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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 862 KB, 1140x800, Koom-Jun-Gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6689641 No.6689641 [Reply] [Original]

Is/was Koom Jung Gi A Coom artist? Are you ok with his coom pics? Did he went too far? How does he get away with it?
Did he faked his death to hide and draw coom all day every day anonymously?

>> No.6689658
File: 317 KB, 883x1200, D5kohwCX4AI7U05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he drew what he wanted to draw and was very good at it, we should all aspire to be able to do that.

>> No.6689668
File: 642 KB, 601x800, Koom-Jung-Gi-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he drew what he wanted to draw and was very good at it, we should all aspire to be able to do that.
This is what I mean. Art community give the guy a pass on things that are used to cancel any other poor bastard.
Would have KJG been banned in these boards for some of his work? I'm trying to understand our collective mentality. It's confusing.

>> No.6689677

generic anime coom for wankers vs high class degenerate coom for patricians.

>> No.6689706

this work has narrativ, perspective, anatomy with a sexual flavour to it. it isn't pornographic, it's surrealism. it locks the observer in a state of cognitive excitement, not genital excitement, if you catch my drift. i basically am at the same lever and when i draw similar stuff. it's actually very manly when imagining realistic interactions between two people, rather than idolizing single figures. there's a key difference between focusing on a scenario and versus a single individual. he even adds context (environment). the human mind is amazing. i still don't know why many on this board are so mentally stuck on the simplest things. probably age and lack of experience.

>> No.6689714

addtionaly, he is exploring his own mind. his work ranges from extreme violence, to lust, to greed, madness, jealousy, fear, etc. that is the ultimate tool of art. art isn't meant to sell, it's a psychological coping mechanism and a method to know thyself through the junction between mind and body. even if you're not a pro (don't, being an artist is a useless profession for schizo's with mental issues who think it's okay being glued to the paper/screen while shunning reference, i.e. it's borderline escapism maxed, unless you already make good bucks),

move forward in life, and sometimes draw, because in this day and age the availability of cheap drawing media provide that oppurtinity to develop your mind. it's something you do when stressed and build over a lifetime. everybody drawing 'hard' is only trying to outstrip/class his peers while his/her peers go and get a life. i've been there, so learn from my mistakes.

>> No.6689719

> i basically am at the same lever and when i draw similar stuff.
You gotta post your work now after making this bold of a claim

>> No.6689725

I agree with everything you wrote, but, really, I don't think he draw all those sexual pieces and themes just for the "love of art", but actually driven by some deep horny feeling.

>> No.6689749

>Art community give the guy a pass on things that are used to cancel any other poor bastard.
Lol. Stuff that never happened kek.

>> No.6689752

>i basically am at the same lever
woah, for a second I thought you meant level, which we both know is not true.

>> No.6689777
File: 39 KB, 694x389, ski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, well in that case, i legit agree. the only time i ever draw figures fucking, i'm practically redirecting my sexual fantasies to pen and paper to avoid watching porn.

i said basic, i don't draw all the time. but here's something i cooked up in 20 min, no ref. again, if i wanted to, i would be very methodical about my improvement and set up a program , gather and process references, set up documentation, use codes and timestamps, form daily habits/routines etc. etc. but i don't have the drive to work towards something without utility or personal financial benefi. time is best spent on knowledge or money.

>> No.6689779

>never happened
Censored game art covers in america comes to mind. I remember that smearing campaign on Scott Campbell. Those attacks pile up, and shapes communities. To the point that we became totally unaware of why things that surround us are the way they are.

>> No.6689780

Nice work anon

>> No.6689781
File: 9 KB, 1121x782, mtp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another one i did a while back. there are so many insanely cool poses i one drew, but i'm of the opinion that given a timeframe of a 1000 years, anybody could excell and every draw is simply an iteration, i.e. will be repeated at some later date in the future, be it concious or subcconciously.

>> No.6689782

"I'm basically on the same level as Mozart"
"I mean basic, I wrote a song with more than 3 chords"

cool doodles tho ngl

>> No.6689783

thanks, xd. funny anology, but really everybody has the seed to reach KJG status and beyond, you only need to decide whethere it's worth watering it with your time and energy.

>> No.6689784

thanx, i'm glad

>> No.6689788

I thought i was going to see something with cognitive excitement and the expression of your mind projected on paper. These are floating cars and stick men in goofy sex poses. Where is the scenario and context that you have obtained now that you can draw at his level?

>> No.6689799

i'm taking baby steps. i couldn't draw interacting figures 6 months ago and probably only filled 10 pages since then. but the truth is, story comes from dialogue and overall takes time, i haven't worked up the interest to think of a scenario, it's mainly just relaxation, when i'm tired and no longer can read or write from mental exhaustion during the day. but i agree, i think it's a good idea to start drawing procedurally, i.e. creating a document stating what i want to draw before drawing, so the thinking is over and i can that evaluate my achievement. good idea. like a .txt file with headers, like WHAT (story, narrative, environment, chracters, clothing, vechicles, interaction, conflict, script?), HOW (software, i.e. ms paint!), WHY (e.g. social media attention, archival) and WHEN (date and timeframe and next steps). what do you think?

>> No.6689801

than create a folder for each work, containing the i.txt (info.txt) and scan/file of the work itself.

forgive my rambling and mental leaps

>> No.6689802

You've gotta be kidding

>> No.6689805

I think you got a pretty severe case of dunning Krueger.

Hey at least you are drawing, but I wouldn’t throw around phrases like “I’m at the same level as KJG” around here. I predict much shit flinging to occur for the rest of this thread.

>> No.6689807

>i said basic
you should learn english imo.

>> No.6689809

censoring someone's art is not the same as cancelling someone.

>> No.6689813

I think you tried to apply this "methodical system" to your artistic endeavors and things just didn't "happened" for you. Visual art fuels much of the entertainment industry, all that we see has a visual creation process behind. Advertising, media, movies, tv shows, theater ... advertising, and advertising... We see and feel aour world through visual media.
Maybe you never had that drive necessary to make it in the "art industry". You're mentally better suited for non artistic jobs/careers.

>> No.6689818
File: 44 KB, 1491x455, mop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, i'll share a cool mindbending exericise you can do. draw a mirrored image. for example draw a character, then mirror that character from a body parts like a finger tip. that mirror the mirrored object again from a body parts like a his head which would yield an upside down reflection, etc. etc. you can do these in cycles. wait, i'll post an example. in this sense you are essentially using your own work as reference. it's faster and forces you to draw in perspective. same works for anything, like a vehicle.

also, try working with cutting surfaces shown in orange.

>> No.6689820

how much you get paid to shiton grammar on an online anonymous forum?

>> No.6689821

exercises are all well and good, but can you take it to finish?

>> No.6689822

That's really cool anon, but, what's the "beginner" version of this?

>> No.6689824

nta but, draw a box, reflect the box. draw a cone, reflect the cone, draw a cylinder, reflect the cylinder. now make a man out of those objects and reflect him.

>> No.6689826

Shut the fuck up, and gtfoh. Who tf are you, the AI grammar nanny? Go to /lit/

>> No.6689827

Cool, THNX.

>> No.6689829

art industry isn't industry, theres barely any labour involved apart from moving up and down to the art store. companies however utilize art like you mentioned in advertisting or printing, it's basically an appendix and not part of the central business operations. aren't can't/doesn't sell itself, which is why i respect people that do art and own a business, because they emphasize reality and the economic nature of selling any good, be it a toothbruh or a comicbook. that's not for me.the time:reward ratio is BAD. also, good luck practicing social skills. it isn't a coincidence that most people that 'love' to draw are teenagers with lack of social skills. i like lto think of them at young people that like to draw, they like to think of themselves as artists because it's a search for an identity, at least it was for me back then. i improved once i grew up.

>> No.6689839

yes, but that would recquire like 16 hours when i was 19, so now i would split it over a period of 2 weeks or a month probably. colours would make my work look really bad, but im working on that. i honestly hate drawing, i can, but it sucks, it's just mindnumbing, which i why i only do short bursts at a time.

i have a joe mad/michael layne turner esque style times 0,2 for my fininshed illustrations (b&w).


>> No.6689841

it's not about grammar, you fucking moron. you have no idea what "basically" means.

>> No.6689842

>isn’t pornographic
either hasn’t seen kjg’s work or is on industrial strength copium

>> No.6689844

>pics attached
>basically the same level as KJG

My sides left the planet.
Unironically, do you have autism?

>> No.6689853

basic, fundamental. the core, the essence. a sprout is basically a tree in the making. i can extrapolate my ability over a 15/20 year period, can't you? how old was KJG when he showcased his work to the world, 40, 45? that gives me plenty of time to improve, hypothethicall. but like i said, the time:reward ratio is BAD.

stop idolizing him. he's dead. no point shielding his legacy forever. i just made the comparisson because it made sense.

>> No.6689856

>this thread

>> No.6689858

>Is great

>> No.6689860

basically doing something the same as somebody else, doesn't mean basic, core, fundamental, etc.
basically means that you are ALMOST at the same level, which is complete utter BS.

you are basically a dunning kruger with autism.
no, this doesn't mean that you are just a young autistic dunning kruger in the making.
fucking reatard.

>> No.6689864

I don't get your point.

>> No.6689868
File: 71 KB, 1377x232, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s basically saying you’re retarded and lacking self awareness

>> No.6689870
File: 998 KB, 3244x1557, 1685771315142423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mean finished/rendered/colored. was just wondering if you took things further. pic rel I found in the /draw/ thread I consider "finished"

>> No.6689873

basically i fucked your mom, still waiting on her number though. if you catch my drift.

nice work, in that case no, not yet.

>> No.6689876

>how old was KJG when he showcased his work to the world
"I debuted in 2002~2003 with the title, “Funny Funny” in Korean comic magazine called, Young Jump"
so he was 27

>> No.6689879

I was thinking the same too. He said he could do american style comics years back. But that's not even near Kim Jung Gi territory. not even in the same universe. He could have good theory, but if his art-style sucks, or looks mid-tier, he can't expect to be successful in the art industry.

>> No.6689892

of course you don't. you are autistic.

>> No.6689894

so by your retarded autistic logic you are nowhere near fucking my mom. gotcha.

>> No.6689897

>stop idolizing him. he's dead. no point shielding his legacy forever.
What if you did idolize him? and tried harder and harder to keep his legacy going by being a disciple of his ways? And building your own legacy along the journey.

>> No.6689901

you are conflating skill level with subject matter.
you are nowhere near KJG's skill level. you just draw roughly similar stuff that he did.

>> No.6689906

> implies korea is the world
fishes have wings, unicorns exist and japs hate sushi. never change

you can start calling me pop, son

>> No.6689907

>you can start calling me pop, son
by your logic I should call you a different species.

>> No.6689927

are you actually retarded

>> No.6689935

losers ganging up on me, but meanwhile get panic attacks when asked to draw a stick figure holding a stick

>> No.6689940

People are just reacting to the stupid things you write. If you want them to stop bullying you, then start being a sane person or stop expressing your BS online. Your call.

>> No.6689964

kill yourself troll

>> No.6689968

>art community.
Since when trannies and joutnalists belong to art community?

>> No.6689991

I was not implying that.
"showcase your work to the world" doesn't literally mean send it the entire world, it's a phrase that means the same as "get your work out there"
I first saw his work on art forums in 2007 or so(Conceptart), before he blew up on youtube, before he even had videos. So, work was spreading around the world in his 30s anyhow.

>> No.6690040
File: 166 KB, 874x768, crumb big healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is exploring his own mind ... it's a psychological coping mechanism and a method to know thyself through the junction between mind and body.
this guy gets it.
see also: Robert Crumb

>> No.6690086

>Censored game art covers in america comes to mind
A company censoring a game cover because they're trying to sell in a puritan, sex repressed country isn't the same as cancelling someone or banning them from art sites. Maybe this hole would look down on him or ban him if he were merely a coom artist but this site is irrelevant, and also it would get immediately flooded with mediocre coom art if they didn't put a limit.

>> No.6690098

just admit you said some BS and move on with your life, autismo.

>> No.6690214
File: 1.35 MB, 646x960, KJG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how old was KJG when he showcased his work to the world
>the world
I don't know because I'm not Korean, but he drew pic rel at 17.

>> No.6690232

He drew like this, and for over a decade more, and the west still didn't know him. He was 32 when I first saw his work...

>> No.6690234

*So what I am implying is, I want to see the lost decade is all. he's been holding out on us!

>> No.6690719

>being an artist is a useless profession for schizo's with mental issues who think it's okay being glued to the paper/screen while shunning reference, i.e. it's borderline escapism maxed

>> No.6692584

i achieve that level when i was 18 but in a different direction. i wasn't miles off from where he was, i mean look at the hands. this is a finished piece, my finished pieces were also impressive when i was 18. also, look at the mountains, i mean not bad for a 17 year old, especially narrative wise and the us of out of panel scenes, but regardless, i love it when newbs seethe


i think he treated most of his former work as junk, don't expect the KJG you know and love during the lost decade. but would be nice nevertheless to see the improvement and steps he took. but, you can honestly do the same with your own work, just keep record and organize it into categories. at that point it's no longer really an art thing, but a scientific indulgence to see how much knowledge you mind can absorb and translate to skill.

>> No.6692588

>but would be nice nevertheless
Yeah that's all i want, like I have wesburts sketches going all the way back to 2002 when he was /int/, it's cool to have an idea of an artists journey, not just the fully formed pro version of them.

>> No.6692598

post a finished piece then, fag

>> No.6692651

No. my last finished piece was 6 years ago, so I'd probably pick it up at the same level. Art and drawing were interferring with my personal life, mental and emotional stability and financial condition too heavily so hence i decided to quit, throw away all my finished pieces which were part of a portfolio and move forward with my life. The dumbest thing I can imagine nowadays is working on a making a beautiful piece for 16 hours for nobody (i.e. without commission) while i'm sinking in a pitfall in 'real' life. rather than gripping a pencil, i decided to get a grip on my life. that's all. i'm not going to prove myself to an anon, that's definetely not where anbydoy should derive his/her value. i will only ever draw seriously if i get paid to do so. skill requires time and time is my life, all the improvement i made only has personal value at t his point, but society doesn't value creative products enough to pay people a reasonably hourly wage for drafting rabbits jumping out of hats (got to do with [economic] utility).

>> No.6692659

Sounds like coping. You regret not having an artistic life, at least it is obvious how much you hate the fact that art didn't worked for you. But it does for so many people. Why shat on their dreams?

>> No.6692671
File: 868 KB, 761x741, artist room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Why shat on their dreams?
because they choose a shat life on purpose as a form of self inflicted torment (picrel)

>> No.6692682

I'm just like KJG in my head. No I won't post my work, you're not ready for it yet.

>> No.6692685
