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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 82 KB, 228x228, mfw this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752948 No.6752948 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have drawing talent.

I did fundies between 2005-2016.

Basically 11 years doing fundies.
I had to throw away like 3 boxes of drawings at once point.

And It's not lack of knowing how to draw.

I also did metalearning BS, self hypnosis motivational audios, fast skill acquisition space repetition workflows.

I basically also did power naps, + better nutrition, + exercise, + books on metalearning, + spaced repetition, eating bananas.

Plus also getting into a gym, and I bought a hand gripper.

I've spend 5 minutes fast sketches, 2 hours drawings, 3 days full marathon.
Doesn't matter.

Also, it's not a matter of just reading loomis.

I've studied:
Anatomy, gray's anatomy from 1900, color theory, marco bucci, loomis, vilppu, manga norma series, composition books, perspective books, sacred geometry, grammar of ornamentation, black sheep courses, Blender fundation DVDs, rembrant lighting setup, gnomon workshop DvD, david revoy courses, fold theory of clothes, art renewal center, derek yu pixel art course, history of fashion, shape psychology, gestalt psychology, butterfly lighting female facial three point setup, animation 12 principles, Animators Suvival Kit, character 3 shape design, storyboard composition, hero's and heroine's journey. interior design, 60/30/10 painting rule, PBR workflows, animation cutout workflows, paintbrushing, alpha masking, shaders and 3D reference autismo, art history, art schools, dancing coreography, body language.

I know more about art than your college teachers in your shithole town.

Doesn't matter, I simply can't draw.

Just screenshot this nigger thread, don't give a shit.

Been drawing for 19 years and I have nothing to show.
retarded kids draw better than me in 2 years of practice.

>> No.6752949

its because you dont have hate and spite for others in your heart
your too happy

>> No.6752951


>> No.6752953

Draw coom, you will become good.

>> No.6752955

Not a single thing you referenced teaches or even mentions the process of seeing. The ones I'm familiar with presume a level of competency which allows the pupil to leave behind conceptual associative thinking (symbol drawing) and move onto more rigorous eidetic thinking by art training. If anyone wants to avoid this you better practice actually seeing your subject.

>> No.6752960

hello cris decided to stop by and make another thread? that's great man thank you.

>> No.6752964
File: 1003 KB, 638x1050, May 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want nigger?

This is what 20 years of practice and fundies can get.

Also It took me like 15 hours to draw this.

Fuck you.

What advice can you get me?

That I didn't study fast acquisition skills?
That I didn't study meta learning shit?

That I don't know the neurological basis and anatomical basis where the brain creates mielinization of the neural pathways and how the brain develops muscular memories after a 24/48/70 hour spaced repetition?

I can't draw coom.

Tried to draw a nigger threesome picture and I wasted 3 days doing that.
I failed.

I'm just angry over wasting so much effort.

What process of seeing nigger?

That whole white and black space around an object, that whole drawing with the left hand part of the brain?
The whole draw with simplification of 3 basic modelling shapes?
That I should use a grid system based on renaisance camera oscura devices using ropes?
That I don't know how to do triangulation of the features of a face, and measure by proportions?
That I don't know how construction works using the 3 basic 3D shapes?

What are you gonna teach me, retardo?

>> No.6752967

Simplicity is key, also you look like a tryhard troll

>> No.6752969

>That whole white and black space around an object,
>that whole drawing with the left hand part of the brain?
>The whole draw with simplification of 3 basic modelling shapes?
>That I don't know how to do triangulation of the features of a face, and measure by proportions?
>That I don't know how construction works using the 3 basic 3D shapes?
>What are you gonna teach me, retardo?
To fuck off, as hard as you can

>> No.6752972
File: 287 KB, 500x750, May 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What simplicity nigger?

Do you mean drawing like this?

why not eat shit then.


>> No.6752973

Welcome to /ic/, cris sama. Please enjoy your stay

>> No.6752976
File: 141 KB, 800x1318, 87ljjkki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude someone i knew drew for 4 years and hasnt read any art books and his art looks like pic related
youre lucky your art is better

>> No.6752978

>Just screenshot this nigger thread, don't give a shit.
>Claims to study anatomy and drops things like this >>6752972
>unnecessary aggressiveness
Obvious bait anon

>> No.6752980
File: 1.09 MB, 1089x612, hotrods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger is a very fun word, but no need to overuse it, change it up once in a while, faggot.

Your work isn't terrible, but I don't think anime should be your style.
picrel is immediately what comes to mind when I look at your art. You seem to be going cutsie, try some violence, or mecha, maybe go for more of a sketch style design, that might compliment your line work better

And have a fucking drink dude, calm down

>> No.6752984
File: 429 KB, 704x896, Jul 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want my 2013 fundies, retardo?

I told you, I did 11 years of fundies.

I wasted 3 fucking days trying to make a coomer picture.
And I couldn't do it.

I don't give a shit.
I quit drawing.

I can't.
I don't have talent.

Eat shit.

>> No.6752987

Oh sweet a despair thread

>> No.6752989

If it's a troll it's a subtle one, choosing an image that is representative of 90s spiky anime art was good because it makes the "20 years of training" thing start and 2002-3 so young anon would have just come off that adult swim toonami high of 90s anime and it would have left a mark on his style. If it's real then you never learned to observe a subject and don't have 20 years of anything, you just did your first year 20 times.

>> No.6752996

That isn't bad either, but whatever, give up, I'm sure you'll feel better. Or kill yourself, who cares.
Unless you're white, then just quit, dont kill yourself

>> No.6752998

look up for cris on /vg/ archives.

It's not bait.

>> No.6753000

Yeah the timeline isn't matching the emotional maturity. Unless he's a serious autist, I think i've been taken for a ride

>> No.6753003
File: 110 KB, 1170x1649, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of someone I know

>> No.6753005

looks janky but soul. I can see you getting an audience

>> No.6753011

man...I don't draw but I can easily draw like this if you give me 3 hours of free time. Being an accountant sucks

>> No.6753021
File: 180 KB, 326x326, Quoti+outright+watched+a+beastiality+videoquot+i+_cfbf6841954f60aa1fdb8b257ab69e85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you, isn't it?

Or are you a troll pretending to be him?
Either way, please shut up.

If drawing is not for you, then pick up a new field.
I already shifted from writing, nuclear physics, history, and now art

It doesn't matter what
Just refine yourself

>> No.6753023

Hey anon, are you learning to draw for fun just for yourself or, to apply for some "art related job"?
Maybe you are good at landscapes, buildings, vehicles, weapons, or some other weird shit.

Can you put an example of what/how would you like to draw?

>> No.6753031

Yeah because you're obviously kindof a dumb person, no cure for that
Have you ever succeeded at anything else in life? Of course you won't succeed at art, it's not talent for art you lack, you lack the intellectual capacity for higher learning in general

>> No.6753039
File: 39 KB, 196x300, April 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will focus on my pixel art style made with 3D.

>> No.6753041
File: 119 KB, 255x389, KanameMadoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character he drew is from Madoka magica, came out in 2011. The way he drew her is nothing like the show though, he even fucked up the design somehow

>> No.6753045

Set some realistic expectations for yourself and good luck

Now stop posting

>> No.6753049

That's what I mean. He drew a character as if her show aired 20 years earlier than it actually did. The drawing looks like she could be a character in Tenchi Muyo or Ruroni Kenshin, which makes it obvious that's the era of art to leave the most lasting impression on his creative lens. Or it's a meta ruse.

>> No.6753067
File: 278 KB, 1178x717, fb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albeatnik and Cris in a single thread

>> No.6753069

how you do that, explain

>> No.6753071

fuck off back to /vg/ cris

>> No.6753072
File: 140 KB, 678x761, Apr 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my personal style.

Basically use unionbytes to make the texture, and pixelover as render engine.

Also use a 32x32 sprite as reference when modelling.

The other shit is practice.
I started to develop that style in 2017.

>> No.6753077

that's fucking awesome. So it's easy to use then? does union bites requires a fast pc?

>> No.6753096

If you can run a 3D modern game, it can run it.

It can be done with blender, but unionbytes simply save me all the time to set up blender to do pixel art texturing.