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6741842 No.6741842 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw number 3

It's over.

>> No.6741844

Just practice. If you aren’t number 5, you can learn.

>> No.6741848

i'm a one, which makes me go crazy because i envision the drawing exatcly as i want it in my head, but my hands can't replicate it

>> No.6741850

I'm curious how do people with aphantasia recall memories? For instance, I remember being in a pine forest and a deer was staring right at me when I turned around. When I remember that I see an image in my head, but not so clear as if I could literally copy it 1:1 but I know what I had to do if I wanted to draw that deer encounter.

>> No.6741852

You are now aware that "muscle memory" is a thing.

>> No.6741855

Aphantasia isn't real, prove me wrong.

>> No.6741864

Get fucked niiiiiiiggas Im a 2

>> No.6741872

People have visual memories? I just recall the facts like a normal person.

>> No.6741881
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>> No.6741912

You might just be a lower life form.

>> No.6742583

I can't see images, but I can feel them. Like I can feel a shape that I put into my mind. I get strong impressions of things that it's like I'm seeing them, but nothing is actually there. What is this?

>> No.6742602

no cap that's a yikes from me
Do you even have a thought process or do you just regurgitate "facts" that have been programmed into you by various media?

>> No.6742612

Literally this. I was #5 and training moved me over to #2. #1 soon.

>> No.6742636

do people on 5 don't have an ability to draw? cuz i feel like i'm a 5.

>> No.6742652

I can imagine 1 but drawing is a 2 lmao. As for day to day living is useful to have a mixture of visuality and daemon-like internal monolog to organize thought into action, analyze things, picture, predict, etc. But you can train it and one day your inner voice will "come online" and it won't stop.

>> No.6742745

So is there an actual measurable test for this shit
My friend insists I must not have aphantasia because I can draw and conceptualize things but it's not really "visualizing" I'd at best call it a vague sense of space

>> No.6742746

its been a while since we had one of these

>> No.6743004

you don't need imagination to draw you can just copy hyper realistic human face and potato in bowl

>> No.6743008

Aphantasia isn't real, just admit you don't want to draw and just want to be an "artist" as a status symbol.

>> No.6743011

No, every test psychologists and neurologists have tried to find evidence of aphantasia has come out inconclusive.

It's not a real condition, it's a misunderstanding blown out of proportion on purpose so that people without real problems can claim to be neurodivergent and oppressed.

>> No.6743054
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>> No.6743109
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Aphantasia isn't real. But down syndrome is

And you are retarded

>> No.6743115
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>> No.6743253

Sometimes I try to manipulate the object in my head and it start doing the opposite of what I want.

>> No.6743254
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>> No.6743289

bruh i'm not any of these
i'm like 1 but if 1 was played back on a 480p screen and recorded through frosted glass. everything is full detail but i can't see it unless i imagine it super close up. it's like i have some sort of mental block that keeps me from seeing shit right in my brain

>> No.6743547

Same. I think I might be an actual schizo. Vivid images only come in very brief flashes

>> No.6743671

Just use your memory, not imagination

>> No.6743675
File: 62 KB, 514x495, 1672677405736935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust anyone's self-assessment, except for people who say "number 5".

Because a lot of people might say they are 1s while having a very shitty image in their heads but being overconfident and tricking themselves into thinking it's realistic, while a lot of other people might see a 2 and think it's "not that good" and say they're a 4.

All in all, stupid chart. For me, I believe it's like 1 for some objects, not others, and it's pretty dark, not a lot of contrast/color in some cases, despite me being able to imagine full palettes that transfer well to the canvas, so I guess I just have a dimmed imagination that gets color-corrected through thinking about it. It's not vivid, but somehow pretty accurate.

>> No.6743677


>> No.6744354

Sometimes when I imagine people their arms will roll up like their made of rubber, I'll imagine the arm rolling back out to normal and then it'll just snap back into place. I hate it.

>> No.6744380

for it is impossible to think there are people who can't do 1

but quite honestly I bet there are level 5 niggas who can draw better than me

>> No.6744383

literal npc

>> No.6744386

fr it's gotta be some shit like 90% of people are 1 and the rest is distributed between 2-5

>> No.6744470

So do people who think they are 1 actually envision things in their head as clear as if it were virtual reality? If not, then you're all full of shit and aphantasia really is nothing but a misunderstanding.

>> No.6744501

Does maladaptive daydreaming count?

>> No.6744662

>you're all full of shit and aphantasia really is nothing but a misunderstanding
No shit nigga. We know memory is fallible and based on input from 8 senses. We don't perceive reality as it is, much less remember or imagine it properly.

It's still fun to make retards hate themselves because they think they should be able to create an apple in their fov like it's a Star Trek replicator.

>> No.6744731


>> No.6744747

That's aphantasia still. there's spatial and object aphantasia. you have some spatial stuff going on there.

>> No.6744752

visualization ... imagination encompasses much more than visualization.

>> No.6744753

even 5s can draw. its all muscle memory.

>> No.6744757

Guess I'm number 1 or 5, I have never seen anything like the images in-between and i do percieve mental images in color, but i usually see full scenes, rarely isolated objects. Can anybody explain what 2,3,4 are meant to represent? is it like local color, value and shape? I dont get it! I have never seen a white or black apple before!

>> No.6744764

You can't imagine a white apple?

>> No.6744769

I could but I've never seen it in reality. I was wondering what the stages in the op image meant

>> No.6744999

I think my visual imagination is weakening

>> No.6745127

four of my friends reported the same as me. Are you sure? Like yesterday, I spent some time vizualizing a cube. I could picture the cube and even change the color, give it a colored outline, put a dot on one of its faces, and rotate it around, and I could draw it. But I still don't literally see it.
There have been points where I get a flash of an image if I focus really hard. I also have extremely vivid dreams with smell, touch, and sound.
I'm pretty sure people are confusing these strong impressions with actually seeing things. And I'm pretty sure the average person isn't able to superimpose objects into their fov, because if they could do it with their eyes closed then they could do it with their eyes open.

>> No.6745147

Stop masturbating and having sex and your imagination will gradually come back.
t. wizard who invokes entire worlds in their head in a second

>> No.6746474
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I'm a 5, art is hard but you just do stuff sketching a lot i guess.
best way i can describe it imagining the apple behind your head, does that make any sense?

>> No.6746851
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>mfw maladaptive daydreaming
>spend like 2 or 3 hours in my own head almost every day and another hour while trying to fall asleep
I hate it and like it at the same time

>> No.6747040

I was at 5 before but now its like at 4-3 but I can't control what I see

>> No.6747622

i don't know how in the fucking world people can be so empty-headed they can't think of a real-life object they just held in their hand a moment ago. 5s exist? HOW? be glad these people are generally not our architects. i believe most people are 3 or 4, based on how much trash silhouette infographics are on EVERYTHING because the creator can't fucking remember a face has eyes, nose, mouth...and the head has ears, hair, and is attached to a neck and body. too used to consooming minimalist icons on the phone that those don't need detail, just a color and a letter. it's all about what kind of details you take in; if you pay a lot of attention to details in nature, you'll find a lot of surprises, pay attention to nothing and you embody nothing.
you are what you eat.

>> No.6749242

>can't draw
damn it must be aphantasia why was I born this way

>> No.6749674

There's people who can't fathom not having breakfast this morning.

>> No.6749711

being a five is not that hard. just develop the idea on paper with good construction and you can be better than most 1s.

>> No.6750298

>Can't see colors, but I can see the lines
>With rotation, translation, scaling, and perspective adjustment
>Construction is trivial for me

It's over
for you

>> No.6750827


>> No.6750848

just imagine his work. Oh wait, you can’t

>> No.6750860

5 doesn't mean you can conjure shit in your actual vision, it just means you've got imagination or good visual memory.

Visualization takes a lot more active effort than just imagining an apple in your head, and it's never like literally seeing something in front of you. It's this weird, hard to describe mix of sensation and sight that takes a shitload of concentration to maintain. This is how guys like Kim Jung Gi draw out of thin air - they're good enough at holding the visualization they can skip construction.

>> No.6750891

true. he probably doesnt make any lmao

>> No.6750907

Plz tell me 5s are just a bait. You mean to tell me you can't remember ANYTHING VISUAL that's happened in your life? Not a toy you had as a kid? Not a game you remember playing? That sounds like brain damage.

>> No.6750985

i can draw things from my childhood accurately, but I cant visualize them in my head no. just a black void with occasional lights

>> No.6750987

Yeah inner visualization or imagination isn't hard, but trying to merge it with your actual vision, to force yourself to see it in front of you or around you takes significant concentration usually. It is, however, a learnable/trainable skill. I practiced a lot as a child just from boredom and curiosity if I could see two things simultaneously.
Still can't draw for shit though lol.

>> No.6750988

How absolutely bizarre.

>> No.6751167

it really isn't. im a little jealous of these hyperphantasia people, but just imagining lines when closing your eyes sounds gay and useless anyway.

>> No.6751471

My ability is all over the place, occasionally its a one or two, usually when I wake up and am still half asleep, sometimes I am a 5 but I always have this spatial thing >>6742583 . I wonder if it's possible to have a vivid mental image but poor spatial, like you see images but it's just a flat 2d image. Some people have said that they were able to improve their mental imagery, was that just through regular drawing practice or did you do any work specifically to improve visualization? I've been practicing looking at images then closing my eyes and trying to see the image in my mind, I think I'm seeing some improvement but I haven't been doing it for a long time, maybe a few weeks. Are there any other exercises people have tried?

>> No.6751495

I like your art, blog?