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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 15 KB, 656x222, drgewtrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745875 No.6745875 [Reply] [Original]

Why do artist(mainly small ones) continue to do this type of thing? all it does is ruin your rep and destroy your reach. Many anons here do the same thing as well.

>> No.6745878

Link to thread?

>> No.6745879

>1 retweet

>> No.6745895

Useless Twitter thread number 190283192083912831293

Fuck off.

>> No.6746113

I honestly don't mind if my mutuals don't retweet me. I love it when they simply like my posts though, it makes me feel acknowledged by my favorite artists. Even better if they tell you that your art looks good in either comments or DMs.

>> No.6746125

post cringiest dms

>> No.6746130

this is why i encourage small artists to block these diva shitheads.
they will never retweet your stuff and put a big dump on your head if you complained.
Theres no need to give a single fuck about these assholes and it would be better if you block them and use the spite to encourage you to draw better.

>> No.6746139
File: 63 KB, 640x605, 1568441588005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for retweets
i wish i had the power of shamelessness

>> No.6746140

Calm down schizo.

>> No.6746150

>be big follow bitch
>struggling artist dm you for rts and you said no then you play the victim
>keeps retweeting shit from other big accounts and never bothered to rt smaller artists
its almost like theres no use for their existence

>> No.6746151

Because it's the only way to grow on Twitter? If you don't DM someone your work will have zero views because that's how Twitter works. Hashtags do nothing.
I would gladly help anyone that reached out to me however I could

>> No.6746165

i kinda love how the accounts that support the 50k follower fucktard that made this retarded whiney twitter post are all big accounts themselves.

>> No.6746167

Who is it?

>> No.6746170

Anyone with a 10k+ follower account literally dont give a single fuck about small art accounts and they will never retweet them even if they drew something on the quality of Michealangelo.

Get this fact through your fucking head.

>> No.6746171

>I hate when a homeless person asks me for spare change. It feels like I'm being used, even if we know each other

Not even a good analogy because a random homeless person could actually be dangerous. Literally nothing is gonna happen to you on Twitter and supporting someone costs nothing. Worst case scenario someone turns off your RT's

>> No.6746177

>found the retarded tweet
>blocked every single diva shithead sympathizing with the petulant fucktard
>literally nothing of value was lost and i can finally draw for myself knowing these diva cunts will never rt my stuff them blocked or no
good times

>> No.6746183

This, it's one of the best feelings.

>> No.6746187


>> No.6746189

you been samefagging this entire thread and got so assblasted by this tweet you went out your way to do this. Holy shit this is funny, lmao

>> No.6746193

Even way funnier when you realize there are more struggling artist with 3 digit follower counts on /ic/ than big ones.

>> No.6746199

Several times more than that on twitter too.

>> No.6746226
File: 33 KB, 583x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making threads

>> No.6746251
File: 63 KB, 1054x720, CiUGbXMU4AA5D3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised for the amount of division this topic has...

That guy is right (should he have voiced it that way, that's a different story), and it doesnt have anything to do with their follow count, it is shameless and disgusting to beg others for feedback, no matter your level or follow count.
Best way to approach this is by trying to appeal to the artist in question and see if they give you some sort of feedback, if not, dont lose sleep over it or seethe. It's weird how many people here act as if they are entitled for getting something in return simply because one has a bigger following than the other, no one is entitled to give anything to you, let alone in social media, if you seethe for this, that's YOUR problem.
I barely have 1.2k in my twatter, Im not defending anyone, this is literally about common sense and decency.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6746264

>ugh how dare this smelly no talent shitter ask me for rts
>i only rt people who have big follower counts is this retard blind or something
>i dont care if youre struggling or in desperate need for people to see your art I don't retweet plebs period
>gonna make a post about this so these shitters don't dm me ever

>> No.6746265

Where did you interpret 'asking for feedback' in this tweet?

>> No.6746269

>Best way to approach this is by trying to appeal to the artist in question and see if they give you some sort of feedback, if not, dont lose sleep over it or seethe.

So, how do you appeal to 'the artist' more specifically? I don't get it.

>I barely have 1.2k in my twatter, Im not defending anyone, this is literally about common sense and decency.
Well, to me it sounds like you're definitely defending one side...

That might just be me though ;^)

>> No.6746272


>> No.6746274
File: 709 KB, 640x640, 161764488894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds, now.

>> No.6746277
File: 827 KB, 245x275, AisY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care. Being entitled is based. I'm done working and asking for things. I'm just going to take it from them.

>> No.6746278

> So, how do you appeal to 'the artist' more specifically? I don't get it.
Draw fanart and @ them, dumbfuck
> “Well, to me it sounds like you're definitely defending one side...
That might just be me though ;^)”
>told to quit eating shit
>”reeee, you’re defending him!!!”

>> No.6746285

You're unintelligent and bad at arguing online.

>> No.6746288

This except unironically.

>> No.6746292

I accept your concession

>> No.6746294

There are awkward loser's trying desperately to get attention in all communities. I think more so in art communities though, because there is something more... personal (maybe?) about the products, and thus people want them to succeed, to the point of being obnoxious.

>Useless Twitter thread number
This is general artist online behaviour. This shits been going on since the hay-day of DeviantArt. So Fuck Off Yourself ya zoom zoom whippersnapper.

>> No.6746311

the fact you're on his twitter page and seething there is funny. You will just make him even more popular because of your retarded behavior.

>> No.6746312

>There are awkward loser's trying desperately to get attention in all communities. I think more so in art communities though, because there is something more... personal (maybe?) about the products, and thus people want them to succeed, to the point of being obnoxious.
It's called possessing inexhaustible passion'!!! >:^O

>> No.6746317

Because it's Twitter
A website who's only way to get visibility is getting people retweeting your artwork
And the only way to get more popular is people with a bigger following retweeting you
That's why it's more common to see people with large followings keep retweeting each other or even know each other
It encourages desperation

>> No.6746339
File: 32 KB, 399x399, 2970d00b364ce7261466f4d1dee573d98844ec4969dc74430c2d1bbac300cd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, "feedback" is the word I usually go with when talking about any kind of interaction between artists in regard of their works, it can be criticism, compliment, or help like these cases. Should've been more specific and refer for reblogs/retweets/share, but you get the idea...
>So, how do you appeal to 'the artist' more specifically? I don't get it.
I mean if you want to appeal to some artist (which I usually dont advice unless you feel like drawing something from them regardless of feedback) you just draw something from them and let them know, it can be a fanart of their characters, or a redraw of an idea they made. One time I drew a fanart of a character with an outfit this one artist designed, I tagged them just to let people know I used that artist's design, and the artist in question gave good feedback, it was nice.
>Well, to me it sounds like you're definitely defending one side...
Im not picking sides, you fool, Im simply sticking to what's more reasonable in this specific case, I always give support to artists and creators regardless of their skill or follow count in comparison of mine (some even surpassed me and I still look forward to their works), but that doesnt mean that Im obliged to give others feedback, I support who I want to support, period.

>That's why it's more common to see people with large followings keep retweeting each other or even know each other
You make it sound like a huge conspiracy theory, but in reality it's just that artists simply know each other and like their works, it's not like they have a guild where they exclusively give feedback to each other, it's just that they more often than not have a mutual like for each other's art. I've been in big artist's circles and I get the same treatment every once in a while even as a small artist, simply because the artists know me and like my works as I like theirs's.

>> No.6746366

>You make it sound like a huge conspiracy theory
I never implied that
You don't need to go on the defensive for bigger artists
What i said is true
This problem stems from how twitter operates
You don't see people begging for retweets on art gallery sites like pixiv or newgrounds

>> No.6746371

> You don't see people begging for retweets on art gallery sites like pixiv or newgrounds
Dms, dumbass

>> No.6746375

The fact that they are DMing the artist makes the whole thing feel dirty. Like they know it looks bad, they know it comes off as sleazy and pathetic, having to beg. God forbid the public sees you out there begging on the street for scra- I mean, retweets.

You'll never catch me begging for help, fucking hell.

>> No.6746380

are you retarded?

>> No.6746386

Begging large accounts to advertise your account has always been a thing, since deviant art, retard. It really shows how new you are to the internet you underage, shitter. >>6746294

>> No.6746392

The big retard diva account is already popular though, retard.
And that bullshit he said about "i rt small artists" too is going to fucking eat him when people see him do nothing but rt big accounts

>> No.6746403

I never said this was a recent thing
Just that sites like Twitter just actively encourages this behavior
An actually art gallery site doesn't
You're just a faggot going on the defensive

>> No.6746412

>I never implied that
I said "you make it sound", not that you're implying it.
>You don't need to go on the defensive for bigger artists
That Im not picking sides, goddammit! You all just happen to be very unreasonable about it! I for one hate most bigger artists because they are genuine assholes most of the time (specially the spic ones), and even then there are others that are genuinely cool people. What's up with you people forcing a damn division? Im not partaking in that.
>This problem stems from how twitter operates
>You don't see people begging for retweets on art gallery sites like pixiv or newgrounds
False, you dont see people begging for feedback at all simply because this practices is frowned upon and often done in closed doors, and it doesnt happen on just Twitter, all social medias scorn and ill advice this practice because it's straight up wrong, and even then you find people doing these depending on the social media in question, begging for faves in Deviantart, sub4sub on Youtube, asking for reblogs on Tumblr... It's a common happening on social medias that gets rightfully frowned upon.
Twitter's system doesnt "encourage" begging people for retweets, this is just the rhetoric of entitled and desperate people harvesting for numbers. It doesnt even make sense as an argument
>twitter operates in a way where retweets gives you the most benefits of it
>therefore you should retweet me because I am in need of support
Explain to me how Twitter's system being the way it is gives you the greenlight to beg at others and be entitled of their support.

>> No.6746423


>> No.6746454
File: 19 KB, 196x245, 1597438753092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking stupid dude. The person you're mad at follows TEN THOUSAND ARTISTS. The Twitter algorithm shows THEM a fraction of that. And while scrolling, they see those posts for seconds. Not to mention there's probably a bulk of extra artists the algorithm pushes on them as it does on me and anyone else. I have less followers than you (assuming you're the same dude with the 3k who qrt'd this person the thread is about). I follow a tenth of the other person (aka about just 1k people). In MY case I know FOR A FACT the competition is extreme for my attention when the algorithm conbined with attention span andcasual use of an app for minutes a day shows me things for fractions of seconds. I usually retweet like one art piece in a week myself, because spamming one's feed with retweets works against people anyway. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for someone following 1k peoplelike me--worse someone following 10k people--to devote their attention to everyone "fairly" as you demand of them due to size. And it's especially fucked that you act like you're entitled to a retweet when you draw a bunch of porn, not everyone wants to even retweet your art just for that reason. Just try being a good person and not some weirdo transactionalist schizo.

>> No.6746491

The fact that the coom schizo gotten karu 1k+ new followers is funny

>> No.6746520

>be retard
>fell for the diva shithead victimization of itself
>defend the big diva retard
>fast forwards 4 years later
>youre still stuck at 1k followers and getting barely any comms despite drawing every day and 15 big accounts following you
>none of them ever rt your shit
>realizes the great and majestic Allbeatnik was right about big art accounts

>> No.6746524

You keep accusing people of being entitled
>False, you dont see people begging for feedback at all simply because this practices is frowned upon and often done in closed doors, and it doesnt happen on just Twitter, all social medias scorn and ill advice this practice because it's straight up wrong, and even then you find people doing these depending on the social media in question, begging for faves in Deviantart, sub4sub on Youtube, asking for reblogs on Tumblr... It's a common happening on social medias that gets rightfully frowned upon.
I see people begging for retweets all the time on twitter publicly and privately either through meme trends or just flat out asking
The difference between all of those sites and twitter is that they have ways to see new content from small creators
they have propper tagging systems and ways to filter out shit
>Twitter's system doesnt "encourage" begging people for retweets, this is just the rhetoric of entitled and desperate people harvesting for numbers. It doesnt even make sense as an argument
The tagging system doesn't work or your posts do even worse if you do tag them
The search function is garbage that gets flooded with unrelated posts
The filters don' work either because of how the search function works
The only reliable way to find new artwork is by looking through other peoples retweets/likes or having it be shared by someone else
Unless you brought your followers from another website your stuff isn't going to get any traction unless you get retweeted by someone more popular than you
This is why I said it encourages desperation

>> No.6746527

>youre still stuck at 1k followers and getting barely any comms despite drawing every day and 15 big accounts following you
this is literally me
i actively hate big accounts now

>> No.6746577

I love when small indie vtubers ride my dick because of my follower count. It's all I have since I can no longer get pussy in real life due to my shit lifestyle destroying my body. It's okay if I only show my legs right?

>> No.6746582

thats pathetic. at least you don't erp like some perma virgin right anon?

>> No.6746590

Kek. Is this the life of an internet artist?

>> No.6746594

>I see people begging for retweets all the time on twitter publicly and privately either through meme trends or just flat out asking
One thing is doing the usual "RTs are appreciated" speech in your posts, and a completely different one is directly asking someone in DMs or publicly to retweet your stuff for no reason, first one is completely alright, second is by far wrong.
>Unless you brought your followers from another website your stuff isn't going to get any traction unless you get retweeted by someone more popular than you
First of all, that doesnt answer my question, Twitter working the way it does does not give you the right to pester people around for support and then getting mad when they refuse or ignore you, no one is obliged to support you just because Twitter is stupid with the way it operates.
Second of all, excluding the fact Twitter has been unusable lately, you talk as if the only way to get a good grip on the site is by getting RTd by a big account, when you can still get a decent feedback by just choosing your words carefully (words, not hashtags), playing the social media game with trends/memes and also by posting on a basis.
Granted, Twitter is a mess right now and lots of things have changed, but you can still get things done of it without needing to get RTd by a big account.

>> No.6746595

only heavily insecure ones

>> No.6746625
File: 145 KB, 768x768, r3wdwdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.6746629

didnt he got like 50k followers before?
why is it 49k now?

>> No.6746638

>first drawing 20rt 60 likes
>second drawing 10 rt 50 likes
Is it over

>> No.6746644
File: 39 KB, 390x500, Screenshot 2023-07-17 054916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of ppl sympathize with the angry allbeatnik dude but afraid to say it because they don't want to be prosecuted.
He's right though, these faggot ass divas don't care about smaller accounts and only retweets big accounts. Just look at the 50k follow asshat's timeline, all rts of big 20k follower accounts and above.
They bullshit around and never hide, its outrageous.

>> No.6746650

Did you consider that maybe just maybe you're too irrelevant? And the algorithm just skims over you because your shit is boring? Ever thought about improving?

>> No.6746657

>he thinks skill increases followers

>> No.6746662

KEK!!!!!! this nigger should fucking finish a picture instead of crying about being irrelevant for once

>> No.6746665

Yes at least by a margin. You can get RNGgod to bless you but even for that your shit has to be palatable at least. If all you do is draw anime grill in the void no. 4729473 and loomis heads you won't get far

>> No.6746672

If people don't retweet my art, I immediately assume its because its not good enough. After all, if it was super good, people would be impressed and engage with it naturally. While there may be forces outside of my control which artificially cap my art, I cant really do anything about that other than feel miserable. So I just focus on getting better. I even do easiest approach of NSFW fanart, but Im barely scraping 2k after two years.

>> No.6746674

This anon gets it

>> No.6746675

what if its good but noone retweets it?

>> No.6746685

Well I'm not sure that happens with my art. There have been cases where I post a pic Im very happy with and made a lot of improvement in my technique, but it goes nowhere at the speed of light. A problem I have is I do art about a wide range of fandoms, some rather different than another. The vast majority of my followers are pokephilia fans from mexico/south america, and they dont really like anything else I do

>> No.6746686

If it's good people will retweet it.

>> No.6746693

And what if its a good pic but the algorithm decides to not share it with anyone? Or the opposite?

>> No.6746695
File: 71 KB, 503x637, Screenshot 2023-07-17 061349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6746696

I can never tell what people will retweet or not. Stuff I don't like catches on, stuff I think is great does meh. I'm just grateful for the audience I have and I'm glad it grows steadily.
Being mad at +50k accounts who don't know you exist is a mental disease.

>> No.6746698

How many followers do you have? If your a small account that isn't a bad percentage of retweets for a very generic anime girl.

>> No.6746700

Got posted in how many hashtags? And how many followers you have?. Either way it's not 50k likes shit, let alone 1k. It's lucky if it ever gets to 50 likes with that shading.

>> No.6746704


>> No.6746709

>One thing is doing the usual "RTs are appreciated" speech in your posts, and a completely different one is directly asking someone in DMs or publicly to retweet your stuff for no reason, first one is completely alright, second is by far wrong.
I never said it was a good thing
Also ignoring all the other way artist beg for retweets that i mentioned
>you talk as if the only way to get a good grip on the site is by getting RTd by a big account
Because it's true
It's the most consistent and sure fire way to get your crap seen
It's why you see accounts that just joined twitter get a shit ton of followers in a few days despite not tagging anything or "choosing your words carefully (words, not hashtags),"
>when you can still get a decent feedback by just choosing your words carefully (words, not hashtags), playing the social media game with trends/memes and also by posting on a basis.
This is not true at all
Your art will get bogged down by irrelevant tweets showing up in the search results
That's why this method is unreliable

>> No.6746713

He's a lot better than me and I've gotten 1k likes before

>> No.6746721

>the guy stopped drawing 2 years ago literally because nobody cared about his art and he decided to focus on his real job
rip king you will always be missed

>> No.6746741

>see artists that draw shit similar to yours
>like and rt their shit +follow
>they follow you back? GMI and a new follower
>they don't follow you back? You aren't good enough git gud
It's this easy

>> No.6746753

Hashtags dont work, king retard

>> No.6746767

Of course. I wouldn't too if those small artists are whiny ass bitches like the ones in this thread. Once those ''small artists'' gets big they too would forget about their brethen.

>> No.6746773

This, seen this way too many times. Shitters like that would be like “le small artist rights” and once they get big, their attitude changes and pretend their previous peers don’t exist.

>> No.6746775

not really
today a lesson has been learned and future artists are probably way more supportive of smaller art accounts unlike the self centered hyper faggot in the op

>> No.6746797

Yeah that's what beggars want to think it costs nothing. I will not retweet beggars because for them to earn a retwert their post must worth the retweet. You give one of them attention then all of them will start asking for muh attention

>> No.6746799

Why are artists with over 10k followers such entitled niggers

>> No.6746801

>poster count doesn’t go up
You been samefagging the entire time, schizo

>> No.6746802

>People acting entitled.
That's the thing. The ones begging for e-boost made it sound like they're this so called hidden gem but if only they had more eyeballs on their work, then the public would surely appreciate this obscure genius.

>> No.6746808

>faggot got called out for not rting smaller artists
>keeps retweeting big art accounts anyways
and no lesson was learned

>> No.6746823


>> No.6746825

Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.6746826

>debasing yourself by begging instead of just getting good
Shiggy diggy holy shit that's humiliating, have some self respect

>> No.6746830

>block big art accounts
>still get likes and rts

>> No.6746832

>begging for RTs
I've been shameful enough to draw furry porn but this is going way too far. Don't be a pussy and draw fanart for artists who always retweet it - simple as that.

>> No.6746842

lot of samefagging itt

>> No.6746847
File: 275 KB, 676x774, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging for retweets is kinda silly, imo.
As others have said, best way to get big artists to RT is fanart.

>> No.6746881

Don't talk too much about this, you're going to summon that anon who thinks larger accounts have an actual MORAL duty to repost every beg-tier artist that asks with no exception, kek.

>> No.6746898

>If it's good people will retweet it.
Sadly not true. There's a lot of good art,
and if its not popular appeal people will pass it over.

Theres also luck involved if you dont have consistent posting habits you dont get attention i think

>> No.6746910

GREEN is so based also karu is part of some mid twitter artist retweet circle or something i'll never understand how that group get that many followers

>> No.6746916

When I get these DMs I just ignore or block desu. But why make a thread? You're just giving the drama queen more exposure

>> No.6746919

>I will never understand why
Karu is skilled and based that's why. Good art is all you need

>> No.6746940

based, big art account usually make art that people would like to begin with.

>> No.6746948
File: 90 KB, 1434x824, 73467346734637536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol these numbers. Albeatnik is absolutely right and everytime the issue is brought up all these big accounts seethe like they got there completely organically and not by kissing everybody's asses and just retweeting big accounts.

This moreiblack comment is super disingenuous as well since they were a known entity before even starting a twitter and that group were on her like flies on shit straight away. They know what they're doing, they collectively get together and then boost people so they can add more to their ranks who only also retweet those people so they can keep all the attention on themselves and that's it. It's like a twitter racket.

>> No.6746950

And just to add on to this, if you have rubbed someone the wrong way in this circle they will never RT/interact with you even if you are good. I have been in their circle previously and left before anybody wants to whiteknight or their little discord pals come here to whiteknight.

>> No.6746962

holy based

>> No.6746972

And yet you long to be one of them, curious

>> No.6747003

>the only time they give a single fuck about small artists when they fought back and speak out
christ almighty its like clockwork

>> No.6747005

Just install twitter demericator extension and you would stop worrying about those numbers faggot.

>> No.6747007

>Albeatnik is absolutely right
With this man's history of samefagging and larping as other people, Im led to assume this is the man himself once again larping as someone else.
Man, are you a salty bitch... even bothering to gather the numbers of those people and make a collage with it...

>> No.6747010

The guy did the legendary and spoke out for smaller artists. There are a lot of small artists on /ic/.

>> No.6747018
File: 53 KB, 248x253, 1680526566999194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, what (you) did was embarrass yourself in front of a crowd in behalf of no one. I'd be damned if I let someone like (you) speak for me on whatever the topic is.

I may be a small artist, smaller than you even, but Im not a whiny little shit like (you), for I know how to play the social media game, can make the most of it and can acknowledge their shortcomings and git gud.

>> No.6747022

All I see are a bunch of ((small artists)) thinking they're hot shot, and they just need those little crumbs of internet updoots to validate them. But instead nope, it's the jews/trannies/big artists/algoyrithm that's holding them back!

>> No.6747023
File: 30 KB, 436x336, 1497670832630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy did the legendary

Come on man, your making it so obvious

>> No.6747028

>All I see are a bunch of ((small artists)) thinking they're hot shot
Is it really a bunch, though? I've only seen two, Allbeatnik and GREEN, which are known for being quite a pair of schizos, I dont see many "small artists" complaining about it, seems more like everyone is on an agreement that doing this kind of stuff is ill advised.

I honestly find extremely baffling how they believe big artists have a sort of highly-secured circlejerck guild where they actively seek to push smaller artists down and are the reason why they dont progres. That idea is retarded at best.

>> No.6747048
File: 120 KB, 333x373, 1658589788038571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>115 posts, 30 unique posters
Half the thread is samefaggotry already. Maybe if you guys actually finished drawings instead of manufacturing drama you'd get somewhere.

>> No.6747073
File: 66 KB, 640x481, niffty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucker acts like he's multiple people in this one thread agreeing with and responding to himself only to speak exactly the same way down to overusing the word "diva" and making ESL mistakes, it's extremely embarrassing and they're a schizo idiot on top of it. Ultra sad. FUCK ALLBEATNIK

>> No.6747083

If you stop going on twitter you'll stop being jealous of the cool kids who wont let you sit at the table and fuck Stacey
PYW schizo

>> No.6747107
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>> No.6747110
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>> No.6747111

no one is obligated to rt smaller artists, though. if someone suddenly becomes popular on twitter and gains 40k followers overnight, it isn't suddenly their job as an artist to boost smaller artists. There is no lesson to be had here: someone went up to a guy who was just minding their own business, and then got mad when said person didn't want to be used for clout.

>> No.6747112

I am not sure why people are complaining. It's very fucking rude to ask people to do this for you, especially if you don't know them intimately. If they are friends and close enough I think it would be ok to ask, but generally speaking it should still be their choice to do it for you.

Even if this particular person chooses to not support smaller artists than that is their PREFERENCE and choice. They shouldn't have to do what they don't want to do.

>> No.6747113
File: 63 KB, 589x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747119

it's just your usual "I worked really hard, I DESERVE X" people, the same people who think they deserve a girlfriend, or deserve a better job, or deserve literally anything else because they put in an equal amount of work.
I've seen enough arguments from these kinds of people to know they can never be reasoned with, they just sit there and whine like little children because somehow, somehow they were raised to believe that life follows a strict equivalent exchange policy.
see >>6747113
>smaller artists on twitter [...] never getting the attention they DESERVE
>there are thousands [of small artists] on this platform and they TRY EVERY DAY.

>> No.6747120

Now thats what I call a bruh moment

>> No.6747121

the only thing that baffles me at this point is how so many people share that kind of mindset and they always complain the same thing "BUT I WORKED SO HARD"

>> No.6747122
File: 10 KB, 594x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747124

Im so glad I deleted Twitter

>> No.6747134
File: 856 KB, 1472x2582, Cognitive-Distortions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas need to learn to meditate

>> No.6747135

>all these big accounts seethe like they got there completely organically and not by kissing everybody's asses and just retweeting big accounts.
moreblack: literally gained their 59k followers just by drawing their OCs and having an appealing art style (literally was not a known entity before starting a twitter, stop making shit up)
mk bawling: gained 108k followers just by drawing nothing but thick women (made several tweets asking where all his followers even came from because all he's been doing was just drawing thick women)
pea: gained 48k just by drawing cute girls and OC
cynga: gained 36k just from their porn
Aeyga: gained 195k from having an existing fanbase across several social media, from which they also gained said fanbase through socializing with others
Sammy: gained 47k from fanart from mario and sonic etc.
If you truly believe these people gained all their followers by sucking the cocks of larger artists and licking their boots and retweeting their shit then why don't you do it then and see how far that gets you?

>> No.6747138

then they should use tags so people find it from searching

>> No.6747146

No but anon you see, this is an entitled fucker who thinks they ARE sucking cocks by following/retweeting big artists, and get mad they don't get their cocks sucked back.
It's sad they really are reinventing incel ideology but in the fucking realm of social clout, it's so fucking weird.

>> No.6747147

>I dont see many "small artists" complaining about it,
you see how much hate allb get for talking shit to the kura faggot?
nobody wants to risk their reputation like that

>> No.6747150
File: 64 KB, 600x600, 0888608173841_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these faggots nobodies die in obscurity. man this embarrassing

>> No.6747153

There are a lot of artists who will only retweet something that they know their audience would like. I know some artists who only exclusively draws Legend of Zelda stuff and they will not retweet mutuals posts unless it's Zelda related. There are also plenty of people who just don't want to retweet it because it's porn. Some people just don't retweet at all and don't engage in the platform in that way. This doesn't even apply to big artists only, a large majority of people who view your artwork are just complete strangers with less than 20 followers and I can guarantee you that they only retweet stuff just as a way to bookmark it for themselves, or that they don't retweet anything because "I only have like 20 followers 80% of which are bots, who am I even retweeting for?"
If all you do is post your work exclusively on a single account on twitter and don't post on any other website, then you will be at the complete mercy of twitter's algorithm.

>> No.6747195

He gets so much shit for being a salty whining bitch. It doesn't matter if you're big, small, jew, tranny. You act like a bitch, you get shit on like a bitch. It's the same way some tranny faggot movie producer complaining their movie flopped because 'muh fans' when in reality their movie just sucked.

>> No.6747237

I have less than 1k followers yet karu found me and retwetted me without knowing me before.
He is a nice guy, if he hasnt retwetted you its because you draw like shit, retards

>> No.6747242

allbeatnik if your sad whiny ass is still in this thread agreeing with yourself i want to make sure you know if you're not getting those sweet retweets you crave so hard it's probably because your art isn't very good or because your obsession with metrics puts people off
also you have like 3000 thousand followers which is already more than 90% of artists on twitter, have some fucking gratitude you got that far putting out mediocre porn

>> No.6747248
File: 75 KB, 796x715, social media was a mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clout chasing faggots should all end yourselves.

btw you will never draw something superior than pic related no matter how much praise you get from coomers and normies

>> No.6747279
File: 10 KB, 602x127, karuhypocrisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying he has asked in the past

>> No.6747283

>Not joining the strip game while it was still hot to get RT's and likes
Come on man, that's how you play the algoyrithm game.

>> No.6747284

"I'd" is a contraction of "I would", meaning that, if he was to ask somebody, it would be difficult. The sentence is grammatically referring to a hypothetical situation, no implication of past deeds whatsoever. Sick to your own language community, this one has enough drama queens.

>> No.6747286

>me, small 2k artist
>"friend", 35k+ artist
>we talk a bit, he says we should do a collab
>artist neuron activated, that's it boys, I'm gonna make it
>do collab
>Basically on the edge of the sword:
>I can post it and he retweets
>Or he can post it and tag me
>Decide for him posting and tagging me
>Got 0 new followers and pic got 3k likes in a couple months
I guess I wont make it after all

>> No.6747292
File: 135 KB, 1063x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should actually kill and shame and ruin anyone who says "uwu my art is so exclusive no retweeting or copying or taking inspiration or learning from my art uwu", ESPECIALLY when they're a middling beg(which in my experience everyone who asks for this has been)

This shit would get you kicked out of deviantart like a year ago, now it's becoming normalized.

>> No.6747294

Hey I'd take these threads over more pajeet threads that's basically just "ai good" "nuh uh ai bad" and "go back to /g/ pajeet". It's more entertaining this way.

>> No.6747301
File: 819 KB, 1602x1516, hypocrisyofthebigaccount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again

>> No.6747315

Why are you samefagging some gay drama thread instead of drawing?

>> No.6747318

If you're not popular your art is dogshit. It's that simple. Now please stop samefagging and seek mental help.

>> No.6747327

Delusional. These people don't spend their time worrying about how they can support some guy in 4chan, they simply retweet things they like. It has nothing to do with them keeping you from success, that's your own doing.

I'm friends with some of these people in pic even when they were small and I have never heard them complain about RTs or have this demanding, self righteous attitude of yours. Personally I am rarely on social media because I don't like it and I never retweet. Never did, not even as a small account. I'll retweet content directly related to my projects, fanart of my characters and collaborations and that's it. I don't expect anyone to RT my stuff because I don't RT theirs either. And I have yet to meet a single "big artist" mad at me not RTing their stuff or begging for it in DMs. Here's the red pill for you - Most successful artists don't care that about twitter fame, they're busy drawing and the reason they don't RT your art is because they either never see it or they don't like it enough. And even if they did like your stuff, you annoy them with your whiny posts and begging. I wouldn't want you as a friend or mutual desu even if you had 100k followers

>> No.6747328


>> No.6747335

>I'm friends with some of these people
Stopped reading there, kek everytim

>> No.6747341

>be nipponese
>see flags and pronouns in bio
>see overall clout and drama chasing behavior
>obviously avoid interacting
>Most successful artists don't care that about twitter fame
wow how dare they not chase fame? omg i can't even
>I wouldn't want you as a friend or mutual desu even if you had 100k followers
nooooooo u crab ur just jealous ur supposed to like me when i'm famous wtf u probably suck and and and u suck u dont have followers lmao im not crying ur crying
i bet ur racist, bigot

>> No.6747342
File: 83 KB, 649x653, Screenshot 2023-07-17 180425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this guys art is really fucking dogshit

>> No.6747344

He shoulda just draw more Ashley lol. I mean I'd follow for Ashleys. Ashley is cute.

>> No.6747345

No one 'deserves' anything. You can work 'hard' for all of your life and still end up nowhere. It's just how life is. A lot of times it's just luck of the draw or someone else having worked way harder than you.

It does sound very incel-like. It's a very embarrassing and disgusting attitude to have.

They truly do.

>> No.6747348

that art looks like literal shit
maybe improve before you talk shit why nobody rt your works dumb cunt

>> No.6747349

That is stupid. Best to just ignore them or call them out for the obvious inspiration in their work. No one works or lives in a vacuum.

>> No.6747351

Stay mad then

What is this garbled mess of a schizo post even trying to say?

>> No.6747352

There are famous artists who have way less followers than >>6747301. There is NO WAY their art is not as good as that person's.

>> No.6747362

Now you’re moving the goalpost, since you are getting shit on so much. From le small artist rights, to “b-but the professionals get no followers”, first they rarely post, second, they are too busy with their job/life, and last, they don’t care about numbers like you, shitstain.

>> No.6747377

This thread consists of high follower whiteknights and autistic 4chan faggots who dont care about following because they are asocial or too shit at art. For anybody worth a shit at art it can be important definitely to have a big following, there is nothing wrong with caring about it.

>> No.6747388

this entire issue is fucking made up. there's a difference between wanting more visibility (which has diminishing returns beyond a few thousand followers for most uses) and wanting people with high follower counts as your personal propagation machines.
artists retweet art that they like, it's psychotic to think anyone checks for follower counts before retweeting something. the reason more popular artists get retweeted more is because they're more fucking popular.
allbeatnik is a fucking loser with mediocre art obsessed beyond reason with twitter numbers projecting made up personality traits on a random twitter artist because he's insecure, he's raging at enemies he created in his head

>> No.6747391

what the fuck is a "diva shithead"

>> No.6747392

your art is shit and you only have lots of followers because you circlejerk big art accounts

>> No.6747394

And your autistic meltdown got karu to break 50k followers. Keep seething, lmao

>> No.6747397

>there is nothing wrong with caring about it.
Sure, but they don't get the right to call others asocial beg shitters if they don't care about their meaningless numbers and don't worship anyone with a big following.
Just because the big accounts don't publicly criticize the whole social media culture, don't mean they actually don't think some of the negative things people say.
If you had a big account and made a living with it, would you use it to talk about this shit and attract all the schizos and drama whores, or would you shut the fuck up and get your money?

I could have 300k followers and say that the entire game is based on whose dick you suck and who sucks your dick. But i'm probably lying because no way an insider would ever wrong speak about their own tribe, amirite?

Yeah, one day you'll be rich and famous, too, Anon. And then you'll have the power and can get revenge on anybody that bullied you.

>> No.6747402

I would've retweeted small artists more, but when I do it my followers ignore their posts and they get like 4 likes

>> No.6747403

at a cost of being the posterboy of diva shitheads everywhere that never rt smaller artists
have fun watching where you step from now on, dumbfuck

>> No.6747408

Going in 4 years and 10k+ followers, that never happened to me. Though sometimes i retweet several illustrations of a literal 0 follower account to get their numbers rolling. If i like their art of course.

>> No.6747409

Is this the schizo meltdown thread?

>> No.6747412

I told you fags Allbeatnik is fun
I wonder what fun stuff he has in store for us next week

>> No.6747413

at the cost of nothing. everyone thinks you're a loser allbeatnik. stop whining and go draw.

>> No.6747415

Wouldn’t need to worry about that, when i can just have an autistic schizo like you going after me, lmao. Shitters like you are essential for the growth of others. Thank you for being on the spectrum :^)

>> No.6747418

-Getting Elon Musk's attention
-Somehow managed to make Zuckerberg delete Threads
-Shadman drawing fanart of Ashley Warioware seething at big art accounts
-His curse actually works and Karu and all his faggot diva circlejerk friends die

>> No.6747420

Several posters say hashtags are useless nowadays, that nobody actually uses them.

>> No.6747421

bro he blocked your retarded ass

>> No.6747425

Large fan accounts look through hashtags and retweet for content.

>> No.6747426

There's this one account that had 40k followers and i kid you not, they had a meltdown and deleted their account when some nobody draw in their style. Poor guy had to pin a tweet saying sorry for daring to imitate their style

>> No.6747427

Karu and his faggot retard diva friends are like this.

>> No.6747437

Based anon. You got more of those schizo thread prequels?

>> No.6747439

Have you ever considered that your art is dogshit and no one wants to shit up their follower's timelines retweeting your toddler drawings?

>> No.6747450

Should I even bother asking for proof at this point...?

>> No.6747455

i think i got reposted once or twice by some purah fan account, but its hard to tell where did he come from, boorus, pixiv or hashtags
not like it give me a lot of followers though

>> No.6747456
File: 770 KB, 828x1507, IMG_2749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The account almost have 130k followers

>> No.6747465
File: 621 KB, 1080x788, Lhx5ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin destroyed dude

>> No.6747471

>100k follow account virgin
>16 follow account chad

>> No.6747474

The last one is the most fun imho

>> No.6747480

This isn't the proof of you being a badass you think it is. It's just sad at this point.

>> No.6747481

They ate useful and people do use them. What do you think social media is? People just scrolling endlessly? That A only a fraction of users.

There are OC creators
Curators that seek it out and share it
And scrollers who see what the Am Gore rhythm shows them.
Scrollers are the last to see something, they see something when it's already coral and make it pop off more. Curators discover new artists.

All you have to do is draw good and use tags. If you aren't being found, but you have views, then you're being passed.

>> No.6747487

i cant think of a single instance where a small puny twit account tells a big account to fuck off by announcing theyre blocking them
guy literally doesnt give a single fuck

>> No.6747491

kinda based tho
He can afford to do that shit now, but when he gets a fame for shit like this, he will have lots of people who will want to "own" him even more than cunts on twitter already do to each other.

Anyone doing this shit is waiting to find out by fucking around.

Although, this thread is proof that minors should not be allowed on social media.

>> No.6747497

> guy literally doesnt give a single fuck
>mass replies to every comment and quote retweet

>> No.6747506

You had one chance at fame and you didnt choose the first option.

>> No.6747508
File: 356 KB, 800x1232, F1MkG-EacAA1HSW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mediocre anime fanartist n.1739
I wonder why big accounts don't want to retweet souless work from a stranger

>> No.6747544

He's just saying what a lot of people are thinking on a daily basis. He's retarded for doing it, there's a reason nobody says it but I do respect it in a way I feel vicariously unburdened. Seeing big accounts take the bait and whine and cry and gang up together just makes them look worse too. Best thing they could've done is just not bring it up and ignore it.

>> No.6747545

>mid and boring
Every single fucking time.

>> No.6747549
File: 109 KB, 599x356, 9386938634637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-bros i don't feel so good

>> No.6747558

>that pic
>these are the artists you spend your time with on /ic/ among all the no-draws and self-titled perma-/beg/s

Ffs. I would leave this place if it weren't for the fact that everywhere else is a joke of an internet hugfest.

>> No.6747585

This faggot isn't even the worst of it, dude.

>> No.6747597

bro the qrt got like 200k views
hes trying to make it reach a mil

>> No.6747613


>> No.6747626


>> No.6747627
File: 67 KB, 214x185, 1679895877500162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked that Karu's art, it's really nice looking, and you can see some good fundies too, it's not the best thing in the world, but it's appealing and that is already halfway there.

Also I find interesting that this guy does nothing but girls standing in the void doing next to nothing and it somehow works really well... That's kind of encouraging desu.

>> No.6747631

retarded post

>> No.6747632

He seems rather middling. Some of his pieces are ok, but others like his Chun Li just make me go "why."

>> No.6747648

i love how allbeatnik goes from literal who artist to the poster boy of struggling artists next to van gogh

>> No.6747650

>van gogh didnt speak his mind to big name artists of his time and died like a bitch
>allbeatnik goes out in a bang and everyone hears his pain
2 struggling artists, 2 different endings

>> No.6747651

Hashtags are plenty useful, even some OC artists use it so people can more easily look at their artwork instead of scrolling pas 50 reaction images and gameplay of splatoon or whatever

>> No.6747652

who the fuck is allbeatnik
im not gonna waste my read limit on reading retarded twitter thread

>> No.6747653

Struggling artist that told big art accounts to retweet more smaller art accounts. Gets hit by said big art account hate mob like clockwork.

>> No.6747655
File: 133 KB, 302x426, 1689359707850468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to christ this happens so much. Some literal who sub 100 account gives a retarded opinion and the bigger artist screencaps it and posts it to their 100k followers and then says "please don't harass I hid the names UwU"
This shit actually happened again yesterday where a 120k account posted a screencap of some retard with like 90 followers. Worse is that the screencap in question only had 2 likes. Nobody would have even seen his shit take if the artist didn't cap it.
Any sane person would have just ignored it.
Twitter is such a shit site holy fuck.

>> No.6747659
File: 141 KB, 800x1318, Fz900VZagAASbFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass blasted literal who that would 100% become just the big name artist the second he gets 10k followers

>> No.6747661

>That's kind of encouraging
That's kind of ironic that the same people doing this absolute mediocre slop probably would complain about AI and how it's not real art and chase drama for clout.
And then remind yourself that these big artists are most probably just a bunch of autistic children who are incredibly insecure or legit schizophrenics who believe everyone is after them and their fame and that is why they have to publicly btfo everyone who dares not worship them.
On the other hand, they're just drama whores who know that it will attract drama trannies to boost their accounts and that's how they got to 100k+.
Their work has absolutely nothing to do with their growth. It's all drama.

>> No.6747666

>Be a literal who, retweeting and liking shit that only you enjoy because you're a rational human being
>Suddenly gain 50k followers
>"I have to retweet smaller artists now even if I don't like their content, it's suddenly my moral duty"
This sounds retarded

>> No.6747667

>Most successful twitter artists don't care about fame
Because they already made it, genius.

>> No.6747668

this fucking cunt is going to remain obscure forever
you need the fucking support of big art accounts to break 5k and making mortal enemies with big art accounts is not the way to do it

>> No.6747671

>trips of truth
Yeah, he is the anon that literally is in thread after thread saying that large accounts suddenly have this immutable and invisible duty foisted on them to now retweet every single smaller artist no matter the quality or subject matter... which has TOTALLY nothing to do with him wanting to use larger accounts to boost his account.

>> No.6747672

Personally, I'd rather die in obscurity than suck up to such """"people"""".

>> No.6747673

ok ive read through his tweets and even agreed with him on some points, like the whole "being used" stuff from the karu is a bit retarded, but then i saw his art and yeah it looks like complete dogshit, no wonder he is not getting reposted
though he still has more followers than me even though my art is better, should i ask him for RT? he will RT me right?

>> No.6747675

Exactly, just bitch about getting no attention and seething instead of improving your craft. The guy draws like a perma/beg/

>> No.6747678

> though he still has more followers than me even though my art is better
Because many of artist from here retweeted his garbage work in the past.

>> No.6747681

Nigga, just be grateful you got a (you) from me when i'm not even that anon
bitch ass twitter tranny

>> No.6747687

Actually tagging your own OC with your own tag is kinda useful lol. My own pixiv gallery has over 500 posts, 60% are fanart, 40% are my own OC stuff. I did had someone tell me to tag my own OC posts so it'll be easier for them to view my OC since they really liked one or two of my characters.

>> No.6747689

Read you retarded esl

>> No.6747691

Question: So you just tag your OC character with your own OC's name, or the overall IP they belong to that you created, or...?

>> No.6747692

wow u btfo me anon
how many likes and followers do you need after OWNING me like that?
epic and b-b-b-b-based

>> No.6747696

> wow u btfo me anon epic
If that’s how you feel, then good for you, retard.

>> No.6747697

Probably make my own IP name or something. At least it'll narrow them down and make it easier for people to find it. But I know some people just tag " <OC Name> (OC)". I know someone who had his OC commissioned repeatedly in various scenarios so he just tag those pieces with his OC's name.

>> No.6747699

wow anon i'm completely like and subscribed to you
give blog so i can retweet your sh-- amazing original art of the anime girl floating in the void

>> No.6747701

I wanna see your work so fucking bad PLEASE post it itd be really funny to see how bad it is

>> No.6747703

a shame
after that they probably wont ever touch honest beggars who might deserve rts

>> No.6747704

This guy is literally me when I was 15 that sucks

>> No.6747705

Kek, you felt threatened by a statement that doesn’t apply to you(hopefully) and now lashing out. Keep giving me more (you)s :^)

>> No.6747706
File: 3.71 MB, 540x303, 1643613916607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yes, i'm timbering my shivers, Anon.

>> No.6747707

I am much smaller than you, will you retweet me?

>> No.6747710

>A literal who, e-begging another literal nobody.

Any artist that doesn't just: Post work, retweet a few things on your timeline and fuck off Twitter until it's time to post the next work is doing it wrong. Anything more and you attract faggots like OP. Worked for me

>> No.6747711

What does beatniks art look like? Cant see shit on twitter

>> No.6747712

I have a fraction of your followers yet I don't go around begging people for retweets. I'm aware of my skill level and have a follower number in relation to that. Why can't you understand that?

>> No.6747713

It's less about skill and more about appeal, desu.

>> No.6747716
File: 152 KB, 900x992, 1689611878670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, deserving of 9 gorillion likes on twitter. I'd have killed myself already if i was this permabeg desu

>> No.6747720
File: 458 KB, 923x1451, 1689612025997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.5k likes for flat colors and shit anatomy
Point and laugh at this retard. He deserves less than 50

>> No.6747721

i've seen artists with almost a 100k followers who draw worse than this

>> No.6747725
File: 121 KB, 800x1134, 1689612267062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-acksually im gonna cheerypick some literal whos and invent a whole new strawman because it looks good enough for my dick
Go on and tell me that thigh shading looks deserving of 100k followers. Literal turd polishing, no wonder OP has to suck dicks to bigger artists

>> No.6747726

It's almost like social media clout isnt based on skill. And seething like a faggot only hurts you. Why can't anons understand this one simple trick

>> No.6747730

Yeah thats pretty mediocre alright.

>> No.6747736
File: 1.02 MB, 249x498, shaggy-zoinks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is god fucking awful.
Twitter turns people into schizos

>> No.6747737
File: 165 KB, 1100x1361, 1689612603264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to make appealing shit if you want retweets, simple as.
>And seething like a faggot only hurts you.
Kek the only one seething is you, personally I'm having a blast at seeing this faggot's schizo ramblings while he expects 9 gorillion followers for drawing fucking mspaint circles on cartoons. Seek help

>> No.6747739

That's actually a lot. Far more than his skill deserves.

>> No.6747741
File: 94 KB, 266x266, 1647361199955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How utterly pretentious.

>> No.6747743

>appealing shit
no you don't

>> No.6747746

you should kill yourself right now for posting that

>> No.6747747
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 1685067663921406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this looks terrible. op should really kill himself

>> No.6747749

a lot of people who browse /ic/ are fans of these twitter artists and are in their discords

>> No.6747750

So this what happens when you use retweets as a crutch, since your artwork is too garbage to stand on its own.

>> No.6747754


>> No.6747755
File: 1.36 MB, 2601x2324, 1662658284431643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head needs more loomis

>> No.6747756

>those ears
Fucking donkey lol

>> No.6747757

where's the screencap of the guy crabbing with the woman on the toilet? i feel it's oddly fitting here

>> No.6747760

? anon I'm not seething. I'm just saying it don't help to cry about popularity publicly. Watching is more than enough entertainment for me.

>> No.6747761

Karu's art is fucking dogshit and only get followers because of twitter drama
he should go fucking kill himself

>> No.6747767
File: 581 KB, 800x588, 156654615465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual legit minors flinging shit at each other about who deserves more followers for drawing shitty porn
We have reached peak idiocracy

>> No.6747768

That’s karu?

>> No.6747769

>Karu's art
It's LITERALLY signed "allbeatnik." But you would know that already, wouldn't you....... allbeatnik.

>> No.6747772

none of the pornfags are 18 either given their behavior

>> No.6747773

thats probably the worst thread we had a whole month, lets keep bumping it!

>> No.6747778

>he should go fucking kill himself
good for you because he's already suicidal.
he does nothing but make retard attention whoring posts on twitter and this recent one bitching about nonexistent people dming him for clout is one of them

>> No.6747784

he deserves it. he deserves to be chased off the internet after a good ol'dox for being a whiny attentionwhore piece of shit samefagger. too bad the internet isn't what is used to be

>> No.6747786

Karu the big art account diva retard SHOULD go fucking kill himself.
This entire problem wouldnt happen if he shut his goddamn retard attention whoring mouth and everyone can have good night sleeps
fucking retard ass shit doodler.

>> No.6747788

holy shit I hate twitter

>> No.6747790

Delete your account

>> No.6747791

Post more of your shitty porn beatnik its funnier every time

>> No.6747793

if you think thats beatnik telling you go kill yourself you should.
hes right about lots of things. think about it

>> No.6747796

when you are going to fuck back off to twitter? at least you can't samefag there,pussy. and no not your boogeyman you fucking schizophrenic asshole

>> No.6747799

>if you think thats beatnik telling you go kill yourself you should.
>Projecting this hard about being schizo
Please stop being jealous of artists who are better than you.

>> No.6747801

someone screencap this thread please

>> No.6747803

At least they're well on their way to making pornos and coloring books about the federal reserve

>> No.6747808

just look at these desperate posts to shit on someone's art
only no life suicidal faggots do shit like this
you go out of your way to distract yourself from the shit life youre having
fucking kill yourself already, people are tired and they want to move on.

>> No.6747812

>just look at these desperate posts to shit on someone's art
is all of /beg/ made up of psychopaths then?

>> No.6747813

you guys don't actually go into people's dms begging for retweets right? lmao

>> No.6747814

but your art really is dogshit, beatnik, you draw like an absolute permabeg and you dont even deserve to have your 3k followers
i wonder what boosted your ego so hard though, must be some good shit for sure

>> No.6747819
File: 332 KB, 482x479, 1689615765328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op whines like a bitch because no engagement
>check profile, art is beg tier
>get (rightfully) crabbed both for art quality and entitled demeanor
My nigga, please. You brought this upon yourself.

>> No.6747824

All you're doing is encouraging this autist and all his orbiters

>> No.6747825

I fucking would if it wasn't one of the largest social media sites right now but fucking hell this site has ruined some of y'all.

>> No.6747827

>all his orbiters
are there any though?

>> No.6747828
File: 165 KB, 461x431, Comic4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire problem wouldnt happen if he shut his goddamn retard attention whoring mouth

This entire problem wouldn't have happened if you would've just scrolled past like most people do when artists complain about silly niche problems.

I'd recommend seeing a physicist before you become a anymore of a lolcow

>> No.6747830

Anyone namefagging him and replying to all his shitty posts across the threads are

AI can't replace this stupid niggers soon enough holy shit

>> No.6747833

its kinda funny to see Karu kill himself over Allbeatnik thats for sure.

>> No.6747839

>Begging people in dms for retweets
Gotta have that dopamine rush bro.

>> No.6747843
File: 207 KB, 605x495, 1682129635864862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to show Karu this thread and tell them about Allbeatnik just for the lulz, should I? This is too hilarious to let it stay here.

>> No.6747847
File: 672 KB, 949x720, 1683575028785302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, why don't you go show some autistic pornfag with 100k followers eager to spark drama this thread so he can also come here and spam the board.

Just kill the board already, nigger.

>> No.6747848

on what hand, you will bring his fans or friends here to flood this thread and bumping to limit faster, but more shitters will flood this board.

>> No.6747851
File: 907 KB, 250x150, drevil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread shouldn't even be alive let alone posted to other sites

>> No.6747853

Karu the retard attention whoring faggot bitch is already here.
You should show this thread to shadman and have him draw fanart of allbeatnik

>> No.6747855


>> No.6747856
File: 15 KB, 257x265, 1637366643338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost certain both Karu and Beatnik are in this thread.

>> No.6747857

And who the fuck are these literal whos?

>> No.6747859


>> No.6747860

The subjects of this cancerous thread. Beatnik is mad Karu didn't retweet him. Karu made a Twitter thread about it.

>> No.6747862

They should gtfo my board asap

>> No.6747866

Never heard of em
Don't care
I can probably artistically beat the shit out of both

>> No.6747867

You're probably right

>> No.6747868

I always am, Anon-kun.

>> No.6747878

Post his Twitter profile please

>> No.6747881

Look in this thread instead of samefagging, dumbfuck

>> No.6748004


Here's the link to the tweet that made albeatnik sperg the fuck out.

>> No.6748159

>I have a 4 digit follower count but I'm not defending any side, honest!

>> No.6748162

oh sweetie... did you think technical skill ever mattered?

>> No.6748182
File: 53 KB, 564x564, 58bb462fe9aecdc190bcb274122838db7b6968dfd6c0068d3cf5cf57577d409c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 1.2k is a big number

>> No.6748187

it's literally 100 times my follower count

>> No.6748194

what you get trying to appease shitters like them, you get assblasted fucks like coming out. Barely in the 4 digits and already seen as an enemy, lul.

>> No.6748201

Not saying this schizo is right but it's very amusing seeing all of these 10k+ 20k+ 40k+ art accounts dunk on him and even this Karu faggot making a follow-up tweet for more sympathy points.
Want to know how to get more followers? Look good while some idiot is having an autistic meltdown

>> No.6748283

Do you know him? Do you have his contact or smth? Ask him to retweet me please

>> No.6748295

That's like less than 20 followers lmao
I genuinely dont know how people cant get a good grip of the social media game, it's not particularly difficult... I always did somewhat good myself shilling my stuff around places, interacting actively, keeping the pace of my content and whatnot, all while drawing shittier than more than half of this board!
The reason Im still in such a small number is because I've been in inconsistent hiatuses for almost two years due to college, but should I have kept the pace and I could have like 3k or more by now.
Yeah, I dont get it, it seems like any number above a certain low is already enough to consider you an enemy, even when something like 8k is only halfway through a solid social media presence... such is the way of the crab, I guess... "anyone higher than me is an enemy!", pathetic...
And that is without mention the needless division, Im not siding with big artists simply because Im calling out people's bullshit.

>> No.6748326

This sounds hilarious.

>> No.6748329

Uh oh pajeet has joined the chat

>> No.6748343

>Seething over these kinds of things going viral
Why are zoomies a bunch of clout chasing faggots?

>> No.6748691

I don't think that's one of my staple complaints.

>> No.6748693

>Delusional. These people don't spend their time worrying about how they can support some guy in 4chan
You said it right there, they don't care about the common man!

>> No.6748725

My staple complaint is that youre a faggot

>> No.6748727

homosexuality has always been my calling and I was never shy about that!

you're just one of those homophobes!! >:^O

>> No.6748730

pesky homophobes!!!!!!

>> No.6748785

It does, but it's not the *only* thing that matters. Having social awareness is one of them

>> No.6749119

>nooo they have to retweet my shit for free!!
Nigga you gotta work for that shit, navigate social space and all, become artists' friend
They ain't yo local jannies who do it for no compensation
Go up your social game, bud

>> No.6749143

allbeatnik should kill himself immediately

>> No.6749187
File: 13 KB, 229x220, kekpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo brother just draw more Ashleys.

>> No.6749197

How the fuck do you socialize with people who think they're a class above the rest?
I've tried to befriend people from /ic/, I don't really care about how much followers they have.
But what are you supposed to do then when someone thinks they're smarter than you,
and they think that you're a nobody because 'you don't have a following', they don't take any advice or information from you (solutions to basic problems),
they constantly try to fucking diss you for no reason.
If someone acts like this constantly for 2 weeks since first encounter, I think I'm just going to move on and block them.

I'm not saying *everyone* is like this but a sizable amount of people I've met through Discord are like this from my experience.
Maybe I should socialize via Twitter DMs? Wouldn't that be much more awkward though?

>> No.6749281

>How the fuck do you socialize with people who think they're a class above the rest?
here's the thing, you don't. The vast majority of shitters from /ic/ are mentally ill fucks. There's a reason why you are told to just get your free courses and don't come back. There will be a few cool anons every now and then, but most of the time they won't be socializing here.
>Maybe I should socialize via Twitter DMs? Wouldn't that be much more awkward though? unless you're mutuals, then it's awkward.

>> No.6749398

I know an artist that did Sonic shit and had the same issue with another artist drawing similarly and ended up protecting/abandoning their account... Only to use another account to draw in the same style with less Sonic stuff but the same instagram account. What was the point?

>> No.6749404

Do you really have to add a hashtag? I've seen some posts that appear even without them, just using the phrase seems to work too.

>> No.6749712

this is a post to mister beatnik.
get good lmao
i know you're reading this fagit, no matter how much you block it out you're gonna keep coming back because you're smelling the syrup

you draw like shit and behave even worse
go study instead of drawing fucking crab level porn all day dumbass

>> No.6749764

he's been drawing like ass for the past several years, it's a bit late to give that kind of advice. He's probably too used to polishing shit so on top of trying to improve he would have to force himself to stop his bad habits

>> No.6749795

you know what anon, you're right actually

he "draws everyday" but never practices anything
instead of taking a new drawing as a means to improove he just keeps drawing the same overblown ass as the last time with 0 observation skills

>> No.6750355

Man, i hate social media
>Post original work that took over 200hrs to render and design
>Post low effort fanart sketch
>6 figures reach, 10s of thousands of likes

Anons, dark souls and berserk fanart are twitter easy mode.

>> No.6750468

>Posts "easy mode" contents
>2 digit likes anyway
Sometimes you just have to face the fact that you just sucked at social media