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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6744841 No.6744841 [Reply] [Original]

In my opinion, this book is much more essential and important than loomis or bridgman. Even just learning basic things that somehow most /beg/ and /int/ dont even learn in loomis or the sticky, like how to copy from observation, the value of observation, how to get proportions right and take measurements with just your pencil, how to portray light and shadow, it's very comprehensive and has a lot of stuff beginners miss.

It even has a whole section on creativity, and how nothing is wholly original, you should be looking to combine unoriginal sources in novel and goofy ways and now every week you get a thread like "copying from others? You mean PLAGIARISM????", it's just so much better as a starting point than loomis telling you to draw 200 blooks and bridgman telling you to draw bodies forever

>> No.6744900

you'll have to post your work if you want to convince anyone you're right. If you're pawell, you're still /beg/ and you're not qualified to give advice.

>> No.6744919

We've had this thread, like, a zillion times.

We've had this comment, like, a zillion times.

>> No.6744953

I'm sorry ok it's just that every week we get some thread like "damn bros just learned how good observation is" or "is it plagiarism to learn from THIS" or "how do I be creative?" or etc and it's awful, this is stuff that should be learned day 1 of drawing and you have years-long lurkers figuring it out.

>> No.6745027

This book garbage and it does not contain a single, not one, aesthetically appealing drawing
Bert Dodson CANT DRAW
Sure it has a lot of good information, but you know what has all the same information, and more, AND APPEALING DRAWINGS ?
The art and science of drawing
>inb4 Brent Eviston anti squad shows up
No one needs to read keys to drawing even if it contains useful information, i've already read it for you, take my advice
Read the art and science of drawing instead
Then read Lessons in classical drawing

>> No.6745039

I like Brent more than Dodson, because he teaches a constructive anatomical approach. I just think there are better instructors than Brent. Hampton, for instance. Loomis, for another. Vilppu is the best you could pick. Steve Huston is good too

>> No.6745071

I forgot to mention
The thing that pissed me off the most about keys to drawing
It starts by telling you to do contour drawing
a lot of contour drawing
Contour drawing already is an anti pattern that guarantees shitty drawings
But then he asks you to contour draw while looking at the subject only, not at the canvas or your hands
Which is the OPPOSITE of how all the great masters described the appropriate way to paint, which is to take in the impression of your subject and spend more time looking at the canvas and less time looking at the reference

It literally teaches you objectively WRONG ways to draw

The art and science starts by breaking down drawing into a constructive process, ie, how to draw correctly

>> No.6745113

I refuse to draw until I get the perfect book

>> No.6745163

>But then he asks you to contour draw while looking at the subject only, not at the canvas or your hands
Wow yeah, that's stupid of an exercise. This one too is pretty stupid:
> I myself have proved it to be of no small use, when in bed in the dark, to recall in fancy the external details of forms previously studied, or other noteworthy things conceived by subtle speculation; and this is certainly an admirable exercise, and useful for impressing things on the memory.
It's an old guy, Duh Vin-chi or something. Like, learning to draw without drawing lmao what an idiot

It's like those fucking stupid boxers who spend time running and exercising their lower-body instead of spending that precious time throwing punches. Amiright.

That's the spirit.

Anon. This is a chaotic place. There are good advises, but if you start recommending a specific book/technique, you'll get baiters, genuine idiots, ignorants, all willing to pick up a fight to defend THE BEST BOOK/TECHNIQUE.

And it's been going on for so long that some anons who actually draw have learnt that it's more about balance, and will chill wisdom in the threads. But the average niggers just [pretend to] can't/don't want to wrap their head around this, and they'll prefer spending their time fighting on the Internet like big babies.

tl;dr: Just Draw.

>> No.6745165

someone PLEASE scan the 2023 vilppu book...i can't actually be expected to learn to draw in the first place if I don't have this new updated version!

>> No.6745189

>No work posted itt…

>> No.6745269

> I myself have proved it to be of no small use, when in bed in the dark, to recall in fancy the external details of forms previously studied, or other noteworthy things conceived by subtle speculation; and this is certainly an admirable exercise, and useful for impressing things on the memory.

Yeah i read that quote when i read the book on Memory Drawing Techniques.
Which is where i learned that old masters had the opinion that you shouldnt even need the model to still be in the room when you start to paint
Whats your point ?
Thats the exact OPPOSITE of what Keys to drawing has you do

Heres one from Degas

>If I were to open an academy I would have a five-story building. The model
would pose on the ground floor with the first-year students. The most advanced
students would work on the fifth floor.

>> No.6745323

literally me

>> No.6745325

me fr fr

>> No.6745346
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>> No.6745467

Opinions on Brent Eviston? I'm taking a little course of his on Udemy and I feel that the tips and exercises he gives are helping me control my hand better when doing lines and curves.

>> No.6745759
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I WAS going to ask how long it should take to read and learn from Keys to Drawing, but instead I'm going to try to learn from the book within a week, and tell you guys how my experience went. Instead of asking an irrelevant question, I'm going to find the answer and tell you!
Wish me luck!
pic is my most recent drawing. Critique if you want.

>> No.6745804
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i dont have opinion on him beyond the book. when it comes to line control and such pretty much only his book mentioned the topic. all other books either tell you it doesnt really matter or that you simply have to draw a lot to grind the skill into perfection.

but what all books agreed upon is that you shouldnt expect perfection as a beg and what is more important is the sum of all lines (aka the picture as a whole) instead of the lines and their wobbliness.

tldr even with wobbly lines you can draw anything in okay or even great quality. Pic related is one of my favorite pieces. Not a single non-wobbly line in it yet it looks great.

it took me 3 months to complete the book as a beg beg. Now as beg i would estimate i would do it in a month. No fucking way you will do it in a week.

>> No.6745816

>Whats your point ?
I'm not spelling it out in more details, I consider this to be your job (it's almost trivial at this point; in the worse case scenario, try the exercise a few times, and see what it demands you to train to be performed reasonably well)

And once you've found, ask yourself why you didn't get it in the first place.

>> No.6745820

>No fucking way you will do it in a week.
You're probably right. But I gotta try, anyways.
I'll make daily updates.

>> No.6747343

How do you complete chapter 3 without real human subjects?

>> No.6747373


>> No.6747378

I have shat on this book for a decade before I found out it's gold. Since then I realized it's difficult to gauge the quality of learning material, especially if you're frustrated with it. Just a small change in perspective can mean a book is shit or gold to you.

>> No.6747382

What changed your perspective?

>> No.6747396

Mainly that drawing with reference and memory drawing give you the ability to draw from imagination and not drawing from imagination.

>> No.6747422

Thank you.

>> No.6748053

>Bargue in 5 weeks
Of course you're not gonna get much out of it if you lightspeed through it, you're supposed to take like a year on Bargue lmao.

>> No.6748116

if keys to drawing wasn't your first book, ngmi

>> No.6748153

>Keys to drawing
Dogshit hands exercise, avoid at all costs
>Drawing on the right side of the brain
Assumes you have a full body mirror for the very first exercise, avoid at all costs

Can we get an artist who knows how to write?

>> No.6748195

you are lame and retarded.

>> No.6748844

I agree its a very good book but while it covers pretty much everything in art besides color, it just gives a surface level understanding of it all and you'll need to look for other resources to refine your knowledge.

>> No.6749007

I like the authors drawings in Keys but I get filtered by the exercises, all of them are very difficult.

>> No.6749809

Things aren't looking good. It's almost half a week and I'm still in chapter 1. Did exercise 2 and quit 1, skipping 3 because I don't have a pepper on me.