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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.97 MB, 3000x2546, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6704719 No.6704719 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen enough people here talking about this guy's portfolio--Is this workflow inevitable? Most of it looks uncanny and revolting as shit but some of it is pretty intriguing. Thoughts?

>> No.6704721
File: 1.52 MB, 854x480, 0 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6704725

>make good sketch
>soil it with overused plastic rendering
Nah fuck off

>> No.6704726

AI really is a powerful tool for artists.

>> No.6704742

those teeth lol

I don't get wanting to AI filter your work. It just makes it look like all the other AI work. homogenization is not desirable is it?

>> No.6704819

>The camel toe
truly an ai moment

>> No.6704894
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x800, 1676760064112376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool. Glad to see more tools and workflow popping up around AI Art.
What an amazing time to be alive, it's truly revolutionary. And to any of you whose art might have been used in the training, my hat is off to you sir, much respect. Without the artists, such an amazing thing could not be possible.

Before Stable Diffusion I never would have been able to call myself an artist. And I think it's important to remember that the artists in the training set deserve just as much (if not more) thanks as the folks who developed the software.
Keep having fun everyone! That's the important part! (=

>> No.6704916

The insignias, object details, and body parts from the original pictures got turned into blurry misaligned messes. Its shit. Stop making these threads.

>> No.6704917

I have no idea of what I'm looking at but alls I want is a 3D to 2D tool so we could have games of the quality of like Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Marvel vs Capcom in HD with fluid animation for cheap and without stressing the animators.

>> No.6704956
File: 134 KB, 517x768, proxy-image (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do 99% off the work
>slap a snapchat filter on it
So we've gone from "HAHA WE WILL REPLACE YOU ALL" to "p-pwease youwo guys, th-this is weawy usefuw and coow, wight? C-come on, j-just twy it it's weawy hewpfuw we sweaw", huh?

>> No.6704959

You will never be an artist

>> No.6704962

>some mechanical detal its lost or changed drastically
> at best it does add some values on the chick skin and the dude's armor, things that he already its supposed to have the skill to do and its not so time consuming.
What's the point?

>> No.6704965

The point is to make it look like a marketable 3d overwatch model.

>> No.6704975
File: 40 KB, 400x400, yangzhengxin-yangzhengxin-guyqishi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at his fucking face
only ai could make something so benign

>> No.6704979

I love mobile gaming

>> No.6704983
File: 208 KB, 860x648, 1687029254651041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one of them is consistent
also the AI flame effect looks like ass compared to the clipart copypasta

>> No.6704988

Oh but I already am, my friend!
I make art, I am an artist.
One of my tools is AI but that is inconsequential, and I won't be upfront about it in any case. And if someone accuses me of using AI? Well, "Prove it." ;)

>> No.6705000

Have you heard of a layer mask?

>> No.6705033

your cope is accepted

>> No.6705044
File: 9 KB, 246x245, 57567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6705071

I refuse to believe that AI shit isn't some sort of psyop. what is the purpose of this?
>spend hours making a painting
>apply some "AI" filter on it at the end
>end result looks like every other AI slop out there
is this the famed "AI will elevate you" I keep hearing about? even using it as reference is less retarded

>> No.6705081

What's there to think about? It's like working on a project with a team of artists, you can't take full credit for what you produce with this workflow, you won't necessarily learn anything from it, it's just there to shit out stuff faster. Is this the world we want to live in?

>> No.6705083

>Is this the world we want to live in?

>> No.6705085

>I want to own nothing and be happy

>> No.6705100
File: 1.71 MB, 1350x550, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Art paper of the day: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation : https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09310
We introduce Infinigen, a procedural generator of photorealistic3D scenes of the natural world. Infinigen is entirelyprocedural: every asset, from shape to texture, is generated from scratch via randomized mathematical rules, using no
external source and allowing infinite variation and composition.

>> No.6705103

If there's anything I've learned from open world games is that they're emptt and boring and procedural generation sucks, wake me up when AI makes interesting worlds

>> No.6705142

>he doesn't enjoy playing MUDs and true Rogue-likes
disappointed in you anon

>> No.6705144

Noita is the only exception for me

>> No.6705149

there is no "workflow" when you use ai.
go back to /g/, this is a tech demo, not anything to do with making art

>> No.6705160

This is so scary bros, and the tech is only going to get better...

>> No.6705170

>>>/g/ nigger
why must you shill ai jewish cuck

>> No.6705171

The cat is going to eat the bag bro...

>> No.6705183

only decent roguelike i've played is ToME. and I'm glad the world itself is not procedurally generated

>> No.6705225

>end result looks like every other AI slop out there
you got your answer, just like the zionist want our societies: mixed, with no identity and no values

look at the source, (((WHO))) is pushing this?
(((WHO))) is financing this?
follow the money

I'm sorry if this is a /pol/ tier comment but you cannot deny the reality of the situation anymore.

>> No.6705241

> they're emptt and boring
Looks pretty good. Demo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tgspeI-GHY&t=6s

>> No.6705247

Bugman soft for bugman people.

>> No.6705297

Dude why the fuck would you ask on this board? you won't get anything but extreme buttblast in replies. Get real

>> No.6705365

The majority anons here don't give a shit about AI, but you'd only find them in beg, int, dad, etc., threads. It's mostly a vocal minority cloutchasing Twitter immigrants that ruin this board.

>> No.6705376

AI is truly awful with faces and expressions.

The girl in the original looks like she's really squinting her eye, even the mouth is pulled up to emphasize it.

The AI decided to have one half of her face be completely limp, like a stroke victim.

Likewise, >>6704894 has a completely vacuous, empty expression.

Truly a powerful tool.

>> No.6705378

fantastic cope. why are you even telling this lie here? you must really want your "everyone's using AI now!!! we've finally won!!!!" pipe dream to come true

>> No.6705381

The fact that the best we've gotten in terms of integration is a render filter is honestly so pathetic for the "tool" of a century from aibros and retards. Great stuff overall for companies and corporations looking to just pump it out and cut out artists jobs though so yay? Like genuinely, even if you're just gonna throw ethics out of the building or the potential legality issues coming up, conforming your art at the end with a filter and getting the same type of art as every other generated image out there is somehow the future of art? Sometimes I wonder just how low the bar has gotten for quality these days

>> No.6705384

I think his point still stands. Where are the megafauna? interesting landscapes? geological wonders? it looks like the same old perlin noise terrain we've had for decades.

>> No.6705507
File: 116 KB, 1345x288, Screenshot_20230618_123515_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurt itself in its confusion.

>> No.6705519

Don't you ever dare to apologise, for (((they))) never will.

>> No.6705540

monday left me broken
tuesday i was through with hoping
wednesday my empty arms were open
thursday waiting for love waiting for love

>> No.6705541

unless the right is somehow the AI touch-up, this work is trash

>> No.6705571

wtf i love ai now

>> No.6705575

I mean, I GUESS this is a direct improvement but damn you spent so much effort for AI to do the last 5%

same for the pics in the OP, you did so much of the work yourself, it's great and the ones on the right look fine and good but damn

>> No.6705950
File: 220 KB, 1363x700, yangzhengxin-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6705973
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, prompters will never be this good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists and consumers are outright obsessed with having realistic artworks with highly realistic details
>artists gets praised by consumers
>consumers get to consume
>the more realistic a piece of art is done the """better""" it is considered
>"omg it looks just like a photograph" is all people want to consume
>some techfags make an app that automatically does that
>artists lose their collective shit because they can't wow normies anymore
>they still keep churning out bland, soulless shit because that's what gets them ez praise from normies

>> No.6705976
File: 374 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its truly over for the hyperrealist 11 year old artist from nigeria

>> No.6705985
File: 304 KB, 430x451, peak consumer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg it looks just like a photograph
so talented
i love poc they're like normal people but more as animals which makes me praising them a good person
wow i feel so good about myself right now
I'll just save the picture, print it, frame it and then everyone will be shocked when i tell them that this is actually a drawing

>> No.6705986

I was a rendermonkey, but my intent was never to wow normies, it was just, I knew how to paint different materials and lighting well enough, but didn't have good brush economy so getting those details led to over rendering. Many artists get stuck there and wowing normies is just a side effect.

>> No.6706000

I love how the semi-realistic and highly rendered styles used to be respected and revered but now everyone shits on it and calls it "ai-style". So many artists on tiktok have to show a time-lapse of their art or else people accuse them of using ai

>> No.6706003
File: 225 KB, 960x800, Npc_zoom_3040443000_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really gorgeous high quality rendered beautiful artwork is very appealing to a lot of people, you might not like it, but it has a big market... also this is anecdotal but I don't really think anyone wants art because it looks 1-1 to reality ever, if you want that you can just find any of the millions of cosplayers out there, even in AI being too photorealistic generally looks boring.

Also, people DO get bored of seeing the same stuff. It's true, even in Granblue Fantasy which has some of the most detailed and beautiful artwork ever that would blow anyone's mind, it eventually just becomes another one to its playerbase that's gotten used it over the years.

There's also a very big problem with non-normie-facing artists not being able to make enough money or be appealing to enough people to continue it as a career, the easy example is how Henry Darger lived his whole life as a hospital custodian and his artwork was only discovered one year before he died, when his stuff was almost definitely absolutely gorgeous and wonderful.

>> No.6706004

It gets worse with each step. Look at those dead eyes at the end.

>> No.6706010
File: 98 KB, 1170x653, 1678668622250184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not really the point, my dear monkey friend.
Ask yourself; if a picture conveys the message, what point is there to go the extra mile to make it seem realistic? Much like this picture as an example >>6705950
1 is good enough
It's just some girl with a basketball
Now, excluding the actual context of this picture; why would you need to go beyond 1, when the differences are just the saturations, highlights and the realistically rendered disney face? Why would you need to load an image with every single possible information? Simple; it seeks to appeal to the average non-art-consumer, that is why it doesn't dare to go in a different artistic direction.
It's the same point as of why AI is accepted by normies and consumers; because it just looks like a photograph and takes as much as pressing a button.
>many artists get stuck there
>wowing normies is just a side effect.
That is a conscious decision then because the side effect might be worth the hassle.
Why not draw stick men? Because it don't wow normies.
Can you actually explain, with elaborate words, on why something is gorgeous and considered high quality if done realistically?
Or is it because;
>"omg it just looks like it was real and i like it"
I mean it in a non-hostile way, my dear faggotron.

>> No.6706025

you don't really have a finished image in your head you are putting onto the page, you often don't have a place to"stop here" because art can be very iterative. I don't use linework so my images form from blobs of paint, and refine and refine. I'll often polish the face a bunch, then maybe an arm, then back to the face etc. Stopping before I rendered it isn't a concept that applies.

>> No.6706028

That just means you're slow and you don't really know what you're doing.
I probably know what your work looks like, but i doubt your own work or subjective experience, fits in this actual discussion.

>> No.6706030
File: 367 KB, 800x1315, 800px-Ingres%2C_Napoleon_on_his_Imperial_throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What makes a good artwork" or "what makes an artwork appealing" or even "what is art" is an almost 600 year old question with no answer bro, pretty much no answer you get will be enough to cover all scenarios and any answer you give can be inverted, overused, or be totally subjective.

Sorry, no answer.

>> No.6706035

Lol. Watch ruan jia paint. My process is more or less the same.

>> No.6706040
File: 70 KB, 351x711, Henry_Stickman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of stickmen are we talking here nigga

>> No.6706045
File: 945 KB, 805x622, this is perfectly fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no answer to the old question
Because no one wants to admit, think about or point out that they're simply having a shallow emotional reaction to a stimuli. Because they either don't want to perceived as the bad guys, or admit that they aren't as cultured as they deluded themselves to be by consuming what other people and media memed as high quality.
It's the same shit with food; so many rave about wagyu beef or high end restaurants, but those are just memes.

Anon, why do you like porn? Because it makes your peepee feel good.
Why do you like realistic artowork? Because it makes your brain peepee feel good.
These are things that no one dares question themselves about; "What is it exactly that makes me like the shit i do?"
Because if people started an introspection, they'd either kill themselves or stop consuming, and no one wants to risk quitting consuming or risk a hit to their ego in any way.
And why are you using that process?
Generally speaking the stick man is an analogy.
Someone who is fixated on delivering what is considered by the consumer base to be of high quality, is scared of failing or to be perceived as a lesser i.e. drawing worse than what is deemed consumable, because they pursue art for the sake of validation and social standing, whereas someone who actually draws out of a genuine interest, will be content with making """lower quality""" works and not give a shit what people think.
If this helps you understand better;
High-quality-works aka hyper-semi-realism are soulless
Everything else that is of lower-quality is soulful

>> No.6706052

>And why are you using that process?
Because it's enjoyable. I like going from chaos to order.

>> No.6706063

WHY are you using that process.
Not why are YOU using that process.
You have to take yourself out of the equation and do some critical introspection to answer this question.

>> No.6706064

>when your ability to draw hands is so abysmal that even AI improves on it

>> No.6706072

The possibilities, it's a more open and free process. more discoveries, happy accidents.

>> No.6706089

I don't think you get to decide what people should and shouldn't like or value.

>> No.6706097

No, he does.

>> No.6706100

He's just a mind broken sovl vs souless npc.

>> No.6706104

Good for you.
Yes, you don't think and i never said i get to decide anything, i'm just making conversation about art on an art board, crazy, right?
But riddle me this; if one guy can't speak wrong, why should the masses have the privilege and authority to decide what is considered high quality and what is not, not based on thorough and elaborated discussions and objective observations but based on the lowest common denominator i.e. their collective subjective feefees and faux-memetics enabled and pushed by peer pressure?

If you don't want to talk, why come to a message board anyway?

>> No.6706109

>objective observations
People have different tastes.

>> No.6706113

>no one can make objective observations because they have "different tastes"
Kinda proving my point there.

So why is realism considered the highest quality of art if people have different tastes?

>> No.6706116

>masses have the privilege and authority to decide what is considered high quality
You seem to think the masses want high-quality renders, what highly rendered art are the masses consooming? Manga outsells rendered colored American comics by an order of magnitude and it's all just black and white.

>> No.6706119
File: 188 KB, 1140x428, 1653015953008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A high quality rendered piece will always be better received by the masses than some other non-realistic piece of art.
>manga outsells colored american comics
Kind of irrelevant to the conversation since there are other factors in play like the absolute state of american comics and the niche this is about.
The layman/masses will not be interested in buying/consuming comics or manga, it's the bigger picture we're talking about.

Were you to put something like this>>6705976
against this >>6706045 or against pic related, what do you think would be perceived as the higher quality?

>> No.6706120

What did this guy draw compared to what the AI made? It feels like he's just changing minor details of an AI image, which he can then hardly call his own.
I think as we go on, AI will find it's way into most people's work flow, but I don't like what I'm seeing here, it doesn't feel like "his" work - unless he's missing some steps there and he influenced the first AI image more than we know?

>> No.6706133

>bigger picture
The people who don't look at art at all nor buy it?

>> No.6706135

I checked, he decides. Blame the system

>> No.6706136

The first images involve no ai. The cyber ninja was drawn several years ago irrc.

>> No.6706139

>several years ago irrc.
16 years ago, I checked.

>> No.6706147

I love this image because the sculpture of the guy sucking himself off is way more interesting than the stupid dragon.

>> No.6706150
File: 398 KB, 828x782, 1673374420110838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing to do with actual buying behavior, but if you want to make that connection, why don't you give me a few stats about the adult art market and how it outsells basically everything else instead of responding with witless one liners?

>> No.6706152

>realism considered the highest quality of art
Photography? What about abstract art? Why did that displace realism?

>> No.6706154

Money laundering and media pushing it as a cultured from of art to launder more money.

>> No.6706172

I don't know anything about the adult art market.

>> No.6706174

*I would consider that an extreme niche, with a bunch of whales
Just from what I've absorbed from hanging around ic, I have no facts to share.

>> No.6706178

unironically i think the second image is probably more appealing to normies

>> No.6706182

What do Sakimi-chan and Cutesexyrobutts have in coommon?
>inb4 idk
Use google and use your eyes.

>> No.6706190

If you are trying to say rendering, I'd give you sakimi, but robut appears to have a painterly style, more matte, not what I was expecting to see given your question.

>> No.6706213
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, this just looks like a photograph to a normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classifications or techniques don't matter to an average consumer, whether it's painted, pillowshading, gouache, painted with their own dick or whatever the fuck.
What they have in common in their work is semi-realism or a very close attempt to replicate real life; "It just looks like a real photograph"; that's what the average consumer thinks.

And what else do they have in common?
Maybe the millions of followers on social media? Their huge financial success? Their billions of copycats getting some of their success simpyl by copying them?
People singing their praise and memeing them to be the epitome of high quality art?
Drawing the same anime fanart pinup over and over?
>inb4 crab seethe ur jelly
I am using them only as an example to my point, being that anything that borders to realism, is automatically and unquestionably considered high quality by the layman hence why most artists tend to go for realism.

>> No.6706221

I can make this point more understandable;
Why do videogames HAVE to have realistic graphics? Why do live action versions of anime get made?
Because that's what sells to normies; "It looks just like real life" that's all they're impressed by. They don't give a shit about the subject of the picture itself, it's just good/high quality because it mimics real life.

>> No.6706234
File: 14 KB, 400x400, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do videogames HAVE to have realistic graphics?

>> No.6706240
File: 73 KB, 640x469, 19689498541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6706241

they both got their portfolio stolen and trained by AI and are examples of why you should gatekeep your art past a certain point?

>> No.6706242


>> No.6706243

kill yourself chris

>> No.6706246

its obnoxious as fuck and it permeates every media in the west, fucking comics are infested with this realism obsession and its so annoying

>> No.6706247

And now why would someone train an AI on those type of works, with the end goal of replicating those works? Why waste time and resources for that purpose?

>> No.6706248

I'm not even rendering my work anymore because of shit like this.

>> No.6706251

Hideo Minaba doesn't even draw noses and is still the main reason Granblue is worth $200M.

>> No.6706257

Yo this shit is gay and lame as fuck, why are normie artists such fags? Someone thought this was good

>> No.6706258
File: 51 KB, 263x300, Because its just like real life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people love open world games with next gen graphics, Anon?

>> No.6706264
File: 417 KB, 768x384, 237703690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint nothing wrong with a bit of ai

>> No.6706265

Very nice, is this your own work?

>> No.6706282

>highly rendered styles used to be respected and revered but now everyone shits on it and calls it "ai-style"
Nobody does this, maybe only the crabs on this board. The problem with ai isn't just that it's over-rendered, all of its rendering comes out using the same values/techniques. Its incredibly noticeable when an artwork is ai because they all look the fucking same

>> No.6706464


>> No.6706471

>I love how the semi-realistic and highly rendered styles used to be respected and revered
Wrong, completely. It was "respected" when it was actual talent of craftsmenship, not when e-celebs learned how to photobash in Photoshop

Ai is just e-celeb tier trash but now using stolen work. While also being shilled by shitskins that want the death of talent by hand so they can get free money. It's a griff. There's no validity of accessibility for the "impaired" to have a way to produce "art", they don't give a shit about the individual, just getting rich quick, like every shitskin does to get free money.

>> No.6706474

all this anti-ai shit is just the same old ancient gatekeeping routine.
eventually normalfags will stop spamming low-effort ai gens all over the place, and artfags will eventually lose the urge to gatekeep when only the actually hobbyists start using ai

>> No.6706483


>> No.6706490

kek why did i even come back to /ic/

>> No.6706492

They don't. Those games hace lower sales to completion rates than quirky indies.
Consumerism is not engagement, most people buy shit they stop caring for before it's even shipped to them.

>> No.6706493

The most common sligh in Facebook art groups is "looks like ai".
There's nothing more normie than that.

>> No.6706524

nigger, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.6706537

Don't know if this is related but I've started using AI images as references to help me with my art. It's so much easier fine-tuning a prompt and generating hundreds of images, picking out that perfect image that captures what you were looking for, and using that as a reference, compared to finding references via photos or other art. I still like hand-drawing the actual piece, though.

>> No.6706543

I like drawing completely from imagination.

>> No.6706545

I do too but I suck at actually getting proportions right. So I proompt from imagination then use that as a guide.

>> No.6706549

>prompt from imagination
You mean you use your imagination or just hit random on the app?

>> No.6706557

It means I have a specific concept in my mind, so I try to prooompt as accurately as possible, generating a bunch of images and picking out the one that best fits my vision while looking good. I then use that image as part of my reference images.

>> No.6706562

You can easily just do loose sketches but show something you worked on.

>> No.6706574

>anything that borders to realism, is automatically and unquestionably considered high quality by the layman hence why most artists tend to go for realism.
To sell? That's the message I'm getting from you but you've missed a step.
What were these artists before they were artists? They were the normies who saw realism and we're amazed and inspired by it, and wanted to do it themselves, not because it sold or was popular.

>> No.6706661

came back just in time to see /ic/ decide once and for all what is art(coincidentally, it's everything they personally like) and what isn't art(coincidentally it's everything everyone else likes and they don't)

I love the post-AI world

>> No.6706668

t.lowest-IQ /ic/ lurker

>> No.6706670

>a bit
>100% Ai-generated
bitch what

>> No.6706685 [DELETED] 

For 3D modelling you need to have the front, the back and the side of the character. Can AI do it? If cannot, it's useless for the industry.

>> No.6706698

For 3D modelling you need to have the front, the back and the side of the character. Can AI do it? If cannot, it's useless for the industry.

>> No.6706775

AI actually can make even 3D models plus textures these days. Check /g/ if you don't believe me. All the pros are using it already.

>> No.6706787

It also makes your coffee, walk your dog, picks up your mail, does your taxes and has replaced the whole industry already

>> No.6706805

You only see the dragon's unfinished tail though

>> No.6706812

I checked, it "does it", but its dogshit, we need 2 more weeks before its usable.

>> No.6707271

I actually hate this photorealistic shit on the right looks uncanny

>> No.6707300

I mean we can assume a couple of things like the dragon being a straight line and it’s scales being lazily executed. If you’re going to make something purely for it’s aesthetic appeal, you really have to nail it.

>> No.6707420

ngl, AI slop made me appreciate line art, watercolor and markers far more

>> No.6707421

This is how I feel. I’m looking for clarity a lot now.