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6700449 No.6700449 [Reply] [Original]

Most artists I've seen (mangaka, animators, etc.) are able to stay up for days drawing. I get anything less than 7 hours of sleep and my entire page is nothing but scribbles.

Does anyone have any tips or experience with drawing while sleep deprived? Is it something you become able to do once you improve past a certain point? Should it be avoided until you reach a professional level of quality?

>> No.6700516

You can have multiple healthy sleep patters so long as you hit the 6-8 hours a day

Like 2 hours of sleep every 3 hours

>> No.6701193
File: 31 KB, 764x178, gottagofast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have any tips or experience with drawing while sleep deprived?
I have a lot of experience with sleep deprivation and drawing. Basically, if you are sleep deprived life is drained of all meaning and becomes a living hell. Drawing is pointless in such a scenario. I hear legends of mangaka , but I imagine they can also lift mountains and fly like goku.
>You can have multiple healthy sleep patters so long as you hit the 6-8 hours a day
>Like 2 hours of sleep every 3 hours
this is what I do, although it may be impractical for a non-NEET

>> No.6701416

Japs evolved to not require sleep, sorry you lucked out on the wrong jeans pal. Actually they abuse stimulants then die early

>> No.6701442
File: 234 KB, 1024x1820, 64871329312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have any tips or experience with drawing while sleep deprived?
Don't be sleep deprived in the first place. If you lack sleep you will work like shit anyways.
Lose weight if needed, exercise a little, don't eat shit and drink a bunch of water. It takes like 4hrs a week of touching grass and changing your habits a little to get all that done and you'll feel great all day with less sleep.
>Is it something you become able to do once you improve past a certain point?
Once you get a clearly defined workflow and habits, its easier to get things done faster. It's the kind of thing you pick up by doing.

>> No.6701465

Get tested for sleep apnea
eat very lightly and little to no carbs. fruits amd veggies.
Every time you eat, your insulin spikes, which is what causes the "itus".

>> No.6701788

You can try and stop being a little bitch.
If you only got 3 hours of sleep and you still want to draw eventhough you're tired, then go outside and get some direct sunlight and do some light to medium exercise like walking for 30 minutes.
Whenever I do this I don't need a nap and I'll have enough energy to survive til the day finally ends and I can establish a healthy sleep rhythm once again.
Also my mood improves thus leading to better drawing sessions.
Man, sunlight really is the answer to everything.

>> No.6701819

You're basically asking, 'how do people function and do their jobs to meet deadlines when they're tired?'
Is this board comprised of just nodraw children at this point?

>> No.6702045

>They abuse stimulants then die early
In "Adderall and heroine are the same class drug"Japan? The hardest drugs they get is a pack Marlboro

>> No.6702061

You're shortening your lifespan doing that.

>> No.6702062

Just to clarify, I sleep fine. I also go running and go to the gym(or I did before my current job sucked out any spare time I had), and eat relatively healthy (high protein vegan+low carb).

I'm not asking because I'm struggling to sleep. I'm asking because the amount of work expected from me is more than I'm able to get done in the 16 hours I'm awake, and my job expects me to work past last train to get it done.

I don't think sleep apnea is much of an issue for me. I feel generally well rested and alert after 7-8 hours of sleep.

I understand learning to draw faster is the key to solving this problem, but I need to find some general advice for the interim. I don't think there's any alternative to me pulling all nighters for the forseeable future. (My boss is a crazy asshole.)

>> No.6702071

>2 hours of sleep every 3 hours
That's 10 hours of sleep a day. If you sleep every 3 hours, 15 minutes should suffice, it's what Thomas Edison, if I'm not mistaken, did.

I for one sleep 6h at night and 2~3h in the afternoon.

>> No.6702123

>The hardest drugs they get is a pack Marlboro
thats false
the hardest drug are the energy drinks
abusing those will fuck you up much quicker than cigs

>> No.6702573

The west is still the best. White western men innovate and create drawing techniques while Asians risk their lives to practice industrial souless anime style where they'll end up copying someone's art.
Don't look up to mangakas but instead look up to the old masters that had a massive contribution from the ancient Greeks to modern America

>> No.6702790

That's fair, but god are they worth it

>> No.6702977

ancient Greeks aren't 'white', they're Mediterranean. 'whites' are nordoids who still live in savage wooden huts while Mediterraneans were building eternal wonders of the world
meanwhile modern america is a total mutted mud with no roots.

>> No.6702978

>t. shitskin 7th world idiot.

>> No.6702982

Have someone to talk to can help you stay awake. Most talk with their assistants, some talk to family or stream and talk to live viewers.
You can also talk to the ghost ojisan behind your back.

>> No.6703034

t. swarthy greek
You will never be white

>> No.6703057

if I didnt have brainfog 90% of the time, I'd be drawing so many more things

>> No.6705114


>> No.6705119

Looking forward to karoshi?

>> No.6705179

You are literally killing yourself early by doing so. Never forsake needed sleep.