
File: 482 KB, 1012x578, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i finally found the perfect book ive been looking for
>manga style
>only black and white no coloring
>cute art style
>explains his whole process
>even explains how/why he makes lines a certain way
finally bros im going to make it. pic related is the book. Sadly its not in English though so have to use Ai translate but close enough

>> No.6794348

some studies i did, critique would be very welcome

>> No.6794354
File: 308 KB, 560x793, image_2023-08-14_221607637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794358

try organizing the dark and light in some thumbnail sketches, see what you come up with
>lines delineate surface texture and emphasis
besides following the form, i think your example picture is using patches of shorter strokes for the hatching. i don't think it's the only solution but it gives it a more textured feel, like some light areas are poking through shadow.

>> No.6794363
File: 873 KB, 2560x1440, 374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg, the exercises are almost over.

do master study of morandi piece, pages 52-53
i would say your pic is nicely coming to life, just keep going, you are on right path. Also make tonal bar (page 60)
just draw (more from reference)
its godlike, i kneel. in the last panel add caricature of her face with FUCK HUGE teeth for impact, dont leave it blank
who told you are symbol drawing and why did you believe them?
pic related, bottom middle
doesnt look bad to me, now make a background to see how it will pop out from it. personally i would push values more but that is just my personal preference
figure is a liiitle stiff, but otherwise i like the thot
dont let white women near it!
start putting effort into things and pick up keys to drawing. drawing boxes is retarded exercise anyway
very nice thot
composition where half of the drawing features featureless table is garbage. However if you crop the pic in middle then suddenly it is visually interesting. thumbs up
cute loli, she has that coom body proportions where torso is loli but legs are teenager: koreans love to draw women like this
you have MASSIVE COOM potential. That body is perfect blend of coomer fantasy, reality and style. I fucking kneel. Now figure out how to give her a little more healthier skin color, some low effort background and you can start gathering patreon money
nice thot, very cute face expressions
you overdid it with the colors. There are too many very aggressive hues, dial down either background or foreground, also she isnt connected to ground at all (shades on ground are more intensive than shades on boots), whole shading just doesnt fit fg and bg. Also highlights on her are in white color but highlight on bg are yellow.
wat book
cute thots, thumbs up

>> No.6794368
File: 2.21 MB, 1325x1871, english_cover00051.jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wat book
Monochrome illustration technique
i downloaded it from here


>> No.6794373

look at his freehand circles (pg 124)

>> No.6794377

>he got crabbed into stopping

>> No.6794378

the more i look at this the uglier the proportions get... i dont see the point in going back to fix it though desu

anyway i sorta forgot give any attention to the fact that there was a fight for my honor that i wasnt even involved in

honestly i dont think i care half as much as you guys do about what i do, but still thanks to the people who defended me

>> No.6794383

Give me permission to draw without reading the sticky.

Seriously, I need one of you guys to do that, don’t question it, /prebeg/ is mostly cognitive behavioral therapy anyway, just, tell me it’s okay to draw shit to start to just get the idea out of my brain and on paper. I can’t draw as well as the idea in my head and I hate it and I need one of you to tell me it’s fine.

I don’t know why I can’t just do it myself first, but I need one of you to say it. Please.

>> No.6794389

Why on earth do you think it's okay to not read the sticky? It's there to save you time and effort from wandering down wrong paths. ngmi

>> No.6794392


>> No.6794394

you have my permission to whinepost elsewhere

>> No.6794395

Kill yourself

>> No.6794397

you forgot the pepe pic

>> No.6794399

I didn't read the sticky either, I draw casually.
I did this:

"just draw" isn't just a meme.

>> No.6794405

I fucking can’t read the sticky, alright?

I just get to the fucking first paragraph and I start skipping up and down the page and I try to catch myself and go back and then I keep doing it anyway, and I know I need to improve but like, I don’t know how this specific lesson is helping with what I’m interested in and I just get distracted so fucking easily and no matter how much I try I just get pulled away at the slightest fucking noise or thing and

I can’t calm down and read it, so I can’t draw because Im not drawing to improve so I’m wasting time but if i don’t draw Imm wasting time, but Im gonna open it and do the same scatterbrain bullshit and it’s scaring me

Im scared of how depresssed i”ll get failing again

Why can’t i just fail man why can’t i just draw why the fuck is it so fucking HADS






Post this
No dont delete it theg need to see this
Thisi s how you heal

>> No.6794412

Kill yourself

>> No.6794414

You think I haven’t tried?

>> No.6794421


Read this. It takes 10 minutes. You can draw after this, okay? Just 10 minutes, and it'll change your life. It was written by a professional artist who went pro within 2 years of learning to draw from scratch. The knowledge is worth the time.

>> No.6794425

next thread will be better

>> No.6794427

Any plans to upload the translation when you're done?

>> No.6794429


>> No.6794431


This looks interesting. Could someone explain to me what the fuck >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUNZV1JEVkZSNVNTTlRlRFl0VTBOMmEwRmtSRlJrTkRWZlFuVk5XbUpu


>> No.6794433

how do i paint. drawing is just a fad

>> No.6794434

Theres the ai translated version next to the untranslated that you can download. I don't speak Japanese or whatever language the original is in so the AI translation is the only option

>> No.6794435

I didn’t post this. I’m already mad at myself for blowing up again, don’t make this worse.
I’m in Japan so I don’t have access to most of those books in english, but I brought Fun with a Pencil and How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way so I guess I’ll start with the latter

Sorry everyone, i’ll do it again imm a fucking crazy person but i am sorry i fucked up the thread

>> No.6794439
File: 1.46 MB, 2456x1736, gensh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a moment to study the original a bit more
try to copy it to the best of your ability

>> No.6794441

Oh legit? Thanks for pointing it out anon. I figured you were translating it yourself with AI as you went.

Pretty sure it's a Mega link.

>> No.6794442

just use pdfs, you'll be fine. David Finch guide is a good guide for any style, including manga

>> No.6794444

>just use pdfs
Only got a phone, do those work on them?

>> No.6794445


>> No.6794461

>Man, this post was a rollercoaster of emotions
Kek. Sorry, man.
Tbh, I'm not that worried for you, you seem to be progressing just fine. Lumpy figures are growing pains. My suggestion to copy coom art still stands sans the pikmin twist.

>> No.6794464

Don't thank me yet my man. Haven't had a chance to try it so I could be wrong.

>> No.6794478
File: 544 KB, 716x1440, Kenji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested in hearing opinions on the colors in this image in particular. It's a character I drew for a friend.

In my own opinion, I think the darker parts of the character are too dark so as to be difficult to distinguish from the black lining. I know the perspective and proportions are a little wonky and imperfect but I'm still a /beg/ and working on it.

>> No.6794496

>Pretty sure it's a Mega link.
Does mega require you to sign in to download for everything? Haven't used it in ages.
The book seems like it could be useful, wanted to snag it.

>> No.6794499


>> No.6794505

Bless your heart, anon. I got the link.

>> No.6794536

>Only got a phone

>> No.6794617

Like I said, I’m in Japan. I packed light because I’m on the Shikoku Pilgrimage, and I’ll be hiking on the road for a few months.

>> No.6794627
File: 151 KB, 1579x749, Copying Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My soul hurts. Someone linked to Settei dreams and I figured copying an entire page of the faces would be a good exercise. I don't want to say how long this took me, but I thought I was measuring everything out properly. After pinning down the general shape of the face (Chin / Nose / Ear / Mouth) I tried to begin on the hair and it all just fell apart, very quickly realizing that I did not in fact measure properly. What the fuck. What the hell happened? Dragging the attempt atop the face it becomes clear.

>Nose is too big, dives in too sharply, resulting in the mouth deeper into the face
>The bridge of the nose digs in too deeply as well, resulting in the eyes being deeper into the face.
>Ear is drastically smaller, in the same general shape but not as pointed towards the top.
>Eye is deeper in and mildly down which caused the biggest problem with the largest chunk of hair towards the camera.
> The bangs are just... not right. At all.
>I couldn't even make the collar down by her neck properly

Towards the right hand side I started to rush because of how disappointed in myself I was. How do I train to be more accurate, just keep doing it? Any tips?

>> No.6794642

Local anon discovers making mistakes is a part of learning process and he is not instantly perfect with the skill he learns

>> No.6794647

I feel like what might be happening here is you're putting down a line with incredible tunnel vision while not considering and checking with it's placement amongst the others. Ypu're nervous, that's okay, it will dissipitate the less critical you are about drawing and the more mileage you put in, so yes keep doing it, but from now keep in mind the rest of the picture (or more accurately it's more immediate surrounding parts) as you put down your lines. Painters use these things called plumb lines. Think of them as checkpoints/landmarks. If a line goes here, then using your own judgement of space then this next line will have to go here. You will get more accurate the more you do it. More importantly just take it easy anon, and reobserve the critical inner voice (maybe even outside of drawing). Art is joyful and therapeutic, it's not supposed to bring you pain. Sorry if English sounds odd

Here's a short video that can help explain better

>> No.6794651


I'll give this a watch. I appreciate the kind words.

>> No.6794721
File: 539 KB, 2356x2516, Untitled2_20230815151446~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794861

is it normal that as a traditional artist I feel more comfortable with a screenless tablet?

>> No.6794954
File: 2.51 MB, 3120x4160, 23-08-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way, had my screen tablet for a while and I'm still on the fence about it.
Whereas I was always more comfortable with the screen-less one.

>> No.6794956

fantastic work anon

>> No.6794991

Whats the name of this yellow "line" where the light and shadow meet (?)
Ive seem other artists do this but i cant understand it

>> No.6795017

i personally disagree with marcos explanation, but i dont know where his explanation is wrong. it just feels off to me. maybe it satisfies you

i dont know how it is called in general, but when it comes to skin it is often referred to as "sub surface scattering" because that is the effect that produces this line under certain conditions on skin. marco does not cover SSS only the general effect

anyways here


>> No.6795020
File: 1.60 MB, 1098x1700, 90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the angle, all screen tablets come with stands and expect you to work at a 30-45° angle while screenless ones are typically just flat on your desk the way you'd use a sketchbook.

>> No.6795027

Yeah, its called that
It usually has a different colour because of subsurface reflection

>> No.6795036


new edition


>> No.6796081
File: 52 KB, 581x580, imagem_2023-08-15_220906161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing fat orcs feels slightly homo so I will make sure I never do that again