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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 54 KB, 850x520, ms-paint-xp-2383495366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6729860 No.6729860 [Reply] [Original]

specifically ones that stuck for a while now, not just 'le trend of the week' on some shithole like twatter or whatever

for me its the "OH MAH GAWSH I MADE *THAT* WITH CHEAP/SHITTY SUPPLIES? I MUST BE A GOD!" self masturbatory behavior
like when artists who draw in mspaint always, ALWAYS, leave the mspaint window and toolbar in the picture just to show they used it, or when traditional artists who draw with uber expensive markers and pencils take on the 'challenge' of drawing with something cheapo like crayola, but they never change their technique in any way to accommodate the different materials, just wince and moan about how horrible it is and produce the same exact thing they always do

>> No.6729862

characters posing the void and doing nothing but "vibes"

>> No.6729901
File: 141 KB, 677x1200, Fu-D8bBaYAEfAjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it can look good. Just depends on how dynamic the pose and angle are.

>> No.6729927

Ya that isn't so bad although I do remember artist both amateur int and pro doing a lot more in the 90s and 2000s on average

>> No.6730065

>characters posing the void and doing nothing but "vibes"
I think social media created this one. i think It's not like the sort of trend that is intentionally made, its an unintentional side effect of other stuff.

>> No.6730080

you guys are talking shit, this isnt an intentional trend, its just a result of someone not drawing the background because they dont want to, or dont feel the need to, or theyre practicing, or its simply not the focus on the image.... there could be any reason why someone does it, its not an intentional decision
thats like saying that drawing a sketch and not finishing it is a trend, or doodling some bodies and not giving them heads because youre currently practicing torso anatomy

>> No.6730094

The entire process of making art just to impress people and masturbate at the thought that they are impressed by you is sad and I wish it will die. You should make art for you and others of your choice to enjoy, not just to stroke your ego

>> No.6730097

I wasn't saying it was an intentional trend.

Yeah sure sometimes it's just for practice or something

But I was saying it's a product of social media or an unitentional side effect of other stuff.
You see it in a lot of coomer art or art that aims for mass appeal. I assume its because they have to churn it out fast to keep followers , they end up making simpler backgrounds since (most, but not all) coomers don't care.

To be clear I think posing in the void can be a valid aeshetic choice. Emptiness is a tool like any other for composition in art.

>> No.6730102

i agree i used to do it cause twitter would make you pump out artwork fast to keep engagement and follower count from plummeting but its (mostly) soulless

>> No.6730108
File: 177 KB, 1113x1600, LOU_SHABNER-2140686267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so outside of social media, does every drawing you make have a background? that wasnt the case even before social media, its very normal, a background or environment isnt always needed

>> No.6730160

> talking about shit challenge
> elaborating on another useless challenge
god i love 4chan

>> No.6730193

>enter thread
>thread discusses things that the thread is about
>this upsets you for some reason

>> No.6730194
File: 138 KB, 861x1024, FyCfM9faMAAbYIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one is engaging and technically great tho
something more like this is what im talking about

>> No.6730209

Naked anime girls doing nothing but looking to the void catching a vibe and Dorontabi clones piss me off.

>> No.6730241

Eyes that have the sclera leaking into the eyelashes

>> No.6730330

example? That sounds like an ai art thing

>> No.6730331

That shit looks retarded

>> No.6730332


>> No.6730345
File: 213 KB, 482x285, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know if this is trendy anymore, but when artist post there artwork with pencils laying around, trying to create a "scene"

>> No.6730751

>make art to enjoy it
>but don't enjoy it this way, or enjoy earning praise
fucking dumbass.

>> No.6730783

nta but I think taking up challenges, like drawing, for the sake of external validation isn't a healthy way to live your life. It may do you better to work on building your self-confidence instead of trying to impress people.

>> No.6730786
File: 284 KB, 482x549, 5892842363426436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh Patreon
>Drawing utensils next to the drawing
>Excessive hashtags/shilling
>Pandering to the flavor of the month
>Pandering to memes
>Combining unrelated franchises like neco arc and breaking bad or dumb shit like that just for memes
>Cropped bust shots of generic girl trying to be cute
>Webcomics with dry witted humor
>Any "OC"
>Clickbait material
>Higher resolution version being held at ransom
>Anything which requires interaction with blogs, having to provide more views, etc. etc. etc.
>mspaint clearly visible so you know how """epic""" they are
>Posts the same image twice, one is a close up version
>Celebration piece for reaching follower milestone
>Anything NSFW or ecchi
>Posted sideways for phonefags
>Using a lot of different colors just to flex their color knowledge
>emojis in username
>(on hiatus) in username
>(comms open) in username
>posting a doodle in the comments underneath an illustration
>"pfp by" x artist in bio
>"banner by" x artist in bio
>strip games

>> No.6730792

>>Drawing utensils next to the drawing
As a beg I like this for being able to tell what medium was used.

>> No.6730828
File: 1.96 MB, 1562x1486, 2023-07-06 22_40_38-(1) low poly - Twitter Search _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one might be a stretch because it's 3d instead of drawing, but making things "low poly" as a buzzword. i searched on twitter for low poly and a bunch of shit with that tag wasn't even low poly. something more relevant to drawing is people making the laziest "pixel art" for a "retro" game that is supposed to be like a super nintendo game but it looks like an atari game

>> No.6730840

You sound really miserable, anon. Some of these like crediting in bio and having a signature aren't even trends, it's just something people do. The only one I agree that's annoying is the strip game one.

>> No.6730858

this shit makes me uncomfortable and I hate that it's become a trend

>> No.6730866

> Westerners making English language comics read right to left

>> No.6731044

but the backround has no difference betwen them, youre just lookin at two different pieces, the latter of which is both more niche in taste and more technically unskilled and unimpressive, and you cant figure out what you dont like about it so youre focusing on the one thing you can recognize

you need to learn to analyze art better
im serious, this isnt me trying to insult you, learn to tell what works and what doesnt and articulate it in your head

one major difference in presentation is that the first piece has more weight to it, the character looks like she exists even if you cant see the enviornment shes in, shes doing something, moving, emoting... the later piece is more sterile, the character exists in a weird state, her eyes are blank and her shape is floaty making her feel like shes not there
the backdrop has nothing to do with it, she would look just as out of place if there was a beach or something behind her because you just feel like it would look like a greenscreen, not an enviornment

>> No.6731049

>Muh Patreon
>Excessive hashtags/shilling
liteally just business practices, you whiny cow
the last one is very annoying, i agree, but its less of a trend of more of a behavior

>Drawing utensils next to the drawing
good for showing the medium, sucks when you know its only done for MUH AESTHETICS

>Pandering to the flavor of the month
>Pandering to memes
>Combining unrelated franchises like neco arc and breaking bad or dumb shit like that just for memes
i cant disagree, memes are ass cancer aids

>Cropped bust shots of generic girl trying to be cute
too vague, this can be done well or it can suck depending on context

not even an art thing, thats just an e-kid thing......

>Webcomics with dry witted humor
again, too vague, but ill agree if you mean some 'slice of life' bullshit that feels like the author assumes the dry convos she has with her girlfriends over coffee would be JUST A FUNNY in a scripted comic
ad libbed humor and scripted humor are very different and your life isnt that interesting maam

just a sucky thing in general, really, not unique to any form of art

>Any "OC"
karl youre an idiot

>Clickbait material
not unique to art but absolutely shit

>Higher resolution version being held at ransom
>Anything which requires interaction with blogs, having to provide more views, etc. etc. etc.
sucks, but unfortunately i can se the reasoning for these
still feels like some artists who do this dont really like making art
i think its more to do with intent, im not fond of artists who feel the need to be overly professionalist in this weird performative way where they act like theyre high end celebs even if theyre just internet doodlers

>mspaint clearly visible so you know how """epic""" they are
youre right there and i cant disagree

>> No.6731057

>Posts the same image twice, one is a close up version
im starting to wodnder if most of this list is just stuff that started annoyin you because you see it often, and not because theres really any issue with it
this is great for showing off detail

>Celebration piece for reaching follower milestone
lame, feels very "im not making art, im making CONTENT"

>Anything NSFW or ecchi
youre still a moron

>Posted sideways for phonefags

people make studies and post em, its fun and its good inspiration/practice, wtf are you talking about??

>Using a lot of different colors just to flex their color knowledge
or they just paiint with lots of different colors...
what in gods good green fertile fuck are you on about, anon? do you think before you speak?

>emojis in username
>(on hiatus) in username
>(comms open) in username

>posting a doodle in the comments underneath an illustration
dont see the issue if theres something they wanted to ad after the fact

>"pfp by" x artist in bio
>"banner by" x artist in bio
why not? if someone else made your art, credit them
im guessing you dont draw, do you, anon?

>strip games
first thing you said in this shitlist thats actually considered a trend
and ill agree, every trend of the week is gay

>> No.6731058

>make mediocre normiebait post
>[check comments]

idk if they realize that this makes their art seem very shallow and them, as a person, look incredibly pathetic and desperate
it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for their art in the future and makes me wanna engage with it less

see also
>[someone makes controversial yet good point about art]
>[entire comments full of kiddie shit-doodlers trying to flex by saying "oh YEAH? WELL I DREW THIS!" and its the ugliest thing youve ever seen]

this one is just funny
glass houses, yknow?

>> No.6731625

>entire comments full of kiddie shit-doodlers trying to flex by saying "oh YEAH? WELL I DREW THIS!" and its the ugliest thing youve ever seen

Do you have an example of this? I want to laugh at bad art.

>> No.6731649

no examples, i try not to follow people like that
but i remember there was a post passing around where some guy showed a classical masters painting and said "wow i cant believe a 16 year old made this" and some kida took it as an insult and started posting "WELL FUCK YOU, IM 16 OR YOUNGER AND MY ART SLAPS HARDER" and posted some right fucking garbage

you can also sometimes find it in the comments of a post about some designated le bad or #cancelled artist, people will start saltflinging and going "ignore this Bad Person^tm and come follow me my art is better"
is never better

>> No.6731735

Yeah I'm sure some people do it to try to "show off" their materials, I guess..? I mostly just see feel that way when it's Fountain Pen artists that care more about the pen/ink. "Here's my $200 pen in a $30 notebook with a mediocre sketch / pattern.
It probably mostly started with other art just to avoid the first question being "What materials did you use?" though

>> No.6731773



>> No.6732548

a lot of times the "pencils next to the art piece" thing is done by people who are insecure about the quality of their art so they have to make the image seem nicer in general, by tilting the camera and putting stuff in the foreground to hide the imperfections

>> No.6732553

Any art trend sucks. Trends suck.

>> No.6732559


>> No.6733251
File: 551 KB, 1550x1162, paint dot exe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your post just reminds me of the time i painted paint on canvas ...with paint.

>> No.6733255
File: 158 KB, 632x542, 1681701855309903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celebration piece for reaching follower milestone
This one

>> No.6733325

now THATS cool

>> No.6733564

That obnoxious fake-humble vibe where they're clearly proud of something they drew but put it down with half hearted critiques.
Fuckin humblebraggers.

>> No.6733566


>> No.6733823
File: 35 KB, 1024x576, 29ofzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733895

Rakugaki is not a trend, it means doodle in Japanese.

>> No.6733903

Can you post an example of what you mean?

>> No.6733930

Don't care.
Sick of seeing the phrase

>> No.6734125

Unfollow all nip artists and never go on Pixiv again then

>> No.6734207

How about growing a vocabulary, zoomzoom niggers?

>> No.6734211

>liteally just business practices, you whiny cow
If you use adblocker, you can't say shit.

>> No.6734223
File: 1.40 MB, 2120x1590, 1684766882509255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is very cute, but definitely not low poly.

I recently painted this on SAI to mimic retro games and used the hashtag, got reblogged by some gamedev profiles and even got an interested buyer for the 3D model that doesn't exist.

>> No.6734236

>got an interested buyer for the 3D model that doesn't exist.
Atleast you got confirmation you did a good job with your drawing

>> No.6734238

Am I weird? I am not against artists making/having patreon but it does piss me off when every post would shill their patreon. Even if I would be planning on making patreon somewhere in the future but I'll probably not shill them past a simple link on my Twitter bio.

>> No.6734241

>Finished work
I am starting to view this as a humblebrag of some sort

>> No.6734271
File: 63 KB, 618x511, 1672213805231400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an example, but I think he's talking about pic related.

>> No.6734275
File: 59 KB, 600x760, a49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all of these things

>> No.6734285
File: 1.22 MB, 871x867, 769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, something about big twitter artists really rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps I'm just jealous but the way they post annoys me. Even the artists that i actually like.

>> No.6734305

youre absolutely right, theres an observable pattern of behavior that sends alarm bells ringing in our head- we evolved pattern recognition for a reason, and when that pattern recognition ability tells us

>most twitter artists are very unpleasant people
>most twitter artists do X, Y and Z
>therefor when you see someone doing X, Y and Z, run because thats the sign of a twitter artist
we tend to listen to it

some of their behaviors arent even that bad on their own on their own. like, if i casually heard fome dude say the word "yikes", "my guy", "yall", "vibes" OR "wholesome", i wouldnt really bat an eye, theyre all expressions... but if i heard someone put all or most of them together in a sentence, that little alarm bell rings and tells me this isnt gonna get any better

>> No.6734310

>"yikes", "my guy", "yall", "vibes" OR "wholesome"
Allow me to add some obnoxious as hell Twitterbaby expressions to this list:

>'my brother in chris'
>"this is the most [no adjective-only a noun] ever!" ex: this skrunkly wunkly creecher is the most babygirl ever, my brother in christ!

>> No.6734324

How soulless do you have to be to not like MSpaint?

>> No.6734328

Looks like a shapeshifter losing coherency

>> No.6734335
File: 40 KB, 354x326, disgusted sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this skrunkly wunkly creecher is the most babygirl ever, my brother in christ!

>> No.6734341

It's not that MSpaint is bad, if anything, this annoys me more as someone who LOVES MSpaint, because leaving the tools in the picture you post on social media is attenton seeking behavior by high-up-their-own-ass e-artists who act like theyve just achieved a legendery accomplishment by managing to create such beautiful work in such a "bad" program
It's self fellating and gay

>> No.6734398

That's very cute anon, would play her game.

>> No.6734722

You just don't like art or artists.

>> No.6734727

Skrunkly and babygirl were just stolen from Tumblr, Twitter slang is obnoxious and not even original

>> No.6734751

tumblr also gave birth to "chungus"
many people dont know this because they associate the meme with reddit, but fun fact, the meme was originally created on tumblr as a part of the 'you can be funny without being offensive' momvement
you used to see full blown fucking PSA style posts saying shit like "why say slurs when you can just say CHUNGUS and everyone will burst out laughing lol lmao?" and it felt like some cringy shit your mom would say

speaking of cringe PSAs.... PSA style comics on twitter are so shit man.
every fucking comic where a guy says something mean, and the other guy looks away all sad and their face is shadowed and they go 'oh boohoo my feelings are so hurt im shaking and cowering and looking away'. its so fuckin gay its unbelievable, its the kinda shit a fucking theatre kid would shove you into a locker for
that, and vent comic. illustrations where you anthropomorphize your depression or fear of not 'being enough' whatever the hell that means, into a big shadowy wolf creature behind you.. where you draw yourself floating in space with your eyes clothes going 'uwu im hurt but im healing'...
what the fuck, man? good lord, can you imagine if schools still had schoolyard bullies? its clear they dont because these are the kinda kids who's populations bullies keep in check like the fucking ecosystem in the wild

>> No.6734761

i wouldnt shill so hard if it didnt work as well as it does

also a lot of these just read as "i dont like that artists make art"

>> No.6734768

>being jealous of others success and appreciation of their audience

>> No.6734839

I had no idea.
>why say slurs when you can just say CHUNGUS
This eerly mirrors the 'KUNG POW PENIS' spam back in the day. Given it was started by a bunch of unfunny bidoof's law teir retards I can assume its very much the same deal

>> No.6734843

most memes on tumblr were born the same way teasing tactics on the playground in first grade are born
someone says something that sounds very silly and keeps repeating it till it gets annoying, and now that its annoying they are under the impression that theyre... accomplishing something? by being a nuisance? because obviously if someone is telling you to knock it off, yknow youre doing something right

but unfortunately unlike in real life, theres no mom to come and slap these kids across the head and finally tell them to cut the shit

>> No.6734892

that's literally 99% of all artists, are you fucking ill

>> No.6735191

go back, cuntoid

>> No.6735204

you are retarded, kill yourself already, you are clearly unlovable anyway judging by your unreasonable anger
Verification not required

>> No.6735230

You just hate art.
No you're not, i had to unfollow people who constantly put patreon posts in their replies. Like I get it dude, you need to keep the lights on but even if I did support you I'd still see that shit. Imagine having a career in begging.
There's nothing wrong in showing appreciation for support unless you're a dickhead
It's primarily the big ones, simultaneously smug and miserable at the same time while twitter being their ONLY place to post.
Thank god i haven't seen any of this lingo.

>> No.6735246

To be fair, even as an artist myself I too dont like other artists. At least the ones on Twitter.

>> No.6735356

I agree with all these except two.

>> No.6735546

Art is inherently made to be shared

You draw for external validation, for people to like it, for people to enjoy what you enjoy as well. It's not a coincidence that art is exposed in galleries.

>> No.6735633

>invent [character] in your head
>say that only people like [character] do X or Y
>"thats not true anon, lots of people do"
>hmmm looks like we have a lot of them here, it cant be that im simply wrong in my assertion

>> No.6735636

What the hell DO you like, anon?

>> No.6735640


>> No.6735646

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.6736188
File: 232 KB, 1051x547, 1683580555141477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I saved this like 3 weeks ago, this was in an argument about AI art.

It was... unconvincing.

>> No.6736252

>anon's art isnt very good
>anon is still superior to a machine
also correct, even the worst of beginners is superior to AI just by virtue of being a part of the human master race, its true and AI fags cant take it
>anon is unfortunately also very, very autistic
that, too, is true....

>> No.6736255
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1688467977000092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing the thing again

>> No.6736263


>> No.6737775

"it's just a sketch"
>post full painting

>> No.6738210

>fully rendered
>scribble :3

>> No.6738486

why are 4channers convinced everything is a tranny psyop, it manages to make less sense that being convinced jews are behind everything.

>> No.6738495

i dont think its them being convinced of anything
at least people who believe jews are behind everything actually hold that belief... (and are partially right)

the tranny thing is really just obsession, a combination of porn addiction and paranoia

>> No.6738639

>Fully rendered piece

>> No.6738857

Same deal with wojak spam here.

>> No.6739072

> posts something to show they can draw in a different art style
>it looks the same as their usual art

>> No.6739091
File: 136 KB, 500x800, 19408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why s𐐬yjak spam is superi𐐬r.

>> No.6739326
File: 74 KB, 302x271, physically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basedjak posters genuinely seem mentally unwell to me, and im not even saying that in the "haha u retarded" sense of just being an insult
their behavior and posting patterns are exactly the same its almost like theyre proud of, and feel the need to defend, these silly little caricatures of ugly bearded men
its like pokemon to them, they collect them, they show them off, and if anyone says they suck theres inevitably going to be at least one mega autist posting them in response to prove how wrong you are
its like an emotional attachment
an emotional attachment to a meme of an ugly man with a funny face is various states, poses and clothing like its some kinda collectors item

>> No.6739534

now i also kinda hate paintfags, fuck you

>> No.6739556

the sad part is that these people arent actual mspaint users, most people cant even tell actual mspaint artists apart unless they ask because their art just looks good and they dont have to include the mspaint tools at the top in order for people to notice them
the people who do this are usually big artists who decided to turn the 'theehee i draw in mspaint isnt that craaazy?' into a gimmick only recently, and are giving everyone else who uses the program a bad name

>> No.6739558

>its like pokemon to them, they collect them, they show them off, and if anyone says they suck theres inevitably going to be at least one mega autist posting them in response to prove how wrong you are
This, as well as that thing they all do where they repeat what someone in the thread said without actually quoting their post and just add the weirdest most abstract soijak you've ever seen
Exclusively soijakfag behavior.... I'm convinced they all come from the sharty. Nevermind stuff like ponies or whatever else you're not allowed to post on 4chan, there should be a website-wide soijak ban as well

>> No.6739849

We just consider them clout chasers.
Unfortunately artists are one of the most attentionwhoring fags you can find. Speaking as someone who hangs around some art circles.

>> No.6739872

I'm fine with lactosereplacement-jaks despite them often being cringe.

But as for the sharty? Well some soijaks do come from there. Terminology like coal, gem, NAJ, IAJ, comes from there. But soijaks are a 4chan native phenomenon as well, the sharty is just a branch of the site.
However, the sharty is a disgusting place which we would be better off without.. I genuinely think /pol/ is better.

>> No.6740643

>However, the sharty is a disgusting place which we would be better off without.. I genuinely think /pol/ is better.
oh boy you're in for a rough ride since 24th feb. 2022 especially

t.stands with ukraine (obviously)

I will now shut up again as this is offtopic.
The biggest art trend I don't like?
well corporate art of course

>> No.6740672

>>Combining unrelated franchises like neco arc and breaking bad or dumb shit like that just for memes
I actually like these though since it's fun to see different characters interacting

>> No.6740674

what's her name?

>> No.6740680


>> No.6740683

very cute knight + ojousama vibe

>> No.6740692

there's at least one guy who manage to make a well quality "edit" out of it though and it's that chudjack guy. Really like his ironic satire of tradition painting.

>> No.6740713
File: 1.61 MB, 3600x1774, 34739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the french anon? I love his stuff.

>> No.6740734
File: 247 KB, 2000x2528, chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know he was french. I remember seeing him on /lit/ or /his/ and ask why he keep drawing chudjack like these edits

>> No.6740741
File: 83 KB, 850x520, me paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740870

nah just because it looks somewhat technically impressive doesnt mean its not autism
it gives me the same exact feeling as those people who have decent illustration skills but use them exclusively to make art of pokemon being bumraped

>> No.6740889
File: 32 KB, 981x1608, 35136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6740993
File: 619 KB, 1242x933, 1668712198789284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel it's Alaïsa. I've created a lot of content for her after making this page, still have to update it:

But if you'd like to see her personality in action, here are her comics from the Crab tournament that just finished:
Round 1 https://imgur.com/a/a6amFdX
Round 2 https://imgur.com/a/vdxKw1p
Round 3 https://imgur.com/a/mm16REO

Opponent comics:
R1 (Timestamps: 1:00 and 5:07) https://vimeo.com/818995002
R2 https://imgur.com/a/H2VoGAu
R3 https://imgur.com/a/aQOa3yr (rushed WIP, author is redoing the ending and adding colors soon)

>> No.6741002

Cute comics anon. Sorry for calling her Helga.

>> No.6741668
File: 2.81 MB, 2292x3051, coronationofthevirgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's certainly more creative than the rest, but a lot of the time his stuff just comes across as shitty pol-tier propaganda.

There are exceptions of course.

>> No.6741997

Congratulations, Reddit, now you understand how it feels to watch any media on mainstream channels for a normal person.

>> No.6742645

Not being rude but do you happen to be on thr spectrum? People like that tend to really enjoy unrelated properties interacting

>> No.6742666

youre not there, but close, his art comes across as obnoxious 'le ironeee XD' crap, like seeing a totally normative guy doodle intentionally ugly sonic ocs in order to get noticed and appear ironically autistic or be "the next chris chan"

also you successfully said something thats gonna get people reeeeee-ing

>> No.6742686

>generic instathot portrait (usually with exaggerated freckles) with zero expression
Most of my peeves are with character design trends though
>retarded horns for no fucking reason
>shark teeth
>multicolored hair
All that deviantart donut steel shit

>> No.6742994

>retarded horns for no fucking reason
It's ok if they're oni/devils
>shark teeth
Fuck you I like them
>multicolored hair
Yeah, heterochromia too

>> No.6743160

Not everything has an ulterior motive, anon. Some people just like drawing silly stuff.

>> No.6743214
File: 60 KB, 720x720, f1daf2ac50642857edd6aabcbd765577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what show is super guilty of this...

>> No.6743218

Should be mandated by law. I don't wanna ask source everytime I see art by an artist I an now interested in but it gas no name or signature.

>> No.6743219

I think he means tryhard western artists who say this to sound japanese when they don't live there or speak the language. i know it annoys me

>> No.6743269

kek,people have been saying vibes for at least 50 years
you just expose yourself as a socially retarded oldfag imbecile that just caught on to zoomers rehashing 20th century slangs a few years ago

>> No.6743280

I wonder if nips feel the same annoyance with nip artists using English terms like doodle or scribble.

>> No.6743409

You can barely type, do not give your "opinion" on the topic of language.

>> No.6743732

I dont like signatures on artwork. It speaks "pay attention to me!"

>> No.6743790

No, it says "This was made by me". Same reason why everyone in any other creative medium attaches a name to their works.

>> No.6743802

This is sick, what is SAI?

>> No.6744359

Paint Tool SAI, anon. Just a barebones but decent drawing program.

>> No.6744711

That's the entire fucking point. Do you get angry at books when they have the author or illustrator named too? Do you get angry at book colophons?

>> No.6745713

>Anything NSFW or ecchi
Not a trend and some people just like making it, kys not everything is for gay likes.

>> No.6745725

>Any "OC"
>Celebration piece for reaching follower milestone
>Anything NSFW or ecchi
>Using a lot of different colors just to flex their color knowledge
>posting a doodle in the comments underneath an illustration
These are all fine.
But yeah anyone doing any of the others should rot in hell.

>> No.6745778

>>Anything NSFW or ecchi
these two words, as well as "r36", evoke such little internet child associations when referring to porn or smut
"NSFW" in particular makes me think of a 15 year old bisexual girl on twitter who cries when she sees a anime boobie

>> No.6745779

i meant "r34"*

>> No.6745899

Those follower milestone bits are very annoying. Yeah we get it, you're popular. Next please. I used to do it at around <1k follower but then I feel like this feels. like showing off and adds no value so I stopped doing that.

>> No.6745918

its also very impersonal, isnt it? when you have just a couple of followers, its like youre thanking each and every one individually
but when you have a few thousand of them, its just that, a milestone, "wow guys i accomplished that thing i was gonna accomplish, heres a doodle, thank you for being a part of a statistic"

>> No.6745932

>>posting a doodle in the comments underneath an illustration
The fuck is your problem faggot? Kys you bitter trash bitch

>> No.6745950

If you post art on twitter or Insta you are doing it for likes

>> No.6746046

Nope, those authors and illustrators deserved the "I made dis" trademark. The ones I kept seeing on Twitter / DA however, has signatures more gaudy than the artwork it is attached to. Which is why it screams "pay attention to me!" when the piece itself is average at best.

>> No.6746053

speaking of signatures, ive seen a few lol worthy artists use their political beliefs as a watermark
like, youll see some mediocre furry porn piece and it has huge semitransparent text in the foreground saying shit like "ACAB BLM GAY RIGHTS" or something
its actually hilarious, ill see if i can find it