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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6777100 No.6777100 [Reply] [Original]

Every single progress thread or post is the artist going from physical materials to digital. It almost makes me think no one reads the books like Loomis or Bridgman, what is the point? You don't need them if you can rely on layers, resize tools, ctrl + z and so on.
Makes me think digital art is a crutch.

>> No.6777105

Ngmi retard with a bait thread.
>I feel
No soul= no feelings, cope.

>> No.6777107

>It almost makes me think no one reads the books like Loomis or Bridgman
they're a trash meme only peddled here.

>> No.6777108

prove me wrong then, post some progress pictures where both the beginning and the end are physical materials.

>> No.6777111

No. Fuck you.
>they're a trash meme only peddled here.
Faggot, hehe.

>> No.6777125

Your phone is a crutch. It has autocorrect. Maybe you should go back to typewriters and snail mail.

>> No.6777127

Maybe he needs to live in a cave and paint on the walls, maybe i need to?

>> No.6777128

I have autocorrect disabled.

>> No.6777130
File: 158 KB, 1000x563, 4526452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caves are a crutch since it offers too much protection. He should revert back to the waters.

>> No.6777133


>> No.6777135

But how will we draw there? Is drawing a crutch?

>> No.6777136

You are coping hard, you just confirmed my suspicion that 90% of you would revert back to /beg/ if the lights went out and you had to rely on pen and paper.

>> No.6777140

Why are you even quoting me, retard?

>> No.6777142


draw in the sand

>> No.6777144

I don’t think any scrub here has actually finished a loomis or bridgman book(fwap not included). I only ever see people post their studies of the fist 20 pages of these 200 page books

>> No.6777147

Or i can just visualize drawing on tablet in my head, oh no...
It would be too hard to draw on sand underwater i think.

>> No.6777150

>of these 200 page books
It was a long time but holy shit fun with blooks doesn`t has that many pages.

>> No.6777167

Drawing in cave must be comfy as fuck. Imagine how clear your mind would be.

>> No.6777255

Sadly most people here wouldn't be able to do this since the cave has no electricity

>> No.6777261

HEHEHE, to be fair tho, caves are fucking dark and drawing with a torch or fireplace near you kinda sucks.

>> No.6777265

What about solar panels?

>> No.6777271

harnessing the energy from the sun is cheating

>> No.6777282
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you should do what then? Sit in a dark cave with your senses shut down for 2 weeks and draw all this time, then you gonna walk out and make it?

>> No.6778526
File: 151 KB, 984x812, IMG_4673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital tools can’t save everybody…

>> No.6778543

or y'know, could be that most successful artists start out drawing trad and then when they really get into it they get a tablet and start doing digital, instead of suddenly acquiring the superficial drive to start drawing after seeing an artist on twitter getting likes and attention?

>> No.6778550

>instead of suddenly acquiring the superficial drive to start drawing after seeing an artist on twitter getting likes and attention?
Do zoomers really? I thought most of us were in it because we genuinely like the characters we grew up with, etc.

>> No.6778551

why does it matter? Go draw in trad then.

>> No.6778760

What is the point of learning perspective and scale when you can just use a resizing tool until it looks good?

>> No.6778765

Holy shit, you do not know buddy.

>> No.6778766

My point still stands. No one has posted a picture of progress where both the beginning and the end are still using physical materials

>> No.6778775

Lurk moar. All i have to say.

>> No.6778793

So what are the not-meme books successful normalfags read?

>> No.6778795
File: 113 KB, 768x719, 1624322281776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you that i used to be exactly like you faggot, flying on the seat of my pants, high on dunning krueger. Trust me, your animu girl that you managed to cobble up by spamming the lasso tool looks like utter shit.

>> No.6778797

I agree with you that it looks like shit, this is why I am asking for examples of improvement via traditional methods.

>> No.6778804

>Lurk moar. All i have to say.
Funny how you ignored it. You would look yourself if you wanted to and i am not gonna bother showing to you what you don`t want to see. T.ranny.

>> No.6778807

i've lurked for years and every progress thread is the same, the artist starts with dogshit anime scribbles in a piece of paper and years later his progress picture is digital art, there is a thread like this in the catalogue RIGHT NOW.
It is undeniable digital arts has a ton of crutches, you can't possibly deny this, the only thing i'm asking is for artists from here that actually improved via traditional methods

>> No.6778820

this is what 5 hours a week of drawing only what you know and nothing else will get you in a decade

>> No.6778825

Akhem, try lurking outside of /ic.......................

>> No.6778829


>> No.6779083

They don't read any books, they just draw and brute force themselves into understanding.