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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 10 KB, 173x173, stan-drawabox-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6781813 No.6781813 [Reply] [Original]

Is drawabox proof that you can't make it if you have aphantasia?

>> No.6781824

drawabox is a meme

>> No.6781834
File: 131 KB, 640x935, K02l4Ls_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, this is the art of one of the guys who approves homework submissions instead of Irshad.

>> No.6781842
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>> No.6781873

i was only trying to improve construction but there is no way i would listen to someone with art like that
last time i take advice from reddit
fuck reddit
fuck social media
god i hate the internet and modern technology sometimes

>> No.6781885

wait, what's his name?

>> No.6781900


>> No.6781912
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He's got a lot of, or mostly, crap but I still think he has potential. I guess anyone who was better wouldn't review things for free but I'll go to bat for him and say he could make it if he tried something else.

>> No.6781922

I mean, i highly doubt this is actually the extent of his artistic ability
Its obviously a quick sketch of an idea
Ishrad actually cant fucking draw though

>> No.6781926
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I'm not an art arbiter or anything but I would still say he understands what he needs to do, seems like he's either getting lazy and is happy just sketching, or he's just making deliberate choices in pursuit of "soul"

>> No.6781950

Sure now imagine you payed for critique and this is the guy you get.

>> No.6781954

I mean realistically it doesn't take a master to tell someone "you didn't follow the very simple instructions," and you pay like 4 dollars a month to them. But I see your point.

>> No.6781961

Of course but I still think if you show begs the work of the people running drawabox they wouldn't start the course. These drawings are /beg/ and Irshad is /lowint/ after how many years?

>> No.6781966

no need to bully this guy, it's Irshad's fault he let him down. Imagine if this guy had Loomis or Vilppu as his personal mentor. Imagine the beautiful, sexy figures that would be flying out of his pencil. Now he's stuck doing scribbles with a permanent fineliner, which you cannot draw on top of or correct

>> No.6781985

I'm guessing Irshad is the Uncomfortable character? I've looked at drawabox a lot and he's right about the concepts but wrong on the delivery. Ironically his course is informed 80% by Peter Han who is actually quite good, but 20% by Uncomfortable wanting to do his own thing which results in "we trained you wrong on purpose, as a joke." Imho you can learn perspective from better sources, grinding 300 boxes or whatever isn't a bad idea, until you can really visualize your perspective grid, but skip the rest and move the fuck on to Han or Hu if dynamic sketching is your goal.

>> No.6781999

It's fine, drawabox is a containment zone for retarded people.

>> No.6782011


It's not exactly like "cube cylinder cube" or 3d drawing is a novel concept, dude.

>> No.6782023

I don't deny the techniques I deny the skill and application of the tutor. It's ripped from a better tutor and repackaged with obsessive rules.

>> No.6782083

The guy who made DrawABox is legitimately, not joking, both aphantasic AND autistic, and you can tell be looking at any "face" he's ever drawn. You can immediately sense something is wrong
DrawABox is an autistic persons guide to how to learn to draw anything when you have no visual memory
If you are not autistic, you probably should not be taking his course
The first 2 lessons are fine. Everything else is autism territory

>> No.6782126

The first 2 lessons are the worst. You should just skip to the plant drawing / insect drawing lessons. At least you will actually be drawing

>> No.6782150
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no its not proof of the fact, but its still a fact nontheless
i swear the whole 'draw a box' movement is complete misunderstanding of the original statement. "just draw a box" originally meant "draw literally everything and youll have no choice but to improve", it didnt literally mean "draw rectengular cardboard storage cubes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again untill suddenly, POOF! like magic! youre a professional!"
absolute morons

that aside, yeah youre fucked if you cant imagine images, and im convinced its not even a real 'disorder' people like that are just machines

>> No.6782199

if the suspect appears to be an ATTENTION WHORE then search their posts for any of the following BUZZWORDS
>FORCE (verb, to force oneself to do something)
>(I(T)) FEEL(S)
>(post containing so-called philosophy)

>> No.6782286

OH wow you're actually retarded
You have zero critical thinking skills
I bet you work as a cashier or something

>> No.6782300


>> No.6782346
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>no counterarguments
I laugh. drawing real world objects is more important than those line control exercises, because drawing from observation also trains your arm, along with building your visual library

>> No.6782504

I agree with all of your list except that. It does and it's a very significant disadvantage in all creative fields. It's like saying a fractured arm is a buzzword excuse as to why you cant play tennis

>> No.6782507

yeah, ask your dad if he can see the apple (assuming he's not in a creative job)

>> No.6782516

I have this. it's pretty bad in the dark, but I don't draw in the dark so it's not a detriment.
One day I'll get cured,then I'll look upon the night sky in all it's glory...

a "cure" exists on youtube(a static-noise video), it clears the snow but it's a makes stuff look a bit smeary and only lasts 30 seconds for 2-3 minutes of staring at noise.

>> No.6782517

Holy kek how is this shit even real

>> No.6782527

Brains, how do they work? But sincerely, in the dark my brain overlays snowy tv static over my entire vision. also noticeable in bright clear skies.

>> No.6782538

You retard
The point is to master one skill at a time, so that you can accurately judge your progress on later skills without having the results marred by poor fundamentals
Its called learning one thing at a time instead of failing at doing 4 things at a time
Obviously, you can learn to draw doing anything if you keep doing it for 10 years, but if you want to get good in less than 10 years, you systematically build base level competences in a simple objective way, then build advanced competences ontop of that
You learn how to draw straight lines first, so that when ur learning how to draw cubes in perspective, if your cubes look like shit, its not because you cant draw straight lines, so you can focus on fixing the actual problem of not understanding perspective

The fact you dont know this suggest that not you have never succeeded at anything in life ever, because you dont even know HOW TO LEARN
probably failed out of highscool

>> No.6782545

Drawabox works you fucking dorks. It's just a tool of many. Construction is a part of how to create good drawings. I have been doing it daily and their exercises are part of my daily routine. Do it along other stuff. Don't be lazy.

>> No.6782548

The suject is important, but how hes teaching is awful. Way too time consuming and grindy

>> No.6782562

oh come on. Drawing insects and plants are the easiest thing ever. That's why you start with those instead of figure drawing. Have you seen the Feng Zhu sketching videos? What kind of a retard can't draw those? Learning is about taking appropriately sized steps, and it's not about taking the smallest possible steps.

>> No.6782566
File: 60 KB, 440x1179, example_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawabox works you-

>> No.6782567

Irshad needs some Loomis in his life.

>> No.6784165
File: 41 KB, 157x98, le dab face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont make me dump my anti-Irshad folder again

>> No.6784168

Yeah well you know what? He still claps cheeks on his WHITE gf AND works for the video game industry. So suck on all of that.

>> No.6784170

If you draw for 30 mins a day you can do 250 boxes in a week

>> No.6784178
File: 24 KB, 484x353, code monkey lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AND works for the video game industry
yeah, about that...

>> No.6784221

I mean obsessive in his rules.

>> No.6784946

Because at the end of the day, he's really just a pajeet trying to learn how to draw.

>> No.6784960

I think what he takes from dynamic sketching is good, but that's an 8-12 week course for intermediate artists who need to clean up some of their fundamentals and learn to more quickly analyze and draw subjects. He's repackaged it in a way that sucks newbies into a grind keeps them on his patreon for as long as possible.

>> No.6785387

tf you mean
There are no gates if you wanted to make your own rules lol

>> No.6785798

i just can't believe it does because i used to talk to this group of people who became twitter brained and they all of a sudden had all these things that they never had before, my whole friend group out of nowhere had aphantasia, add/adhd, were asexual (they became way more hornier but still claimed to be asexual), "my eyes are blueish-greyish-blackish-greenish-hazelish", etc.

i don't talk to them anymore, but i just feel like most people who claim to have it don't understand that when you close your eyes, you don't literally see what you're imagining like you can see it irl, it's more complicated than "close eyes and see picture"

i'm totally biased because i lost my main friend group since high school to gay media, but at the same time, there are way too many people who claim to have it despite it only apparently affecting 3% of the population

>> No.6785799

this. aphantasia is only something you "feel" like you have, and it can't be professionally diagnosed

>> No.6786052

holy shit this is autism, no one draws the head and neck/clavicle with 8 fucking steps. Is this what zero irl figure drawing experience looks like?

>> No.6786356

He desperately wants to be his own thing so instead of just accepting that someone else (in his case, Peter Han) cracked the code, drawabox goes absolutely insane with his construction rules and techniques. His videos aren't very long so you can easily catch him in his "hey, it might not be the best way but it's a really powerful technique" schtick. It really sucks because he couldn't keep the southern Asian out of his course, the first few lessons which force pre-/beg/s to JUST DRAW in ways that will force them to develop line making skills and rough perspective visions are fine. Even the texture part is ok to a point. All those techniques exist elsewhere but it doesn't matter. Then for the rest of his routine he goes off the rails (imo) with weirdly specific rules for construction of subjects. He doesn't even follow them, and if you have the 10-20 minutes to audit his videos there's again, a lot of "I didn't do it [that way] but you should," solely for the purpose of frustrating his constituents and keeping them on the patreon treadmill (this is the uniquely South Asian part I mentioned - the insanely autistic technique coupled with Buddha complex and over monetization all while being inefficient).

If I had to advise someone who was thinking about drawabox, I'd say do lessons 1-3 for free and just engage with the discord. Do it all honestly and you'll get just enough muscle memory to go outside and draw from life ffs. Absolutely insane that Irshad benefited from this boutique art course in California, spending weeks drawing from life, didn't get much better, and then resolved to tell other people under him to just draw from Google images, all the while charging for the privilege. Yes I ranted, deal with it.

>> No.6786367

No, Drawabox is proof that I can't draw. I got to the texture exercise and suddenly I guess I had a fucking stroke, because I can't do it, nor any exercise after it, idk what the fuck happened.

>> No.6786368

i sometimes forget everyone here is retarded and legitimately believes stuff like this. Thanks for reminding me onon.

>> No.6786381

Unironically he didn't explain it well. It's clear that whatever instructions the guy received, his understanding stopped with abstract shapes or cubes in natural perspective. Feel free to skip ahead to some Lesson 3 or 4 (plants or insects) videos, he absolutely flails in the demo and always has a 5yo comment saying "gonna fix this soon."

>> No.6786390

How do you know if you have aphantasia?

I thought I had it until I learned perspective but now I can ""see"" a lot of things in my minds eye. I feel like my minds eye is directly related to my drawing ability. I couldn't see color until I autistically focused on painting with colors

>> No.6786392

For one it is a newly studied disorder so it would make sense that people are finding out about something that correlates with how they experience the world and never had a way to articulate it, or even realise something was wrong with them. I don't know how else to explain it to you other than there is a complete and total absence of imagery. No blurry shapes, no distorted 'ideas' of a figure or a place or an object. This means there is no visual memory to draw on, nothing that can briefly materialise in your imagination while reading or daydreaming, nothing you've seen in the past that can inspire you. It makes drawing without reference incredibly challenging. All you can do is draw from life, reference or mathematically through construction and perspective. People very often talk about their reason for drawing is to get the ideas in their head onto paper. Imagine if you couldn't do that, it kills a lot of the motivation.

>> No.6786401

People get confused and think it's genetic or permanent or whatever. No, you're just undisciplined. Take someone who's never exercised at all and have them run a 5k. How did they do? Oh, they washed out in the first 90 seconds and started throwing up in under 5 minutes? Ok, so are we going to invent a new term for this person who can't do something they've never trained to do? Or do we tell them "go back and do a bunch of exercises and train the muscles you want to use for the thing you want to do?" If you lived your whole life without ever having to or trying to imagine something real and grounded then why the fuck would you just "have" that ability? Aphantasia is an outgrowth of this overly permissive, under developing "everyone is special and everyone wins with 0 effort" culture where they have to invent handicaps to explain why someone who refuses to focus or work on things honestly, and who was raised by people who refused to hold them accountable, can't fucking do anything. You probably didn't even get this far because most people under 30 simply haven't had to focus on anything more complicated than a 7th grade worksheet in order to succeed and simply dismiss the idea that they would ever have to work on something that can't fit into a fucking 7 minute YouTube video.

There's so much bunk science and it isn't even a 2020s phenomenon. People trying to sell you on this stupid new shit would happily shit on a phrenologist or trepanner, despite being their generation's versions of those dumb motherfuckers. In 50 years people are going to look back at the time period between 1960 and 2020 with absolute disgust, with all the pathologizing and over-prescription that we abuse to try and get around the fact that we wholesale rejected traditional family and community structure and subbed in screens and performative empathy for actual human contact and honest hard work.

Tldr bababooey

>> No.6786410

For example, one autistic rule he kept on emphasizing is to only do DaB with a fineliner on an A4 paper. No digital whatsoever, even if you're already used to digital art. And he even go on and said how even he himself is a 'primarily digital artist'. Obviously, his students are gonna follow his advice no questions asked and whiteknight his rules.

Honestly I've been drawing for a while. and I find a bunch of his rules are just something to keep the beginners under his thumb and in a way to filter some types of people out. Primarily those who already know how to draw. Makes senses, since DaB is basically a course for a complete total newbie who has absolutely no drawing knowledge whatsoever.

>> No.6786411

I have shit on him a lot itt but I'm also fair; he emphasizes to work 50/50 and do his homework then do whatever you want. So the digital student is on the hook for drawing digitally, after drawing on a4 paper. That being said I agree and think a quick learning student will pretty quickly outgrow drawabox, while a less quickly learning student will just trust drawabox and spin their wheels and give him 5 dollars a month for the privilege.

>> No.6786414

What an absolutely retarded post, most of what you said is barely comprehensible. You cannot train to have an imagination if you lack one and "working on things honestly" is not a solution.

>> No.6786416

You are allergic to responsibility and nobody but 80yo (You), looking back at all the wasted time, is going to give a fuck how honestly you do or don't approach your life.

>> No.6786439

I never said give up on art. You seem to be inventing arguments to attack as it suits your narrow minded 'pull up your bootstraps' world view. The fact is that it is a significant limitation to your creativity, though it shouldn't ever dissuade you from trying to improve.

>> No.6786448

I'm saying the opposite of give up on art you fucking retard. I'm saying for idiots to stop pathologizing their lack of an ability as some outside force inflicted on them and just practice using their imagination. Of course you can't do [new thing] on day fucking 1. You are unironically saying the same thing but you're so brain rotted that you HAVE TO disagree, even in your agreement, or you're just so allergic to responsibility that admitting after "years of study" the reason you can't imagine an apple isn't because your brain is built wrong, but because you never studied a single fucking thing for longer than 5 minutes without taking a phone or jerkoff break.

>> No.6786459

>just practice using their imagination. Of course you can't do [new thing] on day fucking 1.
You seem to be mentally deficient if you're unable to grasp this very simple fact: you cannot achieve this through any amount of sheer will. Do you understand that not every mental disorder in the world is a fabrication for the sole purpose of scapegoating personal responsibility?

>> No.6786478

do you guys actually do the lessons and stuff on drawabox or is it smarter to just do a page or two of whatever random exercise as warmup before drawing anime titties and stuff? idk if im just looking in the wrong place but i can't find anyone online who's actually finished this course

>> No.6786493

Just stay in the sand you fucking crab and save all your little doctor's notes so when you're in your convalescent home and everyone else is reminiscing about the cool shit they worked on and achieved you can wheel yourself around and be like "see? SEE? i never had a chance IT'S JOEVER" and wave around the "diagnoses" you got

>> No.6786535

I think you do have a mental disorder. Not aphantasia though. You’re just retarded

>> No.6786607

>Attributing your weaknesses to mental illness without even trying
>"I am fat. It's in my genes okay?! Fixing my diet and exercising? That's hard for my low metabolism genes okay?!"
>"I don't have friends and have social anxiety! G-get myself out there to get better used to taling to people? I have anxiety okay?!!"
>"I cant draw! I have aphantasia/ADHD/no asian jeans! P-practice? I dont have talent okay?!"

I hate this new generational thing. Some people just up and decide that whatever that impairs them will always impair them for life.

>> No.6786878

Dew it
> couldn’t keep the Southern Asian out of his courses
What do you mean

>> No.6787148

So how do you exercise it? No one who says this gives a real answer that isn't "just do it lol"

>> No.6787155

Idk this one artist I like Jesper esjing says he doesn't see much in his head and that's why he likes thumbnails so much. And this girl in my art class has it and has awesome paintings. And also I see some arttubers say they have it.

So it's definitely not a reason you can't do art.

>> No.6787175

Nigga how the fuck do you think you exercise the imagination? Fuckin imagine something fucking shit.
>But how do I imagine something???
Just fucking look at an apple and then stop looking at it and picture it in your mind, if you can't do that then blow your head off with a shotgun so we can see if the brains leak out, you fucking Howie.

>> No.6787228

>just do it lol
Dunning kruger

>> No.6787230

>So how do you exercise it? No one who says this gives a real answer that isn't "just do it lol"
by drawing. The better I got, the less underdrawing / sketching I had to do. For subjects I'm very familiar with, I can draw it directly, Kim Jung Gi style

"A drawing course is a visual thinking course"
- Vilppu

>> No.6787233

In one way it's creating an excuse for yourself and in another it's just calling yourself genetically inferior.

>> No.6787237

things i do to exercise my visualization

>image streaming
>reading books
>my art practice

if you art truly starting from zero an absolute blank void then you should really look up image streaming for aphantasia because that seems more complicated but if you have even a glimmer these should work.

>> No.6787268

I remember seeing a visualization exercise by some Japanese guy who was selling "genius training" (lol) in which you made an orange card with a blue circle in the middle and stared at it, then closed your eyes and focused on the afterimage. Seemed like a waste of time to me but might help someone with aphantasia?

>> No.6787350

I listen to books near daily but that hasn't done a thing for me. As for image streaming i'll look into that.

>> No.6787425

What sources would you recommend for perspective study over box site?

>> No.6787432

not him, but depends on what you mean by perspective. Do you mean laying out environments and interiors with a grid? Or do you mean manipulating boxes and forms in a freehand way? Because people seem to use the word for both definitions.

If it's the former, it's easy, just use any perspective book and start plotting out imaginary environments.

If its the latter, Michael Hampton or Vilppu are the recommended sources. Scott Robertson for vehicles

>> No.6787443

Thanks for this, anon. I suppose I have to look at the former at the immediate moment thanks to a commission that requires flexing that skill, but I do really want to develop the more advanced skills in the latter resources you’ve mentioned. Will probably grind out the former in next seven days with any resource that touches on it like you’ve said, before starting Vlippu in the next few weeks

>> No.6787500

I know someone with it. Who probs actually had it because he was upset about it for years before it blew up online and I saw some articles and ye for people with true aphantasia the after image or lightly pressing the eyes techniques are decent places to start. When it's actually 100% blank but probably unnecessary for anyone else.

For most people I think aphantasia is a mental block though I visualize but have OCD and worry about having aphantasia and the more anxious I get about it the harder it is to visualize clearly. So It would make sense that over mental blocks or believing you have it cause of social media could cause issues resembling aphantasia.And in these cases the afterimage technique would be pointless

>> No.6787511

Holy shit you are actually fucking retarded. You have convinced yourself that biological stochastic resonance is a mental disorder

>> No.6787523

You're getting very worked up about this and continue to be wrong. Yes - some people cannot do that. You can't exercise it as there is nothing to train. Genuinely stupid if you can't understand this very simple premise

>> No.6787788

There are no people who can't imagine things.

>> No.6787849

If you couldn't imagine anything you couldn't post and bitch about not being able to imagine anything lmfao

>> No.6788095

1. this is pure soul
2. he only has a box-checking job, he doesn't even have to draw to approve homework submissions

>> No.6788097

show your steps

>> No.6788099

>can't visualize things
>calling other people stupid

>> No.6788127

Yet another relatively new, incredibly rare, and ambiguously measured mental disorder that affects about 1% of people who are assessed for it, yet somehow when spoken of, dozens of Howies come out of the woodwork like "o ya i got that super rare thing, duh ofc." You guys are likely grown men on the same emotional level as a 12yo girl claiming dissociative identity disorder, just fucking think about that for a second.

>> No.6788728

so why do you believe in any subjectively experienced differences between people? might as well say that colorblind people are just retards with a misunderstanding too

>> No.6788741

Color blindness isn't subjective and the eyes are literally, observably different. It's also a common phenomenon. Aphantasia relies solely on pseudoscience and "trust me bro" from patients. And even in the cases accepted by medical professionals, it's 1%. Same shit as all those fat retards with extremely rare "metabolism problems." Imagine if you could have imagined a better analogy, retard.

>> No.6788765
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>literally, observably different
woah, just like how people with aphantasia have overexcitable neurons causing noise in the visual cortex while people who imagine don't, and how people imagining bright lights causes their eyes to dilate accordingly which doesn't happen to people with aphantasia

>> No.6788772

There has never been, nor will there ever be, a way to measure "aphantasia." Go ahead and get the MRI results and link em up since you're so bored. It's just another "slow metabolism" syndrome, doctor prescribed copium.

>> No.6788776
File: 17 KB, 1059x83, Screenshot 2023-08-11 184357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but I had no idea aphantasia was a real illness. I had to google it to make sure you were right. So glad I learned about this shit after I already mastered drawing. Probably would've blackpilled me into giving up

Might explain the actual permabegs I find on this board

>> No.6788787

>autistic traits
oh so they're just retarded autists then.

>> No.6788891
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