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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 21 KB, 677x257, tkukltil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6766976 No.6766976 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?

>> No.6766978

its true though, its the only way to get big on twitter

>> No.6767010
File: 60 KB, 583x500, 902138210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder who this is

>> No.6767036
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 163622333838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?
joyful and grateful, as everyone should be. I always welcome people drawing my characters, specially that special one, it fills me with such fulfillment to think people take the time to do something for me, specially when it's done in good faith.
I've gotten some ill-willed fanarts too, things that I didnt look forward to see, let alone save, but even to those I showed my gratitude because I dont want to be rude.

I dont understand why some people are so defensive about getting their characters drawn, to the point there is a culture of "can I draw your character, pls?" among people, it's baffling, why would you need my permission to give me a gift? It's ridiculous, but apparently some people dont think the same as I do...

>> No.6767052

>find some oc i liked
>decide to want to make some art of it
>ask if that's since i know it wasn't going to be that good
>do the art
>get a thanks
>learn about the whole thing about what people do with ocs and how they do it for clout
>delete everything out of shame because they might think i did it for clout
Honestly, i do kind of get it why people are rather skeptic when receiving "gifts" from other people, especially if they do not know them. It almost slimy and they're probably going to resent you if you don't reward their behavior.

>> No.6767071

>How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?
Any reasonable person would feel happy. I can understand possibly being upset if they're drawing the character in a manner you strongly disagree with (for example, you yourself refuse to do porn, so others draw porn of your characters), but that's also just part on putting stuff on the internet.

A lot of "content creators" just lack any sort of professionalism.

>> No.6767072

I get the whole "fanart for clout" thing, but it sounds more like the both artists are at fault depending on the situation...
For one, why should the receiving artist care if they're receiving fanart because of clout? At the end of the day they're getting something, whether is in good faith or not, that's up to them, but no need to throw a fit if there's an ulterior motive that you dont like.
And for two, if you're doing something for someone expecting a reward, and you dont get it, it's your problem if you throw a fit about it, you are not entitled of a reward, other than an expression of gratitude, but that's because we're taught to be polite and grateful.

>> No.6767082

It's more nuanced
>why would the receiving artist care if there are ulterior motives
Because it might invite more people who just don't care for the art, but only farm for clout.
Alternatively, the artist who receives fanart baits people to receive free art.
>you are not entitled of a reward
That is completely subjective to the person felling cheated out of the reward for any reason.
They won't really care if they're not entitled to, so they will resent whoever they gifted to but received no reward from and might spark up drama because of it.

All in all it's just that you can't be too careful who you interact with on the internet.
People mostly try to farm clout and engagement with anything they post on social media and do not care to genuinely interact with others nor do they care to actually interact with other unless there is some tangible benefit from it i.e. potential viral engagement for likes/retweets/followers

>> No.6767089

I would love it but only because I have sick fetishes and I want to see them validated

>> No.6767093

I've learned not to draw things for people for free, friends included. Last time I did it I received backlash and got ghosted in the worst way, it fucking traumatized me. Besides my art is not free tier, it's better than average.

>> No.6767092
File: 1.00 MB, 800x1280, 1676257689764906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While obviously less organic than becoming an established artist and having people draw your character, someone drew picrel for me in the OC redraw thread and I was jolly. Really, seeing the way others interpret your characters is a nice experience.

Also, the drawing for clout shit seems odd to me. If you want clout, why not draw some random pokegirl in a risqué position? Seems like an easier way to farm followers

>> No.6767101


>> No.6767104

I dont know, man, sounds to me like both the giving and receiving artists are thinking/acting irrationally in all cases, prone to problems that can be very easily solved by talking or not taking things too personally. I understand where you come from, but none of those scenarios look very reasonable to me.

Very cute draw and OC, Goodraws is simply too good for this board for always dedicating himself to the anons in the OC Redraw threads, bless the guy.
>Really, seeing the way others interpret your characters is a nice experience.
Yeah, although to me, it often turns into a critique by proxy, it makes me wonder whether or not my character is readable enough, if an artist does a big change on a part of the design, does it mean it's my fault for not making it right?
>If you want clout, why not draw some random pokegirl in a risqué position?
Because OCs can also become popular enough to garnish a lot of feedback for drawing them.
>Last time I did it I received backlash and got ghosted in the worst way, it fucking traumatized me.
Holy shit, why? That's really sad, anon.
>Besides my art is not free tier, it's better than average.
Okay, now you got me curious, could you pyw?

>> No.6767105

Because they aren't reasonable and i'm not even remotely implying they are.
It's just that you can't possibly trust anyone on social media due to the average user being desperate for clout.
If people weren't so desperate for clout that they will do and say anything for a handful of likes, we wouldn't have people acting like that.

>> No.6767106

>How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?

I would actually feel quite happy. My OCs are neither out there nor are there any solid story about them. Having some stranger on the Internet show even a minuta of interest would make me happy, even if the fanart was beg tier.

If they made some pol or porn out of it, I would feel a bit weird, but the fact that they put in time and energy into it would make me kinda happy deep down inside.

I guess this is what Yoko Taro felt when he told all the fanartists to send him all the 2B porn.

I think all these artists spewing that fanart made for their OCs were made to chase clout are those with large followings and have their head up their anus. Small time artists would think differently.

>> No.6767107

Over the moon. I don't have any socials tho.

>> No.6767123
File: 287 KB, 745x757, athing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was mentally ill and had a BPD breakdown over something I said that triggered her. Shit was out of left field and I had to get counseling because it was affecting my physical health. I'm a finishlet but here's one of the things I colored.

>> No.6767143

Like it if it's done by decent artists.
But so far there's only a handful of fanart of my OCs were drawn. 3 of em from decent artists, all from nips. The rest are prebeg tier cartoon quality that I feel embarassed to retweet.

>> No.6767145

Drawing OC fanart for clout I dont really care lul. Since I still get free artwork of my OC.

>> No.6767152

I appreciate it but I stopepd retweeting it on my 90k account a few months ago and since then I don't get as much anymore go figure

>> No.6767153

I don't have oc's but if I did, I would be very happy to see you draw them.

>> No.6767157

Who is this about? A Vtuber?

>> No.6767160

I drew some fanart for an artist once. It was just a shitty pencil sketch but the artist liked it. This was my only interaction with him and we both basically went on our separate ways afterwards.

Years later he randomly dropped this amazing, fully rendered piece of my OC. It had details that you would only really know if you actually searched through my art and was clearly catering to what I liked, despite the artist never drawing that subject matter. At this point he had a really big following and his art was in high demand so I was confused why he would even bother going out of his way to draw it.

Apparently my shitty sketch was the first time anyone had drawn fanart for him and he was so happy that even after so much time he wanted to draw something for me in return.

Say what you want about clout or expectations but there are people out there who genuinely appreciate it. Any artist who gets butt hurt about getting fan art is not worth drawing for.

>> No.6767165

>the ear melting off her head

>> No.6767175
File: 633 KB, 1306x1190, 1594593204767[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me happy to hear anon. I don't have any ocs either lel
>/ic/ only points out the glaring ear

>> No.6767183

The ear is really the only thing bad. It’s stylized and sketch enough for other proportions work well enough, but the ear. You’re not picasso

>> No.6767202

I mean, maybe its entitlement.
Weird Al used to ask permission

>> No.6767232

That's pretty sweet anon

>> No.6767331

how many fucking people wouldnt want art of their OC?
the person OP's pic rel talks about isnt a common phenomena, just a rare one given attention
the internet blows everything out of proportion and you retards will look at someone doing something youve literally never seen anyone else do, and go "holy shit this must be a super common thing" no its not you morons, use your brain

>> No.6767505

I'd be grateful for any fanart my OCs got. I've gotten it twice and was surprised each time. It's very flattering whenever somebody took the damn time to do it when they didn't have to.

>> No.6767507

Great! And if someone's doing it for the RT, so what! You help me I help you, do unto others, etc.
If and when I make it big I'll spend some time platforming smaller artists.

>> No.6767989

I don't take fanart I receive of my OCs for granted, A, It's really rare that I receive it unprompted, and B, nine times out of ten, they're better at drawing than I am.

>> No.6768017

I used to think it was really nice/special/sweet to get fanart but after getting so much fanart for my characters it just doesn't affect me as much anymore. If it's really well made of course I think it's cool but I don't get happy anymore.

>> No.6768020

do you do fanart yourself?

>> No.6768025

Happy and gratifyingly like a cook seeing people happily enjoying his food.

>> No.6768034

I have done it a few times for OC's I particularly liked but it was just for engagement boost/increasing followers.

>> No.6768068


>> No.6768071

>it was just for engagement
So this is why you don't get happy. you think the people doing art of your characters are doing it for clout too. projection. They might very well be doing that, but it's not guaranteed.

>> No.6768141

>people making fanart of your oc
Honored as long as it's respectful and overall nice approaches to the subject.
I dread the day my OC's end up in some ugly bastard/NTR/blacked scenarios or worse those QoS threads in /h/. Fucking hell.

>> No.6768153
File: 18 KB, 400x400, nobut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone draws an OC
>it has 300 fetishes crammed with that OC

>> No.6768164

Untrue actually, I wasn't projecting my desires. People who do the fanart are people who just happen to do it because they like my characters. I already explained my reasoning for it not making me happy. It's the same phenomenon wmen have when they get 10,000 matches, it just has no effect anymore. I feel the same about posts blowing up, after the first 100 likes and retweets I don't care as much about the next 60,000. Hedonistic treadmill type thing probably

>> No.6768188

ok, I didn't know you were getting that much. how many per day?

>> No.6768207
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1650419243586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love all fanart of my ocs unconditonally and have them all saved in their own silly little folder
i look upon them when im sad and it makes my day better instantly
i mean look at pic related it oozes with sovl

>> No.6768408

I wish the fanart of my OC are drawn by better artists than me though. I got most of em are worse than when I was at beg level

>> No.6768414

For what it's worth, anon, I had a friend like that. Every time I'd make something, it was trash, or it was because I was ex army and some kind of cryptofascist poltard. You will heal, and you will improve, and these people will be mean to someone else to cover for their own lack of desirable skills and qualities.

>> No.6768424
File: 21 KB, 270x360, 1675681082717286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>them them their they they their them
Inane Twitter womanposting about non-problems, irrelevant for this board and/or for society, kill self, yadda yadda yadda.

>> No.6768451

Appreciate it anon and yeah, it killed my will to draw for a while but it's coming back now. She had bpd and already left a trail of destruction, and is moving on to new victims sadly. I was friendless and vulnerable but it was a valuable life lesson learned. Hope you got some better friends too anon nobody deserves that.

>> No.6768461
File: 208 KB, 960x1242, IMG_4896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very appreciated. I wish I could see more of it.

>> No.6768465

>How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?
It's free art of my OC, it's nice.

>> No.6768480

clout-chasing should be classified as a mental illness.

>> No.6768524 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 2048x1525, kyubumlee draws snickerdoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great feeling. All together I have at least 30 drawings of my OCs between drawthreads and Twitter. I save them all in a folder.
I need to find some anons who made deliveries because a couple never got to tell me who their own OCs are in previous threads. I posted one for gooddraws on my socials though.

>> No.6768638

>i ignore it because im not a baby

>> No.6768639

>underage anon doesnt understand that people use 'they' for individuals who's identity they either dont know or dont want to divulge, thinks its about gender politics
you see what you wanna see
now come back when youre 18

>> No.6768806

People have been using a singular "they" since about the 1500s, anon. I don't give a fuck if some fucking transsexuals decide to use it to prove a "point." I'm going to keep using it as it's grammatically allowed to be used.

>> No.6768866

>since the 1500s
Fringe cases peddled by dishonest trannies.
Neutral masculine has been the norm for centuries, going out of your way to use "they" and awkward grammar to fit it is inherently ideological, even if you zoomers don't remember what English sounded like 10, 15 years ago.

>> No.6768913

forgot the name but I'm assuming it's the artist who has an egg yolk OC? iirc they're auctioning them off for a couple grand

>> No.6768916

there's like 4 twitter screenshot threads

>> No.6768917

more than that

>> No.6768923

you're obsessed with trannies as a coping mechanism for your sad little existence as a contrarian internet incel that gets easily triggered by modern language while posting your little girl cartoons lmao, seethe harder manlet

>> No.6768941

Nice job ignoring the facts and going back to ad hominem.

Yes, ad hominem, not ad they. Shockingly transphobic, I know, I know.

>> No.6768955

>Yes, ad hominem, not ad they.

>> No.6768963

>ignoring facts
lol you mongoloid, this whole argument started by you rejecting use of "they/them" in modern language and seeing phantom trannies everywhere. Gendering strangers as "he" more often and being a contrarian social misfit isn't gonna change modern language or make you get any pussy. Make sure to respond with an anime girl from your folder next reply though, I'm sure your palmpussy saves a lot of those.

>> No.6768966

One guy commissioned another artist to have my OC getting punched without telling me before. I found it weird because I'm not even a big artist

>> No.6768967


>> No.6768973

Careful you don't they/them yourself into a noose.

>> No.6768974

>hey who left their car parked on the street?
>go let the patient know I can see them now
>someone's at the door, could you go see what they want?
suck my dick idiot

>> No.6768987
File: 183 KB, 400x388, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious coming from a sensitive fragile reject

>> No.6768999

I appreciate it. People can draw what they want and it's nice they like my characters enough to draw them
Most people only draw nsfw art of my most popular oc, though. It's weird because I only draw sfw but then I get DMs of fanart of her getting fucked. I just say thanks and move on, like what else can you really do
The only thing I don't like is when people demand I draw my OCs getting fucked or "why won't you draw them naked."

>> No.6769003

Dropped out of 9th grade and most likely work retail or construction

>> No.6769045

>who left his car parked on the street
>go let the patient know i can see him now
>someone's at the door, could you go see what he wants

>> No.6769048
File: 848 KB, 1056x1080, 1660414315236256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting with anime girls is part of modern Internet language, why are you so opposed to it? Get with the times, gramps.

>> No.6769075
File: 436 KB, 1340x1200, 1669329750208913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see both sides, according to the tranny propaganda machine itself, Wikipedix

Patriarchy, sexism, opression, offensive, grooming children.
Grammar, pragmatism, inefficiency and invasiveness of such changes.

Plus, the people who push for it recognize that male is the norm and are trying to change it. Why can't you trannies admit that male is the norm and that you want to change it?
That's right, it's because you were one of the groomed children who grew up thinking newspeak is normal.

I will start printscreening neutral he every time I see it so you faggots stop erasing history to avoid your dysphoria.

If you read Loomis' book, he says "he" for the generic artist.
Old man teaching painting techniques? He.
People speaking any other language that is not English? He.

Truth is ideological activists got tired of writing/saying "he or she" all the time, and thought he or she wasn't inclusive enough, so they started pushing this globohomo vocabulary to accompany the era of globohomo art.

I would know, hired an entire team of Commiefornia-brained interns who would state their pronouns at every encounter and just carefully pruned the bad apples (mostly women and gays). The only woman left is Asian, the guys are varied and ESG-friendly, and I'm glad I was given carte blanche to handpick them, first time everything is getting done on schedule in three years and I can focus on ART, not on some bullshit drama between coworkers. I even have time to shitpost on /ic/ once more.

>> No.6769100
File: 68 KB, 599x449, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh global jewish conspiracy is behind language that has common sense
Lmao cringe, you're out of your containment board and whining about imaginary threats every thread. So obsessed with trannies thinking about them constantly, they live rent free in your addled mind. Much as you struggle to accept it the world and language is changing and you're getting left behind, thanks for the long ass schizo text wall though it's beyond funny knowing you'll keep having to live with these changes and getting endlessly triggered.

>> No.6769115

A shitskin, not surprised

>> No.6769152

"If you control language and how people speak, you control how people think. And if you control art, you control what people like"
That's the point of gender neutral language and why the degenerification of art has been pushed so hard since art institutions were a thing.

That is why trannies start seething when you call a spade a spade.
Or how beauty standards must be lowered.
But porn? That is never touched or criticized they're eager to use the same trannoid tactics like calling a guy a nazi right wing puritan christian albino jew.

Look at this fucking homosexual retard having a spergout >6769100 because someone told it how it is. That's all these non-people can do.

Although, to be quite honest, i do hope they keep behaving like this, because sooner or later, they'll run out of "enemies" until they poke the wrong people and start killing their own until they die out.
You won't get such an outcome with reasonable, honest and intelligent people.

>> No.6769997
File: 127 KB, 750x927, 59f93c7a9a96e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro wrote a whole paragraph, you'll never be man and everyone that knows you don't respect you. I hope you get to fuck a tranny someday so you'll stop being obsessed with'em, but who's gonna fuck you huh? Nobody.
Cope seethe and dilate faggot.

>> No.6770643
File: 3.39 MB, 4032x3024, F8DC45D3-58D9-4790-AA07-667DB26CC075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French morning routine

>> No.6770648

Holy shit i have to hide every 2nd thread, faggots.

>> No.6770653

>i-i don't need validation but i have to tell you guys i hid the thread
>lmao y-you guys are such faggots, please give me a (You)

>> No.6771610

>I will start printscreening neutral he every time I see it so you faggots stop erasing history to avoid your dysphoria.
>If you read Loomis' book, he says "he" for the generic artist.
>Old man teaching painting techniques? He.
>People speaking any other language that is not English? He.
>I would know, hired an entire team of Commiefornia-brained interns who would state their pronouns at every encounter and just carefully pruned the bad apples (mostly women and gays). The only woman left is Asian, the guys are varied and ESG-friendly, and I'm glad I was given carte blanche to handpick them, first time everything is getting done on schedule in three years and I can focus on ART, not on some bullshit drama between coworkers. I even have time to shitpost on /ic/ once more.
Ok, can you prove this is why they was adopted? And that it hadn't already existed?

>> No.6771663

it makes me so fucking happy.

I have fanart of OCs I made in 2009. The fact someone liked what I did enough to do that still makes me incredibly happy.

>> No.6771714
File: 113 KB, 768x960, cat sun happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People making fan art of my work is one of the best feelings I have experienced as an artist. I've saved every piece I've come across. There are many more famous indie games than mine so I don't suspect any was done for the clout. Maybe fame makes people jaded but I can't imagine relating to what OP describes.

>> No.6771733

I didn't claim it didn't exist, I claimed it wasn't the norm and that making it so is bad.
The only argument in favor of it is a false sense of equality, which shouldn't be harmed by neutral "he" if you're not a raging feminist.
In fact, the female gender only exists as a disambiguation method, proto-languages start with only one gender and slowly develops the female one as a way to give them special attention. So the default gender is what gets left behind for men and objects/animals (which might later get their own).

>> No.6771735

i'm posting this on r/wholesome

>> No.6771739

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.6771741


>> No.6771752

Someone did fanart OF my fanart, I was pretty flattered

>> No.6771762

People should be flattered that someone took time from their day to draw their OCs. Whether for clout or not is irrelevant

>> No.6771781

Love it but feel awkward because I don't know what to say/do in response

>> No.6771989

>above average
Nice to meet you, Mr. Krueger

>> No.6772000

Same, I love seeing people draw my characters.

>> No.6772032
File: 123 KB, 1156x1042, artpolice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun when it happens to twitter freaks

>> No.6772060
File: 141 KB, 227x276, dancefloor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based

>> No.6772538

However, I think clout-chasing is a symptom of a bigger problem, sadly. A bunch of parents probably neglected their kids on the emotional side of things, which led those children to become attention whores.
This added to the fact that artists tend to be not so well in the head, yeah.

>> No.6772555

tranny terminology

>> No.6772559

I'm curious what the original OC looked like now.

>> No.6772561

obsession for men

>> No.6772566

Every single fictional character that was ever made is an OC, anon. What on earth are people supposed to call them then, if they aren't drawing somebody else's character?

>> No.6772664

He’s a retarded no-draw tourist. What did you expect?

>> No.6772754

how about you make your own gay little oc

>> No.6772766

Probably a lumpy dumpy raghead with a body like on the left and a face like a paving slab, like in the profile pic.

>> No.6772774

One time I saw someone asking if anyone else gets upset when people take liberties with others' ocs or draws them wrong, then I got blocked for replying "No one else does this, you're just spoiled"

>> No.6772781

I really appreciate it.
No, nothing funny here, just genuine appreciation. I don't even care how many details you get wrong, I appreciate the intent.

>> No.6772896

Make an anonymous twitter account and drop fanart on bitches at random because you want to. Then don't respond to them and don't even post the art on your own twitter. Works for me.

>> No.6772915

>the OC btfos the original
this is the only reason someone would fear the fan artist.

>> No.6773801

Nonbinary isn't real faggot. Your language is retarded

>> No.6773803

>Muh language is changing

Not a good thing faggot. It's being pushed by trannies and woketards

>> No.6774602
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>> No.6774681
File: 65 KB, 417x608, 764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't imagine being such a terrible person

>> No.6776969

there is other stuff that could potentially be bad with it, but at this stage the only thing that you can really call out is the ear.

>> No.6776984

>How do you feel about people making fanart of your oc?
Awesome, I get terrible sketches of my characters and I save them regardless.
I usually thank people who draw stuff for me.
However I get why some people don't like it, even if I disagree.
>But what if they're doing it for clout?
I don't mind clout gained by creating art, if you're being creative and you're not taking down someone else I don't care.
The only clout I hate is the 19 yr old that is emotionally fucked, and has regressive maturity.
>I dont understand why some people are so defensive about getting their characters drawn
The fear is the over-protection of your work, if your work is an extension of yourself you can feel scared to allow others to edit that extension.
I also draw a girl I really like and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel some fear of someone drawing her doing things I don't like.
The best way I can describe it.
>Would you be okay with someone drawing your OC with X fetish?"

>> No.6777023

lol that shit is hysterical. "i just want them to live on" no bitch you want a fat payday built off fake internet mechanics--no seriously this oc slave auction shit is too much

>> No.6778832

I love it. To me one of the most wonderful things an artist can do for you is to draw something for you.

>> No.6778999

I think it would be cool as long as it was done in good taste.
Even porn is fine

>> No.6779620

You don’t deserve what others do for you and someday you’ll lose it all.

>> No.6780875
File: 826 KB, 1237x643, i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it. I don't get fanart that often at all despite being popular due to how complicated they are, but I cherish every one I get. I do have one person who's a little *too* obsessed and it weirds me out, but hey, can't pass up on free fanart.

>> No.6782636

love me some fan art no matter what it is because it means someone cared enough to draw your character, positively or negatively. I will beg people for more art of my OC having the seggs

>> No.6782667

I'd be happy, if only I had an oc.

>> No.6783211
File: 191 KB, 1440x1440, 346894816_785881742951446_6409801476956034386_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im bad at drawing so any fan art i get is rrly amazing.

>> No.6783479

What's Emerald from pokespe doing with those two?

>> No.6783491
File: 33 KB, 856x856, rococo_icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always lovely when it happens, and I fail to properly articulate my appreciation time and time again. While there are scenarios that I personally are not on-board with, but I will not chastise them.

I really need to start a folder to keep track of it instead having those drawing mixed in with my random doodles.

>> No.6784564
File: 1.25 MB, 235x240, 1525688335457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never happens because i dont have the following or friends for it, but i make an effort to save whatever does get made. it makes me feel appreciated a bit, that something i have helped someone else do something cool. fanart greases the wheels, whether its warm ups, social media stats, or whatever. draw what you think is cool and things will be cool.

>> No.6785180
File: 51 KB, 1614x1402, Adenyne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to draw my OC? I'll draw yours as thanks