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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 936 KB, 1697x1900, Neneko_lover2435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6707208 No.6707208 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:>>6669903

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.6707216

Nice, can't wait to see it finished! The only nitpick is that there shouldn't be any highlights on his belt buckle, as it's completely in shadow.

>> No.6707282

rip neneko :((

>> No.6707295

blackpill me on banana

>> No.6707302

hah nice, putting neneko corpse on the gates + the broken mailer really sends a message to the rest of the board: no girls allowed

>> No.6707368

Spiteful community. Glad I left when I did. Fuck you all.

>> No.6707378

um DAD is full of girls actually

>> No.6707379

being forced to leave made me stronger both literally and literally

>> No.6707385
File: 365 KB, 694x391, xsdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all drop out streaks in support of neneko!! Who's with me?!!

>> No.6707585
File: 54 KB, 197x252, umin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right behind you, brother!

>> No.6707839

He's both asian and canadian. I bet he eats rice while watching hokey instead of drawing.

>> No.6707846

did you accidentally lolicon?

>> No.6708174

>Spiteful community.
Dad streaks and achievements all rely on users being honest. Oily faggots of the lowest sort who have those values for nothing deserve bulling. It's a good thing that neneko was exposed as a despicable cheat unworthy of honor.

>> No.6708190
File: 44 KB, 584x356, 1660143324485021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't respect the rules
>does that many times
>gets banned

>> No.6708195


>> No.6708262

>still checks on the thread and website
you are a windowlicker

>> No.6708274

>>gets banned
Actually Neneko wasn't banned - just his streak was reset. If he wanted he could go back to posting and be better. I'm sure that in a month or two everyone will forget about this drama if he'll stop feeding the trolls and throwing hissy fits in those threads.

>> No.6708279

Not even banned and they act like this.
Just draw, chum

>> No.6708286

Would you believe I made the last thread?

>> No.6708434

gay furry that wrote the site in Ruby and still hasn't impletemented mp4 support

>> No.6708500

rewrite dad using nextjs

>> No.6708515

rewrite dad using common lisp

>> No.6708532

How much knowledge do you guys feel like you retain after reading or watching something?

>> No.6708570
File: 372 KB, 1400x2000, 28_Noise in the forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right! I fixed it.
alright I think I am done with this one.

Not a lot if I don't practice what I learned immediately. Doesn't need to be for long but if I watch an anatomy video I will draw the body part first following the video then from memory (so between 10 to 15 minutes). I'll generally try to redraw it the day after or make 30 min to 1 hour on the subject the week following. I would recommend doing more as I don't like studying and rather finish a piece incorporating what I learn, which is not always a good idea as it is more beneficial to learn a specific subject for an entire week to solidify it to your memory. Again doesn't need to be long session could be from 30 min to one hour or more if you fell like it.

Wait I am really the only one that posted today ?
Come on anons, don't be shy.
Post your work.

>> No.6708585
File: 460 KB, 868x1228, evil dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gob chaos

great work anon, nothing to add

>> No.6708631
File: 265 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back after several days of work and I think I've gotten better
What are your thoughts on the pose/composition. That's what I want to get better at.
Any criticism is welcome

>> No.6708738

I usually have to draw along with a video/book and then immediately apply it for anything to stick. And then after a week I sometimes lose most of it again. I think that’s why it can take so long to learn art, you gotta continuously learn/practice the same things over and over, so just a little more sticks with you each time

>> No.6708758
File: 16 KB, 478x378, 2423423432434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6708772

Not a page 1'er. who cares

>> No.6708778
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, Ghosty1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep taking way longer than I expect making these. Who knew drawing the same picture the same way over and over got tedious?
Day 13

>> No.6708844

when you cheat on dad, you're only cheating yourself

>> No.6708948

Uh no, i'm gatekeeping actually

>> No.6709126

PLEASE front page DADs, just change the post to weekly if you can't keep up with it, you don't need to lie to yourself and to everyone else. No one gives a shit if you fail, just if you lied.

>> No.6709187

once they find out i'm gonna be in serious trouble ha ha

>> No.6709373

>who cares

>> No.6709378

Timer shows over 30 minutes. I'd give him benefit of the doubt.
That being said, I'm going to order an execution of another 1 page dad later, when I'll be back from work today.

>> No.6709458

DAD? more like DEAD lmao!

>> No.6709483

What are you talking about?
There's literally over a 100 active users.

>> No.6709682

huge improvement from the last time I saw it, great work

>> No.6709816

OOOH, you were still talking about neneko! I feel so silly for getting that only now.

>> No.6709833
File: 250 KB, 1800x1305, figure and arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also did a great job, you could have tried to make the shadow looks like monster with eyes en teeth and the color of the dress and the metal of the blade are too similar. But us usual you nailed the pose, kind of remind me of the dofus character.

Welcome back!
It's a bit early to judge, the pose is interesting but for the composition is very simple. Your character is in the center of the picture and nothing else so I am sure you can work something out on that part.

If it's a one off we let it slide. I can get that he only had 30 minutes that day or that loosing all his progress made him rage quit.

it is, that's why animator try to reuse pose as much as possible. Keep it up anon, nice spooky gif for your 13th day.

God I hope it's Urazi ...

Thanks, I receive a lot of good advice here and on Dadcord. Help a lot.

Simple one for today, 3 minutes figures and some arms study as I struggle with the elbow.
Already have a new illustration in mind will start it soon.

>> No.6709891
File: 1.33 MB, 816x1183, demon hunter eileen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fanart and a study of a character + eileen from bloodborne, no gobster this time
>dress and the metal of the blade are too similar
you are correct, I have essentially never worked with color in depth before starting to post in /dad/, so every piece is out of my comfort zone and this feedback greatly helps
>doofus manikkin
loomis terms live rent free in my head
your studies look great anon, kind of makes me want to return to my 1k figures challenge (where im stuck at 124)
good thing about redrawing animation frames is that it works your hand to eye coordination, as only thing youre focusing on at the moment is line accuracy
I like the face, but like other anon said, not much to judge yet

>> No.6710403
File: 42 KB, 318x216, Duckroll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added colour to an animation for day 14. Yay for a streak.
>it is, that's why animator try to reuse pose as much as possible. Keep it up anon, nice spooky gif for your 13th day.
>good thing about redrawing animation frames is that it works your hand to eye coordination, as only thing youre focusing on at the moment is line accuracy

>> No.6710475
File: 1.84 MB, 2385x2912, Illustration64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell asleep while drawing and woke up now, guess my streak is over.Time to go for it again.

>> No.6710481

how do you fall asleep while drawing? narcolepsy?

>> No.6710532

Starting again even after you fail is the real challenge

>> No.6710774

Exhaustion, my day was full and I still tried to draw while being very tired.

To be honest, it doesn't feel like I actually failed, since i've actually sketched something, so I feel like still on streak

>> No.6710775

not if ur masturbating

>> No.6710940
File: 1.48 MB, 1066x1245, longbowgob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played some aoe2 and got inspired to do a bowgob

Have you done the 51 animation exercises that get shilled around the net?
>literally falls asleep while drawing
gmi mentality

>> No.6711056

What are the differences between houses? Does it matter which house I join?

>> No.6711060

Nah, pretty much just another layer of gameification -- competition. It doesn't mean anything, it's just funsies. Has the added benefit of functioning as an easy tally for how much time you've drawn that month

>> No.6711104
File: 585 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
This piece isn't 100% done but it's my first time actually adding color and I need some help

>> No.6711110

sexo face

>> No.6711168
File: 41 KB, 548x733, Color idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My take onit, take what you want of it.
You should push the shadow more to try to give more 3D to your character so under the leg, chest , head etc. I also saturated your character a bit more and desaturated +added a bit of green in the bg to try to make more contrast but I ain't sure it was worth it as your color already work well together.
Also clean the color that went outside the pillow and the hand / feet that could receive some more love.

>> No.6711294
File: 227 KB, 1800x1013, Kenneth drinking Coffee WIP 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to play more with this piece, like the idea not the execution I might start from scratch tommorow.

>> No.6711303
File: 232 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've managed to do today
I think it's good but it needs something else
I'm just not sure about the lower body atm
Your thoughts?

>> No.6711703

what's that timer app called? I've seen other people use it but I've never seen someone say what it's called. also I'm gay, if that matters

>> No.6711719

you’ll want a pride timer instead

>> No.6711741


>> No.6711773

if that involves unprotected gay sex, which greatly increases my odds of entracting aids, then I agree
many thanks anon

>> No.6711970

pls be my femtwink bf

>> No.6712185
File: 55 KB, 941x1030, Fx2qbghWcAAbTsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to disappoint anon, but I am neither a femtwink nor gay. I thought the aids comment gave it away, but that might just show my social ineptitude

>> No.6712202

will his cock be out?

>> No.6712342
File: 181 KB, 714x941, ewrewrewrewr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smol sketch of a gob monk

>> No.6712464

man i lost my 5gig reference folder to a new harddrive, dont even know if i want to try going to a data recovery thing cause i had a couple porn games on there too, jesus does not forgive

>> No.6712522
File: 310 KB, 1800x1494, figure 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint but coomer week is over. So no.

Only manage to do some figure today. Will work on it this week end but not a lot as a I am busy ...

>> No.6712561

>dont even know if i want to try going to a data recovery thing cause i had a couple porn games on there too
as long as it's legal nobody will give a shit. And in the worst case scenario they'll give you a knowing smirk if they're really unprofessional. My brother fixes laptops and he sees lewd stuff there all the time, so those data recovery guys won't be surprised either.

>> No.6712566

harddrive showed back up on my directory after i unplugged my google airpods from the usb port, not sure whats going on but ill take it thank you jesus, also my captcha is MAYYY have a good weekend dads

>> No.6712610

what porn games?

>> No.6712671

SDFGJKHGBJKWHBGRE I started using the site 2 days ago and already lost my streak cause I forgot to do it before 23:59 GMT
>Have you done the 51 animation exercises that get shilled around the net?
I have not. any one good place to watch/read about these?

>> No.6712681

NTA, but he might be reffering to these:

>> No.6712686

Yeah, I saw a lot of results when I searched. Would you recommend that site specifically? Might be overthinking this, just the "too many choices" dilemma I guess.

>> No.6712694

They're great exercises, but do yourself a favor and read into the 12 principles of animation if you haven't already. Don't obsess over them, but don't forget about them either; without them in mind you won't get the most out of the exercises.

>> No.6712697

wegshit.. i am trash.. it might have been something that rhymes with bummerslime

>> No.6713163
File: 823 KB, 785x1418, nokgob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nokk if she gobb
>I have not. any one good place to watch/read about these?
you should be able to find them as one of the first links on google
figures are probably the most important thing to draw, don't put yourself down over it

>> No.6714150
File: 97 KB, 451x565, 6-24-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little wip

>> No.6714217
File: 142 KB, 1800x1013, Kenneth drinking Coffee WIP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I really like the floating ring near her hand.
Looking great anon! Impressive rendering

Forgot to post it here yesterday.
Slowly working on that piece. Still need to fix the leg, He will have cloth I am using this piece to learn a bit about anatomy.

>> No.6714519
File: 222 KB, 1800x1013, Kenneth drinking Coffee WIP 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress of the day (also did some figures). need to do the final lineart then I'll go for color and clean the BG later.

The thread is so quiet during the week end. Come on anons! Post your work.

>> No.6714578

oh this is very cool!!

>> No.6714680
File: 505 KB, 646x951, 123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today just an unfinished gobbo sketch as I had a long shift sadly, I didn't even come up with what kind of clothes I wanted to draw
thank you anon
>I don't know why but I really like the floating ring near her hand.
It's a very simplified hologram thingy from the game, thanks anon
anon the way you do rendering is amazing, I'm jelly, also this is my favourite face that you did so far, can't wait to see it finished

>> No.6715324
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x1836, 1672278522851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 ai generated

>> No.6715371
File: 179 KB, 790x931, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a small sketch before work, wanted to take it further but i cant focus, trying to add environment slowly to each sketch

>> No.6715530

Such a nice drawing. Is there a version without the /dad/ on it?

>> No.6715617


>> No.6715827

Here you go, it's the first pic from this gallery: https://dad.gallery/users/3890

>> No.6715982
File: 113 KB, 1100x825, random505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just returned from the mountains.
It's so hot here I'm tempted to go back, and the temps haven't even breached the 32°C.

Without stable internet I was also so damn productive!

>> No.6716082

I can't believe Haloa was V all this time

>> No.6716617
File: 1.12 MB, 1001x1092, beach gob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beach gob episode

>> No.6716681
File: 1.06 MB, 1128x971, Screenshot from 2023-06-27 13-11-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna redraw this panel from my comic since i just went in to it doodling and completely ignored character design. sill shame noone gets to see it

>> No.6717057

i need to reset my password and the site keeps erroring :(

>> No.6717072

might be due to the broken mailer, don't know if resetting it is possible right now

>> No.6717103

My graphic tablet just died :c
I'll probably go for Huion Kamvas 13 now, as it seems to be the cheapest display tablet that's somewhat decent.

>> No.6717129
File: 233 KB, 1800x1013, Kenneth drinking Coffee WIP 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back!
You nailed this one, I really like the rush work on it
Another comic bro, let's go!
Really nice value and shape, be careful with the foreshortening of the left arm and the flame are a not very detail compare to the cave wall.

Send a mail to banana at lastartiststanding3@gmail.com

F, check the graphic tablet thread to have insight on what to buy. I only had intuos so I can't really help.

Missing the Ao / detail and I might rework the color of the light a bit as I am not sure if I go for the blue/ pink or orange /yellow for the sky.

>> No.6717131

That's the tablet I use. I recommend it, but I'd also recommend getting a larger version if you need the display to draw on. I actually just use the screen as a second monitor lol

>> No.6717289

This is looking lovely
It makes me want to watch the first season of Westworld again, or better yet, be there with him

>> No.6718103
File: 246 KB, 878x1027, Screenshot from 2023-06-28 19-42-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another comic bro, let's go!
>Really nice value and shape, be careful with the foreshortening of the left arm and the flame are a not very detail compare to the cave wall.
yeah i need to find a balance between being precise and speed drawing
i think i overdid it on the redraw

>> No.6718247
File: 355 KB, 2560x1440, 29_Kenneth drinking Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!
I am starting a game where he will be a NPC so you'll be able to interact with him (if I don't drop the project that being said ....)

Maybe the tunic as a bit too many fold but it's not distracting, for now it's the weird shadow on the pant that attract my eyes a lot.
I love the direction it's going compare to the first version, keep it up!

And done!
Wanted to draw myself a wallpaper for a while, i have another wallpaper idea but it will have to wait as I'll start working on a pixel art game for the dad gamedev challenge.
So get ready to see a lot of sprites.

>> No.6719110

>be me
>watching drawing tutorial and making notes
>video length: 2 hours
>actual drawing time: 30 minutes
What should I put in as "Time Spent" for my dad submission?
My pencil was touching my paper for only 30 minutes, but in total I've spent 2 hours on it.

>> No.6719140

Only the time that the pen touched the paper.
When I draw digitally I only have my little timer focus on Photoshop, browsing my pureref or google for ref doesn't count into it. So sometimes I am in front of the computer for 5 hours but only drew 2 or 3.

>> No.6719145

You break down 2 hour video over a week. So instead of sitting there for 2 hours you slow drip the time for 20 minutes per day.

>> No.6719146
File: 1.04 MB, 1144x1064, sharkgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6719245

u don't know how hard i'm trying not to comment on all these portraits

>> No.6719293

Someone bully banana to fix registration

>> No.6719522

We are powerless. chaos has won

>> No.6719548

nah go for it
people love getting comments

>> No.6719588

Don't be a pussy.
Or just do it anonymously if the artist allows it.

>> No.6719652

what will we do if the houses part of the website breaks, he seems to be oddly fixated on only doing that part? dude must really like the slightly funny names people come up with every month

>> No.6720132

Who wins the snoic challenge?

>> No.6720371

Haha ok. I'll wait for the challenge to finish then shotgun them all like an alpha autist. I couldn't resist and commented on a few tho

>> No.6720452
File: 24 KB, 144x192, aileenkeith_hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making good games ain't easy.
But even less easy is animating sprites.

That said, if you keep getting back on the project even after years, it's probably worth doing.
I've been stockpiling game ideas, adding more lore/worldbuilding every now and then. Hopefully they'll be ready when I need them.

>> No.6720465
File: 552 KB, 848x1031, qweqweqewqeqw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6720854
File: 17 KB, 83x106, 1686185428736779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who completed it.

>> No.6720957

it's ogre

>> No.6720969

DAD dead?

>> No.6720971

Just the front page i think

>> No.6720988
File: 416 KB, 400x328, 1368067459871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no Bros, not like this...

>> No.6720991

dw banana will fix it in a month or two

>> No.6720998
File: 327 KB, 811x910, CreepyShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this the other day.

>> No.6721041
File: 1.78 MB, 3500x3000, Illustration218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a few days of break to recover from exhaustion and experimented with some brushes and now i've been doing gesture. I'll post again on DAD once I can get an active streak going once again.
Hopefully i'll not fall asleep on my tablet again.

>> No.6721087

we're back

>> No.6721121

Does it take a while for the email verification to come through?

>> No.6721131


>> No.6721141

yeah, currently it takes somewhere between 6 weeks and never for that to happen

>> No.6721142

LOL da fuck

>> No.6721205

Page 1 chads...
It's joever...

>> No.6721546
File: 5 KB, 299x168, 92492j4g9j94gj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when homie locks his comments and all you wanna do is post kissy heart emojis

>> No.6721651

lol the comment lockers are so tsundere, its n-not l-like i wanted you to see my art today, baka

>> No.6721685
File: 741 KB, 1038x1379, tired gob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tired beach gob
i played undertale years ago, but I can't deny they're very similar looking at it now
much better to take a break and slow down than burn out, great proportions anon
>picking up shredded cheese from the fridge at 3AM

>> No.6721848
File: 1.40 MB, 1750x1196, Illustration219-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on an off drawing for quite a long time (with basically 4-6 months breaks sometimes) so i'm kinda tired of being stuck, but yeah, I should be just drawing at a slower pace for the moment.

>> No.6723052
File: 2.08 MB, 1720x1240, Another Tenebris piece (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this for one of my fav comic creators.
Beautiful and thicc gob anon
Based for getting back into the game anon. Nice and cute poses
Godspeed anon I look forward to this! I'm part of the game jam too, and might try to use this opprotunity to learn Unity.
Cute shork

>> No.6724125

not enough time in the day

>> No.6724472

I'm back! Il be polishing this shortly but I want your advice first
I'm struggling a bit with folds and clothes

>> No.6724558


>> No.6724639


>> No.6724972
File: 651 KB, 1732x847, 7-2-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing

>> No.6725070
File: 502 KB, 1716x641, BNUY character chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished my character sheet!
Great drawings anon! Also based Robo-Ky enjoyer!

>> No.6725077

Based robo-ky bro

>> No.6725415

People who are better than me should just die.

>> No.6725420

Please do not kill rayminiscule

>> No.6725422


I suck

>> No.6725424

Billions will die

>> No.6725426


>> No.6725435
File: 87 KB, 1080x713, 1616300870970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to come and take my life, motherfucker.

>> No.6725436

Nooo you will break your streak...

>> No.6725490

female mindset

>> No.6725543
File: 956 KB, 1500x2047, impgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks great, keep it up anon
i love it, the design is simple yet your IP would immediately get recognized by it
you captured the postcard feel perfectly

>> No.6725583

really like the character with the ponytail

smol blonde is cute

based baggy pants enjoyer

>> No.6725844

Site won't let me register and I emailed them 12 hours ago with no reply. Truly, my career as an artist ended before it ever had the chance to begin :')

>> No.6725848

banana needs to fix the fucking site
how many possible new members have given up already

>> No.6725852

do you have to actually make something playable for the gamedev challenge? I know it's kind of the point of a gamejam, but I just wanna do art ...

>> No.6725887

I don't think so. There were a few entries without anything playable last time

>> No.6725897

*raises hand*
Tried emailing the banana…

>> No.6725955

Do your best and post what comes out of it. The spirit of it is to try and learn something new... and that a single random bug can make a game unplayable/ not be demonstrated.

>> No.6725993

banana is probably just busy, like he's been for the past... 2 months or whenever the mailer broke

>> No.6726025
File: 2.81 MB, 480x270, 1566179149254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAD 2.0 is coming bros! Banana will save us! It's gonna be so cool...

>> No.6726027

just fix the mailer
add mp4 support
and stop logging me out when i close my browser
literally that's all

>> No.6726032
File: 314 KB, 1200x871, asdasdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pursuits are called outstanding, you're emotionally complex.

>> No.6726107
File: 64 KB, 900x821, bfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your dad crush has a boyfriend

>> No.6726120

unless explicitly stated, assume everyone on DAD is either gay or taken
or both

>> No.6726227

nice especially like the bottom left face

>> No.6726229

nice lolis. One of the left lolis looks like one of the androids from dragonball z

>> No.6726232

those aren't lolis

>> No.6726239

sorry, nice 900 year old wood elves

>> No.6726656

I can't register on this website it never sends me an email fix youir shit jannies

>> No.6726671

Whenever I get some free time I'm planning to make a fork of DAD with some added features.
>mp4 + webm support
>fix mailer (this legit takes like 15 mins of coding)
>ability to see who follows you (only you can see)
>ability to see how many views your post had (privately)
>study-along events (all participants get the same task+refs and do studies together)
>a shitload of UI fixes I've been compiling
>more incentives for maintaining streaks/joining houses
Amongst other things.
Don't know how the community will react though with two forks of the website existing.

>> No.6726687

As finicky as /dad/ is, there are trust issues involved. Banana has proven to be trustworthy when it comes to keeping the site online for all this time.

>> No.6726695

but can he be trusted when serious issues arise, such as new people not being able to join the site for 2 months

>> No.6726699

tashikani sou ne...

>> No.6726805

who you crushin on

>> No.6726816

>tfw your potential dad crush couldn't register because of the broken emailer
Think of how many daddies we lost....

>> No.6726833

i'm on board with all of those except for seeing views and who is following you. study along events already sorta exist through the discord and through events, so while i guess it would be nice to have a more centralized structure for them, you're kinda just solving problems that don't really exist with that one

>> No.6726834

are you blind? can you read? genuine question

>> No.6726859

I literally clicked send verification link to email over the course of 2 days and it never sends me an email, I can't submit stuff until my account is verified

>> No.6726861
File: 9 KB, 988x468, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6726864

no, i mean read any of the 200 posts in this thread

>> No.6726983

There's always the option of crossposting. Maybe even automate it so the new site updates whenever you post on the old one.

I plan to introduce most new features as temporary experiments, maybe on a bi-monthly basis. and then hold a vote for the community to decide which ones they liked and which ones to throw away.

>> No.6727151

I'm no programmer or anything, but couldn't Banana just let someone help him? Surely one of these gay furries are an elite coder

>> No.6727170

don't you guys get it? the mailer isn't broken.
registrations are CLOSED, there shall be no new DADs from here on out.

>> No.6727177

yea it's a secret fujo and gay furry club now. so fuck off

>> No.6727243

>ability to see how many views your post had (privately)
i would literally cry when i see 0 views

>> No.6727252

Don't worry i'll stalk you :3

>> No.6727254

good thing i made 20 spare accounts

>> No.6727278

When will I get invited to the secret discord club?

>> No.6727292

missed the game jam start.. I am sad..

>> No.6727348

when you ask

>> No.6727638

>>mp4 + webm support
nsix already done this. he has a pull request for it.

>> No.6727683

Draw porn

>> No.6727685
File: 864 KB, 2543x2254, Main Villain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a look for my main villain. This is the general look I want to go for.

>> No.6728333
File: 11 KB, 500x281, 1668460651232653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ray Please! Come back! I want to consume more art, please!

>> No.6728760
File: 244 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with where to take my coloring ( I'm shit at this )

>> No.6728767

Gimme one

>> No.6728801

200 pesos

>> No.6728804

you suck and you're a pedophile

>> No.6728805

Values are king.

>> No.6728808

Is everything OK anon? Like at home and stuff?

>> No.6728820

My girlfriend left me

>> No.6728950
File: 1.37 MB, 665x815, ic3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More practice before starting commissions

>> No.6729571
File: 1.09 MB, 1162x1638, +1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gob n blob

>> No.6729832
File: 2.21 MB, 2160x2160, never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art collab with seben

>> No.6729852
File: 2.28 MB, 2160x2160, never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops exporting misinput

>> No.6730246
File: 195 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the second time I've drawn this very specific type of girl since I'm obsessed with this look.
Perhaps it's too soon to judge but id like your feedback on it!

>> No.6730328

i'm not judging, but don't forget to blur your lolishit guys

>> No.6730557

Did no one get eliminated today? Good job chuds.

>> No.6730601

poll time

>> No.6730636

yea but there were like a hundred last time

>> No.6730919

Now do one for Page 118ers.

>> No.6730973

Thank God i'll never be a page 1'er

>> No.6731216
File: 1.68 MB, 1158x1637, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my first comic.
I'm aware that tons of things I could've pulled of better, but my goal was to just finish it as I have never done anything bigger.


>> No.6731217
File: 3.12 MB, 1154x4906, p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731218
File: 2.90 MB, 1154x4906, p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6731225

Verry nice!
The expression when surprised when it blows up I'd make it half squinting eyebrows down though
When something blows up your eyes want to close not widen in surprise.
The are you hungry little guy I'd put the 'grumble grumble' above the slime otherwise you might miss the text.

>> No.6731676
File: 2.04 MB, 2132x2180, 3C5E0761-9B00-43FC-B2A5-F3B1E50D1D16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to this guy? did anyone keep an archive?

>> No.6731679

>12 hours sleep
>6 hours drawing
absolute chad

>> No.6731683
File: 728 KB, 1300x869, D6A75323-890C-47AC-931B-3031F999CEEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was a chad indeed, his sketch dumps were a blast to witness

>> No.6731701

I'm NGMI...

>> No.6731702

j always comes and goes and goes and goes

>> No.6731728

mfw only page 2

>> No.6731842

how do i paint like zanzalur pleading face emoji i love zanzalur

>> No.6731844

>that schedule
holy shit I want this life
I wish I could be a neet again

>> No.6731868

he posts like three times a day and has been for 3 years. do that for a start smile emoji

>> No.6731887

>be me
>drawing lines, squares, circles, cubes for past three days
What next? What is babby's next art step?

>> No.6731899
File: 212 KB, 1000x1358, 1460305392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw a person...!

>> No.6731903

Draw what you see in front of you

>> No.6731931

I said babby steps, anon

I think that's still a little too far ahead of me, I'm going to draw some really simple objects like a picture of keys

thanks frens :)

>> No.6731981
File: 21 KB, 463x818, 1293123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't people just a bunch of lines, squares, circles and cubes?

>> No.6731988
File: 25 KB, 721x642, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my first submission to the site. It isn't much, but it actually took me a couple of hours because I use MS Paint on a mouse (and I'm not very good at draw). I work an office job so I'm going to be doing most of my submissions like this but I'm buying a drawing tablet soon so hopefully I can do some actual quality submissions.

I did art in high school but then smoked weed for 10 years straight and didn't do art at all but now I'm back in black I hit the sack I've been too long, I'm glad to be back. I can't afford to go to art school so any and all feedback is appreciated while I lurk this and the /beg/ threads.


>> No.6732009

too complex nigga, am BABBY

>> No.6732010


start with stick figures

>> No.6732102

soul. how tf do you get such smooth lines with mouse? curved line tool?

>> No.6732129

tysm, and yeah I use the curved line tool at mid thickness and then use a 1px curved line on each end to cut it off so it looks pointy instead of rounded.

>> No.6732955
File: 1.84 MB, 1172x1595, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already understand shapes and how they overlap anon thats great, if you get a tablet you'll advance really fast I feel like

>> No.6733029
File: 170 KB, 877x620, silhouettes-fencers-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys has decent fencing refs? Most of the ones I find are kinda meh.

Can't believe the mailer's still KIA. You guys trying to join the site should start posting here, don't get too demotivated about it. You're gonna make it.

>> No.6733188
File: 232 KB, 400x300, 1544654530576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dw guys big changes coming i can FEEL it

>> No.6733420
File: 172 KB, 2160x1620, IMG_0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten finally gotten a good a grasp on eyes and torsos
This is just half an hours work but il make sure to do much more
Any critique is appreciated

>> No.6733524
File: 203 KB, 765x769, Screenshot 2023-07-08 194701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to this piece and inking it!
Dubs for cute gob, based!

>> No.6733652

never used dad before
someone explain what houses are to me

>> No.6733684

hi! for challenges, do i have to also hit a 30 minute time mark or is that just for daily? ty :)

>> No.6733732


>Houses are a monthly team competition between DAD users to see who can be the most productive at drawing. The goal is to spend as much time as you can drawing throughout the month to earn points for your house.

How it works:
Every month on the first of the month, new houses will be automatically created. House names will be discussed and chosen in the Official DAD discord server*. Users can join a house they want to contribute to. Points are earned by filling out the "Time Spent" in section of your submission.

>> No.6733792

oh god QT week is a go

has to still be 30 minutes minimum I think

>> No.6735607

forgive me dad for I have sinned... I didn't have time to finish a piece so I uploaded something I had drawn a few weeks ago...

>> No.6735614


You only sin yourself. The gains goblin comes for those who sin too much though.

>> No.6735616

page1'er? if so ur dead

>> No.6735675
File: 1.43 MB, 2466x1906, IMG_20230710_004135__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this over a couple hours. Just used a landscape for reference and followed the rule pen ink only.
Looks totally alien to everything else where I start with pencil.
It was fun.

>> No.6735743

How could anyone even be able to tell you cheated?

>> No.6735923
File: 187 KB, 1498x1880, 20230710_205719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I submit a page of homework and doodles?

>> No.6736022

sure. 90% of dad is just doodles t_bh

>> No.6736023

do shape exercises like boxes count as drawings or has to be something more elaborated

>> No.6736307

Yea just do it for at least 30min

>> No.6736381

You only cheat yourself desu

>> No.6737202

It says the page doesn't exist.

>> No.6737238

coward deleted his account kek

>> No.6737294

just so weird lmao

>> No.6737360


>> No.6737507

I get it, but it would have been cooler if the guy learned and moved on, restarting their streak

>> No.6737725

Damn maybe DAD was all he had ...

>> No.6737756
File: 12 KB, 324x129, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedom at last.

>> No.6737804

Qrd on the drama? I missed the last thread.

>> No.6738020

>page1'er neneko gets his streak flattened after getting caught reuping old "work" + posting low effort traces.
>deletes account
Not much too it really

>> No.6738208

The episode writers gave up.

>> No.6738261

When I fail my streak I'm going to animate that guy pushing a boulder up a hill.

>> No.6738826

Can someone make challenges? The art block is strong.

>> No.6738833

more page 1rs need to die

>> No.6738847

i predict the next page 1er to fall will either be quad or jeejeen

>> No.6739505

I'm going through some difficult stuff with the army conscription rn but I definitely won't stop drawing and posting on dad while I can

>> No.6739507

hi, sorry i'm new, how exactly do you join in this? i saw the website so should i just register a new account then start posting?
or do i have to contact that Discord user first? do i have to join the LAS discord server?

many thanks.

>> No.6739576

Why? What's wrong with you lol

>> No.6739601

From Morpho guy's (Lauricella) 52-week book, Week 1's Exercise: pick a thin medium such as ballpoint or sharpened charcoal and draw a series of photos, upside down, paying special attention to the lines. Cover the references with a sheet of paper and draw it in quarters. Repeat the exercise with a black and white reference.

>> No.6739880


>> No.6739910

Page 1 chuds will die. Page two GODS will prevail.

>> No.6740044
File: 127 KB, 495x370, 1667593225982832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try me.

>> No.6740090


Do you have a pdf for that book? Can't find it in the usual places. Thanks anon!

>> No.6740167

I have it in paper unfortunately. If there's a PDF version it might be on zlib? But I presume you've looked there

>> No.6740471

The real chads are the serial streak droppers and last second submitters. the absolute testicles on those fuckers

>> No.6740622

You don't fail if you lose your streak, only when you stop trying.

>> No.6740649
File: 1.06 MB, 2667x2667, birddfiht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post every day for summer but after that can I start posting every other day and retain my streak or am i perma daily until i die?

>> No.6740985


>> No.6741006

My elden ring character be like

>> No.6741049

Uhh that's too abrupt where's the continuation
(very nice job otherwise)

>> No.6741064

Others must die so that I may prosper.

>> No.6741194
File: 11 KB, 229x220, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Others must live so I can dominate them

>> No.6741206

you can change your streak whenever you like baby :)

>> No.6741260

What's a neneko and why is it dead?

>> No.6741276

I took it out back and shot it. You're welcome.

>> No.6741681
File: 311 KB, 702x992, HUND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* DOOM Eternal music starts playing *

>> No.6741986

Thank you. I'm more enlightened over how unenlightened I am, and I'm a better person for it.

>> No.6742111
File: 132 KB, 1715x1081, line sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been slamming my head into a wall trying to improve the quality of my lines and sketches for I don't know how long and I'm finally thinking that I'm getting close to a significant milestone.

>> No.6742473
File: 619 KB, 1600x1200, hairy clam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>tired of being a coomer who only draws porn
>start doing dynamic sketching, part 1: marine animals
>search for some cool looking animals
>first picture

>> No.6742759


>> No.6742946
File: 207 KB, 949x824, CLIPStudioPaint_Ooz92LaYi7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started the thread, and i've been trying to get good solo but both self confidence and otherwise has me anxious. Drew this a few days ago just because of some RL stuff going on. Got the linework done but i'm trying to learn rendering so i'm slowly coloring pieces of this bocchi every day. I am shit at rendering, shading, highlighting dunno if i'm retarded or what but thats my goal. To get good at atleast one thing would be nice so I guess i'll start my submissions here.

>> No.6742957

Glad I can help.

>> No.6742961

do you have an account on the site or did webmin still not get up off his lazy butt to fix mailer ?

>> No.6742980

Still waiting on a confirmation email before i can submit anything. but working on something on my lunch break now.

>> No.6742988

someone let me draw their oc

>> No.6743027
File: 253 KB, 569x1250, CLIPStudioPaint_ihEIaumbIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i could do in an hour, i gotta get faster / better

>> No.6743821

>new banana post dropped
The site will either be fucked for months or we get some sick QoL

brace yourselves

>> No.6743823

will he fix the mailer though........

>> No.6743876


>> No.6744062

>sick QoL
such as?

>> No.6744273

Goddamn it! I just have too many hobbies to focus on just art! F'kn sucks having way too many interests in life. Damn it! I'll never be good at art at this rate!

>> No.6744341

check out Warren Buffet's 5/25 rule

>> No.6744348

I just want to get to the point where I can draw exceptionally well on actual projects without needing to ever watch another tutorial and waste time grinding. Maybe 1 new anatomy course per year just to stay refreshed but that's it.

>> No.6744360

Who do you know is like that tho

>> No.6744378

I will admit, social media makes it look like pros just draw projects all day without needing to practice as much. I don't mean abandoning practice (I enjoy that) but because a lot of it is still new to me it takes too many hours just to half understand 1 thing.

>> No.6744473

It's done. I'll cut short the progress I made in other areas so that my art can grow and prosper.
And soon, it'll be evil's turn to know true fear. Fear that only cute animals and sunny skies can elicit in hearts that derive all sense of purpose in chaos and shadows.

>> No.6744500

Scott Adams, the Dillbert creator, said that if he just takes 2 days off, he starts forgetting how to do his craft. Soldiers in Ukraine also start to lose their skills just by not fighting for a day or so.
It's literally, "If you don't use it you lose it". So even professionals need constant refreshers and folders/books of references since they can't remember everything.
If you're not using what you learned everyday, you'll forget, that's why you need references at hand to recall what you forgot. And it's easier to recall than to learn.

>> No.6744507

those two references tell me a lot about you

>> No.6744511

Ah, and just as I predicted there it is. Fuck, why was I born so wise and brilliant. It really is a pain being able to foresee the future.

Whatever you have to say next, just know that I have dubs, so your opinion is incorrect.

>> No.6744516


I really am the chosen one! No...I AM GOD!

>> No.6744519

>Soldiers in Ukraine also start to lose their skills just by not fighting for a day or so
This is the most youtube algorithm-brained thing I've ever heard. You must be profoundly retarded.

>> No.6744524



nuff said.

>> No.6744526

mp4 support COMING?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6744542


Ezekiel 25:17.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in
The name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of Darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know MY name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!!!

>> No.6744546

>Scott Adams, the Dillbert creator, said that if he just takes 2 days off, he starts forgetting how to do his craft

The Dillbert guy can drag and drop assets and spline the limbs up and down. They aren't rigorously doing master studies or treating their practice as an MMO level up. There isn't a problem with using your ability if you're having fun making a webcomic for example and not stuck in grind hell.

>> No.6744562

Maybe post your work so some benign saint can come and pass his wisdom onto you. I believe critique is a part of learning.

>> No.6744571

I was hard stuck in perspective drawing till I got a good book on it. Then improving was just a matter of time problem solving and getting my neurons to make connections with what I learned. If you're stuck, maybe you don't have a process down or enough detailed understanding.

>> No.6744758

once you learn perspective you start to wonder why you had trouble with it in the first place

>> No.6744823

>If you skip a day of practice, you will know
>If you skip two days of practice, other artists will know
>If you skip three days of practice, complete strangers will know

>> No.6744965

>still can't register

I really wanted to participate and thought this would help me get motivate to draw daily guess I get fucked again

>> No.6745013

please learn to read

>> No.6745025
File: 155 KB, 1200x900, random507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random shit to fill the thread

>> No.6745087

whats being added tho
im scared

>> No.6745186

lovely colours

>> No.6745232

The qt badge is not cute. I thought it was a placeholder?

>> No.6745289

Well most of the submissions aren't cute either so it fits.

>> No.6745318
File: 42 KB, 500x500, mewhengreentext.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a intricate piece detailed in your head
>new page
>draw something completely different

times ticking

>> No.6745363

any changes to the site roll out yet?

>> No.6745417

I can empathize with the learner, but definitely once you're at the top, looking down you realize perspective isn't as complicated as it seemed on the way up.

>> No.6745419

Your mouth is lookin pretty loveley.

>> No.6745573

I just asked banana and he said a 4th house, the ability to sort the day's posts alphabetically and support for logging in using a google account.

>> No.6745585

Lmao he would need to commission and deliver everyday just to sustain his NEET lifestyle. Time to grow up J.

>> No.6745647

No single weapon in the history of mankind has taken more life than perhaps that of the shoe. Another spider is rid of this world, just as this thread will soon be.

>> No.6745956

i'm betting the weekend will go by with no changes to the site at all

>> No.6745996

This man is aware of the irony. If only the rest of you knew.

>> No.6746117

goot bye dad bread...

>> No.6746271 [DELETED] 

Just as Muhammed did when he unknowingly ate a poisoned lamb by the heroine Zaynab (peace be upon her), who's family was killed by the dastardly demon possessed Muhammed. Who by his earlier verse claimed that were he to be a false prophet, Allah would surely grab him by his right arm and sever his aorta. A prophesy that came true as he died a poetically slow and painful death complaining that his aorta felt like the poison had severed it.

>> No.6746497 [DELETED] 

Christianity is a religion for dogs. It ripped off Greek mythology wholesale

>> No.6746839

>still no updates

>> No.6746866

get trolled kek

>> No.6746942 [DELETED] 

AGREED! Islam copied Christianity's dog minded religion and made a worse pig minded version of it! Just as Christianity was peacefully allowed to spread in Rome, only to subvert the Roman Pantheon, so to does Islam intend to backstab and subvert the naive nations that invite the Satanic religion of Islam into their homes!
Only through the elucidation of what is true and moral can one free people from Mu-ham-head's LIES!
Christian lies too but Christians have been tempered and secularized in civilized lands.

>> No.6746947 [DELETED] 

oh sorry i guess christianity is just a religion for cucks then. got it

>> No.6746958 [DELETED] 

Christianity is for cucks, but Islam is for GIGA-FAGGOT-KEKS.
Islam literally means submission. A show of weakness and feminine dependence, and they actively practice getting on their kness and lowering their heads in a symbolic act of fellating God.
Christians at least practice self restraint, an act of manliness, but Muslims are taught to be extra emotionally feminine, with no sense of restraint or morality. If a child even dares to draw a picture of Satan(Mu-ham-head), they lose their mind and throw a temper tantrum and rocks. Christianity teaches restraint and tempering immoral deeds. Islam teaches emotional outbursts and not knowing when to stop till the man has to slap them in the face.

>> No.6746981

Damn you got rekt, gotta be honest.

>> No.6747024 [DELETED] 

Yes liberal westoids are ruining the world. if the christian worldview is retraint your religion is garbage just facts. And being submissive to your God is not a bad thing. Yes, I am his soldier

>> No.6747054

What a wonderful weekend with no updates to the site

>> No.6747084 [DELETED] 

YES. As you say you're a submissive cuck. You're a soldier of Cucketry. Being a cuck is your religion!
IT'S IN YOUR NATURE, to be told what to beleive and do, and to justify that belief!
But MY NATURE is to be the JUDGE. While Musilms like you sell your own daughters to older men for pennys, as Muhammed had normalized, it is the JUDGES who have deemed KEKETRY illegal and banned such practice in civilized society.
I'm the JUDGE. I've come and defeated the Christian cucks, and I'M COMING for MUSLIM KEKS NEXT!

>> No.6747132 [DELETED] 

Good luck believing in nothing and thinking there's no reason to be here. You're actually lower than a christian. Couldn't be me

>> No.6747212 [DELETED] 

YES. it's because you ARE ignorant, meaningless, and incompetent why you can't be anything more than a KEK! That much you've already made clear before!

They wanted me to be a cuck Christian! And I was, but i saw there was MORE to reality! Christianity and Islam were immoral KEKETRY. Made for the Ignorant, incompetent and weak like yourself who KNOW NOTHING, and can't be anything more! And I Grew past it. I meditated, and in my meditation, I made it to the etheric plane, was attacked by a thoughtform and returned to this plane. And I lost my fear of death, certain of spiritual life.

And I thought, thought about morality and discovered that what is moral is what is most positive.
YES! What is positive is what is good. And BEING A SUBMISSIVE KEK is negative because it's for those who stagnate in ignorance, weakness, and immoral degeneracy! EASILY susceptible to deception by SATAN and his false prophets who take advantage of mental weaklings like yourself!

I don't follow bigoted, murderous EVIL like you do. My life's PURPOSE is to bring ENLIGHTENMENT of the TRUTH and MORAL JSUTICE. All to raise the qualitative condition fo the world to a higher, more positive standard.

Your purpose is to be a KEK, I aspire for GREATNESS! How I pity you meaningless lot.

I'm the JUDGE but I'm also a teacher of the lost like you. When you're ready. I'm here to bring you to the light.

>> No.6747214 [DELETED] 

Cmon guys, all religions are dumb.
They were literally designed to give ignorant people a societal code to adhere, be part of a culture, and to give them babby's first steps to faith.

Putting them into paper was the greatest setback for religions.
Suddenly it was no longer possible to get thing fixed according to modern sensibilities.
Former mistakes born of necessity, like telling the ignorant not to eat pig becasue "god said so" (priests just got tired of explaining in details to retards), became tenets set in stone.

And the faith part is a crutch, though better than having no faith at all.
But true faith should not be blind, for blind faith inevitably leads to distortions.

Religions are a necessary evil, unfortunately there's no other way to get the populace to act like decent human beings.
They're also tools to spread a culture.
Those who let other religions bloom within their countries are fools who don't understand what religion is. A tool to spread one's culture.

True faith is unbound from religion, and is born from questioning and understanding. Those who don't question themselves are not fit pursuing and understanding God. No, they're cattle parroting mere words with little understanding.
Just like SJW canceling someone on twitter because one said the "wrong" word, completely ignoring the message or context. A child lashing out, because their life is shit and it wants others feel as miserable as him.

It's right to defend your culture if you believe in it. But one should understand how it all works.

>> No.6747218 [DELETED] 

Yes I agree, that other guy >>6747132
is an ignorant cuck. I approve of your wise words.

>> No.6747227

At least an written update to what happened to the update.

>> No.6747515

haha amazing, did you paint this?

>> No.6747526

new thread >>6747525