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File: 63 KB, 586x574, lol (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6766246 No.6766246 [Reply] [Original]

The developer had to ban LGBTQ discussion because of them. Why does this happen to all art sites ultimately? Also, do any of you have accounts on there? Is it actually popular or is it just a fringe thing?

>> No.6766258

trannies looking for the best places to jump ship to

>> No.6766269

>japs are complaining about gaijins bringing their political retardation unto the platform
>"The developer had to ban LGBTQ discussion because of them."
Okay, i'm making an account now.

>> No.6766272

actually never mind, seems like an hassle to even get started

>> No.6766283

i pray for more of these twitter faggots to get filtered like you

>> No.6766290
File: 579 KB, 892x1081, Screenshot_2023-05-30_at_10-36-39_Blinken_I_press_Saudis_on_LGBTQI_issues_‘in_every_conversation’.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban LGBTQ discussion
japan really wants that third nuke

>> No.6766299

>reee foreigners are invading my glorious nation!
>anyway time to invade nippon

>> No.6766316

>join some foreign social board to do the same shit they've been doing on twitter / x
Why? What's the point?

>> No.6766323

White liberals are like roaches, or maybe like locusts, once you get one or tow hordes of them start appearing and destroy and consume everything in their path. Particularly the women and fags, they are entitled, demanding, pieces of shit that think the world belongs to them and they are owed everything.
White liberals=mindless, destructive, consuming insects.

>> No.6766338

Based nips

>> No.6766341

It's the socially ingrained self censorship and self policing that ruins communities and stifles free creation. Even if you don't want to be politically incorrect, because of how sensitive libs are, people still have to be so careful that they don't stray too far from the woke just so they don't get fucked. Basically Inquisition lite, where the policing is the same but the consequences are much lighter.

>> No.6766342

kill yourself tranny

>> No.6766355
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>> No.6766362

amerimutts are the gayest subhumans on this planet they're worse than nogs
shrimple as

>> No.6766363

Best country and have actual freedoms/rights compared to your shithole

>> No.6766365

Yeah, but it won't matter once gaijin lean what kind of porn you share on that platform.
I remember one art platform that tried to take off maybe like last year or so, everyone talked about it and urged to sign up and then it suddenly got dropped because the dev banned loli and people were complaining about it.
Lolifags are all sacrificial pawns after all.

>> No.6766371

No, if anything, the we should nuke California

>> No.6766382

Why are people trying to make twitter alternatives?
I hate to break it to you, but the reason why twitter was so big was because of all the faggots, trannies and normies that used it
We don't need another twitter
We just need to use actual websites made for artists

>> No.6766392

>We just need to use actual websites made for artists
There are countless of them, but no one uses them because you don't want to appeal to other artists if you want to make money off of art.

>> No.6766396

All I want is an art feed. I don't give a damn about all the pol shit that keeps popping up

>> No.6766403

No dumbfuck, because it’s the only major social media that allows coom. Also all artist sites die off

>> No.6766406

yeah you're free to suck off trannies and get killed by nogs

>> No.6766413

Does pixiv and FA not exist to you?

>> No.6766417

>Does pixiv and FA
Pixiv forces you to censor shit and you have to draw only anime if you want a following
not everyone is a fucking furfag you retarded furry.

>> No.6766420

i'll have to keep an eye on it. if there turns out to be a good number of "overseas" artists posting there, i may join it.

>> No.6766424

>disagree with mentally ill troons running things into ground
>lose job
>family gets harassed
>"actual freedoms"
Shut up.

>> No.6766439

rightoids are the "new" troons after all

>> No.6766447

>fired for trying to unionize
That's corpos.

>> No.6766456

why are you skipping the other examples?

>> No.6766463
File: 149 KB, 900x615, CzHfnmDXAAAezH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ameriga best country"
>90% of population is mentally ill and on meds 24/7
>they go on the internet and call others schizos that need to take their meds
>country social harmony has long collapsed
>country is the major global exporter of degeneracy i.e. rap music, hollywood. celebrity culture, fake social justice protests like blm
>freedoms stops where some estrogenic being feefees begins
>population is politically indoctrinated to keep them divided for big corpos interests
>big american corpos run psyops all over the globe
>can't do shit if it goes against american interests
>government has been invading other countries for 100+ years
>set foot in wrong neighborhood, get shot
>send your kids to school, they get molested by teachers
>women want to abort their children and fuck animals
>males dress and act like women
>can't criticize the gays
>everything is basically politics
>everything is absolutes
>major part of the population can't read beyond 4th grade level
>anyone being reasonable gets called a schizo or gets cancelled by the trannies
>thinks the average americattle has rights
You have the right to send 15 billion to israel every year.
And last one;
>all american art is either capeshit, abstract trash for money laundering or porn
>modern porn availability is all thanks to american efforts
>american culture is centered around blacks

>> No.6766464

right wingers are anti union and support corpos that are anti union

>> No.6766475

It's impressive how Asians have real freedom, not like cuckwest

>> No.6766484

>Chuck Wendig
Screeching so hard he actually was hurting company's image
>south/getting shit on for not supporting Iraq War
Quite legit, but also lots of governmental propaganda, just like now with troonism
ok, legit
>Limbus Comapny artist
Coomer gachaniggers
>Sienead O'Connor
sort of legit, but also crazy according to Wiki

>right wingers are anti union
American thing

>> No.6766489
File: 1.55 MB, 420x480, gdfgdfgdfg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.6766490

At the end of the day Twitter mob is going to move somewhere, the exact same people that were once called "Tumblr mob" will move to yet another platform to infest it.
So what's the point of looking for one specific place to replace it when you're going to meet the same people you're running away from anyway?

>> No.6766500

iirc people were moving away because Elon is being a dumbass with his new shiny toy. Tumblr just wants to be "where all the popular artists are"

>> No.6766508

people (ie NPCs) are moving away because they're kneejerking retards that panic quickly at the slightest feeling of disruption to their scrooolling
look at how many twitter 'alternatives' suddenly pop up and...crash out because, once again, they're kneejerk responses with no forethought

>> No.6766518

No meme arrow therefore you look like this and say this

>> No.6766548

Anime will perish without Westerners, especially White.
In truth, it would perish in 90s if it wasn't popularized in the US
Asian government hate art if not for the huge profit. Now they have AI to replace artists they won't hesitate to genocide this job. Roll the catalog to see how Chinese treat a harmless porn artist while letting thousands of child brothels roam free. It's a warning to anyone who dare to pick art as a career. Artists are lower than criminals, pedophiles in Asian countries now.
Gatekeep the whole Western fanbase because of some faggots is a suicide move. Asian artists need Westerners, especially BWC to support them in this hard time.

>> No.6766558

>No meme arrow therefore you look like this and say this

Accept it, you will never be a woman

>> No.6766562
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>japan really wants that third nuke

>> No.6766563

based making all the troon weeaboos seethe.

>> No.6766569
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>> No.6766575
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>>6766290 (Faggot)
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.6766577

You'll never be japanese

>> No.6766581

america could do with one, preferably on california

>> No.6766583

Based, tranmerica is on life support, niggers gonna finish it off in a few years.

>> No.6766586

Self-inserting coal

>> No.6766628
File: 98 KB, 618x559, 1684291052960579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.6766692
File: 23 KB, 592x187, 1669626513591159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, do any of you have accounts on there?
>Is it actually popular or is it just a fringe thing?
depends on what kind of art you make

>> No.6766717

tumblr wanted to be where all the chinese people are, which is why they banned nudity in accordance with chinese law, you’re retarded if you think they give a shit about artists

>> No.6766728

only ones that deserve nukes are american golems

>> No.6766730

>asia so free
Yeah like chin- oh....
I suppose India is fairly free without a strict social hierarchy - oh...

Japan is not the entirety of Asia you stupid retard.

>> No.6766733

niggers are still worse

>> No.6766738

>right wingers are anti union
Only because unions in the US were literally taken over by communists and trannies. They don't even properly represent unions, the union leaders are just leftists larping as the people's representatives. Not to mention public unions being an absolute cancer. Ever wonder why public infrastructure costs so much yet nothing ever gets done?

>> No.6766746

You do realize that unions are leftist by nature, right?

>> No.6766757

Wrong, unions were originally ethnonational. They were originally formed to protect the jobs and lifestyles of WASP citizens and most scabs were black and brown, often of the "temporary" labor kind. Labors were inherently anti-immigrant and non-white labor, which naturally opposed progressive "workers around the world unite" rhetoric until communists took over. In fact, they're still inherently ethnonational, that's why union support fails when they become multi-ethnic and "diverse" and big companies are fully aware of this. It's about racial unity, not muh niggers and beaners

>> No.6766771

white people are raping kids, mutilating their genitals for the rainbow flag

racism is always a latent reaction to having been raped by your faggot father while your whore mother watched

>> No.6766776
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Hey, gringos!
Why do you turn into shit everything you touch?

>> No.6766781

I don't care about money, I just want art.
And I want to share art without having to try and cultivate some personality.

>> No.6766784
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I really don't have faith in this country anymore. I know there's always been issues but it just feels so shitty now, and nobody has any pride or love of the country just making it even worse.

But it's not like there's anywhere to jump ship to either. Europe is just as fucked if not far worse. Fuck China.

I'd be tempted to try Japan since I speak some and blend in but having heard from nip buddies how it's like in many ways I really don't want to. They don't accept foreigners easily anyways.

Maybe Korea, but it's 1 bad day away from being nuked by the midget.
Everywhere sucks, America is still probably the least suck.

>> No.6766785

isn't an anonymous board like this the perfect place for that already?

>> No.6766786

No because you can't follow and keep track of artists you like, and the people here suck.

>> No.6766806

And here we find why hobbiest sites will never take off, the underaged and sheepiest of generations will gather like flies and purity test, cancel, backstab and you'll have allegations left and right. The correct answer here is not to tow to them but they'll call it an alt-right haven or some shit so it won't be mainstream relevant. Keep in mind animu is no sekrit club anymore and ubiquitous among the anglo zoomies, so successful gatekeeping doesn't work either. A no-win situation.

>> No.6766807

Leftism is a fiscal position, not a social one. Explain how unions aren’t leftist without bringing up irrelevant identity politics.

>> No.6766819
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1920, Unique Anime Designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sure, Japan has never done anything bad, blah blah blah

>> No.6766828

I wish the Twitter mob would just stop existing. I'm tired of their shit takes being forced on everything. Their opinions and beliefs are trash and belong in a garbage can.

>> No.6766836

Woke garbage is practically non-existent in Asia, that freedom to express the reality of what we see has been lost in the West, it is true that the Islamic countries of the East are Islamic shit and China is communist shit that censors everything, but the rest? ? That's when I tell you, the West is not just the US, idiot.

>> No.6766841

>Woke garbage is practically non-existent in Asia
South Korea is so infested it is arguably worse than the United States. I am surprised there are anons that don't know.

>> No.6766842

>Woke garbage is practically non-existent in Asia

>> No.6766848

>racism is always a latent reaction to having been raped by your faggot father while your whore mother watched
explains why blacks are the most racist little shitheads on the planet. They've already been buck broken by their daddies before being abandoned

>> No.6766849

Seeing as how they still put attractive female designs in games that's objectively not true, yet. When I started seeing trannies and niggers in their games I'll believe you

>> No.6766850

When some black starts shit there are plenty of people willing to stand up to him and point out the obvious bullshit.
White liberals and women hide behind "good intentions" before they utterly destroy the thing they've wormed their way into, their insidious.

>> No.6766857
File: 66 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world according to americans

>> No.6766858

>the West is not just the US
Who claimed otherwise moron? And you can move to these paradise like nations anon, feel free to move to Mongolia, or the Philippines or wherever it is you think is untouched by the evil spectre of "woke".
I'm sure your life will be so much better, and free.

>> No.6766861

Their last president was in a literal feminist cult and took orders from a witch and there were protests that almost toppled the government.

>> No.6766862
File: 3.29 MB, 1775x6949, 1483205179684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, obligatory gookanon post

>> No.6766870

Pretty accurate tbհ
t. not a 'murican

>> No.6766871

To me Australia is just spiders.
But pretty close desu.

>> No.6766872

b-b-but asia is a free speech paradise, it's free of woke! Pffft.
We're all on a sinking ship, no point in gloating about who's ship is sinking slower, we're all fucked.

>> No.6766874

Actually, given Australia's spider reputation, there's only been one death from spider bite since the 80's (if I recall correctly), and that person was probably a retarded foreigner.

I think people freak out about the spiders because Australia common house spiders are massive and intimidating - look up a photo of the Australian Huntsman.

>> No.6766896
File: 213 KB, 680x452, 1672376227009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, given Australia's spider reputation, there's only been one death from spider bite since the 80's (if I recall correctly), and that person was probably a retarded foreigner.

>I think people freak out about the spiders because Australia common house spiders are massive and intimidating - look up a photo of the Australian Huntsman.

>> No.6766904

I just saved my name there. The layouts nice.

>> No.6766910

That's literally every democrat president since Carter, the peanutfag

>> No.6766911

Ignore this post and go to Australia. The giant spider webs are really fun to run into and there is absolutely no danger of being eaten. Be sure to invite all your friends and family, the more the merrier!

>> No.6766913
File: 159 KB, 355x360, tails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time believing the claims in this screencap are entirely true--I know Korea isn't far from its dystopic brothers but WTF is this??

>> No.6766916

>describe entire world

>> No.6766917

Why are you so weak, pathetic and powerless?
Nothing worse than a seething monkey that can't even do shit. If you want it to stop, fucking do so. I'm not joining your cause because I don't care. Find a way to nuke all trannies yourself or fuck off and cope about it.

>> No.6766923

The guy in the image sounds like a leftist faggot. Why is his last post complaining about "fascists"? That 19yo who bombed the commie faggots does sound like a true patriot. Why the fuck would you just accept a bunch of communists who want to forgive north korea? The entire thing reads like your typical leftist demoralization campaign and he couldn't even keep it together long enough to not complain about "fascists", aka people who don't want to let commies just openly campaign in their countries.

>> No.6766924

I keep trying to tell people that we're just in an elaborate long winded communist struggle session and no one will fucking acknowledge it.


>> No.6766927

why does american culture destroy everything it touches?

>> No.6766929
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I just read the last post but i believe everything he might have said since the country is in fact ruled by the 5 women iirc and you don't need a whole book to figure this shit out.
Unironically reject modernity (city life, social media and governments) and let the snake eat itself

>> No.6766934

why is the west so obsessed with gender wars

>> No.6766938

it is, the only commies there are the ccp and its billion slaves, japs literally sliced apart an idiot that tried to get power being a commie
woke is just a commie weapon to destroy civilizatons

>> No.6766940

All i see is shitty western anime style pedo drawings.

>> No.6766941

>explains why blacks are the most racist little shitheads on the planet.
Wrong, that's hispanics. Ghettos are too stupid to know about racism and the real blacks just want to be left alone.

Meanwhile pablos seethe so hard if they aren't considered as honorary whites, worships Japan to a cultist degree and absolutely piss themselves seething over how blacks aren't lynched every day by the whites and instead of coddled by the whites instead.

>> No.6766944

just another victim of cultural marxism

>> No.6766945

no lies detected, Us is literally the only country where you can try to topple the gubmint via burning and looting and won't get any punishment from it, all of S.Am countries are ruled now by different degrees of commies so they're just shitholes full of savages that send millions of tons of coccaine to the US

>> No.6766952

>that's hispanics.
only californa woke fags, immigrants are in fact getting the sharp end of the stick because they're anti-commie

>> No.6766957

i hope they don't ban loli
i might make an account there

>> No.6766959


>> No.6766961

I hate americans so fucking much

>> No.6766963
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>country is a tiny island full of tiny island people

But that's how japanese people look. They are tiny, you can fit them in the overhead storage compartment. They like it better up there. I hate how westerners who've never seen a japanese person sperg out about their preferences.

>> No.6767029

Wait, if westerners post uncensored lewds on there, doesn't that make misskey highly illegal in Japan?

>> No.6767037

Yes, yes it does. No genitalia i.e. Penisaurs and vaginilators

>> No.6767042

Pixiv doesn't neither let you post uncensored lewds, they have to be censored before hand.

>> No.6767056

Pixiv is a gallery, misskey is a twitter site that has a constantly updating live feed that is hard to moderate.

>> No.6767097

Case-by-case basis. Not their fault some people break the rules.

>> No.6767102


>> No.6767103

What kind of sad ghoul you have to be to still believe this?
America is doomed from every political perspective possible, they have the most retarded extremists on the whole planet, both right and left. Brazilians live with more dignity than you.

>> No.6767114

The average income in America is $60k. You could literally make that coming out of highschool. The average income in Brazil is <2000 lol. Brazilians are literally worthless

>> No.6767118

Idk, I see people all over the eu getting arrested for thought crimes and wrong speak, Canada is encouraging euthanasia for depression, you can’t even own a good knife in the uk. No other country actually has freedom of speech like the United States of America. It’s just some plushy international bullshit that most EU countries have superseded, like Sweden, the UK, France and Germany to name a few. I’m finding it hard to see how our political parties being a mess is any different from any other countries bullshit party system, except maybe for Japan.

>> No.6767162

is America seriously trying to ruin the whole world att his point?

>> No.6767185

>one tweet made by some literal who on twitter solely influences and controls the entirety of America's actions over the whole world

>> No.6767187

>Why does this happen to all art sites ultimately?
Tumblr syndrome where they have to bring gender/sexuality "discourse" to every platform. It happened to picrew where someone taught english-speakers how to make picrews and the website got flooded with Steven Universe dressup games and clothing with communism imagery, "fuck terfs", efc. in one night. Now the entire website is infamous because of them. The creator is doing something smart here.

>> No.6767192

unless the dev does country wide IP bans or strict moderation I do not see the future boding well for misskey

>> No.6767197 [DELETED] 

Most of the things you listed applies to Western Europe

>> No.6767210

God do I hope there's more twitter like site that cater towards all sorts of niches. So tired of that cesspool site being the epicenter of media discourse. Genuinely need to see more palatable clones that'll provide a way better experience. If gayx don't like a particular site due to its policies? Make your our shit then. It's funny how Bluesky is exactly that for those political brained types but even that site undergone the same toxicity you'd see on Twitter. That place is a leftist shithole and manage to be labeled as without no chuds on there lol. It's time to have more decentralized sites away from the current establishment.

>> No.6767211

What happened with picrew was tragic. Literally colonized.

>> No.6767214

>'re just in an elaborate long winded communist struggle session
against who?

>> No.6767221

As bland and samey as those might been, they don't directly ruin an original quality product by dumbing it down heavily so your argument doesn't count

>> No.6767224

>they don't directly ruin an original quality product by dumbing it down heavily
every anime adaption is literally worse than the original manga/LN/etc

>> No.6767227

Landlords (地主; dìzhǔ)
Rich farmers (富农; fùnóng)
Counter-revolutionaries (反革命; fǎngémìng)
Bad influencers ["bad elements"] (坏分子; huàifènzǐ)

>> No.6767228
File: 41 KB, 832x868, 1673237844250530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everywhere sucks
Thank globohomo for that. There isn't any escape.

>> No.6767229

But that cult was aiming against men, right?

>> No.6767234

I don't know what you mean by that.

>> No.6767237

I'm not sure if you were talking about Koreans or communists as whole.

>> No.6767238


>> No.6767239

Ok, so attacking their political rivals is something communists do all the time, seems obvious enough.

>> No.6767241

Yeah but light novels are usually bland dogshit by default except for like 3 or 4 old titles with samey looking art and a few genres showed down our throats (isekai and romcom shit), not that different from american comics if you think about it. Manga is unironically significantly more varied in art styles and genres.

>> No.6767267

There's no need to dumb down shit like "In another world with a smart phone". You weebs only see the good shit japan makes, forgetting the metric tons of bad shit they also made.

>> No.6767273


>> No.6767302
File: 51 KB, 640x478, AFEBDD2C-3063-4284-A202-E1EC8D7A1A58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retards on Twitter making publicity of Misskey to allow normalfags to find out about this site
Seems the concept of Gatekeeping and its benefits is too hard to grasp for some retards.

>> No.6767306

>Deviantart is a cesspool of autism and with a very outdated and unfriendly interface
>Furaffinity and Inkbunny are for dogfuckers
>Pixiv is getting so fucked by censorship most nip artist had to go to Paywalls like Fanbox
Here are your art websites bro.

>> No.6767330

>mutilating their genitals for the rainbow flag
Last I heard americunts do that because they're uneducated and think it looks better and is more hygenic - literally africa tier

>> No.6767332

I think having an own website is the way in current times.

>> No.6767333

>nobody has any pride or love of the country
god you amerifags are insufferable and I hope you kill eachother off finally

>> No.6767340
File: 442 KB, 729x729, F1veqbcakAEz9a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know misskey is just server software that connects with mastodon,pleroma and all the other ones.
Just set up a western instance.

>> No.6767341

this sounds incredibly made up. All the used sanitary products images look to be from the same time and same area (so you can confirm this once in one area) and no images or links to the dead fetuses which would absolutely be posted all over the place if true. And this is all before the unhinged rant that as always can't stay on the topic but jumps through all the buzzwords superficially.

All in all, can't imagine being such an absolute sissy bitch to be worse than an OF whore and go so far for attention

>> No.6767343

its all up to misskey honestly.
If they lock up and decide to tell them to use other instances.

Personally i see no issue with just using twitter. You don't really get that much reach with the fediverse.

>> No.6767344

Men. (derogatory)

>> No.6767354

Based. Destroy all pedophile spaces.

>> No.6767359

yeah look a shadbase

>> No.6767394

Perceived enemies of the party. Having any view to the right of Karl Marx gets you twitter mobbed and called racist. They want you to toe the party line because that's how they establish social dominance. You will go along with our world view or we will tar and feather you.

Are you really this blind that you cant see how their behavior's are analogous to communist struggle sessions? They don't even have to do it in private anymore.

>> No.6767401

Cancer m8, it always attempts to spread.

>> No.6767448
File: 250 KB, 784x835, 1661345526495971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've closed down new signups and been invite-only before, they could just as easily do it again if it actually became a problem. they feel like its the gaijins who should be ones concerned about browsing misskey.io

>> No.6767476

wasn't it gab?

>> No.6768053

>Europe is just as fucked if not far worse
#NotAllEurope. Mostly France, Germany and these northfags and shit

>> No.6768092


>> No.6768122
File: 165 KB, 282x284, 1649817653024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hehe whatchu gon do, gaijin? I can post fictional porn involving the likeness of children and you can't do anything against it"
>as it turns out the new site is just a safe haven for loli shitters
>lolifags still seek the approval of normies
>lolifags still try to provoke a reaction
>"but they're legal in japan you can't do shit"
But that would imply the uploader also lives in Japan.

>> No.6768192

Mexico has made more money for Toei and Jump than the whole anglosphere combined.

>> No.6768274

This person is French. That's right I went out of my way to check. Don't you ever disrespect America again.

>> No.6768280

not those anons but its odd a frenchie would give a shit. So many prolific french artist draw loli

>> No.6768300

>an extremely small minority of people like this, which means the rest of the population likes it too
Loliniggers are retarded

>> No.6768321

How does one get the illustrator title?

>> No.6768322

French only love cuck shit. Lolicon are too based for them

>> No.6768327

omegabased if true

>> No.6768398

Lmao spoken like a true amerifat golem
kill yourself

>> No.6768442

Holy shit I've just now realized I've been arguing with low iq south Americans with less than a highschooler's education. fuck me

>> No.6768446

Well those shitters are spergs with underdeveloped brains, so makes sense on why they consume cp

>> No.6768640

They didn't ban shit they're just asking people not to harass lolicon artists

>> No.6768649

or spain or netherland or danmark or italy or any sane county that nethier sucking USA neoconservatism cock or has Muslim' law

>> No.6768655

if you follow the french law ;
first no difference between real people and fiction
so lolicon is the same as real child pic and you treated as the same

second the law is so vague that I could pass bible black taimanin asagi (the og ) like lolicon

>> No.6768658

Destroying the world is literally their foreign policy as soon as they signed the declaration of independence.

>> No.6768668

Their bad shit isn't making retards cut off their dicks then shoot up a school.
Failed Japs accept they're worthless and contribute to their local economy by consuming shit until they die on their own, alone and in silence.

>> No.6768836

They do it because Americans are literally golems of the jews, and jews want all men circumcised so that it's impossible to tell whether someone is a jew by looking in their pants in the next holocaust.

>> No.6769068

Now close the /pol/ tab and tell me what American life like is actually like outside of it.

>> No.6769106

>...while they'd love to meet new foreign friends, they'd prefer not to bring Twitter culture into their community...
This is a reasonable concern, and this thread is proof enough of that worry. Many internet addicts think that being obnoxious is some sort of political statement, believing that every unrelated forum is a platform to rant about their culture war, even when people express annoyance at this behavior. This is a universal trait of overly politicized internet users, and trolls are keen to use politics as a cover for their own bad behavior.

>> No.6769107

America was literally irrelevant on the world stage until WW2. Actually, if you ask the rest of the world it was irrelevant until very recently

>> No.6769113

Japs can stop complaining about westerners being politic-brained when they themselves stop posting 80 tweets a day stream of consciousness style about basically nothing.

>> No.6769116
File: 37 KB, 630x472, 5bb3e066220000ba01dbf248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you ask the rest of the world it was irrelevant until very recently
hard to find out who actually runs things when 'the rest of the world' has no radio, electricity or internal plumbing

>> No.6769133

you can kill yourself dude. I'm not defending politcal shit, but being butt hurt about someone sharing random thoughts is stupid.

>> No.6769139

Anon, troons and women do such things.

>> No.6769151

Troons and Women also rant about the culture and their politics.

>> No.6769162
File: 1.63 MB, 498x278, illya_cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about politics or muh morality in general for that matter, all I want is to follow my favourite lolicon artists who are just abandoning twatter. How the fuck am I supposed to do that now? First they left pixiv, now they ultimately retreat to a gated community. Give me fucking break.

>> No.6769182

That’s how microblogs were used before it turned into a political/marketing platform

>> No.6769700

post nose

>> No.6770141

I've seen more twitter artists making Bluesky accounts than Misskey.

>> No.6770173


>> No.6770313
File: 557 KB, 2001x2560, web 3.0 dosen&#039;t seem to bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a thought anons, you can also go to some instances if twitter fails

i'll still hang around misskey even though i can't read moonrune

were are going back to 00's forums in the most gayest "twitterized" and mobile-friendly way
possible anons, can you believe it

just stay away from obvious honeypots

>> No.6770322

I just discovered that the westerners that have joined the site a actually edge lords and antiwoke brigaders.

Why the Hell are they join a place like that and how did the reverse rumor spread?

>> No.6770324

/thread- HIDE.

>> No.6770339

As someone's who's there, that's what I thought.

Twitter's ran by a billionaire Rogan fan.

Why would "Twitter Culture" be opposite of that?

>> No.6770348

Yup. Mods were complaining about the influx of culture warrior right wingers reacting and then got called every racist insult in the book and they shut it down.

"If you see something you don't like, ignore it".

>> No.6770354

I knew it. SJWs have been on there drawing their fat dumpy characters for years. The Twittermob just flocked there and started freaking out about it.

>> No.6770451

>best country
>actual freedom
>actual protected rights
Thats russia mate

>> No.6770478
File: 10 KB, 213x237, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if there's a proper name for it. But normie right-wing and "weeb right-wing" are completely opposed to eachother. They 100% don't like Elon or Rogan.


If you see someone saying tranime anywhere, they fall into the former group. Same If you see someone praise Twitter or Elon for being "pro free speech". Weebs don't like Elon because their favorite loli artists keep getting banned.

Both are pro AI art, so I don't like either of them.

>> No.6770482

kill all women aged 13 and above.

>> No.6770497

Rightoids and leftoids ruining it for everyone, as always

>> No.6770506

Do any of you guys engage in Twitter politcs at all? And if so, why? To me, it seems like a massive time-sink that returns nothing much in value.

>> No.6770515

4chan and Twitter were similar in that the subject was often shoved in your face during unrelated topics. One could easily fine themselves getting ranted at when all the wanted to do was discuss a hobby. Twitter pre-Elon would actively put hot political topics in the trending feed, even if you showed no interest in it.

I remember having to unfollow a technology channel I liked because the host kept going on right wing rants, which filled my timeline. People of either persuasion have run in to something like this coming from different flavors of culture warrior.

>> No.6770525


Anime characters in MAGA hats and Obama shirts is exactly the type of shit Misskey wants to avoid

>> No.6770597

I don't. I just filter out political keywords on 4chan and X.com.
My timeline only showcases arts, animation and anime

>> No.6770854

You mean them gathering all the fags in one place for nuke testing? Go on...

>> No.6770878
File: 1.11 MB, 1316x1162, millenilol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't misskey federated with mastodon instances? the ones famously inundated with banned right wing posters from twitter? gl with that

>> No.6770920

is yaoi, bara and yuri still allowed at least? I don't want my account deleted for posting it

>> No.6770924

That's even worse. Only the american puritan insanity virus could turn the notoriously hypersexual french into complaining about loli. That said, i have no doubt this french jacked off to it and made a mind note to fuck a real child right after seeing it.

>> No.6770950

Every single rightoid are all AI-supporting capitalist bootlickers.
There's a reason why they're all so afraid of government regulations.
Both Stalin and Mao absolutely hunted down every single bourgeois rat right down to their last hole by the thousands.
We need more brave heroes like them.

>> No.6770953

>talking to under-employed slave-moralists
For what purpose? You will damage your psyche

>> No.6770954

>yaoi, bara and yuri
Fucking pick one.

>> No.6770965

i keep politics so that i can be worldy aware. I don't interact with things i can't control

when an artist becomes political to get clout, i immediately ignore them

>> No.6770969

they are acting like puritans because americans are a puritanical people and europe is still under occupation from the empire

>> No.6771066

>Are you really this blind that you cant see how their behavior's are analogous to communist struggle sessions? They don't even have to do it in private anymore.
No, I just thought degens attacking everyone disagreeing with them was a common knowledge and that anon/You were describing something special normalfags don't know.

>> No.6771071

Great fucking color scheme, I barely can decipher anything.

>> No.6771081

Nope. Tmblr goons have been there for sometime. Check the age of the fagflag accounts. They've been there for a while. There was no drama because no one ever said anything. You could self moderate that crap

>> No.6771126

since when this shit turned into /pol/?

>> No.6771147

The LGBTQ discussion was a bunch of culture warriors screaming about faggits instead of posting artwork and when mods stepped in, they got called chinx and monkey fuckers.

>> No.6771156

>when mods stepped in, they got called chinx and monkey fuckers.
wtf I love sjws now

>> No.6771165

Don't forget groomers and pedophiles lol

>> No.6771195


>> No.6771549

>The developer had to ban LGBTQ discussion because of them.
Two issues with what you are saying.
1: LGBT and leftist japanese people exist

2: Misskey is a fediverse style platform. Unless you talking about some specific instance that runs on misskey, what you are saying makes no sense. How would the developer ban it?

>> No.6771553

>Their last president was in a literal feminist cult and took orders from a witch and there were protests that almost toppled the government.
I need evidence that it was a feminist cult. I've never seen any evidence of that.

And it reeks of bullshit.
This is the president who was taking orders from a shaman:

She was the daughter of south koreas former right wing dictator (North korea has the leftwing dictators):

, and the parties she was a member of were far-right.

Not at all related to feminism.

>> No.6771556

>source: i made it up

>> No.6771562

>>asia so free
>Yeah like chin- oh....
>I suppose India is fairly free without a strict social hierarchy - oh...
>Japan is not the entirety of Asia you stupid retard.
But japan has a strict social hierarchy too?

>> No.6771571

The fediverse is the greatest social media shit ever
>join a small instance
>can view people on other instances
>allows me to curate more to my niche interests instead of a large company trying to shill shit down my throat
>I don't even have to see the retards on mastodon, but I could if I really wanted to
>some random sperg can't get you banned only block you and seethe about it

>but I want to sperg out and shitpost
there's other places you can go to do that. Misskey seems specifically art and culture orientated.

Ultimately I think large social media companies are going to die by a thousand cuts. People here and there moving off them to post via the fed nodes will drive people to it. It'll take time and finding everyone wont be as easy as a centralized one but it's better than the alternative.

>> No.6771576

>I'm having a hard time believing the claims in this screencap are entirely true--I know Korea isn't far from its dystopic brothers but WTF is this??
parts of this screencap seems suspect.
Like most asian countries, korea as a whole is rather unequal towards women.

Korean feminists would be rather against plastic surgery.

The sources he links are hard to type in and they all seem to be in korean, so we have no idea of the actual context involved.

Weird part:
The thing about the women's ministry putting game limits is true though:

>> No.6771579

>Perceived enemies of the party. Having any view to the right of Karl Marx gets you twitter mobbed and called racist. They want you to toe the party line because that's how they establish social dominance. You will go along with our world view or we will tar and feather you.
Thispost totally fails to pass the sniff test. There's a ton of "pro-capitalist" and anti-communist content on twitter. Twitter has a large republican userbase. There's even a fuck ton of /pol/tarded shit on twitter (rockchuck and the like).

>> No.6771580

wrong board niggers

>> No.6771602

what the fuck does 'I' stand for, Interracial?

>> No.6771634


>> No.6771912
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1660919653818325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>registration is blocked for the west
I just want my anime art

>> No.6771916

leftards broke the site's rules on a hourly basis, yet they never got banned, while "anyone to the right of marx" got yeeted by any reason
keeping idpol brainrot away is the best thing to do.

>> No.6771921

>when mods stepped in, they got called chinx and monkey fuckers.
typical lefties, pulling their kkk hoods when things don't go their way

>> No.6771923

>leftards broke the site's rules on a hourly basis, yet they never got banned, while "anyone to the right of marx" got yeeted by any reason
I call bullshit. tons of conservatives still on twitter, ben shapiro, matt walsh, steven crowder, etc...
even Stonetoss is somehow still on twitter.

>> No.6771928
File: 254 KB, 992x504, jptuiternowoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twatter pre-elon was infested with poltard shit

>> No.6771930
File: 9 KB, 100x100, DieChe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771940

>tons of conservatives still on twitter, ben shapiro, matt walsh, steven crowder, etc...
Never heard about any of these except Walsh, who said something about vidyagames being boring or shutting up a ton of kid diddlers when he asked what's a woman
>even Stonetoss is somehow still on twitter.
Haven't seen him breaking the site's rules

>> No.6771943

>Do any of you guys engage in Twitter politcs at all?
I don't waste time arguing with overweight wannabe commies, I just block them on sight

>> No.6771968

The usual suspects always will crawl out to every new place.

>> No.6771971

Misskey has actual loli smut on it, I saw it on the front page (though it was behind a sensitive content warning).

>> No.6771972

Dont forget that Fanbox no longer allows Paypal and they started censoring Fanbox users because of gettin fucked over AI spamflood

>> No.6771975

Wait what? Explain the paypal thing

>> No.6772021

They fuck themselves over the AI thing, at the very least they forbid AI artists to use Fanbox, mostly because of the creepy ass hyper realistic AI art that blurs the line between loli and actual Pizza di Quezzo

>> No.6772022

I tried to register by changin my IP to japanese with my VPN and didnt worked either.

>> No.6772024

I'm pretty sure almost all existing public free VPNs banned. Basically if you can pass this
you're good

>> No.6772119

you don't need an account specifically on misskey.io to follow their users, just signup on an instance like misskey.art or rkgk.moe

>> No.6772121

this but unironically. lolifags are just as insufferable as trooners

>> No.6772122

Can I use a misskey.art account to post into misskey.io?

>> No.6772123

some certains types are kinda funny tho, like those japanese ouh posters

>> No.6772124

if someone on misskey.io follows you, then yes your posts will end up on misskey.io, that's how federation works

>> No.6772131


>> No.6772132

>he doesn't know
okay then just go to rkgk.moe

>> No.6772148
File: 52 KB, 704x526, 1682362814388225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772254

His boots are worth more than your entire lineage.

>> No.6772378

what are you talking, about fanbox still has paypal

>> No.6772472

They already banned the AI stuff in general so it shouldn't be any different compared to how it was, no?

>> No.6772475


>> No.6772495

Mine is paid

>> No.6773079

If you want freedom you must fight against those who are denying it to you.

>> No.6773115

Gee it's almost like american right and american left are retarded mutant bullshit everyone else dismisses as clown politics.
In the real world right vs left is about economic agency and personal freedom vs forced equity.

We don't call Norway and Denmark leftist hellholes because they have free healthcare. Every civilized country has free healthcare.
They're leftist hellholes because they ban kids from genuine competition in sports and arts into their late teens and therefore have the highest youth suicide rate.

When you have every meaningful source of inequality sorted out and still go out of your way to shit on individual freedoms and deny individual worth to spare the feelings of the deficient, that's when leftardism has gone too far.

America's song and dance about troons and niggers is just performative decoys to avoid solving any real issues.

>> No.6773165

this image is real funny dont tell me its supposed to be serious

>> No.6773170

stop being a queer

>> No.6773202

>Asian government hate art
this is truer than it should, and it hurts

especially the japanese one, like wtf
like, how else would japan be relevant in people's minds if not that
and yet they are slowly killing it with regulations

>> No.6773208



lmao I got in

>> No.6773211

wtf what? regulations? japan's art is the one thing that people love about the country from outside. i hope that's just a baseless rumour because it wouldn't make sense.

>> No.6773224

ok buddy time to cry about it now!!!!1

>> No.6773583

It's bs, Japan is one of the very few countries that actually consider artist to be a legitimate career and not just a hobby. Drawing for comics and animation is an available course at most vocational schools, not just at one ultra-expensive daycare for nepobabies like in America and Canada.

>> No.6773585

stop being American you faggot

>> No.6773601

>not already being part of the japanese art community on twitter
>not creating a misskey.io account several months ago as a knee-jerk response during the first signs of site outages post-musk

>> No.6773643

I lurked baraag for 5 minutes because it was the only place where Amy Matthews posted her sketches and it was already 90% disgusting western shit before going private.

>> No.6773650

I'm on pawoo, but sometimes I can't see images posted from misskey. I wonder if it has to do with that interconnectivity problem they had last week.

>> No.6773657

What the fuck is misskey

>> No.6773659
File: 68 KB, 804x762, firefox_xFp3pfFXR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misskey.io blocked pawoo.net, so you won't see misskey posts from pawoo, and vice versa.

>> No.6773660

Oh shut up, trannoid.
>Artists are lower than criminals, pedophiles in Asian countries now.
AI "artists" are lower than pedophiles. Artists may or may not be legitimate pedophiles.

>> No.6773661

Based as fuck

Don't you need an invite though

>> No.6773664

Yeah, but both miskey and pawoo announced that the federation thing was reestablished like a day or two ago.

>> No.6773787

>that freedom to express the reality of what we see has been lost in the West
If you clutch those pearls any harder, they'll crack.

>> No.6774379

A fediverse / activitypub application

>> No.6774502

We could make a tranny paradise exclusive for them and they'd still go out looking for us because what they want is attention and being the failed men that they all are, the only attention they can elicit is hatred.

>> No.6774863
File: 3.25 MB, 2001x2560, image_2023-08-02_203429103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more readable

>> No.6774975

All fed-run honeypots btw

>> No.6775005

astroturfing a website and stalking its scripts doesn't make it a honeypot. i guarantee you majority of them get hit with ddos attacks behind the scenes because god forbid people want to hang out in fucking peace on the internet without bothering anyone.

>> No.6775024

god I wish we could all just use one fucking platform globally. I want to follow all kinds of artists and post stuff and not have to jump sites every 4 years for some shit

>> No.6775046
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1034, 1683750589090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No my fellow alt-right incelsister, our political extremist and "genuine pedo" websites with compromised security that regularly get "ddos attacks" totally aren't honeypots, these are safe spaces for you sweetie ;)))
Fuck off glowie

>> No.6775049


>> No.6775052

I know what you mean but there's no way that this would work out in the long run. Twitter is already close enough to that and it's a horrible experience no matter how UwU some artist desperately try to be
I'd rather different platforms than one big platform that can twist the rules to be as vague as possible but still threaten your good time. A lot of Artists are gonna want more platforms just to get away from the Underage psychopaths and the Schizo artists and their Grifting friends

>> No.6775053

Die mad, Mossad.

>> No.6775076

the more internet websites that spring up the better. im so fucking sick of all this internet shit. people deserve better.

>> No.6775078

is misskey opening registrations for western people anytime soon? I didn't register back when I could I feel like such a fucking idiot holy shit

>> No.6775097

Korea's not bad, it's cheaper than Japan anyway.
Also Norks have been selling all there artillery to Russia (terrible stuff high failure rate), it just indicates they really have no plan to invade and only have the nuke so US won't, so it's gonna be a stalemate for another generation.

Been here for a year since covid after I got out of the nightmare that was Los Angeles.
It's cheap rent, cheap and good food, and absolute safety with no nogs in sight, though you see a couple of army guys if go looking.
It's just surreal how shitty I've been living my life before.
If yer rich, US is still good though.

>> No.6775127

im confused, is this a website or? I checked their site but I'm confused on what it even is/how would you register

>> No.6775164

it's a decentralized node, like fediverse
imagine twitter, but you can run your own version just for your boys, you control it make the rules so no Zuck or Elon can tell you what to do
it's invite only/keeping gaijin out for now, use another node

>> No.6775169

Remember no private messages on the fediverse are encrypted. Don't register with an email you'd regret getting leaked.
Assume the people running your instance are retards.



>> No.6775210
File: 54 KB, 1030x260, 1670627281090633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't register with an email you'd regret getting leaked.
this is also true for other websites even the biggest ones, just don't be a retard https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/what-twitters-200-million-email-leak-really-means/

>> No.6775357

Isn't Fanbox part of Pixiv? Do they actually not enforce censorship rules there?

>> No.6775359

why did they leave pixiv

>> No.6775390

censorship only applies to publicly viewable files, not private ones... also only to Japanese nationals
also you can post uncensored images on pixiv, as long as your thumbnail/first image is censored, there is an uncensored tag as well

>> No.6775392

pixiv TOS claimed use for all art for their own purposes... usual shit for online galleries, but enough japs made a fuss and took off

>> No.6775397

Didn't poa.st get hacked and collapse after everyone's private messages leaked? Or am I thinking of a different instance?

Also where does socel.net fall on this map? I made an account there because it seems like it's an art instance with the least uptight rules while not going totally off the deep end.

>> No.6775402

sparknotes on this thing and how to use?

>> No.6775417

The fediverse is a collection of applications or services that can communicate with each other (typically via ActivityPub)
There are several different types of applications. Mastrodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Soapbox, etc
Instances are actual servers that are running the applications. Misskey(dot)io is an instance of Misskey. Mastrodon(dot)art is an instance of Mastrodon.

>> No.6775541

Based Misskey admins, if you cared enough you would have made an account months ago.
I hope they ban creating new accounts from foreign IPs.

>> No.6775558

is there a Misskey instance for feet?
So they can be quarantined

>> No.6776387

remeber anon, 4chan is reddit and your probably talking to a zoomer, you probably need to hand hold them

>> No.6776453

Its too fucking hard to browse an artists work on twitter. its not an actual gallery
you had to log in the view the media tab, and ol elongated muskrat made it worse

>> No.6776466

I wonder if it would be worth making a personal websites thread to help anons in setting up a simple static portfolio site

>> No.6776634

lol shouldnt have pushed for globalization and
a homogenous world. You reap what you sow: a multipolar world divided by east and west.

>> No.6776869

I fucking hate trannies so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.6777563

Nope, thing went down after Abe, especially 2022 when AI introduced. Nips government are full of NFT shills so they made sure to let AI shit invade as much as possible while pretend to protect "freedom of expression".
Anti-slandering law prevent artists to voice against AI companies.
The new rule also requires artist to disclose all of their personal informations and subject them to harassment. Many artist got death, rape threat, got invaded bt NHK guys and police for no reasons, got their contract canceled for voicing against AI or forced faggot agenda in their art.

>> No.6777583

can i find loli on here or what

>> No.6777612
File: 836 KB, 852x852, rarest pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a tranny nothing makes me hate trannies more than other trannies. The amount of hate I have for these internet drama grifters is incandescent.
Just let me enjoy my anime jpgs without your incessant screetching.

>> No.6777616

>korea is not bad
feminist cultist hands wrote this post

>> No.6777617

You should stop publishing en masse in organizations that require that tax bullshit it's completely optional.

>> No.6777689

also based

>> No.6777697


>> No.6777711

ultra unbased

>> No.6777744

omega locked

>> No.6777841

one of my profs was trans and he seemed chill, told us he doesn't care which gender we call him and his class was funny
permanently online troons are absolutely insufferable though. and the cocksuckers who attack others on their behalf

>> No.6779512

Can't register on the .io website, always get an error. It's over.