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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6714969 No.6714969 [Reply] [Original]

Does pornographic work have artistic merit if it is made purely for financial reasons? Does said merit extend into interactive media like games, or film?

>> No.6714977
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>> No.6714979

Art is expression, it doesn't matter if you sell it or not, it's a stupid question that you ask.

>> No.6714982

What if you feel shame in what you express?

>> No.6715146

Then it's just not for you.

>> No.6715160

that dude who has the same name of a famous turtle who made a giant naked statue with a modest penis made that for money too

>> No.6715206

What does this even mean?

>> No.6715344

Most old master stuff that's famous was a commission

>> No.6715349

who cares

>> No.6715357

>Does pornographic work have artistic merit
>but muh ancient art!
that didn't either

>> No.6715367

Does any art made for purely financial reasons have any artistic merit?

Michelangelo was commissioned and paid to work on the Sistine Chapel. Does that mean that none of it has any merit?

Jesus Christ...

>> No.6715368

>Does said merit
Let me make this thread more interesting.

>> No.6715369

Why do you think the point of contention with porn is that it's made with financial reasons in mind? No, making art for money isn't necessarily evil. But porn is made with literally one thing in mind: stimulating your monkey neuron. This is why it's all the same, it all looks the same and people have no standards about it. It's like comparing a drug dealer to an artisan and implying they're the same because they both work for money. That's such a disingenuous argument and only a disgusting cumbrain would say that with a straight face. Porn is inherently, obviously corrupt not because it's made for money but because of its intent. There is no human communication going on in porn, there's no giving in porn, it's an extortion of stimuli.

>> No.6715427

that's a you problem, not something that should bother people in general.

>> No.6715428

>It's like comparing a drug dealer to an artisan and implying they're the same because they both work for money.
This is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard lol.
If the drug dealer was to actually make his own drugs and be very good at it, then the analogy would maybe have some merit.

>> No.6715432

whatever helps you cope, cumbrain

>> No.6715438

If you feel shameful of drawing something, you don't have to and shouldn't draw it. It's not for you. It's not rocket science.

>> No.6715488

if it is expressed it still counts

>> No.6715599
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>But porn is made with literally one thing in mind: stimulating your monkey neuron.
A chef creates a dish with the intention of stimulating taste buds and in doing this, he communicates his skill, creativity, and passion that he feels towards his craft.
>This is why it's all the same, it all looks the same and people have no standards about it.
You could say this about literally anything.
There's a range of quality in ALL human endeavors, is a course prepared by a Gourmet Chef the same as a McDonalds meal?

It all comes down to what you you consider 'merit'
We as human beings have this weird tendency to look at things that are considered taboo or shameful and rationalize that because this shamefulness exists, it is automatically justified.
The only distinction between painting a masterpiece for fun & painting a masterpiece for coom is that one is 'shameful' and therefore not worthy of consideration.
It comes across like saying:
>Classical music is the only REAL music
>French Art House films are the only REAL films
>Shakespeare is the only REAL literature
This in itself, is just a cope & a limited perspective on the human experience

>Does pornographic work have artistic merit if it is made purely for financial reasons? Does said merit extend into interactive media like games, or film?
tl;dr- If it's good, then obviously. Why the hell wouldn't it?

>> No.6715608
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I really don't like a ton of Ichinose Asuna fanart because it doesn't make use of her real personality of a genki dog with Alzheimers.

>> No.6715610

shut the fuck up idiot, I'm not reading your mongoloid cope

>> No.6715611

A better analogy would be alcohol. There is merit to be found if you look for it, but most of us indulge in the cheap stuff with poor taste because it's a means to an end.

>> No.6715612

coomerbrain cope

>> No.6715625

>if porn good = artistic merit
No. You can have exceptions, but that's usually not the rule.
Guaranteed 99% of drawn porn is made for financial reasons and to jerk off.
"The sin" was not a pornographic piece per se, but it was a very subversive and controversial piece at that time that pushed boundaries. It had more context than just some shitty porn commissions of ocs or fotm anime girls floating in the void.
You cannot replicate that work anymore since all boundaries have been pushed already.
>what you consider "merit"
This isn't a discussion about personal beliefs or made up word definitions.
Does a piece of art have impact and irl context?
Is the piece of art appreciate for the story it tells and not just for being a pretty picture?
What is the message/meaning about?
What is the purpose of the work?
It's a mix of all the answers that determines whether a piece has merit or not.

One can create erotic pieces with artistic merit, but it takes someone who isn't just a serial masturbator who is after clout and money and an audience that can see beyond ass and titties or how many likes it has on facebook.

Also, shame is good when creating such pieces. If anyone disagrees they're just dumb.

>> No.6715639

Everything we do, we do because monke feel gud.
Any reasoning around the fact we only really truly care about eating, sleeping, shitting and fucking is emotional manipulation to entice you to do annoying shit for others instead of living your life.

>> No.6715646

If you can't elicit a boner with your art you're likely an npc with no emotional capability who can't communicate any genuine emotion anyway.

>> No.6715653

lmao if not for ((((laws)))) AI would replace porn niggers overnight and they'd be forgotten just as fast

>> No.6715668
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enjoy your eternal existential crises

>> No.6715720
File: 580 KB, 1000x600, LilBoots-1057453-Scrapyard_Slut_Star_Wars_OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a counterargument

>No. You can have exceptions, but that's usually not the rule. Guaranteed 99% of drawn porn is made for financial reasons and to jerk off.
So what? All you did was assert that these reasons are invalid without addressing WHY
99% of a chef's cooking is made for profit
>It was a very subversive and controversial piece at that time that pushed boundaries. It had more context
...Because drawn porn is famously non-controversial

>You cannot replicate that work anymore since all boundaries have been pushed already.
Your argument boils down to "Everything has already been done, so now nothing can ever have merit again"

>This isn't a discussion about personal beliefs or made up word definitions.
>Proceeds to list of personal beliefs

>Does a piece of art have impact and irl context?
Every piece of art has context, dumbass. Unless you're saying that a piece can only matter if it depicts a real life event- which would disqualify a fuckton of artistic history. And there's literally no reason a pornographic commission couldn't leave an impression on the audience.
>Is the piece of art appreciate for the story it tells and not just for being a pretty picture?
Ever heard of a doujin?
>What is the message/meaning about?
>What is the purpose of the work?
It's a mix of all the answers that determines whether a piece has merit or not.
All of these can be answer depending on a work

>One can create erotic pieces with artistic merit
Yes, exactly

>But it takes someone who isn't just a serial masturbator who is after clout and money and an audience that can see beyond ass and titties or how many likes it has on facebook.

>Also, shame is good when creating such pieces. If anyone disagrees they're just dumb.
>I'm right and anyone who disagrees is a big dummy!
If you want to draw coom, then draw it. If you don't want to, then don't.

Stop bitching about why the popular kids are getting attention

>> No.6715726

Post a modern work with merit and explain why

>> No.6715887
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>strawman: the post
How fucking mentally ill are you that you need to cope this hard on a congolese rhino breeding forum?

jesus christ nigga

>> No.6715894
File: 350 KB, 855x317, guernica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the anguish i feel from not ever having received a footjob is very similar to the anguish of the experience of wartime tragedy. when i draw a footjob it's of similar merit to Picasso's Guernica, even if my technical skills are not on par.

>> No.6715985
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>> No.6716448
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>Does a piece of art have impact and irl context?
Most people would never know of this if it wasn't for memes
Those who knew of this, were already active in the coomer niches
>Is the piece of art appreciate for the story it tells and not just for being a pretty picture?
Its the nth story about some girl getting corrupted and becoming a whore.
Shallow storytelling at best.
>What is the message/meaning about?
It's a fetish.
>What is the purpose of the work?
To jerk off.

You're not really helping your argument by proving how underage you are.

>> No.6716969
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Based and true