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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6669785 No.6669785 [Reply] [Original]

Here is a list of beg traps ranked by how much they can make you a permbeg

High tier - will actively ruin you
Any Christopher Hart book/How to draw anime/cartoons/superhero book - the worst option for a book possible. Will actively teach you utter nonsense advice and by the end you will be able to draw stock more shit or butch hartman ripoffs. Ignore these and get Preston Blair and Marvel Way instead.

Scott Robertson books - the definition of bloated and autistic. Will actively make you quit drawing. Get Perspective made easy or Perspective Handbook instead.

Mid Tier - You can some Vaule from these, but they're better stuff out there.

Fun with a pencil - utterly outdated and unappealing. The basic forms are useful but it's blosted with unfunny humor and some of the pages are the literal definition of that "draw the rest of the fucking owl" meme. Like I said before, if you learn basic shapes, get Marvel Way. Preston Blair as a book for cartoonists kicks it ass, due it being having much more appealing drawings, its much shorter, and principles are much more applicable to modern cartooning

Drawabox - Just avoid the 250 box shit and this site is okay.
Low tier - aren't really a hindrance, yet somewhat outdated

Figure drawing for all worth - objectively a good book, but there's better stuff to learn figure drawing. It's fine to use, just make you have some knowledge on it and be prepared for stupid fucking rambling.

That's pretty much all the major beg traps i can think of rn. Got any other /ic/?

>> No.6669791

agree with all this except for the Loomis books. Those are good and have trained hundreds, if not thousands of professional artists at this point.

Gesture drawing for noobs is a beg trap. Beginners need to learn to be accurate, and draw good form

>> No.6669804

Everything is a beg trap if you let it. Only way to get out is to draw.

>> No.6672230

Is Keys to Drawing a trap too? I just got a pdf of it for drawing

>> No.6672280

One of the better threads on this board, it does the bare minimum and actually explain why these are beg traps

>> No.6673781

FWAP really is a /beg/ trap, I speak from experience. Loomis goes into decent detail with drawing the unappealing boomer faces, and then "okay now draw some figures" is basically the extent of instructions on how to draw figures lmao.

>> No.6673838

Does tracing count? Because I know someone like that.

>> No.6673866

250 boxes is not nearly the worst part about DAB. Once he gets to animals he becomes utter nonsense. The first 2 lessons are fine but they're just repurposed scoro/han anyway.

Also what is this shit on scoro meme I'm seeing lately? His YT is super helpful. Learn perspective autistically and get to the point where you can eyeball it. Sorry you got filtered bitch

>> No.6673886

Dab is a beg trap as a whole. Avoid this shitty pajeet site.
Otherwise I agree.

>> No.6673887

opinion discarded
I’ve made way more progress with your so called “beg trap” than the critically acclaimed materials accepted by most of /ic/

>> No.6674012

S Tier beg trap - drawing, not browsing this board 24/7, studies

>> No.6674062

high tier: /ic/

>> No.6674521

I consider it the single worst instructional book of any kind that I have ever encountered. It reads like it was written by someone who was completely clueless by drawing, but did some quick research and regurgitated some information they read. It's possible to interpret what the author says in a way that's sensible and helpful, but the wording rarely lends itself well to that interpretation, and a more literal reading results in some terrible misconceptions about drawing. The author also absolutely sucks at demonstrating concepts visually, everything is taught in a very strange order, and a lot of information that is absolutely critical to beginners is completely absent.

That being said, it seems like my opinion is the minority one and most people somehow think the book is helpful. I'll also note that I have a very harsh opinion of the vast majority of drawing resources aimed at beginners, and it's possible that I just started out with a particularly unusual set of concepts and aptitudes that rendered most books useless or actively harmful to me.

>> No.6674576

So, I wanted to iterate on your list:

High tier -

>Christopher Hart
Never heard of him before, looked it up, 100% agree.

>Scott Robertson
Not my favorite, but not actually hurtful, it just isn't for begs.

>My inclusion
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, full of pseudoscience bullshit, and even as a metaphor, it aims to kill the creative side of art on begs, focusing on sight seeing exercises instead of teaching them to enjoy drawing. That can actually hurt begs.

Mid Tier -

>Fun with a pencil
I would downgrade it to Low Tier, and that's just because the style doesn't sell these days, someone should make a version with the same principles but anime.

100% agree, just go to Peter Han or any "Dynamic Drawing", it's better.

>My inclusion
Bridgman, sorry bridgmanbros, the dude just isn't for begs, I would recommend a simpler anatomy book, like Peck or Walt Reed, then Bridgman.

Low Tier -

>Figure Drawing for all its worth
Kinda agree? Only because it's outdated, but it wouldn't hurt begs to go into it.

>My inclusion
The Famous Artists School, or something like that, tons of lessons of the past century artists. All of each are actually good, would even recommend it to begs, if any would actually use it. Problem is that the style they teach is really outdated.

>> No.6674586

tracing is not a beg trap, because it teaches you line economy at the very least. but you will be a forever /beg/ if that's all you do...

>> No.6674590 [DELETED] 

>begs discussing beg things
self fulling prophecy

>> No.6674591

> but you will be a forever /beg/ if that's all you do...
Summed the mother of all begtraps: Stagnation

>> No.6676274

Have to agree. Figure drawing is a godsend book in my opinion, but Fun With a Pencil is utterly shite.

Scott Robertson should change the name of his book because it's NOT for beginners. It's a useful good book but it's not for beginner and the title is misleading.

>> No.6676282

Yeah, Scott Robertson's books are at a level beyond 90% of this board.

>> No.6676286

SS Tier: /ic/

>> No.6676293
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Using books instead of just drawing.

Art has no answer, no definitive way of doing it; thinking too hard about it is the pitfall. Just draw as you like. Use references if you want. Bend your anatomy. Distort it, or not. Ultimately, it's art either way. It's not good, not bad, it simply is.

>> No.6676296

>Admiring internet artists rather than studying ACTUAL professionals
Biggest beg trap I've seen lately. Do yourself a favor and study actual professionals.

>> No.6676305

no one actually recommends chris hart books, everyone knows they're made for children

>> No.6676311

What if the artist doesn't want to reinvent the wheel? Because that's what you are proposing, to come up with our own ideas about anatomy, for example, when most artists of our time never have seem a dead body, imagine even dissecated one, while the dudes who invented anatomy did that.

>> No.6676363

>Fun with a pencil - utterly outdated and unappealing
>unappealing boomer faces
>the style doesn't sell these days

It's only vaguely related to the thread, but why is this the case? why did that sort of cartoony style fall off?

>> No.6676379
File: 555 KB, 4730x2641, you_wouldn't_get_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already falling into a begtrap. Stop thinking so hard about "what ifs", "how tos", "will people like it", "will I get clout", "when will it be good", "why", "what method", etc.

Just draw.

>> No.6676387

IMO, the same reason the rubber house (though, cuphead exists) style fell off: Disney. The popularization of the Disney style affected art in many ways, for instance, it heavily influenced anime. So, today, when we see Instagram and twitter, we see two types of artists mainly, those inspired by Disney, and those inspired by anime... which traces back to Disney.

>> No.6676397

Ffs, it's a legitimate question, why should a beg reinvent the wheel? Are you actually telling me that if a beg wants to learn anatomy he should learn it through observation?

>> No.6676403
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You're NGMI - maybe next time.

>> No.6676412

Maybe the anons where right, /ic/ is the biggest begtrap.

>> No.6676440

No one "invented" anatomy. You study anatomy so you can understand things and break it, that's not really reinventing the wheel

>> No.6676473

Tecnically, no one invents a science, that's for sure. But can we really compare the understanding of Herophilos, the father of anatomy, to the understanding of a guy who doesn't even know that the abs serve to contract the spine? I am just saying that books can be a kickstarter on the art development, so a beg can stand on the shoulders of giants, instead of figuring out shit that we know for millenium.

>> No.6676516

But there's a difference between understanding and applying, and as a beg, if they get too hung up over "this isn't right" "it looks awkward" "why can't I put this on paper" it'll lead to more frustration and burnout than being creative.

>> No.6676527

100% agree, I am just arguing that the beg can't apply what he doesn't even know exists, like half the muscles and perspective. Basically, I am considering that they are dumb enought to not figure this out on their own.

>> No.6676536

Instead of arguing and considering and such, you could have spent that time simply drawing.

>> No.6676543

I could, but
>drawing books are a begtrap
Is the dumbest thing I read today, I just had to.

>> No.6677537
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The book isn't, but arguing about it is.

>> No.6677608

drawing with the right side of the brain,
the concept is totally bullshit and not based on anything other than some outdated ideas around the brain.