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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 13 KB, 240x240, 1679447303533785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6755991 No.6755991 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just draw
draw what? i literally have 0 creativity

>> No.6755993

Then you don't draw. Might as well ask how to run if you don't have any limbs or prosthetics.

>> No.6755997

Literally anything. What’s in front of you right now? Draw it.

>> No.6755999
File: 76 KB, 714x575, 1672444673525641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s in front of you right now? Draw it.
but i cant draw it well enough

>> No.6756000

floating heads in 3/4 view

>> No.6756001

we all start here

>> No.6756002

>but i cant draw it well enough
then draw it poorly
gotta get the shitty drawings out of your system asap so the good ones can start coming out

>> No.6756005

Time wasting thread
Move on

>> No.6756016

if you had master skills, what would you draw?

>> No.6756020

Anime girls in various poses!

>> No.6756024

Look up the sticky be it in beg int or the "eternal notice" thread. See the 1st fundamentals. Learn 1 on them, easyest place to start would prolly be gesture drawing or construction, but you can start anywhere (like anatomy) since everything is linked. Gesture lines are the resoult of muscle and fat anatomy while construction is more or less a simplifyed version of the skeletal system anatomy . Learn to observe and apply fundie skills to real life. Go from there
Most people who go "hOw To Draw AnIme" start with one of the simpler form of construction .
It is however important that you actually start somwhere and keep building up and up on top

>> No.6756032

furry art (for money)

>> No.6756035

I... I would draw anime girls floating in a white background!! Boobers... Titters. Clitters too! If I was a master artist I'd churn out HUNDREDS of beautiful neotenous cartoon women who could all be related! In 6 different poses! I'm gonna do it!

>> No.6756039

Checked and keked. This

>> No.6756040

start with easy stuff like bugs, trees and animal skeletons, just sketch the form and then add details
when it gets too easy then move on to something harder

>> No.6756046

Draw representation of yourself first, then what surrounds you and finally the world that you see.

>> No.6756072

I feel like this kind of thinking holds a lot of people back. You aren't creative because you think you're not creative, then it's just a loop. Then it goes into dismissing ideas because they are not original enough.

>> No.6756080

But I don't have master skills.

>> No.6756090

How do you think you get better?

>> No.6756094

Until they get over their own hangups and their own self-imposed excuses, they will remain no draws, an existence worse than even perma-/beg/s, because at least /beg/s have drawn something that can be categorized as /beg/ in the first place.

>I'm not creative because I don't have any creative, so I can't draw
>I don't have the right tools, so what's the point
>I'm not feeling this specific mood, or I have the slightest twinge in my back, so I don't think I'll draw today
>I don't know where every single specific line should go, why won't anyone help me T_T, I just need somebody to tell me exactly what to do

All self-imposed. If they truly wanted to draw, TRULY wanted to actually draw, they would draw anyway and not give a fucking shit. These people are only in love with the idea of being an artist, but not actually being one.

>> No.6756095 [DELETED] 

>i dont tho
abort yourself

>> No.6756108

I hate drseimf backgrounds. Nobody says "wow look at that beautiful...doorway. Those cracks in the wall are masterfully done" I'm not spending hours drawing retarded fucking trees either. And I hate clouds.

>> No.6756109

I used to feel that way at first, but I forced myself to start doing backgrounds and after a while it became therapeutic. It's nice to give your characters a world to live in.

>> No.6756111

What do you like?

>> No.6756115

It just doesn't feel like drawing to me. Its like saying washing the dishes is cooking.

>> No.6756120

>get an idea
>realize I'm gonna have to find a hyper specific reference
>it doesn't exist
>try drawing it
>looks horrible
>no other options
>give up

>> No.6756121
File: 949 KB, 1378x809, s_img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you thought about having your backgrounds tell a story?

>> No.6756123

Except washing dishes is cleaning up to put things away. If we're doing a food analogy, a background is more like... the extra garnishes and sauces you put on the main piece of food to help it stand out. Of course, if all you're after is the main thing and absolutely nothing else, you can do that, but it's a bit untrue to say that nobody appreciates the extra detail. I absolutely stop and admire the details put into an amazing background if, say, a manga artist does it. Something like Berserk or Otoyomegatari.

>> No.6756128
File: 7 KB, 238x370, ASDFGHJKdesfgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just sketch the same cat femboy in various
find your cat femboy

>> No.6756140
File: 68 KB, 1242x1169, 1689219077968864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i literally have 0 creativity
what a super stupid excuse. what a dumb thread. just keep posting frogs for the rest of your life then.

>> No.6756179

There not a background. That's a subject.

>> No.6756229

requests from draw threads

>> No.6756238 [DELETED] 

I can't wait till you're 40 years old and fucking miserable so you kill yourself after suffering for your last 10 years you fucking faggot

>> No.6756242

Describe the picture
>Two young people standing on rooftops, in the BACKGROUND a giant robot has collapsed onto a building
The point being, if you include story telling in your background(making your artwork involve the background as a subject if you will), you are more likely enjoy it instead of hating it.

>> No.6756307

by background I obviously mean textured effects and interiors.
Something being "in the background" is not what I mean.

I guess what I meant is I hate drawing things liek concrete buildings and trees objects that you ignore every day.

>> No.6756316

redo what you think is interesting on paper and pencil. save a sketchbook.

>> No.6756318

Ok, so to me background is generally anything not a character or vehicle. So you hate drawing concrete buildings, but what about destroyed concrete? That's pretty fun imo, drawing big chunks with exposed rebar etc(like in that pic).

>> No.6756323

Not with that attitude you don't.

Getting good takes time. Enjoy drawing, even if it's "bad", and you'll see improvement over many weeks of drawing.

Or stay where you are and forever feel unhappy over how you're not drawing even though you would like to.

The only thing holding you back is you.

>> No.6756326

boxes, nigga, boxes

>> No.6756426

I don't even understand this question
why do you want to draw, then?
is it some vague thing you think you might like to do?
or are the things that you want to draw too complex for what you think you are capable of drawing right now? if that's it, there are no shortcuts, anon. draw those things and fail
then try again and fail
maybe break it down into less complex things
fail at those too
look at other drawings that look like something you might want to draw
copy those
fail at copying too
and keep doing it until you get better
that what "just draw" means

>> No.6756466

do exercises. zentangles. line weight and control. loomis plates. just draw.

>> No.6756522

>These people are only in love with the idea of being an artist
this one fucking hurts
i stopped drawing back when i was young since i start to notice most of my drawings proportions are whack and line length dont match, after that its all downward spiral on not being able to draw

>> No.6756550

The hardest thing most people seem unable to accept is that I lot of problems can be solved by simply drawing more. Finding the right spot of mindlessness
and not over thinking, to going with the flow while drawing.
And accepting their current skill with art.

>> No.6756558

>i literally have 0 creativity

>> No.6756712

>Has time to whine at 4chan
>Google image search
>Zero creativity
Quit coming up with excuses, anon

>> No.6756720

Give up

>> No.6756749

i'd draw my favorite furry bitches
right now i dont have the skill to draw them

>> No.6756751

what should he draw then fgt come on you make the idea then

>> No.6756754

>drawthreads exist
why didn't i think of this before. I can use them for ideas, draw those ideas, and then not post them because the result is too shit to even be anonymously posted.

>> No.6756757

>Enjoy drawing, even if it's "bad"
no "" fag, it IS bad. And if it's bad, i won't enjoy it. Simple as.

>> No.6756761

google image search what cunt

>> No.6756778


there's nothing else in the world that i love more than drawing, and I can't even do that.
I don't practice that often I know that but still.

>> No.6756793

I can understand the people who want to draw but just can't stop procrastinating or summon up the willpower to grind their skill. I can even understand the ones that can't separate their ego from their work and refuse to make "bad" drawings for fun.

What I don't fucking get at all are you anons on this board that say you want to draw but have zero idea what or why. Why would anyone want to do this if they have no goal and aren't having fun?

>> No.6756795

you're moving the goalposts, anon

>> No.6756798

>"drawing isn't fun"
>"also i don't have anything i want to draw"
Then why the fuck are you here?

>> No.6756815
File: 280 KB, 770x811, A40DF45C-4D39-424F-8305-EE22C2F94355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just do still lifes and pleinair studies Ez

>> No.6756842

With each drawing you gain a little more

>> No.6756863

I don't practice that often I know that but still.
Then fucking do it. Every day. Whether you're in the mood for it or not. It's the only way.

>> No.6756865

People on /ic/ don't draw. If they did they wouldn't be here. They just want to whine.

>> No.6756870
File: 5 KB, 247x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is i dont want to draw anything
i want to want to draw something

>> No.6756872

Fat tits and ass

>> No.6756874

Then draw until you do. Once you reach a certain skill level, you will start being happy with your work, and THEN you will want to draw. But until then, there is nothing else you can do except draw every day, even when you don't want to.

>> No.6756877

but what do i draw? i dont mind my beg skill level, but i simply dont know what to draw
i just grinded through courses for months until i realized i had no idea what was i doing this for

>> No.6756881

Then find something. You should have some sort of goal, a reason why you want to draw. Spend some time, search your soul and find it. There has to be SOMETHING you'd like to draw, anon.

>> No.6756885
File: 713 KB, 1216x3800, 1683895608896120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously no one is going to post it?
Guess I'll do it myself

>> No.6756894

This is sad and painfully accurate to most of /ic/

>> No.6756896

Then don't and fuck off
Why the fuck so you even come here when you have nothing to draw, kily yourself

>> No.6756912

See >>6756865

>> No.6756939

practice WHAT

>> No.6756943

do what how
come on petting a dog is innate, drawing is not, what am i gonna draw fgt

>> No.6756949


>> No.6756952

My hands get sweaty when I draw and I usually spoil the paper, also my hands get dirty super quick when drawing. I'm a /beg/, what do?

>> No.6756953

Wear a glove. I'm not joking

>> No.6756967

Pet the dog how?

>> No.6756998

>i literally have 0 creativity
take LSD

>> No.6757019

This but unironically.

>> No.6757023

I can do a drawabox cube
best i can give ya is an egg
>fucking apples
>go outside and sketch a tree

>> No.6757025

You not gonna draw anyway, you just wanted attention...

>> No.6757061

Go outside, and draw it. That's how

>> No.6757065

>do gesture and figure drawing studies to familiarise yourself with poses and anatomy
>do master studies to understand style and technique
>now you have the ability to create them on your own because you've already done it
wow, so hard

>> No.6757095

I know, I know. But how WOULD you feel if you had master skills, anon?

>> No.6757096

Retards cant answer hypotheticals anon

>> No.6757100

too hard
>figure drawing
>master studies
what the fuck is that.

>> No.6757103

right, and you wonder why people ask how with answers like this

>> No.6757104

you sound like some urbanite complaining that cooking is too hard
>dude just boil an egg
>ok what temperature?
>for how long?
>when can i tell if its done?
>how many eggs?
>whatever its too hard, im just gonna buy a $20 burger from grubhub

>> No.6757106

Mods be a human beings for once and nuke this underage twink thread.
Or ban me, prove that you are faggots indeed.

>> No.6757108

cooking is easier
especially since i can search up a recipe and just do it that way
is there a recipe for drawing big tiddy anthro bitches, anon?
maybe more your style, is there a recipe for gesture? I tried it once, was told to not do it until i can do accurate proportions.
is there a recipe for accurate proportions, anon?

>> No.6757109

cooking is easier because you know how to do it

>> No.6757116

And i know how to do it because i can follow recipes. Y'know, step by step instructions that hold your hand and walk you through how to make this or that
Is there anything like that for drawing, anon?

>> No.6757117

It's the only answer you deserve. If you're not putting pencil to paper an hour a day, every day, yngmi.

>> No.6757118

That's a meme you dip

>> No.6757119

Yes, i can put pencil to paper for an hour every day.
The result will be an hour of scribbles. Every. Day.
How do i ACTUALLY draw?
How do i do that tree?

>> No.6757121

>i literally have 0 creativity
then you are simply not suited to be an artist. find a hobby that doesn't involve creativity. videogames for example.

>> No.6757124

You have the entire internet at your disposal. Google "how to draw a tree"

>> No.6757125

>Is there anything like that for drawing
uh, yea? have you not seen the millions of "how to draw" tutorials?

>> No.6757137


>> No.6757146

no, no, you wanted me to go outside and sketch a tree
im not gonna try to get into 'what is a sketch' like i was about to ask, what i want to know is how do i copy a damn tree from outside, from life.
i mean sure, some connect the dots ive seen, but nothing else like what i was talking about

>> No.6757151

they say that too. cooking and drawing is not an apt comparison anon.

>> No.6757161
File: 527 KB, 3168x3080, pepe_smiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hilarious how you guys dont realize the troll and keep feeding it. I dont blame you because begs can be really sissies, but still its hilarious from someone that sees whats going on

>> No.6757167
File: 578 KB, 1389x1791, 1682084614932760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a blank piece of paper.

Draw a single curving line.

What does the curve remind you of?

An eye,a sunset,a bald head,a frown.

Now add more lines,and make your idea happen on the page. Forget about "good",or any judgements you or all others might have,because they don't apply. You are learning how to draw, and more importantly, how to draw like You. Clinging to tropes like Loomis and anime is ultimately self defeating. And grinding boxes and performing arcane exercises is also futile. Only by simple experiments like Throwing a Curve, or see what you can make of a 3 second scribble in pencil when you apply pen. You might have a knack for abstract patterns that would be printed on clothing. You can only learn by doing, and redoing as many times as you wish, using the older version as reference material. It's okay if only part of a drawing is cool,or nothing at all of it. The drawings you do now will make the next ones better.

>> No.6757168

It`s not hillarious, it`s plain stupid.
Now imagine if OP isn`t a underage zoomer, now that`s sad, humanity is on the downhill run...

>> No.6757172

now anon, i appreciate that you think i'm better than i am, and i acknowledge the innocence to believe that no one can genuinely be this way with something, but its just how it is man. Idk what to tell you to prove im being serious here.

>> No.6757185

>Draw a single curving line.
>What does the curve remind you of?
a line. thats it.
>Now add more lines,and make your idea happen on the page.
my idea so far is a line, mission accomplished.
>Forget about "good",or any judgements you or all others might have,because they don't apply.
not gonna happen, because they do apply. they always apply. to everything i do.
>grinding boxes and performing arcane exercises is also futile
well, thats all i know how to do, so....
>or see what you can make of a 3 second scribble in pencil
3 seconds!!??? are you nuts? who can make fucking anything in 3 whole seconds
>when you apply pen
i dont know what that means in this context.

>> No.6757188

did you ever pet a dog?

>> No.6757189

You suck dude. Stop it.

>> No.6757193

>did you ever pet a dog?
i don`t know what a dog is. why are you not explaining it to me?

>> No.6757199

kill yourself
do you mean an actual dog like you're making a comparison or the comic version where 'pet a dog' is drawing
stop what, trying to learn? what did you do when you got stuck, how did you get past this stage? did you ever even experience this at all?

>> No.6757204

You have ai speaking pattern it`s over try something other than drawing. Maybe play a triangle- *Clang!

>> No.6757208

>ai speaking pattern
mein gott, i might be an actual NPC. i hope im from a bethesda game.

>> No.6757223


>> No.6757242

pick anything random from pinterest and just draw

>> No.6757244

>pick anything
>from pinterest
i dont like pinterest

>> No.6757271

Stop wasting your time. He's beyond help

>> No.6757287

again kill yourself
so i do have references and stuff, but again, how do I use them?
also, any keywords i could put in to get better shit?

>> No.6757293

You need to start seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn instead of failures. If you can spot a mistake you're already on the right path, just figure out how to improve on that front. It's easy to get discouraged but just view it as a game where you level up. If you messed something up, you level up by studying it and improving in that area. Don't worry so much.

>> No.6757430

stop fucking comparing things like cooking to drawing. They're not the same at all. With cooking you aren't trying to make the best sandwich ever that random people will judge. Cooking is deterministic. The chemical reactions are the same every time and you have little need for creativity. Drawing is more like trying to invent a new burger. And then people taste it and go "this is the worst burger I ever tasted! Go read McLoomis!!"
people are frustrated because they want to be on the right path when learning to draw, since there are millions of paths that lead to chris chan or proko. Its reasonable to not want to end up like them. chrischan's permabegness or Proko's high skill but can't draw a damn puppy to save his life.

>> No.6757664

>Pick random anime shit off of pinterest
>Trace over it
>Turn off the reference layer and adjust everything
>Make something new

>> No.6757673

>anime shit
i dont like anime
dont like pinterest nor do i have an account
tracing isnt real drawing

>> No.6757685

Whats a dog? Can you show me?

>> No.6757693

the right question is "how the fuck i'm supposed to just DROOOOOOW when i'm a total prebeg and can't draw what i want yet?"

>> No.6757696

Give up

>> No.6757700

Post your work so I can call it shit.

>> No.6757714

We talked about this. You said you were going to go droooow. Why are you back wasting your time in this thread instead of posting what you drew in /beg/?

>> No.6757758

Do you by any chance smell a burnt toast sir? It may explain a lot about your thread.

>> No.6757761

what thread
no i'm not going to droooow

>> No.6757771


>> No.6757822

Yeah that's what I thought shitter, ngmi.

>> No.6757826

kill yourself yet again, you can draw unlike me right, why dont you go do that instead of stalking the thread

>> No.6757829

see >>6757826

>> No.6757877

What does it even mean "to draw"? I refuse to do it before I know the answer

>> No.6757883

Kill yourself, fagaloid. I forgot to tag you but you know who you are.

>> No.6757905

>drawing is not
it is, literal caveman have been doing it for millenia, maybe youre just retarded and your brain never developed that function, go learn gow to code or something ya autistic fgt

>> No.6757912

you poorly draw what you want to draw, duh

>> No.6757954

but how do i know what i want to draw

>> No.6757960

Just draw kek

>> No.6757979

Pretty sure it's bait but in any case.

Yes anon you just fucking draw whatever you see first.
>I can't draw it well enou-
Shut the fuck up and draw it the best you can. You won't ever be able to draw it "well" if all you did was sit in a mongolian basket weaving forum crying about how you are unable to process the most basic of human functions.
>Drawing is not bas-
Yes it is unless you are severely handicapped to the point where we should be surprised how you are communicating with us. Draw what you see. No matter how bad. That is the ONLY way you'll eventually learn to draw better. Period.

>> No.6757984

i wasn't being ironic

>> No.6758033

Lmao how does this stale ass b8 get replies every time. There can't be THAT many people on the artwork board of 4chan of all places. So there's maybe what, 200 people here total at any one time? And yet this shit goes for hundreds of replies every time. Wouldn't repliers get tired of banging their heads against this low effort troll? It can't be new fish every time.

>> No.6758128

>it is innate
well shit man, guess im not human after all, because i can't fffucking do it.
>Shut the fuck up and draw it the best you can
>draw what you see. No matter how bad.
Anon, after all these replies i still dont think you understand. HOW do i draw it? I look at something, pull up a picture or get an object in life. Now what?
All you guys say this same shit but the one thing you dont say is what you actually want. How should i prove to you i'm being genuine?? Do you think everyone that tries to learn is baiting? Is this some form of gatekeeping?

>> No.6758131

oh also
>go learn how to code or something
Coding breaks my brain more than anything else, believe it or not i'll have an easier time learning to draw than that shit.

>> No.6758171

Well, he got me. Threads like these are infuriating but also nostalgic to me. I oscillate between nodraw and pre-/beg/ and generally just lurk. I totally get not having your shit together to such a baffling degree, you're asking things that make people think you're trolling, but you're really just that lost.

Well, for me the answer has been to do some soul-searching and figure it out yourself. Drawing something you actually care about makes you more likely to stick to it. Follow your heart. Find something that evokes pleasant emotions in you. If you can't identify your own emotions, you might need to learn to recognise them first. If you've acquired bad habits that numb you to your own emotions, you might need to fight them. If you're worried your drawings will turn out bad, that's your ego speaking and you'll need to confront it, because failure is part of the process of learning. If you're here asking what to draw, keep in mind people will be upset if you don't post your work and don't ask about something more specific. Saying things like "I have 0 creativity" betrays an attachment to the ego, even if you've crafted an image of a loser for yourself. It might be holding you back.

Do you see what I'm getting at? These are just the issues I've encountered on my journey. There are numerous issues unrelated to drawing that may be stopping you from starting. But they are so general, people here won't be able to help with them. Everyone learns at their own pace and you'll gain nothing from these posts if you're not ready.

Ultimately, learning to draw is a very self-directed endeavour. You need to know why do you draw and what, and what path to take to get you to what you want. You can only find the answer through introspection. Until you do, "just draw" is meaningless. Once you find your drive, it becomes everything.

>> No.6758181

Imagine how much you could have drawn by now

>> No.6758185

which book will cure my brainfog and let me just draw?

>> No.6758474

>HOW do i draw it?
Ok it's bait kek. Anon you were told countless times. Sketch on paper with a pencil or pen. Paint on canvas using oils/watercolors. Use sharpies on your damn wall for all I care. Anything. Doesn't matter.

Pull up a picture or an object like you said you can. Draw it by sketching it on paper with a pencil however you see fit. If you still cannot follow, I'm sorry my friend but you have bigger issues that need fixing.

>> No.6758484

Ok smart guy, post proof you can pet a dog. I bet you can't.

>> No.6758543

>ok it's bait kek
Anon, you're still not getting it. I'm not asking 'how do I put pencil to paper' 'how do i use a drawing tablet' etc, I know how to do that, I can make scribbles. What i'm asking is how the fuck do I copy something? 'Just do it' doesn't suffice. Where do I start?
yah i could've done buttloads of scribbles by now u rite

>> No.6758630

>Not just the goal, the whole fieldpost moved.
kek keep posting frogs

>> No.6758637

Anon im autistic i dont know what that fieldpost shit means

>> No.6758642

>'Just do it' doesn't suffice
Yes it does. That is as primitive as you can get it. If you can't grasp it then I'm sorry but drawing is not for you.
>I'm autistic
Could have started with that

>> No.6758656
File: 155 KB, 1080x838, 1689216137976119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6758681 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1080x865, 1659118022017403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6758801

unironically, anime girls in the void

>> No.6758851

Scribbles are better than nothing

>> No.6758854

>downright lying

>> No.6758858

>not drawing is better than drawing

>> No.6758861

>scribbles are drawing

>> No.6758862


>> No.6758865

Stop being a pussy no one is around draw what ever there is no cringe not shit art when you're starting stop thinking and put pen to paper wiggle it then see what you can do with the shape

>> No.6758868

just played some shitty game I don't even like for 2 hours instead of drawing. I could have drawn for 2 hours instead but that's 10 times harder than raging at bad games. WHY????

>> No.6758869

but what is a shape, i need clear defenition.

>> No.6758877

Seriously, kys

>> No.6758885

You are like some annoying child asking "Why" after every answer you're given. There is no logic behind any of your questions if you actually wanted to draw. Stop shitposting and do something better with your time faggot.

>> No.6758889

Burden of proof is on the person who claimed he could pet a dog. Sounds to me like you're stalling and putting it on me because you can't do it.

>> No.6758892

Just draw or you WNGMI

>> No.6758893

>I can't draw now, I'm too hungry
>I can't draw now, I need to finish this drink
>I can't draw now, I need to wait for an idea to come to me
>I can't draw now, its too hot
>I can't draw now, I have a headache
>I can't draw now, its past 6pm, way too late
>I can't draw now, its the middle of the night and I should be asleep
>I can't draw now, I need to shower and brush my teeth and do adult things
>I can't draw now, I just woke up, I need to eat breakfast

>> No.6758906

fyi, this is the actual troll. i am not. i know its a bit confusing.
I for one am still trying to figure out how to properly copy something.

>> No.6758908
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>>I need to shower and brush my teeth

>> No.6758915

Provided you're not the same faggot trying to defuse so you can shitpost some more after, it's too far gone. You're better off leaving. You won't get anything at this point after the shit that's now been stirred.

>> No.6758930

And what have you figured out so far? Surely you've been looking for information outside of /ic/ too

>> No.6758936

I don't know if there's a book for that. You could try coffee, or minimising distractions, i.e. get off 4chan or the internet and turn off your phone. This encroaches into the field of discipline. If this is about being unable to start, maybe you could try to focus on how you think you'll feel after you put some time into drawing, and that'll help to motivate you. That's just an idea, it works for me, but you are expected to try different things to find out what works for you.

>> No.6758940

It`s joever

>> No.6758946

ironically this is the only place i can get information and advice that seems to work for me.
google seems too generic, youtube seems too clickbait-y, and i actually have no idea where else to go
as for what i've figured out, not much. still not sure where to start.

>> No.6758949

>ironically this is the only place i can get information and advice that seems to work for me.

>> No.6758967
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>What i'm asking is how the fuck do I copy something? 'Just do it' doesn't suffice. Where do I start?
That's a tricky question to answer, because everyone draws for their own individual reasons. You cannot make a perfect copy, at best you're crafting a mere representation. Art is a medium of communication, so it's up to you to determine what message you wanna convey. You probably start with symbol drawing, like everyone else. Look it up if you wanna know more. You can only draw with the skillset that you currently have. Your primary tool will be your brain. You need to draw something first to have an input. Then, analyse what you've drawn. It won't be good, it'll be Chris-Chan tier if not worse, so get that out of your system first if you have to.

After you've evaluated what you're capable of, you need to think if it matches what you wanted to communicate with your art, which at the start it probably won't. At that point you'll need to use your critical thinking to narrow down what exactly you want to work on. That'll give you a direction to develop in. Critical thinking is a skill of its own that you may have to learn if you suspect you're weak at it. Since we've talked about trees: I don't draw nature or landscapes, so I can't say what'd be best to focus on first. I like drawing people, and I've found that focusing on conveying the illusion of volume is very satisfying and makes my drawings look much nicer. So I tend to practice that.

Learning to draw is an iterative process. You draw, then use the result identify areas you want to improve in, and then it becomes a problem to solve. There is no shortcut but to do it. That's why it's so important to Just Draw. As long as you can think critically about your own work and evaluate it honestly, you can't go wrong.

>> No.6758994
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The 3 second scribble is to make random shapes that you will exercise your imagination by adding to them to make pictures. And a curve may look familiar, since they abound in nature.

Since drawing is proving too steep a climb as it has for countless others, I will now ask you, as you should ask yourself, not what you should make,but why you want to in the first place.

The Creative Urge. And "urge" it can be:the oddest of compulsions, to stop amusing yourself and labor at some unfathomable abstraction, for whom? For what? Tell me this,if you can. And maybe we can find an exciting new medium for you to try. This is a conglomeration of my drawing and Photoshop legerdermain and filter stuff. When I got Photoshop, I was doing pen and ink stuff,and it was exciting to play around and make pictures from bits of old photos,and one picture had a faux 3d feel to it thanks to Alien Skin and beveling and other picture warping effects where the light can be directed on how it falls on the selected areas,making both shadows and highlights. It was cool,but it took time to focus on just how I should utilize such a tool. And through it,I now work in a sort of two dimensional sculpture, drawing things separately and using Photoshop to convert the raw art into processed chunks to build panels with, recycling images where I can to speed production.

I say this because this is my particular thing:telling stories, and finding the most efficient use of my scanty free time to tell them. So why do you want to create?

>> No.6758996


>> No.6758998

Spend your time how you want but make an informed decision: you are feeding a troll

>> No.6759037

quit it
again, what do you want my man, how can i prove im not trolling
yeah, obviously im not gonna find an answer from dudebros on 4chan. so im trying to figure it out myself from what i can gather.
>So why do you want to create?
furry porn.

>> No.6759040

>again, what do you want my man, how can i prove im not trolling
stop posting until you have something other than questions, literally just lurk

>> No.6759047
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furry porn

>> No.6759048

>not allowed to ask questions

>> No.6759056

that's right, you're not allowed to ask stream of consciousness style questions endlessly when you already have some bullshit copout preloaded for anyone stupid enough to fucking (You) you, again. just lurk and glean your answers from /beg/ otherwise you're a troll and I'll make sure to make it known in every thread the howbot shows up in.

>> No.6759073

>when you already have some bullshit copout preloaded
like what, more questions? oh i'm sorry, were you not prepared for someone to ask things? you didn't expect anyone lower than your own skill level? then don't reply, simple.
or, if you do, send me to someone that CAN teach me. someone that can do shit for me, someone that works with total beginners. come on.

>> No.6759082

The OP is literally that guy who cant pet a dog lmao

>> No.6759087

Why would anyone reply to a howbot who couldn't even be arsed to read the /beg/ sticky. "But how?" Nigger it's already all written down by a dozen /beg/ instructors in a dozen different ways, all handily collated just for (You). Any questions that can be answered by shit that can be found just by reading a website that's been there for a decade come from a troll, simple as.

>> No.6759096

>beg sticky
>copy the upside down dude
ok donezo
>you need loomis
>get the book
>not a fucking clue
yea great
has the sticky changed yet or wha

>> No.6759100

Give up

>> No.6759102

oh whoopsies i forgot a bit, sorry its been a bit since i saw it
>either keys to drawing or right side of the brain
>>do the exercises, post them
>>"no ur not doing it right, put more effort into them"
>right side
>>exercises are buried in millions of words no one reads, literally cannot find anything to do.
again, great.

>> No.6759103

What the other anon said. If you honestly took the resources from the sticky and they did nothing then this isn't for you, it's not going to work no matter who tells you what. Just go. Play a game or something.

>> No.6759109

>exercises are buried in millions of words no one reads, literally cannot find anything to do.
I hope this is enough for other anons to finally get it

>> No.6759119

my autism is kicking in again, i cant tell if you're referring to the troll thing you think im doing or if you're dogging on right side.
because i swear to god i read the beginning part of that book over and over again and couldnt find anything to do.

>> No.6759125

That is the LEAST of your mental problems

>> No.6759177
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>> No.6759183
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Miyazaki's Magnum Opus.

>> No.6759226
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Not feeding a troll,who would not digest what I am serving, but everyone else. I don't need a reason to pontificate, just an excuse to.

>> No.6759448

I don't see any more substantial questions. It reads like you're just here to vent. If you make low-effort posts, then people will treat you the way you come across. Stream of consciousness-style posts are particularly bad and will immediately turn away a lot of people, because they signal a lack of respect for others' time. Now you should go digest the advice you've been given and apply it.

>> No.6759510

I appreciate all the anons posting genuine advice in this thread, the schizo won't listen but maybe someone else will

>> No.6759515

this was literally me a few months ago, now I'm working on several animated projects with frens
just keep working at at

>> No.6759525

He reminds me of someone

>> No.6759540
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>> No.6760418

how to fill tool?

>> No.6760496
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I haven't drawn in like 3 years

>> No.6760507

it shows potential

>> No.6760834

Thanks man. I'll try to pick it back up.

>> No.6760965

No one can teach you because you simply do not want to learn.

>> No.6761016

You can draw weird strange stuff that makes no sense until you figure out what you want to make.

I agree though. There needs to be a poll on classical artists or some infographic flowchart here to give more understanding on what to make.

I like the spatial and atmospheric awareness of neoclassical art but Im not sure anyone cares about this anymore

>> No.6761022

Thread- hidden.
This shit belongs on /b and absolutely off topic.

>> No.6761032

You don't understand because you have talent, and are able to be creative. Talentless people like us don't have a creative gene and need to be told what to draw, or else we can't function.

>> No.6761079

That isn't Why,but What.

Why do you want to make it yourself, when there are so many others doing it?

>> No.6763227
File: 517 KB, 2048x1423, 97B42DC5-A015-4CE1-A0B9-25DBD78E403D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t know what to draw either so I drew Apu on the beach. Try drawing some fren frogs, even if you are bad at drawing it will still look okay and you will have done some art regardless.