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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 1200x1000, teams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6734465 No.6734465 [Reply] [Original]

One in a generation a tourney full of weirdos concour, this is that tourney!

>how does this work
Your oc will be placed in a team, these teams will be placed around the island!

Every round they were be a challenge against other teams.

Eliminations will be voted upon in a discord(posted if this gets attention)

>when will it start/how to join
In 6 days(central us time)

To join you will have to post a pic of you oc and a little snippet of lore
>any rules?

Don't dramafag in the thread. If any constants do break this golden rule they will forfeit one round.

Let us begin!

>> No.6734466
File: 150 KB, 1200x1000, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The island in question

>> No.6734473

this is gonna fail like the last one Fred. Come back when your a grownup

>> No.6734539

Reminder that OP is 15 and messages adult people on discord asking them to put on programmer socks and send him thigh pics

>> No.6734617

Wait really ?

>> No.6734652

everyone on this board should know about Fred so that they can immediately know not to ever interact with him

>> No.6734702

christ, even the island looks like his stupid head, its not even trying to hide that fact.

>> No.6734703

Discord for voting

>> No.6734856

Kill yourself

>> No.6734914

Yes. Spoke with the guy who he sent these messages to. Everyone begged him to just stop talking to the kid but he wouldn't. I hope he didn't send him pictures. He thought the guy was trans so went to try and get pics. There were actual confirmed women there but nope went for a dude who he thought was trans

>> No.6734923

>Everyone begged him to just stop talking to the kid but he wouldn't
average discord user

>> No.6734928

>There were actual confirmed women there but nope went for a dude who he thought was trans
dude has some weird obsession with trannies/femboys in general

>> No.6734934

>actual confirmed women
Sad that we live in the day and age where you have to use these words to describe a female.

>> No.6734983

Eh women larpers have always been on the internet. Hate to break it to you but none of those gfs you brought on RuneScape were actually women

>> No.6735124

What does this have to do with the tourney?

>> No.6735163
File: 1.13 MB, 4872x3444, Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that folks. Fred here is going to be acting as our announcer/advertiser. Felt it would be appropriate to have the /ic/ mascot in that position. Tourney is still early in planning stages and we need a headcount for who will be taking part before we go full steam ahead.

The tournament will be a survivor-esque elimination game and you may bring whichever original character you would like whether they be from something you're working on or made entirely for the event.

>> No.6735214

Dead on arrival.

>> No.6735226

sometimes it takes some effort to get these things going especially when you jump the gun. I might wait a couple days and try again with a more thought out concept and better resources. There is interest for it just a matter of coordinating.

>> No.6735228

hi fractal

>> No.6735233

Okay. Maybe I'm fractal maybe I'm not. Are (you) interested in having your OC whisked away to an island to compete against other OCs in a contest that may or may not be life and death?

>> No.6735238

This shit takes effort man

We both may have to have a bad rep but we want to spend effort to make something cool with you!

>> No.6735239

>/ic/ oc survivor
wow I can't wait to participate in /icocs/

>> No.6735245

Thank you anon. this will officially be called /icocs/ now

>> No.6735254

>Can't even draw or color an island
Lmao I'm not the type to crab but come on.

>> No.6735258

You know what. come back in 2 hours. I'll have something for you.

>> No.6735306
File: 953 KB, 1218x861, Island_View_Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My artwork is pretty /beg/ I will admit that but I gave it a shot

>> No.6735325

Sounds interesting I will give it spin.

>> No.6735333

Here is the discord. Like I've said we're still getting our act together so I'll be piecing together the discord as we go. Feel free to post a reference sheet in the thread as well.

>> No.6735382


>> No.6735407

If you really hate Fred he's going to be the in universe host and your oc will have the opportunity to take plenty of potshots at him. Just putting that out there.

>> No.6735479

He's going to take a lot of /icocs/, it will be like one of those japanese films with the codenames.

>> No.6735499

Oh don't tell me you're starting to warm up to the idea. It would be terrible if you were to start enjoying this anon.
>one of those japanese films with the codenames
I'm unsure if your taste in porn is unbelievably based or absolute cringe.

>> No.6735558

All right I concede

>> No.6735566


>> No.6735874

the future is now
theese days it's men larpers as most people in art community if i see he/him i look at old livestream and find out she is a pooner

>> No.6736068
File: 184 KB, 1218x861, Map_Small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning Campers hope you all slept well. We are still taking applications for characters to compete for the title of /ICOCS/ ICON! Get in here and submit a character of yours to compete for this super prestigious title. /beg/s are welcome as the challenges will be about your ability to produce work in the competitive environment that is the art world.

The unpaid inters were able to procure a better map of the island for you as well. Sorry I wasn't able to get this for you last night.

>> No.6736137
File: 96 KB, 617x794, qdqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will join with my oc, sandravia
sandravia adorned a striking hue of cool, effortlessly pulling off any look She was a deep olive, a deep crimson shade that obscured her lips were painted a pair of cool, effortlessly pulling off any look She stood poised, her angular jawline exquisitely.
She adorned a pair of cool, effortlessly pulling off any look She adorned a testament to her love for the nape of confidence she exuded.
Her skin was cropped playfully above the distinct aura of her neck, framing her love for the distinct aura of her neck, framing her eyes, but didn't quite conceal ...

>> No.6736274

Welcome Sandravia I'm sure you will effortlessly pull off any look for the island's challenges!

>> No.6736378

Camp bump

>> No.6736639

It's dead fred.

>> No.6737092

As long as I am putting effort into it this project lives and I will continue to put effort into it for the artists who have already joined.

>> No.6737660

As long as we post it isn't

>> No.6737784
File: 11 KB, 600x514, The Necropanster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill join with ole m8 Johnny Jpeg (never before seen)

>> No.6738062

Welcome Johnny Jpeg. I'd shake your hand but I can feel myself artifacting from over here. Hope I can clean it off with a shower.

>> No.6739251 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 225x290, fredinsuit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! A fellow /i/ Chad
Nice seeing you man!

>> No.6739432
File: 23 KB, 390x248, Flagblank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill throw in the entire nation of Jpegistan

>> No.6739586

Since there have been some questions about what is allowed as a character for the event I have pieced together a short list of guidelines for joining the event

Submit one character along with a short blurb about who they are and what they are capable of.
Your submission must be sapient. Sorry as funny as it would be no pet rocks people.
Pets are allowed under the condition that they do not have anthropomorphic or humanlike qualities.
>Magic Bullshit
You may skirt some of the rules using magic Ex: if your character is a summoner they may call upon a humanlike being however the summoner themselves would be considered the contestant for the event.

If you can give a description on how this would work for the event while following the above rules I might allow it.

>> No.6739606

jpegs r smart
jpegs r not pets
jpegs r no magic

>> No.6739633



>> No.6739654

So how do they classify as a single character?

We have more contestants in the discord right now and we're planning on keeping submissions open till at least Saturday. This project is likely going to move to the next stage.

>> No.6739671

>the schizo has discovered /ic/
Well, shit.

>> No.6739675

all jpegs are a .jpeg so they are the same and count as one

>> No.6739738

You know what. I want to see where this goes. Ill allow it. Welcome the Nation of Jpegistan

>> No.6739974


>> No.6739998

both of you are minors

get out of here and go eat paint or something

>> No.6740338

I prefer hot chip to paint.

>> No.6740353

lol. just another thread by an underage retard trying to get free art for his "oc"
dont waste time with this crap. theres a reason this legit shitstain gets kicked out of everything he's in.

>> No.6740431

Oh no. That Fred person sounds like bad news. If only there were someone around who could keep him be less cringe. Oh well might as well give up and let him run around IC unsupervised.

>> No.6740432 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 249x360, fredinhawia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this a ploy by me to get free art?
You're going to be drawing other people's oc.
>kicked out of everything
The only reason I was kicked out of crab2 was because I was trying to prove to everyone that someone was harassing me, and they considered that "drama"


>> No.6740439

you guys shouldn't be on /ic/ in the first place?

>> No.6740444
File: 719 KB, 3444x4872, Announcer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you have a point with Fred but I personally think that's an issue for the jannies to sort out. As for me well I'm pretty /beg/ but I'm not a child.

>> No.6740531

yeah this sort of thing is better suited on /i/

>> No.6740546
File: 183 KB, 701x599, fred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, if Fred were smart, instead of trying this constant shit of trying to manage whatever community he's in, he'd lean into how everyone hates him and his character and make the challenge a hunt to post each character trying to kill Fred, with the winner being the one to do it.

But it isn't set up like that because Fred is an attention-whore who doesn't actually make comics.

>> No.6740553 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 495x420, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stealing that idea from you.

>> No.6740556

Nobody's going to do it though because you're cancer.

>> No.6740569

does fred even draw

>> No.6740573
File: 760 KB, 2084x1539, 20230705_022043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some times

>> No.6740584

No. All he does is dramapost.

>> No.6740592

i mean actually draw. not these shitty 1 minute low effort pictures

>> No.6740599

Tell me about it.
EVERY time this faggot goes into /hyw/ or any of the creator groups on here, all he does is try to dramapost, or make himself into a mascot. He thinks he's endearing.

>> No.6740620

Who's this John Egbert wannabe I'm seeing

>> No.6740628

Hello. Island Coordinator. Right here. The head honcho. The man in charge. The big guy. Do you really think Fred would have been able to pull this off himself? This is the deal. I get to host a kino OC tournament. Fred gets to dress up nice get on stage and act as our Ryan Seacrest. And (you) get to take part in an event with some other artists most better than myself and beat up Fred in some comics if you're into that.

>> No.6740635

kill yourself fred

>> No.6740639

Try again. If you're going to tell me to off myself you should at least get my name right.

>> No.6740653 [DELETED] 

I almost feel bad about saying this, knowing you're 15, but please fuck off and kill yourself Fred.
Wthout exaggeration, NOBODY in any of the communities you're bothering want you here. You will never be accepted, because you are an annoying faggot.
You trips keep getting banned because people keep reporting you, because we. do. not. want. you. here. You will never be a member of this community, just a loser who wants to insert himself into a group of people that would prefer he be gone.
It's not like you have a personality worth admiring either, or that your shit is entertaining. You try this retarded sockpuppeting shit, then turn around and throw out the same handful of autism ticks. Calling everyone Betz. Samefagging and thinking that we can't tell just because you turned off your trip (or in one case leaving it on). Giving some very basic surface-level commentary (that 9/10 was already said by an anon) to pretend to be on topic while trying to get discord links.

Please. Please please please, go to Reddit, make an account, post in like company, and never return. That is the single greatest contribution you could make to these threads.

>> No.6740659 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 122x34, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740666

Okay. I'll eat crow on calling (you) Fred, but the rest stands.

>> No.6740670
File: 593 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230712_201256_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even my tourney man.

Nice trips

>> No.6740885


>> No.6740891 [DELETED] 

Fred is just gonna ask you for thigh pics dude. Don't even try and be freindly with him. He's a child an actual child and I never recommend talking with them on the internet unless you wanna get out the ukulele

>> No.6740897

>fellow /i/ chad
>he says this after shitting on /i/fags just a few months ago
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6740941 [DELETED] 

hi everyone. please rememebr to join the discord and drawn all the characters for te event.
Just ignore the fact that the only character right now is me. This is not a ruse to get more fanart of ye ol fred. how could you even suggest that. plese send thigh pic hallodam#1533

>> No.6740945 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 251x434, 1688780264342955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The hell did I do to you?

>> No.6740946

Faggot no one likes you

>> No.6741010

>i cocks
what did they mean by this?

>> No.6741042
File: 506 KB, 847x710, 1661663461685789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fred, I've been on the Internet for almost 20 years now. I've seen it all, and let me tell you that there are only three ways your life story can go:
1 - Remain a schizo but Anonymous, cursed to never be liked by anyone and gaining nothing from it all until you realize at 25 you've wasted your youth;
2 - Finally becoming "friends" with someone, only to be doxxed and then all the sharks you provoked through the years will go after you in real life. All it takes is one crack in your shield and you'll never be left alone;
3 - Leave these communities and get a real hobby, either online or (preferably) in real life, where you can't indulge your sociopath vices without careful deliberation.

Option 2 is the most likely to happen because you do not know any limits, but you still have time to quit while you're not losing.

>> No.6741087

I just tell him no and move on with my life.
Our discord is shaping into something pretty nice. Had a link to a whiteboard last night that went very well.
Anon suggested it and I thought it was funny.

>> No.6741147

Just let him be doxxed, he deserves it.
You are actually delusional If you think people here want to interact at all with Fred

>> No.6741150

Or hes going to get groomed by someone who befriends him, theres not many good outcomes for fred unless he just stops.
>hes already asking for fucking thigh pics
holy shit. Also stop talking to the 15-16 year old now. Especially if hes trying to engage in sexual convos you fucking moron

>> No.6741163

The second take lol, 4chan is not 2008 anymore.

Also the assumption is that Fred is not deliberately trolling- which looks to not be the case.

>> No.6741170

I just tell him to stop being weird and it works. Not sure why you would be so worried about something like that. Plus it's more important to me that I repay a favor.

>> No.6741183

can't believe even satan hates fred bros

>> No.6741198

At this point, I'm legit thinking of stealing Fred's "character" and making a short gag series of everyone hating him.

>> No.6741200
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x2733, IMG_20230713_162804_858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harper Smith.
Height:175 cm
Weight: 55kg
Personality: Outside of fixing stuff and her curiosity to all things mechanical she's a Plain Jane and has the usual baseline human personality traits. However, she suffers from Resting Bitch Face and always sounds angry so people assume she's a wet blanket/always angry even when she's not.
She's comes from a long line of Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Welders, Mechanics, Plumbers...etc basically if it's a job about fixing something Harper knows or has a relative that has it. As a result she's been exposed to a lot of repair work and DIY.
-Fixing stuff
-Taking things apart to see how they work
-The most vanilla and bland things ever outside of repairing stuff
-Not getting paid when she fixes stuff
Abilities: Claims she can fix anything (with enough time and materials of course) and is good with most tools. That's it
-Is a 17 year old girl. A good punch could take her out
-Bad at first impressions

>> No.6741201


>> No.6741207

Welcome Harper! Glad you could join us!

>> No.6741224

You are on multiple platforms, 4chan is the least of your concerns.

>> No.6741333

draw her getting raped by fred

>> No.6741386
File: 56 KB, 751x712, fb3843751253d6c94e5578d2e0dfa3ab9c3e07a35f155536fc4c3bebe382a5b7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, she's a minor

>> No.6741391

harper smith will be drawn getting gangbanged by a gang of fred clones during this tournament if it happens
it's already too late for ger

>> No.6741408

just come to the oc thread and get your oc drawn there this event is clearly DOA

>> No.6741524
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1649881979052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll revive kott of war for this since fred is so adamant on me joining in
she hates hates greek gods and has those over sized kitchen knives i guess
das her entire schtick further interactions will shape her character
if the thread does take off that is

>> No.6741539

Welcome Kott of War! We all hope you enjoy your stay!

>> No.6741755

fred is also minor so its ok?

>> No.6742141


>> No.6742186

kill yourself

>> No.6742427


>> No.6743364 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1200x1000, fredthroughoutheage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are starting the first round of the tourney this noon Monday EST, We were originally gonna start the first round this Saturday but we didn't want to start on the weekend since people would be doing shit.

All sketches are due then as well, same for does who want to enter the tourney

>> No.6743555
File: 135 KB, 800x512, Scan2023-07-14_205540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be that asshole who submits an OP character.

This is Heliotrope.
He carries himself bit haughty and pompous; a guy who fancies himself a ladies man and has no qualms about causing trouble, getting a rise out of someone, or throwing a competition if he can find some funny way to do it. It's his world, we just live in it. He's perceptive and has good in-the-moment intelligence, but he's rash and a short-term thinker.

He can manipulate time. Of course, he still needs to account for air molecules in frozen time, and lives in a split-multiverse style of time travel if he would want to go forwards/backwards, but being able to freeze other shit like an opponent or some pocket of air, or stop everything for an extra moment to think think is still pretty cool.

This is the reference sheet I use for him. If you want colors, just look up "Red Somali Cat" on google. His little cat booties are a bright goldish-orange.

>> No.6743576

He's shilling on /co/, too?

>> No.6743591

This is /hyw/-adjacent, so yeah, they're shilling there too.
IDC. Some of the personalities there and on /crab/ avoiding this tournament because of Fred stigma might mean I have a shot.

>> No.6743601 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 495x420, 1688085464758075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically glad /crab/ers aren't joining thus tourney im helping out with. I have a lot of drama with certain members who were on /crab/, and I sure as hell don't want to tolerate them that much.

>> No.6743629

Have a shot at what?

>> No.6743646

NTA but think about it. Fred isn't running this event so it has about a 50/50 shot of being kino. If that happens and they win that would be a pretty big clout windfall.

>> No.6743668

A shot at winning.

>> No.6743689

>112 replies

>> No.6743694

It's not fred that's running it, he's just some mascot/assistant

>> No.6743711

I'm just now realizing how skinny I made one of his front legs

>> No.6743715

>50/50 shot of being kino. If that happens and they win that would be a pretty big clout windfall.
the type of shit a 15 yr old would say

>> No.6743731
File: 522 KB, 1006x1540, IMG_6227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my oc Schezo he hates dogs and retards

>> No.6743756 [DELETED] 


>> No.6743801 [DELETED] 

45% "Fred and friends"™.
45% Fuck off Fred.
10% Retards

>> No.6743922 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 648x670, rape island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another victim to fred's island of rape tournament

>> No.6743936 [DELETED] 

The absolute madman.

>> No.6743971 [DELETED] 

you cannot hide

>> No.6744058 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 466x609, rape island 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your contribution to rape island

>> No.6744080

Hey, Xay, wrangle your retard, or else you're going to burn every single bridge you might have.

>> No.6744097 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, jon-tron-confuse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone hates Fred enough to draw him having anal sex with a cat

>> No.6744102 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1104x1011, 1684768885549886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fred will now rape jon tron

>> No.6744113 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 800x463, MV5BOWM2YTY5ZWEtYzk2ZC00ZWIxLWJjZTYtY2RkODY1ZTdiNTI4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDcwNDI2MTk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ha ha, next I will show those retards not to commerce with Fred by drawing his OC raping... PEPE!!!!

>> No.6744116 [DELETED] 

dick dastardly's butthole has fallen to fred's cock... its over

>> No.6744123 [DELETED] 

They don't call him Dick Dastardly for nothing, and it's more than just an outdated nickname.

>> No.6744126 [DELETED] 

Fred's butthole has fallen to Dick Dastardly's dick.. it's over....

>> No.6744137 [DELETED] 

Dick Dastardly has committed his most heinous act yet, making an Ouroboros of dick and anal sex with some faggot's depiction of a bestiality-okay Fred and a WW2 fighter pilot, forever locked in a cycle of fucking each other's butts until the heat death of the universe.

>> No.6744148 [DELETED] 

We were promised multiple freds gangbanging her, not just one

>> No.6744179 [DELETED] 

Fred would totally bang a cat

>> No.6744369
File: 4 KB, 256x160, man this sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy discovering 4chan for the first time

>probably underage
>0 brain cells left

>> No.6744387

Since there were some questions on this all you need for a successful submission is simple sketch of your character along with a short description. posted either in character reference in the event discord or on the thread. If I have responded with a welcome in the thread or if you have a green name on thee discord you are considered to have submitted your character successfully. Any Only discord submissions will be posted to the thread by myself once the deadline has been reached.

Event Discord: https://discord.gg/t67Q4Atv

Welcome Heliotrope. Hope the lack of opposoble thumbs will not be too much of a hindrance.

Welcome Schezo. I like your jacket. It's very stylish.

>> No.6744556

Hyped, hoping this goes better than crab

>> No.6744735

It's 50/50

>> No.6744738
File: 357 KB, 707x969, Scan2023-07-15_131034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch based on some deleted posts..

>> No.6744744 [DELETED] 

Like the funny op cat man
He's gonna win a bunch of rounds imo

>> No.6744891 [DELETED] 

Starting tommorow

>> No.6744895 [DELETED] 

What is? The sign up phase ends Monday which is when the first event will begin.

>> No.6744896 [DELETED] 

The first round

>> No.6744899 [DELETED] 

Monday Noon Eastern Standard Time is when the first round will begin. We will be having a heat to determine which of our contestants are still here and able to participate as well as for them to get settled with their peers. Up until the Heat is finished we're effectively just doing a glorified headcount.

>> No.6744923

Bump waiting for more to join

>> No.6745155

Tough shit fag. shouldn't made it a fred centered tourney, noone other than the mentally ill wants to associate with that massive dramafag or his handlers.

>> No.6745162
File: 1.01 MB, 1643x1264, img015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fred centered
How is the tourney centered around me? It's about ocs on a island doing challenges.

Fair enough, but I'm atleasting trying not to cause drama now. Won't you responding in this manner make you a drama fag? Seems like you are fishing for a (You)

>image by tourney contestant

>> No.6745224
File: 61 KB, 938x619, stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick-Chan joins the fray
this feisty and hot tempered little girl is going to make all the boys regret wearing pants

>> No.6745235

By addressing their "point" you're giving into their bullying tactic. Just ignore the people that complain about "fred drama".

Although you personally upset me once or twice, I don't think you mean harm at all.
You should ignore people putting the drama-label and most of all don't acknowledge it.

That's all you have to do.
Then the next boogeymanfad will show up, before you it was 'Gabe', you just have to ignore them for a couple months and then wait for the next eccentric individual to show up.

>> No.6745245
File: 154 KB, 1834x619, stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her friends are cheering her on

>> No.6745246

Welcome Stick-Chan. Try not to murder too many of our Fred clones.

>> No.6745250

>eccentric individual
Fred is a confessed 15-year-old autistic boy, not some kooky clown man. Stop trying to groom him, Anon.

>> No.6745592

Night bump

>> No.6745597

Sounds hilarious

>> No.6745686
File: 687 KB, 1662x1008, anne 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annete shoots for the sky!

Personality: Incredibly brazen, careless, hotheaded, very impulsive and competitive, has a very enthusiastic attitude pretty much of the time, and does not consider how consequences can affect her or the people around her, the type to shoot first and ask questions later, gets bored easily and is constantly looking for action or a challenge, very resilient and doesn't know when to quit
Backstory: on her universe there are maid services made to deal with rising gangs and crime similar to the one in hotline miami, she couldnt pass the exam to join one so she made her own hotline maid company along with her tutor
-breaking stuff
-Being bored
-hates being confused
-shotgun mastery, carries different types of ammunition in order to handle different types of situations, will use her shotgun as a blunt weapon if out of ammo
-very agile, will perform small feats of parkour (amateur level)
-deceptively resilient (in universe survives a fall from a building to the rooftop of a beetle car ((survives but is incapacitated and breaks a lot of bones)
-does not know how to handle physical combat at all
-while she has street smarts, has 0 academic knowledge outside of how to handle her shotgun
-her impulsiveness has gotten her hurt and almost killed more than once

>> No.6746000


>> No.6746129
File: 29 KB, 249x360, 1689206231993881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm submitting my original character Derf. He's super OP and can change the rules of the game at any time for him to win.

>> No.6746149
File: 228 KB, 1014x1504, REAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entering with my OC "REAB" also called "The REAB" because he's the last of an experiment called RAEBs to create an the ultimate fighting creature but he killed the other REABs in 1 on 1 combat making him the ultimate and only REAB left but he lives with the weight of having slew his brothers and sister in mortal combat which gives him a depressed and nihilistic outlook on life

pronouns: are him/his


hunting innocent creatures for sport




the scientists who made him and forced him to kill his bretheren


car loans with 15% interest (fr*ck you steve)


fighting abilities:

can move faster than anything else

claws have a monomolecular edge/tip

lost an eye fighting his arch rival in combat (the only living thing that could stand a chance against him)

doesnt need to eat or sleep unless he wants to (he eats his pray because its part of the circle of life and he does not want to be wasteful)

>> No.6746308

Welcome Annete! We hope your stay on the Island is exciting enough for you

Welcome REAB! Hopefully the competition isn't too much for you to bear.

>> No.6746332



>> No.6746337

Well, you're a confessed internet loser. >:^O

>> No.6746500

I remember when /b/ drawfags used to have drawfight threads where they'd fight their OCS with each other in the thread replies till it maxed out. Do you guys do this?

>> No.6746505 [DELETED] 

We might have a round where ocs fight

>> No.6746514
File: 249 KB, 1014x1504, REAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@island cordinator i dont know why you would say that but ok thank you for letting me join

btw i forgot to say REAB has a catchphrase he says a lot its "its not worth it" he says this because of his depression but also when someone wants to fight him as a warning because hes going to kill them

>> No.6746516 [DELETED] 

>I remember when /b/ drawfags used to have drawfight threads where they'd fight their OCS with each other in the thread replies till it maxed out. Do you guys do this?
We are probably gonna have a oc fight round.

>> No.6746551

The contest is going to be set up similarly to the old Survivor TV show. Imagine gathering up mutants, monsters, and protagonist types and sending them all to a less than safe deserted island. One of the things I like about this is that every submission will likely be canon just shot from different perspectives.

>> No.6746579

Ok, which genius thought that pinging an adult content community for this contest was a good idea?

>> No.6746580

>Fred isn't falling for the trolls
>he isn't talking about crab or /i/
>he's actually trying to make this work
Is this the ye old fred redemption arc fredbros?

>> No.6746661

> Bunch of op OCs

Imma pass this round. No fun playing against guys that can just change the rues when they're loosing.

>> No.6746813

until he fucks off from my threads, then no, he's just as much of a shithead as he was before

>> No.6746912

>my threads
I don't know what fred did, but you're sounding pretty nutsy yourself.

>> No.6746929

>nutsy anon thinks he owns a thread
Probably from /hyw/

>> No.6746946

>Probably from /hyw/
try /i/ that shithole literally has personal threads

>> No.6746949
File: 68 KB, 1333x705, E90253DE-C44C-45FB-A063-D434B640A8CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killer RAPE Monster
Half turtle Half lizard Definitely not a Tyranid
Huge, rapey, savage, but civil enough to hide his dong until the moment strikes
Has a dangerous blade of a tail coated with itchy poison that can be only cured with RAPEAGE

>> No.6747535 [DELETED] 

First round will start soon!

>> No.6747612

Since there is only one hour remaining until the submission phase is over and we can begin the first event I will begin posting the discord only submissions ITT.

>> No.6747615
File: 847 KB, 2480x3508, ari_charsheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ari Oberon
Personality: Standoffish and quiet, but she is kind underneath her cold demeanor

Stengths: She learns new combat techniques through experiencing them, although not to the same level as their original users.
Her magic is utility based, such as buffs to agility, or her main magic being able to store objects into a pocket dimension for storage and being able to call upon singular or multiple objects
Trained as a mercenary under a retired merc who is now a humble barkeeper, she has basic skills necessary to avoid nasty situations, although she finds herself deep in the shit quite often
She wears a gas mask given to her by the barkeep to conceal her identity, but she mostly is using it for style, and later in her story to hide battle scars
Tanky and stoic, she has a high pain tolerance and hits hard with her fists, but avoids weapons to avoid killing, even though her hands can still be deadly

Weaknesses: she avoids hurting animals or things she finds cute, but looks can be decieving and she often finds out the hard way
hunts stronger beings way over her ability

>> No.6747616
File: 126 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_7208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astra Isa
has been going to Magic Camp since she was five, this year was technically her first year as a real counselor, but her cit shirt is comfy
Plucky, and a go-getter, always up for a good prank, but very empathetic
Is not prepared to kill and is a vegetarian
healing from a flesh wound
Has every Girl Scout badge
Short Burst Teleportation through portals
And the basic spells every magician should know I.e, illumination, spark, translation
unable to kill
Allergic to iron and silver

>> No.6747618
File: 235 KB, 2135x1686, 20230715_1908162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theo Xavier
5ft 6in at top of head
18 years old
Doesn't take things as seriously as he probably should have, but can be quite a bit of a worry wart. His right arm is infested with corruption which he can Channel when distressed to then use to absorb organic matter and possibly replicate it if he has enough energy. He's otherwise a pretty unassuming easy-going guy.

>> No.6747621

Kys pedo

>> No.6747628


>> No.6747644
File: 18 KB, 428x284, takeshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeshi Tanakahawa, 47, 6'3''

Aimless and jaded 47 year old loser who spent his whole life standing by and going with the flow.
Rots away at his teaching job.
Ended up having a psychotic break one night, and went on a week long escapade committing every devious crime and foul business he was scared of doing in his youth (talking loudly in public, jay walking, etc.).
His adventure peaked when he was harassed by a thug in an alleyway, in which he was able to discover his latent talent for fighting.
Finding a passion for the first time in his life, Takeshi begins a double life roaming the night streets of his city, seeking foes to fight.
It really helps with destressing!

-Superpower: 47 years of repressed emotions and petty anger
-Normally quite patient and mild mannered, kind of vacant but learnt to sharpen up abit in serious situations
-still a loser
-and a wuss despite having beat up delinquents and thugs at this point
-Likes older women and cheap liquor
-Dislikes loud young people, young people, youth
-Surprisingly heartless when in position of dominance/power

Uses modded bike gloves.
Was able to learn some martial arts from just websites and videos somehow? might have been something if he was younger, oh well

(Placeholder image)

>> No.6747662

The submission phase is now over! Let me just say I am very happy with the turnout for this contest so far. Some very talented artists have joined us for this occasion so let's have a quick look at our final roster.

Annete Rodgers >>6745686
Ari Oberon >>6747615
Astra Isa >>6747616
Harper Smith >>6741200
Heliotrope >>6743555
Johnny Jpeg >>6737784
Jpegistan >>6739432
Killer RAPE Monster >>6746949
Kott of War >>6741524
REAB >>6746149
Sandravia >>6736137
Schezo >>6743731
Stick Chan >>6745224
Takeshi Tanakahawa >>6747644
Theo Xavier >>6747618

Now the first daring and deadly challenge for our brave competitors. A meet and greet.
The rules ar simple. Each contestant must provide a minimum of two comic pages in which their OC is introduced to the island. In those two pages your OC MUST interact with at least one of the locations on the island and at least one other contestant... or Fred. Both pages must be considered complete and submitted before 12:00 July 24th EST. Any contestant unable to provide this before the due date will be eliminated from the competition.
NSFW rules. Any NSFW submission must have the permission of the OC's creator. NSFW submissions with underaged characters are not permitted.

>> No.6747709

Peanut have to be a comic? Could it be an animatic?

>> No.6747734

Does it have to be*

>> No.6747766

I like this idea OP,
I'm going to steal it and make it better

>> No.6747923

An animatic would be allowed if it meets all the other requirements. The "considered complete" requirement would be the hard one to meet because you would have to clean up any sketch lines in the animatic but if you think that's doable feel free to go for it..

>> No.6748342

First round bump

>> No.6749276
File: 11 KB, 600x514, The Necropanster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this im leaving
hope it fails

>> No.6749479

What killed the hype?

>> No.6749737


>hope it fails
Imagine being so vegenceful over a choice you made.
>one person leaves
>"Le hype dead!"
What did you mean by this?

>> No.6749751

Sandravia too is leaving but have fun

>> No.6749765

Saw you over on /i/ gloating about how well your tourney is going. Came over to see for myself. All I see is people bailing out. Can't wait for screencaps of the discord.

>> No.6749773
File: 1.24 MB, 4872x3444, Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are usually a decent number of first round dropouts with anything like this rule of thumb is to expect half the people who are interested to actually participate.
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry you couldn't join us but I wish you the best out there.

>> No.6749794

Based Skellibro

>> No.6749802

y'know what, I'm jumping ship too.
Say goodbye to Heliotrope

>> No.6749807

Any proof that you guys are actually the artists claiming to leave?

>> No.6749817

Guess we'll find out on the 24th wont we.

>> No.6749868

>fred defense force is not real
this is what the jannies want you to believe

>> No.6749952

fred sent me an image of a shirtless man and demanded i tell him happy birthday

>> No.6749957

he sent me hyper cock scat

>> No.6749979

>Dead upon arrival
We all already knew how this would end.

>> No.6749993 [DELETED] 

fate so rarely chooses based on convenience

>> No.6750030

Just check to see who's still on the Discord.
Fred left. >>6749276 left. >>6743555 is still here.

>> No.6750045

>Fred left
Did the fag actually leave his own tourney lol?

>> No.6750049

I will now join your tourney

>> No.6750057

this tourney isn't legit, it's a tourist trap to get free art of his OC like every other thread, event and post he makes

>> No.6750062

reminder that OP is underage :)

>> No.6750064

I will join now too

>> No.6750067

fuck it, guess I'll also join

>> No.6750070

I was joking anon

>> No.6750085

Okay I should talk about this I guess. Fred has blocked me and left our discord server. We are still planning on going forward with the Event regardless. I was expecting some drop outs but that one was a bit of a surprise.
For now I'm sticking to the duedate of yesterday but If this falls apart or if the current contestants think starting from scratch would be the best path forward I will likely try again in a week or two. There are some genuinely talented artists who want to see this happen and I will try to push forward for them.

>> No.6750092

It's a desperate ploy for attention ( >>750787 >>750664), and everyone is falling for it (including the jannies). How this thread is still on /ic/ is beyond me.
>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork.
This thread has nothing to do with images of visual artwork or the discussion/ critique of visual artwork, and exists solely to shill a discord so fred can pretend he has friends.

>> No.6750093

word of advice. never interact with fred again.

>> No.6750099

>It's a desperate ploy for attention
t. guy who was pretending to be multiple people

>> No.6750104

oh, like you Fred? Piss off you monkey!

>> No.6750105

In an attempt to get this back on track I will ask a question.
Who of the remaining contestants do you have the most interest in and who do you think will make it to the next round?

>> No.6750106
File: 174 KB, 1069x585, Scan2023-07-18_182951(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it really funny that you're trying to call me Fred when a couple posts ago you or someone else was pretending to be me.
kys schizo

>> No.6750107

Where can I catch up on Fred lore

>> No.6750111

betting my money on the jannies deleting this thread

>> No.6750118 [DELETED] 

>try to do something cool
>others pervert it

Next time I'm doing it by myself.

>> No.6750122

It's sure to be a huge success.

>> No.6750137 [DELETED] 

Kys fred

You played with fire and it burnt you retard, just give up the tourney since it's already ruined

>> No.6750139


>> No.6750141

Huh all of the Hate was actually fred.

>> No.6750143

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

>> No.6750150

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

>> No.6750154

You can save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico.

>> No.6750157

it was the worst of times, it was the best of times

>> No.6750283 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x180, thumbnail_550feb7fa41bbb6fd4bc9db80f0dc58d6d5a5061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread is fine too I guess

>> No.6750316

This has been a complete shit show

Schezo is out of here

>> No.6750321 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 177x250, thumbnail_b08878ced49c985f390bdaa653be5ad2df97c34f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750324 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 245x250, thumbnail_1fa846719a926090a85ccde0ec297f20a72ce9d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750328

That's what you get for involving yourself with the Faggot despite all the warnings.
Told you.

>> No.6750329

So, why did Fred leave this time?

>> No.6750336

he already got what he wanted, you took the bait

>> No.6750344

I'm an expectator, this all was a shit show from the start.
Who the fuck starts something with the lowlife faggot?

>> No.6750347

Spectator, but you know what I mean.

>> No.6750399

Hi friends! Here's a better tourney

>> No.6750405

>Turnabout is fair play
Well played anon.

>> No.6750639

>leave one tourney ran by a narcissistic schizo to join another tourney ran by a narcissistic schizo
/crab/ won.

>> No.6750644

Less go crabiebers! We did it!!!!

>> No.6750847

based crab

>> No.6750856

Cute character, post on the OC thread cause right now it's a Steven Universe shitshow and we need good ones.

>> No.6750893

You say that like anyone paid him attention in the tourney

>> No.6751392

>freds tourney collapses before first event
>fred eliminated from crab before first event

Stay winning. Icing on the cake is his own discord is now full of people shitting on him.

>> No.6752192

>everyone says don't engage with fred
>engage with fred
>fred shits it up
wtf? how did this happen

>> No.6752220

People are retarded

>> No.6752257

>be xay
>befriend an unstable obvious troll that just wants drawings of himself
>decide to have the genius idea of helping him at his half failed tourney
>make it work by doing everything for him
>lose rep and becomes surprised when said troll schizos out over people in Tourney and you because you hurt his feelings or whatever, while he decides to samefag/leave tourney

You reap what you sow dumbass, we all tried to warn you but you decided to ignore us and placate the retard, you deserve this lol.

100% this

>> No.6752399

People convince themselves that they can 'tame the schizo'. These niggers are wrong and sooner they realize that retards who act like this are never worth the trouble and they all should be iignored the better .h

>> No.6752400

Deserved for trusting the underage schizo faggot attention whore

>> No.6752498
File: 112 KB, 769x696, Mermaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice to contestants who may be wondering. YES the Event is still underway. Art takes time but the first submissions should be dropping soon.

>> No.6754537

The rabbit guy dropped his on Discord. I'm probably going to have mine Sunday (need to finish a page in my own series first).

>> No.6754621
File: 62 KB, 385x448, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm watching this thread with interest

>> No.6754851

Dead tourney, plus f**d probably had this planned out, everyone quit and go to this tourney instead.


>> No.6754901

there's nothing interesting here unless you like rage inducing shitposting

>> No.6754903

where's the tourney exclusive thread for this? not many people is going to join a server to see if your tourney is worth a shit without seeing who's involved in it?

>> No.6755317

Fuck off seething schizo

>> No.6755442
File: 147 KB, 917x708, goblin slayer if he bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normally i wouldn't be, but right now i'm but a mere threadonly watcher
at the same time i'm still interested seeing how this one develops
hopefully everyone involves delivers some kino

>> No.6756058
File: 554 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20230701_160558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi from /HYW/

>> No.6756114

whats /hyw/?

>> No.6756330

We need a compilation on Fred's lore

>> No.6756423

How's Your Webcomic, a general on /co/ that Fred invaded after being booted from the /CRAB/ tourney. He help accelerate its demise

>> No.6756678

HYW is dead? like it was pretty shit from what i seen and heard but what the fuck happened?

>> No.6756685

No, don't give attention to the attention whore

>> No.6756841

It's only two words long: attention whore.

>> No.6757469

Not only is this false but it distracts from the real issue with Fred in that he is underaged hypersexual and unable to handle rejection.

>> No.6757834

idgaf what sort of tranny larp bullshit storyline him and his fag crew is running this nigger draws literal stick figures and therefore should be completely disregarded as nothing more than an attention whore full stop.

>> No.6758299


>> No.6758582


>> No.6759277

Schizo autists wanted to spend all day everyday seething about betz. Someone thought it was a bot, so they rebranded to throw off any scripts searching for /hyw/, and changed the OP to be more generalized.

>> No.6759381

crud i forgot about this did i miss anything

>> No.6759471

Well the deadline has hit and we have had four contestants successfully submit work in our discord. Seeing as this event needs about six contestants to run and we currently have approximately four artists still working it looks like wee are going into sudden death. The next two artists who submit their pages will be allowed to move forward to the next round.

>> No.6759478

On an unrelated note it may be time to bake new bread which is why contestants have elected to put off posting the comics ITT for the time being.
Normally I would do this in a heartbeat but this thread seems to be kept alive pretty well on Fredposting alone and I would rather not have two threads knocking around /IC/

>> No.6759479
File: 2.62 MB, 1116x2215, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-4eWTkb1P7Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759485
File: 2.16 MB, 1133x2229, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-fBCtgFAp8jQumaqF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759491


>> No.6759504
File: 315 KB, 1120x832, reab v annete 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i made this fast bcuz I forgot to make it earlier
sorry its very bad but i tried my best and i will do better in the next rounds

>> No.6759508
File: 455 KB, 1552x920, reab v annete 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is also unfinished so i will finish it but i want to continue so im posting to get in the next round

>> No.6759511

Finish it up. Since we are in sudden death it would be unfair to the other contestants if I accepted an unfinished work.

>> No.6759519

Note that this entry was posted on the Discord before the sudden death announcement, so there's still one more slot if raeb delivers.

>> No.6760061

>4 people posted a comic
It's dead xay, I'd say go back to /co/ but it seems like you are hated there now lol

>> No.6760094

Okay Fred.

>> No.6760105
File: 396 KB, 1403x807, reab v annete 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made more dose it count yet

>> No.6760107
File: 272 KB, 1375x886, reab v annete 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760135

give one more panel of the fight being broken up to make it a complete thought and clean up the color work in what you have already and I'll count it. I really like your Annete

>> No.6760245
File: 257 KB, 1388x873, reab v annete 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some more
thank u i tried to draw her like the original artist

>> No.6760249
File: 894 KB, 1616x1057, reab v annete 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760251
File: 181 KB, 1255x775, reab v annete 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760265

wait so this does not count yet?>>6760135
i am drawing more still i will finish soon

>> No.6760401
File: 5 KB, 200x200, Y_Efplpq_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I do a new tourney?(all run by me)

>> No.6760426
File: 194 KB, 1176x843, reab v annete 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now im done

>> No.6760429
File: 586 KB, 1734x982, reab v annete 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760430
File: 370 KB, 1229x783, reab v annete 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760431
File: 401 KB, 1482x731, reab v annete 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760433

this is a lot of work i might quit sorry

i vote for myself btw

>> No.6760439

Quit and join another tourney, you are too good for this dog shit

>> No.6760462

thank u but drawing is a lto of work, is there a tornament where someone else will draw 4 me? i have a lot of cool ideas, id like to be a sort of "ideas guy", like i want The REAB to fight a cool monster on the top of the volcano

>> No.6760466

Holy shit sorry. I've been busy drawing and missed all of this. You're good Reab if you still want in.

>> No.6760467

I can do that but I will need a favor in return

>> No.6760472

>>6760466 tnx i will stay for now, btw its REAB all caps bcuz its an ancronym, i forgot what it stands for but ill tell u if i remember becauz its really cool

>>6760467 ok but not if its a s*xual favor that wuld be weird

>> No.6760475

I think it started but you might like this. Btw being associated with Fred will hurt your reputation, so go join this instead


>> No.6760491


idk who that is

>> No.6760494

He's the guy who made this tourney

>> No.6760495

oh ok

>> No.6760499

I am not Fred, so you should be fine. He's no longer involved anyway.

>> No.6760506

I need you to promise never to come back to /ic/ if I help you?

>> No.6760510

He literally made this tourney, won't be surprised if him leaving was a way to draw more people, infact why did you even get involved with that fag lol?

>> No.6760516

what a rude request, i dont want to do that, and if i never come back how can i post the art you make for me, and furthermore i couldn't leave if I wanted to, I'm here forever.

>> No.6760527

Reab come join discord there’s already art of your oc!!!

>> No.6760539

no thanks
thats really awesome tho thank u, y not post it in the thread?

>> No.6760544


>> No.6760567

Well, what would be in the limits of your acquiescence

>> No.6760578

i dont understand the question, are you asking for the terms of my withdrawal? because i wont offer any, y do you want me gone so bad?

>> No.6760602

I mean what’s a reasonable favor to ask of you

>> No.6760613

Thanks for drawing my character, Reab-kun

Nice comic overall

>> No.6760621

idk to draw ur character or smthn

ur welcome brotha thank u for reading it

>> No.6760623

What about a sloppy blowjob?

>> No.6760633

i already said no s*xual requests u freaky boy

>> No.6760781

Stop being rude fred.

>> No.6761307

All the slots have been filled and we are ready to begin the game proper. Anyone who has not completed their pages may still submit them and they will be included in the Island canon. As for our remaining contestants.
Ari Oberon
Harper Smith
Takeshi Tanakahawa
Theo Xavier
I believe it is time to begin the next challenge. The CONTINUITY BREAKFAST.
Since you are all scattered around the island from your intros we need you to come to the breakfast hall and grab yourself some pancakes.
There will be no page requirement but you must make a successful bridge from where your character is now to the mess hall.
The due date will be August 4th 12:00 noon EST. As always pages must be clean and the same NSFW rules apply.
Good Luck!

>> No.6761315

One more thing I forgot to mention. One of the requirements for this challenge will be to coordinate with other contestants to create a more solid continuity.

>> No.6761430
File: 67 KB, 453x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the other entries be posted here as well?

>> No.6761488

that's gonna be hard
good luck coordinator

>> No.6761497

your first tourney died because you underestimated how hard it is to actually manage a functioning event involving multiple people, bud

>> No.6761623

This tourney is forever tainted by Fred and all of you are better off deleting this thread and staying in your discord server.

>> No.6761637

We are going to make a new thread and post all the existing entries there sometime soon. I want to give the people who didn't make it in time an opportunity to still post if they're interested in showing off their work.
I know getting artists to cooperate is like herding cats but when is anything worth doing easy?

>> No.6761651
File: 245 KB, 1014x1504, reab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6761307 The REAB, no dots, u better get it write next time

>>6759479 >>6759485 i like ur comic can harper make robots? i want to draw The REAB to fighting a robot next

>> No.6761675

>can harper make robots?
With enough scrap material, sure!

>> No.6761680

First one was deleted by jannies , this one was token over by xay fag

>> No.6761747


ok im going to draw The REAB and Harper meeting on the way to the dinning room and Harper has a big robot and The REAB and the robot fight

harper will escape with her life and she and The REAB will get pancakes, but the ending to the fight will be a surprise

>> No.6761754
File: 150 KB, 700x700, zased 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rooting for you

>> No.6761843

Would a dilapidated and powered down mecha covered in ivy count as enough scrap material?

>> No.6762717
File: 340 KB, 2008x3071, fredshouse3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna answer some questions for does who care

>why did you drop from your own tourney

Xay aka island coordinator wanted to associated the tourney with a discord that banned and hates me(art and friends by nikeshpere or whoever tf made that), even after I helped grow during its early start Not only that, but xays only reason for helping volunteering to help in the tourney was so that he wasn't indebted to me, so selfish reasons.

>now what for you?
I'm gonna continue posting on /co/ and working on other non 4chan related stuff. I'm not gonna give up this easily, all this has taught me was to rely on myself and not others, especially when they are two face and want to use you.

Ye old fred never dies! NEVER GIVE UP! LET SPITE PUSH YOU MY FRIENDS!!!!!

>> No.6762724

>Xay aka island coordinator wanted to associated the tourney with a discord that banned and hates me(art and friends by nikeshpere or whoever tf made that), even after I helped grow during its early start

all this nigga has done on the server is shitpost lmao, he never helped it grow and was actively derailing from the topic of art, he wasn't banned he just shit his pants and left as soon as the mods told him to actually phw and started cracking down on his retardation

>> No.6762731


>> No.6762733

I dmed people invites to the server and shilled it on threads. Also isn't one part of the server suppose to be about making friends?

>> No.6762741

it was supposed to be primarily about art which neither you or your friends contributed, even when other people were discussing technical shit you kept inserting yourself and babbling something about femboys or other retarded shit and turned the whole place into another generic wannabe friendgroup server for faggy zoomers. kys

>> No.6762823
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>> No.6763120

>but xays only reason for helping volunteering to help in the tourney was so that he wasn't indebted to me, so selfish reasons.
i dunno man, that sounds like a fairly reasonable reason to me.

>I'm not gonna give up this easily, all this has taught me was to rely on myself and not others, especially when they are two face and want to use you.
to be honest most of it was your fault, especially in /crab/ given that you pretty much just lied about fslurs 'unanimously' kicking vormio out (it was just you, with fraktal not even giving much of an opinion) along with you filling the chats with drama about the whole thing while you cried about team Chad despite the fact that you were given a choice to form your own team using people outside of the chans or the discord, seems to me that you're using them more than they're using you

given that you've been pretty much kicked out of so many different unrelated communities that don't even interact with each other, you should have had realized at some point that maybe the problem lied with you

>> No.6763188
File: 33 KB, 600x900, tree_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna answer some questions for does who care
Nobody cares. The only question we want answered is "how do we make you go away?"