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File: 487 KB, 1500x1173, stock-photo-business-man-displaying-a-spread-of-cash-over-a-green-vintage-background-146762978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6739978 No.6739978 [Reply] [Original]

How much have you made so far as an artist? Comms, Patreon, employment etc.

>> No.6739983

About 3000-4000 bucks through comms and monthly supporters

>> No.6739986

you guys make money?

>> No.6739987

it would be dumb to not take money to draw what i would draw anyways and drawing comms to scene personas and roleplayers bring new watchers

>> No.6739991

I don't know, but I could make at least a grand if I could just force myself to clear out my comms queue. Instead I'll just sit around all day wishing that I could draw well

>> No.6740016

0 rubles and 13 internet dopamine points

>> No.6740027

Over the course of a few years, I made 10 comic books with about 20 pages each for a porn website. In total, I earned around 10,000 USD. I haven't worked with that website since last year, but they always have their doors open.
Some guy hired me to do the assets for a porn game. I usually charged 45 USD for each character and 50 USD for each background, although sometimes I charged less for simpler things. I haven't heard from him in a while. I don't know how much money I charged him in total before we cut off communication.
An adult content creator has hired me a few times to draw some of his ideas. He usually paid me 80 USD per drawing (they were complex drawings with several characters). The last thing I did for him was a 36-page comic, for which I earned around 5000 USD.
Some people have managed to get my personal email address and made me take some commissions. I don't like to work on commissions because I never know how much to charge. Also, I did a 10-page comic for one of them and the guy never paid me, but I'm partially to blame for that.

I don't know if it's too much or too little money, to tell you the truth. Lately, I barely have enough to support my family and pay for my mother's health care.

>> No.6740049

I made around $70 in 12 years of drawing, I thought it was a skill issue but it's just because I don't draw porn lmao

>> No.6740054

About $100-$150, but that's mostly to cover the shipping costs, not so much actual profit.

>> No.6740079

>I made 10 comic books with about 20 pages each for a porn website. In total, I earned around 10,000 USD.

Did you color and letter it, too? That means you made about $50 p/page.

The 36 page one was way more worth it at almost $140 p/page.

>> No.6740086

Wiat a second... I think I made a mistake. That guy paid around $2000 per comic. That means I actually earned around $20,000.
You were right, anon. Sorry for that.
>Did you color and letter it, too?
Yes, I was also in charge of the script. As for the other guy, he pays me more and also provides me with the comic script, so it's a better deal.

>> No.6740088
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, ABAF30FF-590C-46FD-89A9-3730A8B1AFB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around $200k

>> No.6740097

I did coms casually for about a year and made around 1500 I think? Soul crushing work, but I really just wanted my tablet to pay for itself, and it was good mileage at least

>> No.6740136

Give blog?
>I must learn.

>> No.6740152
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t. >>6739983

>> No.6740200

>Yes, I was also in charge of the script. As for the other guy, he pays me more and also provides me with the comic script, so it's a better deal.

Yeah, the new client is giving you a much better deal! I know that, for myself, I won't go under $50 p/pencils and inks and if it's for a larger company I demand way more. If it has to be that low the story better be amazing. Especially with how much work comics are and what's worse is that you are doing the script, too.

Do you feel like doing that helped you in your art career in the long run though?

I know that some people get really upset about artists being paid pennies, but at the same time I feel like it can take time to get comfortable enough to get to that step. If you don't have a lot of confidence in yourself the chances of you charging much lower are higher. Yet, the more you learn and the more confidence you end up having the more money you will get comfortable charging. That's why it pisses me off more when it's more famous and more successful artists saying shit like that. They can speak from experience, but it's not as if they were saying that when they were starting out.

I guess it's about knowing what you and your time is worth, but for some people they have to work up to that point.

>> No.6740204

Do I need to do commissions?

I just want to draw porn and have patreon paypigs

>> No.6740208
File: 962 KB, 500x282, huell money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5.11 USD
Only two people have commissioned me, and they're both friends of mine.

>> No.6740211

It depends. If you can get to point you can draw whatever you want and people pay you for it then you don't have to do commissions.

For example, if you are making some kind of product for people to enjoy then they can just pay you for it. That way if they want a commission from you you can then charge $$$$$ for it since it would be more worth it for yourself to do it. If you don't want to do them at all then you don't have to.

>> No.6740219
File: 210 KB, 635x675, not my work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I earn twice what the janny does for obvious reasons. I could scam a poor dude out of 10$ but that hardly seems worth the 3-5 hours of work I'd then spend drawing.

>> No.6740253

It's funny you mention it, but I feel like working on those comics has made me progress a little bit as an artist. In a way, I was trying to make each one look better than the last. Of course, that doesn't mean I feel like a pro now, but I think I have at least a little more experience than before. And I won't deny it, being able to write the scripts allowed me to avoid drawing things I considered unpleasant or unattractive.
>Yet, the more you learn and the more confidence you end up having the more money you will get comfortable charging. That's why it pisses me off more when it's more famous and more successful artists saying shit like that
I have to agree with you. To be honest, I had a hard time getting into this at first because I didn't feel I was good enough to charge for my services. Taking that step is difficult for some people.

>> No.6740712
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It costs me money to make art . I have lost a lot. But that's going to change.

>> No.6743895

It is and sometimes I feel that artists who are always screaming that are online aren't really considering that. I know they try to tell people that they are worth it, but the truth of the matter is that if you don't feel like you are then those words mean nothing.

>> No.6743915

Honestly couldn't put a number on it. I've randomly done comms, designed tattoos, and sold merch across a decade now. Some months making literally zero dollars. Other's making random money here and there. Never enough to really make a difference though.

>> No.6743980

While I have some consistency with one guy I'm lucky if anyone else ever wants to bother comming me and I'll be even luckiet if they remember that they said they wanted to comm in the DMs
I don't keep track of how much I make on Comms though, I don't get enough attention for that to be worth the braincells

Around 124 bucks because people like leaving a lot
Now Patreon wants my Government ID and a selfie of my face AND is bothering me about some shit I posted a year back that they don't like suddenly and are threatening to suspend me if I don't get rid of it so I'm moving to Fanbox and SubscribeStar which means I'll be right back to 0
At least then I'll be able to post what mad emy audience grow in the first place and possibly make more over there

>> No.6745387

Maybe $25,000 over 5 years

>> No.6745388

i think around 5~600 dollars

>> No.6745407
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Roughly 1.7k in the span of 3 years with a total of roughly 44 commissions. It's a very low number, but in my defense, a lot of my time from my schedule was taken by college (and my irl job) and there are abysmal time gaps between the commissions that are parallel with the college semesters, I could've gotten a lot more money if I had a more open schedule to draw and applied myself a lot more.

Still, and even if Im happy with that number happening at all, Im disappointed at myself for not stepping up specially because I do have the abilities to pull off a lot more. I need to step up.

>> No.6745418

over last 3 years sold about 20k in paintings, still at a loss cuz of gallery commisions, material cost + studio rent. in it for the long game + the fun