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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 314 KB, 751x707, jykyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700956 No.6700956 [Reply] [Original]

Deviant art is making some changes

>> No.6700960

Nothing burger, Ai is here to stay.

>> No.6700962
File: 75 KB, 1072x521, ai cuck btfo, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6700977

My cock is here to stay in your mom's mouth

>> No.6700978

>waaah waaah waaah why you hate meee???

cope :)

>> No.6700981

stay in its own worthless gated communities that will be frequented only by tech cucks until the novelty wears off

>> No.6700984
File: 562 KB, 1079x2605, Screenshot_20230614_200045_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diaper fags btfo

>> No.6700985


>> No.6700986
File: 26 KB, 1065x187, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6700992

I'm thinking based.

>> No.6700994

literally the holocaust

>> No.6700997

>allowing users to more precisely control how much AI art they experience while browsing
I still can't disable it entirely, if the option is there it's hard to find and unintuitive. Fuck them, they can rot in hell. Any good alternatives?

>> No.6700999

too little too late

>> No.6701000

Took them long enough. Jesus, the entire frontpage was impossible to use due to all the AI flooding everything.

>> No.6701001

if sites you mean, then twitter, insta, and tumblr.

>> No.6701003

good, let the permabeg neck itself. funny to see a "you're so valid, sister" comment

>> No.6701006

Agreed, AI sister.

>> No.6701010

This is a diaperfag notorious for being an autistic tranny. He has been /beg/tier forever and only is around because diaperfags will give anyone money.

>> No.6701019
File: 1.92 MB, 400x472, ergew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Why do they want to fit in so bad? It isn't enough that they get their instant gratification machine? Why do I have to share oxygen AND online space with these ghouls?

>> No.6701030

This, but unironically.

>> No.6701075
File: 18 KB, 429x410, 1657633130230796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can't believed they listened to the hysterical ones, instead of this 100% rational, cool-headed individual.

>> No.6701100
File: 44 KB, 680x417, 21334512123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6701102


>> No.6701106
File: 80 KB, 1026x361, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't deviant art have their own AI model or some shit? i don't recall it being successful so i wonder if they're trying to pivot to ai detection tools instead

>> No.6701108

So we have to generate a lot of IA shit so the machine works fine sooner?

>> No.6701111

deviantart already has a ton of that being posted there

>> No.6701115

Damn, nice quads.
But also, good to know that the shit will finally be cleaned.

>> No.6701137
File: 77 KB, 993x702, Screenshot_20230614_211008_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine rage quitting a platform and accusing others of seething

>> No.6701166

Owlcan's "art" is worthless anyway it's grotesque and absurd nothing of value is lost with him leaving

>> No.6701229

20 years? He must be pretty good by now. Not gonna check, his attitude tells me all I need to know. He sucks.

>> No.6701282

>created using AI tools
Meaning? Are we talking 100% or just for something like a base template or telling it to assist in color fills and smart crops? How does this address AI getting built into prime software on a backend level? Does that mean that in the age of AI base meshes in 3D sculpts are banned? These are the sort of questions that have to be tackled in exchange for going digital, especially if they contradict industry workflow which ultimately dictates what is normalized. Also, how do you even enforce this? Are they just starting off with an honor sustem? Arbitrary arbitration? AI-powered countermeasure?

Any consideration for the unintended consequences of burning non-ai artists at the stake? This whole AI arc seems like a second coming of art-related gay ops.

>> No.6701310
File: 427 KB, 1336x964, Screenshot 2023-06-14 222630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked. 20 years of art and he hasn't improved at all. pic related

>> No.6701381

>you have to subscribe to see his crap
can you post his old art vs new art? i ain't joining dA anytime soon lmao

>> No.6701415
File: 987 KB, 500x235, 2DZS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..it's finally over? Is profitable autism over finally?


it never ends.

Tomorrow will be even worse.


Left tenant sebastian what is it
its just that good do man do not do the voodoo
you do comvuluraryryryryryrrr





>> No.6701429
File: 53 KB, 485x428, 1523365288604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot behavior of people using the wrong tags will unironically poison future datasets, there have been some articles released recently about concerns from developers regarding how the Internet being spammed with machine vomit will result in making it harder not to create incestuous models in the future. It is actually difficult for them to filter out their own trash, and we all know AI detection tools are notoriously innacurate. DA releasing this statement now isn't to win back artists or whatever, but rather to allow for more accurate scraping in the future.
Encourage AI keks not to tag their posts, any art platform that allows AI at all isn't worth visiting anyways.

>> No.6701434
File: 98 KB, 1242x699, 0599F1F6-8DFC-4028-B97F-EEF5B3714CED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeviantArt is making some changes. But when will this fucktard Musk start to change anything about this shit? How am I supposed to grow my audience when I'm shadowbanned 24/7 and people can't find my works by hashtags?

>> No.6701441

Based aisister

>> No.6701446

Technically it's not that b-
>all characters are in 3/4 view
Never mind.

>> No.6701450

Why is it so afraid of admitting its submissions are generated?

>> No.6701523

gonna be honest i hope this change does more than just technically kill him

>> No.6701571

like microplastics in your blood

>> No.6701585

Why are ai chuds so transphobic and racist?

>> No.6701601

The fire rises.

>> No.6701612

maybe don't draw creepy pedoshit? ever thought of that, freak?

>> No.6701615

Too late. AI fags will just lie anyway.

>> No.6701620

The Owlcan is a garbage artist.

>> No.6701623

they can, they'll just be found out

>> No.6701631

>they can, they'll just be found out
Don't ask, don't tell.

>> No.6701637

>artists suddenly way more productive, new rendered pieces daily, stopped posting wips, hmm...
even when AI isn't obvious, the behavioral change will be all that's required to sniff it out.

>> No.6701638

I like being exposed to AI art because it let's my brain pick up on the patterns in people's art that use AI as a base or don't admit to using AI. I have no other way of explaining it other than it's like it has an organic filter slapped on it, like if you were mildly hallucinating on acid.

>> No.6701641

and then we cancel them

>> No.6701642

eh, just stop inviting them to parties.

>> No.6701647
File: 2.51 MB, 1297x1000, image.psd(28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of AI, do you think this guy using it? https://twitter.com/UnstableBoiler
I'm almost certain he does, but don't have any concrete evidence

>> No.6701654

200%, it's been asked before

>> No.6701659

It's the fact that there is such inconsistency in the anatomy, especially the hands. I mean, good god what the actual fuck are those? For someone drawing poses in perspective you'd think they be able to draw hands that aren't missing palms. That shit doesn't add up.

>> No.6701662

Two more week 'til AI replaces /ic style art?

>> No.6701668

oh right, that's why the jeets are out there screeching again.

anyway good change. the amount of same trash novelAI spam flooding my feed is a good reason to never browse DA (not like there was a good reason without the ai slop spam in the first place)

>> No.6701675

didn't even need to click, it was obvious from the thumbnail the right is AI.

>> No.6701684
File: 32 KB, 220x220, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to suddenly get discriminated
so it begins ...

>> No.6701691
File: 2.01 MB, 1702x1223, Screenshot 2023-06-16 010217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah who does he think he's fooling?
Looking at the highres of the bikini pic(on his artstation) you can see he's gone to great lengths to paint over the AI image, but it's not enough, it's more than anatomy errors that give it away. Lighting(AI does double shadows from one lightsource often, because of flash photography in the dataset), composition, positioning(the fuck is that hat doing in pic 2? pic 1 its firmly on her head)

>> No.6701697

>you can see he's gone to great lengths to paint over the AI image
he did? This shit looks like bare aom2 mix gen with fried lora and the buttslap lazily inpainted

>> No.6701712
File: 1.58 MB, 1787x1166, Screenshot 2023-06-16 011914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the mix of resolutions? Painted over/outlined without even using AI to upscale.

>> No.6701717

Death to AI. Uncle Ted will be remembered as a martyr.

>> No.6701720

Ted was a progressivist fucktard
Either we go back to caves or nothing. only cave paintings had any soul in them

>> No.6701727

keep pushing that falseflag, I'm sure it'll stick eventually

>> No.6701746

>AI deisgned specifically to out AI faggots
blade runner is real

>> No.6701747

why do people see drawing as slavery?

>> No.6701751

that's what happens when you do it for the end result (e.g. attention or plain coomerism) instead of seeing the process as a creative journey and every work as a step towards mastery

>> No.6701760

That wasn't the case before?!
Are they stupid?!
You're an art website separating ai and non ai art should be the default

>> No.6701770

If someone generates pictures and then touches them up and fixes them, that should be labeled as AI.

If someone uses AI to generate backgrounds only, that shouldn't have to be labelled, but they should mention it out of cortesy instead of pretending they drew it. If they make weird cool abstract shapes and stuff with AI, then that's already a genre, computer generated art.

>> No.6701773

>art website separating ai and non ai art should be the default
Like apartheid?

>> No.6701780

that's dumb

it's all art, the average person isn't going to care if it's handmade or aimade, just that it looks good and appealing

>> No.6701785
File: 266 KB, 443x309, f76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know anon the same can already be done with filters and tags with SFW and NSFW
>though discovering basic shit must really be that world starting aperently

>> No.6701787

DA lost me a long time ago when it was flooded with photography and cosplay shit

>> No.6701790

> it's all art, the average person isn't going to care if it's handmade or aimade,
If that were the case, then deviant art wouldn’t have made these changes, poojeet. 6 months, that’s all it took. now fuck off my board

>> No.6701793

I don't draw "creepy pedoshit", moron.

>> No.6701794

If its the same, whats wrong with labeling your ai art?

>> No.6701797

What do you draw then?

>> No.6701798

i dont see anything wrong with it

>> No.6701801

Just make art that transcends labels.

>> No.6701803

NSFW pin-ups. Other artists draw rape, tentacles, pedo loli shit and they only have "search suggestion ban" (like most NSFW artists on Twitter)

A couple of days ago everything was green in this list

>> No.6701810

AI ""artists"" are beneath inflationfags, diaperfags and vorefags. Know your place and stay in your lane, faggot.

>> No.6701922


>> No.6701938


The name is fucking UNSTABLEboiler... ever heard of Unstable Diffusion?

>> No.6701944

Literally ideal. If all of them had this response we would be golden.

>> No.6701975

>"YOUR artwork"

>> No.6701990

damn, aibros are racking up losses lately.

>> No.6702011

Devastating losses.

>> No.6702014

Is it too late to buy in? It can't be right? Watch me buy and the stock drop 30%

>> No.6702027

fucking delete this. ai is a fad okay?

>> No.6702030

>this is your cope

>> No.6702033

I'm sure the corpo tech hype will live up to its name, AI sisters! corporations never falter!

>> No.6702035

>ummmm ackshully AI artists are doing fine because ummmm gwaffix cards?????
Nigger you what

>> No.6702036

Yes faesis! that's why we need to restrict free and open-source AI to let big benevolent corpos decide what to do whit it! Silly humans are going to misuse it, you know!

>> No.6702037
File: 32 KB, 299x455, 1534044012530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooooooooooo true

fartists btfo

>> No.6702052

>Is it too late to buy in? It can't be right? Watch me buy and the stock drop 30%
Picking stocks is pure luck. Buy an index fund, hold it and fiesta with the dividends.

>> No.6702053

I hope you die in a car crash, break every single bone in your body and choke to death on your own blood

>> No.6702054

>hope you die in a car crash, break every single bone in your body and choke to death on your own blood
Can use this as a prompt?

>> No.6702055

still pushing your biased arguments. wasn't getting your thread pruned after your autistic ramblings enough for you?

>> No.6702063

seeing how you switch between defending them or yapping about the superiority of open source i can only advise you to kill yourself, as you're nothing more than an incoherent schizophrenic

>> No.6702068

yet another reason to hate techbros

>> No.6702070
File: 1.53 MB, 1344x768, 2940507771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702092

smallest american car

>> No.6702108
File: 305 KB, 1785x2110, Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 20-44-11 Patreon Creators Statistics Graphs Analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of AI:

If I'm reading these graphs correctly, it means that AI had barely any impact on Patreon earnings (maybe without it there would be slightly more growth), am I correct?

>> No.6702112
File: 270 KB, 1762x1990, Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 20-46-05 Lilydusk Patreon Earnings Statistics Graphs Rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: what's up with some of the top artists dropping like rocks in subscribers (and therefore earnings)?

>> No.6702145

The only numbers I'd believe out of Social Media Valley is SEC reported insider trading. You can trust these guys about as much as you can trust the Communist Party in China.

>> No.6702151
File: 2.31 MB, 2047x1025, 1684809834174313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need we remind you that
>picrelated shows exactly what all that """AI""" imagegen creates- interpolation and rearrangement of trained images
>image generators need billions of images to have a good enough "stock" of interpolations within the latent space of its dataset
>the only way to get that many images is to scrape COPYRIGHTED material
>any and every generation, due to being an interpolation/rearrangement of who knows how many of said copyrighted images, means that they are inherently ineligible for copyright protection
>the only way to have image generation that isn't a nightmare of copyright infringement is to use royalty-free/uncopyrighted data, i.e., a tiny fraction of shitty data that won't yield any useable results
>therefore corpos are as fucked by using copyright-poisoned datasets as everyone else
>therefore machine learning image generation tech is a useless dead end technology that absolutely nobody can use

>> No.6702158

ai models are not subject to copyright and even adobe is already actively using ai but whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.6702164
File: 226 KB, 1661x1065, Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 21-33-33 Banned for expressing freedom of Speech on AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that all of these sites are run by a bunch of Luddites. Don't they realize that AI is the future, upon all modern art will be made?

It's like they hate money or something.

>> No.6702169
File: 789 KB, 1648x1024, output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate money
Love Monet.

>> No.6702174

>every single object and all characters but 1 positioned at strict right angles, matching the walls and tiles
>the 1 is at 45 degrees
literally autism

>> No.6702185

the more I heard about Luddites, the more I think that they were based if this is who their opponents were

>> No.6702206

>Ai artists

>> No.6702208

>ai models are not subject to copyright
That is changing quickly. The output not being subject to copyright will not though.
You will never be rich from AI, a woman, or an artist.

>> No.6702214

>You will never be rich from AI, a woman, or an artist.
I haven't earned a single dime from AI and never planned to. Funny how you icshitters immediately project your greed.

>> No.6702217

Let me guess, this is the diaper fag's reddit account

>> No.6702218

>project your greed
come on

>> No.6702223
File: 135 KB, 300x287, 1686395973441804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted hated leftists, women and gays

>> No.6702230

>project your greed.
not projection when it's true, shitter.

>> No.6702314

>allows AI goyslop
>artists get drowned under tons of generic sterile looking art
>site loses followers & money
Pixiv was way ahead of them when they started requiring their users to select when the art was AI-generated.

>> No.6702340

Ok, I'm still not putting my work on there though. Fuck Deviantart and fuck Wix. Eclipse is shit, NFTs are shit, and AI is shit.

>> No.6702344

And who are you, the Luddite asked
That what I do is not art?
I push a button, I receive anime
All you do is mald and shart
AI prompts are just another tool
The common man, I could fool
I receive a bunch of likes and (you)s
For you, it's over, you lose
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
The AI shill from /g/
They found him hanged on a noose
Overdosed on HRT

>> No.6702363

wrong retard

>> No.6702368

>uhm the models aren't subject to copyright
They are, because their outputs are. The models contain the sum of all trained data + all possible interpolations within their latent spaces, after all. Inb4 you pull the predictable "heh how can you fit bajillions of images into just a few GB", don't. We already have a practical understanding of what a model is and what it does, the upshot being that they are designed to replicate what they're trained on exactly, and for each piece of training data there is a set of coordinates within the image and prompt space that will return a copy of that original data. As a side effect of this, coordinates falling between those data points are interpolations between those data points. Therefore, a model actually does contain every image it's been trained upon. Remember that game .kkrieger, a fully 3D FPS that fits within just 98 KB, smaller than a jpeg? It can do that because it's designed to procedurally generate all the assets on the fly. It's the same principle.
>b-but Adoobeedobedoobabadoo
Adobe is using the exact same tech, except with their shitty little set of stock photos, therefore their model is and will always be shit. I already said as much in the last post.

>> No.6702373

It's rare to find someone who misunderstands both machine learning and copyright law. Consider yourself special.

>> No.6702379
File: 82 KB, 149x203, 1671408788487210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope pa/g/eet, literally no one is buying your "its not theft" argument anymore

>> No.6702385

How's it feel to know that a child will always be a better artist than you could ever be using AI? There's one thing AI can never recreate but your black and white binary brains can't understand that concept.

>> No.6702421

Feel free to educate us then :)

>> No.6702422

Fight fire with fire.

>> No.6702451

We need a zoo for people like this so they're segregated from real life.

>> No.6702462
File: 69 KB, 775x719, pn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same way i feel that any 5 year old could beat me in vidya if they use aimbot
don't care desu

>> No.6702467

>How's it feel to know that a child will always be a better artist than you could ever be using AI?
this coperino again Pajeeto? the artists who was used in the dataset will be better than me, if I don't reach their level that is. AI will never be better than humans, simple as. it has no capability for self criticism. how does it feel knowing that your worthless trinket will always be nothing more than a toy?

>> No.6702471

stop feeding your energy into bait posts

>> No.6702473

>bait posts
anon, they're literally retarded. don't give them too much credit

>> No.6702481

I suck at grammar. I'm asking AI 'artists' how it feels to know a child will always be a better artist than they ever will be.

>> No.6702492

Based, death to Aijeets
Cope more, your psyop failed.

>> No.6702497

Background gives it away. It never matches the perspective of the subject, because they were separately scalped from the dataset.

>> No.6702616
File: 2.10 MB, 1752x3118, Screenshot_20230616_063313_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I finally understand why there's so much seething about AI on this board. It's just jealousy. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6702625

says the niggas making about 2-3 threads almost daily

>> No.6702642

It certainly not because you fags are obnoxious cockroaches who could never take the hint.

>> No.6702651

any retard can proompt. there's nothing to be jealous of. it's like saying I should be jealous on 3 year olds because they learned to poo in the loo, something that you'll never do

>> No.6702655

>AIcucks only care about social media clout
>it's not even deserved clout

>> No.6702659
File: 3.53 MB, 3112x4868, 20230616_070140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think artists don't care about clout, you're delusional.

>> No.6702666
File: 81 KB, 724x850, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello retard. yes, they care about clout. they deserve it for their own work. AIniggers like you ONLY care about clout and nothing else. your entire life is that of a parasite

>> No.6702668
File: 166 KB, 1080x1598, FmsVmB2XEBAcStJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf how dare you seek to benefit from your own work
is this a participation trophy zoomer thing, or third world mentality? it's hard to discern these days

>> No.6702672

Clout is not proportional to effort. It's a measure of what people want to see.

>> No.6702673
File: 272 KB, 1206x1094, aicuck 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly what a worthless bugman without anything to give to the world would say. it's just another breed of faggot parasite who reposts artwork made by other people for likes.

>> No.6702688
File: 566 KB, 1946x2048, 23456423234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6702704

I didn't know a printed out picture slapped under a homeless infested underpass counted as "exhibited"

>> No.6702867
File: 35 KB, 348x246, Screenshot 2023-06-16 155845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Deviantart not accepting payments from my virtual card? The discount is too huge to pass up.

>> No.6702964

So we should all use FurAffinity and NewGrounds?

>> No.6703106
File: 1.60 MB, 2800x2220, da ai pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the comments on there from normal users stating that DA is still a shitty website that shouldn't be trusted. I also agree with their guesses that DA probably did this because platforms invested in AI slop know that their datasets are being made redundant by non-tagged generated pictures being fed into their datasets. However, it's still amusing to see AIfags get upset about possibly being filtered on another website.

I took a look at the comment section of the announcement page. As expected, AIfags are upset like this. It's consistent that their profiles have 100s of spammed generated images that are often paywalled. And it's the usual grifters desperate for easy money along with the eternal /beg/s & weebs that all never bothered to learn to draw a decent picture.

>> No.6703170

Sorry you wasted so much time and effort on worthless shit no one cares about :/ No point in being angry though, try to improve and move on my man :)

>> No.6703185

the fuck are you even talking about retard? can you not talk like a liberal/woman/sardonic faggot in at least 1 single post?

>> No.6703294

>self-insert is brown
wtf pajeet memes were real?

>> No.6703388

>t. Watches shows at 3x speed

>> No.6703505
File: 156 KB, 326x325, And+then+hell+proceed+to+install+them+manually+checking+every+_04ae9fd9025cbae2d19bdb1f6e15f856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 year account
This nigga is likely in his 40's holy fucking shit

>> No.6703508

There must be some legal reason why they're suddenly doing this.

>> No.6703521
File: 155 KB, 300x300, 1654327286464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely just general spam.
Artists upload only 2 a week at best. These bastards upload a hundred a week and skyrocket the bandwidth bills.

It's an unavoidable fate of every site that tolerates AI.

I predicted this since January and I am happy that it is happening word by word.
Next stop will be a full all-out ban of AI art by the simple fact that they cost more to host than whatever traffic they give.

>> No.6703544

Maybe if we made them wear a scarlet A on their shirts.

>> No.6703576
File: 1.40 MB, 1288x1274, 1679966949353320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt even put in the effort to fix the fucking leaves

>> No.6704027

It'd be best not to, the worst thing to do now would be to manifest the imagined threats on their livelihood.
They're all deranged sociopaths who think their first million is just around the next corner

>> No.6704256

Or they don't want AI-shit polluting MJ or whatever dataset. Face it, they rely on actual artists for their grift

>> No.6704259

I don't mind ai art in general but amount of low-effort melty garbage that is being spammed on pixiv and DA just had to be stopped somehow. There are good-looking ai-assisted and proompted pics but most of them are worthless pajeet 8-finger garbage

>> No.6704271

>proud of it
who woulda thonk?

>> No.6704275

a separate place for every race

>> No.6704276

you don't know what jealousy is you stupid worthless nigger

>> No.6704292

So far my AI art completely passes as handmade
To be honest, it actually gives me kind of a thrill, especially when someone I know is anti-AI gives me a complement, it's really kind of a rush
It also lets me know that there is skill in prompt engineering, and I'm one who can do it well :)

>> No.6704294

there's one artist in particular, I have admired them for a long time, and we have had some conversations about our lives and shared stuff like that. We've also talked about how "shitty" and "soulless" AI art is.
He would probably be really pissed if he found out, but ngl it gives me such a thrill when he compliments my AI art

>> No.6704303

yess, slay queens, the buss is clapping

>> No.6704333


/ic/ will never accept that effort does not make up for lack of appeal and will almost never be good enough on its own to make an artwork worth liking

>> No.6704337

90% of this board are retarded marxists kek

>> No.6704351

holy cope. the thrill of what, being a liar?
>It also lets me know that there is skill in prompt engineering

>> No.6704354
File: 222 KB, 582x680, confused communist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are equally important
>muh democratization of art
>uh, copyright is Marxist you know?
>as a true capitalist, I believe that your work is my work. we're all equal sister!

>> No.6704356

so your long time artist friend doesn't suspect that you're using AI after you got "good" at "art" out of nowhere? if there's one thing I'm talented at is lying and spotting lies, and your lie has so many holes in it it's actually embarrassing even for a 10 year old

>> No.6704357

the TRVE value of art is in the effort you put in it sister, not the output!! Labor theory of value is true!!!

>> No.6704359

exactly sister! the sistine chapel pales in comparison to my half tomato juice half period blood soup can and the Piss Christ! everything is art!

>> No.6704364

the funny thing AI tranny, is that the output of AI goy slop is worthless in of itself because anyone can do it including a 5 year old. you said so yourself above :) .

>> No.6704365

Mindset of a serial killer.
Please don't fall for Facebook memes. Capitalism is built on lies and exploitation. The AI con artists you hate so much are the epitome of capitalists using every trick to try come out on top.

>> No.6704366

The sistine chapel is popular because it looks good, the effortard argument would be that the sistine chapel is popular and liked because of all the effort that went into it, and not that the final result of it was fantastic, I bet the appeal of the chapel is like 5% effort 95% "it looks good"

>> No.6704368

>AI tranny still constantly bumping the thread everyday with nonsense rambling for artists attention
If you want to suck our cock and drink our piss just say it our loud.

>> No.6704369
File: 142 KB, 1283x933, promptcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neither a hardcore capitalist or a communist. capitalism is the only way to go in my opinion, but it needs to be regulated far more heavily than it is right now. we need to go back to chopping hands and cutting tongues for theft and this is a belief I've held for many, many years
actual pathetic fucking cope. you and a bunch of other people might be mindless NPC drones who are programmed to function as nothing else but consoomer subhuman insects, but don't talk in the name of everyone. the matter of fact is, it's both beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, and massively impressive due to the effort it required. denial of this is just further AI tranny coperinos

>> No.6704373
File: 454 KB, 1170x2538, art fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we now live in a world where people view laziness and low effort as a virtue
zoomers will destroy the world more than anyone else. boomers are going to be a cakewalk

>> No.6704374

>my AI art completely passes
sounds like something a troon would say. i hate you

>> No.6704376
File: 337 KB, 602x512, 1672186788769292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is art! AI rights! AI rights!

>> No.6704375

>when most ai shitters are 30+ year old shit eating fucks

>> No.6704378

millenials aren't much better either, don't worry. correction: it's the children of zoomers who will be the most fucked. they're born into a world where low effort garbage is fully normalized and laziness is encouraged. thank god I'll be an old fuck and die by the time they'll get their hands on society

>> No.6704383

>"AI art" is the "neovagina" of AItroons

>> No.6704387

Stop fighting among yourselves, stop this generational war. Fight capital.

>> No.6704388

We have always lived in a world where effort itself was considered worthless, no matter how much you fucking seethe. Work smart, not hard.
Sucks to see your skill becoming irrelevant, but covering your ears and screaming TRANNY PAJEET won't make this go away.

>> No.6704390

>work smart
you're not working tho, nigger tranny-kun.
>skill becoming irrelevant
the only ones that have been able to leverage Ai properly are trained artists.
next time just write "inevitable", it'll be quicker

>> No.6704394

Okay fren. Just hope you don't mind flipping burgers.

>> No.6704397

I'm sure you can teach us all about that
>"j-just two more weeks and artists will be brought low at last!"

>> No.6704399

"YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING I'VE DONE IN THE LAST 20 YEARS" and it's a random diaper fetishist on DA with subpar art.

>> No.6704405
File: 232 KB, 1051x547, 1683580555141477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your work means nothing if the thing you create at the end looks like shit. Sorry bro.

I know you'll never, ever, ever accept this because you can't create something people like or is appealing, your only appeal is to effort, but it's the truth, 99% of people will pass your artwork by while random AI art that looks pretty good will get viewed and liked.

>> No.6704409

Do people even categorize their art accordingly on DA? I know I didn't

>> No.6704414

>categorize their art
We could do a principal components of art works. But what features would you measure? Whichever cluster you're closest to would be the label.

>> No.6704415

>"n-no one likes your artwork"
I love your cope, probably shouldn't project your learned hopelessness, my work has been recognized already.

>> No.6704416
File: 222 KB, 1800x946, 23445623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704417

You aren't fucking Michelangelo, stop kidding yourself faggot. No one cares about amount of time and money (You) personally spent on your worthless degree (if you even bothered to get it) and on your shitty sketch.

>> No.6704418

why post proof of your inferiority?

>> No.6704419

well ask that guy. maybe he thought that piece of shit was impressive kek

>> No.6704428

and yet, you're inferior. says a lot

>> No.6704434

should have used wojak for this kek

>> No.6704436

"Art is useless!" the bugman cried as desperately trying to seek validation for their crude mockeries from actual artists.

>> No.6704437

Is there a Lora for that?

>> No.6704441

I never would have thought I'd live to see the actual "creation of image" to be taken out of human hands so deftly, and so suddenly.

Couldn't be happier though honestly, I'm having a blast using AI to make art. If anyone's art was trained, I guess I owe you some thanks :)
If you're salty for some reason, well, did you actually look at the EULA where you placed your art, and understand the agreements you entered by uploading your images?

>> No.6704442

please tell us the "use" of art

>> No.6704443

"AI" is a human-made tool, a computer program. It's not a Terminator or Skynet

>> No.6704444

prevents retards like you from killing themselves or overdose on meds.

>> No.6704449

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6704452

Pajeets are literally trannies. Trannies aren't known for working hard nor smart, they just come into every space that didn't include them and demand everyone else to accommodate them.

>> No.6704453


>> No.6704454

/ic/ getting rename to /incel/ when

>> No.6704457

you're not even trying anymore

>> No.6704460

You still have to photoshop the render so there's still that "human touch". Does that count?

>> No.6704473

no, it makes you a pixel janitor

>> No.6704507

lmao the seething is palpable. you will never be a woman or an artist

>> No.6704511

for artists it's a form of meditation, creative satisfaction and communication with other artists. for consoomers, it's a form of media and pornography addiction

>> No.6704515

I am not an artist retard, and I have a computer science degree lmao. I don't work in computer science though, the bugmen scared me away
>waaaah you're not Michelangelo
you are so fucking retarded you didn't even get the point I was making. it was a hyperbole, you fucking low IQ tech addicted retard. obviously the sistine chapel is the pinnacle of art and its far more impressive than some league of legends splash art, but even a league of legends splash art is far more impressive than your AI slow. it's not binary mentality like with 0 and 1's you subhuman bugbrain. it's a scale

>> No.6704517

>Sucks to see your skill becoming irrelevant
my skill is not that of an artist. I'm here because I hate AI bugmen, and to serve as a reminder that you'll always be a worthless and you'll never get validation from anyone that isn't the bottom feeder of society. but more importantly, art as a skill will never become irrelevant no matter how hard you'd try to think that bugoid
> but covering your ears and screaming TRANNY PAJEET won't make this go away
you are a worthless retard, and you'll get reminded of it daily. that's my sole interest

>> No.6704520

>I know you'll never, ever, ever accept this because you can't create something people like or is appealing, your only appeal is to effort, but it's the truth, 99% of people will pass your artwork by while random AI art that looks pretty good will get viewed and liked.
before you get good at art, good as the ones you're pillaging, it takes years of effort rashit. those are the ones who tell you this first and foremost, and those are the ones you should listen to
>99% of people will pass your artwork by while random AI art that looks pretty good will get viewed and liked.
once again, social media lemming can't stop thinking about reddit karma and twitter likes. it has to sting a little knowing that they're undeserved though. you went from sharing the art of skilled artists for twitter likes to generating AI slop, but that doesn't make you less of a low effort cuck

>> No.6704525

tfw we've reached the stage where artists know more about how ML works than the tech shills who push it

>> No.6704528
File: 500 KB, 627x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro the average /ic/ user still thinks AI just grabs two photos and collages them

you're not fooling anybody

>> No.6704529

funny how most of tech shills aren't even programmers or know how coding works.

>> No.6704534

>pajeet strawman
“AI” is just a morph with billions of points

>> No.6704536

>uhm ackshully it's not photobashing it's DIFUSSION ok
tayto potsyto

>> No.6704538

>Bro the average /ic/ user still thinks AI just grabs two photos and collages them
That's all on me. Its my fav AIfag bait

>> No.6704546

this is bait and you niggers are falling for it

>> No.6704550

Explain these posts then >>6702151 >>6702379

>> No.6704560

>that's over-fitting, even though it's a feature and exactly what the AI is trying to do during training, it's excused for some reason!

>> No.6704574

yes, but what "use" is there in creativity, meditation, communication? what "use" is there in being alive?
society is going downhill because people cannot think outside the box of capitalism anymore. everything has to be commercialized. everything has to have a number attached to it. monetary value means moral value. the rich are good people, the poor are bad people.
artists should be focusing their anger on the people who purposefully created this situation instead of the little idiots whose potential to inflict damage is very limited.

>> No.6704575

>league of legends splash art is far more impressive than your AI slow
It's not

>> No.6704576

>you're not fooling anybody
ironic, seeing how you're the one who's trying to gaslight and strawman lmao. the joke is that you're failing to see the point that's being made. and when you're being told how it works, you resort to putting the cart before the horse and ignore the issue at hand. artist is part of the process, and your pathetic toy is worthless without their art

>> No.6704577

>that's my sole interest
What an amazingly interesting life you have kek

>> No.6704580

it absolutely is, and I told you why. plug your fingers in your ears all you want

>> No.6704582

>told you why
No, you literally fucking didn't you braindead faggot, you have no argument besides commieshit muh effort

>> No.6704583

in regards to this matter, retard. even so, it's far, far better than my ACTUAL entire life boiling down to
>I'm such a cunt, I'm being as much of a spiteful cunt as possible. are u mad yet ? xD

>> No.6704585
File: 755 KB, 897x893, 1683737094517677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explains why through a hyperbolic example his baby brain could comprehend
>"uuuuh durrr you fucking dumbass, do you think you're michellangelo or something?"
>give a less hyperbolic example
>"uuuh, no it isn't durrr"
end your life, parasitic commie. fucking hell I grew up in an ex communist country and AI roaches fit the concept of "everything should just be available for everyone" to a T like all fucking commies

>> No.6704591

>it's a turd worlder
fucking hell, I should have spent this time proompting instead of typing itt. hang yourself you seething sorry ass poorfag

>> No.6704592

Marx was right. Which will have more value to you?
>The hoodie you weaved yourself
>The hoodie you got from the fast fashion store next door, of which you don't know - who made it, how was it made, where was it made, why was it made?
Don't let yourself be alienated from your human nature. You are human, try to act like one.

>> No.6704593

You can fight both.

>> No.6704598

You didn't say shit, you just asserted your completely baseless opinion that the sistine chapel is popular because of the effort put in(it isn't) and not 95% because it looks really damn good(this is why).

Then when you got told you're retarded you backslid into another baseless claim that even league of legends splash art is better because of le human effort, which is also just (you)r opinion

>> No.6704600

The first would have more emotional value but I'd probably wear whichever is more comfortable.
The thing is that commercial art is not the first hoodie, it's the second one. It's mass produced garbage same as AI slop. AI simply reduces the entry requirements and increases throughput.
Open-source AI also allows people to create stuff they want. Without proper education and knowledge, NO SHIT they're gonna produce stuff that is inferior to career artists.

>> No.6704609

>You didn't say shit, you just asserted your completely baseless opinion that the sistine chapel is popular because of the effort put in(it isn't) and not 95% because it looks really damn good(this is why).
learn to read you mentally degenerated retard. I told you it's for both reasons. you're only projecting your NPC brain on humanity if you think that people aren't admiring it for the effort
>which is also just (you)r opinion
my opinion and the opinion of many others. you can try to memoryhole the history/culture of humanity and the evolutionary load in our brains , it won't magically make low effort slop worthwhile

>> No.6704611

consumption is the only thing you'll ever do. have at it, falseflagging commie

>> No.6704613

>The thing is that commercial art is not the first hoodie, it's the second one.
No, commercial art right now is between the two. Unregulated AI will move us more and more towards the second. But we should really try to move towards the first. Art should not be commercialized and everyone should have the means to do art. But as long as nothing changes in the world, AI can only become a new driving force of further commercialization and alienation.

>> No.6704620

No way you're this emotionally invested in defending anti-AI twitter crowd unless you are an actual part of it. Compsci degree my ass, mr. liberal arts dropout

>> No.6704628
File: 141 KB, 1166x839, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compsci degree my ass
yep. a bachelor's degree, and I didn't continue after that because it was soul draining
>mr. liberal arts dropout
kek, you wish. if this is your only avenue to win an argument, you've already lost, cuck
>No way you're this emotionally invested in defending anti-AI twitter crowd unless you are an actual part of it.
what does twitter have to do with this? is this a Twitter only issue, or does it affect the world at large? poor fucking retard cannot even make any sense. I'm tired of seeing the internet destroyed, butchered, and filled with auto garbage. such a simple concept to understand but your cognitive dissonance got the better of you

>> No.6704630
File: 268 KB, 1440x870, sovl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, commercial art right now is between the two.
Do you really think that mas produced safe trash like LoL arts belongs to the first category? I guess it's subjective but it might as well be AI-generated, no one would fucking notice. No one apart from this board and bunch of internet warriors are gonna notice.
>Unregulated AI will move us more and more towards the second
The genie is out of the bottle. The only thing that regulating AI's gonna do is give big corpos more power, as regulations always do. At best you can slow it down, but not significantly.
>Art should not be commercialized and everyone should have the means to do art. But as long as nothing changes in the world, AI can only become a new driving force of further commercialization and alienation.
And how is shaming anons for using open-source tools to gen their waifus and porn while having literally no commercial interest in this helps this goal?
>NOOOO you can't do that, you MUST waste 10 years on studying art because, uhm, you just have to!

>> No.6704635

>The genie is out of the bottle. The only thing that regulating AI's gonna do is give big corpos more power, as regulations always do. At best you can slow it down, but not significantly.
is this why google seethes so hard constantly at the EU? because they help them so much? is this why Sam (((Altman))) seethes so much as well?

>> No.6704645
File: 67 KB, 478x815, 0001685203853125860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be an artist. get that idea out of your mind

>> No.6704657

Not my aspiration to be one. I'm just having fun with an amazing tool.
Kek. OpenAI are the ones shilling for regulations to stomp out the competition. It's in their fucking interest to make this shit regulated as possible, regulations always only benefit the large corpos that are already in the game.

>> No.6704660

>>NOOOO you can't do that, you MUST waste 10 years on studying art because, uhm, you just have to!
And there we go. In the end it always comes down to AI users screaming about how developing your own skills and coming into your own style is a waste of time. In the end, the only thing you care about is the end result. You just want your pretty coomer pics, you want them now, and that's it. You don't actually care about art, and you don't actually care about drawing.

>> No.6704662

I love that "overfitting" basically means "oh shit you can recognize one of the training images go back go back". In other words, the problem isn't that they're doing it, the problem is that they got caught lmao

>> No.6704664

>Kek. OpenAI are the ones shilling for regulations to stomp out the competition. It's in their fucking interest to make this shit regulated as possible, regulations always only benefit the large corpos that are already in the game.
oh, you're still trying to push this angle? this is beyond stale at this point/ you equate regulation as "complete ban from use". are you gonna make another cringe "PSAIi art" thread and ramble about kikes again?

>> No.6704665

>the only thing you care about is the end result
>pretty coomer pics
Mostly not but them as well.
>you want them now
Why not?
>You don't actually care about art
I like how it looks.
>you don't actually care about drawing
Yeah, not really.

>> No.6704667

The issue of AI art reveals something about our understanding of art, or perhaps our lack of understanding art.

AI art is a guided amalgamation. It extracts features and clusters them together all while 'learning' from the user what's acceptable form of each.

The digital artist, the game artist, the weeb artist, the coom artist, etcetera, all do the same thing. They copy, borrow, and reference from each other and sometimes from outside sources. They learn what works for them, what can give the kind of return they seek for creating art.

Much the same way we see familiar features in an AI image, we see familiar aspects in these artists work. Both are like magpies where the creativity, the novelty, the originality, is in how the image is put together.

The only difference is how each shows appreciation for the sourced guideness, the inspiration. AI art is never really presented with reference to who's work was utilized. Maybe that's because there is too many to list? Or the AI's output is complex enough to be original?

But the other artists are usually careful to cite another artist or at least the pool of work of a franchise that is popular to drink from. These artists are sometimes known for their sycophantic self promotion.

This all begs the question:
What is expected in the art we consume? Is that where the issue lives? Or is their something else going on, another piece of the puzzle that's not revealing itself?

>> No.6704671

It's always this weird attitude of jealousy that they never had the confidence to pick up a pencil I can't really grasp why this is so prevalent among the retards who spam AI threads on twitter.

>> No.6704672

>the only thing you care about is the end result
ironic because it's not the mentality that lead to great art
>Why not?
it furthers the dopamine addiction and instant gratification our brains weren't wired for, it numbs you.
>I like how it looks.
then you don't like art, you like pretty things, that can include art. in short, you're a bsic bitch

>> No.6704674

It's just jealousy, that's why you see the cope of most of the people pushing the stuff. In no other category of skill would you ever try and compare someone who steals work and tries to pass it off for himself as better right or even give any consideration to someone who doesn't have the skill.

>> No.6704676

I literally had no interest in drawing before SD, what kind of jealousy are you talking about? I did visit art museums and anime boorus if that matters, and I do have respect for actual career/hobby artists. It's the explosively angry and irrational reaction from /ic/ twitter mob that honestly surprised and makes me check this board for lulz.

>> No.6704679

>le geenee ees ooot oof ee bootle
> if you try to regulate it that will mean that beeg coopoos have moo poopoo wee wee wawa
You still keep saying this shit over and over even though it's been soundly refuted in these posts already >>6702151 >>6702368
Copyright law, AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW, leaves machine learning image generation completely and utterly useless to everyone besides scammers who can pack up shop and scatter like roaches when a light gets shined on them.
It. Is. A. Dead. End. Technology.

And even if it's commercialized, even if its soulless, that is still the work of a skilled individual artisan. It is not "mass produced" by any means.

>> No.6704680

yeah, in your subreddit where you pretend you enjoy the content while nobody cares

>> No.6704684

what you tech cucks fail to comprehend is that you have no idea what is it you're talking about. despite getting your hands on an "AI tool", you're suddenly not an expert in the given field. you don't know what makes something look good, or why it looks good. you do not know how to apply theory into practice. you don't know why your machine translation sounds retarded in German due to it translating things literally. you will always be shit if you try to take shortcuts. it's a story as old as time.

>> No.6704685

>I do have respect for actual career/hobby artists
> It's the explosively angry and irrational reaction from /ic/ twitter mob that honestly surprised

1/10 even when you try to justify it you just lay out the exact opposite of reasonings like wtf lmao respect my ass

>> No.6704691

>not an expert in the given field.
It's a new tool and a new art form. Give it some time.

>> No.6704693

>Lol no you're all mad
You come to our board and shit the place up to begin with. You start these topics, you insist on poking the hornet's nest day in and day out, week after week, month after month.
Not to mention that, last I checked, it's not /ic/ getting btfo on a regular basis and having absolutely hilarious meltdowns in these threads, it's you fags. I mean, you niggers can't even come up with a counterpoint to the funny Keanu Reeves maymay, every time someone posts it you try your absolute hardest to ignore it and keep spouting off your preprogrammed lines in an increasingly desperate attempt to gaslight us, lmao

>> No.6704707

Imagine if you had a 3d printer that for whatever reason used wood instead of plastic. You then go to a woodworking forum where the whole point is that woodworkers show off what they've been whittling away at, and then get surprised that they don't like your 3d wood printer.

C'mon, anon, are you *really* that surprised that AI work isn't celebrated on /ic/?

>> No.6704711

It's automated interpolative photobashing via gacharoll. We already know what it's capable of at this point, which is regurgitating interpolations of previously finished work, and nothing else. You will not get around this.

>> No.6704716
File: 304 KB, 489x484, 1608957048221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded thread desu

>> No.6704724

Imagine if you're building a new fighter jet and you bring in your wooden piece. What part of our brave new future doesn't involve computers and innovations in algorithms?

>> No.6704727

How on earth does that translate to the analogy I presented? What are you trying to even say? Half the point of the art process is the process. To slowly build something with yourself manually. You've admitted yourself that you don't have any interest in making art at all. So why are you still here?

>> No.6704730

many things will no longer be as good due to increasing lack of human touch because it's more cheap. this understandingly will make a lot of people angry including people like me who are not artists and won't be affected directly by this. why is this so difficult to comprehend?

>> No.6704734
File: 598 KB, 512x800, 00002-2253991718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not even that anon but like 5 months ago I was very excited that AI art was becoming popular because it meant normies could make cool art and artists that actually had the chops and creativity and ideas of composition could make gorgeous stuff and complicated pieces with it, so you can imagine my immense disappointment seeing all the would-be artists circlejerking themselves over how awesome effort is and then creating shit like >>6704405 and expecting everyone to clap.

If there's anything AI has done, it's made artists even bigger underachievers and try even less because of ideas of "well, it's not about the quality, it's about the effort(so i dont have to make anything good)"

>> No.6704735

it's not a tool for you or anyone else other than tech companies seeking to cut the human element out of everything. apparently, even human culture.
> a new art form.
it's not a new art form. its sole purpose is to mimic existing art forms and present them as things that they aren't

>> No.6704736

What do you say about the artist who have gained attention because of stealing or borrowing from an obscure or esoteric source?And as opposed to other artists, be it skilled or talented, never get much attention?

The citation issue is an important one, especially when money or attention is involved-- because eventually those correlate. The consequences have a potential of becoming a material reality.

It's not fair to the original artist if an AI artist uses their work without giving credit. But it's not unusual for original artists to credit less and less as a means to distinguishment.

The irony here is that AI artist seem to be doing at an accelerated rate what lots of other artist online have be doing for a long time. AI art is scorned at because it's immediate that its other art smooshed together. And original artists fade into ubiquity becuase they don't stand-out.

>> No.6704739

New things always scare the "Get off my lawn" types.

>> No.6704740

>because it meant normies could make cool art and artists that actually had the chops and creativity and ideas of composition could make gorgeous stuff and complicated pieces with it
because you're a juvenile who does not understand what are the really impactful repercussions of these things, such as flooding the internet with garbage. if I present you a device that allows you to read people's minds, you'd think it's perfectly fine because it will allow mute people to communicate with each other or some minor unimportant shit like that, while ignoring the devastating effects of such devices upon society. you're not seeing the full picture, you are incredibly, incredibly naive, and very likely young

>> No.6704744

Yeah it's a "tool" to make the lower and middle classes useless eaters along with every other development in ai and robotics

>> No.6704748

>and try even less because of ideas of "well, it's not about the quality, it's about the effort(so i dont have to make anything good)"
literally, and I mean literally no one says this. because high effort results in high quality

>> No.6704750

>flooding the internet with garbage.
Internet's been flooded with garbage for 15 years. Ironically, AI is leading the charge against this.

>> No.6704751

NPC sycophant
at the very least the world gets what it deserves. I hope I live long enough to see tech cucks get fucked by their own retarded dreams of utopia

>> No.6704752

Then what do you say to this guy, who paraded an artwork that's really boring and unlikable as a triumph of effort?

He also got a huge amount of yass queen replies when I guarantee, an effortless 20 second AI generation is more likely to be received well or enjoyed.

It looks to me like everyone is just praising effort for effort's sake, NOT because it leads to quality.

>> No.6704753
File: 753 KB, 783x1796, slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ironically, AI is leading the charge against this
yeah...as seen by Pixiv's ban of AI art after months of allowing it, and deviantart's recent change of separating AI art from non-AI art.

>> No.6704758

>Then what do you say to this guy, who paraded an artwork that's really boring and unlikable as a triumph of effort?
compared to who?

>> No.6704763
File: 227 KB, 1200x877, 1200px-Wayne-Thiebaud---De-Young-1_label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah i have to tell people what media i used
If there's nothing wrong with AI, why do you care if people know you used AI?

>> No.6704771

fuck off cris

>> No.6704772

Funny because it seems to always be wrinkly millenial and gen xer profile pictures on accounts shilling Ai

>> No.6704774

You are a tourist, it's understandable you are confused and upset by somebodies 5 minute shitpost sketch. The point is he drew it, it was funny, to artists, we can tell he's not bad, and is hiding his powerlevel. There's also a layer of pyw meta.

>> No.6704775

>can't even come up with a counterpoint to the funny Keanu Reeves maymay
because this is just hilariously retarded, what is there even to counterpoint

>> No.6704779

artists without immense mental illness (ie too much exposure to twitter like /ic/ has) already use SD in some form, whether it's editing, fun or just giving general ideas. of course they don't just txt2img and call it a day tho

>> No.6704780
File: 199 KB, 820x1009, 398-3983029_view-11-smug-anime-girl-transparent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In just 6 months they went from "we gun replace artists" to "nooooo don't ban us"

By December, all sites will ban this shit

>> No.6704781

>the nodraw delusion

>> No.6704782


>> No.6704783
File: 2 KB, 139x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704784

>By December, all sites will ban this shit
Except 4chan.

>> No.6704786

two more weeks sisters, heckin ai racists gonna pay for all our anguish

>> No.6704790

>you don't know what makes something look good, or why it looks good
behold, the ultimate gatekeeper
kill yourself

>> No.6704794

>p-please use AI more and make it popular or y-you're mentally ill. p-p-pencils trigger me. use the product goy

>> No.6704795

This is literally one of the ai bros talking points though. That artists know what looks good and why over someone who only prompts and therefore they shouldn't be afraid of ai.

>> No.6704796

>AI shartist lost again
>they spam the board with AI threads
every time lmao

>> No.6704801

it takes that long to learn how to draw and paint for a reason, tranny. you're not going to magically understand what you're doing with a glorified google image search box

>> No.6704802

that's fine, but to extrapolate from that into "and therefore all AI art will always be shit" is a fucking far stretch

>> No.6704803
File: 8 KB, 1163x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6704804

>glorified google image search box
the least retarded icshitter

>> No.6704805

draw + AI = win

>> No.6704806

so long as it's not actual AI with consciousness and self evaluating capabilities, is basically a fact. it seems you do not understand why humans can make art in the first place. your star trek pipe dream is what's a fucking far stretch

>> No.6704807

>You come to our board and shit the place up to begin with
No, it's you seething fuckers show up everywhere and call anyone who dares posting his waifu made with stable diffusion a scammer pajeet. Fuck you

>> No.6704813

what is the difference between searching an image on google images and searching an image that doesn't yet exist in an image generator? inb4
> my proompt is so long dude, look at all these brackets and blacklisted tags

>> No.6704814

>it's you seething fuckers show up everywhere
Imagine joining art communities and being shocked that there's artists everywhere

>> No.6704816

Art communities? Like those on /a/ and /g/?

>> No.6704818

you're just saying that, a lot of AI art looks good and fine, it's why artists are all shitting themselves at how it's going to replace their jobs

>> No.6704821

[seethe|cope|rage:0.33|0.33|0.34] by Greg Rutkowski, anime, basedjack

>> No.6704823

it feels like people on this board is trying to compare ai art to like top 5% of all artists
newsflash, most of the people who draw are fucking awful and deviantart was filled with fucking garbage before ai

>> No.6704828

probably because you're a minority and you can't get a clue

>> No.6704830
File: 17 KB, 518x161, 1687012846091990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there an "art community" on /g/? there isn't. it's tech retards who play with their internet trinket
it's both shit and will act as a replacement if made legal. you see the same issue now with machine translation, where windows 11 has abysmally garbage localization but it still passed and replaced translators. you are advocating for the world to be drowned in shit, and you're eating it all up

>> No.6704831

newsflash: to get good, you have to suck first. you're arguing that because there was a piss puddle you should dump an olympic pool of shit

>> No.6704832

well you know you could say the same thing for ai generated. they're gonna improve you know

>> No.6704833

what about 4chan? this site produces no or worth any money and holds no value.

>> No.6704834

>why is there an "art community" on /g/? there isn't
Exactly. And you still brigade as well as other boards.

>> No.6704836

If a site wanted AI art, they would generate it themselves and monopolize the profit

>> No.6704838

and yet, ai shart stole from the top 5% artists for its dataset to regurgitate

>> No.6704840

People are willing to pay for quality. If a new marvel movie came out and looked AI generated and had huge flicker, huge problems, huge discontinuity, and just generally looked like shit, nobody would go watch it.

There IS a bottom on this, you can't just replace everything with shit and everyone will just eat it up, the only way AI replaces humans if it's good enough to, thinking that AI is just going to hostile takeover the world and make everything look like shit is not realistic.

>> No.6704841

they no longer have their art pieces?

>> No.6704842

because that's who AIniglets are targeting. the top 5% of all artists
>most of the people who draw are fucking awful and deviantart was filled with fucking garbage before ai
so were the ones AI is now stealing from. what is even the point you're trying to make? before you had a lot of shit (not a bad thing if you're asking for criticism), and some decent art. now you only have low effort AI shit. what is the point of generating an image and uploading it on a website retard? I can do that myself, anyone can do it. why do you think your worthless spam of thousands of images if fine?

>> No.6704843

>the only way AI replaces humans if it's good enough to
which is impossible to do without vital human traits, such as self awareness and self criticism

>> No.6704844

30 iq post

>> No.6704846

then AI wont lead to doomsday and you don't have anything to complain about(so why is every artist mad)

>> No.6704845

funny how every ai "art" site fails because no one goes out their way to see that shit. Ai shitters need to lie about their shit being ai, to trick the ignorant into consuming their garbage.

>> No.6704849

No matter how much you cope about "it isn't in the dataset" or "how did the program compressed thousands of art into only gigs", it will always be in the dataset, stolen from the 5% artists and trained upon their art to regurgigate the same interpolated piece over and over again

>> No.6704852

you could, you'd be wrong

>> No.6704853

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.6704858

you won't have to worry about anything once you can't monetize it, you'll truly transcend base needs

>> No.6704865

He's right retard

>> No.6704866

It's only outrage-driven anglosphere. There are legit concerns about legality, quality and copyright, but this kind of uncontrollable anger is only seen by outrage addicted twittershits.

>> No.6704870


>> No.6704875

You are posting on the basket weaving forum that is the original hate machine. Everyone is nasty as possible to everyone about everything here. So of course you're going to have drawfags shitting on delusional ai troons at the same time as ai troons shitting on drawfags. This has spilled out of 4chan and reddit thanks to the proliferation of normies on the internet and that is why the debate as a whole is so toxic.

>> No.6704879

Maybe I'm just growing too old for this shit. This bipartisanism everywhere is just too tiresome.

>> No.6704881

If Chris want to get a handle on the AI issue, she needs to address the elephant in the room of online artists.

Pro tip: she won't

>> No.6704913

>because high effort results in high quality
are you a boomer? serious question

>> No.6704927

Imagine when it all gets better: improved models, real time rendering, fine control.

>> No.6704933

nah it won't ever improve, trust the plan

>> No.6704935

in 2 weeks you'll still be banned and filtered from all the major platforms

>> No.6704940

Imagine when you can grow a real vagina and change your chromosomes to xx

>> No.6704946

Damn, the shills are in overdrive today. They must be massiveky buttblasted over the news.

>> No.6704952

Still banned, though. So who cares

>> No.6704971

>Still banned, though. So who cares
Great artists have historically been banned.

>> No.6704974
File: 17 KB, 326x293, +_43c74df9edd8c0561d083d525a6b6131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criminals have been banned too

>> No.6704977

Wait, was there (more) recent news or something?

>> No.6704989

good thing you're not an artist and never will be

>> No.6705065

you dont even draw lmao. you will never be a woman, faggot.

>> No.6705069

It was 100 something posts yesterday, now it's 350. Probably another AI goyslop L's.

>> No.6705101

its nothing unless we can report artwork that is "potentially made by ai"
untill then who cares

>> No.6705125

Are "Anti-AI" folks really working for Google and Microsoft: to help outlaw unapproved AI so the incumbent tech giants can control the new tech? I think maybe yes.

>> No.6705151

get a new script

>> No.6705164

No, just this one. I'm guessing the butthurt is just catching up.

>> No.6705293

some of them do but most of them really are just retarded golems.

>> No.6705311

you aren't artists, you are a bunch of retarded crabs.

>> No.6705430

>replying to yourself

>> No.6705443

>everyone who doesn't share my opinion is a samefag

>> No.6705531

>I totally wasn't found out in previous threads

>> No.6705550

>poorly pretend to be one of us
>"damn, how did they know it was me?"

>> No.6706032

I love the fact that this guy lives in your heads rent free. After he was first called out, he provided all the layers step by step how he made the pictures. Yet it was still not enough.
Here is a little fact for anyone calling him using AI, you just wish you were as good as him.
Cope, seethe and dont forget to mald. I hope he ends getting paid for his work.

>> No.6706107

lmao crab projection