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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6695834 No.6695834 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, how do you learn to draw if you’re a 23 year old beginner?

>> No.6695844

You don't. You find out what the actual thing you practiced as a child was and do that as a career instead. There's bound to be something, but art is a thing that if you were going to do it as an adult you'd have been already doing it this whole time.

>> No.6695850


A guide written by a professional comic artist for Marvel, DC, Image, etc. for the beginner to become a professional artist.

99% of /ic/ won't do this, but you will, right opie? <3

>> No.6695879

Shit take, it's common for professional artists to start in their 20s or 30s

>> No.6695888

Bullshit. How many working artists started in their 20s. Very rare. They may have turned it into a career in their late 20s but they weren’t starting from nothing.

>> No.6695898

Dumb faggot, focus on getting $100k net worth before you turn 30 THEN you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6695905
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>> No.6695938

>best book for beginner
>steep learning curve
ok so it's categorically not the best book for beginners, when are you gonna stop peddling this meme?

>> No.6695947

>bargue that low
How do you get filtered by copying

>> No.6695967
File: 77 KB, 707x1000, I Don&#039;t Give a Fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m about double that age, and I don’t give a fuck. Just jump in and decide what you want to draw, and learn from them. It took me a while to figure out that Proko, Watts, and Vilppu are really teaching you how to paint so I switched who to follow. I can still learn from them, but I’m trying to learn comic book art, so I won’t have to time to shade a panel for three days.

>> No.6695970
File: 599 KB, 1696x3414, FoSP_ksaMAAaJ9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you start drawing, you figure out what you can't draw, you practice drawing what you can't draw, then you draw again, you figure out what you can't draw, you practice drawing what you can't draw, then you draw again, you figure out what you can't draw, you practice drawing what you can't draw, then you draw again, you figure out what you can't draw, you practice drawing what you can't draw, then you draw again, you figure out what you can't draw, you practice drawing what you can't draw, then you draw again,

>> No.6695973
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more like Eye Don't Give a Fuck

>> No.6696079
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I'm not saying you're wrong, but surely if someone wants to learn to draw they'll have an easier time beginning in their 20s than if they keep procrastinating until they're in their 30s and so on and so forth. Better late than never. We're not talking about OP making drawing his career, we're talking about resources that are good for a 23 year old beginner. What glory is there to be had in discouraging him? If there's the slightest chance you could meaningfully help a stranger, why not? Maybe I'm just not cynical enough to be a member of this Nepalese dowsing image board and see the joy in knocking other people down, but prove me wrong.

>> No.6696085

I am in the same age group as you, so will do give you what I would do if I had to learn again: do your fundamentals, try to have some fun, you still got time.
For a more specific advice, do the Proko course for beginners, it's shaping itself to be a pretty competent course, at least it's miles better than DaB.

>> No.6696089

This isn't fucking ballet anon, where if you don't start right after you learn to walk you are done. Anyone can learn how to draw, the person just have to want to do it.

>> No.6696128

I started at 22 and studied Loomis and my art was complete shit. For the first 6 months I drew about once a week due to my job, but my art slowly got better. For the past 10 months I've been drawing every day and I'm much happier with how my art looks
Just draw more

>> No.6696397

steep learning curve is bad thing only if you get filtered (which is a real concern, i have seen some anons in /beg which gave up on 2nd project). If you dont perish you will level up very fast.

the other books are way slower and easier on the reader, but they simply dont have the scope to match the power level of ktd.

that course was made because people in france in the 19th century were so malnourished, deformed and disease ridden that the live models which students were able to hire just produced UGLY drawings because the models were ugly. it is meant to be used with some tutor in atelier.

But the book itself is very very bad: it doesnt tell you jack shit about how to train accuracy, it doesnt tell you about sighting techniques and its formating of text and flow of little information it has is tragic. from book perspective its omega shit book. if somebody reformated it, put the text inbetween the plates, sorted the plates by difficulty and broke down the heavy introduction into chapters and put them meaningfully next to the plates, THEN the book would be alright.

bargue course is a tragedy when i compare it to the other books which teaches you little by little with projects inbetween the information so you get to practice it right away.

>> No.6696444

by watching youtube tutorials and never practicing yourself

>> No.6696482

>thing you practiced as a child

LMAO, even!

>> No.6696490

Is Ballet that hard? Isn't just some exercises?

>> No.6696527

At the highest levels it’s possibly the most demanding physical activity or sport. That shits no joke bro…

>> No.6696529

An elite ballerina is basically a SEAL Team sniper in terms of precision and endurance

>> No.6696533

For professional ballet dancers, it's not a question of it being too hard, it's the bones that start to harden as we get older, so for them to be actual pros, they have to start really young to literally sculpt their bones, like 8 years old. This don't apply if you just do it for fun though, but the anon I was responding was talking about careers.

>> No.6696537

Shit degrades your body beyond repair, look at ex ballet’s feet pics

>> No.6696541

in between of prostitution for the elites

>> No.6696603


That is interesting, I genuinely didn't know.

>> No.6697580

villpu + bridgman

>> No.6697618

Pick a book and work.

> just produced UGLY drawings because the models were ugly
Non-sense over non-sense: https://ramonhurtado.com/19cdatabase

That point of view clearly shows you haven't bothered to seriously study the book, at all.

I can tell you, after having seriously done maybe 15 plates or so, that this *is* the the best book out there to start an academical training. But instead of raging at things you don't understand, you need to pause and ponder.

It's an incredibly demanding activity. The whole body needs to be trained. To give you an idea, I've skimmed on a book on classical dance once: they were anatomical plates showing you which muscles were activated on which move and stuff.

>> No.6697632

Didn't Omar Dogan start in his 20's?

>> No.6697638

The person who made this list(Pawell2418) it rushes studying/making studies like it's some challenge to get through as many books/study methods as he can instead of actually knuckling down learning one thoroughly. most of his bargue plates look like he spent 30 mins each. why?

>> No.6698041

craig mullins

>> No.6698050

he's a literal schizo

>> No.6698070

the same thing you'd do if you want to learn as a 13 year old beginner

>> No.6698083

Hayao Miyazaki didn't start learning animation until he was 25

>> No.6698091

I feel like if you have reached 23 years of age, you should have learned the necessary skills to find the answer to this question on your own.

>> No.6698253
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You don't. Your brain has lost it's learning capability after 25, it's over. Neuroplasticity is now halted. Your losing brain cells every month until death after 25. You have 2 years left, so might as well give up.

>> No.6698271

>Your losing brain cells every month until death after 25.
This is unironically true on a carb heavy diet.

>> No.6698277
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>> No.6698336

Joke's on you, there was a study that found out that art training changes the brain and increases neuroplasticity.


>> No.6699665
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I was joking. My mom went to uni at 30 and become a doctor. It's never too late obviously. It's all about mileage. Never give up on your dreams, it's never too late. Stay mentally active, eat healthy (Black chocolate, berries, improve neuro plasticity and neuro genesis, exercise too)

The biggest loser is the one who is so afraid of failing that he never even tries, remember that bros!

>> No.6700473

why are his eyes facing outward

>> No.6700478

>Brain loses learning capability after 25
>How do i learn as a 23 year old beginner?
Seems the only one with lost learning capability is you anon

>> No.6700505

OP wasn't even asking how to become an artist for a living, I don't know why /ic/ always assumes you can't pick this up as a hobby.

>> No.6700510

Same question but I'm 35. I'm mostly interested in digital art am I fucked without a drawing tablet? I can trace pretty good with a mouse.

>> No.6700548

The same way you learn anything else.

- Start by watching some people who are far better than you at it. Watch their techniques and listen to their advice. These people usually have a lot of useful advice for beginners of the craft. View different skilled artists to see different techniques or find consistencies.
You can do all of this by pretty much just watching youtube videos.

- Find something you're inspired to draw and begin drawing using those techniques.

- Jump into it yourself and just start going for it. Don't let yourself be afraid to fail or mess up. Take those mistakes and learn everything you can from them in a debrief session to prepare for the next go. Don't start with high expectations, or you will never be satisfied with it. That can happen even to very skilled people, they can be totally unhappy with amazing work because their expectations are always too high.

- Repeat that process and don't burn yourself out with it. If you feel like you're struggling, go back to youtube or the books and research what you're having issues with.

>> No.6700550
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>> No.6700616

>brain hemisphere
meme pseudoscience

>> No.6700627

Keys to drawing is really important. In my opinion the biggest hurdle new artists come up against, and I see this over and over and over in /beg/, is not using references.

One of the first things I can instantly notice about ultra low quality art is that it's made without even having an idea of what is being drawn and without any idea of quality or reality, you can tell instantly, even just adding ONE reference to an artwork makes it go from minimum score of 1/10 to 4/10 at least

>> No.6700638

Not at all, crazy how she makes so many redditors seethe.

>> No.6700642

it's a common beginner fault. There are people in Vilppu's facebook who suck worse than Pawell even after 10 years of classes. They nod at everything Vilppu says and delude themselves into thinking they're already doing everything vilppu tells htem to do

>> No.6700801
File: 421 KB, 975x994, Screenshot 2023-05-28 040300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw I guess, idk

>> No.6700819

RSOTB is more about an actionable approach to developing observational drawing skills than anything to do with neuroscience. I thought this was obvious to anybody who read the book.