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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.17 MB, 640x640, 1628126861922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6710976 No.6710976 [Reply] [Original]

This was AI art in 2021. It works exactly the same as the generators with image data + diffusion. Would you have cared about "copyright" ect if it stayed this quality?

>> No.6710984

I liked it when it was like that, then lost all its charm. If I wanted to look at uncreative slop, I'd be browsing ArtStation

>> No.6710993

first off
but yes, it was interesting for the wildly surrealist stuff. then niggers went corporate drone with it

>> No.6710994

Ok, but what I'm saying is if it wasn't being attacked with the same verocity then it's hypocritical since it works the same way. People are upset now because of the quality not the data theft used to create it.

>> No.6710996

they are annoyed because it barges it and tries to take up an already-filled niche instead of carving its own. no, it's not the supposed quality but the obnoxious quantity of it. had it stuck to surrealism psychedelic shit people would have been made aware of the data theft much later. you're just trying to make the point "hurr artists mad because ai gud" in an underhanded way

>> No.6711024

I don't even care about regular art except my own.

>> No.6711314

No one would have hated it if had you fuckers tagged it properly, not call yourself artists and didn't post hundreds ever fucking day,

>> No.6711324

Fa/g/s are coming in ways again how many AI threads are y'all gonna make in a day

>> No.6711378


>> No.6711516

by looking like that, is an excellent reference to create something anew

>> No.6711540

>sludge but it’s sludgier

>> No.6711685

ok so say you have a trillion of these weird images spamming everywhere. they would mainly stay hidden because the algorithm wouldn't pick on them except for a select few.
its only because of the quality of the new images the algorithm is picking up on them. Deviantart is having to actively suppress AI because its always at the top.

>> No.6711712

You're missing the point if you think people are angry about how AI looks compared to how it was built unethically.
Ugly hands and nightmarish anatomy aside, it's always been about the jewish business majors trying to supplant yet another get rich quick scheme into a community they had no desire to take part in.

The relationship between artists and AI has always been parasitic.

>> No.6712257

People hate AI art because it undermines their capitalistic goals. Basically they're just greedy jews, all of them. If you're looking at it without thinking about money it's an amazing thing that's allowed human creativity to explode. But these jews can't do that, it's all about the money to them.

>> No.6712263

>AI art
>allowed human creativity to explode

>> No.6712264

You have a single digit IQ if you can't see that.

>> No.6712265

>know a pro AI shill
>they admit they are consoomers who buy shit to combat drepression
I don't know what I expected

>> No.6712266

Ai "art" is entirely capitalistic in nature

>> No.6712267

How about you explain it to my little pea-brain then?
How exactly is a bunch of normie fucktards typing "1girl masterpiece large_breasts front_view boring_composition" into a text box >exploding human creativity?

>> No.6712268

It's free to use for everyone, it's the polar opposite of capitalistic.

You are mentally retarded.

>> No.6712271

>no explanation
Damn, sure showed me.

>> No.6712273

You know I'm right and are just a coping loser. Imagine pretending to be retarded to make yourself feel better.

>> No.6712276
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It's democratic

>> No.6712277

>I-it's not that I don't have an argument and can't explain it! I uhh... It's just so obvious that I don't need to!

>> No.6712281

The people pushing ai the hardest think they are going to get rich from it while doing nothing.

>> No.6712282

You're either schizophrenic or a retard.

>> No.6712284

kys commie

>> No.6712286

Didn't know we have our own Barry.

>> No.6712288

You are so fucking stupid lol. This has fucking nothing to do with politics either. It's a new pencil for artists to use and it's so good it's created millions of new artists.

>> No.6712290
File: 117 KB, 253x248, 1656909516478019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI art is democratic and undermines capitalism
>despite either requiring extremely expensive computer hardware or being (((allowed))) by (((friendly corporations))) to (((use))) their (((services))) (((free of charge))).
You are one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.6712292

Whoa troons sure do get angry when they get told they are wrong

>> No.6712296

>it's not political
>brings up capitalism first
Do you need chatgpt to do the thinking for you?

>> No.6712300

I didn't bring up capitalism, I brought up the fact you only care about money and not about art.

You can create AI art for free without owning anything. You can do it at your public library.

>> No.6712302

Someone post caps of proompters getting angry they could no longer sell their garbage on platgorms.

>> No.6712303
File: 98 KB, 286x283, 1663444084790784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can create AI art for free without owning anything.
And you will continue to own nothing. And you'll be happy.

>> No.6712304
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>> No.6712305

>muh sales
>muh ownership
Case in point.

>> No.6712308

>ignored the part about making it completely for free using any internet connection
>just to post his retarded poorfag cope image

>> No.6712309

Alright comrade. What exactly is the value of AI art?

>> No.6712312

It's just art.

>> No.6712313

Internet is now a required fact of life in the modern world but continue with the lazy and stupid cope

>> No.6712314
File: 1.98 MB, 1200x800, 268053927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that is antithetical to democracy. To put it in simple terms, it means it's potentially available to everyone.

>> No.6712315
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By definition, it is not.

>> No.6712319

And how exactly is regular art not democratic?
All you need is a pencil and paper.

>> No.6712320

but it fits that definition?

>> No.6712321

Art was already democratic, you're just a lazy dipshit

>> No.6712322

Which one?

>> No.6712323

The internet has been making people retarded narcissists and frying attention spans since the millenials and is a convenient way to farm everyone's private information.

>> No.6712324

Who said it's not?

>> No.6712325

By definition it is. Are you illiterate? The 1. result applies to it on all points. Using a computer is using a tool such as a chisel.

And now it's even more democratic.

>> No.6712326

1, 2 and 4

>> No.6712327

To bring up the democracy of AI art as a point in its favor, implies that it is not true of real art.
If it wasn't the intention, then why bring it up?

>> No.6712328

Doesn't seem to fit AI art very well.

>> No.6712329

No, your lense is distorted. I don't see AI art as being in opposition of regular art.

>> No.6712331

>And now it's even more democratic
Just like becoming a woman. Anyone can do it now!

>> No.6712332

>Using a computer is using a tool such as a chisel.
It's about as much of a tool as typing something in google images, saving it and then saying that you made that image.

>> No.6712333

human uses tool
is cerative
has skill

>> No.6712334

You might be confused by the term AI. Think of it as conventional software.

>> No.6712336

If you commission an artist to make you a drawing, you didn't make it.
Exact same deal with AI art.

>> No.6712337

You will never be a woman, tranny.

It's completely different than that but even if it was just simply typing, you would still be creating art because it's something new that didn't exist before. Keep crying that you spent years on a useless skill.

AI isn't a person it's a tool. Again, keep coping.

>> No.6712339

That can't be true, unless you equivocate a human to a narrow AI.

>> No.6712347

You have zero control over the output of proompts. There is no demonstration of the "artist's skill" because you're just commanding a computer to melt some images (made by real artists) according to what you type.
Next you're going to reply "uuhmmm ackshually u do have control because it takes a lot of skill to proompt good"
Listen bud. You don't even know what control is. You've probably never had true control of anything in your life before, let alone art. The second you get into a position where you can type things to make thing happen, suddenly you think that this is this fabled "creativity" and "artistic skill" you've been hearing so much about.
News flash. Actual art creation is on a whole different dimension than what you think it is. You will literally never experience this, because you've allowed corporations to control your thoughts, and sedate you with a blackbox that feeds you dopamine.

>> No.6712350
File: 2.51 MB, 400x316, 1678507628772353.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have zero control over the output of proompts.
Wrong. Didn't bother reading the rest. How long are you going to keep coping for?

>> No.6712354

>You will never be a woman, tranny.
That was my point hon.

>> No.6712355
File: 21 KB, 2524x157, 1664407424938113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uuhmmm ackshually u do have control because it takes a lot of skill to proompt good
Proof that you have no control. I predicted your response, and even warned you about it. And yet you still did it.
You will never be an artist.

>> No.6712357
File: 1.11 MB, 571x711, 16459078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paint, just don't see the problem really. If you get a better understanding of both AI art and traditional art you'd probably arrive at a similar place to where I'm at. Maybe not though.

>> No.6712358

Wow all those random distortions throughout the picture while dragging the points, so much control!

>> No.6712359

You weren't making a point.

Keep coping.

>> No.6712360

>i make a goofy deformed character in street fighter 6. I'm an artist now!
>i play a gacha game that i'm totally in control. i'm an artist

>> No.6712361

>no counterpoint
At this point you have less thought than the AI.

>> No.6712362

Sore losers.

>> No.6712364

Shit boys, I think we got him into an infinite loop.
Anyone know the number for AItard tech support?

>> No.6712365

seething lmao

>> No.6712367

I accept your concession.

>> No.6712368

>turned an Asian woman into Ellie Kemper

>> No.6712370

You're right, I don't like it. Now stop shitting up my feed and go somewhere else. I want to see real art.

>> No.6712371

Everyone is a winner in the ai led future! Participation trophies for everyone!

>> No.6712373

Is that why you entered an AI art thread?

>> No.6712374

nta but it's fun to bully AIjeets

>> No.6712375

Becase you're shitting up our board. You will never be an artist.

>> No.6712376

>because I'm sperging out over things I hate
I know lol

>> No.6712380

Of course, that's why you're here. You hate art.

>> No.6712384

Programmed machines can dispassionately provide for the welfare of all, this includes art. Accept the future.

>> No.6712385

>says the one who enter the board that he knows consists of all the people that he hates and starts rambling and seething

>> No.6712388

I do in fact enjoy seeing third world artlets seethe over AI. But I love art, I've already explained how you only care about money and not about art.

>> No.6712397

> I want free stuff with no effort
Communism will never work

>> No.6712400

>we now have it and I'm mad
why are you mad bro

>> No.6712408

Bugmen like you defacing what beautiful things we have left in this world.

>> No.6712409

>this includes art
Whenever you say "art" you mean "entertainment",
You don't actually know what art is.

>> No.6712410

post your work lol

>> No.6712413

>Only I can enjoy hating you if you are bullying me you are coping and seething waaaaa
typical schizo ai bugmen
>I love art tho artist are the are the greedy one

>> No.6712414

take your meds

>> No.6712417

Post yours first. Oh wait.

>> No.6712418

You and I both know AI artists are producing far more beautiful work than you. That's why you cope.

>> No.6712419

>non respond
keep coping parasite

>> No.6712421

you guys are children

>> No.6712423
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>> No.6712424

I rest my case.

>> No.6712427

Shit, I forgot you're a complete newfag.

>> No.6712430

the only appropriated way to talk to an aitroons

>> No.6712433

It's really fucked up everytime you're on the internet you could be exposed to the opinion of a 14 year old.

>> No.6712472

Do you actually have this? I'm 100 percent certain you do not.

>> No.6712474

Going to cry? You said you can't control what AIs do but you can. Whether by in-painting, lama cleaner, dragan, whatever.

>> No.6712480

>this small minority of people im cherrypicking represent the entire interests of everybody who uses ai because it's a convenient strawman for my arguments

>> No.6712484

>The people pushing ai the hardest
release everything for free....

>> No.6712486

>small minority

>> No.6712488

>aitroon wakes up and start rambling and seething again

>> No.6712489

This troon is really upset to be coming back and replying to the same posts multiple times

>> No.6712491

>phone posting

>> No.6712492

Yes, the twitter normalfags you can't stop seething about don't represent the larger portion of people using the technology. They're a vocal minority.
You don't see me associating all artists with trannies, do you?

>> No.6712498

Men are men. Women are women. And AI is art.

>> No.6712514

Your toy is useless with real artists work but even then you can only create crude mockeries.

>> No.6712516

keep telling yourself that, meanwhile in reality people are losing jobs and AI artists are mogging you every day

>> No.6712519

Whether something is eligible for fair use also depends on whether or not it's trying to replace or out-compete the originals. So no, it's not "hypocritical".

>> No.6712540

it's a not though, or otherwise every painting would have to be considered a market substitute for every other painting.

>> No.6712544
File: 446 KB, 705x1000, 159080392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be useful, I watched a livestream of picrel being painted from AI references

>> No.6713708


Ic's are afraid of Ai art tools cause it still needs some level of technical knowledge to get the most out of it and they are pretty far behind it since they are afraid of programs like Anaconda but will shill for daddy Adobe. Building from drawing or 3d also helps tons into achieving full control over the output but once again mediocre artists only want to rely on their already developed skills and are and will be of the laziest to learn something new, being this the case they will project from their ego as this hurts them in the most intimate way as others have achieved rendering faster than them.

>> No.6713711

>You have a single digit IQ if you can't see that.
simpler tools allow for better creativity. that's why a YouTube Poop will always be funnier than some retard pulling his shitty jokes through some AI voice modular. truefax, but you'll never get it because YOU are low IQ

>> No.6713712


>> No.6713720

>People hate AI art because it undermines their capitalistic goals
AI art is literally about profits you subhuman mongoloid. it's all about "efficiency" in the name of profit, loss of quality be damned. it's the fast food of art. it's factory vases, it's IKEA furniture. it's slop. how fucking stupid and new to this subject are you?

>> No.6713721

>no you

>> No.6713722

anything can be used as a reference anon, even a literal pile of trash. the question is, why would I use AI slop as reference, when I could use real life, or photos, or other artists which are far superior?

>> No.6713723

>I don't have low IQ, because I said first that YOU have low IQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6713728

the thing is that pajeets were already replacing artists on the west, just look at the child companies of technicolour. Now there's this... could you draw and iterate better faster than a pajeet supercharged by ai? I bet you cannot.

>> No.6713729

I'm not afraid, I am irritated because you grifting faggots are insufferable.

>> No.6713732
File: 217 KB, 408x398, no you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6713733

Anyone on Ic is insufferable even you Anon.
That like saying rain is wet.

>> No.6713742

no, why?

>> No.6713755

this is the greatest bait of all time. you deserve a reddit gold... no, platinum.

>> No.6713768

And you belong on r*ddit.

>> No.6713782

According to the artist, it's easier to create bespoke references with AI than to search online. No copyright to worry about since it's a unique image that doesn't exist anywhere else. Personaly I've used it for photobashing and found it very effective.

>> No.6713800

Said the deviant art user

>> No.6713805

You're 100% right

Buth muh "effort", it just destroys their egos

>> No.6713817

I dont lol.
It's like going on Amazon and seeing the 1500th mass produced T-shirt. No one's gonna care about some random image generated last night. There's a reason even the chinks phone business like OnePlus started with undercutting the giants but slowly evolved into going upmarket because people associated their experiences with them as "highly spec'd phones at cheaper price".

What experience are you going to associate with AI generated images that are positive and memorable? So far the only people I saw using it correctly is one horror storyteller on Youtube, but I've already associated his narration as the thing keeping me coming back to his stuff, and the AI image is just complementary.

Really, the faggots thinking the entry level being lowered means they finally got their chance is being deluded if they're the same lazy fucks with nothing they're actually good at. There's a reason why people still flock to artists, it's because they associate their experience consuming the artist's work over the years. No one's gonna care about the 2000'th pajeet's AI generated image that he just prooompted last night.

>> No.6713821

>t. Still seething that deviantart has to label his work as AI

>> No.6713852
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>I'm an artist!

>> No.6713853
File: 426 KB, 1500x2077, 1684904081572843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai fart is all funded by venture capital

>> No.6713888

Of course, no one in Deviant art is that good. And we don't want to contaminate that dataset currently used in negative prompts.

>> No.6713895

get a new joke to constantly report.

>> No.6713903

>t. doesn't have any skill in anything, and if he did, he'd cry even harder if it was taken away by AI

>> No.6713904

get a new language to mangle

>> No.6714174

Projecting so hard, he broke his English plugin.

>> No.6714585

Doing harm or competing with the original copyright owner is a necessary requirement, but not a sufficient requirement.

>> No.6714620

Are you suggesting it doesn't anymore look this way? It's still literally an unreadable blob of colors pushed **slightly** into defined directions. Maybe if the biggest dataset was 1000 times bigger and even faster than it is now it could be any sort of problem but right now it's just a plagiarism automaton as it always was.

>> No.6716030
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>consolidation of the means of creating pictures in the hands of some californian tech gigacorp is "the opposite of capitalistic"
Sometimes I wonder if you guys are not only pretending