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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.34 MB, 1300x2275, IMG_9475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6733129 No.6733129 [Reply] [Original]

why is this guy’s art so soulless?

he seems to have a decent grasp on fundamentals and it definitely isn’t ai (though it does look a bit like ai) so why is it so soulless? how can you prevent so much soullessness in your art?

i’ll also post more examples of his art

>> No.6733131
File: 3.50 MB, 1560x2402, IMG_9478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733132
File: 2.19 MB, 1400x2267, IMG_9479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733135
File: 1.51 MB, 1274x2000, IMG_9480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733153

His tutorial videos are pretty good. He really trained himself to draw the way most japanese illustrators do down to the method and is articulate enough to teach that to those who aspire to that same look. But anyway, there's nothing really objectively wrong here skill wise, but yeah it's very cookie cutter, standard anime girl drawings. I guess that's the "soul" or lackthereof. He can definitely do with experimenting and pushing his style further but some people either just got to this phase recently or like it enough that they're satisfied and that's fine.

>> No.6733160

you're quite butthurt but I do understand. He uses csp 3d models and it retains the stiffness of those a bit. He does very basic pinup poses with not much foreshortening. He also does very basic lighting, minimal value range on the characters themselves. He's good but that's pretty much it, it's indistinguishable from 90% of his competition, lots of room for growth still.

>> No.6733170

The drawings just look like generic moe girl with a generic background that looks like an afterthought. It's devoid of any narrative or storytelling that could elevate it. That being said it's definitely not bad.

>> No.6733176

He's not feeling the form.

>> No.6733184

he's good at what he does and considering he's really young and has been drawing for only 4 years he has a lot of room to growth and develop his style

>> No.6733185

>why is this guy’s art so soulless?
Because he uses 3d models as a base. His tutorials are solid though.

>> No.6733200

The way they draw is pretty much a trap. The organized format where all the lighting elements are separate reaches its limits when you try to get into dynamic lighting and when you try anything extreme with your values. The structured way they paint is good for retroactively changing stuff and for maintaining consistency but fails when you have a larger scope or really complicated pictures or when you have to move things around on the fly. It's very inflexible but at the same time, a comfortable workflow since you pick colors very rarely. Don't do that layered workflow and stick with painting freely if you don't want to have the same looking works as everyone else.

>> No.6733221

Where can I find these tutorials? Not familiar with this artist.

>> No.6733226


>> No.6733228

It's pedoshit and fundies =/= good art

>> No.6733236
File: 480 KB, 3098x1915, FypGK6JaEAA2PhT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same deal as tppo and other "HERE'S HOW TO DRAW LIKE THE JAPANESE ANIME ARTISTS DO" one trick youtubers/artists who are lacking fundamental draftsmanship skill and try to make up for it with fancy photoshop effects and le japanese do it so its automatically better. Sure they can teach pretty well but I would prefer it more if teachers where worth a little bit more salt.
This. After doing trad painting for a while, I've learned that I really dislike the multiply soft round warm red shadow layers/cool purple methodology of working. I much prefer expressive linework and simplistic washes now a days.

>> No.6733243

literally who

>> No.6733244

the ultra-rendered japanese twitter artist style is very common

>> No.6733248

is this guy japanese or american? he speaks japanese but he has a standard american accent and i don’t know what to believe

>> No.6733256

why does it matter

>> No.6733259

These first four images are vtubers aren't they? That's inherently souless. Reminds me of Atahuta, as soon as he started drawing only vtubers his stuff became souless.

>> No.6733260

it doesn’t really matter i’m just curious, i’m not one of those weeb purists who say they only like anime made by japanese people

>> No.6733265

He sounds gay

>> No.6733267

not that anon but he's unlikely to be japanese.
he does a pretty common pronunciation mistake that even pretty decent speakers make where he enunciates every syllable very clearly
if you've opened a japanese textbook you'll often see the book tell learners to say dess instead of desu; it's that same thing, except it also happens with a lot of k-sounds. he messes up pronunciation of 1/2/3 kage in the shadows video

>> No.6733273

He's Australian, but probably has some Asian blood in him.

>> No.6733274

1girl drawings where the artist doesn't actually care for the girl they are creating and are just doing it for the sake of having something to post will always be soulless

>> No.6733322

thank you, brother

>> No.6733333

Cause it’s the same shit that everyone posts

>> No.6733340

Stop copying Japanese shit and start combining the best elements of all cultures.

>> No.6733343

what would you consider the best elements of different cultures?

>> No.6733358

That's subjective to just give a straight answer for, but I suppose the thicker linework of American animation is one, the stylisable of body types from France is another, the use of colors and expression from Spanish countries, the exotic landscapes of Japan and other asian places, etc etc. If you like many cultures, learn from them to make your art look better. Most of the time most artist just don't draw very complex, they only keep it local or just as introvert as possible with just generic settings with a single subject as the focus with the one style based on something well known, like anime.

>> No.6733363
File: 570 KB, 1582x2048, FzW1feXXgAIza0-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic pixiv style
>generic composition
>generic expressions with very little variation in eyes
>generic airbrushed lighting, no contrast anywhere
>background adds nothing in the first two pictures, it may as well not be there
>no movement, no/uninteresting action, no gesture, nothing to chew on
It's competently done but all done in the most unimaginative way possible. This guy is clearly capable of drawing well so I hope he disconnects from Vtuber garbage and experiments a little more. As it stands, even someone with lesser rendering skills can make art exponentially more interesting than his just by including any of the things I mentioned above.

>> No.6733365

>anime girl pinup portrait
>any amount of soul at all
Gee whiz Einstein, not sure about this one.

>> No.6733608

To me soul is
>Guy draws shit he really really likes over a thousand times.
>Guy draws FotM girl for the purpose of gaining more popularity
Doesn't matter how much technical skill is put in. Maybe if he was unique enough in his aesthetic I'd be more inclined to like the guy more.

>> No.6733612

What’s wrong with wanting to be popular? Worked for Mr Beast.

>> No.6733623

More or less there's this layer of fakeness/non-genuine feel to it and is simply doing it for profit? Nothing wrong with that since money is survival but I'd appreciate someone who's /int/ or higher /beg/ who really likes what they made over someone popular doing fotm stuff that he'll forget within a month. Think of something like being a secondary to a niche you like.

>> No.6733728
File: 389 KB, 1200x1029, 105038648_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls just standing there are boring.
It's good from technical standpoints but you need more than just a pretty face, actions, situations, style, something to give the character life and not just be a portrait.

>> No.6733729

KYS realismfag

>> No.6733731

>expressive linework and simplistic washes
elaborate please

>> No.6733733

>girl standing
>no composition
All of these things are luxuries and crutches. You are ngmi if you can't make a pin-up of a girl standing with no composition appealing. It betrays a fundamental lack in both skill and appeal.

>> No.6733749

It's because it's not expressing anything. It's not drawn with any energy or emotion on part of the artist. It's correct, it's well rendered, but it's drawn with no love, lust, joy, sadness, adoration or any other emotion one might associate with this subject matter. Not to say he doesn't feel any of these things for the subject matter, it's just not conveyed through the work. Perhaps his process is part of this problem, perhaps not.

>> No.6733753

>it's drawn with no love, lust, joy, sadness, adoration or any other emotion one might associate with this subject matter
Yet somehow he gets 30k likes.

>> No.6733758

What does that have to do with my post? There's plenty of artists with the same issue who are far more popular than this rando. Sakimichan immediately comes to mind. None of this is necessary to becoming popular, it's merely something that can lead to "soulless" artwork.

>> No.6733768
File: 462 KB, 2252x887, 1r5eft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also drew a vt*ber recently. It's the same as >>6733131. Rate my soul.

>> No.6733771

Comparing a sketch to a finished painting is apples to oranges. Finish it, then a comparison will make sense.

>> No.6733790

Already like your oujou a lot better because it's a far more interesting pose. I would like to see it finished too though.

>> No.6733811

Im a retard but those lines and all look so clean, very neat anon, from my perspective ygmi

>> No.6733818
File: 421 KB, 614x461, 1449381163560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a bit of pickle right now when it comes to painting. I've been trying to develop lineless/painterly style (opposite of OP artist) that complements complete compositions with environments and such, but I'm now also being praised for my draftsmanship.

>> No.6733822
File: 846 KB, 1200x1788, Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic, the Mona Lisa is a soulless painting. Though desu it really is overrated and only got popular because of other factors

>> No.6733843

this is exactly it. He doesn't want to be unique or interesting. His goal is to draw like an average nip, which I guess he achieved

>> No.6734155

Traces 3D models. I don’t know the artist but those hands are a dead giveaway. Soul is a human trait; over-reliance on machines saps it.

>> No.6734168

Is this the thread?

>> No.6734195

It is soulless

>> No.6734201

The "factor" is that it was made long before most of the tools we have now exist and looks damn good, unbelievably good, at least for the time and even until a few years ago.

It's like the difference between someone making a detailed figurine by hand vs someone using a 3d printer today to make perfect figurines instantly and you get desensitized to it.

>> No.6734209

I wonder if all that cash is even his, considering he works for an agency.

>> No.6734252

i ease thinking those hands looked off, that’s definitely the reason why it looks like that

in the other pictures the hands look different so he can draw hands he just… chose not to

>> No.6734586

Its one among many other great portrait paintings of its time. The factors I meant involves things outside of the canvas like how Da Vinci was mythologized, the theft of the painting in 1900s and some more contemporary shillings the painting received.

>> No.6734967

>definitely isn’t ai (though it does look a bit like ai)
some artists had proompter-tier outputs even before ai, like sakimichan or jmg, they just shit out sameface boring pinups, uninspired and boring

>> No.6735311
File: 1.57 MB, 868x1228, 102368526_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735453

it looks cute. seems like a dumb crab thread