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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 188 KB, 2048x861, 20230621_150050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6709516 No.6709516 [Reply] [Original]

The WHOLE intro sequence of Marvel's new hit show for Disney+ was made with an AI. I kid you not. Do you still think it won't be used to replace artists?


>> No.6709519

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about it.

>> No.6709524
File: 244 KB, 1290x1262, 20230621_150747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6709525

Don't care. Anime OPs are still non-AI.

>> No.6709526

and please don't post that grand order thing to goalpost me thanks

>> No.6709533

Just watched it
Just another one of your desperate shilling

It's AI that was edited and animated by artists

>Do you still think it won't be used to replace artists?
Did it, though?

>> No.6709580

Ai slop used to make Marvel slop seems fitting

>> No.6709583


like, ok, cool?

Also I think the wibbly wobbly effect AI has can be pretty ok if you're aiming for a spooky mystery effect

>> No.6709595

OP do you do anything other than scrolling Twitter all day?

>> No.6709602

industry's gonna industry. but I don't see shit like this replacing artists because it ain't art.

>> No.6709604


>> No.6709605

Also, just watched the first 20sec. It's awful. Not sure I feel bad for modern Disney sabotaging themselves tho

>> No.6709607

Based and concession accepted.

>> No.6709680

Artists working for corporations are fucked. Artists working directly for their own audience will do fine.

>> No.6709688

>think of the poor Indians and Phillipinos
It's been over for 1st world artists for a while

>> No.6709691

>It's been over for 1st world artists for a while
Since Picasso died.

>> No.6710787
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, true==!false.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't realize it yet, they delude themselves thinking
"oh people want handmade art or human made art"
Human made are is annoying and can get you into trouble for copyright etc it also doesn't look cool anymore.

AI Art is not only the new thing it's also the next BIG Art movement. This is a new shift the new Art movement IS AI

>> No.6710794

Not true because people no longer want your Art they want AI art not man made Art. Soon AI art will be all that fulfil their needs. If they want your art they just feed to AI and it make it the same and better

>> No.6710795
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 15352809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was made by artists though, ones that were willing to use AI in order to deliever a cheaper product, faster.

>> No.6710801

artist who were forced to not do art. corporate slop already has a low artistic value but that has none.

>> No.6710823

Considering how shit Marvel treats its CGI artists it's no surprise they don't give a shit about artists.
The richer they are the less they want to pay.

>> No.6710878

i just paid three artists in the last 2 months or so and I know other people who did it as well and they all despise AI so....no. this is a cope on your part

>> No.6710879

least schizophrenic and incoherent AItard

>> No.6710882

>we were going for the "le heckin' cursed" look
This is the extant of their "creativity".

>> No.6710885

is this the guy who lost all of his money and his wife

>> No.6710888


>> No.6710901
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1587327639311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Anon, AI is the best thing ever, robots will replace all of us. It's all over.
Making money is only for the elite now.

What's the point in anything anymore?
People have become content for and to each other, everyone just aims to be an e-celebrity and no matter how hard you work, there is someone who is going to fuck you over. If you say anything that requires an IQ of 79 to understand, you're the crazy one.

I'll just go on government gibs, play vidya and jerk off all day while uploading clips of my epic and funny gameplay on twitter, while also uploading porn i prompted myself.
The alternative is nuclear genocide.

I'll go make some epic gameplay clips for my robot followers now.
like and subscribe

>> No.6710917

this guy sells you drawing courses i wonder what he would say...

>> No.6710925

Haven't watched Disney since when. They chucked themselves to Jews.
Have seen this coming when they use AI in Spider-verse and their fancucks defense them.

>> No.6710927

It's a slippery slope.
>T hey will never use AI
>They will use only a little bit of AI
>They may have used AI, but at least they had a human touch it up
>It's all AI and that's a good thing!

>> No.6710930

Already wrote about this to my discord. We're all outraged and cancelling Marvel on twitter.

>> No.6710931

We should just commit suicide so that billionaires and their descendants can live as pets of mindless AI caretaker.

>> No.6710939

>aitroon calling others discordtranoids
cute, send pics of you wearing programming socks /g/aybro

>> No.6710941

genuinely feel bad for 2d art bros.
it's all so grim.

>> No.6711047

Fear not, every computer job is right behind on the chopping block, at least I can still leverage the parasocial element of art making, which people still value, a random behind the scenes cog in the machine cannot.

>> No.6711050

Anon, coders are the biggest trannies and woke people around, and they have done more damage to society as a whole than leftie Twitter artists ever could.

>> No.6711142

Are you all a bunch of ignorant idiots or something? It's one thing to have AI shills grasping at everything to shitpost but it's another thing for artists on this site to be this ignorant about existed tech like this, this is not AI at all, it's just psychedelic filter, they ran a bunch of Marvel and Disney owned image through the psychedelic dithering filter, this shit is not some brand new tech, filters like this have existed since the 2000, same with into the Spiderverse shit too, it's a tracking filter apply on 3d animation to achieve the oldd comic style post product, this one is nothing new either. Anyone who studies in art or digital media or work in that industry would instantly know this, these are just existed tech dated back to the 2000 that got hollowly rebranded as "AI" to chase trend, nothing even close to image generator shit and VFX artists have been using it for a long time.

>> No.6711657

Artist trannies are obsessed with Twitter and seething over Elon Musk

>> No.6711659
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>> No.6711661

>artists have been using it for a long time.
no one films with insta filters. ai is a cheap filter

>> No.6711764

It's a post product filter that vfx artists put on after filming you ignorant child, it's not ai and has been a thing for a long time you stupid fuck.

>> No.6712667

It shows, looks like shit

>> No.6712676

>has been a thing for a long time.
So this is the new narrative AI fags parrot around to normalize AI shit?

>> No.6712688

fits themetically with shape shifting aliens, but a.i wont mean shit until it can stay consistent. im sure that will happen sooner or later, but for now, its weak.

>> No.6712710

there's nothing wrong with this + it looks cool. You wouldnt pretend that it wasnt a neat intro if this was 2010, just pure culture war contrarianism because you need to argue to feel like you have a personality

>> No.6712719

More like a certain level of quality expectation? This whataboutism to culture war shit is such a poor excuse for shit taste

>> No.6712720

>actually its bad and if you think its good you have shit taste

damn got me, based retard

>> No.6712725

Hey I'm all for it if you're gonna integrate AI to make it look smooth and at the level of quality of existing animation skills. This is literally just the raw output of your typical Ai video generation akin to the render filter that was posted here a few days ago. But sure, if you wanna defend the worst kind of slapped on shit for AI be my guest retard

>> No.6712728

And it's shit. It shows.

>> No.6712802

It really goes to show you who the real artists are: the writers! Sorry that your dexterity exercise doesn't have a future, retards!

>> No.6712805

Nigger the new Mario game is just AI poses touched up in photoshop. That's why it has a fresh and iconic look, because you fuckers can't do anything useful.

>> No.6712808

What a whiny sense of entitlement. Shut the fuck up or better yet kill yourself if you can't live with having a normal job like everyone else.

>> No.6712815

damn ur mad

>> No.6712818

AI art is already better than all the art made throughout all of history. If it was made 10 years ago you would be kneeling.

>> No.6712822

You will never get that promotion. You will never get a raise. You will live in ze cubicle and you will be happy.

>> No.6712823

Kneeling on the neck of a proompter.

>> No.6712829


>> No.6712831
File: 30 KB, 181x202, 1686795520639534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they point out AI hands, when they draw shit hands all the time and nobody bats an eye. If AI illustration was passed off as regular illustration even 5 years ago none of you would be bitching about the hands.

Pic related! That's a "hand". Uhh I'll take the AI shit, thanks.

>> No.6712849 [DELETED] 

You could alternately take good hands from good artists, but whatever floats your sub.

>> No.6712851

>Uhh I'll take the AI shit, thanks.
You could alternately take good hands from good artists, but whatever floats your sub.

>> No.6712853

>If AI illustration was passed off as regular illustration even 5 years ago none of you would be bitching about the hands.
Why do you think this? it's amateur art that has bad hands, if the art has pro/3d level rendering, shit hands would be super suspicious.

>> No.6712854

or u could just touch up the hand and not charge $200 hmmmmmmmm ;3

>> No.6712857

nobody cares
if you shipped shit hands in commercial products nobody would care at all
this is whiny art quality snobbery not a commercial necessity

>> No.6712869

holy seething spite. Did artist rape your mom or something?

>> No.6712872
File: 32 KB, 295x394, street_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh yea why wouldn't you feel that way
artists are bad people, they are narcissistic, they are purely ego driven and they think they are better than everyone else because they smear shit around on a canvas.

Hopefully the passionate ones will find a way to continue their craft - on the FUCKING PAVEMENT LOLOLLOLOLOLOL AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.6712881

I can hardly wait for the day where people's art is met with the same enthusiasm as a random bum running up to your car to clean your windows

>> No.6712884

>the demoralization theory is real

Oh dear god.

>> No.6712887

is this a false flag post? i genuinely can't tell if this post is from a pajeet or anti-ai poster in disguise

>> No.6712888

>be me, read comics
>I wish I could draw like that
>draw more
>people start wanting my art, huh ok sure
>"artists are bad people, they are narcissistic, they are purely ego driven and they think they are better than everyone else because they smear shit around on a canvas."
woah woah woah hol up. I just wanted to draw bro.

>> No.6712891

>you must all lower your standards so I could pretend to be good at something
Participation trophies were a mistake.

>> No.6712893

>the ai shart cope is begging you to eat their low quality garbage

>> No.6712895

That's literally AI art.

>> No.6712897

These sound so unbelievably petty and personal that it's either trolling or you and your mom are getting spitroasted by artists 24/7 in order to garner this much spite holy shit. Your dad and your boss are probably fucking your life over in much more devastating degree than any random artist you ever know in your fucking life wagie. Take meds or just die.

>> No.6712944

kek, you just know this cuck got refused when he begged for free art

>> No.6712952

We get it bro, your dreams didn't come true and now you're bitter. Chill out or better yet, kill yourself. :)

>> No.6712960
File: 31 KB, 480x360, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally every artist online. Patreon, Ko-fi, kickstarter, gumroad, it's all welfare for pretentious blowhards.

>> No.6712965

same fag

>> No.6712973
File: 7 KB, 371x210, tinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6712975


>> No.6713004

If AIfags hate humans so much, why haven't they killed themselves yet? Why do they continue actively making the world worse by being a human and being alive?

>> No.6713009

We don't hate humans. We just like the machine mind better.

>> No.6713010

Again, same fag

>> No.6713019

The hope of some day making it is what gets me through my normal job

>> No.6713045

What is this cope, getting a normal job is probably one of the simpler alternatives to fucking pursuing something like art for an occupation or any creative field for that matter. Stop projecting your failed ambitions cause you didn't try hard enough retard

>> No.6713114

Wanna turn the world into rust?

>> No.6713133

No one's forcing you to buy anything. In fact, you sound like a bitter loser because you can't have someone's work for free.

>> No.6713139

but it's free now o_O

>> No.6713144

The AI threads on this board have reached a level of sadness I couldn't even imagine.
There's the shitposter constantly screaming to himself in a void.

>> No.6713301

You would need a truly intelligent machine, not a copy-paste contraption.

>> No.6713633

im definitely stealing this meme