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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 346 KB, 1365x1024, imaginefx shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6781387 No.6781387 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction
to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help.
When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

previous >>6778542

>> No.6781396

Reposting question, I already got some advice but just in case:

>Hello /beg/
>Im very new to drawing/painting and I want to learn.
>However, I have a problem. For some reason most drawing tutorials or guides are mostly focused in figure drawing (you know: gesture, construction, anatomy... that kind of roadmap)

>However, my goal is very different: I want to paint fantasy landscapes. Something like MTG lands.

>How should I approach this? Are there good resources out there for people mainly interested in painting landscapes?
>Should I force myself to figure drawing?

Anons recommended in the last post:
>Book: Perspective made easy - Ernest Norling
>Book: Drawing scenery - Jack Hamm
>Fundamentals: learn perspective, construction, and feel the form

I intend to create the landscapes in digital, if that matters.

>> No.6781400

learn basic observational drawing first, and then learn painting, focus on perspective, values and composition

>> No.6781403

>observational drawing
Im sorry but Im too dumb to understand what you're trying to say here.
You mean drawing from life? Still life?

>> No.6781412
File: 198 KB, 816x1024, c2c2e695f9428678d2d71eb1a220243b-816x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are Conté pencils like to use compared to graphite? Are they harder to erase? Im thinking about consooming some of them, but no idea what are they like in real life. Sanguine looks cool.

If they wouldnt fit, what other choices do I have for sketching with red? (colored pencil couldnt erase)

>> No.6781415 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 1049x1049, fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some guidance on what I should be working on so that I can improve.

>> No.6781417
File: 374 KB, 874x874, fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would appreciate any guidance you guys might have on what I should be studying in order to improve at this point.

>> No.6781420

Do hand studies
Not that the hand is terrible, but im sure you could make it way more interesting with a different posture

>> No.6781444

it means you should be able to accurately draw and paint what you see, whether it is from life or images, still life or landscape
it is an indispensable basic skill in all art disciplines

>> No.6781454

Knees and shoulders seem too square and I don't know if the hips are quite right. Overall you're doing great, but your choice of coloring leaves something to be desired. A bit too flat and subdued imo. Varying the values could be worth experimenting with.

>> No.6781477

how the FUCK do i sketch / paint dark curly hair?!?!?!

Shits impossible.

>> No.6781489

how do you bear the crushing loneliness

>> No.6781512
File: 331 KB, 720x843, prison waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw yourself a wall waifu

>> No.6781518
File: 541 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781528

Can anyone explain what this boards problem with Brent Eviston is ?
The way people react to his book being recommended seems like he has some bad history or something ?
I have read all the begginers drawing books, yes all of them, and art and science of drawing is by far the best, if you are a sensible logical minded person who understands that drawing is just a problem solving process
But this board shills objectively GARBAGE books like keys to drawing, fun with a pencil and right side of the brain
Whats the deal ?
Are most people simply too retarded to know what good learning material looks like ?

>> No.6781542

What is bad about Keys? As a beg I really dig it, it's like a personal teacher to me

>> No.6781563

It really is amazing how much people crave connection with others. Even if it’s just a drawing on a wall. Yet we’re all such pricks to one another.

>> No.6781565

Fuck you, pussy.

>> No.6781576

>drawing is just a problem solving process
That's, like, your opinion man.

Drawing, imo, is a language, you can use it for various things, like solving problems, or to draw anime girls getting fucked by orcs.

I'd go even further and say that each of the books serves a different type of person, or objective in art.

>The art and science of drawing
For those who like a "mathematical" or constructive approach to drawing, like the russian academy style.

>Keys to Drawing
A more attelier way of doing things, you learn the construction to forget it.

>Fun with a pencil/Loomis
For those who love to create characters, a more free approach, more akin to design and pop art.

>Right side of Brain
Fuck this book. It's for those who see drawing as a chore to get to painting a still life, like gallery artists.

>> No.6781581

KtD is actually the opposite of the atelier approach, Dodson teaches very little about measuring stuff, for the most part he told you to just trust your eyes and freehand it

>> No.6781600

Well, I stand corrected, that's what I get for talking shit about a book that I read 5 years ago.

>> No.6781613

this is good advice, thanks! I tend to slack off with hands

thank you for the suggestions!! I will definitely try to push the values more

>> No.6781621

I always recommend him, it's a really really good /beg/ book, even better than KTD in my opinion. It is modern, has good exercises, and is easy to understand.

>> No.6781665

I’ve been doing Bridgman studies for 3-10hrs per day consistently for like 2 months at this point and my brain seriously feels like it’s prolapsing st this poin t, what’s the vest and most efficient way to take a break and recover for drawing

>> No.6781675

hey guys im going to draw skeletons

>> No.6781676
File: 411 KB, 874x874, fairy green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend your picture is very pretty but washed out and foggy. You really need to add some darker lines and shadows to make the shapes. You did this well on the face, please do this on the rest of the body.

>> No.6781677

I like it better washed out and foggy it looks more dreamlike

>> No.6781694
File: 162 KB, 946x897, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

told you

>> No.6781697

Alright that's fair, you said "any advice" so that's all I got.

>> No.6781698

I'm nta

>> No.6781702


>> No.6781705

This is something I was kinda noticing too, I'm definitely trying to build up the shadows and create more contrast as I'm continuing to work on it
that wasn't me, just an anon who liked the look of it I think!

>> No.6781707

I like them, they have a lot of personality.

>> No.6781709

very inspiring, i would like to draw cool skeletons like this one day too

>> No.6781718
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_0181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6781729
File: 441 KB, 750x1000, angry skelesoyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no NO. This is necro-cultural appropriation! My bones are rattling so fast that I'm fuming!

>> No.6781741
File: 208 KB, 1078x732, headd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on heads

>> No.6781752

how many of you hold your pen(cil) in the funny draftsman way rather than the normal handwriting way?

>> No.6781753

tips for clean lineart?

>> No.6781757

Im so tired today. I hate being a fucking wagie.
Also the heat doesnt help.

Anyway, today I also sketched random shit from imagination.
Its not much, nor quality stuff, but I didnt want today to be a no-draw day.


>> No.6781760

When you're done sketching a drawing out, redraw and thicken your lines.

>> No.6781774
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 080723a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your anatomy is stronger than your rendering. If you're going to render future work, I suggest studying lighting, and rendering. Study simple objects you have lying around the house. Maybe set up a desk lamp with a clear shadow and light side and do some simple black and white lighting studies.

Like the other anon said, the light, washed out look suits the style. I tried to stick to your style as much as I could, hope that helps.

Keep going anon, we're all gmi.

>> No.6781775

post your work. its okay to use skribbles to find the form or feel out what you want to draw, but you have to go back and clean it up and define which lines where just for planning and which lines are actually part of the drawing. if you dont feel like doing this extra work then you will have to do more planning in your head instead of on the paper

>> No.6781776
File: 593 KB, 1200x1369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like I'm regressing

>> No.6781782

Just keep going anon, some days it takes a few shit drawings to shrug the dust off and get in the groove.

>> No.6781785

You're also drawing stuff you actually want to draw too, right?

>> No.6781786

Are you doing them timed? Are you only doing outlines? The seated woman on the bottom looks half decent.

>> No.6781787


>> No.6781791

Yes, 10 minutes for each one

>> No.6781792

that face is very well done anon

>> No.6781794

Maybe if you spent more than 10 minutes on a drawing, you wouldn't feel like you're regressing?

>> No.6781795

Try doing one untimed and see how good you can pull it off. Imo your 10 minute ones feel worse because you're starting to see the form better, but your skills can't pull it off in that time. Mixing in longer studies is just as beneficial.

>> No.6781808
File: 893 KB, 1600x1200, elevilmane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was considering doing the planning route
i usually try to break teh form into simple shapes
this is my most recent finished work but it is a deviation from how i usually draw/render i am experimenting a bit
thicken the lines on the silhouette? maybe where there are shadows?

>> No.6781811

>Why not just take pics on your phone and then upload them from your phone?
Metadata could fuck up the orientation and they would get posted sideways. I need to erase it and possibly rotate the pictures on a pc. And I often draw on several sheets of paper, so I need to stitch the images together to not spam the thread.

>> No.6781812

Which one?

>> No.6781816
File: 978 KB, 2048x1443, 1671384462848874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thicken the lines on the silhouette?
Thick lines on junctions, intersections, and outlines close to the viewer. Thin lines for details and things further from the viewer.

>> No.6781819

For one, stop using that godawful pixelated pencil brush. Use something like an inking brush that varies size based on pressure. After you're done sketching you can clean it up or make it thicker as necessary. As it is right now, you'd have to literally go over ever line you've drawn to make it not look jarring.

>> No.6781821
File: 630 KB, 1612x1843, Gestures2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6781822

where do you get your references?

>> No.6781823

Looks like quickposes.com.

>> No.6781829

the long one, above the hands

>> No.6781831

arent those the same? if not how do they differ?
its a brush with settings i found on some site
usually i prefer something with less pixilation, but i am trying to try new things
i guess i will try to do the same thing but with a new brush

>> No.6781840

looking at it now, i see what you mean
the brush i found could work for some artstyles but not the one i have right here

>> No.6781844

Indeed. The soft shading and the rough lines contrast in a bad way as it stands. Similarly to the guys linework and flowers behind him. Experimenting is good, you'll figure it out.

>> No.6781845
File: 1.81 MB, 1800x2204, colortst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some of the square conte crayons and i think it's the same material in the pencils. I also have a random picture of testing.
It's maybe a bit better than colored pencils for erasing, but not much. They smudge/blend much much more easily than colored pencils though.

>> No.6781857

I want to buy the crayons too, they looked so damn fun.

>> No.6781868

i guess i will use the pixelated brush for cel shaded works only

>> No.6781871
File: 781 KB, 1462x3015, 3_foric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she ugly

>> No.6781876

butter face

>> No.6781883

She's keeping it together quite well considering her left ankle is broken. Not quite feeling her face. Try again.

>> No.6781884

She is quite cute in fact, however it cannot save the irregularity at the knee on the left and the sprained left ankle. Might say the curve of the right leg is not right either, the way the upper and lower join, it seems like you observed that the form would look real but a bit weird and exeggarated on that.
t. beg

>> No.6781891

they're pretty fun to use, and they've got a slight coating to keep your fingers from getting munged up in 2 seconds like with charcoal or pastel.
i don't use them much though because the crayons by themselves can't do hard edges for shit, and it's still messier to work with and store the drawings than pencil.

>> No.6781892

It's all wonky, draw again but focus on copying the forms more

>> No.6781905
File: 508 KB, 744x984, 20230807_1446382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utter beginner here with a very rough sketch. I wanted to ask if anyone here could help give me a shove in the right general direction?

>> No.6781906

Draw coom and soft moe blobs to counter the rough-hewn blocks of granite you’ve been imbibing from Bridgman. Draw a dinosaur trying to make himself a pot of tea. Draw stuff for fun, whatever random first instinct you have. Or, you can draw from references that you’d like to just look at regardless of if you’re trying to draw them. In my case, that’s women’s asses and hips and thighs and tummies and… anyway, find relaxing eyebleach and draw it.

Or, if that doesn’t feel “rigorous” enough to you, then try studying a completely different aspect of art. Like color theory or composition or constructing insects or mecha or whatever interests you AND is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from grinding Bridgman. Also, man, 3-10 hours a day of grinding is a lot. Maybe draw a bit less, like 1-3 hours. Like taking a deload week.

Consoom artistic media that you find regenerative and inspiring. Whether that’s comics or anime or coom, whatever medium, just take in and absorb art as entertainment. If you feel the urge to draw something cool you see in there, then, fuckit, do so. Without worrying about quality or showing it to anyone or if you’re learning or any of that. Just for fun. And to take the pressure off, do it roughly. Just fucking around and having fun with a pencil. If you can’t just let go of your ego enough to draw badly for shits and giggles, then think of it as a “composition study” or “thumbnail sketch.”

6 months in, I burned out on grinding fundies and ended up not drawing for
2 years. I restarted last month. If I’d done what I’m suggesting now instead of succumbing to burnout, I’d be so much better off. Even if I’d drawn literally nothing but coom pinups and dinosaurs. Don’t take it so seriously. Don’t worry about “best and most efficient” rest. It’s rest and recovery nigga. Also make sure you’re eating lots of fat and protein, avoiding processed food, getting plenty of water, and sleeping well.

>> No.6781911

keys to drawing is the best beginner book. start by drawing a pile of clothing or a hat on top of a bunched up t shirt. this will train you to observe lines and draw them. and try drawing simple scenes of things on your desk. ALWAYS practive by drawing multiple things in a scene, the hard part of drawing is to draw things in relation to each other. if you are just drawing indiividual objects floating on your page your will be stuck in beginner hell, unable to even make something look like its sitting on a solid surface

>> No.6781938
File: 698 KB, 1527x1080, killme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking in 3d is so hard bros.. especially turning and twisting things in your mind and overlapping things etc. But I think it's worth it. Feeling the form is the most important thing to be able to feel in ones life.

>> No.6781941

If you spent only one minute, you could get ten times as many done in the same time.

>> No.6781949

>6 months in, I burned out on grinding fundies and ended up not drawing for 2 years.
Has happened to me a few times as well. Grinding too much for too long makes you enjoy art less and it becomes a chore. You have to find a good middle ground where you're doing enough studies to learn and improve, but not too many where you cannot find find the fun anymore.
I worked on a piece for 5 hours yesterday and I couldn't wait to put 3 more in today because I liked the idea I was trying to portray. After I'm done with it, I'll do a few studies.

>> No.6781969

pretty dope

>> No.6781977
File: 1.90 MB, 1261x1912, Bloodborne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pointers for what I should focus on to improve?

>> No.6781987
File: 26 KB, 469x581, merightnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the copy bridgman twice meme

lol, lmao even

>> No.6781992

I don't really like the composition you chose. We have a big orb to the left distracting us from the character we want to be paying our attention to. The dragon as a secondary compositional element should serve to support the primary compositional element of the character. The character is looking off page to the right which will cause us to look that way and thus off the painting edge. (these were all composition related things). I like that you grounded the character in a place with a background. I think you should try more dynamic poses, so no flat head angles (full side or front on are flat and can be a crutch), as well as more interesting limb placements. You could try rotating the whole body. Whatever pose it is try and not have it symmetrical. Even if the person is standing symmetrically, don't give us that point of view. If i can cut and paste the left side of the character to the right side and it looks right, that means its flat. I'd say apply these critiques to your next drawing because alot of this stuff is what you want to be thinking of from the start as soon as you've got something interesting happening.

>> No.6782006

Thank you!

>> No.6782013

Thanks a ton bro.. feeling the truth in your words especially as I was just struggling with a large female bust from Bridgman and ended up cooming it out (first time in my art life) by oppai’ing it and felt a strange artistic fervor I’d never encountered yet. I ended up erasing it and doing it more academically, but it taught me something about motivation. I think I’ll speed through the remaining portion of the book by focusing specifically on the form and less in the raw details before taking a deload week to draw things along the lines of what you suggested. I still have a commission to work on that’s focused on architecture, but I’ll try to approach that more as a 1-3hr per day deal that involves basic shapes and perspective study.

Sorry to hear that you experienced such bad burn-out at the time, but really glad that it sounds like you’ve found a way to do this that works and is enjoyable for you.

Gonna pop a whole chicken into the oven and mix it with some sweet potatoes and veg

>> No.6782020
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x2420, Arthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an example of a piece i abandoned that has similar themes and similar issues. For example I put all that detail into the sword only to realize how flat I'd made it compositionally 1:1 with the camera plane. The dragon head in the first pass after the thumbnail I chose had much better of an angle to the head but upon rendering it in panel 3 I once again had it flat with the camera which I think was a mistake to make that change. I don't like how close the foot is to the bottom right corner, I thought it worked at the time but now I think its too drastic of a tangent. I was happy with the leading lines an curves I used I thought they kept us looping from the dragon to arthur round and round which is what I want cause I don't want the viewer to ever look away.

>> No.6782024
File: 633 KB, 1920x781, arthurWhitebg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops background color got changed to black within the final picture when I added the other two above. This was the final version I gave up on.

>> No.6782028

>its okay to use skribbles to find the form or feel out what you want to draw,
That’s completely wrong. Even the basic sketch should consist of clean, confident lines. Otherwise it’s a “garbage in garbage out” situation.

>> No.6782029
File: 14 KB, 200x268, 480076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you do that!?!?
Please tell me where you learned to do that!
Loomis only teaches that weird stickman
And I don't know use it all

>> No.6782033

I'm a degenerate weeb. I'm looking for jap or good western weeb artists streaming the process of drawing anime pics. Doesn't need to be in eng. Where can I find these? So far I only know Plague of Gripes

>> No.6782036

Pixiv. Just gotta be up when they're streaming.

>> No.6782047

I can't draw left eyes for the life of me.

>> No.6782051

ok then flip canvas horizontally and draw the right eye a second time if that's what's holding you back.

>> No.6782062
File: 72 KB, 1024x768, 1674525292841407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf its that simple...?

>> No.6782064

it can be

>> No.6782072

another idea, before altering the right eye next time you notice something wrong, flip it so it becomes the left eye, now with a more solid framework than no eye and adjust your right eye as a left eye so you can start getting the feel of drawing left eyes. One day you will not fear symmetry. I believe in you.

>> No.6782077

heathen. heretic.

>> No.6782086
File: 785 KB, 2560x1440, 366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg. Today i was lazy again. Very lazy.

for starters you could add texture to the dinosaur, make it not having same color as background, add shading, add floor and so on
everything is hard... its over
eyes to head ratio is too disproportionate, the shoes / feet combo dont feel right to me
these are cool
i dont think anyone has problem with eviston. its more like almost nobody knows eviston. if you know him, tell him to make kangaroo on stream and suddenly everybody will know about him
just get an art hoe girl friend
literally see pic related here >>6781412
contrast. study what is contrast and why its desirable to have it
the only thing i know about pencils is that there are in general two types (three if you count the graphite ones)
TLDR try out some darker color oil pencils like blue, red or dark green. They produce whole range of values and basically they mog the normal pencils in almost every aspect but price
step 1: learn how to draw what you see ala keys to drawing,
step two: pick some book about painting and or landscapes
Good luck and i am looking forward your next post where you will PYW!

>> No.6782087


>> No.6782110

Thanks! This is perfect. Now just to find somewhere with a lot of recorded streams

>> No.6782115
File: 367 KB, 1406x992, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linework test

>> No.6782117

This is what years of /ic/ does to a person.

>> No.6782123

Im not that guy i just draw miku because its like a blank character i can reuse

>> No.6782125
File: 58 KB, 462x1037, 080723b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vilppu sensei says you need to FEEEL the FOOOOORME

keep at it, you'll be drawing SUCCULENT butta in no time

>> No.6782132

Youtube has a lot of artists who stream with archives saved. For Japanese stuff search お絵描き配信

>> No.6782136

Kawaii Vilppu-chan

>> No.6782163
File: 1.24 MB, 3874x1833, 20230808_000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your evaluation on my tonal bar exercise?

I am proud to say I have frequently contemplated suicide from this boring shit

is this from a cartoon or original work? wanna see moar

>> No.6782172

you did good. I will say though, Loomis never mentions doing value scales as an exercise, so it's strictly unnecessary. Just draw from life a lot, and observe how shadows work, and you'll get it

>> No.6782180

i'm feeling something alright

>> No.6782271
File: 477 KB, 734x790, image_2023-08-07_195620080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very early sketch, how are the eyes?

>> No.6782290
File: 96 KB, 784x774, Screenshot 2023-08-07 191117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying a new style

>> No.6782327
File: 3.64 MB, 2481x3404, 20230807_193536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doodled to maintain the streak

>> No.6782389
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x1551, mikuline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face is kinda weird but the rest isnt that bad

>> No.6782390

>really enjoy brushed ink
>look for youtube technique in this media
>don't want to draw fucking bamboo sumi-e shit
guess it's just me and my ink and fundamentals from other sources

>> No.6782416
File: 3.56 MB, 2418x1609, tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me an hour or so. I just got a tablet for drawing and have begun learning Krita. Struck by a wave of anxiety because I just bought a tablet and I don't feel like my art is good enough for me to have spent money on a tablet, but I was able to get through the whole thing

>> No.6782417
File: 121 KB, 736x560, 10bf81735d59f65484ecc42681c4de94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is not my work, I also love brushed ink works, these ink washes which are painty and utilize expressive strokes.

Haven't done stuff like this yet tho because I have a million ideas on a waitlist

>> No.6782422

Then work hard to make the money worth it. You can do it.

>> No.6782425

Thank you for believing in me! That's my plan. Krita is pretty overwhelming, which I feel like was a large part of it.

>> No.6782434
File: 1.72 MB, 2404x2618, 2572843C-A962-4509-AE62-C6873139A348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to force myself to draw at least 1 thing a day, I’ve got major depression and motivational issues with everything in my life, but I’m trying. Anyways I found a feather today and tried drawing it, the lighting changed when I went over it to take a picture but other then that I think I did okay.

>> No.6782456

>trying to do the early drawabox lessons of superimposed lines
>supposed to do it in one relatively fast motion
>well-used pen making only a faint line unless i go pretty slow
hardware issues i guess

>> No.6782461
File: 446 KB, 797x710, image_2023-08-07_221650402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corrected a lil bit, pls help.

>> No.6782463
File: 249 KB, 1028x800, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6782464
File: 2.52 MB, 4656x3492, blurry thanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My camera is a bit doodoo

>> No.6782471
File: 48 KB, 560x588, New Canvasasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

struggling with control over my lines

>> No.6782537
File: 458 KB, 608x480, paxclown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback is very much appreciated, was given a small canvas to work with but i'm more than willing to expand :J

>> No.6782544


>> No.6782557
File: 133 KB, 728x1092, 02_132821_728_1092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikegami has assistants digitally flip faces that need to be looking right because it's easier for him to do them looking left.

>> No.6782560

Very cool, makes me think of IT

>> No.6782564
File: 218 KB, 894x1280, IMG_5465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many time do you allow yourself to fix an error before you

>> No.6782578

before you... kill yourself? haven't found out yet, but I can only guess you just did
pouring one out for you as I type this

>> No.6782601

How do you gain this power ? I can copy drawings but I can’t seem to ever get to this point of feeling form for bodies

>> No.6782604
File: 496 KB, 1230x543, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i was scouring the internet for a darkest dungeon digital artbook since i'd like to be able to draw in a similar style one day, but all i found were some blurry ass concept art images on their website
now i figure i could just load up the game, take some screenshots, and copy those, but i really don't intend to get into painting or digital anytime soon. i'm mostly just interested in making black&white art with cheap fineliners and brush pens

could you please recommend me some similar low fantasy/horror art that's purely black and white? of course any books, courses or whatever advice you might have is fine too

>> No.6782605

My mind has been blown in a kind of overwhelming way. Now that I understand 3D space and "feeling the form" I can't unfeel it. Being aware of 3D space in everyday life is fine since reality is 3D to begin with, but I feel kind of sick after watching an anime episode because my mind is converting 2D into 3D space now and it feels like too much information to process. I hope I can translate this to gains because I feel semi-schizo right now.

>> No.6782608

how the hell do you use a soft pencil? how do you even sharpen it? i barely have any control over this shit besides adjusting pressure.

>> No.6782610
File: 302 KB, 400x400, 1388621599002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to start with vilppu? drawing manual -> proportion -> anatomy?


>> No.6782626
File: 205 KB, 894x1280, IMG_5466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not carry

>> No.6782632
File: 295 KB, 2465x1754, superimposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first DAB lesson
thinking of skipping ahead not because i feel too good to do beginner stuff, but because my pen just won't last much longer

>> No.6782635

Appealing as always
Man that’s a really cool head.
Nah. Some days are better than others. You’re fine.
Pretty good, keep going. You might want to pay a little more attention to proportion. While I like the long-legged ladies quite a lot, those proportions aren’t too accurate. (unless that was intentional)
That face is beautiful.
Keys to drawing or the exercises from drawing on the right side of the brain to teach you how to see, Vilppu for figure drawing, Draw A Box for basic mark making and construction and feeling the form.
That’s actually quite decent for a beginner.
Thank you!
Based and composition pilled.
Yeah, it’s a delicate balance to strike. I’m glad to hear you’re making it work! I hope to do the same.
Ha, yeah. Glad to hear it! Amazing what an impact the subject of a drawing can have on the artist, isn’t it?
>Sorry to hear that you experienced such bad burn-out at the time, but really glad that it sounds like you’ve found a way to do this that works and is enjoyable for you.
Thanks, fren.
>Gonna pop a whole chicken into the oven and mix it with some sweet potatoes and veg
That’s still cool as fuck, Anon.
Vilppu or Steve Huston or Karl Gnass. Pick one whose ramblings make the most sense to you, and learn from them.
It’s hard to cope when no one touches PP. :(
Doesn’t look lazy to me. Try mixing it up to avoid getting burned out.
Looks good.
Cursed. I love it.
Blessed. I love it.
Good job!
Breddy gud.
>major depression
Beef, salt to taste, water, and NOTHING ELSE for 30 days. Then, if you want, slowly test 1 food at a time — animal foods first, like eggs or yogurt. Regardless of reintroducing plants, stay high fat/low carb, and never eat processed foods or PUFAs.
t. 5 years remission of MDD on carnivore

>> No.6782638

any mike mignola should be good, also check out crom on ig, his work is heavily influenced by mignola

>> No.6782639

those look frayed as fuck
do them again

>> No.6782643

they're fine, shut up

>> No.6782647

hahaha no way there's a course thats actually telling you to do that lmao

That's like learning to be a runner by training yourself to put one foot in front of the other. It might be necessary if you're 5 years old or 500 lbs but for the normal person you should just try to fucking draw stuff. That's so insane

>> No.6782654

could you check DrawABox and tell me what the actual place i to start at should be
i'm not a first-timer mind you, i was doing figure drawing before doing this

>> No.6782659


>> No.6782665

i don't know how much you know. the fundamental skill is to be able to draw a box from any angle at will, so i would start with the book Perspective Made Easy and then just draw a lot of them. If you can't rotate simple forms in your head and draw them at any angle, then that's your goal. Make sure all of your lines convene at a vanishing point(s) and draw a lot of them. Read Hampton's Dynamic Anatomy and draw a lot of ribcage and pelvis in box form

>> No.6782677
File: 740 KB, 2425x2735, 20230725_180322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently the /beg/iest /beg/ but I have a dream

>> No.6782680

adorable. I would recommend downloading all of the books in the sticky and never coming back, this place is a faggy hell hole and nobody will support you

>> No.6782694

Work hard, anon.

>> No.6782700

He should learn to harness it, the urge to spite the crabfags will light the way when you otherwise don't give a shit.

>> No.6782705

not to sound condescending but why are you even bothering if you're already somewhat familiar with figure drawing
drawabox seems like its for people who have no creative bone in their body and have never attempted to draw anything ever. if you already know the ropes you're better off just drawing for fun and studying fundamentals.

>> No.6782713

here's some motivation behind the idea of line control

>> No.6782724

Don't do DAB. The owner (Irshad) can't even draw! Peter Han's CGMA Dynamic Sketching course is what you should be doing. He was literally an assistant to the instructor (RIP) who taught this exact same course back in Art Center college. IF you wanted to take it to the next level scott robertson's How to Draw will be your perspective bible.

>> No.6782725
File: 127 KB, 1451x1740, 1691470672543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still incredibly new to art. Been drawing for about five days. Pic related.

Any advice for someone so early in the process?
Thoughts so far?

>> No.6782727

the biggest thing is to build the habit of drawing
don't worry about courses or study, just learn to enjoy it for its own sake

>> No.6782749

work on nudes before clothing, it will help alot with getting the basic form before you dress them.
also if these are timed try to put down the mass of the head, the ribcage and pelvis (pay attention to the angle of the ribcage and pelvis is relation to each other) then the arms and legs. it also helps to know the landmarks to look for for figures like the sternum and illiac crest. check out kenzo's stuff on youtube, it helped me a lot when I started figure/gestures.

>> No.6782752


>> No.6782770
File: 125 KB, 632x683, heads6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heads are too fuckin hard man

>> No.6782782
File: 296 KB, 1103x879, firefox_y50YexCi1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like aaron, but man wtf this has to be a grift, right
>We are not providing individual grades or feedback.
>These are strictly, Certificates of Completion – They are intended to affirm that you have successfully completed required studies. They are not to be considered as grades or any form of degree.
what is this even good for, especially if you just make a portfolio
"you did this to an arbitrary standard, go slap it places"

>> No.6782791

Aaron Blaise is a total grifter. His courses don't actually teach anything, they're just long demos that have no informative content. He doesn't tell you how to study the fundamentals of drawing, nor how to improve your work. He rarely makes videos anymore, opting to livestream because it's easier and requires no editing. When you DO ask questions in the livestream, his son Dustin (who screens the questions) skips all the ones that require difficult explanation, such as how to study and improve your work. And his courses are for sale all the time, because nobody fucking buys them.

A good book or course requires effort to put together, with many months of editing and revision. Aaron Blaise doesn't have it in him to do that.

>> No.6782799

Oh if you’re closer to /int/ than /beg/, do dynamic sketching instead. But he’s still gonna have you to these exercises. That anon is either memeing or just doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
If you’re brand spanking new, I’d just figure out how to use hard round brush with pressure dynamics for opacity and brush size, and just draw for a bit. Or a basic pencil brush. Just whatever will let you draw reasonably well. And then forget about everything else in krita for a while. Just familiarize yourself with drawing on a tablet for now. Drawing is already hard without having to learn to use a tablet, which is hard enough without having to learn a new software program.

I just started using an iPad. I was torn between getting CSP or procreate, comparing features and shit, looking at tutorials,mand wracking my brain, trying to make the correct choice. I realized this was a waste of time because I wasn’t drawing. I decided to go with procreate because it’s simpler. I decided that I’m just gonna draw, not gonna bother with learning how to render digitally using gradient maps or learn the animation functions or any of that shit. For now, I just draw. I don’t know what half the shit in this app does. Once I bump into limitations or when I’m no longer feeling so daunted by the sheer process of drawing, I’ll revisit features and brush engines and so on.

I’d recommend that you wait until you’re less overwhelmed to deliberately focus on trying to ‘learn’ Krita. Just get the basics of adding layers, saving files, exporting images, drawing, and erasing. Which, judging by the work you posted, you already understand perfectly well enough to get started. So just chill and have fun with your new tablet. Revel in the ability to draw thick thighs and juicy asses without worrying about all your friends and relations stumbling across random papers stuffed with titties. You’ll be just fine. :)

>> No.6782806
File: 148 KB, 846x1280, IMG_20230808_032214_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw something now I sleep

>> No.6782834
File: 711 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever floats your goat
My first attempt at anything remotely akin to 5-point perspective. Please advise.

Get another pen?
I dunno. Mostly looks pretty good to me. It’s a beautiful face. Her irises might be a little too circular for the angle her eyeballs would be, but I’m really too beg to say. It’s a little tough to tell if she’s meant to be looking at the camera, or slightly past it. Her pupils are positioned to look past the camera, but her irises are so round that it looks like we’re seeing them head on (instead of at a slight angle like if she were NOT staring squarely into the camera.)
VERY nice
Just practice. You might benefit from this >>6782632 sort of thing
Fuckin’ sick brah
Until I no longer feel like it. That’s probably not helpful, though. Sorry.
VILPPU. Or Huston or Gnass. I really like Vilppu though.
You’ll probably experience a major level increase.
Drawing manual or Renaissance figure drawing course. They cover much of the same material, but one’s a book and one’s a video course.
… nice.
Cute! Godspeed Anon!
DAB is for teaching line control, perspective, and construction. It’s like a free, more autistic, much more /beg/ friendly version of Dynamic Sketching.
Not for the weak or those prone to burnout.
Keys to drawing or the exercises from drawing on the right side of the brain. You gotta learn to see. Then you can do Vilppu or Draw A Box, whichever you prefer.
Yeah, but yours look great.
Sleep tight, Anon.

>> No.6782851

feels bad, i really enjoyed a couple of his earlier courses, which now that you've said it, are basically just demos that he talks over.

>> No.6783089

>be me
>at work
>cant stop scribbling random ideas I get constantly
>finish work
>get home
>'aaaaaaaaaaaright lets draw!'
>mind goes blank
>literally dont know what to put in the paper
what is this brain rot called and how do I deal with it

>> No.6783100

If you're mentally empty, meditate for 5+ minutes. If it's just conditioning, try to make a variant of the scribble you did. I usually just sketch random shapes until the ideas come.

>> No.6783105
File: 171 KB, 1000x854, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting worse somehow

>> No.6783121

Its simple.
Humans have a limited daily amount of focus and inspiration/creativity.
My guess is your work is the mental kind, so you spend those resources while at work, and when you arrive home they're already depleted. Your brain refuses to suffer anymore and goes into 'i wanna rest, leave me alone' mode.

>> No.6783167

Shouldn't have killed that seagull, you wouldn't have issues then.
Looks fine to me. Pattinson is recognizable.

>> No.6783170

Looks nice indeed. Bottom one is skewed a bit tho.

>> No.6783200

so 'oh i'll just draw before bed' is a retarded idea, then
good to know

>> No.6783201
File: 1.48 MB, 3223x2391, 20230808_151348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scavanging for feedback again

>> No.6783203

Too dirty, messy, inconsistent.

>> No.6783205

Messy in a good way or a bad way?

>> No.6783210

It needs more chin and his nose is a bit misplaced. That's it. Keep at it anon. Don't "fix" it. Just do it again. Be more lose with your lines. Try to explore the form, don't be afraid of making a mess, just keep at it. Do it again and again. Don't get attach to your early pieces. Get used to the blank paper, and that feeling of starting a new sketch drawing. You own the paper and the composition, that blank piece of paper does not owns you.

>> No.6783212

Bad, there is gesture(energetic) messy and "dead" messy.
First of all i would recommend working on line control and consistency.

>> No.6783217
File: 722 KB, 1130x730, Anatomy for Sculptors, The Eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eye falls terribly flat for some reason. Lines a bit too sketchy.
Otherwise you just have to keep grinding until it looks better, because most of your issues here are some form of measurement problem.

>> No.6783228

Wake up early to draw instead.

>> No.6783244
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x1604, file068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783257

The figures aren't as solid, but the bookstore looks well good. Window lighting is such a nice touch.

>> No.6783269
File: 638 KB, 1032x2150, ktd_out_post2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg, today I did the pepper exercise and drew another apple from the book (bottom of the paper). I got filtered by the interplay of highlights and their proportions on the real pepper, but I think in the end it turned out okay. Also the only ripe ones on our tiny farm are these long ones so I drew them instead of the typical.

I think you would benefit most from practicing proportions.
FUCK that brought up terrible memories. That film left an awful aftertaste, I don't want to watch anything like that ever again. Perhaps that's what the director wanted all along. The drawings themselves are cool.
>>6783228 is right.

Not bad for an initial sketch.
When I look at your heads I think the lines are clean, proportions are alright, style seems okay, but for some reason it just doesn't "pop" for me. idk why, maybe anime has rotted my brain. Keep it up!
Pick up a beg book (Keys to drawing or Drawing for the absolute and utter beginner or Art and science of drawing or Right side of the brain) and follow it. It will introduce you to observational drawing - the most important fundamental.
Consider posting images of bigger and higher effort drawings. Not a bad rat.
What always scared me the most are not typical monsters and skeletons, but creepy things in otherwise ordinary places. It gives this feeling that some horrifying shit could be lurking nearby just out of sight, waiting for you to stumble upon it. But that's just some thoughts, your drawing is quite dark and atmospheric, thumbs up.
Ganbatte! I also suffer from similar mental illness. We can make it together!
idk if that's your intention, but the skindentation is excessive to the point it looks like fat on the sides above the panties. Face is not bad.
This anon has become perspective, destroyer of begs. Very impressive library study.

>> No.6783270

>Peter Han's CGMA Dynamic Sketching course is what you should be doing
That'd these videos, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaif0PpNMas

>> No.6783280

This is probably going to sound very odd to many, but I feel like you're symbol drawing the eyes in a hyper advanced way. Like the lines you make aren't individualised, you aren't FEELING these eyes. Look at the pupils for example, usually eyes have large pupils from what I've seen, yours are small circles, it looks like she's looking at strong light. You understand there's an eyelid fold, so you draw it, but there's no FEELING it, same for eyelashes. I understand drawing itself is removing bad habits and learning good ones, yet I still find your eyes odd. idk if I'm schizo ranting here, maybe I'm just beg.

>> No.6783284

>, maybe I'm just beg.
dunning-kruger in full effect

>> No.6783286

I kneel

>> No.6783290

I really like this however I think if she would hug her legs it would be much more interesting and cuter.

>> No.6783293

Kinda agree with the anon above me, I think what he's getting at with the "lack of feeling" is that the eyes (and everything else) are pretty flat, there's no volume. You're getting there, but not quite. Really think about the shape of an eyeball - it's a sphere. And the eyelids wrap around that sphere. Try thinking about everything you draw as 3D volumes - boxes, spheres, cylinders etc. But you're on the right track, keep going.

>> No.6783303

Do you share the fact that you draw with others? I’ve stopped doing it. Twice, some piece of shit (fuck you, mom) laughed in response and said I was wasting my time because computers can draw faster and better than I ever will.
How would you respond without sounding mad? I just told my mom she was a fat bitch and should STFU and I couldn’t wait for her to die. Haven’t visited her at the home since then.

>> No.6783310

Funny how they both responded the same way. I was high as a kite when I drew that.

>> No.6783323
File: 130 KB, 909x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I drew this months and months ago and I want to color it and maybe add some stuff to it(a buddy of mine suggested making her lean back on foxes/sit on one). How do I do that? Should I even go there yet or is there a big huge problem here

>> No.6783325

Don’t bother. Anime girl against a white void is a respected sub genre.

>> No.6783326

Everyone knows about the 2 passes through Bridgman, but is there a recommendation for how to study Loomis’ material? I have figure drawing, hands and heads, as well as creative illustration.

>> No.6783327

>in love with the idea of drawing
>hate actual drawing
what do

>> No.6783343


>> No.6783351
File: 1.97 MB, 3120x4160, mc-IMG_20230808_170616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing a gecko
Using h pencil, if it's ok I will finish it after i do something irl
Yes I do fundies.

>> No.6783354
File: 190 KB, 900x598, europaeischer-halbfinger-hemidactylus-turcicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original photo i've copied

>> No.6783355

Copy every single drawing twice
Don't think, don't be critical, don't question
Just copy copy copy like bridgtards
David Finch himself said this, and you're wrong if you disagree

>> No.6783391
File: 179 KB, 1158x864, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783397

No one told you to not think, retard

>> No.6783401

fyi any noobs that are seriusly trying to go thorugh bridgeman should instead watch these videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrPi92DnMis

the bridgeman books are a joke and werent even written by him so they dont make sense. the drawings are good but the instructions are not

>> No.6783410

rattle me bones

>> No.6783414

Is it normal that some days you just draw considerably worse than normal. I feel like a retard when I try to draw right now.

>> No.6783425

Your proportions are ok, what you need to focus now is on how you want to draw each feature, look at artists you like and try to emulate them.

>> No.6783458

Ah yeah they both responded the same way cuz they’re both me. I was vry sleepy, please undastand. I guess I just really think it’s nice lol.

>> No.6783460

Didn't know Vandruff put out anything since his perspective series. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6783461

Needs a tail. Also, without redrawing, you’ll probably never get it to really feel like she’s realistically reclining on something if you add it in long after the fact. Give it a shot, though.

>> No.6783463

Thank you! I think i see what you mean, ill keep at it.

>> No.6783474

Yes, there are good days and bad days. Seems to be related to physical condition since I find I do worse on days with less sleep. Try to keep a healthy lifestyle to whatever extent you can but even then there might be some off days and you just have to do what you can then.

>> No.6783477
File: 1.34 MB, 1244x2056, Mix II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783541
File: 82 KB, 434x865, Screenshot 2023-08-08 134159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some figure practice

>> No.6783571

This is like this with every single hobby. I skate and on some days Im so bad that I can barely do the basics... my friend cooks and he said the same, sometimes you have some hardships, like an art block

>> No.6783575
File: 528 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783637
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, haru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day. For the first time in a Decade I can sense a glimmer of hope. I will draw now.

>> No.6783656
File: 975 KB, 1016x1280, IMG_0577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have returned after a couple days of slacking and hardly drawing, i just needed a break cause i was burnt out but i feel better now

i almost quit but that would make me feel bad about myself. i need to stop whining and just draw.

>> No.6783691

Damn. So the number of people who liked it has been halved. I shall seppuku

>> No.6783722


>> No.6783753

>i have returned after a couple days
Fyi your fren got bullied off the board 3 threads ago

>> No.6783763

Who's the friend?

>> No.6783765

Really stupid question, but if you're someone who keeps track of how much you draw throughout your days, do you count drawing time as when you're actually in the current act of drawing and not when you pause and study something for a second, or do you count pausing to analyze your drawing as well?

>> No.6783767

only bridgeman anon and permabeg-perspective anon left who try to hold it together kek

>> No.6783772

Your canvas is open?
Draw time.

>> No.6783774

permabeg-perspective anon? Lol

>> No.6783780
File: 2.76 MB, 4160x2971, IMG_20230808_215347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished drawing
Does 4chan auto remove meta data?
I am tired of manually renoving it

>> No.6783785
File: 452 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, nudes work better, on quickposes some of the clothed ones are too goofy.
More of the grind

>> No.6783792
File: 497 KB, 1220x699, combined-03-dancehall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 don't h8

>> No.6783804

I count it because it is part of the process of learning how to draw. I keep a different timer for studying and doing original art though.

>> No.6783806

Don't ask stupid questions, m8, just draw. Look at orientalists for inspiration and draw her smoking a hookah in a parlor. So far it looks solid.

Bones! Walking bones!

The lighting seems a tad inconsistent and it feels weird that you used thicker limes for aome spots, but not for others.

>garbo nipples

/ic/ fears the automobile artist

Don't overwork yourself. It's more important that you keep drawing than that you keep doing this challenge in particular. Maybe you need a change of pace, aome fun with your pencil so to say.

Looks reasonable. The photo lighting makes it a tad difficult to evaluate your work, though.

Form feels real juicy. Want to see what a finished drawing from you looks like.

>> No.6783812
File: 1.78 MB, 3023x2433, 4CC26859-5795-4CDF-AADC-8267820AB35F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to escape from symbol drawing. I still suck at getting proportions right unless I painstakingly place them all using measurements. I also struggle with values and shading (and haven’t learnt my lesson about charcoal).

Is it just a case of practice here? Any recommended materials?

>> No.6783821

>Is it just a case of practice here?

>> No.6783833
File: 1.00 MB, 1089x1292, IMG_0583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret to not having any weaknesses is the suck at everything

yeah i saw that

but i don’t think he’s actually gone cause last thread he said that he wasn’t leaving (>>6780608)

yeah i did draw a few figures on my “days off” (like 5 total, not too in depth on any of them) and i do enjoy drawing figures a bit more but heads feel like a bigger weakness so i really want to improve of them + there’s a bigger ego boost when you draw a good head vs a good figure

>> No.6783834

Pupil too big, ear is off place and neck curve slope is different, you got it proportion wise, sizes and placement are there, guess you are messy guy from before, still lacking cleanness and confidence with consistency in your lines but proportions aren`t half bad. Also that`s a messy charcoal, cheap one perhaps? Try coal pencils.

>> No.6783836

copy artists, not life or photos. Find cartoons you like and copy those. Build your accuracy and your ability to sense form this way first. Then learn the fundamentals of construction later, through Loomis and Hampton. After all that, FINALLY draw from life

>> No.6783842

Good advice, thank you. Yes, the charcoal is cheap.

Interesting point about copying from artists. Most beginner books have you draw from life. I’m impatient to get onto Loomis, Hampton, Vilppu etc but know I need to improve my accuracy first.

>> No.6783843

Also nose curve is wrong. Glanced over it the first time.

>> No.6783845

And nose is a VERY important feature for resemblance.

>> No.6783846

It would be a shame if red blob anon doesn't come back. I liked his work, was motivating.

>> No.6783847

>but know I need to improve my accuracy first.
Well, kinda not but it won`t hurt, for those books you just need an entry level skill. Eye naturally trains with practice.

>> No.6783848

>Interesting point about copying from artists. Most beginner books have you draw from life.
it's called making master copies, and it's a very traditional way of learning. Art students would go into museums to copy great art, but they couldn't do it often because reproductions were so rare. In the 19th century, Bargue plates were printed so students could copy art from home. Studying art is a good preliminary practice that prepares you to draw from life. Drawing from life requires great simplification, you cannot duplicate it exactly. You will be straightening lines, massing tones, exaggerating shapes. How do you know how to do that? You do that by studying artists you love and learning their way of looking at the world.

Btw, you can copy Loomis, Hampton, and Vilppu as your master copy exercise

>> No.6783876

You son of a bitch.

>> No.6783896

So fucking cool.

An actual good post that's not a naked bitch.

>> No.6783903

samefag and underage. Not that you are much wrong tho, coom shit is a plague.

>> No.6783908

Yeah, keep practicing and keep trying to get it right, godspeed anon

>> No.6783910

man asians are some weird ass looking motherfuckers no cap on g fr
anyway with angles like that use the tip of the nose as a sort of anchor point and measure things from there

>> No.6783913
File: 1.25 MB, 1130x1491, IMG_0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t really post my figures on here but here’s on i just did, it’s pretty fucked but i don’t care enough to fix it

i’ve been slacking on my vilppu manual even more than i’ve been slacking with the heads :(

>> No.6783935
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing before perspective
>terrified, unsure, success seems random and unpredictable, no ability to control what I'm drawing, wheel of fortune

>drawing after perspective
>I'm the one who knocks

>> No.6783941

Your advise is much appreciated. I'll work on it while I still can.

>> No.6783942
File: 574 KB, 517x698, 1669793219033473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. it's me. the Vilppu studymans. this time I bring you more form analysis (pencil edition).

>> No.6783950
File: 401 KB, 3213x2048, cubes23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 23 (colors and values namek)
I'm back from vacation, I spent most of the time drawing my left hand and drawing random people while high on shrooms, my sketchbook got destroyed when my tent got flooded though, what a shame
I'm going to focus on colors and values, but I don't know how is one supposed to go from b/w to full color, I can think of many value exercises but I can't think of color exercises, any help?

why is she so off model? Before anything else she has to be on model
sorry for being rude but are you doing like, one a day? Do they take you that long?
pro desu
why the crop

>> No.6783966

the goal is at least on head a day but the amount i do comes and goes with my motivation

they take like 20-30 minutes to do i’m just a lazy fucker, i do draw other stuff not related to the challenge on most days though

>> No.6783979
File: 704 KB, 1863x1725, booba4jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give these tits some love brother
like the other anon said, vilppu and copy your favorite doujin twice

>> No.6783993

Trying to cut down on data without messing up the quality. I try to be strategic.

>> No.6783999

>copy your favorite doujin twice
gonna do this

>> No.6784004

You sir are a fuckin idiot.

>> No.6784006

Stop characterizing vilppu as a hentai coomer. He would fucking hate doujins if you showed him some.

>> No.6784009

Has anyone here worked with Brian Lemay’s perspective classes?

>> No.6784015

20-30 minutes for a featurless low detail head is way too long desu

>> No.6784017


>> No.6784018

this but with getsture

>> No.6784025
File: 77 KB, 733x733, 1688605839994168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these dude

>> No.6784027
File: 60 KB, 468x520, LucyBooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird one, anyone else have this issue?
This happens with drawing, but also music, mini painting, and probably other creative shit I'm forgetting.

I don't do something for a while, or have never done it. I start and I find I pick it up surprisingly fast. I do very well and enjoy doing it. Then one day soon I find I can't do it very well. If I try doing it, I do one thing and I do it badly. No matter how hard I practice and try it doesn't even go back to the levels I've already reached with little effort.

However, if I quit indefinitely and especially if I do something different (stop drawing and start music) then when I eventually return to the thing I quit I'm better than I remember being even when I was on a roll. I'm not sure that I'm really better than I've ever been, but it really seems that way. At the very least I find I can effortlessly do something that I repeatedly failed to do no matter how hard I tried before when picking it up cold again.

Am I mentally ill? Can anyone relate to this?

>> No.6784028

This can't be real.

>> No.6784031

It's probably not. The resolution is inconsistent.

>> No.6784037

its not even vilppu you face blind /beg/gers

>> No.6784039

you are just bored and are seeking validation. You crave recognition and a sense of purpose. You will just hop between hobbies until you realize that satisfaction comes from within.

>> No.6784044
File: 483 KB, 2000x1551, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judging his current skill instead of his trajectory

100headsanon post your heads 1-5 and then 25-30 to shut this idiot up

>copy your favorite doujin twice
this is the third(!) piece of advice / good idea of yours that went on my to-do list just because i am not fast enough to keep up with it

exceptional ass. it takes me miles of messy sketch lines to approximate what you did with half a dozen of perfectly placed lines

good work ethic anon. out of curiosity, how much time do you spend on average each day?

even your least confident lines / worst sketches are starting to look significantly better than the better sketches from when you started. remember to substitute the fun that is lacking in grinding exercise with self motivation. your expectations / your eyes / your taste grows with your skill. sometimes slower (hype) sometimes faster (demotivation). if you actively remind yourself of that you can average-out swings in your confidence be it downswings or overconfidence.

charcoal is fun but unforgiving
consider using fewer, but more deliberate values. the paper as your lightest, and maybe 2 tones for shading, consciously replacing gradients with cell-shading-like shapes of tone. break down values (like a figure into gesture+simple forms). when learning a language your teacher tries to speak slowly and clearly without slang. when practicing values, make it as easy for yourself as you can to improve learning.
consider boosting the *SHIT* out of the contrast of your ref. values are easier to see, and you will be surprised how little is needed for a recognizable face.
proportions will get easier the more interconnected your knowledge / experience of facial features get. proportions need to be right *in proportion* to each other / relative to each other. caricature artists do not measure at all and deform the face while keeping it recognizable.

>> No.6784052
File: 436 KB, 900x1200, IMG_1828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the original

>> No.6784056

Glad to have you back, Red Blob Senpai

>> No.6784074


>> No.6784077

Oh shit. Hentai has won!

>> No.6784083
File: 935 KB, 2560x1440, 367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi beg. Three point perspective. Spoiler: it is exactly same shit as 2PP, you now have just 1 extra dimension to worry about.

basically you enter valley of despair and then you drop the thing. the solution is easy: just keep drawing even if it kills you (i am already dead multiple times)
looks like very brief introduction to perspective on par of book perspective made easy
eeeeeey ass
where is the one who PYWs though?
that is very cool but the pillar in middle of room is really confusing. or is that supposed to be a mirror?
cute gecko
counting hours is too nitpicky and kinda lame. round it up to draw days. way easier decision making: did i draw?: counter = counter + 1
i wouldnt go my way out to tell others but i wont actively hide it either.
>computers can draw faster and better
This is where you tell her you are drawing on the computer. Dont ghost your boomer parents for such lmao reason
this anon knows perspective
you are on right track. When drawing textures like hair, be careful so your strokes dont align too well because it breaks the intended pattern and suggests that his hair grows in a line like pattern (which is wrong)
i like it
some people work better when they pay for the school (sunken cost fallacy: i paid for this shit so i better make it count)
congrats on opening third eye
arent water colors basically the same thing? maybe looking for watercolor tutorials will do the trick
you call that on left BLACK? I am giving you failed grade

>> No.6784090
File: 971 KB, 1366x4096, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a master chess player can memorize a screenshot of a chess game in progress and recreate the positions of the pieces in seconds. somebody who does not play chess takes minutes to memorize a chess board. (funny enough, a *random* ie not valid placement of chess pieces is easier to memorize for a noob, because the pro is used to categorizing whole areas of the board according to common, repeating strategies)
right now it takes effort to place the eye correctly, and the eyelids, and the cheek, and the nose etc. the more experience you acquire, the more all of those parts become connected and dependent on each other in your mental framework of face proportions. the more you practice, the more you will group small features into bigger and bigger clusters of features, and you will have less and less actual, careful measuring to do

>the goat-anon formerly known as bridgeman-anon
i never studied perspective thoroughly so i might be missing something fundamental - if the rotors are supposed to be in a single plane then their distortion (how much they point towards the center-of-earth VP) is too strong. the houses on the right are distorted less than the right rotor, even though they are farther away from the coeVP
also, the rotors being this close to the camera would show different amounts of distortion within themselves. the rotor-guard-walls closer to the goat would be squished as if viewed directly from above, while they far side would show the insides due to the fish-eye distortion. (A)

alternatively, if the rotors are used as reference, it *feels* like the camera should be ridiculously wide-angle, and the background should be more distorted and farther away (exaggerated in my pic lol) (B)


>> No.6784091

and if one is to zoom in on the goat a lot, the perspective feels right without any alterations (C)

so again, i have literally no idea what i am talking about because i never use perspective, so take it with a grain of salt. but there is some sort of disconnect between the goats (rotors) perspective and the background

otherwise cute goat lmao

>> No.6784098

This is an internal thing. It occurs without a third party observer. I feel like you're projecting, maybe.
>Valley of despair
I think you're missing the point. It's not a phenomenon of perceived ability. It's literally results.
>Just keep drawing
As I said and literally meant because I chose my words carefully, no matter how hard I try it doesn't improve. I've persisted for literally months in some cases with no improvement, while nearly universally seen improvement from ceasing the activity for weeks or more.
I understand this is a stranger online and you assume I'm misperceiving my own ability, but I assure you this has occurred with witnesses enough times that this is not the case.

>> No.6784105

triggered. Keep posting on 4chan instead of practicing.

>> No.6784112

As I have explained, that seems to actually be working better.

What seems to work the best is juggling mediums.

Projection confirmed.

>> No.6784156
File: 437 KB, 1170x1159, IMG_0597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put all my stuff in the grid thing, it took a while because i apparently suck at labeling my files

here’s a full size version so that you can zoom in and judge me https://files.catbox.moe/5wdsq5.png

ayyy good to see you man

>> No.6784162

I never draw things just to practice. Everything I draw I do so with the intention of making it a finished piece. Am I arting wrong?

>> No.6784181

Maybe a stupid question but how do you study from the books? do I have to copy the drawings?

>> No.6784183

This is a catastrophic failure, but it is also cute.

>> No.6784188
File: 272 KB, 633x479, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, how do you deal with a huge skill gap between drawing on tablet and on paper?

I feel like I regress every time I switch to a tablet, and I'm not sure what my best option is.

>> No.6784226

he's right though, your gains will be 5x higher if you do at least 2-3 in one sitting, so you can think and compare your attempts in the same session.

>> No.6784254

Probably just you having a fresh pair of eyes when you resume that lets you improve instead of stagnating.
That's good as long as it includes practicing new things for original pieces.

>> No.6784264

Do you not have a stabilizer on? paper naturally slows down and "corrects" your pencil.

>> No.6784279
File: 59 KB, 964x912, 2dpwzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now the spookiest thread on /ic/

>> No.6784298

I was actually thankful I spent the hour or so trying to follow the tutorial as it has given me a good layout of Krita without having to learn everything. Pretty much today all I've done is mess with the stuff I need and I feel a lot more comfortable just drawing thing I want.
I'm very happy with my purchase now as the funny pictures I like to make are much easier to make without having to worry about my fineliners running out of ink

>> No.6784302
File: 9 KB, 277x277, ImagineFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, now I'm finally gonna make it

>> No.6784303

I do, but I think my issue is more about my actual ability to get anatomy and detail right. I'll try to get some pics in here tomorrow, but it might be a hand eye coordination issue.

>> No.6784314
File: 27 KB, 400x400, worm computer meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a worm meme

>> No.6784318

i usually try to aim for 2 (if i do two in one sitting i usually post them a lot further apart than i do them) but i’ll try and start doing 3 or 4 in each sitting!

>> No.6784324

I'm having trouble getting the connection between the arm and torso looking correct. What do

>> No.6784332

Can't help you if you don't pyw.

>> No.6784349

It’s not spooky. Just shit.
I’m racist against skeletons. (I actually got banned from a Twitch streamer for saying that. Maybe the faggot mods thought “skeleton” was really a race?)

>> No.6784361

I hate the way the feel against the paper.
I mostly used the waxy black ones that the Watts course suggested.

I bought a dozen of the black he suggested along with some of the others to try, because he said to get plenty so you get practice sharpening them.
I went through like 3, mostly just destroying them from it breaking while sharpening or drawing too hard.
That's still not as big of a complaint as just the feeling of them.
I could learn to sharpen it better and the pressure to use, but I'm not sure if I'll ever like the feeling enough.

They also seem to have a lot of little hard bits in the lead that will randomly be scratchy and way more dark.
Maybe that's mostly my poor technique in sharpening, but they're deep..
If I didn't buy them from a reputable source I'd be concerned I got fakes.

>> No.6784366

Screenless? I think it's easiest for people that did a lot of gaming on PC or just used a mouse a ton in general before trying one.
If you don't already have hand eye coordination for a regular monitor like that, I imagine using a screenless tablet would take a lot more practice.

>> No.6784372

Screenless, yeah

>> No.6784384

>(I actually got banned from a Twitch streamer for saying that. Maybe the faggot mods thought “skeleton” was really a race?)
>i was throwing text-to-speech donations at my favorite shittuber streamer but my reddit-tier edgy humor created palpable cringe in the chat to the point the mods had to time-out me before i had the chance to actively drive away viewers when the streamer has to repeatedly acknowledge my """jokes""" with a painfully fake laugh

>> No.6784388
File: 678 KB, 2988x3984, day16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 16
i don't have an excuse like i did last week, i've just been extremely lazy and a little dejected so yesterday i didn't draw and today i drew a lot less than i planned to
anyway, i'm carrying on with fun with a pencil. the two big heads at the top i drew just to get back into it, the three big ones below that are based on page 21, trying out the ear line and all, and the three small ones i just drew from imagination to fill up the page (except the police hat, i had to look that up.)

i'm hoping tomorrow i'll be able to just man up and put some real effort in. i'd like to get further into fwab, have a look at keys to drawing, then draw some goats to retain my goat buddy status

>> No.6784403

Also simple translation
"I’m racist against skeletons." = People assume they're talking about racism based on Phrenology..

>> No.6784413

How do I make my drawings proportionate and straight?
I have strong problem with all my drawings now ending up disproportionate and having either one or both sides leaning to the right or left to the point they end up looking kooky and ugly.

>> No.6784417
File: 329 KB, 1500x1019, figpractice8-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 and a 15 min, still struggling to make arms look 3d despite studying their anatomy

>> No.6784463

>2 weeks to draw a figure because I always notice something wrong the next day
holy shit I'm a fucking hack

>> No.6784479

Thank you! I love your option B! I think you’re right about the perspective disconnect between the goat and the earth below. I literally just eyeballed it and don’t know a fucking thing about fish eye/5 point perspective, so I super appreciate your feedback. This absolutely made my day, Anon, thank you!

>> No.6784496

Practice making cylinders in perspective planes to understand how you can make a form better, then slap anatomy on top.

>> No.6784508
File: 125 KB, 483x631, h908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any comments? Not that I need them, I am bored and just felt like improving one of these mediocre threads with actual art.

>> No.6784537

Hello anons,
Since the drawing tablet general thread is an absolute schizo mess I was wondering, what device do you use for creating your art?
Im thinking about getting a new tablet but I'd rather know first what is most people using right now.

I currently draw in a sketchbook (A4 size, sometimes A5) using a lead holder and wanted to dip my feet in digital.
I dont want to get cheap shit but not gonna spend 3k in getting pro stuff.
Currently undecided about screen/screenless so Im also open to that.

>> No.6784547

xp-pen deco 01

>> No.6784557

I'm beg. Figure drawing is not computing for me at all. Its always out of proportion or just looks wrong. I was recommended to do gesture drawing but I've done it for a week 2-3 hours aday and it still looks pretty bad. Any recommendations? Or better yet - anything that's just hardcore grinding that I can just do on repeat until something finally clicks?

>> No.6784565

i wonder if i can link to an archived thread

somebody asked an unrelated question, but my answer contains an exercise that you might find interesting. although if you are very early in your journey, this might be more frustrating for you than following some more structured course

>> No.6784575

Just the raw repetition of drawing something again with a time constraint, forcing yourself to be able to do the fundamentals well. Thanks.

>> No.6784580


for it to be meme the worm has to ask for blog

>> No.6784601
File: 154 KB, 1335x1000, cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6784605

Drawing on the right side of the brain or keys to drawing. You gotta learn to see before you can learn to draw. And it sounds like you’re asking for draw a box. I got a lot out of it, personally, but you must be wary that all the autistic grinding doesn’t cause you to burn out. Draw some stuff purely for the hell of it, draw some stuff you think is sexy, draw some stuff you think is funny, etc. to keep you motivated by drawing what you like, and to remind yourself of why you want to learn this in the first place.

>> No.6784608

Anon, did you paint that? It looks really good!

>> No.6784626

I use an XP Pen Artist 12 Pro. It has a screen, but I've been using it screenless for the past months because one my PCs HDMI ports died. Looking at a larger monitor for painting made me realize how necessary a large screen for a tablet is. When I buy my next tablet, I'll definitely pick a larger one. A4 just isn't enough for me.

>> No.6784638
File: 454 KB, 670x420, monkey faced hamster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice cloud.

>> No.6784643

was trying out the ghibli method, just with gouache and printer paper and none of the right brushes.

>> No.6784647

Ah man Spiderverse is out on digital, I can't wait to watch it again, it's the film that inspired me to draw again.

>> No.6784657
File: 276 KB, 640x873, lolo2omis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually use the loomis construction method for the figure at all?
It's weird, It feels awful to draw
It takes me a solid 20 minutes to draw the regular straight standing pose one
Not even taking into consideration trying to use it in perspective
I tried using on poses and everything just fell apart

I've been trying to learn it but I've struggling so damn hard
I'm considering dropping it

Am I just too stupid?
Should I give up?
Just give it to me straight at this point.....

>> No.6784667

I don't use construction in a direct sense all that much. It's good as a fallback if a shape doesn't seem to look right or I have a harder pose I need to understand.

Open side by sides of Loomis, Hampton, Vilppu, Bridgman and whoever else. You don't have to use any of them, but all of them offer you a method of making human figures at will. It may seem difficult and poorly done because you're not used to it. It may just as much not be in line with how you would naturally draw and make a figure.

Find a source that has the type construction instructions that you resonate with and use them. The bulk of your work will just be copying from drawings and copying from life afterwards anyway.

>> No.6784669


new one

>> No.6784672

You're not supposed to draw all the lines when actually applying it, just when learning/memorizing it.

>> No.6785174
File: 559 KB, 2892x3562, IMG_20220918_161240539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think it's a right brain left brain thing. I tried larping like one of those "automatic writing" charlatans from the 19th century, holding my pencil weird, half focusing my eyes and moving all jerky, and it seemed to help. My suspicion is that once my logical brain takes over I suck, and I need to trick it into dormancy or distraction to let the creative side take over.
I made a lot of progress watching mmmmonexx on YouTube because he hadn't started speaking English yet, so reading the subtitles actually kept my logic side busy and I learned very fast, or seemed to.
I do here all the time. One pic won't prove anything. I could post one of my better pieces from when I'm on, and one of my shit pieces from when I'm decaying. The only thing that will happen is someone will tell me to get a book. Where I was at when the reversal of progress occurred has nothing to do with this phenomena. Anyway, I think I might have figured out it. It's just a matter of tricking/occupying that part of my brain that sucks at this so the part that can do it is in control.

I'm not saying that books don't have value. I'm just really annoyed at the "you need a book' response because of I wanted to ask a fucking book I wouldn't be online asking humans. I grew up in a time with lots of books and no Internet. They have their advantages, but anons overate their value on an age of Internet resources.