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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 680x410, FsZ2CunagAEg57B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6716200 No.6716200 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like an inner blockade, like every time I think about drawing I get this inner *sigh* feeling. Am I not enjoying drawing? I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel like this with a lot of stuff, with games, doing dishes, cleaning my house, shaving, brushing my teeth

specifically with drawing I think I'm also just afraid that It will look like shit, and knowing me I will fix it and work on it for the whole day if I start to make it perfect, and since I'm like that I don't even start. How can I fix myself? Should I just ban myself from the internet and all media for a week and "Detox" to make my brain feel hyped for something again? All I do is daily gesture exercises

>> No.6716203

Don't ban yourself from the Internet, just lower the barrier to drawing. Watch a YouTube video a doodle, draw stick figures and do it quickly. Your only goal is to streamline and remove barriers to drawing, and if you are too retarded to draw stick figures draw ellipses. Or take a different path and do automatic drawing/active imagination.

>> No.6716206

It's also possible you are too permanently online. Drawing is about observation. A master artist can find interesting subjects to observe anywhere but an observelet will need to go out into the world to find something new. Have you looked closely at the World yet? Check your cup of hot cocoa, look at the bubbles, pretty interesting? Make some soup and look at the textures, look at how water flows. The world is dynamic and if you aren't excited to draw it you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.6716214
File: 90 KB, 822x1024, 2e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're depressed, dumbass. Get off the internet, go outside, take a walk and draw something you saw along the way. And remember to clean your room.

>> No.6716217

Don't wash your penis OP.

>> No.6718874

unironically best piece of advice for breaking the "i dont want to draw" go walk then draw something you saw. doesnt matter if it looks like shit.

>> No.6719051

If someone doesn't feel like drawing then why are they wanting to draw in the first place? Even a toddler will draw if you put a piece of paper in front of them.

>> No.6719058


just do it. make a list of words or prompts and draw a sketch everyday. make sure you draw one thing from that list each day regardless how you feel. eventually it will get the wheel turning and you'll be drawing more and more.

>> No.6719422

Yeah it's a jewish campaign, they want to keep the good smell that attracts women all for themselves

>> No.6721017
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>> No.6721064

Find art you like that motivates you. Pinterest is great for this reason, but you can also just download and save shit into your folders. Keep something just for inspiration. Its probably because drawing comes off as too much a chore to you. Learn to just have fun with it and draw without stress or tension even if it's bad. Accept it. Tackle one fundamental at a time rather than all at once. Don't be an overthinker.

>> No.6721097
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OP will never not overthink, as evidenced by this thread.
The answer is right, find some hentai to draw, or some faggoty shit. But the moment it's not motivating you, switch to the next resource or inspiration. Of course because OP is a permabeg he will never get to the point of developing a habit because he can't even do one drawing of anything. Fuck you OP.

>> No.6721127

I am just like him. Been daydreaming about getting good at drawing for five years now. I've only put maybe 20 hours of actual work throughout all that time. I will probably never get motivated enough to actually sit down but i will continue to dream about doing so day in and day out.

Your worst sin is that you have betrayed yourself for nothing or whatever that quote by dostoyevsky was

>> No.6721140

also easier said than done. Your startng point probably wasn't complete dogshit. You can't "draw for fun" when you genuinely can't do ANYTHING well
there has to be at least a little something that's redeemable there for it to be fun but when you're a true beginner you know fucking nothing and anything you produce is bound to be dogshit for xxx amount of horurs before you get at least somewhat good

>> No.6721369

Let's put it this way, a master that has lost all his skill could easily sit down and become a master again; why? Being a master has nothing to do with skill but with loving your craft and loving /every/ single step of the way. Because there is no end to improvement.
>You can't "draw for fun" when you genuinely can't do ANYTHING well
If you think there is a certain level of talent you need to attain to enjoy drawing then that attitude is your only problem. Nobody thinks this about video games. A good video game is easy to pick up because it's enjoyable from the first level onward. Sucking at video games is enjoyable because they are designed to give you a master's mindset from the first second you play. You have just programmed yourself, or been programmed to think that dogshit drawings are not fun to draw. You weren't born a beginner at art, you were socialised into a beginner's mindset. Like I said >>6719051:
>Even a toddler will draw if you put a piece of paper in front of them.
I'm harping on this but I have "mastered" skills in several different fields and it's infuriating seeing people think that there is some magical cut-off point where an activity becomes fun. Being a master is to find enjoyment in the most tedious things, to find beauty and intrigue in the mundane. Open your meager pantry and ask "what can I make from this?". Learning is a fractal process where you have infinite room to improve. That can be scary but it's all fun, if you want. If you are too cynical or proud to hang a shit drawing on your fridge and showing it to your friends with child-like enthusiasm you simply will never have the mental energy to make progress on such an infinite journey. There is never not someone better, in every direction there is something forever be beyond your grasp. That's the fun of it.

>> No.6721732

>If you think there is a certain level of talent you need to attain to enjoy drawing then that attitude is your only problem. Nobody thinks this about video games. A good video game is easy to pick up because it's enjoyable from the first level onward.
there's a difference between creation of something by yourself as opposed to engaging a pre-made handcrafted experience such as a videogame.
You cannot have fun if your skill level is that of a disabled five yeard old. If that's the case you will simply hate anything that you do draw.
I myself enjoy the process of whipping around with a pencil but the fact that the end results are absolute dogshit can never be overlooked.

>> No.6721736

>If you are too cynical or proud to hang a shit drawing on your fridge and showing it to your friends with child-like enthusiasm you simply will never have the mental energy to make progress on such an infinite journey
Fake and gay. I will simply practice in solitude till i get to the point where my stuff isn't dogpoop. Why possibly could that not be an option?

>> No.6721741

>You cannot have fun if your skill level is that of a disabled five yeard old.
Untrue, disabled five year olds do have fun drawing but this is the whole contention, yngmi. I have seen this for languages as well, some people treat languages like a drudgery acting like learning a language is an asocial activity until they get up to fluency (never going to happen) vs people who learn a handful of phrases and are exicted to put it into practice when they meet native speakers.
I must specify that your motivating material depends on your own character, it's a long journey and you need to continually refuel. My fuel is showing off and getting attention for it, what will keep you going is your own to find out.

>> No.6721742

But the proof is in the pudding, if you suck at drawing your opinion means nothing and you will know that for yourself.

>> No.6721746

People who learn programming and stick to it all do it because they love to code, even writing a for loop or a recursive function. If you can't find the joy in that you aren't meant for programming.

>> No.6721798
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>A good video game is easy to pick up because it's enjoyable from the first level onward. Sucking at video games is enjoyable because they are designed to give you a master's mindset from the first second you play.
This rotted my brain for very long and I only started enjoying doing slower things like drawing and reading when I reduced my vidya consumption from playing all day to being moderate, as well as closing social apps and frequenting social media less.
You CAN enjoy to learn things, by the way. I used to force myself to draw or exercise, not they're compulsions that bring me joy. Just take it slow, change your habits little by little, disconnect a little bit more to allow your mind to heal from the constant stream of shit the Internet beams into it.

>> No.6721807

>Untrue, disabled five year olds do have fun drawing but this is the whole contention
yes becuase they are disabled and therefore unable to tell dogass apart from actual good work
my curse is that i'm not disabled and i get rightfully angry wherever i produce actual certified piece of a turd

>> No.6721810

>People who learn programming and stick to it all do it because they love to code, even writing a for loop or a recursive function. If you can't find the joy in that you aren't meant for programming.
okay then i guess i should just give up on drawing because i'm not a masochist. Good advice

>> No.6721812

Yes drawing also functions as a meditative practice, especially with pen and paper.
If drawing makes you angry you won't get good at drawing without great self-discipline. Just take responsibility for your own attitudes, you aren't cursed because you're too smart you just can't be bothered.

>> No.6721813

Yeah seriously, unless you can prove me wrong which I hope but doubt you can.

>> No.6721814

A lot of people get good at things that they hate doing, many people study things at school they have no interest in to make a good living but if you're bitching on /ic/ about drawing as a hobby then you will forever be the same.

>> No.6721815

>If drawing makes you angry you won't get good at drawing without great self-discipline
>Yeah seriously, unless you can prove me wrong which I hope but doubt you can.
>A lot of people get good at things that they hate doing, many people study things at school they have no interest in to make a good living but if you're bitching on /ic/ about drawing as a hobby then you will forever be the same.

Correct. I will now give up on drawing until a year later when i get a silly fairly tale fantasy in my head again. Time to jerk off and go to sleep. Perhaps drink a bit.

>> No.6721816

>I will now give up on drawing until a year later when i get a silly fairly tale fantasy in my head again
This has happened thrice already and i fully expect it to become a yearly happenstance which will continue on till i get too old to be bothered. Probably around fourty.

>> No.6721825

>I must specify that your motivating material depends on your own character, it's a long journey and you need to continually refuel.
My personal fuel is spite. I have never done drawing more regularly or solidly than when i was cast aside by my former friend group. I wanted to gain an impressive skill to get back at them and demonstrate my worth to my formers pals current enemies. There was this one fag in that group who created shitty cinematics in some old-ass koikatsu reminiscent engine and he was always very proud of those. This pissed me off to no end becuase he dared to go as far as to call himself an artist for doing that which i think personally is total horseshit. Not that using a creation engine disqualifies you but his stuff was just really really really bad. Beyond terrible.

>> No.6721865

Spite isn't a bad motivation, if you can maintain it long enough.

>> No.6721867

At least draw your own jerk-off material.

>> No.6721874

>At least draw your own jerk-off material.
i will shoot myself in thye head with 44. rimfire pointblank seven times before i draw porn or nudies.
Especially ones that are badly drawn. I would quite literally not reecovered if sommeone found nudies poorly drawn by yours truly
especially since some of my erotic interests are quite frankly Nuts

>> No.6721924

Now I'm curious what's so nuts about them

>> No.6721927 [DELETED] 

>try to draw
>anxiety/panic attack
>start hitting myself out of stress
I wish I had good genes.

>> No.6721944

Very specific flavour of homosexuality.

>> No.6721984

I did most of the heavy lifting when I was a kid, I was way more motivated back then. Which isn't to say I'm any good, but I would never get to this point if I were to start over. Motivation is a bitch that's completely out of our control, it's maddening.

>> No.6721990

Lol I can't draw porn because it gets me super horny no matter how bad it is, I can't get anything done if I start drawing titties

>> No.6722476
File: 2 KB, 142x233, 1616440216883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to suggest this if you suck at drawing, there is nuance to getting it right but it's as simple as it gets. Also is it homosexuality where everyone is a furry with massive dicks

>> No.6722513

The older the get the more self-determination you need, definitely. For me I now removed all limits from myself, that there are no limits to how much I want to learn, that really helped remove any questions about whether something is worth learning or not (like anatomy).

>> No.6722665

>Also is it homosexuality where everyone is a furry with massive dicks
No. If that were the case and i were to be good at drawing i would be a rich man. There's a market for such things i believe

>> No.6722673

Have not done any drawing today even though i had it in mind. The same exact thing will likely happen tomorrow and the day after.

>> No.6722966

If I posted a drawing would it inspire you to post a drawing

>> No.6723045

probably not. its 2AM. not a prime drawing timne. maybe tomorrow but even then probably not
i could post an old one

>> No.6723055

I truly want to get good at drawing and reach a skill level on par with an high tier manga artist or internet illustrator, my goals are character art (dynamic poses, detailing, lineart, facial expressions, multiple camera anglese, etc.) and then mechanical design as a secondary subject matter. Though my perspective and observational drawing abilities aren't that great, so I don't know which is more ideal between starting fixing those skills then do figure drawing after a while, or going straight to figure drawing and master copies.
After thinking about it for a while, I realized everytime I try to make an autistic studying schedule while still doubtful, or try to study more things at once with no direction, I burn out after a few days and go back to not drawing.
I seriously need a solution for my autistic way of doing things if I want to stop being stuck at my current skill level.

>> No.6723134

I'll try to try drawing tomorrow
Probably not gonna but oh well a man can dream

>> No.6723480
File: 542 KB, 1152x2048, doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch a YouTube video a doodle

>> No.6724410

Haven't done it yet. Still an hour left till today is over but i probably won't do it in that hour either way.
I don't even know why i still complain about drawing even though i haven't done more than 15 hours of actual work in the past five years. I should just give up and ride it out till i die at age 87

>> No.6724411

The answer might be that i'm too depressed too draw but that's not helpful at all. The knowledge of the fact that i'm depressed doesn't bring me any resolution or new insight it just gives me more of a concrete reason as to why i'm ass and i never do any work and will kms in five years
its just set dressing at this point. What i need is a solution/will to change. Which will never come

>> No.6724421

You just need to know why you care about drawing at all, tell me about your father.

>> No.6724425

>You just need to know why you care about drawing at all
What even got me into the idea at first was just Fire Punch. I thought the manga looked cool as fuck and wanted to be able to do something. Later on i realized i have literally 0 inherent worth so unless i develop a skill i'm fucked big time. I did a bit of drawing regularly, went through the whole fun with pencil and then two other books and then sorta mellowed out until i postponed to the current stage where i draw like two shitty drawings every few weeks.

My dad is an okay guy but he's a pretty bad father. We are distant.

>> No.6724427

I don't know wht is this but i literally spent hours daily daydreaming about drawing/writing and then do none of those things when i actually have the free time to do so.
I'd be a master if i spent 1/5th of the time i spent thinking about drawing actually drawing.

I guess i'm just lazy and the most i can do with my life would be to get a job at a gas station or something idk

>> No.6724432
File: 139 KB, 1344x849, Stegozaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the worst part is that at one point or another i've shown some of my stuff to an actual skilled artist and he said that i'm pretty good and he wishes he had the starting point i've had and that as long as i keep up practice i'll surely get excellent.
That was a year ago and i've done maybe five drawings total since then

>> No.6724505

I'm the same way. I think about drawing and wonder if its worth the hours spent to create some new drawing. Will it be good? Maybe.

>just enjoy the process
when you get old enough, fun isn't enough anymore. You realize how pointless fun is when you can literally feel time ticking away.

What it feels like now is playing poker when you're bad vs when you're good. When you're bad, you are playing every hand, riding the ups and downs and having fun along the way. When you're good, you can instantly calculate if a hand is worth playing or not, and you fold most of the time, feeling nothing. Waiting for those pocket aces. I sit around thinking of things to draw until I come up with something worth spending hours on, because I'm tired of drawing flops.

>> No.6724510

>just enjoy the process
Stupidest advice ever said.
If fun is what you're seeking than go do fucking heroin. If fun is my priority then i'm gonna play video games and jack off. Not learn a new skill, that shit is hard and any fun that you could get out of it falters when compared to the fun that you'd get out of literally anything else.

>> No.6724542

If you don't have fun drawing or atleast have fun learning how to draw then you're ngmi and wasting your time.

>> No.6724544

>If you don't have fun drawing or atleast have fun learning how to draw
I don't have fun doing fucking anything even the things that are cut out to be enjoyable. What the fuck do i do then?
Can youy train yourself to have fun drawing or am i just FUCKED and should never bother again?

>> No.6724590

Well turning the question around, do you have any habits? If yes: you need to examine what motivates you to keep habits. If not: then habit building should be your primary goal before getting skilled at drawing.

>> No.6724599

Depends, if you "just" want to become good then yes you're fucked.

>> No.6724604

>Well turning the question around, do you have any habits?
Vidya and masturbation. I don't drink or smoke because i am wary that i easily fall into addictions and if i were to get hooked on a substance of any kind i'd fucking spiral into my grave within a year.
>If yes: you need to examine what motivates you to keep habits
My penis feels good when i wank it and video games are stimulating to my brain. None of this brings me any insight or resolution. I just know exactly what i've known a year ago.
>habit building should be your primary goal before getting skilled at drawing
That's retarded desu. In a year i'm gonna have to get a fulltime job and ain't no way i'm gonna be able to be bothered to draw when i'll have to put in eight hour shifts minimum. My deadline is a year so if i want to actually get skilled i literally don't have the time to develop havig building first. Either way "devloping a habit building" sounds like some utter self-help bullshit that someone tells you about in a 200$ online course on how to cure depression

>> No.6724605

>Depends, if you "just" want to become good then yes you're fucked.
I want to get good so that i can put some of my ideas into reality.
Having that goal in mind has not helped and i doubt that it will.
I should probably just give up for good and take a fast-typing masterclass and then kms. Don't think i'm capable of much else at this point

>> No.6724616

What I did was 100 days of drawing, with friends we did one drawing a day before midnight and then I continued by myself after that. That was several years ago and I have drawn every day since.

>> No.6724618

How much time are you spending drawing per day?
How mindful are you being when you're drawing, is it just autopilot or are you actually paying close attention and trying to figure out why something doesn't work/look right?
When was the last time you sat down and spent 3 hours drawing uninterrupted no phone, no checking something, no doing some bullshit that your brain comes up with to distract yourself?

I think I know the answer to those 3 questions and they're not looking good for you.

>> No.6724625
File: 136 KB, 1546x848, obraz_2023-07-03_010616754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much time are you spending drawing per day?
Fucking zero in the past year or so.
At my peak it was 2-3 hours of working with books.
>How mindful are you being when you're drawing, is it just autopilot or are you actually paying close attention and trying to figure out why something doesn't work/look right?
Pretty mindful. It does suck my brain in when i actually do sit down and do it.
>When was the last time you sat down and spent 3 hours drawing uninterrupted no phone, no checking something, no doing some bullshit that your brain comes up with to distract yourself?
A year+ ago. Pretty shameful indeed

As i've said above. All of my issues could be resolved by just working hard but i was never taught work ethic or fucking anything so i am cursed to wander the world and complain that i do nothing and then continue to do nothing.

I don't have enough of a skill to make actual solid drawings. So for me it would be more like 100 days of doodling. Maybe when i get good enough(never)

>> No.6724631

>How much time are you spending drawing per day?
I usually do my daily drawing between 5-20 minutes, but I draw sporadically through the day. I drew my daughter while she was eating, I draw while watching YouTube.
>How mindful are you being when you're drawing, is it just autopilot or are you actually paying close attention and trying to figure out why something doesn't work/look right?
I am very focused, I focus on line weight, anatomy and constantly throughout the day I pay attention to people's faces with parts I would like to do better. I check their proportions and the softness of intersections and integrate that into my sketches.
>When was the last time you sat down and spent 3 hours drawing uninterrupted no phone, no checking something, no doing some bullshit that your brain comes up with to distract yourself?
Never since elementary school. The last "long" drawing I did was 2 hours of focus

>> No.6724645

>i am cursed to wander the world and complain that i do nothing and then continue to do nothing.
At least you have self-awareness but that somehow makes you worse

>> No.6724646

>"I draw while watching YouTube"
>"I am very focused"
doesn't make any sense.

" i was never taught work ethic or fucking anything"
You're just in a victim complex, not doing anything and blaming others for it. That's fine if you can overcome it if not well then continue reaping the rewards.

>> No.6724652

Sure it does, I do both. When you have a family and a job you need to squeeze out every minute you can.

>> No.6724655

It doesn't, it's like me saying I am spending as much time as I can being focused on drawing but I'm still on this board chatting shit.

>> No.6724657

>You're just in a victim complex, not doing anything and blaming others for it.
I am well aware. But again, the awarness of the fact that i'm just self-sabotaging doesn't help me in the slightest. I've figured out EVERYTHING there is to be figured out about myself fucking years ago. There's nothing new to be revealed and all of that information is useless to me.
Also as i have said the only thing that WILL help me is if i actually start putting in the work which i will probably never do it because i have never done it before in the last eighteen years of my life so why would it start happening now all of sudden

>> No.6724658

Okay I mean I'm not your fucking therapist, if your life is that sad and you don't want to work towards anything then just off yourself and be done with it.

>> No.6724661

>Okay I mean I'm not your fucking therapist, if your life is that sad and you don't want to work towards anything then just off yourself and be done with it.
I'll just blast off and return if i ever get good.

>> No.6724663

You can be focused on drawing and talk shit if you actually did any drawing.

>> No.6724712
File: 247 KB, 1679x1895, 354154651_993340358357708_1032662169534614234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mentioned Fire Punch. I wish you the best but know that I will also be drawing for you.

>> No.6724820

That's just making me feel guilty of being such a lazy ass.
I could not sleep today so we'll see whether or not sleep deprived me is any good at putting in the work

>> No.6724901

Man i didn't even say thanks i'm such a self- centered asshat.

Much appreciated Man. I respect the skill. I'll shut up with my self pity rn and just try to get good without shitting out all of my self-doubt.
Will post progress when its there. There's also an intensive drawing course that i can sign up for irl in a month. Eighty hours of work under a professional

>> No.6725098

>sketching: 1 hour
>construction: 1 hour
>realize the idea sucks
>Start over
>another 2 hours pass
>its stiff and has zero appeal
>start over
>run out of ideas

>> No.6725195
File: 29 KB, 480x482, u0fkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sketching 1 hour
>Construction 1 hour

>> No.6725199

Forgot to tag you>>6725098
You're talking as if they're in different categories.

>> No.6725203

Nothing more pathetic than a man stuck in a cycle of self pity and self loathing expecting others to pull him up.

>> No.6725209

>how dare you be sad!

>> No.6725213

Yeah unironically.

>> No.6725227

sounds gay

>> No.6725254

Drawing is undeniably gay but the results are not

>> No.6725320

yes? sketching is coming up with the idea and pose, construction is drawing the foundation. If I could just draw a fast construction as a sketch then I wouldn't be here

>> No.6725351

Are you OP?

>> No.6725607
File: 390 KB, 720x720, obraz_2023-07-03_210920330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to finally get over that self-pity depressin bullshit and get in on my third act redemption arc. The issue is that i've tried to do it multiple times before in the past and it has always had the same exact resulte of failure. It feels like a sisyphean task at this point. I'll undertake it once more of course just as soon as i'm rid of sleep deprivation enough to actually read an art book and retain information. I will try again and then i will probably fail again the end but i will put in my honest days work before that failure comes. All i can do at the current point

>> No.6725666

I can do this. I will do this.

>> No.6725667

gonna be honest with you anon, i had this same problem in my teenage years and now that im an excel monkey it gone away. i think its because now my drawing time is my leisure time, before that was "practice time". dont know exactly how to explain it

>> No.6725698

You're probably just depressed

>> No.6725721
File: 152 KB, 1080x1198, disco stoikecism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your pic related
literally me
my entire family is dead, mother/father/dogs/grandparents
I've spent thousands of dollars on drugs, prostitutes, and pornography
I'm also lead author of a paper on DNA and have walked literally thousands of miles
the key to getting anything done is to be a baby bitch and build little baby bitch habits
100 pushups a day? Fuck that, do 10 a day
after two weeks of that bump it up to 15 a day
three weeks and you don't feel like increasing it? that's fine, do it next week and you're at 20
eventually you're doing 100 a day even if it takes a year and 6 months

same with drawing
want to draw portraits? fuck that, start with easy inanimate objects
earrings can be easy to draw, draw some of them
do 1 a day, next week do 2 a day
just slowly build up, and also don't be ashamed of acting like Tequila Sunset, or rather, be ashamed and be openly ashamed and just don't fucking give a fuck
that stupid fucking character means so much to me

>> No.6725805

That's called depression my dude.

>> No.6726102

It's because I told God no because I was mad about what happened early in life so I focused on business to help family but you saw how that turned out.

>> No.6726652

OP here, I'm on an antidepressant now and start to feel better (Wellbutrin, doesn't kill creativity. I hope I can work on my mindset of defeatism to not go back into that hole, I think the guy at drawabox is right that drawing can make depression worse

>> No.6726881

This right here

>> No.6728047

See a therapist, not even kidding

>> No.6728498

The awarness of the cause doesn't resolve the issue in the slighest. Just because i know that its because of depression i can't do anything doesn't mean that i know how to fix all of those issues and or makes struggling with them any easier.
Awarness of the inner state doesn't provide even the slightest of benefits.

>> No.6728591

>Believes in depression
>Thinks he is entitled to being good without putting in work
>Expects others to solve problems for him
>Ignores advice
>Plays videogames and jerks off all day
>Lets past failures stop future growth
>On antidepressants(already lost the battle)
>Every post here from you is self pity
Can't quite figure out why you're such a failure op.

>> No.6728610

all the self pity is from me, i'm not OP i just hoped in on to get my self-pity cycle going.
I'm not on anti-depressants but i do all the rest of everything you just said.
If i could be a good man i would like to do that but currently putting in two hours a day into absolute and utter bullshit tier work is most i can do.
Hopefully i wasn't lied to and you can indeed get good if you just put in the work although i am already beginning to doubt whatever dumbass said that.

>> No.6728627

You can get good if you put in the work but it's not like a video game where you can just be brain afk and still level up which is something I think leads to a lot of frustration from hardstuck begs.

>> No.6728632

I can think about it while doing it. I'm mostly just pissed off at how slow the progress is. How do i even know whatever art book for beginners i'm going through rn is even worth a damn if i can't see the improvement between what i drew while working with page 1 vs page 100.
Not like my time is worth anything more than a piece of dogshit either way but you get why that could be a tiny bit frustraiting

I haven't actually learned a single skill in my entire life yet so i don't even know if i'm capable of doing something like that. I tried to get good at programming and writing before but i always fizzle out pretty quickly. Maybe some people jut aren't meant to actually do stuff and i should just jack off and sleep

>> No.6728635

What do you want to draw the most? Animals? Houses? Faces? People?

>> No.6728647

This and architecture maybe. But mostly people.
I think of everything else as secondary to that goal and my go to doodle subject is just repeating different shapes and variations of skulls until i get a mildly satysfying one(i rarely do)

>> No.6728658

Okay then start with drawing heads no lower than the neck and shoulders. Draw 25 heads, do not try to make them pretty just try and get the angle right and place the features,dots for eyes, triangle nose etc. As you're drawing those heads take notes of things you struggle with and then go look how someone better than you draw those things you struggle with. Then repeat and I promise you'll make quicker gains in a month than any of these beg courses would get you in a year

>> No.6728661

Do i just do those from memory or based on pics of irl people.?
I've done prolly more than 25 of those since its my go to doodling thing so any time before actual practice i'll just do five or ten of those but alright i'll give it a try

>> No.6728664

Of course not from memory, your memory isn't accurate.

>> No.6728678

Gotcha. I'll try to copy some drawn heads as well as to draw based on real people.
I'll do that alongside the usual /beg/ grind of just going through the books/courses.

>> No.6730957

Too lazy / afraid / unmotivated to draw? Just don't fucking draw then. Why are you idiots always trying to force yourself to do something you don't even like? You don't HAVE to draw. Better spend your time on something you enjoy or something you can get paid for. Drawing is neither of those things for you and that's okay. That means you can just drop it.

>> No.6730962


>> No.6730974
File: 108 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1688622529608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew today for the first time in months and I want to kill myself.

>> No.6730999
File: 210 KB, 941x1080, 1631019321316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be harsh on yourself like this. You drew for the first time in months, it's a good thing, even if the results are not up to your standards now. Reward yourself, at least with positive feelings. If you don't, you'll keep associating drawing with something negative. Changing deeply ingrained habits is uncomfortable, it's like getting in cold water, but once you swim it'll feel natural.
If you see this post, come back tomorrow to tell me that you drew again. A 5 minutes doodle will do. I know you can do it, and maybe even have fun.

>> No.6731006


>> No.6731016

>too lazy to eat better and hit the gym? dont fucking do it then, even if you know its good for you
Nothing is enjoyable when your brain is fucking fried by years, decades of constant exposure to high dopamine media, porn, video games etc
Why do you believe so many people here are desperately asking for help trying to enjoy simple shit like drawing. Trying to break free from your own brain being hard wired to consoom shit is a struggle, I've been there.
I believe it should be encouraged at least.

>> No.6731030

>drawing is the same as healthy nutrition and exercise
Retard. Unlike those two actually necessary things, drawing is just one of many hobbies. If it doesn't work for you - try something else, there's literally countless other options that don't involve mindlessly consooming.

>> No.6731205

So you will continue to draw because you want that daily feeling of wanting to kill yourself right? Lucky bastard, enjoy it while you can.

>> No.6731398

does it happen othes that you yawn a lot when drawing ?

it keep me distracted from drawing

>> No.6731403

I yawn a lot all the time. Moreso around noon. It does get pretty distracting sometimes.

>> No.6731408

I yawn when i draw a lot too. I usually fix that by drinking coffee, getting a lot more sun, or actually getting sleep.

>> No.6731410

>actually getting sleep
Get a load of this loser, lmao.

>> No.6733570
File: 161 KB, 400x303, 1366652413556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, another nodraw anon here. I've come here to wallow.

I've discovered that I can numb my feelings by distracting myself with entertainment online. It lets me completely disengage my critical thinking, stop registering the passage of time and just indulge in infinite consumption. It's a habit now.

I like drawing. Drawing is nice. It makes me feel happy when I've drawn something. However, it's an activity that requires conscious thought, and that comes with negative feelings about myself that consist mostly of fear, anger and sadness. The compulsion to just run away from those feelings is strong.

On top of that, I have this condition where I think my experience is unique and worth sharing, that few people know what it's like, and that my suffering is somehow special and greater than others'. And I often talk about that to anyone who'll listen. It makes me feel smart when someone agrees with me for figuring things out. It brings temporary relief. I've alienated myself from others, because when I talk to them, it's usually me fishing for their pity like this, without listening what they actually have to say, or caring about them and how they're doing.

I carry in me a soul that wishes to connect with the world beyond and reignite its divine spark. It's a source of my life force and passions, but also constant suffering. It's inconvenient to have, and the best I can do is numb myself to it for a time. In the end, it's a choice that's mine alone to make. There is nothing anyone here can say to help me, but I think at the very least you know those feels.

>> No.6733687

I draw something and then feel really demotivated by it being not very good, then struggle to try again on the next one. AUGH does it ever pass? Where tf is the confidence interval

>> No.6734926

80% of what I draw gets erased. Teh finished piece was only about 15 minutes of actual content, hours are gone redrawing and redoing. So whenever I think about drawing I just remember all that wasted time and don't have the energy to go through it all over again. That's the definition of insanity.

>> No.6735131

Why the fuck would you erase anything? When you are a beginner you just draw and either work with it or begin a new drawing.
Your experience is made to be shared. You have to learn how to draw without effort. You can start by drawing doodles, drawing big circles and packing smaller circles while watching something. How you described entertainment should apply to drawing also:
>It lets me completely disengage my critical thinking, stop registering the passage of time and just indulge in infinite consumption. It's a habit now.
And before you say that unconscious art is meaningless let me tell you, you cannot draw "nonsense". It all originates from you. After drawing something random for a while you will get a flashing image, a picture of something and you will want to draw it. That's the step that starts it all.
As I said >>6721369 the element of mastery is to enjoy. There are people with skills that also feel like you, even if they can draw well they still failed because they are pouring their energy into nothingness. Drawing is observing the wrongs and earning a greater appreciation of the beauty and intricacies of facial features, etc. You will never master drawing a nose, and that's why the master tries.

>> No.6735146

Oh fuck yeah a whining thread
It looked like I had the world at my feet when I was 18, then I fell into depression and my life went to shit. Never improved since, can't get myself to sit down and study

>> No.6735225

There is a person drawing for every ten thousand people that want to but don't. This is their role, to >>6724712 draw for them.

>> No.6735281
File: 359 KB, 3224x3248, Mullen Arrives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this today.
I'm gonna get seriously into practice tomorrow. Sorry that skilled people had to waste their time on me.
Will improve shortly. Just hang on please

>> No.6735345

Are you >>6724820?

>> No.6735353

Sorry for the lack of skill. Will improve in due time.

>> No.6735393

Unironically drugs are just the answer for some people. I felt similarly with untreated ADHD my whole life. Getting Addy + a life management coach changed everything and I love life. Shit days still exist but they don't steer me off course from having good and great days.

>> No.6735825

Then dont draw bitch, easy problem to solve

>> No.6735856

>Too lazy / afraid / unmotivated to go running
>Too lazy / afraid / unmotivated to play chess
>Too lazy / afraid / unmotivated to bake a cake
Imagine this for any other field

>> No.6735880

Extremely simple, no instructions needed, just go out and run.
Completely ready to play after just learning how pieces move, further learning theory and study is easily broken down into digestible chunks that don't require any skill or practice to reliably reproduce as long as you got the lesson on hand.
>bake a cake
Following a recipe is straightforward enough to not completely fuck it up on your second or third try.
An extremely huge field with multiple possible points of entry, extremely convoluted progression, that requires at least hundreds of hours of practice to get somewhat reproducible results, and even then you might not be able to draw anything even remotely close to what you see.

>> No.6735902

You have endless resources on silver platter right here, best teachers in the world hand-holding you through every step for free and you still complain

>> No.6735924

False. The first step is always *doing*. And you either do or you don't. You don't even hear people talking like this about engineering or programming.

>> No.6735934

>endless resources on silver platter
Analysis paralysis.
>hand-holding you through every step
That is just false. At least if we're talking >for free
>The first step is always *doing*
You can't "just draw" lest you wish to always stay a skill-less shitter.
>You don't even hear people talking like this about engineering or programming.
Because, again, those things are not truly comparable. You don't need to "just do it" for thousands of hours to achieve at least a semblance of a passable result with those things. I have taught myself programming well enough to make a career out of it, but drawing still baffles me to this day.

>> No.6735953

So your thesis is that drawing is unique? Or are there other fields like this.
Ultimately you can only become good by doing and even if someone finds drawing baffling or impossible to become professional at by "just drawing", I would take them seriously if they actually did "just draw". Like you said running is extremely simple, conceptually, but millions of people struggle to get off their ass and run 1k, let alone habitually. Even if drawing is uniquely difficult it doesn't preclude you from still building the habit of daily drawing. You might not respect the quality of the output but I will always respect the effort that went into it.

>> No.6735960

>I would take them seriously if they actually did "just draw"
That's the thing though, pre-begs can't draw. We can scribble, we can maybe doodle if we're either talented or a little bit more advanced already. But not draw, which is extremely discouraging, especially when "just draw" seems to be /ic/'s favorite mantra.

>> No.6736005

Drawing is very difficult but you have to question what your baseline is. A human face has intricate yet delicate features, we spend most of our time looking at faces and thinking about humans and their anatomy but you should not expect a beginner to be able to draw a face accurately. But can a beginner draw hello kitty? Or a Pokémon? Does a beginner have to be able to become a professional quickly? Those are false assumptions, even with your self-taught programming you had a basis of decades of tech and computer usage. You live and breathe computers.
Instead you are working from the wrong angle, the question should serve the purpose. Not "can I pick a random topic and draw it without it looking like shit" but you should ask "what topics do I need to pick to motivate myself to keep going". Instead of thinking so negatively about your work you should appreciately how beautiful art is, the value is in how difficult it is to capture.
Drawing is literally not impossible, superficially you are making marks on paper and conceptually you are representing forms. Drawing is meant to humble you so after you draw your 10000th failed anime girl you have the humility to look at the fundamentals, to draw a circle, to draw a square and understand how you are not above it.

>> No.6736029

If you never had problems with laziness and motivation then good for you, you are a blessed child of God. You can't understand the absurd limbo state some of us are stuck in, where doing the things you want is too painful, but so is giving up on them, so all we can do is hate ourselves.

>> No.6736032

I have a similar issue. My free time has become more and more limited which has caused some decision anxiety. Big part of it is lack of confidence in my own skill. If I can't crank out something I'm proud of in the time I've got, whats the point? But then again, whats the point of doing anything?

Its literally depression. Good luck.

>> No.6736516
File: 179 KB, 800x746, 546526fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 days home office per week with not much to do
>tons of free time
>search for great artists and inspiration
>have good ideas of what to draw
>have iPad Pro, Procreate, high quality watercolor, oil paint, best brushes, everything I need
>have great skills from when I was young
>could probably get some serious money with art
>when it's about time to turn on my ipad I rather doubleclick steam and start binding of isaac and play it until late night and go sleep

That's now for years like this. First I felt bad about it which stressed me even more. Now I just accept that I'm a lazy fuck and rather enjoy playing video games instead of doing work for potential extra money.

>> No.6736541

>good ideas
>good skills
>good equipment/supplies
>still does the same shit that I, a nodraw pre-pre-beg, do
Oh fuck right off.

>> No.6738511

Let's be real here. Humans were not "built" for prolonged mastery of complex domains. This is why there are schools where people spend a decade of their life followed by a decade more to attain a level of specialisation, with a decade more in the workforce to apply the skill usefully.
All of these things take incredible discipline.. within school where you are backed up by an institutional framework and even more so where you work alone, where you must build habits in parallel with work/school/family and your only motivation is your own desire for improvement. Having problems here is not "laziness" or "lack of motivation", it's simply being a normal human being that is pushing the boundary of its default mode of operation.
While some people have an insane natural drive or skills, nobody does great things effortlessly. That is what makes them great.
So, as a human, I understand the limbo. So does everyone who bought a guitar dreaming of being a rockstar. That's why deciding to master a complex domain is not about the domain but about your drive. You are not going to show up for work for decades with no pay without some fire up your ass. That fire must be strong enough to tolerate humiliation, demotivation, .. In the end nobody is a blessed child of God but only servants of the fire.

>> No.6738654

I used ot draw 5 hours a day but now drawing for only an hour now knocks me out for the rest of the day. I have to catch my breath like I ran a marathon and my head hurts if I ever have to think about something.

>> No.6738661

That's pretty cool

>> No.6739413

No bitch lmao stfu, drawing is not that deep faggot.

The real fucking problem is that a lot of retards fall in love with the idea of being an artist even though they have no desire to learn how to draw or to draw on a regular basis whatsoever.

A lot of them just really like anime and degen coom trash and think,

>>oh thats what ill do! Ill just learn how to make coom/anime shit and make money from home and jerkoff and never leave my house again!

And yet they forgot to ask themselves whether or not they ever liked drawing or thee
process of drawing in the first place as oppose to just the products of it.

Thats the difference between being a consumer and a creator, consumers love to consume more than to create, while creators like to create more than they like to consume.

>> No.6739444

>consumers love to consume more than to create
yeah that's literally me, have i got no chance then? i don't even want money or recognition or coombait, i just like the idea of being able to get some stuff on paper for myself, but the process to get there is absolutely daunting

>> No.6739483
File: 149 KB, 1668x976, AppleSensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont seem like an insufferable asshole so i will level with you, if you dont already love the process, you can absolutely learn to love the process, just like people can learn to love working out, aquire a taste for bitter drink, etc. Some artists like myself even started off loving the process and then grew to hate it and ultimately pushed through the other side and learned to love it again.

The important question you should ask yourself is, why? If you really genuinely just want to develop your skills enough that you can put some ideas down on paper, thats totally fine, but when you start chipping away at the mountain and realize just what a time commitment it is to really get even just halfway decent at drawing, youll learn pretty quick why most of the people who do it are either deeply in love with the act itself and often have a real desire you do it for a living. It really isnt a means to an end so much as a means to a means, the reality is, if you arent actively trying to create things and thus in need of those skills, and/or you arent trying to make a living creating things, then you really dont get much out if it other than self satisfaction and occasional fleeting praise, and thats really not worth it. There are a great many things worth pursuing in this world, and we are here for precious little time.

Be honest with yourself, and about whether or not its worth it to you.

>> No.6739490
File: 22 KB, 322x301, 1659991632509596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that is the most simplistic, yet prolific, clean and well structured pussy I've ever seen. You summed up every element perfectly, saved for reference.

>> No.6739639
File: 289 KB, 1080x1350, get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed that Bones is in WP2 that's pretty cool

>> No.6739644

oops sorry

>> No.6740220
File: 50 KB, 402x600, 0054574abb62838d25e9c41f5c368cca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's homework time! Draw this rock house.

>> No.6740226

>not loli
why would i bother drawing it

>> No.6740235

You can draw a loli hanging up the clothes to dry or sometnhig idk

>> No.6740326
File: 35 KB, 1001x677, 10m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todays 10 min studies inspired by blop anon

>> No.6740330
File: 141 KB, 921x2048, 356404035_287602457157409_6629322695643129486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740331

Perspective a little bit off on but good job anon you drew something today.

>> No.6740333

Thanks. That makes me better than 99% of /ic/.

>> No.6740380 [DELETED] 

bros just download the super pose book collection, get the gesturedrawing! Program or pureref, and see these beautiful japanese big breasted woman doing silly things. The second I see them I MUST draw them. But DON'T coom! Channel the power of coom into drawing. I could draw them for hours on end but I'm always afraid my mom comes in and sees it.

>> No.6740382 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 1600x2200, 0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740389

fuck wrong thread sorry bros

>> No.6740434


>> No.6740441

This is crucial, I need to go back to doing this

>> No.6740474

Yeah i'm like this to everything too op...

>> No.6740490

If you aren't sublimating then you are missing out. Your libido is a steam engine, if the pressure is too high it can explode if you harness it you get an amazing power.

>> No.6741015

Also keep in mind lads that once you master a skill, you are still just a random person walking down the street. Every day you pass microbiologists, pianists, mathematicians and you couldn't care less. You aren't ready to master a skill until you are ready for nobody to care, or more generously, until you understand that it is up to you to make others care.

>> No.6741029

I like the drawing, I would like to track your progress

>> No.6741277

I get sleepy when trying to draw.
Maybe I need a dopamine fast.

>> No.6741284

Draw in your sleep

>> No.6741593


>> No.6741611

How do I make them care?

>> No.6741646
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>> No.6741804
File: 1.04 MB, 827x962, 321405824357211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6742071

You just have to keep failing at that until you get into a cycle where you don't fail for longer than the last time

>> No.6742072

I have to lie on the floor on my stomach sometimes because I get bored sitting there for so long

>> No.6743443

Life is a time limited resource anon, if you don't stop falling for long enough quickly enough you're gonna run out of the chances to do so.
Thanks. I've not done much drawing the past week. Four hours total maybe.
I plan on going buck wild with it tomorrow. I'll post whatever i'm doing then here.

>> No.6743465

>time to draw
>gotta just draw
>I have nothing else to do, I can draw all day
>just gotta turn the program on
>and pick up the pen
>just gotta pick it up
>any second now
>I'll check my email first
>I'm hungry, I gotta make food
>my room's messy, I should clean it
>it's dark outside, too late to draw
>it's not an even time, I'll draw at half past
>I'm way too sleepy, I need to sleep, can't stay up drawing

fuck this fucking shit. I'm afraid eventually I'll stab myself just to avoid drawing

>> No.6743480

That's what I like to hear
Step 0: Keep a paper and a pen near you at all times. Minimize the threshold for drawing a single line: the time from "I should draw" to "drawing" should never exceed 8 seconds.

>> No.6744230

I don't know if it's the right thing anymore. I always find myself hating whatever makes me happy

>> No.6744275

It kills me to think of how much time I've wasted. On fucking 4chan too. I realize two years have passed. Still /beg/

>> No.6744301

If you feel the same way with everything, sounds like you're depressed.
That also means 4chan of all places are probably the worst place to be on with that mindset.

>> No.6744309

>Step 0: Keep a paper and a pen near you at all times
I do this and still don't draw. Being a cunt is a disease with no known cure.

>> No.6744384

Your life is automatically better if you are surrounded by pens and paper.

>> No.6745159

haven't done shit today.
I guess i'm gonna try to try tomorrow. Augha.

>> No.6745167

Before going to bed do a single-stroke drawing, you decide how long or complex you make it but a single line or dot qualifies.

>> No.6745175

>Before going to bed do a single-stroke drawing, you decide how long or complex you make it but a single line or dot qualifies.
i was fucking around in paint just a second ago so i guess that's been done.
I wanna actually double down on it and do some proper work as opposed to fucking nothing little projects of passion twenty minutes shitty drawings such as >>6735281

I've said this before but i've been depressed for the entirety of my adolescnece and have never been taught any work ethic. I snoozed all the way through hs and got by on a mix of pity from the teachers and slightly above average iq(110).
None of that justifies my laziness but those are the reasons as to why it exists.
I gotta square up and go do stuff, its just so hard to actually do something above baseline hedonism all day.

>> No.6745188

I did a single-stroke drawing for solidarity, it's a good trick to bypass writer's block by limiting the scope. I'm glad you have the passion to keep going, the advice of others have limited ability to help you because this is you learning about yourself.
Nietzsche said we are a "society composed of many souls" so must learn to negotiate with yourself. Whatever that means is personal and for you to learn. But it's not laziness, you have a goal and you are finding what works.

>> No.6745221

idk op gl with it

>> No.6747983
File: 2.43 MB, 498x266, 1672465483211287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750506

Just pick up a pencil mate it's not that hard

>> No.6752604

>I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel like this with a lot of stuff, with games, doing dishes, cleaning my house, shaving, brushing my teeth

Sounds like you're depressed and have some mental stuff going on. I'd recommend you visit a therapist - I don't think what you're going through has something to do with art

>> No.6752637

does anyone take a legit break then go back to drawing again?

>> No.6752661


>> No.6752674


a lot of people's problem is that they just can't accept where they're at. they can't separate skill level from personal value.

A lot of people stop drawing because they're scared it wont be good enough.

You aren't going to get better if you keep hyperfocusing on every single part of your drawing that looks weird to you. Eventually you have to move on and let it look weird.

If having technically OP drawings was the answer to getting more likes on twitter, then you wouldn't see shitty artists with the same amount of followers as industry pros.

stop stopping yourself because of the shoulds in your head. You shouldn't be better, you shouldn't be able to do this, you shouldn't be having an easier time. you're right where you should be right now, and trying to pretend you're somewhere else is actually just damaging you and preventing you from drawing.

Accept your drawings will be wonky. Imagine what looks good wonky.

Accept you have to practice, repeat, iterate on things in order to dewonkify the art.

Accept that wonk does not correlate with the value of your art. and that stopping yourself from drawing means that your not even creating anything of worth.

>> No.6752702

>a lot of people's problem is that they just can't accept where they're at. they can't separate skill level from personal value.
This is literally something they cannot help

>> No.6752730

It's a cultural thing. and a paradigm shift definitely does help.
If you view mistakes as anything other than positive, then you're setting yourself up for failure.

you have to draw to make mistakes. and the person who's fucking up, but drawing, is already doing more than half the people in these threads.

Your personal value should be tied to action/inaction rather than failure/success.

You can help it, but you're afraid that letting go and starting to be shitty again means you've gone backwards, when in reality it means you're making steps forwards.

There's so many micro skills involved in drawing. You will be faced with something new that you're beg level at frequently. But the only thing stopping a p from being added on is whether or not you're willing to draw like shit to learn what works and doesn't.

>> No.6752788

The thing that separates people who "make it" and people who never will is being okay with making mistakes. That kind of attitude is kind of difficult to fix, almost impossible. It goes back to childhood.

>> No.6752808

Yep. Which is why being an artist is one of the hardest things you can do. Because it's literally a mirror where you're faced with the worst and the best parts of yourself. Where you're the only thing that gets in your way and makes progress.

There's a lot of info about healing your inner child, and shadowwork and all that. But you have to be really invested in getting healthier and loving yourself.

Everyone gets their own their own time, but most people find their way there. Keep looking for ways you can treat yourself better, and your art will improve.

Often people only want to look at drawing or performing art as the sole source of XP for artists. But we take all sorts of info we learned outside of art into our practices daily. There's so much XP to be gained from living life.

My biggest recommendation for people starting this journey is to just meditate every once in a while. Even if you can't make it a habit it seriously does you a lot of favors to sit it yourself for a little bit.

>> No.6753092

Hey anons I'm yet another defeatist artist but it's eye opening (and somewhat scary) how many of us there are.
But it really makes you wonder if just letting go is the best way to handle it.
It feels like there's so many things you have to worry about otherwise you risk never getting good. But you can't even start the simple act of drawing in the first place. These high expectations are impossible and need to be let go.
Maybe we also need to just make a habit of drawing in the first place. Maybe you really enjoy drawing circles. Do it daily maybe? I dont know anymore but I understand where a lot of you are coming from.

>> No.6753517

>But it really makes you wonder if just letting go is the best way to handle it.
Not possible. I can drop it off for a time but eventually i get to a point where it starts bothering me hard enough that i start losing sleep over it.
its like my own personal version of Delivery dependence syndrome from death stranding.

>> No.6753600

The people who draw are spiritual vicars of defeated artists, when you draw you are not drawing for yourself but carrying the responsibilities of all those who, for their own reasons don't. This should give you solace, someone is carrying your burden and making it their own.

>> No.6753622

I have this constant want and need to create a myriad ideas I've been holding back for years, but the barrier that prevents me from doing any of this is not having an alias under which I would want to publish these works, people tell me to draw them and THEN think about the name later, but I can't get over this mental block
I used to have this signature that I used, and now I regret all of the works that I signed because it was not the name I ultimately wanted to use, I need this established domain to create my works inside, otherwise I feel like they're all waste, I want to get it right once and for all, this perfectionist procrastination is killing me

>> No.6753735
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>makes you wonder if just letting go is the best way to handle it
im on the verge of doing it as im typing this but maybe taking a break is better than letting the dream go
my problem is that it will took ALOT of effort and time to be good and with my current lifestyle i just dont have the willpower to grind throughout the day, but deep down inside it's a personal issue that is way much worse to the point it will make my life a whole lot more miserable and it already reflects it such as me being overweight, no self-discipline, would rather browse the net + porn all day and do nothing.
it's addicting but at the same time it keeps eating my sanity