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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6691771 No.6691771 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any drugs/technique anything that helps you focus on just doing art without having to worry so much, i can't focus properly these days whenever i sit to draw i automatically create a high expectations and got frustrate when i can't achieve that and end up with empty canvas, help I'm losing my mind if don't draw i feel like shit i just wanna draw and die but i can't do that either fuckkkkkkkkkk this is so frustrating i just want to kill myself

>> No.6691786
File: 101 KB, 730x1095, Sigmund-Freud-730x1095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need you to answer some questions first.

Why do you create art?

What is your end goal?

What do you expect to achieve?

What is your artistic vision?

How long have you drawn?

Are there people you expect to please or disappoint with your art?

I cannot analyze you until you answer these questions.

>> No.6691802
File: 43 KB, 752x440, 124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to focus to make art, but temper your tempo. Most mistakes in art come not from overfocusing but from leaning further than your legs reach.
You are probably under 18, so you still have plenty of time for bettering your sleep schedule, accepting the speed at which you are most effective, figuring out and making peace with your own bad sides.
Those things are a must to do first, if you want to do art.
Or idk, just do multiplayer drawing on any of the multiple online drawing apps.

>> No.6691852

Essentially, your problems aren't art-related; take the time to fix your life first. For more, go to the archives, this is asked once every month or so.

>> No.6692501

I'm not a professional artist, but I've found that when I do attempt to make art, it's best going in with low expectations.
Embrace the mistakes and try to continue on, fix them, or start again after taking a break.

I've found sometimes while making music that what might sound awful on a playback during a recording session can end up sounding amazing after coming back and listening again with a clear head a few days later. I think art is the same. Don't worry about the mistakes, welcome them and learn from them. Perfection is not a real thing.

>> No.6692542

>Is there any drugs/technique anything that helps you focus
Yeah, meditation. 20mn a day, fucking hard at first but the more you do it everyday, the easier it gets. Don't try to make more than 20mn a day or you'll end up disgusted, consistence is the key a,d after that you'll be able to meditate for more time. That's the same in art.
But meditation, while improving your focusing, won't resolve your life problems, it'll just jhelp you to get through it without being so much bothered.

>> No.6693179
File: 98 KB, 1224x1584, cognitive-distortions-list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an artist (and anyone for that matter) needs is to kill their ego. You could try Shrooms and will kill your current ego and help you grow, the only downside to this is that using psychedelic's only kills it for a certain amount of time until the parasite grows back and fools you into believing that one/you is our own ego. What people need is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), I have never found a better tool to defeat that contradictive voice that tells you that you are either the best in art or a piece of useless garbage. You see the hardest thing to do every day is to fight to these cognitive distortions to have a fulfilling personal growth, one great tool this therapy achieves is to re-program the brain to dissipate cognitive distortions, and teaches people to be open to critique and develop a thick skin, as "every critique contains a grain of truth", as ego in its base essence is "satan's" voice convincing you are him, the adversary. Try "feeling good" book its a 5buck read. You can alternatively use meditation as the other Anon suggested. Cheers and good luck

>> No.6693207

>Why do you create art?
I don't know. I just need to do it
>What is your end goal?
When I was a kid there was no goal. Now I want to get revenge from this world that did everything to stop me from drawing
>What do you expect to achieve?
Realistically, just reaching a breaking point and accepting defeat. But I wish I could die like some art samurai
>What is your artistic vision?
Never understood what that even meant
>How long have you drawn?
All my life, except a 15 years long break that felt like 50
>Are there people you expect to please or disappoint with your art?
I want to please myself and the people that commission me stuff, and to disappoint the people in my life that grinded me under they heels trying to make me miserable as they were

>> No.6693209

>Is there any drugs/technique anything that helps you
If you need something else, you're not going to make it.

>> No.6693243
File: 195 KB, 1590x1205, Sigmund_Freud_by_Max_Halberstadt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a goal, son. No one survives in art long term without a goal. Even Michelangelo had goals.

>> No.6693421

Nicotine. Unironically. All great artist smoked. But gum or pouches is good too, but more gay.

>> No.6693550

>All my life, except a 15 years long break that felt like 50
Nigger we don't know your age. I'm 30yo and I've been drawing for 15 years, if I "drew all my life" from 1 to 15 and came back now I'd be pretty much useless.

>> No.6693642

yeah I call it sheer will.

>> No.6693747

Worst advice I've seen in Ic for a while, kys but alone faggot, don't drag others into your gay habit of taking fallic shapes into your mouth. Implying you'll become a great artist, you'll become a looser with a nicotine addiction.
Drink Coffee like a normal person.

>> No.6693766

I'm old, still have this pro elm. Never solved it it, wasted my life. Tried it all and nothing really works. Only thing t by at helps is distracting the mind with talking, k r at least listening to someone talk, so podcast or audio book.
I guess I would be diagnosed adhd. Thought about trying Ritalin, but modafinil is not my thing.
Everything in this thread is great and all but it's all somehow tangential to the real problem.8 feel too much pain, too much fear.

>> No.6693985

I know. I could say I want to make a job out of it, but I don't want to compromise too much.
But it's not my real goal, the one I gave up on. When I was a messed up kid, few years before giving up drawing for years, I wished that one day I would be able to draw something that resonated with people and helped them wading through shit, just like my favourite comics helped me. How naive I was.
Yeah, you'll say, what prevents from doing it now?
I changed. The bad shit got me. I can't trust anyone anymore, and I can't help but think that when something bad happens to someone, well he surely deserved it for a reason or another. I have become a being of pure misanthropy, and touching the soul of someone else seems like an awfully masturbatory exercise in arrogance, aimed at equally undeserving of confort subhumans

Maybe the actual reason I keep drawing is trying to prove myself wrong, that there is still meaning in trying to do something beautiful.
Maybe it's just despair and autism.
Maybe it's just that my art feels the need to manifest irl and I'm just the vector

>> No.6693987

I'm 40. I picked up a pencil two years ago and it was like I didn't draw for two months instead than 15 years.
What felt 50 years was all the rest of my life

>> No.6693996

Adderall, but it'll get expensive. But holy shit the couple weeks i did it the hours flew past and it was some of the most productive i've ever been.

>> No.6694186

just draw lol

>> No.6694862

How to get the elixir?

>> No.6694928

Something bad must have happened to you for your perspective to be misanthropic. I'm sorry, OP. Have you thought of making something that expresses that? I find that when im feeling despair bordering suicide i turn it into motivation to make art about it.

>> No.6695002

A dealer friend I knew in high school. That's why I said it'll get expensive, I'm pretty sure they hiked up the price a bit because they're like that.

>> No.6695008

wouldn't it be cheaper to just fish for an adhd diagnosis if you have insurance

>> No.6695041

pregabalin/lyrica helped me greatly with this. i could sit there and draw for hours on end one drawing after the other. a glimpse into a better world.

>> No.6695071
File: 289 KB, 1241x1203, 1683723690145545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good stimulants that can be accessed with no prescription

>> No.6695072

doubt, nonprescription drugs are a meme

>> No.6695075

try adrafinil

>> No.6695090

ur really cool bc you dont quote people right? how did you get so cool can you tell me ur secrets

>> No.6695095

I'm not op anon
I thought about that a lot of times though, but I just can't do it

>> No.6695750
File: 36 KB, 191x308, FeelingGood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seem it wasn't enough pain and fear, you are talking trough your ego, and your ego seem to love victimizing.

>I changed. The bad shit got me. I can't trust anyone anymore, and I can't help but think that when something bad happens to someone, well he surely deserved it for a reason or another. I have become a being of pure misanthropy, and touching the soul of someone else seems like an awfully masturbatory exercise in arrogance, aimed at equally undeserving of confort subhumans.

You are a vulnerable narcissist, and from one to the other you should try CBT. The hardest thing is to defeat all these cognitive distortions, I cannot do the questionnaires for you but they are in infallible tool to kill ones ego. You see, this kind of therapy helps on dialoguing back the distortions with something of value, but first you need to start identifying them.

Mental filtering: I changed. The bad shit got me. I can't trust anyone anymore.
And if I'm wrong here, if the bad shit wasn't so bad but rather a learning experience? Maybe I'm loosing out in finding someone to trust as I'm putting a label on everyone, and statistically that's a fallacy.

Blaming: and I can't help but think that when something bad happens to someone, well he surely deserved it for a reason or another...aimed at equally undeserving of confort subhumans.
I don't know the personal experiences of everyone, am I being perhaps to judgemental? Isn't the same is happening to me, but maybe I can turn the negative into something positive.

Catastrophizing/Magnification: I have become a being of pure misanthropy, and touching the soul of someone else seems like an awfully masturbatory exercise in arrogance.
If my intention is to get attention trough my art might be arrogant to approach it this way. But art doesn't stop into being a sign of arrogance, specially when it is anonymous.

I cannot undistort your cognitive dissonances for you. But I can point you to the tool that has helped me.

>> No.6695756

As living in a negative pattern of thinking is a prison in its own way. I cannot force you to read it, I cannot help you change. These are choices that you have to make for yourself. It is for you only to know these tools exist. Talking from my own experience a bunch of randoms in /adv place this book indirectly into my hands. Godspeed anon and I hope you find peace to the noise happening in your head.

>> No.6697244

How's that working out for you anon?