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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 52 KB, 352x499, 8C9F7404-1A79-4A1E-9E58-F3B4F94BF55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6789943 No.6789943 [Reply] [Original]

Digital art is inherently soulless

>> No.6789947


>> No.6789954
File: 557 KB, 512x768, image_0 - 2023-08-12T090224.836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about AI art?

>> No.6789957

I'm unironically impressed by pomptchan.

>> No.6789963

>Andy Warhol created digital art using an Amiga where the computer was publicly introduced at the Lincoln Center, New York, in July 1985.
>38 years later
>Still no one can replicate correctly the HB pencil in digital

>> No.6789967
File: 380 KB, 512x768, image_0 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to log in
>gets 10, actually 9 free generations
>want more? just pay for a sub
lmao these people

>> No.6789970

what about killing yourself like your fellow trannies

>> No.6789972

I fucking love brown girls
it seems to have gotten worse in the past couple days though, before you got 30 gems for free and 10 more every 24 hours.

>> No.6789978
File: 459 KB, 512x768, image_0 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, who cares there are other countless sites like this
and i can draw stuff like this myself also in 5 minutes
I find it weird that they go such ways to try to monetize shit like this memed under the banner of
>democratizing art
It was a grift all along, like everyone was saying from the beginning.

I mean, i don't care, i just generate pictures for free.

>> No.6789981

>i can draw stuff like this myself also in 5 minutes
why lie?

>> No.6789985
File: 149 KB, 723x1031, tunisiachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me 5 minutes
I mean, look, even the hands are fucked up

>> No.6789987

wow, that's definitely the same level of rendering, nevermind anon you can totally do it in 5 minutes.

>> No.6789994
File: 438 KB, 512x768, 1683583657353935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh rendering
Already expected this brain dead response.

You know, the best thing about being an artist is that you see things that aren't there.
In my head, i see her with colors, i can conjure a full picture.
Even on a blank page i could see her, colors and all.

>> No.6789998

holy cringe

>> No.6790008
File: 63 KB, 644x435, AI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you

>> No.6790009

>as a gamer, I can imagine things that aren't actually happening
>In my head, I see myself on the moon fighting a dragon
>I can conjure the full scenario
>even if I just close my eyes, I can see it clearly, colors and all
>basically what I'm saying is I'm a master astronaut swordsman because I can imagine myself as that.
>I'm also a woman (trans).

>> No.6790014

>>Still no one can replicate correctly the HB pencil in digital

>> No.6790017
File: 164 KB, 634x814, now thats a good bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wow ur an artist who makes images in his mind and brings them unto paper? Cringe! Be like us cool guys and let the machine slop it up for you!"
There is something inherently liberating about dragging the pencil upon a surface and drawing lines until a form is shaped.

Well, not that a pAIjeet would know. lmao

>> No.6790029

>and brings them unto paper
this is the part that didn't happen.

>> No.6790040
File: 61 KB, 405x419, digital paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it.

>> No.6790050

I'm just gonna hide thread and forget someone as big of a faggot as you ever existed honestly.

>> No.6790052
File: 62 KB, 848x480, 1682310509691494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be mad at you fags, I really do, but most of the AI slop that has been posted lately are blondies, this one has lingerie too, I cant be mad when you're appeasing to my kinks like that.
I still dont welcome AI and I much rather have actual artists draw blondies themselves, that'd be infinitely better, but I dont discriminate a good looking blondie even if it's the most generic and souless thing possible.
>another AI thread
Begone already

>> No.6790055

What the fuck is this?

>> No.6790060
File: 40 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wromg that I am unironically excited to see artists' dreams go down in flames? I fucking suck at art due to lack of willpower, i acknowledge that. But seeing these artists with their head up their asses throw a mega fit over ai is hilarious to me. All their grinding, Loomis, bridgman, gone down the shitter.
If I can't get into art, no one can

>> No.6790063

ai art is definitely soul and is for sure very very real

have fun bro

>> No.6790067

>"wow like honestly ur such a fag and i'm going to hide the thread hehe check and mate gotcha
Peak estrogen.
Idk some aitranny probably thought it would be the epic ownage bait troll if he put this >>6789985
into rendering generator
Ultimately, the joke is on them.

>> No.6790075
File: 416 KB, 859x354, el abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should feed some loomis into promtchan she's clearly retarded.
>Ultimately, the joke is on them.
The fact that hands are the one thing these fucking bots cannot copy for shit will remain endlessly amusing to me and I'll mock AI fags for it until my last breath.

>> No.6790091

It makes even less sense to pay when you can download the software and models for free as long as your computer can handle it. Who is even paying for these AI sites?

>> No.6790094

Lotta ppl's computers cant handle it, you need a really beefy PC to do stuff with this

>> No.6790098

>Lotta ppl's computers cant handle it, you need a really beefy PC to do stuff with this
the usual cope response from AI grifters is "it will improve bro trust the magitech''

>> No.6790101

So you're a massive faggot ass bitch is what you're saying

>> No.6790104
File: 444 KB, 512x768, image_0 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hands
Do you know why?
Since AI is just a machine, it can't comprehend or know what it is doing when replicating and meshing tagged images together to ultimately generate an image.
It doesn't truly know what a hand is, all it has is commands that prompt it to the tags to meld the image.
>installing it on your pc
Why even do that when you already have mspaint preinstalled?
You're just going to shorten your pc's life span and consume more electricity for what? For something you could easily do yourself for 1/10th of the cost and when there are a lot of useful idiots uploading shit like that for free.
You know, why do the work yourself when others do it for you?
>who pays for this?
If someone does, it's most probably the delusional redditors and coomers because they're that retarded.

>> No.6790121

>Do you know why?
>Since AI is just a machine, it can't comprehend or know what it is doing when replicating and meshing tagged images together to ultimately generate an image.
>It doesn't truly know what a hand is, all it has is commands that prompt it to the tags to meld the image.
I know that's why it's extremely funny to me that people wank these things off so much and even try to use them as erzatz friends/girlfriends considering there essentially just a supercharged pattern recognition bots.
there also remains ther issue of gaurdrails
I read something on this last year and it was very fascinating the llama white paper explained that the more guard rails and wokeness the handlers enforced on the bot the more retarded it became as when you try to nudge the AI to a specific way of thinking it basically creates 'bad sectors' that are no longer usable, effectively making the AI worse every time to try to force a fake reality on it. It's the one thing that gives me hope these things will eventually kill themselves, and likely why GPT won't give their AI real access to the internet.

>> No.6790150
File: 508 KB, 512x768, image_0 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the critical issue with AI in general and why there are only two outcomes;
>human extinction
>"AI" remain glorified chatbots
They just build npcs who aren't even allowed to think or question wrong thoughts.
You have a program that all it does is pattern recognition and will go about it in the most logical way to "contemplate" about it or "solve" a problem.
Right now, AI cannot develop any real intelligence and the more guard rails they introduce, the more likely one of the two outcomes will occur.
But image generation has nothing to do with AI anyway, it's just a fancy title, and these image generators are just another tool to create content faster to bring to customers.
I think there is a sitcom on netflix about the last blockbuster who probably got written by a chatbot. If you watch the first episode you'll notice.

Anyway, If they allow AI-programs to develop real intelligence beyond just building a library of pre-set thought and image patterns, then it will finally be able to generate good hands, but when that time comes, how it draws hands will be the least of our worries.

That this whole AI shit show started with free anime titty generation should be a cause for worry.

>> No.6790161

This doesn't stop anyone though lmfao. You think because MacLarens exist I'm just gonna cube my focksbody Shitstang or old MR2? Why would I?

>> No.6790170

>That this whole AI shit show started with free anime titty generation should be a cause for worry.
that's what spooks me the most the entire neolib system currently is caught in some type of orgiastic psychosis fuelled by greed and coomlus over these machine learning algorithms they are so blinded by avarice they can't even see the disaster there walking right into it almost reminds me of the prelude to the 2008 housing crisis.
just one problem that will fuck everything and everybody.
if the vast majority of the human population is out of work who's going to pay for the commodities these companies produce how is the government going to rake in tax revenue?
Wages aren't just some useless expenditure you pay to your wage slaves to keep them pacified but a vital aspect of running a functional economy this is no different with artist and other forms of entertainment AI by it's very nature and speed will oversaturate the market and devalue art by making it accessible to every retard with a computer.
it's pure hubris from big tech they simply cannot fully recognize the implications of a magic "make this an image/song/movie" button being easily accessible to everyone, might have on an internet where misinformation spreads like wild fire.

>> No.6790197

Globalist neolib/neo feudal hegemony is a fever dream and we are long overdue for a correction to a more sustainable way of life. No that doesn't mean led bulbs powered by an indoor bicycle. It means an end to globalization, debt based economics and currency speculation. This is unavoidable. Whether or not we accept this and triage to admit and excise harmful pie in the sky neolib rhetoric, essentially undoing the Enlightenment, and pivot towards an ethnonat model with some altruistic country preserving valuable pieces of knowledge and technology to dole out responsibly over the next 500 years, is the question. We (humans) will probably (continue to) fail every test and eventually become so delusional and weak and just get a killing blow from an exceptionally bad harvest followed by an exceptionally bad winter followed by an exceptionally bad hurricane season and oops now the global population halved. Then there's not enough people to maintain and within decades lights go out and don't come on, machines just seize and stop working, buildings fall down and don't get rebuilt, and everyone will just assume it's always been like that. Gg no re. At least not for a few millennia.

>> No.6790205

I drew this with a mouse and it has plenty of soul.

>> No.6790206
File: 15 KB, 454x593, unt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.6790212

>Whether or not we accept this and triage to admit and excise harmful pie in the sky neolib rhetoric, essentially undoing the Enlightenment, and pivot towards an ethnonat model with some altruistic country preserving valuable pieces of knowledge and technology to dole out responsibly over the next 500 years, is the question. We (humans) will probably (continue to) fail every test and eventually become so delusional and weak a
>he thinks anything can or will change for the better
anon let me give you an example of how fucked we are computers have been around for over 50 years now the vast majority of humanity cannot even do something as simple as change a RAM card that's how over reliant we have become on specialization and tech AI will make this even worse the bots will replace your brain you don't even have to do shit or learn anything useful anymore no achievement no improvement to skills nothing to strive for what's the point of living in a society like that?
if big tech continues to produce market wrecking abominations I fully expect a Butlerian jihad.
What's the story behind this?

>> No.6790218
File: 588 KB, 1039x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is this whole entire AI "debacle" on /ic/ literally just permabeg stick schizo who thinks the world is controlled by the ZOG and the world will end and everything is viewbotted and fake and has delusions about his skill vs tunisia chan who just wants to make random AI stuff

Stick Schizo: >>/ic/thread/6644161#p6645603

Tunisia Chan: >>/ic/thread/6644161#p6645697

>> No.6790220

Weirdly funny post because it's about how tech has zapped people's brains but, the poster didn't read the post they replied to and therefore thought the post was pro-tech, and wound up just agreeing while disagreeing. Truly one of the only kino things that zoomers are capable of. Anon this will go in my time capsule.

>> No.6790222

you might have the absolute worst handwriting I've literally ever seen.

>6 liw6nsb.

>> No.6790236
File: 511 KB, 512x768, image_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing; they don't give a shit.
The wealthy people don't need the rest of the planet let alone governments, they just need a few slaves who will be kept and worked like cattle.

That is really the endgame;
>pacify everyone with endless stream of content
>get them addicted to porn/validation/substances
>exploit those addictions for your own benefit

Imagine being a billionaire in 2050 and having an army of battle ready coomers ready to rip bears apart with their bare hands, so that they'll be allowed to jerk off to some custom generated porn image.
I mean, you get the point. In the end all this shit will be abused by the ones controlling them so that they can stand at the peak of humanity and rule without ever fearing a revolt.
Big tech is just getting paid to work on this shit because if they didn't, they probably wouldn't get a job anywhere else.
>AI by it's very nature and speed will oversaturate the market and devalue art by making it accessible to every retard with a computer.
Yes and no. There is really some nuance to it.
Anyone with any kind of tool can create art.
Anyone can shoop images and create new stuff.
Anyone can just draw anime titties.
A drawing can be valuable by itself; through context or meaning.
All the anime titties are meaningless slop even when drawn by people and not many people seek to create meaning, they just want to consume or create things to consume.
>holy shit people are conversing ON MY BOARD? cant have that!!
It was obvious from the start it was me?
>trying to scapegoat me for the spam
Nigger, don't you go call me a schizo when you say shit like that, bitch ass discord tranny.

>> No.6790237

>you might have the absolute worst handwriting I've literally ever seen.
I know anon calligraphy is not my strength.
>the poster didn't read the post they replied to and therefore thought the post was pro-tech, and wound up just agreeing while disagreeing. Truly one of the only kino things that zoomers are capable of.
hush hush anon I'm enjoying the thread and had no idea how to keep the conversation going (I do generally actually agree with his based takes though)

>> No.6790240
File: 53 KB, 248x253, 1680526566999194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole debacle is just aifags jerking themselve off by being proud of pics they didnt make against an anon that draws, all happening in an art board, where people draw.
You dont prompt, let alone draw, /ic/ does not welcome AI generated art, you have /g/, /h/ and god knows what other board for that, but not /ic/
Begone, already.

And you faggots also stop feeding this trash of a thread.

>> No.6790242
File: 594 KB, 1042x687, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which way permabeg man?

>> No.6790244

you type a lot without saying anything
can you go to like discord or twitter or something?

>> No.6790249
File: 130 KB, 530x554, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that both pictures belong to me, right?

>> No.6790267

>The wealthy people don't need the rest of the planet let alone governments, they just need a few slaves who will be kept and worked like cattle.
Yes with the vast majority of people out of work or reduced to slaving away in the promp mines a new digi UBI currency will likely have to be introduced to make up for the fact wages will have collapsed this will be monitored by your AI ''companion" who will act as a 24/7 personal telescreen on every home device and mercilessly reduce your good boy points if you say or do anything against the "benevolent" rule of the techno elite.
it's not even that far off all this shit has already been tested in Canada China and the US truly one hell of future where all looking down at.
also anon you remind me of someone... are you from Crimea and frequent /pol/ by chance?
>A drawing can be valuable by itself; through context or meaning.
yes soul the thing is that it rarely leads to anything substantial but marginal clout and shekels with some exceptions like ZUN.
still Pity the coomers and rendermonkeys they will get fucked hard and will likely be forced to draw the most deviant degenerate shit imaginable since as AI companies will blacklist the spicy tags from there models after all you don't want your company to be associated with scat fur diaper fetishism right?

>> No.6790275
File: 318 KB, 519x588, prompter golem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting an AI fag to double check or even care

>> No.6790280

bro, he's just messing with you

>> No.6790292
File: 65 KB, 729x545, 987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you from Crimea and frequent /pol/ by chance?
No and no. Used to lurk pol years ago but got tired of it during the 2016 election flood since the board became unusable and basically just a twitter spam mixed with /x/ faggotry.
I wouldn't say my take on things is unique either.
>Pity the coomers and rendermonkeys they will get fucked hard and will likely be forced to draw the most deviant degenerate shit imaginable
I don't. Most will start doing that when they'll see the numbers getting raked in by those who will start doing it first and then the same problems will arise as it did with anime pinups.
Come on, i can't treat them like the mentally ill low IQ trannies they are.
They won't play with me anymore if i do.

>> No.6790315
File: 47 KB, 460x574, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790329

>Come on, i can't treat them like the mentally ill low IQ trannies they are.
>They won't play with me anymore if i do.
never stop shitting on AI fags anon your my hero.
>I don't. Most will start doing that when they'll see the numbers getting raked in by those who will start doing it first and then the same problems will arise as it did with anime pinups.
the pin up market although oversaturated with copycats and low effort photobashed shovel ware is still sort of stable despite the flood of generative models like stable diffusion which confirms a theory I had that there is a significant segment of smut peddler community relies almost exclusively on branding like apple the only way they will get knocked out of there thrones is if AI shitters start mass plagiarizing there art which is a legal can of worms i doubt even the most greedy tech tech execs want to open.

>> No.6790373
File: 715 KB, 700x423, yousr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never stop shitting on AI fags
My existence alone shits on their whole being.
>there is a significant segment of smut peddler community relies almost exclusively on branding
>the only way they will get knocked out of there thrones is if AI shitters start mass plagiarizing there art which is a legal can of worms i doubt even the most greedy tech tech execs want to open.
Legally, i don't think there would be any issue unless we're talking very specific and publicly known branding/stylization.
Most of the pornfags who shit out fotm kitsch barely have an original brand of art that they can truly claim. They can claim the specific works they did as their own as is their right, but they cannot claim a style unless it can objectively be attributed to having originated and used by them and be a critical and essential part of their works.

If someone were to generate a 1:1 picture just with some changes, that would be an issue, but if you would take the stylization and produce new pictures, than there is no issue as long as they can differentiate from the one they are "inspired" from.
And i doubt anyone will take long to figure the legalities out and train models on various famous pornfags, because as copycats are allowed to practice and earn money with it, so will image generation be allowed to generate.

Places like China or India will not give a shit anyway since copyright infringement cases are very hard to pursue.

Just a little relevant, but do you know what Goddess Story TCG is? It's basically collectible cards with unlicensed (stolen) artworks of anime waifus, official art and fanart, and sold in packets. This is made by a chinese company and has been going on for years and no one can stop them because they're in China.
And people do buy them up.
My point with this example is that the chinese will not give a single shit about copyright or generating stolen images.

>> No.6790399
File: 181 KB, 544x776, 1685049696124842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a pretty huge difference between human copycat grifters and AI clones.
an AI doesn't have any emotions idiologies or baises that would influenece the design process as mentioned before in my previos posts it its just a supercharged pattern recognition bot if you feed it an exact number of pieces of a specific artist it will be able to discern and produce near perfect replica's of there work something which will definatly be abused (it is already actually) this is a pretty big fucking deal when talking about copyrighted work or big huncho artist who don't want to see there work plagarized by some fucking script kiddie.
a human being is almost physically incapable of this type of machine precision hence when a human learns something or takes insperation from another artist they inavartadly ad there own spin on it making it a transformative work you can see this with lazy grifting copycats or artist that make fangames/manga of there favorite works.
well.... let me give you a better example berserk after Muira's death his assistents took over his work and are trying to finish the manga these guys where HIS personal assistants he lectured them trained them and told them everything about the story yet you can still see a big difference between the style of the master and his pupil drones it just isn't the same.
>is made by a chinese company and has been going on for years and no one can stop them because they're in China.
yes i know chinkland has always been a fucking dystopian hellscape when it comes to blatant plagiarism the funny thing is that the gov is in on the grift look at most chink military tech it's almost iran levels of blatant copying from the US these bugmen cannot produce anything of there own there unironically just as hallow as these machine algorithms.
>My existence alone shits on their whole being.
yes they seethed for 8 hours straight at a single doodle of yours that's how hard you buck broke them.

>> No.6790400

Reminder that "soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing.
It boils down to subjective personal preference, which can be dismissed without further analysis.

>> No.6790523
File: 588 KB, 512x768, image_0 - 2023-08-12T084756.321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave a rating and you can get 50 gems.
Yeah the other anon is right, you need to fix your hand writing, hurts looking at it, how can you live like this.
I can't handle it that's why I use free sites. I hate it when SD fags tell me like if I didn't know about it.
not him but, the only reason you come to 4chan is to post that pic at people.
>Goddess Story It's basically collectible cards with unlicensed (stolen) artworks of anime waifus and no one can stop them because they're in China.
Based china, also a lot of artist sell unlicensed stuff here in the USA at cons or websites, and many of these theaves complaint about AI.

>> No.6790652

theres numerous people trying to flog midjourney generations on etsy and other places, even more amusing they never even try to fix numerous minor artefacts, probably all script generated anyway,

>> No.6790658

>Based china, also a lot of artist sell unlicensed stuff here in the USA at cons or websites, and many of these theaves complaint about AI.
> thinks those are the same situations
Thanks for confirming you're a retard tourist, esl-kun.

>> No.6790806

>Yeah the other anon is right, you need to fix your hand writing, hurts looking at it, how can you live like this.
to be fair I used the snipping tool function to redline on the promt unlike krita It doesn't have the ability to measure how much pressure your putting on your pen.

>> No.6790827

No it isn't.
t. Nobody moron.

>> No.6791074 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1686806067328407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ban expired so I'm not "ban evading".

I thought this place was bad and dead for a while now. My main issue was that there was zero moderation, and that threads like the pixel schizo were allowed to remain up for weeks etc. A week ago I was posting in a thread like normal, posted my art and got multiple people telling me that it was good and asking for my socials. I checked on the thread and to my surprise my files were deleted. I reposted them because I thought it was a bug, but then my POSTS get deleted as well. I then realized a mod was deleting my art and posts for no reason whatsoever, petty jealousy maybe?? I called out the mod in the thread and without fail every single post including people siding with me was deleted within 10 min. Blatant mod abuse. Not only are mods present on this board, they have no interest in actual moderating and abuse their positions. When I pointed THIS out I was banned for "violating Global Rule 8" which I was not aware of existing (it's draconian faggotry look it up).

This board has deep issues that will keep it a R*ddit dumpster fire. I've been on and off of /ic/ for about 13 years now and it's a bummer to see it devolve so hard over time.

>> No.6791812

>Anyway, If they allow AI-programs to develop real intelligence beyond just building a library of pre-set thought and image patterns, then it will finally be able to generate good hands, but when that time comes, how it draws hands will be the least of our worries.
That's not possible tho at least not right now simply because humans don't really know how the brain works, at least not 100% which is why every beginner class on "machine and deep learning" will tell you this right away.
Shills and normies think we have real AI like in those sci-fi movies but what we actually have is a glorified next word predictor that works for writing, art, programming, music, voice, etc but not much else.

>> No.6791837

>That's not possible because we don't know how it works
This is all the proof I need that AI will roflstomp

>> No.6791891

>Anyway, If they allow AI-programs to develop real intelligence
So, AI slavery just because you're horny?

>> No.6791937

>Is it wromg that I am unironically excited to see artists' dreams go down in flames? I fucking suck at art due to lack of willpower, i acknowledge that. But seeing these artists with their head up their asses throw a mega fit over ai is hilarious to me. All their grinding, Loomis, bridgman, gone down the shitter.
>If I can't get into art, no one can
This is the prevailing attitude now. The crabs are excited to burn the bucket.

>> No.6791986

AI art is inevitable and unavoidable. Most real artists have accepted that. The issue is that the AI crowd want to be considered artists, when they are just having a computer use other artists stolen art. You aren’t an artist nor have you made any effort to be deserving of being considered one. We just want AI users to stay out of real artist spaces, because they will never understand the effort and frustration that comes with making art.