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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6675069 No.6675069 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6675108

where the art at?

>> No.6675112

What dog doing?

>> No.6675115

what is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow?

>> No.6675179 [DELETED] 

Who here is using AI art in their workflow? The more real artists start incorporating it the better.

>> No.6675200

I need to pee

>> No.6675219

I hate being around people.
I really tried making an effort, but holy shit people are just so shitty to be around.

I swear every single person in the world is just a giant troll baiting for anger

>> No.6675232

People are shit. Look at these boards, at least you have honesty here, squizos can say what they really think. Out there people lie to your face, you could be in an elevator surrounded by real criminal pieces of shit and you wouldn't even know it. I can't have that. I need security in my life.

>> No.6675233

No, people on this board are not better.
You're all scumbags.

>> No.6675242

says the scumbag

>> No.6675294

Retail has made me more antisocial.

>> No.6675413

Do you guys think there's going to be some AI purity thing in the future? I would not use it in my actual work but I get this feeling people are going to give me shit over using FaceApp or elevenlabs for meme purposes.

>> No.6675471

The industrial revolution and it's consequences....

>> No.6675474


>> No.6675477

It's already happening. Lots of people are already tired of the boundless negative creativity of AI cucks and their epic balenciaga compilations.

>> No.6675485

RIP the rest of this thread

>> No.6675521
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I'm so lonely and horny

>> No.6675777
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my sister does art too but has a very unique style
she only draws her OCs, of which she has at least 700 (no joke btw, just looked at her toyhou.se account) and all of them have the same wonky anatomy, it's always the same pose and there's no sense of dimension to any of them. She's been at it ever since we were kids, but she refuses to use reference or study things. From a technical standpoint, talking about draftsmanship, she has to be less than a beginner. She can't render, she has no clue about anatomy, shape language, design theory, composition or anything else really. Now, there's a point to be made that her stuff has more SOVL than anything I'll ever come up with, because she isn't tainted by the grind or any retarded desire to """"""make it"""""".
I know that I'm depressed, that I take the whole art-thing too seriously and that I'm a gigantic faggot for even complaining about her naive outlook on art in the first place. But what else can I say when she shows me the same picture over and over again, having progressed so little over the years? What am I supposed to give other than weak praise when I know in the back of my head how much there is to learn of which she will never touch anything. The more I learn about art, the more I realize how much I don't know, which in turn makes her achievements even smaller ...
I upset her again today

>> No.6676047

is it autistic to buy a book holder to hold my art books so it’s comfortable to draw while the page is being held together? I tried using a clipboard to clip the pages down, I’ll see how that works.

>> No.6676051


>> No.6676053

I really don't care. Making porn of videogame characters using elevenlabs is beyond fun. I hope we get a offline version of Voice cloning that is open source soon
I wish Horse Anon would come back

>> No.6676062

How do some anons get multi-layering of audio going on? Like that one TLOU2 one with Ellie. She's talking, but then whatever anon made it also had some slapping sounds going on in the background, as well as other audio effects. Is that just a paid tier, or are they doing their own post-processing somehow?

>> No.6676068

Same. They don't even have to be total shitheads, I just have low tolerance for normalfag stuff.

>> No.6676101

4channers are just as fake and annoying as anybody else. I really despise you fucking faggots.

>> No.6676102

sure you do

>> No.6676163

I spent 2 hours redrawing one face unable to make it look right. Used every frame for the head I know, flipped it, tried different brushes, and copied real heads, still looked off. How the fuck do people just draw something and like it the first time?

>> No.6676268

>be me
>Excited for the weekend, because I will get to draw a lot
>Don't have much time on weekdays, but still draws
>Wake up
>Exhausted, but no worries, coffee exists
>Starts drawing
>It's boring
>Go on another subject
>Still boring
Fml, I make better progress on days that I have no time to draw than on days with a lot of time.

>> No.6676272

neglecting the god of entertainment does this

>> No.6676277

You talking about video games or porn?

>> No.6676279


>> No.6676284

Got it, going to play a hentai game, to hit three entertainment gods at once.

>> No.6676287

based bronze age mindset

>> No.6676392

Am I missing something? What does Balenciaga have to do with anything?

>> No.6676402
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>> No.6676574

nice cover
>choose young man
>sex or violence

>> No.6676578

>Am I missing something?
anon, I...
.... ..... ....
gotta tell ya you're one based dude untouched by trendy filth in a world full of shit. Stay awesome.

>> No.6676579

haha i found a fix
I combined my clipboard and laptop cooling pad that props up to create a book mount.

>> No.6677038

It’s not that hard. Just don’t look. Don’t engage. Don’t lower yourself. Don’t waste your existence being a part of their death spiral. Stay at the river’s edge with your gaze toward Heaven.

>> No.6677339

Or you could, you know, tell YouTube to stop recommending those channels

>> No.6677340

anyone else here had the opposite of the coomer artist mental breakdown?

like when you force yourself to draw fake deep or cute bullshit that you don't care about and realize you just want to draw asses and horsecocks.

>> No.6677347

I got hit with a suspension on Twitter last night for evading, but it seems like a glitch that's hitting mostly artists under 10k. Sucks because I like that "micro-blog" style along with posting art format. Twitter also seemed more original character friendly. Sucks but I guess I need to find a new site to share art.

>> No.6677352


Youtube recs is trash and impacts my mental health. Got real tired of seeing the same shit recommend to me no matter how many different videos I watched. Started using a paid extension on ios called unTrap just to get rid of the home page, suggestions, and shorts. The shorts were by far the most annoying feature and it mainly had to do with youtube showing me the most obnoxious creators making anime rec videos, spoiling the show and not giving the title of the anime. Or recommending me stupid fucking cartoons from the early 2000s “DO YOU REMEMBER THIS SHOW xDDD” or “OMG MATURE SHOW DID YOU NOTICE THIS SCENE WHEN YOU WERE A KID???”.

And if it wasn’t that it became DBZ/YGO funny moment clips on repeat. I don’t know what the fuck is going on at youtube but they need to fix their site.

>> No.6677415

you are wading in a river of shit, when you could just get out of the river.

>> No.6677520
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>draw digitally for a year and half
>no followers and barely a like per post
>get burned out and do 6 months of no drawing
>eventually grind for 5 months of intense trad drawing, oil paint, watercolor, charcoal
>genuinely start to enjoy the process of drawing
>fall in love with art
>Finally feel like I'm ready to start posting my drawings online again and maybe even get comms
>plug in the drawing tablet
>spend 5 days on a drawing some touhou fanart
>post it on twitter
>7 days go by without even a like
>2 weeks go by
>too unmotivated to even pick up a pencil and sketch
This is so soul crushing.

>> No.6677538

There's a button on the videos to tell youtube to stop recommending that type content or to block the channels.
I get shitty recs all the time but after I block them its usually good for a few months.
Now I get other weird shit like childrens choir concerts with 10 views.

>> No.6677557

There is so much shit to learn if you are trying to be more than just drawing naked fucks and painting them looking at the camera, the learning never fucking ends, aAAaAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.6677564

you have to engage with communities and shit not just post into a vacuum

>> No.6677565

>Learning never fucking ends
Yeah, for how much crap there is on DAB, the fucker is right about the 50% rule, you gotta divide learning from doing what you like.

>> No.6677588

No, he’s not right. There is no 50% rule and DAB is a below mid course.

>> No.6677589

You're allowed much more leeway in getting shit wrong once you depart the human figure though.
Nobody gives a fuck about the anatomy of a mountain

>> No.6677590

are you tagging your stuff on twitter? honestly touhou content should be a magnet for likes if you're putting your stuff out there properly

>> No.6677620
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I've been told to never put hashtags in the tweet so I just put the name of the character in the tweet. I wasn't expecting over a dozen likes as a beg, but forcing myself to do fanart and getting 0 likes from it was very depressing.

picrel is the tweet. I ended up just deleting it

>> No.6677622

>forcing myself to do fanart
common misconception. you should never force yourself to do fanart because it starts to become noticeable you're just pandering.

draw fanart of the things you actually like, that way the things you draw are actually relevant and the people who are also into the series are 'in' on your ideas.

touhou is a dead franchise anyways, you shoulda jumped in on star rail.

>> No.6677635

> poorly drawn

Checks out. You have two problems: poor skill and small reach. Of course posting will feel like shit until those get better.
Don't let it get to you. Keep drawing what you want, posting and moving on to the next drawing. Numbers suck for beginners, that's just how it is.

>> No.6677637

lol it's not 2009 anymore. Even kancolle that killed touhou is dead now.

>> No.6677643

Maybe I should've worded that better. I'm really into drawing fabrics and dresses so drawing the touhou characters was always pretty fun for me. It's just a general thing I developed recently where I hate drawing fanart. Every time I try to draw fanart of a series I even like it always just ends up looking soulless because it's not my character. Whenever I draw an oc I also get 0 likes, but that's a bit more understandable.

And when I really think about It I can kind of understand people not being interested in ocs I draw. Why the hell would someone care about my character? So I thought drawing a semi popular character would have a better chance at attracting people, but I see what you're saying. I guess I was wrong.

>> No.6677652

motherfucker post that again but with #touhou #東方Project in it along with the character name (doesn't need to be a hashtag). give it a few hours. if you still don't get any traction then sure, delete it.

>> No.6677732

its not _bad_ but your painterly strokes are not cohesive. Her tails look like bundles of straw.

>> No.6677744

You have to have some level of autism to draw star rail stuff because you need to understand the memes. There is the pin-up crowd and then there is the comic crowd and the latter fares better. Especially when its player base just uses AI for all the lewds they want; AI can’t do the meme stuff.

>> No.6677748

well ac-
>hurr AI
kill yourself

>> No.6677750

Respond to me intelligently. I’m telling you like it is.
>t. day 1 honkrail player

>> No.6677758

>check out twitter of some popular drawing website user
okay definitely a warning sign but I'll look further out of morbid curiosity
>"here's my nsfw twitter"
>*witness the most horrible fucking nightmare visions. Fucker looks like a witch with asymmetrical estrogen gyno and a gross cut dick**it just keeps getting worse and worse the more I scroll and it involves more people and video footage*
Bros.. I literally can't unsee this shit, and I'm a grown man who used to be a sick fuck 8th grader who'd browse rotten.com for edge and lulz. Holy shit troons are so disgusting. How can you be okay with leaving such grotesque imagery of you online? Must be heavily medicated to keep living. Guy is old enough to have used this website decades ago too. God I wish I could unsee...

>> No.6677761

just one decade ago I mean, but you know. Fuck. I haven't been this disturbed since I was a little kid

>> No.6677777

Pure lineart is so fucking ugly and bland I have to immediately add some hatching/shading and random lines to fill the void.
Is this a beg trap or something?

>> No.6677779
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I feel burnt out and I haven't worked on my comic in a week.
I'm also worried I've become a bitter, heartless husk of a human being unable to find passion or genuine joy in anything, and it's bleeding into my work, but I digress.

>> No.6677795

take a hike. or a nap. or a bath. or a break. or a drag.

>> No.6677797

drawing is drawing
there is no such thing as lineart

>> No.6677801
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>> No.6677817

I'm getting sick just reading this man. I'm trembling. My body is all I have, is the most sacred thing in the universe, and these fuckers butcher themselves like some movie psycho maniac mass murderer, just because. If they do that to themselves, what would they allow to happen to others?
I always ask the same thing, how these things live everyday? they must be on drugs 24/7.

>> No.6677831

You don't even know. The way the freak stared at the camera while doing his bottom boy or whatever... Black soulless eyes...
I was fairly warned that that was a NSFW twitter, but it was so much worse than I expected...

>> No.6677848

That's bullshit and you know it. Chickenscratching is a common critique a beginner can hear.

I'm sorry.

>> No.6677862

Learn about line weight

>> No.6677866

You can make it work, just look at how Disney animators sketch, it's just that they ain't beg lmao
More seriously, most manga has almost no hatching on parts that aren't important, if I understood >>6677777
And it can look good.

>> No.6677874

I suppose I need to check out those sketches and manga because I have no idea how to make it work.

>> No.6677889

Oh, you're the same anon, I may have confused you. The animator sketches is how chickenscratching can work, because they are more preoccupied with movement than looking clean. The manga is you original question, just look at an ordinary One Piece chapter and you will see lots of panels with no/limited hatching.

>> No.6677904

The common misconecption is that messy = chicken scratchy.
Chicken scratch is specifically those small feathering lines /beg/s do when building larger lines because they don't have the line control to make a solid consistent line.

Which feathering has a place and purpose, but it's purpose isn't as a building block for larger lines, that's just something people who lack line control rely on.

>> No.6677915

>small feathering lines /beg/s do when building larger lines
Go to 1:40 to see he going into the final line
Look, chickenscratching. How does he make it work? Cause he ain't beg. Don't take this as a permit to begs do chickenscratching, it's just that it isn't a hard rule to never do it, but for learning, then yeah, a beg shouldn't chickenscratch.

>> No.6677924

>One Piece
Kind of an unfortunate choice because I dislike it's artstyle, but I get it.

>> No.6677927

>its a sketch and you can do whatever you want in sketch phases because its about building overall shapes
>if you look at him sketching the lines are typically the entire curve of the form that make up the individual muscle groups/gestures of any given body part.
the arm isn't 1 continuous line, and he's breaking it down. he uses more than 1 line because its a sketch which he later goes over with more confident lines.

>> No.6677943

Just enough scratchiness to not have it look sterile, nice.

>> No.6678042 [DELETED] 
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it looks shit you delusional fucking faggot get over yourself?

>> No.6678060
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is this unlucky?

>bee mee
>first year aspie engineering student
>19 yo comically depressed edgelord, literally no reason to live
>clearly have an underdeveloped talent for drawing since young because artist parents
>start drawing grotesque porn and posting on socials for lulz
>actually start getting a very good clout
>quickly get better and better at drawing
>fug BPD online egirl waifus thanks to my awesome art
>leave engineering even if good votes and on par with exams, start studying drawing, make a lot of finished work
>enroll into public art school, pass the entry exam
>dick is diamonds
>social media suddenly gets yeeted and shadowbanned because of mass reports from fans of a youtuber i dissed (drew his gf being assfucked by Gyobu Masataka Oniwa)
>can't go to life drawing classes or get to know fellow drawers
>after covid, the whole art school has gone to shit, every professor gets changed for worse, literally no classes for figurative artists
>friend psyops me by shilling baudrillard and hegel and convinces me art is dead
>leave art school because it's gone to shit and i'm sad
>still depressed edgelord
>my snowflake safespace, /ic/, is kill because aispam
>best drawings i made for a hypothetical portfolio are cursed porn with cartoon characters

is this unlucky?

>> No.6678076

>>fug BPD online egirl waifus thanks to my awesome art
>>social media suddenly gets yeeted and shadowbanned because of mass reports from fans of a youtuber i dissed (drew his gf being assfucked by Gyobu Masataka Oniwa)
>>best drawings i made for a hypothetical portfolio are cursed porn with cartoon characters
>is this unlucky?

Unlucky? Seems like you were lucky and eventually results of some shitty decisions on your part caught up to you. Learn, adapt, grow, evolve.

>> No.6678103

PYW, crab

>> No.6678316
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I did it again, I fell for the Caffeinated Jew and because I slept in late for the holiday weekend I skipped my daily goy dose of coffee and the whole fucking day has been nothing but excruciating head aches, and hourly naps. I feel so fucked up I had to go buy a large pike just to get to smell it for a brief moment of relief before throwing it away after a sip or two I feel like a drug addict trying to taper off this shit. Fuck my life.

>> No.6678323

I went on tea for a whole 2 months and felt great. Couldn’t even sip a drop of coffee anymore. But then my MOM broke my tea kettle and I switched back to coffee and it sucks.

>> No.6678337

While caffeine is killing me, I feel like switching off it doesn't really help me either. I can't sleep either way I just suffer more in the mornings and afternoons.

>> No.6678343

>Try to join art community
>Its either people getting triggered over every little thing (can't draw anything remotely horror related)
>Full of weird circlejerk dynamics where you're not only expected to be nice, but actively participate in their retarded circlejerking
>No draws complaining about never drawing and just posting politics and other twitter crap all day
I just want to draw shit and talk about drawing together.

And when I say circlejerk, I don't mean just positivity, and I mean this weird actively sucking each other off type dynamic.

>> No.6678395

Sorry to hear but you're shit out of luck. Artists as a group didn't catch a reputation for being nutcases out of thin air.

>> No.6678424

>jap twitter account
>professional art
>90's ova backgrounds tier
>seventy to a couple hundred likes at best
It's a truly harsh and thankless world. I need to focus on simply manifesting my visions. Approval is an elusive animal.

>> No.6678452

You don’t need a kettle. Not Poole ur too hot after anyway. Have you tried cold-brewing or even room temperature for a few hours or overnight? Anyway, black, white, green, tea is based and arguably has not benefit than coffe from catechins..egcg..L-tyrosine.. ya know

>> No.6678458

I fell into cycle of caffeine overconsumption. It really I more enjoyable and productive after a break. It’s more likely to trigger a nice happy flow state after at least a couple weeks off. I doubt you’ve had real, good sleep in a while. Maybe give nightly magnesium a try. It and other minerals are depleted from caffeinated drink consumption (though they claim it is not a diuretic.) OT has a relatively mild effect but it seems to relax the body and encourage deeper sleep.

How long was your last break? You gotta recharge.

>> No.6678469

caffeine is a stimulant come on u learned this HS

>> No.6678478

>That's bullshit and you know it.
what's bullshit is treating arbitrary classifications of stages in an arbitrary process as law. NGMI inshallah

>> No.6678530

i think your sister has autism

>> No.6678581

I just want to make art, have friends, and have fun

why is that so hard

>> No.6678588

Mental illness usually gets in the way of all 3.

>> No.6678593
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>drew his gf being assfucked by Gyobu Masataka Oniwa

>> No.6678605

ur a permabeg, ur anti-social and ur boring.
hows that?

>> No.6678613

Why commissioners always choose the worst options for clothing and stuff?
They want their characters dressed as sluts even for sfw drawings

>> No.6678677

they're not the ones creating the artwork, you think they have any creativity themselves?

>> No.6678772


Make non-art friends on Discord in other hobbies. If you're not having fun making art then you should stop. There, I saved you thousands of dollars of therapy. You're welcome.

>> No.6678784

Makes sense actually
That would also explain why average people don't get both subtlety and extremes

>> No.6678796

I wasn't talking about the sketch, I was talking about how, in the final line stage, he occasionally chickenscratchs and goes over the same line

>> No.6678801

commissioners are among the most retarded people i have met, specifically transgender furries on twitter. i dont know why but they just give me this overpowering air of narcissism, self loathing, and insecurity. they always request the most uncreative, retarded garbage "l-lewd OvO" outfits and poses, and their ocs are always so fucking ugly. but holy fuck they pay so well. i fucking despise them but i just cant say no. i want to kill myself but i dont have the courage to do so.

>> No.6678809

You know, you gotta imagine how Da Vinci felt about his commissions.
Nobles are the most retarded people I have ever met, they want fucking portraits left and right, and when I do them right, they get pissed because I made them ugly, fucking inbred faggots.

>> No.6678820

I dont suppose you could go into more detail on this?

>> No.6678822

We're all here on /ic/ for a reason. If there was a genuinely better community we'd already be posting there too, or have migrated entirely.

>> No.6679020

Have you ever tried setting your monitor's color saturation to 0 making it monochrome, drawing, and then seeing what obnoxious colors you ended up using and how the drawing is surprisingly still appealing to look at?
You should try that, it's fun.

>> No.6679024

You are setting your monitor to monochrome and then intentionally going out of your way to pick (possibly) random colors?

>> No.6679027

Even if the colors are monochrome, the values are still there. You're drawing with the values alone.
I could link to some 14 year olds doing that, as motivation for you. It's a really cool idea for an activity.

>> No.6679046

>I could link to some 14 year olds doing that, as motivation for you. It's a really cool idea for an activity.
Here look:
Seems like a lot of fun, doesn't it.

>> No.6679053

Ah I just noticed that this method relies on you using a color palate you're not familiar with.
So with a software on your computer you gotta go to a website that generates a random palate of colors like https://coolors.co/ , then you screen shot it and open it in your software, then you colorpicker from it and draw in greyscale mode.

>> No.6679054

No, I understand, especially given that I generally only draw in monochrome. I just don't understand why you dont just simply cut out the middleman.

>> No.6679064

What do you mean cut out the middleman, are you talking about just drawing in monochrome for values practice and just in general?
Colors are fun. Seeing what you colorblindly did with a random palate is interesting.

>> No.6679069


>> No.6679073
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Does anyone have any tips on getting out of drawing mode?
I have this issue where I just can't relax because I feel like I need to be drawing all the time. It's extremely toxic because I can never really relax, even when I'm about to go to bed and have drawn literally all day I still have this feeling of guilt if I don't draw just a bit more. And then I do what the voices tell me, and still go to bed feeling like I didn't do enough.
>durr whats the problem?
It brings me intense anxiety, guilt and an inability to relax. I have this constant, anticipatory feeling of something needing to be done urgently.

>> No.6679129
File: 879 KB, 540x383, tumblr_118d42e7fc382b3f9957e36d4b073000_242191f7_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love the 90s anime style
I hope it comes back

>> No.6679131

I hope the 12-24 episode season models dies out. I'd much prefer movies or OVAs with higher quality art and animation than a bunch of slop pumped out every season constantly "saving budget" for action scenes which are just bright lights and lasers everywhere.

>> No.6679157
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no matter what is your goal with art, you need to start looking at art as a companion
the reason why you feel so guilty and anxed out is because you feel like you need to "get to grandmaster rank at art to get money and clout and then i can chill", or that you started late and need to catch up
the reality is, art is a lifelong friend, not a chore, or a challenge or anything like that
I have been exactly the same way anon, and I plateaud a lot because of that, I draw daily for a minimum of hour, though usually 3 hours, and I have been exactly the same way as you until I realised it will take time to reach a good level of art
once you start looking at art as something to help you and to accompany you instead of something you need to conquer, not only will your gainz become more consistent, but you will be able to chill out more, probably not completely, because I guess we're the same in this aspect, but once you draw you 1 or 2 draw sessions per day, you wont feel guilty
not to mention, if you draw 2 hours a day for 10 years, thats almsot 10k hours and you can keep that up EASILY
on the other hand, if you turbo push it, you risk burning out and then getting out of the loop for a week, a month, or longer
also, going out to nature, or for a coffee, or going gym will keep you not only motivated, but will give your brain rest time to make use of new information, will rest/strenghten your hands and back and so on
i strongly recommend you pick up a small hobby on the side so while youre not "progressing art" you're still doing something to make you happy, I personally picked up japanese and running

t. anxiety ridden anon

>> No.6679162
File: 760 KB, 1440x1080, [Prof] S01E04 - Full Swing.mkv_snapshot_15.23_[2022.09.25_21.11.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, same. Give me a 6 episode OVA with insane production quality and beautiful art over a 24 episode TV series full of corner cutting and dodgy CG. It also helps that I'm, unfortunately, no longer a teenager and have actual responsibilities and shit (not to mention creative ambitions) that prevent me from spending hours at a time watching animu.

>> No.6679163

>watch anime that's 10/10 everywhere, so it has to be good right?
>every episode is 95% of random slop, then action into "TO BE CONTINUED", just enough entertainment so that you sigh and boot up next episode so that you see what happens
>nothing happens next episode, they "run away" from the fight or something
>you already started next episode so you wont turn it of
>repeat slogging through slop until episode 23 and 24 where you get cool ending
>you have not enjoyed 95% of the series but you will still rate it good cuz ending gave you good chemicals
i despise this addicting mechanic bullshit

>> No.6679167

What I don't get is that most anime slop these days are "advertisement" for the manga/LN in the first place. That's why they justify such low quality.

But if that's the case, why not have just a few episode OVAs that showcase the best of what the series has to offer so people are encouraged to read more?
For many of these series the bad art, the bad pacing, and the horrible production value chases me off from wanting to read the source material. Ironically its only when tis a series I'm already reading that I get interested in the anime, and then sub sequentially disappointed when its dog shit.

>> No.6679178
File: 1.75 MB, 500x367, F6EA93AA-C8D7-416F-BD63-130D8FF6D7C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I've been so discouraged. I'm finally better than anyone in my general circle, but I let that delude me for way too long. Now I'm applying myself to bigger projects and realizing my goals are still so far away. But they're also close enough that I would be insane to give up now. I have no other choice but to go forward at this point. It's like deciding to climb a cliff, getting half way, and realizing turning around would be as much effort as simply reaching the top. But getting to that half way point was fucking exhausting and took forever, and now you have to go through all that effort one more time. I can taste where I want to be as an artist. It's right within my view but god damn i'm tired.

>> No.6679277

Im not drawing 2 hours a day but im drawing every day, sometimes for a few minutes or sometimes for half an hour, i still feel like i can build up to longer and longer times, i just have to reach the next set time first, is it pointless to do it like this?

>> No.6679281

>is it pointless to do it like this?
Nothing's pointless as long as you're having fun, Anon. That, and a bit of drawing is always better than no drawing.

>> No.6679300
File: 135 KB, 379x382, 3F47B211-D1D0-4477-99D1-6A6C1E7D8492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not studying anatomy or anything, i just want to draw and see what i can do, im already kind of getting better with shading but its still all shit, but i feel like if i just keep going even if its not even an hour a day, my strokes will get more confident

It really doesn't feel like there is a purpose, im scared now im just going to end up like above anons post about how his sister drew for years and never improved, maybe i will get to a point where i will actually want to immerse myself in study and enjoy my art enough to pursue that endeavor, but right now i just want to draw, im drawing from references and im taking inspo from artists i like, am I already failing and will fail or is there some kind of glimpse that i might have a better set of art skills in like, 1 year? Im sorry if i sound really naive or weak, im so scared because there are stuff i really want to do with my life and idk if art is one of them but im trying and i really want to at least make it something, but i can tell it might be a short lived interest i drop in a couple months which im horrified of, i want to get better but the concept of self study keeps me from ever wanting to get better with anatomy and construction, because there is so fucking much stuff to learn and books to buy and videos to watch and courses to buy, drawing for fun or drawing for fun and better are separate but i have a fantasy in my mind that doing something for fun at first may lead me to take it more seriously as time goes on

>> No.6679304

anon I didn't even read all of that, but if you want to improve, you need to draw stuff that's REALLY challenging and fun and you barely finish it with how challenging it was
if you draw 3/4 portrait shots and its fun, sure, but you won't improve much except with 5 min 3/4 portrait shots

you need to find balance between fun and difficult, what I consider fun is doing cool warriors doing cool shit, so I just chose a difficult pose, difficult armor, and I draw it, i push through and once I do it, I have gained the skill
if you just draw a simple pose simple armor, you will only improve at that and stagnate

>> No.6679324

I think YouTube has one of the best algos, it usually doesn't recommend me unrelated shit I don't like like Instagram does. I block Shorts and news because they're retarded, so my YT home is usually made of

>korean cats trapped in weird places
>cooking and bakery videos
>truck driver vlogs
>non-retarded drawing videos
>that one japanese fella that shows weird kitchen gadgets

It's pretty comfy

>> No.6679328

How do people come up with random backgrounds every single time? I'm tired of my characters floating in a white void but I don't want to put some random square behind them.

>> No.6679337
File: 191 KB, 828x605, F0860B64-812A-4AFB-A19E-732A2071CB0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its honestly ridiculous because even thinking about ever challenging myself with art makes me feel like crying, because it feels so inhumanly impossible to me or for me to do, the millions of resources out there that are better than others or will only get you X result, the only kind of challenge art i can maybe find myself enjoying is like, drawing animals, but there is a point where i try to copy stuff but still looks half assed because i did not copy down EVERY detail, but if i challenge myself with those kind of drawings, will it make some impact? I want to eventually do all kinds of drawing, animal and human and even inanimate objects, but can i still do like my silly shitty art in the meantime while I practice? I just have to set up separate times to practice the challenge art and then do stupid art i want to do or somehow combine them? From now on im going to time my drawing sessions, but im starting with 20 minutes because that's about the average im doing already daily but i will add like 2 mins every other day or maybe every week or that might be too slow

(Pic related is not my art)

Sorry for so much text, i do it when im stressed

>> No.6679341

I'm the person you responded to and wanted to say thanks for the advice.

>> No.6679385
File: 760 KB, 992x1403, 85-1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine anon
for example i have study sessions and fun sessions cut up, the study seshes are fun, but also very frustrating
right now im doing 5min figure studies with no erase and no ctrl-z, im doing it to build up figure confidence, im at pose 100/1000 rn

then i will sit down and do a for fun piece, where i try to apply what i learned and just chill
pic related is a study piece, I'd spend like an hour or so doing them, then take a break and do a piece like this for example >>6679157

or you can combine them, do a few figures and then dress them up or make them fight etc
also if now u feel like crying when studying for 20 minutes, i can GUARANTEE you after you do it 30x you will feel like it's your second nature

thanks anon, i hope it helps and keep in mind were in this together

>> No.6679394
File: 1.31 MB, 1023x551, 15-0da1a5af-ba8d-4b5a-a0d8-116504b3a00b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched not one, but two artists fall for an AI generated background when they were looking for a backdrop TWICE. Wasn't even the modern kind of AI shit, it was the type where everything was genuinely complete unrecognizable gibberish where the vague colors are there but you can't actually make out the shape of any object if you tried.
Not interested in a debate about AI being too convincing because anyone would call them retards if you saw the pictures they chose but I am concerned how a lot of people just can't catch stuff like that even though they're staunchly anti-AI. Some people really just don't have that instant eye for detail but maybe being a former paranoid freak makes it easier to scrutinize things on the spot.

>> No.6679404

Were the artists trying to look for AI stuff in the first place?

>> No.6679409
File: 1.54 MB, 663x965, bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, one of them was looking for something to use for a video and just needed an abandoned-looking place. Pointed out the first BG they picked was AI generated, the other guy suggested pic-related and almost convinced the one making the video until I pointed it out to both of them.

>> No.6679412
File: 32 KB, 117x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyways brb killing myself for that joke.

>> No.6679417

Oh wow. That's uh.... pretty bad, that pic.

>> No.6679745

Yeah, it's the least worse algo, just have to block all the grifters and you actually have some nice surprises sometimes.
Like this shit:

>> No.6679753
File: 2.30 MB, 1737x1163, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it really hit or miss, sometimes it's useful sometimes its just completely random. Like I've been getting this headphone reviewer guy for literally no reason that I can tell. I've never once even remotely looked at headphone reviews.

What really confuses me are these low 100, to 10 view videos that get shoved on my recommended.

>> No.6679855

They will intentionally hide videos from the same channel if the channel is not approved by them. You can watch a part one, and it won’t even have the part to recommended when it used to always be the next video ready to go. They killed youtube by 2017.

>> No.6679986

>Draw daily because I know if I don't I'll start slacking off
>Having to put 10-12 hours days in at work, on top of gym hours
>Just extremely exhausted all the time
>spent this weekend only vaguely doodling and barely completing anything
>have to help my parents out today so i wasted 7 hours with them
>barely any time to sketch out some doodles before i have to go to sleep
it hurts... i just know i'm going to fall off the wagon soon.

>> No.6680009

>when ur mom always has alternate plans for you

>> No.6680153

How do I stop myself from feeling inadequate when I see artwork that's awesome but is also just completely out of my creative zone? Like I already know artists will prefer drawing one style of thing over another, I'm sure a traditional low fantasy artist doesn't mind that they can't create the same things as an exotic insectoid alien artist, and vice versa.

>> No.6680273

nice studies

>> No.6680366

Ive been drawing for about 20 years and i really want to find some platform to share my art, but all existing platforms seem shit and skewed heavily around trend dicksucking.
Where can i look up platforms to post art besides obvious twitter/ig?

>> No.6680470

Pixiv, maybe? The problem is that you are dealing with humans, and many humans like to jump on the trend. Add in any aspect of social media-ness (likes, retweets, etc) and the issue gets exacerbated further. It's literally never gonna go away.

>> No.6680471

Fucking based af Elon taking down loser pedos.

>> No.6680932

Don't really get the question, why are you feeling inadequate?
Anyways, tangetial to this, I think it's healthy to look at and be inspired by other styles, or, as you call it, creative zones. It's like how sci-fi was inspired by horror and created space horror, intergenre inspirations can only breed new stuff.

>> No.6680933

>why are you feeling inadequate?
I feel dumb I guess. There's a lot of art that I love looking at and the occasional gem on /ic/ is pretty cool but I just end up feeling stupid because I typically just draw cartoony anime boys in modern clothing and I feel envious about people who draw really cool creative fantasy stuff which I've always failed when I try myself.

>> No.6681306
File: 12 KB, 326x206, CCF069BA-EA20-4FC9-92DF-A3017BC84AA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy the young not for their neurplasticity meme but for all the time they have.

>> No.6681318

don't worry, we'll waste it too.

>> No.6681323

>after school activities
what time

>> No.6681336

old man doesn't even remember
the only "time" you get is summer break and for the amount of time I was a NEET that would amount to way more time than childhood free time

>> No.6681388

>the only "time" you get is summer break
You must be at least 18 to browse this site.

>> No.6681401

What kid becomes a NEET, ESLkun?

>> No.6681427

Don't do that
>after school activities
There's your problem, think of all the gains you could be making. I never did after school shit and in adult life it has made zero difference.

>> No.6681547

How do I even know what sort of art I want to do?
I know what art skills I'd like to learn, but I'm not sure what type of art I want to be doing. I guess something like relatable appealing anime characters doing wacky things to post on twitter and get likes or something like that

>> No.6681639

Please not in the water cooler.

>> No.6681728

>How do I even know what sort of art I want to do?
>how do I even know what I want
No one can know but you. Experiment and you’ll find what resonates. What you want to say and how you’ll express it will form and change overtime. Spend time in quiet reflective thought. Perhaps go for a walk in the sun. Then close your eyes.

>> No.6682145
File: 837 KB, 1158x1637, 94-1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

>> No.6682731

I'm trying out different arts like drawing, writing, and music compsiton to find a passion, but it kind of feels like I'm just going through the motions and not enjoying it that much. Is there some way to find out which one to do more easily?

>> No.6682785

do good artists draw even when they don't want to? I feel nauseous just thinking about drawing.

>> No.6682787

>how do I do what I hate
Why is this mentality so prevalent here?

>> No.6682788

not everyone is neurotypical like you.

>> No.6682926

Trips of tragedy

I feel your feels. It seems like you've thought this through already, so I'm just gonna share some tips on what I say to attention-seeking begs:

-I like this [specific thing]
-This reminds me of [story, other art,]
-What's your favorite part about this piece?
-[It] looks so [happy]!
-This is [great]. What inspired you to draw this?

Alternatively, I just straight up ignore when my beg friends post if I feel like they are really phoning it in.

>> No.6682933

You get no engagment because your art is bad and this is what you deserve. Please save this picture somewhere. Go draw for another year. Then you can look back and laugh at yourself for thinking this pic was worthy of likes.

>> No.6682934

You want a passion, but don’t yet feel it for anything. What do you love? What do you care about? If you do not yet know (that’s okay, you are relatively young) then I suggest you go out and experience some life. Whether it be walking alone in nature or emerging yourself in bacon for table public group situations, maybe explore the world to learn about yourself.
>is there a shortcut to discovering one’s passion?
Anon, what do you really want?

>> No.6682949

Drawing other people's ugly characters was giving me psychic damage.

I got a normal job (that I like), and I never felt more free in art.

>> No.6683041

>try to do a quick practice session of copying some anime head
>end up frustrated because nothing feels right
>look up my finished works
>somewhat decent(by my skill level) because I wasn't copying some exact animu head and at most used a 3D model to figure out shapes and placements.
Reminds me of that one time I tried copying that Cheshire Cat from Black Souls by other artist until it hit me that the artist fucked up anatomy to show more of boobs. Not the same thing, of course, but I think I have to rely on myself if I want to get job done. That also means I won't be drawing like all those Japanese artist because on how I perceive things.

>> No.6683049

>*immersing yourself in uncomfortable public situations

>> No.6683242

The only things I know I like are eating and exercise, but salaries for jobs in that area are even worse than artists. I don't know how touching grass will help me pick an art. Isn't that more of an internal thing?

>> No.6683316

Recently I've been finding myself automatically constructing context for simple sketches. For example, I sketch a simple face, start adding features for a character, and then I find myself starting to think what makes sense as an expression, what they might be in the midst of doing, and therefore their relationship to their surroundings, ie background.
I've always thought that ideally you should have an idea or a composition in mind which you construct the picture around, so this is kind of weird to me but also fun? It's definitely good practice at least.

>> No.6683678
File: 1021 KB, 2048x2048, 348667127_933904961260928_6857849512964947763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6683680

>internal can be affected by external???!?!

>> No.6683711

I like how everyone thought the future was gonna be this complex stylish thing and then the future came and be like imma simplify everything.

>> No.6683729

>a year ago, a small client reaches out to me to illustrate a movie poster for him
>accidentally left my phone number in my email signature. I only give it out to specific clients that need to discuss the details over a phone call
>he kept texting me, but I ignore because my preferred method is email or DM unless, you’re a big time professional client or studio
>eventually he got the idea, and we continued communication through email for the job
>he paid me upfront, I illustrate a movie poster for him and he’s pleased with the final result
>never hear from him again

>today, client suddenly texts me asking if I’m available for hire for another job

… I don’t know if I should respond to the text, or ignore and wait for him to reach out through email or DM. You would think this guy would get the idea the first time he worked with me that I prefer to communicate through email or DM

>> No.6683746

>t. 1820's fop

>> No.6683755

>"Hey my phone is playing up lately, could we switch to email/DM? Here's my details, cheers. "

>> No.6683790
File: 69 KB, 1841x1008, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 22-40-18 YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started using a paid extension on ios called unTrap just to get rid of the home page, suggestions, and shorts.
They make people pay for that? Wow. I just use a set of rules for my ad blocker to remove all the recommendations. I took it from someone else's post online. Perks of coming from an IT background, I guess. Paid extension users probably get the better experience because they don't have to worry about updating things when the website layout changes, but I haven't had to fix anything for close to a year, and I feel comfortable enough with CSS selectors to find the objects I need to block.

My YouTube front page looks almost like the Google search one. It's comfy, it really does a lot to curb my random video binge tendencies.

>> No.6683797

yeah mines looks like that but untrap has a lot of customization like removing pretty much any button on the left side and logo to hiding suggestions on search page and video page, etc.

>> No.6683859

that woman has touched a penis and has orgasmed with a penis inside her she's also had a penis inside her mouth and during this photoshoot the guy with the camera was probably thinkinga bout her vagina and how many penises have entered her vagina. She is NOT a virgin. Know this

>> No.6683870


rude of you to assume

>> No.6684124
File: 706 KB, 800x461, Reeve_and_Serfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carry on plebian

>> No.6684203
File: 346 KB, 500x1310, Shockwave all alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 2 years in now. I'm still /beg/ as shit but decided once I got upper /beg/ I'd try doing content like comics and images for twitter. But the issue is I'm at work 9 hours a day. So I go home, try to rush through dinner/workout, and get back to trying to balance studying (because I need to get back into it if I'm going to improve) and working on whatever project I'm doing at the moment, which right now is trying to finish this comic I'm behind on. But it just feels like I have no time. I'm neglecting my family to focus on drawing, I don't ever play games with my friends anymore except on the weekend and I don't even watch anime anymore. The only entertainment I get is during downtime at work when I read. It's really starting to feel like I'm out of the loop with all of my friends and I have less and less to talk about with them because I've only been spending time on art and not learning or experiencing anything else. And I'm not even progressing that much because I can only draw max 4 hours a day, and recently it seems like I can't keep the energy/focus to even keep up with that? Especially on weekends I just feel burnt out completely even though I cant think of anything else but drawing. Does anyone else share this frustration? What the hell am I supposed to do?

>> No.6684209

>You would think this guy would get the idea the first time he worked with me that I prefer to communicate through email or DM
Did you ever think to tell him this instead of just ghosting him? The dude's not a mind reader, why would he assume he shouldn't use one of the methods of contact you gave to him in the first place

>> No.6684210

>having to work 10-12 hour days every day
i'm so fucking tired... i was drawing every day for over a year and now I just can't muster up the energy for a few small doodles.

why can't i just win the lottery and become a neet.

>> No.6684219

I just found the emails from the first job. Apparently I did tell him that. Specifically:
>”My phone has been unreliable lately so if we can continue to communicate by email, I'd really appreciate it. I’ll be able to get back to you much sooner this way.”

>> No.6684288

The simple, sleek look is often used in the depiction of future worlds.

>> No.6684614

Solidarity, I'm in the same position. Sick of my office job and want to quit and go artist full time, but too tired after work to focus on portfolio pieces so have to cram in as much art time as possible at the weekend on top of commissions.

>> No.6684865

AI really killed this board huh Any other good art forum?

>> No.6684869


>> No.6684876

no, this is it I'm afraid. I wish /i/ was more active and had less tweens...

>> No.6684877

more like dicksword

>> No.6684879

>AI really killed this board
Up until now, maybe. AItrannies have been getting absolutely humiliated in every thread they've started recently, though. Only a matter of time before they 41% themselves.

>> No.6684887


>hey guys, AI killed this place. Know any other place I can go hang out so that the AIfags don’t follow us there. I totally don’t want that to happen lol
same type of post every week

>> No.6684890

Why, so you can go infect other places as well? We all know you and your ilk are only concern-trolling.

>> No.6684903

Post on Pixiv Sketch instead. Sure it may not be good for clout, and people don't talk very much (even Japanese amongst Japanese), but the somewhat small userbase of people are almost universally there to draw, look at other artists' work, and in general just vibe.
Even though the userbase is overwhelmingly Japanese, a westoid like myself has gotten a fairly positive reception and a few people who make a point of checking out my work whenever I post. It's a pretty comfy place.

>> No.6684914


>ai killed this board
posts catastrophizing/whining about it did. this board spends most of its time doing that lately, but somehow I feel like giving up to early on a skill due to a small roadblock and whining on 4chan isn't a new problem. (that's not to say that ai isn't a huge demotivator though but I'm saving my breath)

been coding a lot and it's interfering with getting art done, but i plan on making up for that today

>> No.6684928

I’m starting to regret making a nsfw fetish account. It’s all I draw now, and it’s not good for improving my skills. Getting followers the first few weeks was fun, but now every day I’m worried about it being discovered. I originally wanted to make easy money off of it, but I didn’t think through how I would explain the money to people I know, much less the fact that it would immediately connect my identity to this art. Even if I wipe it later, the Internet is forever. And what about future employers? A secret I would take to the grave being seen by thousands of strangers… I can’t bear it. I can’t be the only one who feels this way.

>> No.6685039

should i delete a twitter account and start it over if im search banned and search suggestion banned?

>> No.6685073

I wouldn’t quite delete it but you can make an alt and see if it does better. I wouldn’t put it in your bio though. Some people with alts in their bios have gotten banned because it looks like ban evasion to some bot or something

>> No.6685379

I'm actually happy with my job, when I have reasonable hours.
But the sprints where you gotta put in so much extra time kills me.
4chan in general has been dead for years. all my home boards are running at snail paces.

>> No.6685386

>all my home boards are running at snail paces
in what universe? do you browse the origami board or some shit?

>> No.6685393

/cgl/, /a/ is pretty slow compared to the old days too.

>> No.6685411

you know what I I'm not even going to bother with Twitter anymore and just use Instagram

>> No.6685533

>too tired after work
Wake up early and get your drawing in before work
I used to wake up at 3 am because I'd be too braindead after work and it gave me a good 4 hours before I had to head out for the day

>> No.6685543

nta but the one he replied to.
i wake up at 5 and get to work by 6. i usually got my drawing in at night and stayed up until 11 or so drawing. still exhausting either way, and waking up earlier would kill me

>> No.6685546

I do illustration at a graphic designer’s little office and his mouth breathing and eating noises literally make me want to throw my computer at him. He eats a big bag of popcorn most days of the week, which means 45 minutes of non stop obnoxious little kid crunching sounds and moaning. I brought it up to him when I first started working there, but I haven’t since. Probably have to quit eventually or I’ll jump out the window lel

>> No.6685587

noise-cancelling headphones.

>> No.6685629

Yeah I didn't address it to you because I have no clue what to do if you're working 10-12 hours. That just seems like a shitty situation altogether.
The only way I'd be able to get drawing in like that is if I sacrificed sleep or exercise, and that's a no-go.
I would unironically get a different job

>> No.6685846

The brain can make you dream some of the weirdest, random things. Almost like they aren’t dreams.

>> No.6685898
File: 95 KB, 971x1288, 1685394417582746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My client won't stop making changes. The last 1% of this job is taking 50% of the total time. It's driving me insane.

>> No.6685909
File: 92 KB, 640x632, 1681835186351268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I run a patreon. Anime artist and nsfw artist follow me. Then they unfollow me when they realize that I try to shill. Or that I don't follow them back or many other different reasons. What are these people expecting from a business account?

>> No.6685955

Some people have run bots that follow and unfollow, don’t take it personal. They aren’t physically going back in their list to unfollow you. Same with likes; they like your art and you check their profile and they’ve already liked so many other images your image is buried beneath 20 other pictures under a minute.

>> No.6685965

Followers fluctuate. There's no reason to get upset, or even care at all unless they're someone you talk to and know.

>> No.6685968

Any other burgers noticing that rolls of paper towels and toilet paper aren't being perforated well anymore? They tear apart like ass. How am I supposed to paint under these conditions

>> No.6686006

Animator here just not gotten noticed yet. https://youtu.be/Xz3kNHJeG3M

>> No.6686016


My mom just keeps buying the cheap gas station brand if I don’t buy replacements for everyone in the house. Nobody in my house knows the concept of equal contribution. I switched to wiped anyway.

>> No.6686017

wet wipes*

>> No.6686411

a very strange phenomenon indeed, dreaming.

>> No.6686417

1) she's probably autistic
2) burn the bridge, give her actual critique, free your sovl

>> No.6686456

seems like I fixed search ban on my end but I’m still suggestion banned but I can live with that. Search ban made none of my tweets show up in the search.

>> No.6686460

I think I have to maybe gut some mutuals who post “bad content” who are also suggestion banned to fix the issue.

>> No.6686673

I get the second or third most expensive brands and they always tear at crazy angles now. I don't need a 6 inch triangle of paper towel dangling off every sheet ffs this shit reeks of lazy factory maintenance i want the full square as advertised

>> No.6686725
File: 2.86 MB, 498x412, 1684626684336731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone else struggling with way too many inspirations or doesnt know what to focus on when studying art, I recommend downloading Pureref and sorting your inspirations. I am doing that on my coffee break, and i feel like it's helping me realize what i should focus on more.

>> No.6686746

I think for me drawing is just a cope for being ugly. Like I unironically took the "just be an artist/musician if you're ugly, dude" incel advice line way too seriously.

The problem with that is that even artist girls prefer beg Chad over an intcel, and a lot of them outright don't want to date guys into art anyway. And non-artist girls don't care, like being good at drawing is a non-factor for them.

The only benefit is that it makes me feel like I'm not completely worthless since I had the discipline to learn but I'm still dying alone kek.

>> No.6686817

That is why you charge for revisions.

>> No.6686859
File: 161 KB, 700x394, 1676919220450965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter coomer Discord
>my art is being posted
>tell them it looks kinda bad without revealing myself
>they start defending it
>"Okay, now let's see YOUR art."

>> No.6686873


>> No.6686917

>didnt draw for a few days
>feels like if I start now I am starting a huge task
>if I just doodle something small it wont make up for all the days I skipped

>> No.6686954

Aaaaaahhhh I had the absolute BEST dream ever I can’t believe it!! I had a super cute girl friend and I have to redact some stuff because it’s too graphic but oh my heaven it was the best dream I’ve ever had in a long, long time thank you Jesus I’m glad I kept praying every night. I need to write the memory down before it all fades away bye.

>> No.6687285


After I wrote down the events and thought about it, I found that perhaps my brain dreamed of such a thing because of a page of a manga I saved off discord that I really liked not too long ago. I guess I liked it so much I had a whole dream about it.

>> No.6687358
File: 237 KB, 828x1026, 1634122148955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see art i highly dislike
>start praising it and pretend to be obsessed with it
>throw insults and claims of jealousy at everyone that goes against me
>now everyone will think about the one obsessed schizo whenever they see that art
>they'll automatically start disliking the art and the artist
>they will go out of their way to insult the art and artist
>"i have become crab, destroyer of art"

>> No.6687368

>Grab some crayons and markers.
>Do daily studies
>Afterwards, grab crayons and start wildly scribbling with non-dominant hand
Feel good man!

>> No.6687851


>> No.6687856

so 2015 /ic/

as it should be

>> No.6687864

Bee the Change

>> No.6687874

I get reported for spamming 5 minute drawings?

>> No.6687876

just call them gestures or studies and post them in /beg

>> No.6687881

Many great artists did xxx like that Junny guy doing stuff for Tekken, or the case with Masamune Shirow.
Unless it's cripingly cringe I wouldn't worry about your financial scars. People understand

>> No.6687904

So many young adults thinking they can change the world with their art when not even Hayao M. could

>> No.6687980

well not the world but definitely ur mom for sure

>> No.6688040

Why are people in the YouTube comment section fucking retarded? I watched a video where someone used a drawing tablet software from 2004 and I commented telling them I used the exact same one from back then, the drivers were fucked back then too so don't worry, great video blah blah. Get a reply from some furry pfp imbecile saying "Umm that software didn't exist back then.". Nigga what? "Yeah Google didnt exist back then so you couldn't download it.". Tried to tell him it was widely available on magazine demo discs only to get another reply from some other retard reverberating the same nonsense. Meanwhile I'm sitting there with a fucking disc in hand looking at it. Then yet ANOTHER total buffoon replies to say that I couldn't possibly be using the same software because the plug-ins shown in the video were specially coded in, despite the video nor the uploader saying they had to do that. In fact it isn't even a plug-in, it was a feature already included in the program. I'm still getting notifications from people in that thread shitting on each other or shitting on me or telling me I'm wrong, etc etc.
Did they put something in the water that makes people confident + retarded at the same time or something?

>> No.6688075

Because they're kids or straight up autistic.
I stopped commenting anywhere because i would always get those type of comments and if on rare occasions i happen to comment, i just ignore any and all replies or delete the original comment if it blows up so all the replies get deleted as well.

Sometimes you can't tell whether they're actually retarded, just want to "ratio" you or just want to waste your time and discredit you for reasons beyond human any comprehension.
>Did they put something in the water that makes people confident + retarded at the same time or something?
The dumbest people are always the most confident; combine that with unsupervised social media/tiktok consumption + phones + parents who do not give a shit and you get the retards we have now.
Their whole mentality and reasoning is
>"if i don't know about it, it isn't true and trying to conceive anything beyond my own shadow is for crazies. If the tree made no sound when it fell, it never existed."
And when you reveal information that goes against what they know, they will become hostile towards you.

The solution is to ban/restrict kids and autists from commenting or post on the internet. Public discourse will immediately become more bearable.

That is as far as i could explain it to you. Fags on this board aren't that different.

>> No.6688090

Honestly very well explained.

>> No.6688108

>participating in youtube comments
you're just as retarded as them

>> No.6688120

>Did they put something in the water that makes people confident + retarded at the same time or something?
Yeah microplastic and women's birth control. It's a slight improvement over leaded gasoline and paint chips I guess.

>> No.6688133

at least leaded gasoline dont make the frogs gay

>> No.6688142

One will make you physically aggressive and stupid, the other will make you uncontrollably emotional and homosexual. I say bring back the lead and nature will sort itself out.

>> No.6688299

I'm so terrified of drawing. I'd rather clean my entire apartment than draw. I'd rather run naked outside than draw. but why?

>> No.6688313

when i started drawing i sucked ass at drawing hands, so instead of pushing through and improving i decided to just draw all my characters with animal crossing ball hands, now i can draw pretty decent art, but the hands look horrific. kill me

>> No.6688328

YouTube comments used to be fun little arguments that can go on for months, sometimes a whole year. Now it’s just Reddit comments.

>> No.6688364

I'm on /ic/ at fucking 7 in the morning because all my socials are fucking dead. No one is giving me attention and I'm fucking upset about it

>> No.6688367

You're scared of trying and failing. Procrastination is a trauma response.

>> No.6688372

Oh, it’s you (-:

Come join me on /g/ at 1pm for the WWDC event for the future of VR waifus.

>> No.6688420

what's the solution?

>> No.6688438

Half the time I hit “view replies” it won’t even show them. Much is verboten these days.

>> No.6688488

I am so tired of doing commissions. Not only do they take a lot of effort, but also the vast majority of them are boring or unappealing. I would quit, but I need to feed my family and pay my mother's medical bills. Well, at least now I'm working with a client who pays me well, unlike my other regular clients.

>> No.6688498

I do, and made that clear she's doubled the project cost already. At this point the money matters less to me than the fact they're fucking up my schedule for other clients waiting on me and driving me completely insane.
My new plan is turnaround time will get slower and slower.

>> No.6688500

red pill me on these boring requests

>> No.6688507

>Did they put something in the water that makes people confident + retarded at the same time or something?
That combo describes most hobbyists you will encounter on the internet. People pretending to know in absence of real experience is a cancer infecting all hobbies.
Imo it's too optimistic to say it's all kids and retards. Most of these jackasses online are fairly normal blokes in their day to day lives. But the thing they go to bullshit about on the internet (art supplies, woodworking, sports, cars, vidya, firearms, anything) is their outlet to be the genius and impress everyone with their knowledge. There's little authentic discussion because there's few people with authentic experience vs loads of people trying to buy a fun addition to their personality.

>> No.6688660

It's a very personal opinion, but I'm into femdom and feminization but most of the time people ask me for
>boring romantic shit
>literally gay shit
>cuckold shit
Also, most of these commission are quite complex. I'm talking about multi-panel color comics with backgrounds. And to think that there are people who only commission pin-ups with simple backgrounds...

>> No.6688718

>femdom and feminization
cute straight sissy boys on my /ic/?

>> No.6688764

Sqdtt reached max replies, can someone tell me where/how i can pirate adobe products

>> No.6688767

google you dumb nigga

>> No.6688779

raise the prices you fucking cuck

>> No.6689969

I don't know why but I just want to keep studying anatomy instead of making new finished art. I feel like I need to fully understand anatomy and can confidently draw human figures in all angles with all kinds of poses before I make new artwork again. Am I autistic?

>> No.6690146

Nah I'm also taking a break after a shitty finished piece to learn how to draw fluid and particle dynamics for a while. Just take your studies seriously and you'll be doing final pieces again sooner

>> No.6691081

I started posting my shit on social media a couple of months ago and I fell for the comparison meme so hard it's almost comical.
I probably deserve the amount of likes I'm getting so I don't think I have any right to complain about that, but the amount of rage I feel at seeing some people in the same niche as me doing better is just ridiculous. It's gotten to the point that I can't even look at art I would've enjoyed in the past without getting mad at it, regardless of how well it does.
I started posting because I wanted to interact with other people who enjoy the same stuff as me, but I'm so fucking miserable like this, I don't know what to do from here

>> No.6691090

what software?

>> No.6691135

Just delete. You can see it's not fun anymore and making you miserable, why would you stick around like a battered wife? If you have to have an account for following people, make a new one and don't post art on it, it's that simple. I quit social media because I could see it ruining my psyche and making me a bitter person. I didn't warn anyone or say goodbye, that only makes it awkward. I just up and vanished and life improved tenfold overnight. I made like 3 finished paintings in a row the following days because of how uninhibited I was.

>> No.6691347

Either the whole woeld is tge problem, or you're the problem, or the answer is in-between.

>> No.6691694

I know that I should but I feel like if I don't stay on social media then I'll never get the opportunity to actually meet people who like the same things as me. That's honestly a big part of why I started drawing in the first place
And because of that, when I imagine myself turning away from it, I start questioning why I draw at all and why I ever spent every free moment I had for years of my life trying to get decent for it just to culminate in misery like this, and I can't find an answer or an alternative

>> No.6691721

If your happiness is dependent on other people then it will always be volatile. You can try getting to the root core of why you're angry and working toward redirecting that anger to something that's beyond your control, then accepting that it's beyond your control so it's easier to dismiss. If you spent years on something, and you're mentally sound, then there's some undeniable degree of satisfaction you get from merely the act of drawing itself. It would be a good idea to nurture the parts about making art that satisfy you in the absence of others. Just remember you can still interact with fellow fans without posting your art and leaving it at the mercy of apathetic social media.

>> No.6691744

Get off social media. Stick to DMs or platforms without likes or anything so you can still talk to your people. At this point you at least have a few people you talk to if you’re still wanting to stay connected. If you need to you can wean yourself off by just getting rid of the worst sites first like Twitter and Instagram.

>> No.6692077

same. i think its because with self study, there isn't a clear stopping point. studying is good, but make sure to also draw creative or study something outside of your comfort zone. i typically study anatomy as warm up before drawing other things.

>> No.6692498

Yeah, I'll quit social media.
Thanks for knocking some sense into me.

>It would be a good idea to nurture the parts about making art that satisfy you in the absence of others
I think I need to spend some time doing this too, thanks for the idea.
But I might need to take a bit of a break from drawing in general first. The rough draft phase used to be one of the funnest parts for me, but lately I get angry at how everything doesn't look perfect on the first try and other dumb shit like that. I need to figure out how to calm down from all of this somehow

>> No.6692556

I don't want to make a new thread for this question but does anyone know how to get started with generating ai pictures on your computer? I want to generate simple blank people in with different weights, heights, and poses and stuff so I can copy them. Like a glorified design doll but I'm not spending hours carefully making shitty poses.

>> No.6692582

Fuck guys I'm probably going to lose a front tooth and look ridiculous like a fucking one piece character
What the hell

>> No.6692585

That sucks big time. You got dental insurance? how much is a new tooth gonna set you back?

>> No.6692592

Wouldnt it be easier to use some 3D poser that you can pose exactly in the pose you want from the point of view you want?

>> No.6692594
File: 805 KB, 2034x2408, athletes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm not spending hours carefully making shitty poses.
ai is the undisputed champ of shitty poses and wonky anatomy. just use real photos of people. there are more than enough big ref packs out there. here's a freebie

>> No.6692602
File: 300 KB, 2048x1657, 1660947836496728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened. it finally happened. I lost all my drawing skill. 7 years of it, out the window. It's all gone. All those studies, those figure drawings, those finished comic pages. It's all gone.

>> No.6692640

Nope, I have to pay if I want a new one
No idea how much, but probably I'll end up being a total cheapskate and just keep the goof looking hole

>> No.6692645

Dude you just need to take a break
Do something else for a bit

>> No.6692665

not him but where to get some, can't find shit

>> No.6692674

i used to do that but its always boring. Some weirdo standing like a freak is always a boring pose. I want more interesting perspective

>> No.6692679

I use this
The site is kind of janky but good pics

>> No.6692763

Jap artists be like @876139zha1892buhb12b3b87

>> No.6692770

Imagine being angry about an algorithm you nor nobody but the engineers manipulate. It’s designed to learn about (you). If someone is getting 50 likes and you’re getting 2 likes the system has already figured out who the person with 12 likes is. Just be consistent and the cog machine will build its profile on you in due time. Deleting it and running away is moronic advice.

>> No.6692797
File: 42 KB, 300x450, Drawn to Life (U)__13796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss having cool art friends now i'm stuck with a bunch of moralfags that eat each other at the first smell of blood. art friends makes drawing fun

>> No.6692891

I know how you feel. I used to have the coolest chillest art frens 10 years ago. Now I choose to be alone than have to tolerate vindictive emotionally stunted adults who either smash their keyboards at the smallest excitements or treat you like a leper if you drew something that upsets them.

>> No.6692894

Should I disappear quietly, or go out in a bang?

>> No.6692898



>> No.6692899

Disappear quietly, so that you can return when you can afford to.

>> No.6692910

Having anime like that in the background as I draw is kinda nice. Don't really have to pay attention to the story, the art is of lower quality so I feel good about my stuff, and it gives me motivation to slap the Jap in the art world.

>> No.6692916

They're both viable options if you do them in style

>> No.6692923

I never had art friends. I can't even figure out how it works
Like, you meet up Friday night with two sixpacks each and draw togheter?

>> No.6692949

no more search ban and suggestion ban :’)

>> No.6692954

The sheer amount of work it would take to do my graphic novel is killing any interest I have in actually starting.

>> No.6692956

If all you do is plan then you will never ever start
Been through that many times

>> No.6692963

I already tried just diving in with no plan and it collapsed almost immediately. I think at the bare minimum, I need to get my script finished and the character designs down. But even that seems like such a monumental task.

>> No.6692975

It's like music friends where you talk about music and production from time to time but don't play together because you have different aims and goals. Sometimes you work on something with the same theme. Mostly you talk shop. It's great when they aren't competitive dickwads or mentally ill.

The downside is that you can really like someone but not care about their art, at all.

>> No.6692976

break it down into the shortest short story you can pull out of it.

>> No.6692977
File: 398 KB, 724x763, 20230607_183747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to write a story where i use my shitty transformation/taur fetish as a metaphor for getting old but i feel like i'm still too young to write that story (not even 25 yet) and i can't really imagine it as anything but blackpill bullshit

>> No.6692985
File: 400 KB, 622x613, 20221123_105231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, you meet up Friday night with two sixpacks each and draw togheter?
i can't draw drunk it makes me too sleepy but pretty much yeah. i really like aggies and drawpiles. it's fun to be in a lighthearted environment and draw your ocs interacting with each other in retarded ways
>The downside is that you can really like someone but not care about their art, at all.
i've had that before but really it's fine. i don't talk to people exclusively because they draw what i like it's just a pretty good conversation starter. i'd say i judge people more based off thier motivations. for example; i'm fine with nsfw art and i do it too, but when someone tells me their entire motivation to get into drawing is to draw porn i kind of just lose all respect for them. they just come off as coomers to me and i start to doubt if they're even conscious. i'd rather just make friends with someone that doesn't draw at all than that

>> No.6692993

How does one disappear with style?

>> No.6693000

just go, faggot. no one is watching you nuke your socials.

>> No.6693037

I have so many ideas I want to draw... so many drawthreads to sift thru.... so many characters to create and people to gift with both trad and digital. I just love drawing FUCKKKK

>> No.6693062

I was thinking specifically about a good friend and musicbro. I don't care about his music and he doesn't care about mine, we never play together or do critiques. We do have a similar approach and motivations outside of that and I think our mutual disinterest in each other's work makes it easier to discuss things because no one's feelings are getting hurt and we generally agree on everything else. Our relationship as far as the hobby goes is rather clinical, which is a welcome change from how personal and drama prone these things usually are.

I used to be part of some coomer artist circles and you aren't wrong. Some of them aren't bad but all the mental illness has kept me away from those groups for years now.

>> No.6693100

I don't take issue with the algorithm. I was rather quickly followed by someone with a lot of reach, who retweeted everything I posted, and was getting an average of 700 likes per piece (even before this person). Like I said, I don't think I actually deserved more likes than this.
It's more idiotic jealousy over people who were better than me. I always had some competitive spirit against them, but I guess social media made my feelings regarding them go from a vague "I think they're probably better" to something more concrete since there's now a number attached.
It was inspirational/helpful at first (since I could trust that studying from them would be useful) but now it's debilitating.

>> No.6693199

Leave something mysterious behind, like, if you have a drawings account take a picture of a gun and a carillon in some scenic plac, post it and disappear without elaborating further

>> No.6693201

I could tell you from the height of my 40 years that if you think about it, you get old all the time starting from your birth, and for every moment of your life getting old means something different, but I kinda feel like the problem is that you're doubting you can tell something meaningful so I prefer simply tell you to try doing it anyway and see what happens. The fact you want to include your biggest fetish is worth of respect if the intention is to explain why it's so precious for you.
Go make your story anon.

>> No.6693522

>hey man I drew this for you
>thanks man ill draw something for you too sometime
>hey thanks man

>> No.6693548

Stop comparing yourself to Koukyo, fucking crybaby.

>> No.6693606
File: 187 KB, 800x1115, c9184fea85e5e2a6c7734999de57909c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you think about it, you get old all the time starting from your birth
i really like that way of thinking that actually helps
>The fact you want to include your biggest fetish is worth of respect if the intention is to explain why it's so precious for you.
it's more just that i'm really inspired by sanzo (pic related) and i enjoy drawing things like this

>> No.6693774
File: 67 KB, 850x857, 1684155343139849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6693860
File: 1.88 MB, 640x480, 1686225626875509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate how every drawthread outside this board is just infested with coomers basically trying to get free commissions. i wanna draw something fun

>> No.6693884

not with a whimper, but with a BANG

>> No.6693900

yeah there use to be a couple tolerable drawthreads but now fetish requests are rampant on all of them

>> No.6693988
File: 364 KB, 1420x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm collabing on a comic with my buddy (i've never done a comic before and he's never done a two-man comic before but we're learning as we go on) and holy shit he mogs me so hard as far as skill goes and it makes me feel like i'm not pulling my weight even though i'm trying to. I feel like it's more like he's making a comic and i'm doing suggestions even though he tells me i'm doing fine

>> No.6694142

My wrist kinda hurts when it's in flexion and extension. Is this Carpal Tunnel? It doesn't really hurt when it's in neutral position though. How long should I take a break from drawing if this is CTS? Any tips, guide, info or anything that helps with this will be appreciated.

>> No.6694146

New Thread: