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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6778245 No.6778245 [Reply] [Original]

Has it happened to you yet?

>> No.6778256

did he give up on drawing or drawing anime

>> No.6778257

Long ago

>> No.6778296
File: 1.08 MB, 800x1200, photaba001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I fully embraced cat girls and made a buisiness out of it.

>> No.6778298

That's pretty much how I felt when I realized drawing FOTM trends for clout wasn't as fun as drawing something I earnestly enjoy.

>> No.6778302

What do you enjoy anon?

>> No.6778320

Not an artist, as simple.

>> No.6778323

BBC can you pill me on hentai foundry in 2023? Is it worth it?
Also the anatomy requirements thing really seems weird because a lot of anatomically questionable stuff flies but they remove some pretty nice stuff over nitpicks.

>> No.6778334

Based and cat girl pilled

>> No.6778355
File: 166 KB, 600x3031, tonegawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonegawa is why I started trying to draw lewd anime girls.

>> No.6778369

I'm not an edgy teenager, so no, I don't consider myself an artist. I'm just an illustrator.

>> No.6778370

I have no idea. Back when I first started (2015) it was a great source for commissions, but when it comes to promoting to a wider audience I think it's too niche. I guess it's a good complementary site to go with more mainstream social media sites like Twitter.
I always did both, since it doesn't take a lot of time to post.
Just keep in mind that when you first start they have some !quality" control rules.
Once you get pre-approved for posting it's smooth sailing though.

>> No.6778371


>> No.6778443

>when your art is so generic people literally don't know if some rando or AI drew this

>> No.6778451

Nope, you just a faggot, as simple.

>> No.6778455

It's kinda funny I saw hundreds of BBC's artworks and I have no idea this one is actually his.
This is BBC's artwork, right?

>> No.6778469

no, i don't draw tranime

>> No.6778522

Yeah. Now look at the crabs having meltdowns. It's pretty funny.

>> No.6778541

Go coom, fucking goblins board.

>> No.6778553

Dull, generic, cope pasted, indistinguishable, boring, doesn’t evoke emotions, bleh.

>> No.6778562

I will never understand how a drawing can make people so ass blasted. It's hilarious.

>> No.6778583

Its just tasteless and garbage to us. What do you expect?

>> No.6778588

What exactly?
This looks really cute, anon, and well made too.
>all those replies
A-am I missing something on BBC chan?
How about drawing something you like that happens to be a trend? That's what I do sometimes.

>> No.6778589
File: 231 KB, 1280x958, 17044F3D-37B2-4D57-BFB0-6857BA3D7CBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try anime sometimes

>> No.6778593

>A-am I missing something on BBC chan?
Not him but getting this kind of random hate on ic is usually what happens when you make it as an artist.

>> No.6778602

>A-am I missing something on BBC chan?
generic art guy makes art so generic people literally have to point out his works are made by him

>> No.6778609

>Its just tasteless and garbage to us. What do you expect?

>> No.6778619

>bottled water the artist

>> No.6778629

I saw in some other thread that the key to making it was finding a fetish that would drag you into wanting to better yourself over it... well I think I found mine. Deus meum

>> No.6778634

But why the random hate? You can argue his art is generic and you would be right, I guess, but going as far as delivering this much butthurt over a generic artist is not normal.
For a second I can assume it's more like the guy has a history of being full of himself which people hates him for, and since he is also a big artist, double the hate because some people in /ic/ dont like people with big numbers despite starving for them on a basis for some reason. Otherwise, this hate makes no sense; besides, it could be worse, it could be Allb**tn**, who doesnt have the numbers nor the skill to be full of himself to the schizo degree he does.

>> No.6778638

I don't think the artwork is the thing that's tasteless here, anon.

>> No.6778640

>it could be Allb**tn**
>mentioning the Art God himself
ya dun goofed

>> No.6778655
File: 157 KB, 469x475, 162993295822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im talking to the faggot himself
Why do I feel all this hatred is just you being assblasted all of a sudden...?

>> No.6778672
File: 33 KB, 480x712, 1689968180959991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im talking to the BBC chan faggot himself
Why are you assblasted and saying retarded shit all the sudden?

>> No.6778678

You a winar.
Worste reply of the day. Holy shit i love /ic.

>> No.6778700

why is that guy god? i keep seeing people saying he's the art god this, king of art that, qrd?

>> No.6778705

>be A****nik(PBUH)
>developed a unique artstyle that is so distinct a literal baby can tell their artworks from the rest despite drawing anime.
>makes big art account seethe by simply existing
>can't post their name in full because like yahweh their name is holy and sacred
>cursed their art and put curses on people that actually work
>draws everyday because only God does that
>commissions start at $140 because they have high respect for their own works, because it's God's works
>low followers, likes and rts because they don't use bots like the big art account faggots. This while being widely known by shitloads of big art account faggot bitches with generic art.
>literally the second coming of Christ and will save humanity from evil
simple as

>> No.6778707

Brain damaged, if you have one, as simple.

>> No.6778715

obsessed and retardpilled

>> No.6778717

Yes, indeed.

>> No.6778719

I'm shaking in fear at how true all these are.
He is the Art God.

>> No.6778724

/ic stinks nowadays, not even funny inb4 you cringe all over the screen again.

>> No.6778728

I make more money daily than you will ever make in your life.

>> No.6778729


>> No.6778735

qrd on this schizo, he's a gigantic faggot who believes he's entitled retweets for drawing shit art. He's been spamming /ic/'s catalog with bait threads (like this one!) where he shills his own twitter.
Sage and report or else it ends up like last ones all reaching bump limit:

>> No.6778742

That art style looks like Kaiji, but I don't know what the hell this scene is. Maybe just a coincidence

>> No.6778746

It is Kaiji, i guess old guy watches anime, starts drawing it, thinks- holy shit i am retarded and draw coom, stops doing it.

>> No.6778751

this one kinda hits. Well, as long as it is just a hobby it should be fine.

>> No.6778752

No it isn`t and old man got it.

>> No.6778754

Me with lolisho

>> No.6778789

Oh ok it is that guy. Is the anime any good?

>> No.6778799

it's a spin-off called Tonegawa Middle Management Blues.it s a pretty good office comedy if you can stomach the horrible first few episodes. I do recommend watching season one of Kaiji first, otherwise a good chunk of the jokes will just go over your head

>> No.6779480

>no, i don't draw
we know

>> No.6779483

Yes, we know that (You) don`t.

>> No.6779495 [DELETED] 

that's either allbeatnik samefagging, or other anons being ironic or pretending to be him.
nobody that draws seriously think he's any good.

>> No.6779499

that's either allbeatnik samefagging, or other anons being ironic or pretending to be him.
nobody that draws, seriously thinks he's any good.

>> No.6779534

Unironically this

>> No.6779537

>>developed a unique artstyle that is so distinct a literal baby can tell their artworks from the rest despite drawing anime.
Are you unironically blind?

>> No.6779564

make a thread with a drawing of theirs and see what happens.
if you found any signatures in the work remove them before posting btw

>> No.6779569

I only saw 4 of their works and I can already tell if a drawing belongs to them.
I dunno why, maybe its the aura/soul their works emit, the way the lines are drawn thats so specific to the artist, the poses of choice, the eyes, i really dunno. Its super easy to tell from a hundred miles away

>> No.6779579

I know it's you all, stop pretending to be other anons to make yourself look better than you really are.

You are not just generic af, you also have shitty skills. The worst of both worlds.
Fucking schizo.

>> No.6779584

>everyone that posts things i dont like is the same person!!!
take your meds

>> No.6780323

bbc chan, I have 2 questions:

First question: Is BBC referring to British broadcasting corporation or big black cock?

Second question:
What software and brushes do you use?

>> No.6780326

Based Bleached Cuck.
Stable Diffusion, paid one.

>> No.6780348

I checked his hentai foundry profile https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/BBC-Chan/profile/page/all
he says he used clip studio paint
He doesnt mention brushes used tho

Does he stream anywhere?

>> No.6780390
File: 44 KB, 680x615, FA8ZzBIXsAAimRq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she look like Yui from K-on!!?

>> No.6781286

BBC stands for
1. Bad Business Choices
2. Bullied By Crabs/Clients
(I started my nsfw career drawing BBC comics, so that's where my name comes from - it's basically just a pun, Chan in japanese refers to small things so it means Small Big Black Cock).

CSP with modified basic brushes (I modified just the pressure sensitivity and maybe the shape from circle to elipse etc.).

>> No.6781287

>Does he stream anywhere?

>> No.6781475
File: 152 KB, 776x456, d48a125fd319e0648077990b256284bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever feel that way when i do commissions and someone sends me their overly detailed sparkledog tier autistic OC

>> No.6781937

Almost everybody's hobby is to waste their time on earth mindless scrolling.
Drawing is definitely better than that.

>> No.6782135

this is most cringiest thing this bbc tard has said.
this guy is from colombia or something and makes like $2k a month on his art and thinks that's high living. of course it is for someone who lives in a fucking shithole but its poverty tier for people who live in 1st world countries.

>> No.6783044

Why are you assuming I wrote that?
Are you really so desperate to show me in a bad light?

>> No.6783063

Fucking third worlder lmao, actual artists bring in 300-1000 per day working in the entertainment industry

>> No.6783066

average comm prices is $50, retard

>> No.6783068

Imagine being dependent on Twitter coomers to make less than you would flipping burgers

>> No.6783073

like 90% of the low mid art anime shitposters here charge $40 per full color
they make so little money from their art they act like shitskins, which is to noone's surprise.

>> No.6783077

They're either suicidal or live in 3rd world shitholes like the BBC shitter

>> No.6783078

lmao that lil nigga CHEESIN

>> No.6783081

You keep doing that. I live in a 1st world EU country.
I'll rephrase my question.

>Why are you so desperate to show me in a bad light?
Is it just envy?

>> No.6783226

NTA, but he is a schizo. He's been shitting up the threads with his nonsens and specifically targetting you (assuming you're BBC chan) because you're a big artist and he hates them for some retarded reason.
If you see him, simply tell him to fuck off, he is not worth arguing with.

>> No.6783292

It's just envy on his part. Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.6783361

why bottled water malding extra hard today

>> No.6783398

W-wait, that's ai?

>> No.6783427

Nah. Drawn from start to finish from memory.

>> No.6783432

Oh. I'm sorry then anon, I'm just paranoid somewhy.
It looks pretty good.

>> No.6783587

only third worlders call barely earning a living cucking yourself to customers a business

>> No.6783593

also buy an ad instead of making these threads, nobody here is going to pay you when they're working on their own art

>> No.6783594

Yeah, that`s the funniest shit, when artist promotes himself to other artists.

>> No.6785463

>When anime critiques anime
Based nips

>> No.6785471

Based & kenomomimi pilled

>> No.6786034

This is what it feels like to draw while having a fulltime job
>haha one day I'll be good

>> No.6787422

>I will never understand how a drawing can make people so ass blasted.
Women tend to act like that about drawings, their meltdown over 2d lolis is so goddamn funny.
>Noooooo you can't draw a loli with big tits!!!

>> No.6787490
File: 2.02 MB, 2823x3456, 20230810_085215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This crack me up.
I abandoned art to study engineering because I fell for "real job" meme.
I did like engineering and what I study can somehow apply in drawing mechanic. Buy deep down I yearn to be an artist more.
The jobs wasn't good, low paid after insurance and tax, toxic chemical, excessive work hours. 2 days ago I was forced to quit my job with close to no saving together with back pain and kidney stones.
I feel I wasted my life. I should just work a simple job and focus on studying art more, even with AI shitter replacing me, my life would feel more fulfilled.
I'm sorry anons who listen to me and get a "real job". It suck and not worth it anymore. Every companies out there will use any mean to suck you dry, better follow your dream.

>> No.6787516

this has soul

>> No.6787634

Reminder that "soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing. It boils down to subjective personal preference, which can be dismissed without further analysis.

>> No.6787641
File: 101 KB, 250x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 and I'm drawing marginally better than chris chan. Every day I wake up and practice some more. Most people don't have the mental fortitude to even make themselves a meal. Everyone just consumes content on social media or sticks to the life path of waging all day and partying all night, content to just burn out once they made enough money for their boss. It hurts when I get a moment of clarity and see myself as this old guy drawing catgirls, but what else can I do? I am too self aware to resign and go back to watching football with a glazed expression while pretending to love some fat ogre of a wife while I live paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes people tell me they like my art and I even see people have my art as their profile picture and stuff. That fills me with a satisfaction knowing that I'm not wasting my time. I'm appreciated and I'm making the world a better place with my /beg/ drawings.

>> No.6787645

soul is a word with a lot of hidden meaning that needs context to understand. If you read that guy's post, saw his attached image, and still dont understand where the soul is, then that's a problem with you and your lack of humanity. You're not in the wrong, you simply misunderstand the meaning of soul.

>> No.6787696

>your lack of humanity
gotta love pseudoscientists like you kek

>> No.6787702

Nta but he is right.

>> No.6787736

You can't be that old to be saying you wasted your life

>> No.6787768

I feel regret but I'm not a type who weep all days. I will survive and spend more time to do art.

>> No.6787793


>> No.6787805

Anybody that uses esoteric terms like soul is a complete moron. Next thing you'll tell me you also believe in God or some other shit like that.
Stop being so fucking gullible and instead educate yourselves.

>> No.6787809

Hear-hear. I started drawing when I was over 30 and the feeling of having people commission me and use my art as their profile pic and enjoying my art bring joy. Not to mention having artists I looked up to before starting to draw interacting with and commenting my works

>> No.6787867

Only jobs worth having are meaningless boring invisible jobs like human resources or government bureaucrat.
If the company depends on your job, be it at the retail or production level, you will be exploited until you break.
If you make your "passion" your job, you'll never have a moment of free time and will hate everything you do.

If your job is meaningless bullshit you can sit at your desk all day and forget about it as soon as the clock hits go time. Then get home and actually live a life.

>> No.6787868

>he's not only disgustingly jealous of bbcchan, he's also jealous of a poor random anon who hates his life and barely gets to draw
Nigger buy rope lmao

>> No.6787882

>try to draw
>hand just goes limp from the sheer pointlessness of it all
>can't play video games anymore because they're even more pointless
what do I do? I can't get a wife and I don't believe in god. There's nothing left.

>> No.6787890

start building perfect goon cave

>> No.6787905
File: 307 KB, 1280x895, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do I do?
"how to cope with anhedonia"

>> No.6788222

Did you just have a stroke? Seriously dude, take your meds or something.

>> No.6788333

I love anime that has noses

>> No.6788345

>that art + that story

i can feel the passion in that drawing

good luck to you, anon

>verification not required

>> No.6788662


>> No.6788667

Post work.

>> No.6788674

Yeah everyday man

>> No.6789306

google allbeatnik

>> No.6789385


>> No.6789406

Your envy is showing kek.

>> No.6789409

Has what happened to me?

Have I attained drawing enlightenment? Yes. Will you believe me? Probably not.

>> No.6789410
File: 140 KB, 1529x581, Catra Hey Adora SFW Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always furry.

>> No.6789419

>Will you believe me?
Sure, just PYW. If you don't, then why would anyone believe you?

>> No.6789424


but why anon? Why don't you post yours instead? I'm cool, dog. My work is littered throughout /ic/. Even through other anons, I'm that cheesy.

What you're looking for and what you've found are two very different things.

>> No.6789425

>big claims made
>no work posted
As expected.

>> No.6789512

>I don't believe in god
there's your problem. Believe and you'll be saved.

>> No.6789535

Was this from some 'extras' or 'bonus' clip? I don't remember this from any of the shows

>> No.6789553

Wow everything that isn't anatomy sucks, did you trace this or just spent years drawing floating Loomis nudes?

But the body is very appealing.

>> No.6789580

Anon, I...

..recommend you put lugols iodine in your eyes, it really lets things crystallize.

>> No.6790420


yes, yes, I know.

>> No.6790425

>evading the question
Ok, so it's traced.

>> No.6790812

Imagine thinking BBC Chan traces kek.

>> No.6791479
File: 142 KB, 328x357, 1679035786155662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who that is, but someone drawing details like this and then delivering decent bodies is pretty fishy.

>> No.6791801

This was drawn in CSP from memory from start to finish. I never used AI in my life.

>> No.6791848

Who said anything about AI?
Don't self-incriminate like that.

>> No.6791898

Stop gaslighting, it's very cringe.

My bad though. I thought it was just another AI paranoid.
Never traced in my life. I never use references either, although I probabyl should.

>> No.6791934

This is what I'm trying to avoid. I won't be able to live with myself if I actually drew like this.

>> No.6791994

whoa, he... he literally me
for real

>> No.6792128

Your story is literally my story. I got the degree, I got the job, then once burned out happened, I just decided to quit & never looked back. Fuck the office. Now I'm taking the NEET pill while focusing on my art.

>> No.6792185
File: 994 KB, 1389x1557, FqupVssXwAA8YGk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having your senpai notice you is one of the best feelings in art