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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 354 KB, 2000x700, just draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6729616 No.6729616 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread : >>6725587

>> No.6729633

Should i ignore book advice if it seems to be making me worse as opposed to better?
Drawing for the absolute and utter beginner tells me to first draw outline whenever i copy anything and to draw the lines as long as i can before they reach their conclusion.
However my results are much worse when i do it this way as opposed to just copying it as i see it bit by bit.

>> No.6729651
File: 394 KB, 1080x1080, 98BD35DD-D4A3-4499-8BA7-17F076228E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still life of my bathroom bag with 1 light source

>> No.6729658

very nice
keep at it
maybe even repaint it a few times eventually to see if your later paintings are better than your first

>> No.6729663

Imagine wasting 10 years just to barely reach low /int/
Just more proofs that it's all talent and genetics

>> No.6729672

What else are you gonna do with that time either way?
Your choices here are to try to do something and then maybe do it or try nothing at all and then do nothing.

>> No.6729673
File: 1016 KB, 1840x1632, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deconstruction and drawing through really helped me feel the form a bit more, I recommend. Also, critique?

>> No.6729675

someone uploaded my drawing to gelbooru
ive made it

>> No.6729676

Although yeah getting there in a time lesser than ten years would've been mighty nice indeed.

>> No.6729677

it's a meme you dip

>> No.6729681

So realistically how long does it take to get from beg to int.
Either under the assumption of steady work five to eight hours a day. Or in just pure workhours like how many hundred or thousands.

>> No.6729690
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration11 (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another cube for you guys

>> No.6729751
File: 1.31 MB, 1170x1519, IMG_9394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch from last night, i’ve already added base colors at this point but i don’t feel like getting on my computer yet

>> No.6729763
File: 1.48 MB, 1647x2313, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows the composition and values? its a thumbnail

>> No.6729772
File: 3.34 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot that i started shading

also critique is welcome

>> No.6729775

looking good king

>> No.6729783

not sure if that's meant to be a girly dude or a buff girl

>> No.6729797

yeah i have that problem a lot… he’s meant to be a dude…

most of the men a draw look like women yet when i actually go draw with the intention to draw a woman it looks trash

>> No.6729817

You can make bank off of troons by calling him enby

>> No.6729824

Over thirty years of failure later, will /ic/ stop pretending I'm GMI? Will they kneel and accept I was right all along?

>> No.6729845

A trans woman i've known has achieved masterclass of skill just after one 80hours course in drawing which she took in person.
I've been stuck with the /beg/ books for three years now. I wish i could just give up and do nothing but a desire yearns within me to raise above nothingness even though i have clearly lost the genetic lottery for drawing(as well as many other things)

>> No.6729864

>trans woman
Zero relevance to your story…

>> No.6729867

watch this video please

>> No.6729881

the more queer you are the better you are at art, sorry it's a historical fact, we can't compete with trans queens

>> No.6729884

is it normal for everything to take hours to draw? No matter how big?
Drawing a full person, 2 hours.
Drawing one hand, 2 hours.
Drawing just a head, 500 hours.
Most of the time I'm erasing and retrying, nothing ever looks good the first time.

>> No.6729885

Try making the jaw less pointy and lowering the hairline, women actually are all at Norwood III and the entire hair styling industry is a cope

>> No.6729887

He's mentally insane and gets pampered by society, you'll never be able to compete against that.

>> No.6729890

yes. even trash takes hours to finish if you are trying. like a 1"x1" square can take half hour on its own to ink if its some grass or foliage. a simple headshot portrait can be scribbled out in like half hour, but to actually make it a finished piece would be hours.

>> No.6729892

why don’t you take a course then?

>> No.6729908

>why don’t you take a course then?
1.She studies at the university which will be hosting the only course that's nearby me and i would rather not see her in person ever.
2.I'm a social sperg and would prolly make an ass out of myself if i were to enroll in such a course.
3. I have tried to learn many skills throughout the course of my life and have not suceed a single time so at this point i'm doubtful of whether or not i'll even be able to change anything with or without a course.

Its pretty affordable as far as money goes though

>> No.6729913

thanks, I feel better.

>> No.6729936

>40 minutes
no thanks im going to keep looking at my rubiks cube and drawing it in different angles until i figure out how to do anything else. I'll update you the next time i draw it

>> No.6729947

Bros am I retarded or why is drawing the head so hard? Should I just copy heads from different angles and learn it that way, instead of doing loomis without reference? Or paper method? I feel like giving up this is not fun.

>> No.6729958

do both
copy heads using measurement techniques to learn their proportions and shapes
then try to construct them using loomis (still using reference)

>> No.6729959

why did you add my retarded head to the op my god

>> No.6729971


>> No.6729972

learn to draw a skull in different positions. it will open your third eye.

>> No.6730008

but skulls are scary anon

>> No.6730017

Can anyone tell me how to pick my sub surface scattering colors?

>> No.6730020

you have one inside your head. right now.

>> No.6730053
File: 184 KB, 1024x1409, exp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730056
File: 205 KB, 1024x1409, exp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730060
File: 360 KB, 1024x1345, Sae-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730062
File: 3.19 MB, 2537x3382, Peach Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730072


>> No.6730083

I need a bulk amount of photo reference please. I've burnt through sketch daily, line of action and various flicker albums. I just want to download thousands of images of people for my phone.
Please and thank you!

>> No.6730092

well, it does say that mentally ill people obsessed with sex can do it. Very inspiring.

>> No.6730098


>> No.6730101

I wish you could see these excuses through my eyes.
You will NEVER gonna make it. But the course itself is not really the reason.

>> No.6730112


>> No.6730113
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x2400, MidnaWeird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys check perspective on things like Midna's helmet? With it being kinda rounded it's really hard.

>> No.6730116

Sorry forgot to resize :(

>> No.6730118

if you're looking for sfw you can find a bunch on pinterest and reddit. for nsfw/nude references the other boards here are gold. /s/, /hm/, /hc/ are good for nudes/porn references. reddit would also fit for this category.
you could also go out in public and draw from life. i like going to the mall and drawing quick sketches of people walking by :)

>> No.6730123

Good job Anon

>> No.6730124

I'd like to be, but it took a couple of days to complete.
>First you git gud, then you git fast, then you git gud and fast

>> No.6730136

Why am I good at copying stuff but when it comes to drawing from imagination it looks like something a third-grader would draw

>> No.6730142
File: 428 KB, 929x1063, 1688670644850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's over before it even began. I spent couple months just copying photos, doing exercises from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and Keys to Drawing. Some of them I even liked. I decided to move on to Figure Drawing by Hampton. After reading about gesture drawing and landmarks I tried to do quick 2 minutes gesture + placing ribs and hips. Not a single line in my practice feels right, and if I can see the things I got wrong with gesture, when it comes to ribs and hips I have nothing. I stare for minutes at the reference, at the book and no matter how many lines I try out, it looks light years off. I don't think I can just slam my head against the wall doing 1000 shit gestures and hope I get magically better. I don't feel the form whatsoever. I learn nothing, while doing this, except that I can't do it right.

>> No.6730153

any tips on how to do lineart on screenless tablet?

>> No.6730157

Do you garden? Looks like garden wire.

>> No.6730175
File: 475 KB, 981x1489, mai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to emulate some elements of my fav artists as always

>> No.6730176
File: 774 KB, 1600x2000, gesturehelpmaybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How closely are you following the book? Cause for me I have a hard time laying cubic forms on gesture. I would recommend tracing over the reference you have. And remember the gesture is the FLOW of the figure not the contours. Proko's video "How to Draw Gesture" at 0:45 reeeeeeeeeeallly helped me understand what to focus on with gesture. If you have anymore questions I'll be lurking in this thread for a bit so reply with them. Although I'm still a beg too so don't expect too much.

>> No.6730178

There was a question that came up last thread that really stumped me:

How are you supposed to improve if you have ABSOLUTELY NO artists you have as faves? Is this a stonewall that no artist expects you to encounter?

>> No.6730179

I'm a pre-beg so my opinon's worthless but i really like it, especially the face

>> No.6730186

I don't like the font or the font color

>> No.6730189
File: 563 KB, 710x799, 1688672939148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And remember the gesture is the FLOW of the figure not the contours.
I don't get it. In the book gestures Hampton provides are clearly contours. He states you shouldn't draw contours. But how are these not contours? I mean they are not 1:1 contours, but these are clearly contours regardless

>> No.6730196

I tried to emulate the TP font color but it came out bad :(

>> No.6730199

Right here he's adding the contours to show something that makes sense to beginners. Kinda like how he lays forms onto it to show the development.

>> No.6730200

I'm a beginner and I dgi

>> No.6730201

from my experience I think it's crucial to want to draw like someone specific.
better yet, to draw it in a desired form, meaning that you want this art to look like it belogs in a comic, or a visual novel, or maybe an illustration for a loading screen in a game
this drawing just mainly elements I borrowed from other artists, this includes some stylization of the anatomy, shading, coloring, obviously this is an anime-style facial stylization etc
I just wanna express my ideas in a palpable form, not invent some groundbreaking style

>> No.6730202

So what if you don't? What if you want to draw, but out of all the artists you've seen, all the cavemen paintings, all the classical artists, all the 4chan drawfags, all the artists you find on pixiv, twitter, instagram, artstation, and so on... Not a single one deeply appeals to you?

>> No.6730207
File: 459 KB, 1197x817, gesturehelp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a little example. I haven't touched the book in a while but I want to say he says "Think of the flow as a river traveling from the head to the weight bearing leg" or something like that.

>> No.6730208
File: 320 KB, 945x709, 1688674059924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shitty attempt. I spent 30 minutes on it redrawing it 10 times and it still doesn't feel right.

>> No.6730211

Do you have some you at least like? If so look at what they do and take the elements of it that you like and try and tweak the things you don't. But this is kinda hard at least for me since you have to REALLY analyze why you like and dislike something.

>> No.6730212

Thank you, I understand it better, but the book is just fucking confusing to me, all the gestures he shows go against his own words, I feel like I have to already know how to do figure drawing to approach Hampton

>> No.6730215

is there a name for this model?

>> No.6730217

how often must i stravinsky until i get his stupid fucking clothign right

>> No.6730224

But i want to make it. I really do.
She was a better person than i'll ever be. My point is moreso about genetic determinism and all that. Some people are gonna turn into masters with eighty hours of work while i'm doomed to forever try but never suceed.
Its like that with all and any other avenues of life. I'm afraid i may forever be stuck a /beg/

>> No.6730233
File: 75 KB, 466x914, Screenshot_20230706-221454_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current attempt at improving, i cleaned up my lines somewhat compared to last thing i drew, is the anatomy ok,
does anything look kinda off?
Leather bikiny folds, do they look ok?
What could use some work
Any Examples of the top of your head of things i did (bikiny, musculature ecc) being done better?

Does anyone feel confident in their opinion on : am i low beg ,mid beg, high beg , low int .(i am a bit full of myself currently and unobjective in my own assesement of my own skill due to this thing >pic related
seeming like an improvement to me )

>> No.6730234
File: 387 KB, 617x1221, 90526F43-DC47-4796-9C07-A6FFA3CCFB41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any pointers for painting jeans? I can’t figure this shit out

>> No.6730236

No idea, it's just a random picture from SketchDaily.net

>> No.6730243
File: 209 KB, 2418x4120, 1688675378714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is full picture if you want it. It's called Reaching_by_mjranum_stock

>> No.6730244

Np. But if the book is confusing try putting it down for a bit. Maybe Hampton doesn't work for you try looking into Bridgman or even your favorite artist. You don't have to follow a set path. Art should make you happy not stressed.

>> No.6730247

That's the problem. I've tried that before, but when I look at artists I like, it turns into a resounding "meh" after I try to analyze why I like and dislike their style, and then I go back to passively consuming their output. I don't have a single favorite artist and if you asked me if I ever wanted to emulate the style of any of the artists I post, I'd have to say no.

>> No.6730248

You do not need a fave artist , just pieces that you like.
Your ribcage sketch (sternum) seems turned thorwards her right, while hers is looking thorwards her left ever so slightly
Same story with the pelvis (pelvic box you have there) turn it to the other side ever so slightly

>> No.6730253
File: 2.50 MB, 1025x868, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what level is this and how do I go about learning to draw like it?

>> No.6730271
File: 1.44 MB, 1170x1551, IMG_9412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done, critique welcome as always

i think this helped make him look a bit more manly so thanks anon

>> No.6730280

What exactly do you want to draw?

>> No.6730283
File: 232 KB, 711x948, IMG_8448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i built this after a beach trip anon

>> No.6730285

Dizziness inducing vomit level, I hate 5 point perspective if it's not centered on girls boobs

>> No.6730286
File: 147 KB, 707x1000, 91AAAEN3mqL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a simple tutorial on how to paint fire? I'd like something in the style of pic related

>> No.6730290
File: 129 KB, 851x1130, would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good to me.

>> No.6730299

Yeah I work at a bar and draw plenty of real people. I use my phone to draw the details of faces, or figures. I just want a large collection of offline photos to go through since I've been through all those websites hundreds of times.

>> No.6730301
File: 167 KB, 651x614, catondesk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my cat on my desk

>> No.6730303

Cute kot

>> No.6730310

I've come to the realisation that the only thing that matters is mileage.

>> No.6730312
File: 3 KB, 190x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really expected to make it with just these books?

>> No.6730314

No you're expected to make it with your pencil.

>> No.6730326

Fun with a pencil, keys to drawing, and perspective made easy are the best for beginners

>> No.6730333

its in 3 point perspective my friend

>> No.6730335
File: 321 KB, 1000x1000, Studying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started trying to do curriculum thing that an anon posted a few weeks ago, where I should copy from some of the art books. I feel like I'm on the right track for the most part, my second figure copy looks alright and I did the heads better than I thought I would although I don't seem to be grasping the whole "feel" the form thing and I'm just copying the gestures rather than analysing them and I keep running into the problem of making things too big and messing up my proportions, but I have a feeling that doing this will help deal with that problem.
Although I wouldn't mind any help when it comes to how I can help deal my proportion problems.

>> No.6730341
File: 223 KB, 711x948, IMG_8461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you call this type of art?

>> No.6730343

its 0:30. I missed my usual drawing time because i had to meet and greet my sister who just came back from uni. Do i go for it or put it off for tomorrow?
I'm a very lazy guy and have only managed to do two hours of drawing in the past week. I fear that if i miss out on it again i may never return to a steady routine. On the other hand i feel very tired and would rather just jack off and go to sleep as opposed to draw.

>> No.6730344

Garbage on a rope

>> No.6730347

self-bump. I'd rather know that than not.

>> No.6730348
File: 178 KB, 1080x1080, 1688357706099641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NTA but it took me two solid years of aimlessly searching for answers to understand (in my opinion) that "style" is just a definition for "Look how I fucked/skewed things up according to my taste." while keeping a solid foundation that makes it look appealing, that's pretty much how Steve Huston puts it "Style is just another definition for personal mistakes/exaggerations that the artist chose to do."

>it turns into a resounding "meh" after I try to analyze why I like and dislike their style, and then I go back to passively consuming their output

Honestly, if your goal is to improve without "copying a style" an artist, I think it's doable but art is just like any other endeavor in life, babies learn how to speak by imitating the sounds that they hear, so do musicians by playing the music that they like. The difference here is that when you're copying someone who's miles ahead of your current skill level, you can see how they solved a problem, which is the whole point of doing a master study.
You don't necessarily need to "love" their style to extract a little nugget of knowledge that you could apply to your drawings.

Hope this helps anon.

>> No.6730349

spooky, this shit just popped up in my recommends too

>> No.6730370

This video reeks of autism, just read dongho kim's book on perspective, way easier and way less autistic

>> No.6730394

See this thread:
There's a bunch of other zips there too. Grafit is also makes a lot of reference albums for poses

>> No.6730397
File: 102 KB, 679x767, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do it
first time drawing since elementary school

>> No.6730402
File: 755 KB, 5490x3726, expr test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to find the perfect smug face i saw in my mind's eye
you lost too much SOUL (and forms) cleaning this up, the previous version was more compelling
i sense a spark

>> No.6730408
File: 69 KB, 1153x1091, obraz_2023-07-07_013150838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been told that i'm ngmi because of my attitude. I don't know if that's true or not but i'm gonna disregard that. I have stuff that i really want to draw and i need skill to do that. Practice is just means to an end but i really do want to get to the end. I think i will disregard all and any narratives that don't end up with me achieving my goals from now on.

I just really need to do this one thing. I don't have any other real goals besides that

>> No.6730411

fourth one third row looks pretty nice
idk if that's the one you did do see though

>> No.6730412
File: 172 KB, 864x1400, 1666500541037216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother, attention to the angle of the ribcage and pelvis

>> No.6730421
File: 3.14 MB, 6377x5191, Illustration122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morpho studies, the ribcage is still messing me up

>> No.6730424
File: 3.90 MB, 3120x4160, obraz_2023-07-07_013759433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling very GMI for one reason or another.
I'm gonna go to sleep rn. First thing tomorrow morning i'm gonna draw and i'll keep at it till i get good.

>> No.6730428

Watch this


>> No.6730438

well its pretty close to the one i marked innit
I was looking for a "holding back a laughter, but not hiding a mocking expression" i mean it's easier to just say that it's supposed to be a "laughs at your dick" scenario

>> No.6730442
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x4032, 20230530_082536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to look like this, a grind for relearning pencil drawing that I decided to make my Pieta. The penciling is 90% done here,and I then added a touch of ink. So...

>> No.6730443
File: 859 KB, 2233x2565, IMG_20220630_235303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish i could enjoy sph but sadly i am way above what's considered as a small ween.
There's few things as hot as a woman mocking the small size of your junk but that's one of the pleasures which i will not be able to indulge in.

>> No.6730444
File: 1.39 MB, 2637x2973, IMG_20220706_235429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not big enough for big penis humilitation, not small enough for small penis humilitation. Its truly over for men like us.

Also i hope its okay if i off-top a wee bit if i include my beg artwork alongside it. I am a very lonely man

>> No.6730447

very nice if it did not take you hours
push values more
your rendering (and brushstrokes) is solid enough you can start spicing it up with textures, wonky brushes, etc. soon your studies will make /beg/s jealous. treat is a milestone though, dont pretty up your studies for the sake of showing off. try varying your edges (hard - soft - lost) for starters.

not much to critique on practice sketches themselves, however do try and move towards "organic" 3d forms for your deconstruction. boxes are nice and un-ambiguous but your goal should be to twist and turn body-part-shaped organic potatoes / sausages / pillows instead of carefully placing boxes. otherwise keep going anon

dunno but cubes are supposed to have equal length sides 6.5/10

it reads better in full size than as a thumbnail
so thumbnailing=failed but actual pic=pretty clear and intriguing composition.
you failed successfully

you should not fuck around with rendering and colors at this point in your journey. go back to sketching and basic monochrome figure drawing and portraits. take it from me, the more i progressed in skill, the more i realize i need to focus back on fundamentals. it will happen to you sooner or later. if sooner you will waste less time.

no. you are padding pictures with self-doubt and meaningless detail work and pushing pixels around. at least that is my guess.

yes you are retarded because you fail to understand that the human head is the single most difficult subject to draw. do 1 hour portrait quick paintings (monochrome) every day for a month.

you dont. with practice and experience your "close enough" gets better than any viewer will care to scrutinize. that being said, drawing simple shapes like cubes and cylinders in perspective is what builds this type of intuition in a hyper-focused way.

>> No.6730449

Damn going through all my old stuff and having to acknowledge that i'm not a hopeless talentless failure is both a very neat feeling but also somewhat dissapointing cause it means i have no more excuses to be a lazy-ass.

I will enroll in that 80h drawing course and i will get good. We manifesting up in this bitch

>> No.6730452
File: 3.41 MB, 2400x3200, 20230706_193224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...now,it looks like this. And I am still going on,but not for much longer. I like the effect,and will do more grinding enhancing some of the lesser pencil grinding sketches with various types of pen,to find one that has ink able to cling to paper heavily shellaced by graphite.

>> No.6730459

>go back to sketching and basic monochrome figure drawing and portraits

excuse my overwhelming stupidity but what exactly do you mean by this

>> No.6730462 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1419x937, trying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying hard to feel the form

>> No.6730463
File: 187 KB, 750x965, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.6730464

you're not thinking
it's all about size ratios, even a 2inch dick is a huge dick for Tinkerbell, even an above average ween would be small for a huge receiver, you see sir?

>> No.6730466
File: 258 KB, 1256x887, studies0707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fixated on the right techniques that I get confused and overthink stuff especially with heads and gesture, how can I stop overthinking?

>> No.6730469

This is amazing. How long did it take you?

>> No.6730475

>you lost too much SOUL (and forms) cleaning this up, the previous version was more compelling

yeah i agree to be honest, it came out pretty flat

>> No.6730477


>> No.6730478


i don’t know why it didn’t add the 2nd word

>> No.6730481
File: 119 KB, 1336x918, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all you have a loser mentality, change that. second of all, spending more time on the same failure of a drawing is the wrong thing to do.
take a ref of what you want to draw, draw it in 1 minute (gesture drawing basically), then draw the same thing in 2 minutes, then in 4 and so on.
do NOT spend 10 minutes of your 16 minute drawing trying to perfectly construct the shadow under her left elbow pimple.
try to create the closest thing to a finished drawing in any given time limit.
you will NOT succeed in doing so - but the expectation and the attempt to do so will FORCE your brain to look at the figure differently.
you will - just by virtue of the time limit - try to get the most important parts done early, and only hint at the unimportant parts.
repeat this exercise many time and hopefully you will see the human anatomy as a hierarchy of 3d forms.
the closer you get to that the less overwhelmed you will be by the human anatomy.
currently you are overwhelmed and slamming your head against the same 30 minute failure of a polished unfinished turd and you are demotivating yourself.
pic rel

well rounded and coherent style, lines, everything. legs are not perfect, keep her center of mass in mind and how a person would actually balance it above their feet.

all dogs are animals. not all animals are dogs.
when the gesture coincides with the contours, drawing contours is fine. when the contours are not part of the gesture, ignore them.

anatomy is ok but not because of your skill. you are copying methods of describing / hinting at the anatomy that you yourself do not understand. you would be better suited drawing loosely, not caring about clean linework. you need to switch to a 3d understanding of anatomy and forms.
i know it is partially your medium (pencil on paper) and it being a scan/photo but your values could have a wider range. darker darks, brighter brights.

>> No.6730482

I've noticed that the only women who are vocal about their preference for big penises are usually obese latina ladies.

>> No.6730483

I think it was maybe 1.5-2 hours. I was getting used to using a fairly simple brush (but still had a little pen pressure and some texture)
I appreciate the words! I’ll keep going and try to push myself for next time.

>> No.6730496

Dream it, think it. do it!

>> No.6730498
File: 58 KB, 464x762, tmp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are going for old style metal cover illustrations of women in bikinis, they usually have a very simple and very strong lighting setup. you are only hinting at a general frontal diffused light. try a strong top light with harsh and confident areas of shadow and areas of light. run the shadow terminator across points of interest eg breasts to emphasize their shape.
you are beg. if you care about what percentile of beg you fall into, you are insecure ontop of that. keep improving, dont get filtered, that way you will outpace 98% of all people in this thread. its about your trajectory, not your current position.
pic related for the previously mentioned "going back to sketching". if your drawings look cleaner than this, you are wasting your time and effort (speaking about your studies, not finished picture production). sketch until you understand the 3d form, then move on to sketching the next ref. better 3d understanding will improve (and make easier) your lines, but better lines will not improve your 3d understanding.

understanding and applying perspective, patience for clean linework. it is not impressive in itself. just start drawing pictures like this and keep your perspective tight to a fault. the biggest hurdle you will face is patience.

not to stirr up drama, but the pictures you are copying are kinda shit. i dont know what book they are from, but it might be that those illustrations are just to demonstrate what the books text is talking about, but not suited for study. i personally would recommend you do these copies from photo references instead from those pics in your book. that is, do the same measurements and deconstructions you were doing, but from an actual human (photo) instead

about exactly the same as every other anon that ever did the upside down exercise. you have the potential of all anons that made it, and all anons that got filtered within you.

/beg/s look at this anon and be like him.

>> No.6730506

it doesnt feel like you are using all those forms for what they should represent but are just imitating them for the sake of making your practice look like it is usefull.
try to deconstruct by using
less shapes
bigger shapes
organic shapes (use cross contour lines to hint at their form even when squished or stretched)

draw more, and set time limits. fail faster. you are going to fuck up. overthinking is slowing you down. the more you simply go for it and fail spectacularly the faster you will improve

>> No.6730527

what brush is that

>> No.6730536
File: 250 KB, 1942x946, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketching as in drawing for the sake of *describing* forms with lose and big simple lines. what you are doing is attempting to draw with precise lines

you need a better understanding of what you are drawing before you can competently use sharp lines (or the sharp edges of cel shaded shapes of color) to draw it.

to learn more about your subject, you should sketch it without worrying about how good it looks, or what the right colors are. for that its beneficial to use a messy brush that prohibits you from drawing details (kind of like using you worst pencil on your least favorite sketchbook), and using only one color that forces you to ignore all but light and shadow.

pic related as examples of basic sketching and monochrome portraits.

i constantly change my sketch brush up so i dont know for sure. some boring, rough, bristle-stamp rotated sideways to make it narrower and stronger, a little bit of size-pressure, mostly opacity-pressure, and a tiny bit of smoothing/blurring/smudging to allow me to quickly "erase" lines by drawing over them very softly thereby blurring them into almost transparency.
in other words, it is supposed to feel like a mix between pencil and crayon and a tiny bit of watercolor in terms of traditional media

>> No.6730567

ok ty
its kyabu0141 on twitter. hes usually working on them for a few days.

>> No.6730626
File: 448 KB, 1000x1000, 070623 The General.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730631

okay i think i get it now, thanks anon!

>> No.6730647

Looks like you have no choice but to cut your dick off

>> No.6730659
File: 283 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_5057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730664

>dunno but cubes are supposed to have equal length sides
does it not? I thought it did.
i'll keep drawing it then, im looking at a rubiks cube i have here and trying to draw what i see

>> No.6730674
File: 949 KB, 2560x1440, 335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg. End of volume 1. Why is DLC a thing in book industry?

i kneel. but didnt you post this like month ago? are you polishing this for months???
lol anon you already posted it in lst thread, in fact your piece is in the OP. you must draw new piece before posting again
this is the kind of stuff which kids of very rich parents make for their final exam at modern "art schools". modern "art" is such a psyop jezus
the fun with pencil is a bit of beg trap, start with keys to drawing or drawing on right side of brain
not true, there are many perma begs or perma stuck artists who havent improved for years despite drawing every single day
find reference photo of jeans, draw what you see
the same way as you would do it on paper or tablet with a screen? what kind of question is that??
i like it
you need to read some book about perspective, you have no idea how the sides of cube should all point towards VP and it shows
2 years, 1 if you have tutor who will smack you every time you dont draw (or draw badly)
sounds like you are doing blind contour exercise. Follow the book or you will NGMI.

>> No.6730704
File: 276 KB, 1267x689, blablabla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I coming closer to feeling the form?

>> No.6730709

I'm curious which book are you studying, since you're done with volume one?

>> No.6730713


>> No.6730716
File: 51 KB, 616x180, 4842F977-C59D-4455-9C2B-17D60A43E7C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's worth watching still for an explanation of what vanishing points are that is not a mere cop-out. namely, points on the surface of an infinitely large sphere with you as the center.

>> No.6730722
File: 1.37 MB, 665x815, ic3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I commission ready?

>> No.6730738

I comission my dick in your mouth

>> No.6730749
File: 170 KB, 278x491, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon if you're still here, I'm the one that did those Morpho studies. What do you mean by?
>less shapes, bigger shapes, organic shapes
Also by cross contour you mean by pic rel? but thank you for pointing that out towards my study

>> No.6730803

I tried learning with drawing on the right side of the brain but getting some kind of transparent plate and a pen that can write on it for the exercises seems really annoying. I don't even know where to look.
Would miss anything if I just did keys to drawing or Charles Bargue's drawing course?

>> No.6730804
File: 3.77 MB, 4021x3978, Illustration 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6730806

very strange, very cool

>> No.6730808

Keys To Drawing is fine if you're new to drawing. I honestly don't know why Right Side still gets recommended considering you need so much shit for the exercises

>> No.6730824
File: 1.86 MB, 2936x2920, Illustration 1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One that might make SLIGHTLY more sense

>> No.6730833

Yes,same drawing. But the inking is proving as involving as the penciling. And I have little time for drawing, a long commute and only one night off. But at the end of July I have a week off, and will learn how to color it.

>> No.6730849

So 3d mentality , reference, sketches.,
Ps my drawings look extraordinarily sketchy and messy this one is clean by comoarison
Timelimit excercises, got it. Thank you.

>> No.6730851

draw her butthole

>> No.6730862

Is learning how to draw in order to impress a girl with whom you've blown an occassion in the past a good reason to try and master the craft or is that an NGMI tier motivation

>> No.6730865

super ngmi

>> No.6730870

Damn. Good thing i totally got over here and only do things for myself then. Hah.

I've been feeling super GMI lately for one reason or the other though so we'll see how it goes i suppose.

>> No.6730878

>can't stop seeing anatomy when looking at people now
>especially the bone of the knee going up to the pelvis and the weird square thing next to the eye
Anyone else experience this?

>> No.6730879

Bro i don't know how to tell (You) this...

>> No.6730883


>> No.6730891
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, boss concept ears color hair face red hait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just having more imagination drawing fun

>> No.6730896
File: 90 KB, 1773x1773, Pepe-shooting-himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years
Not a big deal from from 18-28 yo. A big fucking deal going from 33-43. Is there any hope at all for latecomers or is this yet another example of needing youth to be successful?

>> No.6730898

Thank you I appreciate that. Exactly what I'm looking for except the nudity. If theres more .zips full of photo reference, please let me know! Thanks!

>> No.6730900

the fuck are you gonna do in that time anyway? jesus christ even middle aged housewives pick up their retard hobbies late in life and get the confidence to sell their shit online anyway. you got less confidence than a middle-aged woman anon?

>> No.6730916
File: 12 KB, 233x160, Wasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to read some book about perspective, you have no idea how the sides of cube should all point towards VP and it shows
Months of drawabox wasted!
seriously though, all that time drawing cubes towards super close vanishing points, then the one time i try to draw a cube from life i apparently have to start over, weird thing that.
>read some book
I have a zoomer brain i would never be able to gather shit from words words words words words, i need a (preferrably short) video.

>> No.6730922

>I have a zoomer brain i would never be able to gath
get over yourself faggot

>> No.6730923

I dunno, getting married, having children, earning more money, buying a house, etc, etc? I'm not deluded into believing that I'll become professional off maybe 1 hr of practice a day.

>> No.6730925
File: 794 KB, 1263x896, 1672367703054513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I finally worked up the confidence to try drawing people for the first time. It's just rough copying but you can actually tell what I was going for, and they look weird but not completely uncanny. Feels pretty good, gotta practice with more details next time. wagmi

>> No.6730927

>just draw
just draw WHAT

>> No.6730929

What do you want from me man.

>> No.6730930

How light touch can you be on nice tablets? Or how can I best adjust my settings for this?

I always feel like I'm needing to use too much pressure. Even adjusting my settings, usually I'm not not using any pressure no line shows up at all.
Is this my settings fault in CSP? My tablet? It's 8,192 levels of pressure.
Once I'm using more pressure I do get a variety of lines, but I want to sketch with less pressure.

>> No.6730938

fix your shit instead of accepting it like a coward

>> No.6730939


>> No.6730948
File: 881 KB, 1863x1777, 1688710585451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would people hate me, dislike me or cancel me if I ever make it because I got inspiration from AI towards certain things? I was fucking around with it when it was new because it was a new toy and I saw some interesrting things, researched artists like that, that were similar and added some of them to my influences. I would have never discovered artists I like without hat.

>> No.6730949


>> No.6730953

stop this shit
>I have a zoomer brain
>i would never be able to
forgone conclusion
>i need a
just do the work, you're not special

>> No.6730956

I am speaking from experience you fucking nigger. Keys to drawing, Right side, Perspective made easy, Loomisshit, couldnt do it, couldn't gather anything from them because I. Cannot. Focus. On. Books.
So stop telling me to "just do the work" from books like that, I know my own brain better than you ever will.

>> No.6730964

finished going through fun with drawing like 2 days ago. currently thinking of picking up a figure drawing book. morpho, hampton, loomis, loomis, bridgeman, vilppu. so many options and im conflicted. I wanna pick one an stick to it until the end. something on the more stylish side of things would be nice

>> No.6730965

No, shut up and do the work.

>> No.6730966

just dont tell and they will never know

>> No.6730967
File: 274 KB, 1323x698, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody help me understand how I keep stripping the soul from my sketches

>> No.6730968

Okay then. Have it your way.
Do what. Point me in the precise direction YOU want me to go and i will do my absolute best.

>> No.6730969

Those books you "couldn't gather anything from", open one of them and read it. Do the work.

>> No.6730970

too much stripping the soul, not enough stripping the clothes

>> No.6730972

I want to know though
What's your opinion? What do you think people would say?

>> No.6730977

fan-fuckin-tastic. Time for another keys to drawing headache.

>> No.6730978

No pain no gain. You can do it.

>> No.6730983
File: 1.50 MB, 1836x4080, IMG_20230707_084024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to be bold And brave with the brush shading, not sure if it worked out

>> No.6730989
File: 341 KB, 739x469, 1644967121999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you found new artists through AI fiddling, I don't see how that is any different from stumbling upon new artists to take inspiration from while browsing the internet. I think I'd see it as a problem if you blatantly posted the piece that the AI produced and claimed it as your own.

If anything, what you're doing right now is employing the AI as a tool that is being bent for your own benefit and I think this is a great way to make use of it, at least that's how I see it.

I really like the shape design you've got going with the bangs on your sketch, I think it really aligns with the whole "oni girl" idea you've got going since they resemble her horns and overall "bad bitch" look. Also , her right leg looks like its got actual depth (knee-joint block) as well as her hands. You should look into Marco Bucci's shape design video, he gives you a quick rundown on the basics of what makes artwork "appealing"


>> No.6730991

Anon, I had the same problem a while ago. Just allow yourself to fail a hundred times. It's only tedious in the beginning.

>> No.6730995

Yeah, nope I wouldn't post it and say I DID IT.
More like, holy shit hair looks great if you di X and Y, I wonder who else did this, then I start practicing that and it turns into a trick I do.

>> No.6731014
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, have fun some times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just having fun sketching from imagination

>> No.6731022

First it was cocks. Now it's buttholes. This place is very sexual.

>> No.6731023

Also I forgot to thank you for taking the time to criticise my polished turd (this might come off as passive agressive but I truly am thankfull ) i come here to get pointers and you gave me some valid ones). In order to objectively criticise my own work i require a fiew days for the "rose tint" to wear off, always had that problem, i do not know how to fix it (taking a pic woth my phone / turning the pic sideways and upside down works to an extent but not completely, i need someone with a better eye and more knowledge to have a look especially when i do something better then last time
even if it is just cleaner lines,

Mostly irrelevant part: my " work" had lines that were hairball messy before this one , and this time i tryed my best to make things cleaner, that was the main goal this time around but i apreciate any additional advice because there is so much to do and learn before being able to make anything of decent quality

>> No.6731037
File: 675 KB, 1055x1468, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't freehand a straight line if my life depended on it.
Still can't approximate vanishing points very well either.
Do I just give up now?

>> No.6731041
File: 257 KB, 936x948, painting painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I just did a confused veemo

>> No.6731043
File: 464 KB, 2260x2948, Untitled80_20230707013119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6731046

>take a ref of what you want to draw, draw it in 1 minute (gesture drawing basically), then draw the same thing in 2 minutes, then in 4 and so on.
Thank, sounds like a good exercise, I'll try it in my next gestures

>> No.6731047

Not that anon, but if you’re too full of plastic and xenoestrogens to read a book (iktf) don’t bother. Go through a video course instead. Download the Vilppu courses and go through them. It’s basically the same thing as his book, just in video format and with demonstrations and exercises you can follow along with as you watch them being done. I personally far prefer video/multimedia courses to books. I find them helpful. Learning to draw is hard enough already so have some mercy on yourself. WAGMI

>> No.6731048

Use Midna's Helmet Helper. It's a rotatable 3D model thing that was made specifically for ref purposes because fuck drawing that thing.

>> No.6731055
File: 479 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew some random faces from the /s/ tomboy thread. I’ve really gotta actually learn how to draw heads. And everything else.
Hngh. Nice anon. I wanna feel her forms.

>> No.6731059
File: 646 KB, 2732x2048, IMG_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw is the perspective better in this thing now? Or am I retarded? I didn’t get an answer last thread.

>> No.6731062

Faces come from yesterday
Faces without answer
Faces in the caliphate
The faces of an actor
Faces we've forgotten and
Faces we remember... to.. forget.

>> No.6731063

The reason why you start ain't important.

>> No.6731066

Is the ayymobile supposed to be behind the dino and in front of us? The line thickness suggests so

>> No.6731067

can you unironically improve from just brute force? ive been watching videos on perspective and im too unfathomably retarded to actually apply any of it

>> No.6731068
File: 1.22 MB, 1121x875, flagon n stuf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I finally getting good?

>> No.6731069
File: 160 KB, 750x687, 3AF7F8C7-D976-472B-9F3E-CA25BCB57AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your can do spirit, that being said I had no clue what the fuck your were trying to draw so i quick sketched over ur stuff and came up with this

>> No.6731072
File: 57 KB, 974x730, cartoon_network_clarence_a_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wotta boddy...

>> No.6731073

>be me
>months since I last drew anything
>pick up ipad
>open procreate
>try to draw anything
>20 seconds in
>its not a perfect drawing but a shit sketch
>power off ipad
Am I gmi?

>open OC redraw thread
>all OC is so good I refuse to murder them by redrawing them
>dont draw

Simple as

>> No.6731074
File: 142 KB, 583x639, 44260D76-0D1E-4330-BF50-223DAD0E4E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, also i redrew it again. This time as a super villain

>> No.6731075

>decide to draw with pen instead of pencil so I don't end up erasing and correcting the drawing forever and get faster
>just end with tons of mistakes that totally kill my motivation

>> No.6731076

>not a perfect drawing but a shit sketch
>mistakes totally kill my motivation
both of you ngmi
i'm in the same boat tho

>> No.6731078
File: 246 KB, 749x848, D91BE82D-64EE-4D8D-AA02-CFE96EBED7E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one for shits and giggles

>> No.6731081

Kind of difficult to accurately critique images that small. If you inflated each head you'd be surprised how much more detail and nuance you can comfortably put in it.

>> No.6731091
File: 184 KB, 637x751, C6DFB494-4849-4365-A2F6-7FB4E0268CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too much fun

>> No.6731118
File: 673 KB, 1500x1153, 3dtracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question, why should I bother with drawing the anatomy of my sketch when I can just create the pose I want from a 3d model in CSP and then trace over it, then add the features etc.

>> No.6731119

Youre so absolutely far behind that you somehow believe youre leading.
Not that I care, youre just fucking your own learning.
>why bother learning proportion, anatomy, perspective when I can just trace lmao arent I a genius

>> No.6731121

>add the features
what do you think anatomy is for?

>> No.6731131

The books I'm copying from are both Morpho's Simplified anatomy and Vilppu's Drawing manual, the reason I'm copying them from within the book is because that's what I assume I was supposed to do, copy from the book and then apply that to IRL poses (which in all honesty, I really should have done after I've copied from the book but I just did have enough time). So I will probably go and do that next time, use what I learnt and apply that to IRL poses.
But I'm a bit confused though since I heard that it was good to copy from those books two book, and I saw some anon's here also post their copies from Morpho and Bridgman.

>> No.6731135

Hey that seems like good progress for you buddy (even tho I’ve never seen ur past work)

you’re drawing using symbols a lot. It’s most apparent on the bottom left guy. You see how you’re drawing his hair line for example? It’s very… as you would think it would be drawn. Almost like a cartoon.

What I think you need to start doing more of is letting go of that. When you see the feature you’re about to draw, mark the lines, the shapes, and the relationship of other lines and shapes, and try not to think to yourself “oh in drawing the nose now”. Just mark what you see and trust the process.

Sketch loosely to get these marks in place, try to pay attention to the angles and line that make the silhouette and see how it matches to yours.

Hope that helps

>> No.6731139

Because your anatomy can still look like garbage even if you trace every part.

If you don’t know anything about coding, and you use a reference and just copy the code… sure it might make sense as you’re copying it, but once you take away that reference and you have to write it yourself… you’re fucked.

>> No.6731149

I do 3d modeling/animation already and i'd say i'm pretty good at it. if I could use that to cheat i'd already have millions of followers and be raking in buttloads of cash from furries for 2d art, but instead the only thing i can draw is a bad cube and i'm stuck smashing my skull against books trying to cram anything in my brain. Trust me when I say it does not work.

>> No.6731151

then dont take away the reference 4head

>> No.6731169

hello pawell have you ever completed an anatomy book

>> No.6731177

it’s really obvious when you do it and it doesn’t look good. looks stiff.
t. someone who used to do that (sorry)

>> No.6731187

he's busy grinding his perspective bro

>> No.6731212
File: 52 KB, 300x300, obraz_2023-07-07_133214397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn those are fun. It was supposed to be one of those Pathologic arbiters body disposal fellers. I guess the silly proportions made it look very much so off the mark.

>> No.6731235
File: 762 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20230707_024828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6731240

I want to try her cooking.

>> No.6731267

Will copying Bridgman as a complete and absolute /beg/ benefit me at all?
Any other book I can focus in simply copying and dont bother about whatever bullshit they have to say?
I dont want to read, just copy, imitate and learn.

I refuse to follow-copy 'keys to drawing' or 'fun with a pencil'.
I mean Im sure theyre great but somehow i just dont want to use them, at all.

I will be using digital (Ipad)

>inb4 pyw
Im rangebanned for some reason, I dont recall doing anything bad. Restarting router doesnt work.

>> No.6731280

>Will copying Bridgman as a complete and absolute /beg/ benefit me at all?
Yes becuase mileage. Its always better to do something than nothing. If there's a fork in the road, pick it up.

Anatomy has also enough common bodyparts where copying stuff is gonna make you better regardless. Remember to analyze your shit during the second go around though. That's pretty important

>> No.6731285
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x1668, file62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more... and i can move on to the next week...

>> No.6731292

I need someone to explain the "just draw" thing to me. Like, what do I "just draw"? Just repeating exercises over and over has led me to burnout several times, and I can't draw the subject matter I want to draw (yet) because I suck way too much (imagine your worst drawing ever; now imagine it 10x shittier; that's my level) and I can only do symbol drawing for now which is bad. Is my problem entirely just with my mindset? Or is there something with the fundamental approach that I'm not getting? I like the idea of drawing, but it's frustrating and intimidating, and I seem to have lost the spark I had all the way back in middle school or so when I just drew catgirls and ninjas without a care in the world.

>> No.6731299

What's this? Are you copying something? Blog?

>> No.6731301

Just Draw is meant to combat the anxiety that a lot of begs have. Whenever someone stresses out whether or not they should do this exercise or go with this book or that book or this and that the answer is "just draw"
Since so long as you are doing something you are already ahead of the curve.

>> No.6731305

>Just Draw is meant to combat the anxiety that a lot of begs have.
Sounds like exactly what I need. Are there any books, courses or tools to help cultivate this mindset and reinforce the habit? I personally don't seem to be able to just buckle down and force myself to put at least something down on paper day after day without it feeling like a massive chore that I eventually grow to dread.

>> No.6731306

A good go to is to just copydraw whatever you like. Either pick an artist you enjoy or just copy all of Bridgman bit by bit whenever you feel like it.

>> No.6731308
File: 381 KB, 1768x1202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end me

>> No.6731318

three possible answers


>draw literally anything, draw your fucking phone if you don’t have any better ideas

>draw what you wish you could draw even if you think you aren’t good enough at it

>> No.6731322

>Are there any books, courses or tools to
You're literally trying to combat analysis paralysis with even more analysis.

>> No.6731335

>You're literally trying to combat analysis paralysis with even more analysis.
I just overleveled my analysis skill while all other skills are lagging way behind, so this seems like a more natural course of action.
>just copydraw
I thought just copying was considered a bad habit? Do you mean trying to reconstruct other drawings?

>> No.6731337

>I thought just copying was considered a bad habit?
What. Since when?
I may be wrong on this one since i'm a beg myself but i've been told that its a good way of getting the hang of it provided you analyze the end result. Which parts of the copy are out of proportions, which lines you've messed up etc.

Basically any /beg/ book starts you off with upside-down copy.
I don't mean tracing here. I mean actually copying a thing by just looking at it.

>> No.6731339

I don't know, I wouldn't even call myself a beg yet, I'm a complete outsider. But from what I understood, directly copying lines = bad (not even tracing, by sight too), deconstructing and copying underlying structure and shapes = good. But that sounds like a more advanced technique, I can't do it all that well and probably won't be able to until I actually get the hang of construction.

>> No.6731342

Thanks, I'll try Keys to Drawing instead

>> No.6731343

>don't know, I wouldn't even call myself a beg yet, I'm a complete outsider. But from what I understood, directly copying lines = bad
Its better than nothing. I've been told to do outline first and then fill it out but literally any method of going about it is gonna be better than doing nothing.

There's this thing called Milleage which is basically muscle memory/actual muscle necessary to draw that develop like any other muscle.
70% of the skill lies in Milleage cause if your muscles aren't developed enough you straight up can't do certain shapes or certain levels of precision.
So anything that brings your milleage up is good either way. Once you feel ready-ish just try to learn from one of many Beginner books.
I'd personally recommend The New Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain

>> No.6731354
File: 3.11 MB, 4000x2745, 鸟的范例-豆芽.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.6731364

am i to understand that you did the upside down exercise... but only your reference was upside down and you tried to flip the image in your mind while drawing?
if so then you might be a whole new evolution of retard never seen before on this board

>> No.6731365

You sure he didn't just rotate the finished image before posting..?

>> No.6731377

If I actually get in the mood(and on digital) then I can make stuff I quite like, but it takes too long imo.

>> No.6731386

wrong. he’s on a whole new level of GMI if he’s capable of such a feat.

>> No.6731388
File: 80 KB, 924x532, 1683165194173463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers never cease to amaze me

>> No.6731390

>If I actually get in the mood
>(and on digital)
>but it takes too long
like i said, ngmi

>> No.6731402

Still gonna try

>> No.6731406

>Still gonna try
But why would you do that knowing you'll fail anyway? Isn't that a definite waste of time?

>> No.6731416

No, there really isn't. I've been trying and failing for years already, and it's been fun to see /ic/ make more and more retarded excuses to try to assure me that talent isn't real.

>> No.6731417

yea yea circle mileage practice i do that sometimes
>draw literally anything
ah thanks bro i'll be sure to use this to cure my analysis paralysis
>draw what you wish you could draw even if you think you aren’t good enough at it
damnit you read me like a book.
but anon i dont want to draw the furry bitches i like, they're gonna be ugly.

>> No.6731421

something something friends we made along the way

>> No.6731424

>A good go to is to just copydraw whatever you like
but I don't like anything

>> No.6731425

I like the finished product more. Sketch definitely has more going on and feels a little more 3d but the finished linart is more pleasing for sure

>> No.6731426

I have been filtered by the initial hands exercise for years now. see >>6730463
do something else

>> No.6731431

Not even professional, to become hobbyist-grade you need approximately 3-4 hours a day, every single day, at minimum. That's what /ic/ drilled into my head for years.

>> No.6731440

People who enjoy the process of drawing, what about the process do you enjoy the most and why?

>> No.6731442

>That's what /ic/ drilled into my head for years.
Please tell me you don't actually take the drivel of terminally online elitist autists as gospel anon.

>> No.6731446

I did that with guitar and I've made an impressive amount of ground by my own standard which are brutal and keep me up at night.

If someone did that mindfully with
drawing I'm absolutely certain in 2 years time they would be very happy with themselves. I've never regretted a moment spent learning but I've regretted nearly every moment I've spent "having fun"

>> No.6731447

>I've regretted nearly every moment I've spent "having fun"
That's 100% a "you" issue, you fit in more with this crowd than perhaps even you yourself would like to admit.

>> No.6731449

how the hell do you draw noses

>> No.6731451

Same way you draw anything. You find references, you do study, you just fucking draw.

>> No.6731454

there will be ugly before there will be good, that’s a inescapable fact

so, will you face the ugly to reach the good, anon?

>> No.6731455
File: 1.82 MB, 1042x781, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sisters oil drawing, she malded out that it became shit originally she wanted to draw a landscape but the colors didn't mix or some shit because she didn't prepare the canvas properly? I have no idea about trad. Then she decided to save it by drawing random stuff kek

>> No.6731456

>will you face the ugly to reach the good, anon?
NTA but no. The ugly is too much for my refined palate and the good is not guaranteed whatsoever.

>> No.6731458

>But why would you do that knowing you'll fail anyway? Isn't that a definite waste of time?
What aelse are you gonna do with that time wiseguy? Idle hands are an ally of the Devil. If you aren't drawing your hands are free to shoot up heroin and jack off to futanari BBC cuckoldry captions.

Just Draw.

>> No.6731459

Is it a cat fighting a spider coming out of a magic cube?

>> No.6731460

>but I don't like anything
Then just go with Bridgeman.
I've said this in the initial post. If you don't know what to do just default to copying Bridgeman.
What else are you gonna do?

>> No.6731461

i hate spiders

>> No.6731463

Is this the krenz course thing? Any opinions on it so far? Where to get ? :)

>> No.6731465

no, instead i'll just study shit and measure up for months to instead nail it first try. thats what i've done before in the only 'real' piece i've ever drawn, and I will do it again (when i re-learn everything, i forgot how i did it.)

>> No.6731482
File: 2.20 MB, 1616x2408, IMG_20230707_172847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731487

This is not really “learning”. It’s like copying someone else’s homework. You “did” it, but you missed all the crucial learning in between. No shortcuts, anon.

>> No.6731493

Hm okay. Noted, thank you

>> No.6731496

stupid question that’s probably been asked for the millionth time, but as a prebeg how long should I keep going at art, or how often should I do exercises?
Drawing every day gets very tedious and repetitive, and I often find myself rushing exercises or if I try my best to not rush it I don’t really learn anything except trying to cram in small details that are barely visible.

Should I start with 30min of drawing for the first few months and slowly step up? Ways to avoid rushing art lessons and actually learning?

>> No.6731507

Beg here (see Coomerman, "girl getting abducted by ayees")What do you want to draw? If you want your own renditions of photos, live scenery etc. then just keep drawing. If from imagination, study (and do the work on) perspective, anatomy, gesture. Either way, just start drawing and see where it takes you. Good luck!

>> No.6731511

>just start drawing
That's the hardest part though innit? I can't draw because I'm shit at it, but I won't stop being shit without actually drawing.

>> No.6731518

That’s sorta the problem I guess. Is it possible to get good at drawing live scenery and observation then transfer yourself over to drawing from imagination?

>> No.6731525

So I should go with Charles Bargue's drawing course?

>> No.6731530

>should go with Charles Bargue's drawing course?
I mean, if you wanna.

>> No.6731531

Wait was that thing supposed to be hard? I got that one right on my first try and Keys to Drawing was the absolute first thing i've ever touched.
I can't do nothing else well doe

>> No.6731533


Yes, just fucking start. Talking doesn't produce shapes and colours unless you're OD-ing on DMT and even then it's fleeting.

I also dread the drill and monotone of exercises, so I only do it from time to time. The more I draw and learn from others, the more I put into my own drawings - my references are just chunky 3D bots from posemy.art as They are for free. They don't even have proper hands, so you are bound to improvise kek

>> No.6731544

>just fucking start
Easier said than done. What do (You) draw all the time? How do (You) deal with what you produce not being up to your standards? Why do (You) keep going when everything sucks? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6731550

>I got that one right on my first try
You're GMI unlike me
KTD is a /beg/ trap that has filtered me for years on top of drawabox burnout

>> No.6731553
File: 1.53 MB, 1836x4080, IMG_20230707_085958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you draw all the time
Whatever I want, a bit of everything. Tons of ideas kek
I guess the key is to not get stuck on one specific thing/style/form and to see what's specifically "you."

As for keeping going when things get shit, I enjoy my failures. When I notice that a hand I drew looks like a shrivelled-up wankclaw, I try drawing a few hands and move onto the next thing... I'll either apply the knowledge then, or I won't, who cares...
Don't take it too seriously, anon.

Picrel my recent balltip failure, still funny...

>> No.6731563

>You're GMI unlike me
I got it right two years ago and then quit cause of depression.
I've put in probably less than 50 hours of practice since then but i'll try to start again and for real.
Even though i have some GMI qualities i still remain my own worst enemy.

>> No.6731582

if it makes you feel better, I feel like I'm the anon who gave you that curriculum last. I do feel like some of the plates in Morpho are quite ugly, but the fundamentals and form are all there. If you want someone better looking to copy, Bridgman is great. Norman Rockwell and most great illustrators have studied him. If you want a very classical look to your characters, he's the one to turn to.

Copying artwork is good, drawing from life / photos are also good, I just think copying a line drawing is more bearable for someone who is just starting out. Da Vinci was the one who said a student should copy from masters before drawing from nature, and generally complete beginners flounder when looking at a nude model and they may not get out of it what they should have. In the 1800s, complete beginners were actually barred from life drawing classrooms, being forced to draw from plaster casts and still lives before graduating to figure drawing.

You do you

>> No.6731596
File: 84 KB, 381x627, d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like ive hit a fat roadblock. ive read hampton and vilpuu but i feel like neither are clicking. i want to be better at anatomy. i feel like im just there but fumble when i want to draw from imagination. should i stick it out or try another book?

>> No.6731602

bröther, you need to stop all social media, and I mean ALL. No 4chan. Now go outside DAILY with a sketchbook, to a café, a bench in the middle of the city, anywhere were alot of people are. Not observe them. Don't take your phone with you. Just observe them for half an hour, observe how they walk, how the head attaches to their body, the limbs, proportions really pay attention so that it almost feels like you're in a meditative state. Then start to draw them with rough simple shapes.

Do that everyday for a month and I guarantee you you will be better than 99% of /ic/

>> No.6731605

>Don't take your phone with you
not an option, I live with my elderly parents and get paid as a caregiver
yes I don't have much time to focus on anything but shitposting why do you ask

>> No.6731606
File: 1.08 MB, 680x1854, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.6731607

How exactly would one go about learning from krenz? Where do I start and how do I study him? It all seems so scuffed since it's all in chinese

>> No.6731610
File: 67 KB, 806x899, zmgeW8J2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since it's all in chinese
>he doesnt know

>> No.6731613

looking good
im also going through this, on lesson 4 now but im thinking if I should go through the DLC now or after the course. Did you?

>> No.6731635

Do this unironically and then post the result here

>> No.6731642

I know about this but how do I do the home work stuff you post?

>> No.6731667
File: 468 KB, 1800x1700, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6731686
File: 1.33 MB, 3000x3000, anatomia 143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practices of the week

>> No.6731707

it's homework from the krenz perspective course, pick an angle and draw a scene from the diorama
i don't have a blog
yeah, i feel like i've learned a lot going through the exercises. the lectures have good information but until struggling through the homework it didn't click with me that "oh this is where i need to use that technique"
there's a link to translated course notes in the /asg/ op
not sure, i've seen suggested: watch the videos for an overview, then the rotations mini-course (SAM something), perspective, then color and light. /asg/ op has link to some translated course notes
i did some of the DLC so far but not all, i think it helps me evaluate my own process to make the subsequent ones more efficient, since the DLC are similar to the main assignments
mileage is mileage i guess
good luck anon

>> No.6731710

I love it

>> No.6731720

where do you get the full res of the homework pictures? i've been using the shitty thumbnails out of the notion page

>> No.6731727

What are your canvas, brush, and sensitivity settings for your tablet?
Did you draw them all on that same 3000x3000 canvas or just combine them after?

>> No.6731748

I use the paint tool sai to draw, the brushes are the basics of the program. I like to use the lowest sensitivity possible on my tablet. I made them separately, just put them together to post.

>> No.6731752

whats the difference between 18 and 33

this better not be the neuroplasticity shit again

>> No.6731770
File: 390 KB, 1400x637, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should work on perspective someday

>> No.6731788
File: 71 KB, 540x960, drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People expect a slight bit of jank in their anime bitches, when you draw them 100% accurate with 3D models it ends up looking off

It's like, say, suppressors, after 60 years of stock SFX and compressed as shit GoPro footage barely anyone knows what suppressed gunfire sounds like, if I just went to the range, emptied a few mags next to a mic, and used the results for a video game or movie everyone would call me out for my fake airsoft-sounding audio.

>> No.6731803

I like the fat guy

>> No.6731807


>> No.6731834
File: 15 KB, 464x210, LowSensitivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I like the look a lot if it wasn't clear by immediately asking about settings
Do you keep the curve in the middle for sensitivity, or pull that even lower too?
I've been aiming for lower sensitivity but haven't been too happy with any settings yet

>> No.6731871
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1440, 336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg. Pick a stat to max out. Aggression is great: you just bash crabs until they are no longer a problem.

creative, unique, badass. The only lmao part is making both foreground and background same hue of red.
INT, maybe even PRO
there are other art titans for figure drawing: loomis, hogarth, bridgman, morpho, huston... but i am not sure what your problem is and your pic didnt help either
ALRIGHT ANON, it is time to stop. You are literally the only anon here who got filtered by KtD and you shit every other thread about talking about it while never PYWing. Move on: pick some different material (check out the video courses general) and FUCKING START DRAWING or at least stop shitting up threads. You posted the same story so many times i managed to identify you. Get a grip, get a life and just fucking draw!
the connection of his hand to his shoulder (and then rest of the body) looks very uncanny and or wrong
the 1% of the time when i enjoy drawing i like how everything is clicking in together, how from meaningless lines a 3D picture pops out, how i am like a god of canvas making things out of thin air. The power to create. Very powerful and comfy feeling
dont let this discourage you. that exercise is hard as fuck and even pros will struggle a lot to draw it upside down
i recc the best beg book i have seen so far: keys to drawing. copy all its drawing + do the exercises. It will level you up from pre(perma) beg into mid beg if not higher. Good luck!
solid study
thumbs up
all the shit i have done + reviews can be found on my blog pawell2418.github.io under section wisdom. and yes i am aware my figures are lmao
there are only tools and fools in art. feel free to do that and then PYW
>didnt PYW
a bit uncanny but very recognizable
no, there are drawers who draw for years and have improvement. you need to THINK + draw

>> No.6731894

>18 and 33
over 10 years for starters

>> No.6731898

>You are literally the only anon here who got filtered by KtD
I'm the only one willing to speak up about it you mean. To call out you faggots leading people into a trap they'll fail. I will never be able to learn how to draw but that doesn't mean I can't warn newbies

>> No.6731911
File: 408 KB, 1396x1956, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to woo a girl you need like 2 dates, so that is like 2 weekends. If she is like turbo virgin or christian you will need like... 3 months? Meanwhile to learn how to draw will take you a few years. Not really practical if you ask me
the volume two of the same book is next in line. It is even shorter than volume 1
see the video course general then >>6679044 vilppu has very high reputation, might be for you
pic related. you find this stuff on two places (and it combines together):
>your tablet drivers, typically found in taskbar next to clock
>in every single brush / dynamics settings in the drawing app
It would take many words to explain the pressure curve, but you will figure it out in like 5 minutes of experimenting. Just be aware that the curve in drivers will be valid for EVERYTHING while the curve in drawing app only for ONE brush.

Also i should mention that needed pressure for the stylus to register isnt really discussed. My old xp-pen needed quite a bit before it registered i am drawing. But the new X3 series the sole weight of stylus is enough to active the drawing.
fine, but like can you actually start drawing now? visit the video thread and download some course and draw instead of shit posting here. it is getting silly. very silly. you are "warning" them from the best beg book i am aware of lmao. wait a second
>doesnt draw
>talks bullshit
>misleading begs
you are crab, arent you???

>> No.6731917
File: 234 KB, 1470x877, 1664136477279576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I don't know what to do

>> No.6731919
File: 151 KB, 1280x935, 1676264464322579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the reference

>> No.6731922

I like to keep it as low as possible. But it is also important to use the eraser on the line art to vary the thickness of the line. When I do line art, I use the eraser to "carve" it.

>> No.6731925

fun concepts with the hands

>> No.6731939

>Also i should mention that needed pressure for the stylus to register isnt really discussed. My old xp-pen needed quite a bit before it registered i am drawing. But the new X3 series the sole weight of stylus is enough to active the drawing.
Yeah this is really my biggest complaint with it and was struggling to find anyone talking about it.
I might consider upgrading then instead of just getting used to the pressure, because it feels really unnatural to me and tires out my hand faster.

I bought this tablet like 3 years ago and have barely used it. I'm sure I would have gotten used to it by now if I tried more, but if the new tech solves that problem it's appealing.

>> No.6731947
File: 2.33 MB, 3038x2667, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hand hurts, how do people draw for over 5 hours daily?

>> No.6731948

are you gripping the pen too hard? or do you mean your wrist hurts

>> No.6731957
File: 520 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s this looking? I haven’t done lineart this detailed in a while

>> No.6731965
File: 201 KB, 792x769, 1686997412681366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bad?

>> No.6731969
File: 554 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore that image I realised I missed out a few things

>> No.6731986
File: 446 KB, 889x938, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do to make this drawing more appealing?

>> No.6731992

I think if you take away lines or line weight from the hair it would be better, draws my eyes away from the nice rendering on the stomach despite being much flatter. The black lines are a bit too harsh. Also maybe a bit more hair rendering.

>> No.6732020

thank you anon

>> No.6732032

>You are literally the only anon here who got filtered by KtD
nyet, im NTA and so did i. I just dont tell anyone because everyone here and their mother shills it as the """best beg book""" so what the fuck else could there be for me

>> No.6732048

Wind chime and bird feeder

>> No.6732065

My drawing was ignored, I know it's shit but ignored is something else.

>> No.6732066
File: 539 KB, 1186x2118, 0270720376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6732084

I know I'm shit but thanks for not even helping me one fucking bit.

>> No.6732099

Thanks for ignoring me, all of you.
I know I am shit but thanks for ignoring me

>> No.6732109

It doesn't really need critique. You can't see the fundamental problems with it that you can work on?
The only feedback for this level can just be to read the sticky, follow the book/course suggestions, etc

>> No.6732113

Because at least something would help, I've seen worse, fucking worse get a fucking reply. I'm just not good for the club, huh? RIGHT?

>> No.6732117

>follow the book/course suggestions, etc
What does it look like I've done so far?

>> No.6732119

Stop being a fucking spaz and draw, plus do you really expect replies on a thread that's reached bump limit just wait for the next thread and repost.

>> No.6732121

Repost? Fuck you, that's what you should repost.
Thanks for letting me now I'm not and will never be good enough to be worthy of at least one "it's shit"

Thank you, woah, thank you, fucking thank you

>> No.6732145

I may be falling for some very obvious bait but fuck it. My post was also ignored but why should I give a shit, if you're only drawing for (you)'s what's the point plus like I said bump limit has been reached so far less people are seeing your work. As well your work was unfinished and you didn't ask for any specific advice when your work is so obviously just slapped down with no care put into it. I've seen children draw with more care and attention, we're all just losers posting on 4chan we don't have the answers and the immediate advice you need to fix your art you have to actually apply yourself to get better we can't do the work for you.

In all honesty if you can't even handle your post getting ignored on an anonymous forum site I really pity the people in your life who have to deal with you feeling the effects of the world because it's just pathetic.

>> No.6732146

hahaha let me laugh I cant

>> No.6732148


>> No.6732150

>What does it look like I've done so far?
Not follow courses..

>> No.6732151


>> No.6732179

Because you can't understand what's wrong with your drawing and you're putting very little effort into observation.
Name one course that doesn't emphasize the importance of observation.

>> No.6732181

So I have done zero courses in your opinion, right?

>> No.6732185

That's what it looks like, yes. You asked what it looks like you've done so far.

>> No.6732188
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1684354370237134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.6732234
File: 554 KB, 1800x1848, 22370722436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6732311
File: 3.86 MB, 1535x2048, 2023_07_08_01i_Kleki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing this, tear me to shreds

>> No.6732370

This is actually great Street Fighter proportions

>> No.6732435

what's a good way to rep rotating squares across x AND y?
tips for doing reps rotating up and down? it always looks wonky even when done right in art I like

>> No.6732447

Fuck you, you ignored my shitty drawing.

>> No.6732452

back to your containment thread, you'll get more attention there.
everyone make sure to ignore this schizo in the next thread

>> No.6732459
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x2268, 20230708_104539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aang but jew

>> No.6732460


>> No.6732497

>no payots

>> No.6732579


>> No.6732581


>> No.6732596

Literally Cody from SFV is the inspiration for the pose lol

>> No.6732662
File: 269 KB, 624x1234, unknownknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now do the knight

>> No.6732673

using antialiasing wouldn't hurt for one, sexy things must be softy

>> No.6732677

I am very bad at drawing.

>> No.6732739


new bread

>> No.6732843

fucking disgusting

>> No.6732905
File: 280 KB, 1158x929, randomdoodlesc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, been trying to draw figures and perspective from imagination. Does this sketch I was doing look right? Any advice appreciated, thanks!

>> No.6733001

read the op faggot

>> No.6733457

Dude just study Loomis First. I get the love for gesture but your trying to construct something that you clearly don't understand. And that's ok. Take a step back, Go back to Loomis, understand form and shape and then you try your hand in gesture.
Guys I get that starting with gesture is more Fun, but it's actually bad for you. I mean dude you can't even draw a circle without making scribbles. Be humble.

>> No.6733469

You're trying too much at once. Be humble.
First of all stop drawing digitally. It's clearly making you draw small and badly.
Second Go Back To The Basics. You can't even draw a cube right, after you master the cube then you start thinking about other forma and then you start thinking about the body, and hand, and Head etc. You don't know how to draw at all yet, and that's Fine.

>> No.6734087

your imagination sucks

>> No.6734373

Hot as fuck. Moar and socials now