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File: 2.48 MB, 4032x2268, PXL_20230728_205628861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6766427 No.6766427 [Reply] [Original]

Who knew furry art was so profitable.

>> No.6766430

'Ick on the 'eck?

>> No.6766432

damn, I should do furry porn

>> No.6766436

this dumb fucking meme of furries being rich needs to die.
they're just retards with no impulse control. they make the same as everyone else (if not less than average) but spend most of their income on their fetish.

>> No.6766437
File: 241 KB, 1080x1620, 1690578477048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone? It's a well known fact that you can enter the furry community with bottom of the barrel art and SOME mentally ill weirdo will take itv and worship it. Start following trends or actually drawing and you can quit your job. Draw fetishes and you can retire before 40. Do not save and jack off to this image without paying the artist.

>> No.6766450

red Pill me on this
surely it can't be THAT easy

>> No.6766455
File: 20 KB, 440x534, 1689914913571047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking Pepsi

>> No.6766462

So, it's basically manipulation of mentally ill people for money and clout. Sounds like LA

>> No.6766470
File: 548 KB, 974x892, furry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're forgetting the other side of the spectrum, they range between low functioning autistic spergs or high functioning autistic geniuses, consider the image i have attached, also one of my friends is a high functioning one

>> No.6766472

I went to Subway, they didn't have Coke.

>> No.6766481

I've only spent money on art equipment over the past few years. Though there's certainly rich furries, you're just huffing cope.

>> No.6766488
File: 380 KB, 1080x1620, penup_20230728_172257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally what it is. I've never heard from a furry artist who didn't hate and fear their patrons. Who knew a bunch of zoophile crybullies could be so powerful. Coms are open btw to any furries itt. 300 minimum for a DM.

>> No.6766496
File: 141 KB, 673x502, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian monopoly money

I thought you said profitable?

>> No.6766502

Gets lots of Timmies buddy, the double-double xl!

>> No.6766503

getting an internship at nasa doesn't make you a genius, fucking retard kun

>> No.6766509

post your nasa internship dunning-krueger supreme

>> No.6766517

Post a furry's.
oh wait, her internship offer got rescinded because she was too fucking retarded.

>> No.6766520

There's been furries on the ISS.

>> No.6766522

no there hasn't been. holy fuck you're dumb

>> No.6766523

lol yeah they had those things out like candy
and it's generally just boring bullshit not cool space shit
t. had friends that did internships at NASA

>> No.6766531

and my dad works for cern all the quantum particle scientists are furries rim my asshole

>> No.6766538
File: 28 KB, 655x250, amazinggenius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly only the smartest of B average students can get a coveted nasa internship.

>> No.6766544

okay this doesn't change the fact that our furry sister is a genius and got her internship taken away by the disenfranchised heterotransitive patriarchy

>> No.6766559

I prefer the term fursister, but go off furqueen

>> No.6766571

anon, that’s $27.43 USD

>> No.6766634

realistically it's probably liike 2-3 grand
op is trying to flex less than a month's work for an average adult

>> No.6766661

I adjusted for purchasing power parity

>> No.6766668

jelly jelly

>> No.6766677
File: 1.71 MB, 2268x3085, 20220307_151244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is $11,000 I took out to buy my current car. It's fun to take pics of stacks of cash but it's never actually impressive. It's something only the niggest of people are impressed by.
Also my nails were fucking disgusting then goddamn

>> No.6766685
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using your art skills to literally make money

>> No.6766694
File: 125 KB, 700x660, back in your containment thread, animal fucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furrymoney is the ultimate artist filter
>you can get lots of money
>but have to quite literally sell your soul to autistic zoophiles
I don't get why the majority of retards on this board don't jump on the furry shit when all they care about is making a buck with it and getting their dick sucked by internet randos.
As if they had any moral or principles lmao
lol even

>> No.6766700
File: 2.22 MB, 2814x3941, IMG_20230728_164526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but you are now, kek.

>> No.6766716

>trying to flex with 5k on the internet
>no timestamp
this is what trying to molest animals does to your brain

>> No.6766724

Furries just like cartoon anthromorphic characters. They don't touch real animals. Right?

>> No.6766741
File: 110 KB, 806x957, furries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you sweet innocent child

>> No.6766744

yes you are correct

>> No.6766754

Anon are you sure about that

>> No.6766755

>monopoly money from maple syrup land
so there's like 50 bucks in there at most?
most furries are people with average jobs but they happen to be financially irresponsible

>> No.6766790

>he’s so poor even his money is worn ragged
I see now, you’re jealous you can’t afford new money like op pic

>> No.6766791

that may have been economically sound in the 80s or whatever, but by the time you draw a $100 bill, you’re earning less than a burger flipper

>> No.6766794
File: 1.38 MB, 2223x1236, bocchi the furry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average normie salary in Canada is $52,700 before tax. Furfags are making up to 5 times more than that. For all you know, these guys are also into real estate renting out to ESL's for twice their mortgage payments so effectively they are easily in the top 1% next to your typical white man with generational wealth.

>> No.6766809

Most annoying part of that is that the Homer dude wasn't even the one who ruined her internship, someone else canceled it (likely seeing their behaviour).

But the furry's retarded friends still harassed him off social media.
Though there was a happy end; the Furry politely and privately contacted the dude and apologized and he apparently helped them get a new internship.

>> No.6766815

>Furfags are making up to 5 times more than that
Source for that other than
>I heard it on 4chan one time

>> No.6766817
File: 970 KB, 500x288, arrested-development-jason-bateman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op started it, shit for brains. We told him he was an idiot but he kept going then decided to try and flex by saying we were jealous, so we just corrected him. Just a little correction. And then you try and say I like watching animals suffer, for putting op(or whoever the fuck) in his place, because he was trying to flex on us first? You're a special kind of stupid, son.

>> No.6766820

>Though there was a happy end; the Furry politely and privately contacted the dude and apologized and he apparently helped them get a new internship.
He said he was going to try to pull some strings and find her a different position. There's no confirmation she ever got an internship.

>> No.6766825

Op tried to flex with $3.18 equivalent, so

>> No.6767043
File: 74 KB, 960x960, 1620330749778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each of those notes is worth about 75 USD.

>> No.6767049

It's a meme you dip

>> No.6767086

I've barely began making 30k a year from my paywall after 2 years. If I did commissions I could double that but I don't like doing commissions.
I draw about 10 hours a week so it's basically passive income.
I do need to make more money though but every time I commit to drawing the most popular characters, my numbers go up then I get bored of those characters and I go back down to my core fan base.
If I can commit, I think I can get to 50k a year. Before taxes of course.
Self employment taxes will take 20% of that. Then with inflation going on less people subscribe and the money I do get has less buying power

>> No.6767446

Bruh they give out internships to random idiots all over the country at pretty much every college and university and they even have programs for high school students. Getting an internship at NASA means fuck all. I don't think you realize how large and sprawling an organization NASA is, they have facilities all over the country and largely do boring shit that doesn't take much intelligence. NASA is not just JPL.

>> No.6767449

It's funny how $11k in cash seems like a lot of money, but $11k in your bank account or investment account is basically fuck all.

>> No.6768318

What's up with the NAZI gold bar? it's pretty sweet