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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.32 MB, 2500x2483, 1687727792212447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6727750 No.6727750 [Reply] [Original]

1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread:>>6714043

>> No.6727762
File: 1.63 MB, 952x1240, 1687762154582233_jpg(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already had my OC done, but i just want to say thank you to the anon who drew her.

>> No.6727769

That anon has an OC you could draw

>> No.6727785
File: 152 KB, 452x1187, 1688523703478588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already post oc on /co/, but anyway.
Here some my drafts about her:
>pretty poor
>skinny/tall (5'7-5'9"/175-180 cm)
>like running
>playing bass
>most of time calm/emotionless

>> No.6727811
File: 652 KB, 1831x1696, jessa ref 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my silly little reference sheet for my OC. I'm curious what people will do with her

>Backstory: She's an angel that came down from heaven to reform sinners through social media and streaming, but her gullible nature ended up getting her corrupted into an egirl

>> No.6727852

Please draw her buying wonder bread anybody

>> No.6727856

oh god LMAO

>> No.6727864

No, someone draw her with big knees instead

>> No.6727875

No, make her vegeta kneel

>> No.6727893
File: 357 KB, 980x1137, Mediterranean Noe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alts for No'e

>> No.6728001
File: 2.80 MB, 3500x5000, 4EA128A6-E3BF-4075-B88A-0129466FF7D4-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A political "fixer" or a outcome maid for politicians.

>> No.6728044

Can someone explain the wonderbread thing for me?
I've seen it referenced once before in a /co/ draw thread months ago and it feels like it's related to something

>> No.6728052


>> No.6728053

>it's a fetish thing
Should have guessed

>> No.6728056

Man I loved Spy vs spy as a kid

>> No.6728131
File: 205 KB, 1620x2160, 3FD44951-8F88-40BE-8371-C44C1D474CB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarara a fat female bear who works as a supermodel by day but a Sex counselor at night.

>> No.6728134
File: 551 KB, 2320x3412, GUN-QUEEN_CONCEPT-ART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a character design I had in the backlog for a while now. She was designed to be an antagonist for a comic I originally planned on making.

Her name is the "Gun queen"

Backstory: In the aftermath of ww3, and the downfall of. Civilization. She leads an entire religion based around her knowledge of the future, and her understanding of human nature. In the hopes of being able to preserve humanity and rebuild civilization.

>> No.6728147
File: 560 KB, 800x450, 423c6492464926349d26394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Gun queen"
You mean chainsaw man guy?

>> No.6728159

are there archives of these threads? i remembered some guy planned on drawing my oc but i forgot about it

>> No.6728161
File: 79 KB, 220x220, received_6125296987597290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah i took too much inspiration from his design it hinged on copying, its kinda why it stayed in the backlog for so long

>> No.6728163

Only good one, faggotry thread, not a single good oc beside this one, mentally ill characters should be its own thing- /mic/.

>> No.6728164

Know what pal, it`s sad seeing something like this on 4shit, cause it`s good.

>> No.6728173

You apologize to >>6728131 right now

>> No.6728177

About that

The design remained in the backlog for so long was because of the resemblance. Man :(

>> No.6728180

It's okay anon chainsaw man didn't invent object heads.

>> No.6728188
File: 311 KB, 1460x1295, No'e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728204
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x3000, u just knoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pants is cute

>> No.6728226
File: 2.24 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230705_171638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728229
File: 1004 KB, 1266x1266, gerers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never done a oc draw thread before but here you go. One of those Japanese photo both things inspired me
Sorry shes not buying wonder bread or cutting down forests :(

>> No.6728246

yeah no fucking shit, people who actually draw left after seeing what you retards did in the previous thread, so yeah just keep shitting up the thread until it dies already

>> No.6728252

Don't take the bait anon

>> No.6728256

What happened in the last thread?

>> No.6728264

Not much, but go read it yourself if you care, it's better than having a discussion about drama again so early on in this thread.

>> No.6728265

Not bait, /ic really fell at a new low this year.
Idk what are you on about.

>> No.6728266

Don't care post ocs

>> No.6728267

So you would butcher it, no thx. And gunon isn`t gonna bother redrawing any in the thread.

>> No.6728268

Don't care post ocs

>> No.6728271


>> No.6728272

>Don't care post ocs
Do it, if it`s good ill draw. If it`s at the same level of shitness as whole thread i won`t.

>> No.6728273

You first faget, we're all here to draw shitty ocs to get people to draw our own shitty ocs.

>> No.6728276

>You first faget, we're all here to draw shitty ocs to get people to draw our own shitty ocs.
No but if your oc is good, i`ll deliver.

>> No.6728279

>baiter won't post work
Many such cases and stop typing like an attention seeking redditor. You sound like the fag who'd spam his stick figure oc as a troll.

>> No.6728280

>attention seeking redditor
>You sound like the fag who'd spam his stick figure oc as a troll.
I have no intent to post my OC, neither you are it seems but i would draw someone else good OC. So?

>> No.6728281

Is yours good enough? If yes, why not pyw?

>> No.6728285

Then draw, if you don't see any you want to in this thread just check the past threads. Otherwise we're wasting the bump limit on imageless replies.

>> No.6728290

>we're wasting the bump limit on imageless replies.
No shit, im only half of the problem then.

>> No.6728367

Woah three back to back!? Yall post ocs so I can draw them later!

>> No.6728373
File: 92 KB, 920x869, this fucking mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks (I'm >>6728226)
my oc is Dr Atomius :
- He is arrogant and confident, often taunting his enemies with his superior abilities. He believes that he is the ultimate being and that no one can match his power.
- He is obsessed with finding the Atom of Powers, a legendary artifact that is said to grant infinite power
-He also has a robotic arm that can manipulate matter and energy, and he floats in the air with a purple aura around him.

"Sorry, but you won't have the atom of power...even if it means war."

>> No.6728438
File: 383 KB, 610x614, pouranon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, I just wanted to see what I could do in one hour.

>> No.6728452
File: 1.45 MB, 1536x1929, baker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728454
File: 222 KB, 698x1078, aroundelves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728460
File: 200 KB, 1000x826, spider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728473

hello friend I will draw your OC soon™
she is very cute and a cute art style

>> No.6728484

Thanks you Anon <3

>> No.6728495
File: 1.55 MB, 2600x3000, druida domadora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl. She is a Druid, I made her for a DnD campaign.

>> No.6728501

>learning to draw is boring and frustrating
>want to draw everyone's cool OCs
>they come out looking like shit and I dont even post them

>> No.6728503

literally me

>> No.6728507

Post it.
There is no good drawing without a bad drawing before dude, practice makes perfection
It takes time, but you will see how much you improved!

Never compare yourself with others, but compare yourself with yourself, gotcha?

What may look shitty for you can be the treasure of others

>> No.6728522

Is the robot hand triangle shaped?
Is the second hand a regular hand?
Does he only display emotion with his eyes? Is there no mouth?

>> No.6728523

I offered to draw a few ocs, but idk if you are on of them, You can use warosu.org or just post the oc in the meantime?

>> No.6728548

An anon once told me
>to finally unearth your good drawings, you must dig through thousands of bad drawings, so get to digging

>> No.6728549
File: 734 KB, 1741x1967, 6F061B1F-2492-4969-B479-37E8AF80B461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen is back,gotta draw

(Still burnout af,sorry the low effort again chef)

>> No.6728615

his mouth is in the red molecule

>> No.6728624
File: 162 KB, 772x1041, abng bang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728625
File: 161 KB, 785x1031, golbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard this one

>> No.6728652
File: 160 KB, 673x926, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728674

Thank you so much!

>> No.6728675
File: 3.07 MB, 600x450, Cell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728677

What does sex with No'e feel like?

>> No.6728724
File: 1.39 MB, 2430x706, eegh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a temporary name which is Annette but im not fully convinced

the lore of her universe is a place where there's so much crime, having maid services a la hotline miami is common, with the catch that every maid specializes on a single weapon

oc is the protagonist, tutored by a homeless man a la "hobo with a shotgun" that teaches her how to shoot, and she builds her own maid agency since she's so bad at it no place wants her

personality is smug, very impulsive and a optimist to the death, but can be very rude without her noticing

image on the right was the first time I draw her years ago

>> No.6728733 [DELETED] 

I can see you not doing anything redraws from a mile away.

>> No.6728746
File: 78 KB, 225x362, annete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry english is not my main language, but from what i''ve understood i drawn her a lot of times to settle on her main clothes after deciding that's what they are gonna look, I even had a poster inspired on hotline miami but i lost it, the art on the right is when I was also designing all the other characters in her universe, like the hobo and competing maids

>> No.6728775

Cute but I feel like I am playing (and failing) one of those spot-the-difference games.

>> No.6728784
File: 447 KB, 1440x2560, Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spy vs Spy was kino

>> No.6728790
File: 238 KB, 720x1080, i7jyuyytwyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728797
File: 457 KB, 1103x1440, Ryder Jester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! Ophey was really neat to draw for you! Thanks again and you don't need to draw my oc in return. If you'd like to draw something, please draw for someone else and pay it forward. I've already received two incredible returns of my Angelica Amanda—two more than I honestly deserve but I'm incredibly grateful for. : )
Thank you again for your re-imagining of Angelica in the City Hunter style, anon. I went ahead and drew Ryder in the same style for you, as promised. It was fun doing the research, trying to draw in Tsukasa Hojo's style. It was very, Kenichi Sonoda-esque. Thank you for the experience and practice, I really appreciate it!

>> No.6728800
File: 513 KB, 1103x1440, Ryder Jester Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, two cakes. I had to dust off my coloring skills on my computer but it was fun getting back on the horse. From my heart to yours, enjoy. <3

>> No.6728839

Nice gains anon

>> No.6728840

Wow anon she looks so badass, thanks

>> No.6728872
File: 587 KB, 3240x3240, IMG_0750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t thought of a name for him yet, but here’s his backstory: He is a young kitten who imagines himself going on a LOTR/DnD style adventure when he’s really exploring a very rough neighborhood. He is very adventurous and outgoing, but ironically tends to be cowardly when facing enemies.

>> No.6728873

Said this before but just incredible, really. Thank you.

>> No.6728877

thats actually a neat concept, bro see niggers as orks

you can actually make a small children book with that theme with a vibe of risks on the hood warning you not to talk with strangers, i can imagine a page telling you not to accept rocks from wizards, and you'll your average wizard but in a streed background with trash everywhere

>> No.6728881
File: 3.10 MB, 3000x4000, punk lemming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch.wip here ya go

>> No.6728898

That’s an interesting idea. I’ll consider it. I always imagined him seeing humans in general as shadow like giants. I was actually thinking of making a webcomic about this. He would later befriend and tag along with a young boy running away from an abusive home.

>> No.6728920
File: 614 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_0086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728941

Do you ever draw or commission lewds of your OC?

>> No.6728943

There has been some lewds in the /crab/ threads

>> No.6728971
File: 319 KB, 723x1000, 07.06.2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6728983

Did you mean to post this in the progress pics thread?

>> No.6728986

>character just get fat

>> No.6728991

Thanks anons yall post ocs too!!

I rarely draw nudity, and I would do lewd commissions but I charge extra for them so I don't get asked a lot

>> No.6729025

wooooaaah his tits are OOOUUUT! I love the outfit you gave him and the lil graphic design elements and the city bg you chose lol it's transporting me! I can feel it RYDER IS IN THE CITY AND HIS TITS ARE CATCHIN A NICE NIGHT TIME BREEZE! Thank you so much!

Ooh and the hairs on his tummy are nice too...

>> No.6729033

I remember drawing this character nearly three years ago.. Why did you make her fat?

>> No.6729034

she is so cute

>> No.6729101

Omg,so adorable!!
Thanks sm anon!
Do you have a blog?
Also oh,i think i have this brush,hehe

>> No.6729174
File: 576 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do more but got tired so that's it for now

>> No.6729180

Silly very nice

>> No.6729182

Banger anon

>> No.6729184

Not bad.
Kino, unreachable level for /ic faggoys.
State of /ic 2023. Sad.

>> No.6729192

Well I think all your drawings are very nice :) now we've got the options of two nobodies on the basket weaving forum.

>> No.6729195

t. Pedo.

>> No.6729226

Post oc

>> No.6729227

Your mom

>> No.6729380

Hi Fred

>> No.6729392

Your dad.

>> No.6729432

I want to see the new artist kino

>> No.6729434

>now you have a date with youre own OC
How bad it is?

>> No.6729435

Thank you anon!! She looks so cute in your style!

>> No.6729437

god I want to kill her

>> No.6729629
File: 104 KB, 824x1321, FtYogPmXoAErcrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I've been in the OC threads. I'm gonna draw some.
Here's mine in the meantime. Her name is Tammy. She's a mom who likes to party.

>> No.6729970
File: 141 KB, 401x300, 1596328956152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the good artist to come back you guys start posting better ocs than these.

>> No.6729980
File: 859 KB, 1804x1832, Math OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729981

The good artists leave because of dramafags. That's why getting harassed about being "clique fujos who hate begs despite making fills for begs" for 4 threads straight made them leave. That's what fucking happens, oc gets a tiny bit of life breathed into it and schizos immediately go on the attack and chase away people who actually draw. And once the skilled artists are gone here comes the retarded ass "hehe your designs suck! incel pedo beg" shitposter. There is no winning. The good artists come, get chased away, then the schizos complain about there being no good artists like that's a surprise. Every time fuck I wouldn't stick around either.

>> No.6730009

>"clique fujos who hate begs despite making fills for begs"
No you didn't, you were making fills for your own friends and wanted to show off. Everyone was well aware of this and your gaslighting falls flat when everyone else is a grown man that's infinitely wiser than a group of dumb bitches who only care about drawing yaoi men. Even if you didn't make it blatantly obvious with your endless avatarfagging and walls of text full of half-hearted compliments, we can still tell it's you because you're the only people on this whole board who look down on everyone else while calling yourselves "the good artists" like you did just now. Stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.6730014

Dude you have no reason to fight they're gone now. it's okay they can't hurt you.

>> No.6730022

Mfw the fujoschizo is the same baiter in this thread. It all makes sense now.

>> No.6730061
File: 1.77 MB, 3006x4032, the5 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragon king and dragon princess

>> No.6730074

Really nice colors

>> No.6730091

thx :DDDDD

>> No.6730127

>A political "fixer" or a outcome maid for politicians.
what does that even mean?
Isn t that like a regual mistress?

>> No.6730134
File: 587 KB, 1229x1052, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a few commission catfights of Noa beating my OC Aideen's ass. Out of respect to GoodDraws and Noa, she kept her clothes on and I didn't draw her lewded.

>> No.6730148

It's a cycle so you have to post appealing characters at the end of the day and ignore history revisionists like the blatant vendetta fag orbiting this general so the good artist will return.

>> No.6730155

Troon thread.

>> No.6730164

t. fujoschizo

>> No.6730197
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 2A8FA50E-BDD7-47E8-98D0-ABCCFA27A0CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reo, uses psychic powers to spawn cookies and uses them for battle

>> No.6730261
File: 219 KB, 850x1133, Без названия329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post ocs too
She is an insecure bad bitch and Mikhail's ex girlfriend (there will be a lot of angsty ass characterization of her soon)

>> No.6730296

>it's ok you don't have to tell me about the: "mouth stuff"
>but you need to eat this bowl of eggs

Fucking Genius

>> No.6730319
File: 1.50 MB, 2000x2215, Eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Church Enforcer, Eve. Initially tries to seduce the player character into joining the Doctrine. Like all members of the church, she can manifest their God's will into telekinetically controlled crosses that she can move for defense and attack at will. Also can heal wounds by touch but is most effective when she gives the user a hug.

>> No.6730322
File: 3.62 MB, 2000x3726, expressions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a side note she loves teasing and hugging the younger altar boys, and has an affinity for younger men in general.

>> No.6730323
File: 3.15 MB, 3615x4654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supplemental material for if I ever decide to model it in 3D.

>> No.6730355 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 640x640, ocredraw_00_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it is about women with beverages.

>> No.6730358
File: 22 KB, 640x640, ocredraw_00_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730361


>> No.6730439

Love the style! The combo of pens and pencils looks so good, what’s your oc anon? I’d love to draw them :D

>> No.6730509

What's with the influx of the neet girl phenotype and why am I so attracted to it

>> No.6730514

Need int fujo neet gf so bad it's unreal

>> No.6730528

NEET femcels are rising, so they draw self insert characters of themselves

>> No.6730531

Oh nice. Thanks.

>> No.6730537

Now ask for their character so you can draw something for them in return

>> No.6730540

>infinitely wiser than a group of dumb bitches who only care about drawing yaoi men
As if a group dumb coomers who only care about drawing porny women is any better? Get over yourself kek

>> No.6730555

Exactly, fujo or coomer, we're all the same inside, namaste my brothers and sisters

>> No.6730561

Why is this permabeg still here? kek go back to your /crab/ general and keep drawing your mediocre comics, it's clear you don't draw fills for anyone. Go be insecure about your art somewhere else.

>> No.6730565
File: 354 KB, 800x1129, Idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730568

Wait, you drew more than one of these?! DM me

>> No.6730574

Not surprised it's a crab fag /co/ tourist. They're dramafags no matter where they go. Maybe if they drew more they wouldn't have to cope with being shit by only drawing shitty black and white uncolored cartoons instead of anything worth looking at. At least /i/ schizos can be funny. Hide /co/mblr posts, ignore /co/mblr posts.

>> No.6730593
File: 534 KB, 2561x3094, Re draw 7.6.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First re draw

>> No.6730611

Loving the big wings!

>> No.6730638
File: 158 KB, 1200x1200, 86B101A7-205D-4F38-A917-10B98E2578ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You’ve draw for me more than twice already,so no pressure, i just love seeing No’e around, the alts are nice <3

My Oc is The Moon from last thread, the deity who has a wizard familiar

>> No.6730639
File: 185 KB, 1203x1870, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in love with this design :)

>> No.6730640
File: 152 KB, 557x1062, 2004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730643

No I'm still here, I'm just not participating because like that guy said these are some really awful OCs for the most part. It's all just anime fetish girls drawn by 17 year olds

>> No.6730654

Didn’t leave. Taking a break to grind fundies, and I have a backlog of personal stuff to draw.

>> No.6730657

Fair enough, quietly lurking until something catches your eye is fine. Mass (you)ing and calling everyone shit like the other guy is gay though.

>> No.6730663
File: 99 KB, 1460x1115, IMG_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730671
File: 838 KB, 2480x3508, sakurako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of your characters are tough.

But none compare to Sakura Uwumaru.

== Summary ==
When she was a young girl, she accidently knocked down her father's magical infinity orb, which chose her as its new user as protector of fiction, reality and all stories, guided by puru pururin, her trusted axolotl magical pet, which tutors her on its responsible use.
== Powers and Stats ==
'''Age:''' 18 tho still in highschool
'''Powers and Abilities:''' Magic (She has all the magic possible and impossible in fiction and unfiction), concept manipulation (she is all concepts and above all concepts at the same time.), plot manipualtion (she can see all battles that will happen and instantly decide that she'd win them.), time manipulation (all types, can time stop people who can resist time stops.), mind hax (can mindhax anyone, even those that resist mindhax passively, on a omniversal scale.) any magic or physical attack is reset to zero with her magical shields. Animal creation (can create animals that attack her foe, if the enemy kills them, the attack is reflected back to them)

>> No.6730675
File: 2.46 MB, 2480x3508, sakuraiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her axolotl can manipulate the start and end of stories, so if it wanted to, it can instantly end any story instantly regardless of resistances.

>> No.6730684

Wait, her name is Sakura Uwumaru???

>> No.6730689
File: 649 KB, 707x1000, NoeOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730690

Yes. Sakura Uwumaru

>> No.6730691
File: 90 KB, 1361x1097, IMG_0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730726

How are you this good what

>> No.6730736
File: 1.74 MB, 2409x1819, BlancheCultResized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My OC Blanche. She's the big dragon girl. It's hard to tell but she has two white serpentine tails with betta fish fins on them.
She was stolen away as an egg and brought to a far isolated underground land where she was revered as a saviour type deity because how much stronger she is than everyone else.
In this image she is being pampered by priestesses while mole people give her tribute and Aquamarine Golems guard her.

>> No.6730767
File: 512 KB, 800x1197, Moonbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730771

Man I'm getting too spoiled in this thread
Drop OCs!

>> No.6730907
File: 390 KB, 795x950, MichelleWithBass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, I'll keep working on it and maybe post more/draw other anon OC.
Here is a new sketch (I have to work on the design of her bass and some anatomy)

>> No.6730942

Yeah sorry. What's your character?>>6730358

>> No.6730960
File: 299 KB, 1444x2000, train chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she takes the train

>> No.6731009

Hehehe, nice to see you liked the lil axolotl thingy

Since she's a parody of overpowered magical girls, i thought she NEEDED a cute magical animal ally

>> No.6731011

It's beautiful anon

Any oc ?

>> No.6731024 [DELETED] 
File: 3.86 MB, 1500x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731028
File: 3.67 MB, 1424x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731031
File: 626 KB, 752x1000, OCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out different styles

>> No.6731038

Oh, thank you so much!
I didnt expect my shitposty magical girl to get any big deliveries!

(The difference is the eye highlight, right?)

You're really talented.
and Noe is just BALLING over te entire thread, stole everyone's hearts.

>> No.6731045

>(The difference is the eye highlight, right?)
lol yep

>> No.6731159
File: 428 KB, 1130x1772, kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute anon

>> No.6731166

Oh didn't think my sonic styled inspired oc would get any but hate here, so thanks

>> No.6731170

Thanks! I don't actually have any ocs but I appreciate the gesture. :)

>> No.6731171
File: 1.62 MB, 2744x2832, Noe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time lurker. It's about time I've gotten around to draw her

>> No.6731173
File: 3.58 MB, 1900x3706, Ostresian Empress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empress of the Ostresian Empire. They are imperialist space elves that govern via an absolute monarchy.

>> No.6731174

2nd good one in the whole thread.

>> No.6731207
File: 248 KB, 540x1200, pheonixknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phoenix Knight

He fights for justice and peace and doesn't afraid of anyone

>> No.6731208
File: 1.31 MB, 3338x3886, coltcult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731210

Aaahh(lustfull) that foreshortening is nice

>> No.6731265
File: 141 KB, 720x896, 47092fcf68946d30b5c3fdf8be278605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks so good anon, thx for drawing her!! :DDDDD

>> No.6731269
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x1063, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antoine! A pitcher for his college baseball team in the year 2003. Outside of his uniform he dresses sorta preppy. He studies law maybe and likes hanging out at clubs and driving in his convertible with the top down. Also he's Fr*nch

>> No.6731283
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 3846948626401246102461241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him, totally a chad.

>> No.6731321
File: 1.54 MB, 2163x2322, Ormand Horn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ormand horn is a 14 year old highschool student at pinelot highschool in Virginia. He's a demon from hell but his family are notoriously terrible demons despite having a lot of political and social power so they were sent to piss no wear Virginia for education.
Thinks he's hot shit, isn't. Openly hostile to people it's hard to get close to him but when you do he's loyal to a fault.
Very new to posting here so sorry if I fuck up

>> No.6731341

OR here. That’s very good. Thanks!

>> No.6731347

No one serious about sports wears piercings while playing because the risk of injury is stupidly high.

>> No.6731363
File: 800 KB, 1640x2360, Untitled-Artwork (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel almost embarrassed to post this since other anon has already posted a way better redraw.
Oh well,here we go anyways

>> No.6731385
File: 40 KB, 673x628, istg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuggit, why not.

Chell Bellerophan. (Former) Chronomancer, escaped convict, Highly dangerous and emotionally unstable. Tends to attract rips in time/disrupt rather weak veils to rip open to another timeline.
>Whats with the tattoos?
The ones over his face I based them off Enrico Pucci's weird hair deal. The one at his throat is a clock face with the hands pointing at 3:33, with 333 being 'divine numbers' and his previous views of Chronomancy in general.
>Whats with the eyes?
The left one is fake! A precious stone in fact.
>Whats with the.. 'jewelry?'
It is jewelry! Something hes come across and stylize himself and hide the fact that the left side of his face is un-even due to reasons.
>Whats with the blotches?
They dont have a set location on his body/skin. Just very small spots of temporal disruptions that pop in and out of existence. They dont do much other than itch/pinch constantly.
>Why the name?
Never played portal but liked the name 'Chell', Also liked the greek hero Bellerophan and is a very under-used story of some one having it all only for his last grasp at glory being his downfall which is VERY apart of his whole background story.

>> No.6731409
File: 574 KB, 1338x1263, vt7gv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes very pretty
at least I think its a he

>> No.6731414

OR here. It’s actually not bad. Thanks!

>> No.6731448

kneeling, so good, thank you so much I love it :)

>> No.6731468
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, D4E1C131-0721-4450-B217-429F72591605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew him doing battle with an evil vampire (homeless junkie sitting near a shopping cart and some garbage)

>> No.6731472
File: 139 KB, 955x884, BC6CB974-28FD-4448-B974-C848482991EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed orientation

>> No.6731485

LMAO thanks

>> No.6731517

LOL! Love this!

>> No.6731548
File: 33 KB, 961x1467, 1683347644243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731561
File: 1.64 MB, 1619x2772, Daily_Jewelry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Juvenile

>> No.6731567

I LOVE HOW YOU DID MINE, im the one who made the dragon ppl lol its so good ill cherish it forever
do you happen to have an artfight acc? ill try to attack you when i have the time
lol thanks, though i think thats a stretch

>> No.6731579

Uoooh I like this one, the contrast with the starry cloth, the positioning of the moon
Verry nice.

>> No.6731601

OR here. This is beautiful! You’re a very talented artist!

>> No.6731614
File: 156 KB, 605x771, image_2023-07-07_201425175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731655

OR here. I love this! Thanks!

>> No.6731779

THANK YOU such sexy art
also love the title

>> No.6731794
File: 79 KB, 800x921, 070723a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

party mom!

>> No.6731837
File: 269 KB, 1170x1556, IMG_9436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s a scuffed reference of one of my ocs, i really need to make a better one

he’s a high ranking general. most people are afraid of him due to his cold nature, but he’s a decent person when you get to know him

>> No.6731840
File: 223 KB, 1170x1542, IMG_9437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also another one

he also works as a general, generally pretty nice to everyone but he can be serious when he has to

they’re dating btw

>> No.6731886

The moon is genderless as they’re a literal deity,so they can be whatever gender you/they want to be,i love it anon! Send me ur oc and blog if you have one!

Woah these all look so pretty! I love the details on each one,and thanks for including me! got an oc,and blog? <3

Omg you’re fast,amazing as always chef,i absolutely love the pose!

>Moonbitch.png Ofc B)

>> No.6731890
File: 99 KB, 720x953, eeelllffrff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731960
File: 1.45 MB, 1170x1455, IMG_9445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn’t resist the soul radiating off of her

>> No.6731967

What's your OC.
I'm delivering today

>> No.6732006
File: 2.60 MB, 2016x3328, coolgurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice OC

>> No.6732017
File: 678 KB, 1557x1491, del0c35r34d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty colors and cute designs! I hope I was close enough.

>> No.6732022


>> No.6732037

i rly love this, very good shapes and i love the style its rly unique, thank you so much
unfortunately not anymore, but im @rykyok on artfight and discord

>> No.6732050

Post oc

>> No.6732056
File: 38 KB, 768x768, rittiburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ritti. Just a woman with an obsession with diner food. wears white sneakers.

>> No.6732068

Great energy in this piece, well done.

>> No.6732110
File: 627 KB, 2480x3508, rival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you.

I made her alongside rival cjaracter here just to mock deate/power level discussion, so they are all OP.

"Sorry i'm late to the party."


== Summary ==
He is Strongerthanyouman's long lost brother who decided to train in the arts of the blade in the desire for power.
He made a deal with a million demons to obtain all the power in the omnivese to beat his brother and prove himself superior to all fictional and unfictional beings.

== Powers and Stats ==
'''Age:''' 23
'''Powers and Abilities:''' He can depower his foe by just being in the same omniverse as them, even if they have all the powers.
His sword can reduce anyone into below infinite nothingness and weaken them infinitely below infinity.

>> No.6732112
File: 676 KB, 2480x3508, fdfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course.
Is there any character that could beat Kyle Kylerer, StrongerthanyouMan?

== Summary ==
After being bitten by a radioactive god of mathematics that throw a hot cup of coffee all over his new pants, Kyle Kilerer knew that with his new powers, he could save the world and defeat all of those who stood in his way.
But after a while, he realized that his powers were just too powerful for the planet earth, as his punches hit their enemies an infinite amount of times with an infinite amount of strenght on an infinite amount of dimensions, so he choose to be a Fast Food Employee instead, doing heroic acts in his free times.
== Powers and Stats ==
'''Age:''' 29
'''Powers and Abilities:''' Power Mimicry. (Has the power to do anything the opponent can do, but slightly better.), Power Nullification, Omniscient (Once he was bitten by the radiactive God, he gained knowledge of all dimensions, all possible dimensions, the dimensions that exist outside those dimensions and beat me (The Author) in chess earlier this morning.), Plot Manipulation (He came to my house this one time when i was about to write his storiesand told me he didnt like a part that much, and wrote the script on his own.), his OP Punch can punch conceptual, transdimensional and spiritual beings. Unbending Will, Inmune to Sealing, Reality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Mind Control, Power Mimicry and Atomic Manipulation and Power Nullification.
'''Attack Potency:''' Unknown (Depends on the opponent, since his powers can make his as strong as his opponent, but better.), At least Absolute Infinity (With his OP Punch, he can punch someone an infinite amount of times with an infinite amount of strenght in an infinite amount of dimensions.)
His OP punch punches on a micro-Conceptual Atomic scale, which affects transdimensional beings, conceptual beings.

>> No.6732123
File: 888 KB, 707x1000, DragonPrincessOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732138

WTF I LOVE HOW YOU RENDER, the color choices are fucking amazing, do you have a blog? thank you i really appreciate it :DDDD

>> No.6732160
File: 2.91 MB, 4114x3571, eyeless mans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the wait, I got bamboozled
Question, I remember reading something about this character having skin eyes? Is that true?

Just letting you know that I'll be back in like a week to return your fill (camping), sorry about the wait but I promise you I haven't forgotten!

i kneel, thank you so much this is too cute wtf!! gimme another OC so I can return the fill once I come back!!

gorgeous! The coloring is so soft and cute

super cute style, have you ever considered making paper crafts?

>> No.6732266
File: 101 KB, 1440x1752, matty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mattus is a former hobo, having established his own village after leaving his old one due to dissatisfaction. He has quite a bit of charisma, and many people left with him, believing in his vision of a better home. He currently spends his days attending to his duties as village head, and wrangling children. He enjoys walks in the forest when he has time to himself.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it.
aye aye
Thanks! Slick style! Honestly, I feel like you've just awoken something in me. I hadn't considered it before, but I'd love to do it in the future.

>> No.6732277
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice OCs! I should’ve draw No’e a long time ago tho

>> No.6732496
File: 25 KB, 713x616, 1658927484155296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start so many deliveries and scrap almost all of them because I lose steam and don't know how to continue. Its been months since I last made a finished piece

>> No.6732513
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 35wi9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her father is human and her mother is a tanooki

she is half tanooki

>> No.6732517

t. Underage tanooki...

>> No.6732522

anon im 30

>> No.6732525

Do she is have a big balls?

>> No.6732529


i haven't figured that part out yet

>> No.6732531

Why do you draw this then? Like what brings a 30y old to draw this?

>> No.6732545

>using a backtick instead of an apostrophe
Ignore the baiter, he's back for more (you)s

>> No.6732577


Are you esl? just wondering. Ruski perchance?
also pyw

>> No.6732679
File: 352 KB, 1450x1750, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was plagued by visions

>> No.6732681
File: 730 KB, 2250x2750, reo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double bun is best hairstyle

>> No.6732794

Hes here >>6731321.
I dont really have a blog ha

>> No.6732796
File: 2.98 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230708_154918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732798

Oops I forgot you

>> No.6732805


Thanks a lot for drawing my overpowered anime magical girl

>> No.6732834

Thanks anon! First time mine gets drawn! What's yours so I can draw it back?

>> No.6732836

My oc is my goofy villain >>6728373

>> No.6732857

Love your style! Thanks for including No'e!!
Looks cool, where OC?
Thanks again for drawing her flash! I'll get to one of your ocs soon!

>> No.6732864

i definitely wasn’t expecting them to get lewded but thanks anon

is there an oc i can’t draw for you in return?

>> No.6732865
File: 1.01 MB, 1880x1160, idi nahoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you draw this then?

Bing~O. I can smell you russians by the way you type. All my life, I've encountered only one darkhearted cynical breed and that is you mangey slavs. Far too often predators of this kind mistake the british learned and enforced christian morality as weakness, but mark my words, as a half russian myself, I know it's you bored as fuck commie worshiping fuckheads handing out short little mean comments on my /ic/. You're easier to spot than a goddamn wolf in a zebra pack.

Except commie worshiping is wrong, rather its just , a sort of ignorance, a certain, slavic caveman bruteness that separates мoи гeны from yours.

Пocлyшaй внимaтeльнo, идитe, Tвapь. Baши мaмы кaк cвиньи, Ecли Bы пoдyмaeтe, Пyтинcкий peжим, Пepeдeлывaeт этoт фaкт, этo нe пpaв.

Bы Гaдocть.

>> No.6732881
File: 1.31 MB, 2550x3300, pointyoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimented with this a bit. fun design!

>> No.6732917
File: 2.45 MB, 1233x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe thanks
and what, is he just supposed to play dripless? He needs to suffer a little anyway
o-old man with a hime cut

>> No.6732969

this is incredible

>> No.6732971
File: 2.50 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cute tanooki girl ty : )

>pic related

>> No.6733047

These rock so hard

>> No.6733128

These look pretty great anon! All of them are super cute thanks for drawing them! :DDDD

>> No.6733146

Love it! Thanks.

>> No.6733151
File: 1.11 MB, 2070x2917, 1671844094620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733179

Oh this is great. I love it

>> No.6733328

Thank you love the way you drew her
Got an OC?

>> No.6733353

Thanks and I do

>> No.6733359
File: 850 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230709_000814-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6733360

Can he switch which particle he uses for his head when he's angry?

>> No.6733373

Indeed anon he can even change the shape of his atom head

>> No.6733384

are his enemies the plucky non-metals?

>> No.6733392

for the moment I have not created any enemies for him yet

>> No.6733417
File: 2.17 MB, 1952x2592, burger girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon

>> No.6733427

That's great, thank you!

>> No.6733446

Got an OC?

>> No.6733458

Yes it's >>6728373

>> No.6733502
File: 259 KB, 768x1024, mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mind how I did her

>> No.6733505
File: 259 KB, 768x1024, Без названия344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better version

>> No.6733537

Neat. Thank you

>> No.6733622
File: 1.08 MB, 1806x1792, del0c45r34d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic taste- and also this is absolutely gorgeous! He looks so sweet; I get so happy just looking at this! Thank you! Here's your boy!

>> No.6733720

great, more /cbsg/ tourists here to suck themselves off

>> No.6733725


>> No.6733730

Fuck off tranny faggot, I'm working on a fill for one of them and want them to stick around so I can make them draw my oc again

>> No.6733736

Go bother them on /cbsg/ then you shitter

>> No.6733737

Woooaaah! I'm so happy I could get a pic from you! It's so cool seeing him in your style thank you! And Mattus just looked n sound like a real cute lil guy I had fun painting him hehe

>> No.6733739

Go back, tourist

>> No.6733741

It's a joke live a little

>> No.6733743

I don't care about guys I just want the art

>> No.6733747

This dude keeps hating on fujos and sucking off male posters you would think he would be happy about seeing more faggot art

>> No.6733752

Typical of whores to never take accountability for their own things and flee here every time their shitty fujo threads go up in flames

>> No.6733755

He can suck off whoever he wants but the attempt to police who draws what is turbo fag behavior. We always need more int posters. who fucking cares if they post in more than one general.

>> No.6733761

You're not getting more (you)s from me until you pyw.
If you're not better than >>6731269 >>6732917 >>6733622 nothing that you're saying matters. Your contributions are worthless if you're not even drawing.

>> No.6733770

He is a tourist faggot from the /crab/ thread, he has not done any fills for anyone and judging by the quality of that thread he is just a beg shitter with an extra chromosome

>> No.6733773

/crab/ should have stayed on its permabeg /co/ board.

>> No.6733904
File: 102 KB, 1076x747, 1688149168725417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fujo/schizo is being a faggot on purpose. report and ignore

>> No.6733908

Noted kek

>> No.6733943
File: 918 KB, 1805x1500, sakura uwumaru_re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I could capture some of that soul

>> No.6733945
File: 740 KB, 752x1000, Male OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy version

>> No.6733971
File: 2.40 MB, 1897x2703, ritti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute :D

>> No.6734009

Love it!
Thank you!

>> No.6734063

Thanks for drawing Dr Atomius,any oc ?

>> No.6734245

Very lovely, thank you! Do you have an oc?

>> No.6734280

Do you guys have socials? I'll follow you both

>> No.6734317

hehe hes actually her father (dragon king) but again thanks so much, i really love how you did both of them your style is excellent
this is rly cute, tradchads stay winning, thanks :D

>> No.6734346
File: 456 KB, 825x1050, MichelleRedesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight redesign to make her a bit more "realistic" but still keep her cartoony part.
I still have not figured out what color her clothes will be, but noted the tone of that I imagine.
In the next post I think to do more details about her: like/hate, age, front/back, info about bass etc.

Thanks guys.
It's a really cool feeling when someone makes something like "fan art" of your character. It's feels like a compliment in some way.
I hope next time I will draw your OC.

>> No.6734357

>dragon king
I have reading comprehension kek sorry, but I’m glad he’s the king and father because I couldn’t draw him as cute as you do so he ended looking old and grumpy(like he actually is!) in the end.

>> No.6734367

Ooooh Antoine looks so handsome! And I love the lil harlequin in the background. I've thought I wouldn't like his hat turned cuz it might look dorky, but seeing this I'm convinced it's still cool hehe. Thank you!
Were the centaur and medic your OC's? If so, I've drawn one of them! If not, I didn't waste my time drawing the wrong character and it doesn't actually exist

>> No.6734375

no worries lol its fine, it turned out great and you still made him look cute lol, i rly appreciate it man

>> No.6734384

Oh, didn’t know Antoine and Cronus (if I’m guessing right) were drawn by the same person (the painting style looks different). I had fun practicing drawing your guys and you’re most welcome! And yup they are.

>> No.6734393
File: 638 KB, 1780x2500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Cronus isn't my guy! I just wanted to do a return as thanks! Sorry if the details aren't accurate it was a bit hard for me to tell from the pic

>> No.6734412

I love it anon! It’s so purty, thanks for returning the delivery so promptly!

>> No.6734471

Once in a life time a tourney that's actually good happens!

If you are interested in getting your oc drawn, and drawing other people's oc you should join the /ic/ oc survivor tourney!


>> No.6734521
File: 2.70 MB, 441x498, ha-no-hazbin-hotel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735026

Thats so cute anon, Thank you. What can I draw for you?

>> No.6735199

New Thread

>> No.6736089

No time to draw right now, but would like to say some positive words to you, anons, these are my favorite characters ITT.

Mattus is based, Tanuki girl is getting there. The artstyle has a lot of personality to it, just needs more silhouette design for the main body.

>> No.6736924
File: 120 KB, 306x638, Screenshot_72 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone interested in making art, finding friends and having fun.