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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 257 KB, 600x738, 1690582622592357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6767291 No.6767291 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drawing vtubers? Just one picture and you'll make it.

>> No.6767295

I'm not that good at art...

>> No.6767301

>another underage thread

>> No.6767351
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_d89324551eb44f78a41cb94526cb2d6b_7db77b8f_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12k people will like my post but no one will follow me and in a desperate act of seeking attention I will be drawing ugly anime avatars till the end of my days but no one will remember my name

>> No.6767360

i’m not that down bad

>> No.6767382
File: 31 KB, 680x383, the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think about the Community Manager at Hololive or whatever browsing through the art tags of the four or five chuubas he's in charge of, thinking about what to retweet, whether this picture is too pornographic for the brand or just the right amount of lewd, if this unknown drawfag is the kind who'll keep giving the company free contenr in return for a RT or who'll just move back to insane art that'll shit up the fans' timelines, etc.

Fuck that guy. I draw small indie ones for 3 (you)s on /vt/ and let the guy who requested it annoy them with the results if he gets the chance.
Also I suck at drawing in the first place but that's unrelated to my irrational hatred of a dude who might not even exist

>> No.6767400

lil bro thinks he's michaelangelo in the making and he cant even draw an anime girl

>> No.6767410

Anime girls is actually all I draw.

>> No.6767411

>Why aren't you drawing vtubers?
'ate tubers
simple as

>> No.6767414

simple as what ?

>> No.6767439

If you're passionate about them, sure. Otherwise stay true to your actual interests and your audience will come if you're patient (and have decent art and sense of aesthetics). It's satisfying even if you don't get the immediate dopamine rush of coomers and vtuberfags giving you likes.

t. OCfag whose like counts on oc doodles went from 100-1k to 20k-50k over the course of 3 years. Not a pornfag either

>> No.6767473

>he cant even draw an anime girl
Why would you do that?

>> No.6767532

I will only draw vtubers that I watch.
Unfortunately I dont watch that many vtubers :/

>> No.6767536

Hopefully this whole Vtuber thing dies this decade. Kizuna AI was a mistake and I'm so glad her anime not only bombed but aired exactly at the same time as another anime with an "Ai" character as the main focus. A silent gut punch by the Japs.

>> No.6767537


>> No.6767542
File: 207 KB, 649x536, 7ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6767551
File: 109 KB, 640x800, genx_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit makes me glad to be old

>> No.6767628
File: 165 KB, 983x1024, 1652453798660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting chinese backed psyops to corrupt the youth
>for likes
vtubers are the most inorganic thing coming out of the last decade
>there are constantly new vtubers coming out with gajillions of followers
>boards on 4chan got outright spammed to death with vtuber shit that they had to get their own board
>vtubertrannies still don't stay in their containment board and you see them spam other board with this shit
>vtubers are the new my little pony

>"just one picture and you'll make it"
Yup, just one picture with 10 likes and you'll be able to pay rent forever and become famous.
Absolutely underage.

>> No.6767841

Vtubers are "anonymous" e-thots
If common e-thots's whoring won't go away, virtual e-thots will stay

>> No.6767922
File: 3.60 MB, 498x498, anzu-futaba-futaba-anzu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's why popular thing is actually... le jewtranny psyop

stunning and brave take

>> No.6767930

If there's one thing I hate more than e-whore foids are e-whore foids larping as 2D characters.

Absolute cancer.

>> No.6767975

>watch a bunch of ugly gooks with an anime avatar and voice changer being all uwu kawaii sugoi desu
>whole vtuber shit is inorganic as fuck and they all have big managements corpos behind them making the publicity, cutting their vids and doing pr
>no one actually watches them
>not a jewtranny psyops
It's the same as fucking kpop
>no one but teenage girls give a shit
>social media is spammed with kpop trash
>there are countless accounts spamming the same posts over and over
You don't even know how many kpop profiles i had to mute and block and how many times i went into my settings to not get that shit recommended but the fucking algorithm somehow fucking decides to show me posts because they spam every hashtag there is.
If that's not inorganic, then nothing is.

>> No.6767985
File: 1.98 MB, 1850x2616, 1673515470491993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now it's just seething about vtubers personalities thread

>> No.6767992

>make shitty vtuber thread
>see criticism of vtuber and everything around
>call it seething
That's how you know someone is pointing in the right direction
At least you're getting paid to shill this shit, right? How many likes did it cost them?

>> No.6767998
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1639821559669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one actually watches them
already so delusional you're in another planet lmaooooooooooo

Let me guess bro, it's all just viewbots, yagoo personally has a hundred million viewbots for every character, it's just a money laundering scheme

>> No.6768003

yeah basically

>> No.6768004
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, wow did u just use a vtuber reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me guess bro, it's all just viewbots, yagoo personally has a hundred million viewbots for every character, it's just a money laundering scheme
You said it.
But yeah, good % you can assume foul play.
If you dont assume foul play in anything popular coming out of the last decade in entertainment media, you're either underage, a shill or mentally challenged.
The organic percentage aka real viewers, are kids, weebs, trannies and other mentally challenged autistic basement dwelling ogres like mlptards.

I'll admit though; i don't personally even watch regular streamers because that's fucking retarded but i do know what goes on.

>> No.6768008


>> No.6768035
File: 42 KB, 326x326, Disgusting+_6ff772251323abd71acd6dedd9878f1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your serious answer:
Because it's Too. Damn. OVERSATURATED, nimwit

Yes, the potential is high, but guess fucking what? so is the competition
Pick a franchise size appropriate for your skill level and pander to them

Picking a level far too high for you is exactly the same as going for the end stage before gaining enough level. It's absolutely nothing but frustration without reward

>> No.6768069

Really, well I'm going to assume things are popular because a lot of people like them, but sure bro, if you want to say behind everything popular is a conspiracy you're too smart to fall for then have fun

>> No.6768070

Another serious answer.
You're NGMI by default. People get success because they enjoy what they draw. Meanwhile you're trying to find some cheat codes, patterns, "FOTM" etc. Such monkeys are killing themselves every second across the globe. The money in art aren't even big. For third world shitter learning how to code is easies way to make money. You don't even need to think how to "crack the code" and pretend to be an artist. Just follow the guide and do your tasks.

>> No.6768087
File: 29 KB, 522x628, 1458363075958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, don't know the first thing about Gura but I sexualize Gura because her exotic shark pussy was made to be eaten.

>> No.6768116

Well, i'm going to assume everything is fake and gay because a lot of people are fake and gay, but sure bro, if you want to say behind everything popular are just people that like them, you're too fake and gay. Have fun and just consume.

>> No.6768218

I would like to lick that tummy and tug on that belly button piercing

>> No.6768293

I once drew a shitty vtuber meme with some titty showing and got like 3k likes. It's piss easy. I don't draw them anymore but if you thrive off attention then it's very ez to get somewhat noticed. The simps just like every single post in their favorite vtuber's art tag.

>> No.6768400

What the fuck is wrong with this board? You spend all day whining about drawing instead of drawing.

>> No.6768402

>What the fuck is wrong with [4chan board]? You spend all day whining about [board topic] instead of [having productive conversations or creating things related to board topic].

>> No.6768404

Cause I dont like Vtubers and I only draw things I like. Now if you excuse me, I'm off to draw buxom brooding vampire girls in revealing swimwear.

>> No.6768406

You could have had a point before you added wojacks to the bottom. Now everything you say is wrong, gay, and invalid.

>> No.6768415
File: 672 KB, 579x807, ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this

>> No.6768428

How the fuck did vtubers become a thing
They have been a cancer among the internet
And no, Jap/chink vtubers aren't any better

>> No.6768429

I am of the same opinion. It's kids isn't it? Kids like all kinds of dumb shit and they just grew up with it. Do any adults, who were adults when aichan appeared on the scene, actually enjoy vtubers beyond the odd clip of them saying nigger?

>> No.6768430

*Kizuna ai

>> No.6768433
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1685200809255003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having productive conversations
>having any actual conversation that doesn't regress to insult and petty squabbles or petty insults or derailed by spamming shitposters for no reason than to just farm (you)s and try to epic troll ratio btfo everyone
>in the decade of twitter tourists, tumblr refugees and phone posters
I have honestly given up trying to even talk about a topic on any board since no one really cares about the topic except spamming porn or drama, or in this board's case; drama and how to farm likes on twitter and which porn artist is your fav.
And the generals have just become a circlejerk of the same people either shitposting, samefagging or orbiting other anons.

Other sites are even worse; Everything is just bait, shitposting or porn and god forbid you try to interact because then anything you say will be used against you.
Did you just dare to articulate something that could be interpreted as negative towards a consumer product someone like and make them feel insecure? Well, off to social media gulag with you.

What's the point of having forums about topics and hobbies if no one wants to interact with another person except for masturbatory practices?
So, if no one is allowed to converse, and you're only supposed to consume, circlejerk and stfu, unprompted colored pills is all you get and i do not give a single fuck is anyone calls it schizo or complaining, because it's none of that.

How can someone go through life and never question anything but just consume, consume and consume until they die and try to silence anyone that doesn't want to silently consume and take it up the ass like they do?

>> No.6768443 [DELETED] 

It's honestly mostly COVID/quarantine gave them a big buff. Even the most normal of normalfags were bored out of their mind and explored the internet and stumbled upon them. Also the same reason why anime became insanely mainstream now since during early covid people were just binge watching/consuming anime.

This. E-Celebs have been a thing since the early days of YouTube. V-Tubers are just another type of E-Celeb.

>> No.6768445

It's Latinos and SEAs

>> No.6768453

It's not really that bad. >>6768400 is not being original for pointing out the bad quality of discussion happening on this board. And I guess I'm not being original for my snarky reply as well.
I've been on different communities, on different platforms, but I find myself coming back to 4chan almost every time. Even with the horrible signal to noise ratio I've learned a great deal about several topics just by lurking, and I feel more comfortable sharing my own thoughts on topics unlike in normalfag social media
tl;dr grow thicker skin, faggot

>> No.6768485

>everything you say will be met with snark by retards
>"yeah, but i learned a lot by lurking lmao grow thicker skin lol"
You didn't lurk enough then, retard.
My point is that faggots now only want to jerk off, interaction is non-existent because everyone plays sides hard and never stop not shitposting and adding absolutely nothing but noise.
>and I feel more comfortable sharing my own thoughts on topics unlike in normalfag social media
And why is that? Because on social media you become a target if you say anything that might remotely be twisted into the wrong opinion by some quacks.
Last few years on this site haven't been different, except that targets become the anons who express anything remotely "wrong"; be it any topic or hobby. You're not given even the benefit of the doubt but it's always
>"oh you said this, then you must be this and actually i was just baiting. lmao i just argued you for 8 hours but i just owned you because i wasn't serious lol u must b surely seething"
And shit like this makes you wonder what the fuck goes on in the heads of these faggots that they go such lengths to outright police and silence "wrong" opinions.

On social media this shit is even worse because posts are made for the purpose of provoking engagement, so if you reply, you lose and the worst thing about it is that now you're at high risk of being target by multiple people. There is less room for "mistakes" or god forbid, arguing.

I can just call anyone a child grooming discord tranny and call it a day, but what's the point of going out of my way to do just that?

>> No.6768553

Good for you
I once spent a week drawing a nice pic for Kancolle and got 10% likes and views of the average ongoing anime

Arts of ongoing anime is the easiest for me as there is a lot of attention but there is not enough art for the fans. Even better if it is an anime original with a lot of streaming views.

Lycoris and G-Witch S1 was a godsend in getting views. Hope I hit another jackpot season like that

>> No.6768591

Zoomers like em too
Zoomers are in their college or just graduated right out of high school. They have a lot of time on their hands, and would usually have vtubers on their next screen / phone while playing vidya.

To be very fair, I too watch some random youtubers lets plays when I was in my college years, like watching Pewdiepie or RadBrad playing some horror shit while I play my own vidya.

>> No.6768594

>hide thread

>> No.6768599

Hide yourself.

>> No.6768627
File: 39 KB, 701x482, sayinganything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to have productive conversations, you want to push wild conspiracy theories about how everything is viewbotted and porn is pushed by the ZOG and everyone else's tastes are bad and then go "IM JUST ASKING QUESTIONS, JUST TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION", it's the most obviously bad faith nick fuentesian shit in the world.

>> No.6768671

One reaction/retweet/reply can kickstart a whole career. It's a tried and true method.

>> No.6768748

The only good take in this whole thread

>> No.6768988

wojaks are the new ponies honestly. those niggas contaminate everything.

>> No.6769098
File: 24 KB, 1042x747, 16903470987829397231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if i call it a conspipacy theorism that means it is because... it just is you schizo! Checktmate"
That's the problem you fags don't seem to get either because you're kids or plain retarded.
If it is a conspiracy theory or a lie, it would be irrelevant to try a discredit the claim and the one who is speaking , by virtue of just calling it a lie.

Screeching and spamming insults, will not make you right, it will only reinforce the claim you're trying to shut down.

I could say your post is clearly some butthurt basement dwelling ogre who has no friends and you just want to cope because how dare someone say the things i like suck, so you have to try and lash out.
The thing is, i might be right, because in no way possible anyone would be autistic enough to post the shit you did as an answer, unless they were trying to bait an emotional response.
It still makes you look like a faggot that shouldn't be taken anywhere near seriously.

>> No.6769255

Yeah yeah whatever schizo, what is asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof

You also do this in like every thread.

>> No.6769265

Zoomers were the kids when kizuna was popular.

>> No.6769348
File: 117 KB, 828x694, 164577275446454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes 4chan is one guy
>calls other schizos
>"what is asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof"
By calling others schizo and what has been said a conspiracy theory, you don't really dismiss anything, but give more credibility to the claim you're trying to shut down, by virtue of your hostility towards the claim and the one who speaks.
A truth can be challenged by another truth, a lie does not want to be challenged.

>> No.6769618

I'm starting to like this meme

>> No.6769757

>stay true to your actual interests and your audience will come if you're patient
My "audience" doesn't exist because my interests are extremely niche and obscure.
>Think obscure media but somehow worse
Nice message anon but you forgot that we don't have overlaping tastes with normies, we're schizos after all.