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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 286 KB, 1617x2048, Fe4fcQKUAAQSyEv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6745182 No.6745182 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6745191
File: 593 KB, 1080x1836, Screenshot_20230716_003751_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take art advice frome someone who only draws front facing 3/4 webtoon manhwa characters

>> No.6745217

I don't get it, I don't think I know this person.

>> No.6745218

black Pill me on whoever the fuck this is

>> No.6745222

Youtube/Insta artist currently getting cancelled because she called Black features "gorilla looking:

>> No.6745226

zoomer slop youtuber thread just move along

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.6745231

it's not even that, I just don't think her art is that good for OP to be treating like it's the return of christ. just the usual instagram art no different from the millions of others

>> No.6745254


>> No.6745255
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Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.6745287

Did she?

>> No.6745288


>> No.6745304

yes. https://twitter.com/wet_baklava/status/1677816981402136576

>> No.6745470

Ugly ass art

>> No.6745488


>> No.6745491

>the niggers in the examples look like gorillas

>> No.6745492
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>> No.6745498

Unironically have better color than Kooleen. Just that he have ugly Goblin fetish

>> No.6745550

shows a front facing piece…
damn u perma begs really hate artists that actually put in the work to improve

>> No.6745565

you would not care if this wasn't some random Asian pick me girl

>> No.6745571

lol didnt even know who this was til this thread.
ur just so bad you cant even tell how much better the artists u hate are.

>> No.6745581

I apologize.

Also I don't really hate any artists. I may not care for the style or subject matter, but I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to be on the artist path with everyone. I can't knock anyone for taking those steps alongside me and many others.

>> No.6745613

Go back to /b/

>> No.6745641

Filipinas are tiny gigastacies confirmed

>> No.6745708
File: 331 KB, 725x612, Screenshot (68).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Youtuber who does funny art-related videos. Just because she's popular doesn't mean that she's a good artist, it just means that she can do entertainment. Though her tutorials can still be useful for beginners.
lmao anti-racism crusaders. Obviously if you pick images of people slightly facing up their chins will have a different angle. But that's also something that people following these art tutorials don't take into account.

>> No.6745751

If you don't want to talk about art, stay there, please.

>> No.6745769

most people don't follow her for the art tips, it's her personality and dry humour

>> No.6745773
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>twitter e-celebrity drama

>> No.6747547
File: 482 KB, 1079x1922, Screenshot_20230717_152852_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is legit getting cancelled by retards

I dont envy you pro artists for having to deal with an audience like this.

>> No.6747563

>draw porn
>make the characters ugly
I don't like this, I don't understand this, I think the best course of action is to contact the Turkish authorities and have this person stoned to death for blasphemy.

>> No.6747564
File: 138 KB, 1200x797, ezgif-1-1fadee37d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flips and nigs have the same facial structure, she's sneeding.

>> No.6747599

How do they not see the gorilla likeness? How is stating facts racist?

>> No.6747600


>> No.6747603

That last picture is of a very dark Asian, kek

>> No.6747604

>getting cancelled
What does that even mean? Nobody cares.

>> No.6747607

Why are blacks so ashamed about how they look

Nigga your lips are huge just deal with it smdh

>> No.6747676

not like there's much of a difference
both have flat faces, flat nose bridges and wide nostrils
weebs can cry about it all day but it won'T change anything

>> No.6747748

this is fucking insane lmao
niggers will be niggers

>> No.6747800
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Right and bottom were referenced.

>> No.6748148
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>> No.6748161

Some people have a ugly fetish

>> No.6748183

>female Dr Han

>> No.6748209

She kind of does have a tranny face.

>> No.6748273

natural chad mongol genes for strong sons

>> No.6748319

Flips come in all colors, kooleen is more east asian

>> No.6748639
File: 114 KB, 1370x1240, 1689616475199339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cherrypicking fuck, many more Flips look like Latinas and Chinitas and even Euros than Africans.


The Philippines was a former American colony and during the American colonial era, there were over 800,000 Americans who were born in the Philippines.[48] As of 2013, there were 220,000 to 600,000 American citizens living in the country.[49] There are also 250,000 Amerasians scattered across the cities of Angeles City, Manila, and Olongapo.[50]

Practicing forensic anthropology, while exhuming cranial bones in several Philippine cemeteries, researcher Matthew C. Go estimated that 7% of the mean amount, among the samples exhumed, have attribution to European descent.[51] Research work published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology, collating contemporary Anthropological data show that the percentage of Filipino bodies who were sampled from the University of the Philippines, that is phenotypically classified as Asian (East, South and Southeast Asian) is 72.7%, Hispanic (Spanish-Amerindian Mestizo, Latin American, and/or Spanish-Malay Mestizo) is at 12.7%, Indigenous American (Native American) at 7.3%, African at 4.5%, and European at 2.7%.[52]

In 2013, according to the Senate of the Philippines, there were approximately 1.35 million ethnic (or pure) Chinese within the Philippine population, while Filipinos with any Chinese descent comprised 22.8 million of the population.[12]

>> No.6748724

Lotta text to say u mad

>> No.6748980

the internet was a mistake

>> No.6749045

>yes hello we're giant mutts that were fucked in the ass by the spanish and japanese

>> No.6749243

>choosing legjob over legjab
ngmi Hungaryanon

>> No.6749395

So Asians really are just recolored Blacks.

>> No.6750124
File: 394 KB, 1080x2593, Screenshot_20230719_013925_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're drawing enough black people, right?

>> No.6750181

>she draws asiasn
>because eurocentrism
These motherfuckers really are brainwashed.

>> No.6750186

She just said they were "gorila features". The nigger twitter crusade came after and said, "NONONO, we really look like that!!1!". They just dunked on themselves really.

>> No.6750199

blacks really think like this

>> No.6750356

The amount of people here simping for her just because she's racist instead of dunking on her for the fact that her art is absolute garbage is disappointing but what do I expect from you tards

>> No.6750362

It's probably a white woman

>> No.6750428


>> No.6750475

She's a third world female, her art is above average for her condition.

>> No.6750722

>safe space
there shouldn't be single "safe space" for negroids
I'm sick and tired of these creatures
total nigger death

>> No.6750909

Why do people think it's black people bothering with this shit? There are some involved, but it's usually "white passing" dangerhair mutts leading the charge

>> No.6750982

Correct. It's easier to hate blacks than one of their own wokeoids.

>> No.6751029
File: 436 KB, 1538x902, IMG_3053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You skipped an actual good comment you phoneposter retard.

>> No.6751033

It is below average compared to your average memetoon>>6750722
there shouldn't be single "safe space" for 4channers and lolicons
I'm sick and tired of these creatures
total 4gagger and lolipedo death

>> No.6751034

>She is legit getting cancelled by retards
oh no, the retards don't like someone!!!
this matters because reasons!

>> No.6751165

Nobody's forcing you to browse this website, trannynigger.

>> No.6751169

>that comment
Literally nothing but idiotic buzzwords and cope lmao

>> No.6751921
File: 14 KB, 248x249, doobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check'd, also kek'd

>> No.6752412

So, will she ever acknowledge the drama, or just keep going?

>> No.6752422

Fact: Pinoys are the most powerful race in the world

>> No.6752430

Dunno why people are mad cuz she herself the "Gorilla looking mf" face.

>> No.6752431

her art is below average what the fuck are you saying. her artworks are not even popular here locally

>> No.6752432

shut the fuck up and don't ever say your 2010 joke

>> No.6752472

I draw black people every now and then, but not everyone is obligated to be "inclusive". If koleen wishes to stick to her own style. she's more than welcome to. Call her racist, but artist like her aren't their personal dance money. They can do whether they want no matter how much these niggas cope and seethe.
That's what divides a homie from a nigga. A homie is chill and could care less what you make. But a nigga will go out of their way to harass you for drawing a character a tad lighter than normal.

>> No.6752906

it's a timeless joke you pl*bbitor

>> No.6752993

Probably just keep going, her "fans" are going to keep autistically reminding her about it though. They may even make MORE videos about how she never responded about it. The internet never forgets.

>> No.6753026

Dark skin and blobby features are just not attractive and never will be no matter how much culture the kikes destroy to impose their golems.

>> No.6753674
File: 32 KB, 450x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is a fucking joke
That turk retard is terminally online, they've replied like 500 times to their own post and replied something to every single reply of others, there actually exist people who make 10k tweets in a single day

These people are so fucking unhinged, they live and breathe twitter, no wonder they're going mental when their world is filtered through a festering garbage disposal

>> No.6753694
File: 432 KB, 1280x1814, 1689529863254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, women like high melamine

>> No.6753697

That's a man.

>> No.6753760

is this ai?

>> No.6753764

Its traced anon

>> No.6753765
File: 16 KB, 200x356, kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6753767

>4th picture contradicts their first
Kek, they really do cope about how they look

>> No.6753771

Fuck off nigger

>> No.6754096
File: 65 KB, 180x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she give art advice?

>> No.6754111

>i'm offended, this artist said this is not aesthetically pleasing!
>now I'll proceed to make a male looking fat omnilesbian, with huge jaw, feminine shoulders, with a not fully developed right hand, in a wheelchair, and a side-shave which you'll find beautiful or I'll call you racist ableist.


>> No.6754120

Draws one face over and over again and can't even do it right. Insane, but I understand soul vs soulness art now.

>> No.6754136

Go back to your discord troon

>> No.6754141

>muh safe space

>> No.6755456

She's just a kid. She's racist, but not in the 4chan's "kill all black people haha" sense but in the "I don't find some races attractive and I don't want to draw them".

But also: the drama started when she started showing her face in her videos, which made a lot of her fans stop relating to her and made her an easy target to destroy.

She's totally getting destroyed on the comments, so she will probably quit because who wants to deal with that. It's unironically over for her.

>> No.6755458

>It's unironically over for her.
she can be a right wing pandering artist, there's plenty of those. She can just keep her art like that and give some dogwhistles here and there. But it's not like racists are going to treat her better

>> No.6755465

>right wing pandering
good luck with that

>> No.6755472

She can be like Ian Miles Cheong. He constantly gets dunked by everybody but it doesn't seem to stop him so he must have been doing something right

>> No.6755557

There are so many Asians who pander to White people though, especially if tend to be the SEA ones. They want to be White adjacent so bad.

>> No.6755558

Well, he says dumb shit all the time and he's really fucking ugly. If he didn't pander to right he would have nothing.

>> No.6755565

I think that people were upset how she described the person's facial structure, but the problem is that because she rarely draws that ethnicity of people and add her comments it's clear that she has some kind of issue regarding drawing certain types of people. It's pretty obvious before she even made the comments. You rarely see them in her portfolio of work if, at all.

No one should be forced to do what they don't want, but at the same time you should be careful of what you say though unless you are prepared for what will come your way. People who can't figure that much out are the kinds that deserve what they get.

>That's what divides a homie from a nigga
Please stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.6756440

It just won't stop... Youtube keeps recommending me both her videos and 50 other accounts talking about what she did... It even pops up in unrelated search results... I didn't even click anything relevant other than peeking into the first thread about this bullshit drama. PLEASE. I DON'T CARE. MAKE IT STOP.

>> No.6756473

in to the trash it goes

>> No.6756659

I started feeling bad for her especially when one of her friends (??) defended her then proceeded to throw her under the bus and has been consistently throwing shade at her.

Her tutorials were never good but there’s an ocean of shitty tutorials on the internet and even irl. It’s not like they’re going to seek our proper foundation skills.
Despite the salty call out that Turk still has very few w with her art

>> No.6756662

Why would they stop relating to her? Because she’s Asian?
Is it really over for her? Doesn’t she have a fairly successful webcomic? And she could always just resurface again, her style isn’t very unique in the first place for better or for worse. Just as long as she doesn’t show her face.

>> No.6757009

Chrome-based browser + no blocker, eh?

>> No.6757783


kooleen is fucking shit. terrible artist that just copies other artists... same goes for samdoesarts and all those other instagram artists.. the future generation is doomed with this crap.

>> No.6758032

>I don't find some races attractive and I don't want to draw them
wait... that's being racist in 2023?

>> No.6758125

If you tell them to watch Proko they get angry for some reason because "muh art style" but I think the argument evolved to something even stupider.

>> No.6759569

wait until you get called an ableist for being able to draw.

>> No.6759630

t. linguist