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File: 25 KB, 270x221, based .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6664236 No.6664236 [Reply] [Original]

>fixing cookie cutter and boring anime "style"

>> No.6664240
File: 93 KB, 640x632, xjK4MPbAarURVBR8thVwlydkjg5_qFG3KFmp5BJZbTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this

>> No.6664243

why do people on this site default to "tumblr art AAAAAAAAAAAH" when an artist draws an anime character in a cartoony way

>> No.6664245
File: 846 KB, 1126x559, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664261


>> No.6664263

I love these

>> No.6664269

why are westerners like this

>> No.6664288

I think it's done on purpose. High level shiposting, if you will.

>> No.6664299

These are nicer than I would have expected. I especially like her take on the Fruit Baskets girl.

>> No.6664301
File: 1019 KB, 1261x768, Untitled670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was more art like this

>> No.6664303


>> No.6664304

i honestly kinda like these

>> No.6664305

He should choose his words more carefully...

>> No.6664325
File: 295 KB, 914x848, fixed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are westerners like this
Because "aNiMu iZ pRobLemAtiC"

Ok, let's try again!

>> No.6664341

No one ever on the face of the Earth said left is problematic. Whoever put text at the bottom is a retard. Did you put that text there, retard?

>> No.6664379

these are great designs, but definitely don’t fit the stories the subtle anime girls were designed for.
i think the wests inability to see nuance holds back it’s story telling and animation (avatar obviously is an exception, though i believe the artists were korean)

>> No.6664578

Melting egg eyes and sclera spikes are such a trendy thing... And also don't fit these characters.

>> No.6664583

>let's make them even more ayy lmaoo

>> No.6664783

Now they're sonic characters

>> No.6664928

he's gonna turn them into guy fieri?

>> No.6666270
File: 292 KB, 494x697, Yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art's not even bad but the artist basically cheats with Tohru and Haruhi by either flat-out removing their uniform or strapping a bunch of shit to it that would never be allowed in dress code. Meanwhile her Yuki redesign does the opposite and ironically has way less going on than the actual character.
The artist did a similar video for male characters and for that one all 3 of them came from iseka/high fantasy settings where more extravagant designs are acceptable; she should have just done that for this video rather than specifically selecting girls in school uniforms.

>> No.6666272

>everything has to look like a danganronpa character

>> No.6666279

also I bet all the underpaid Japanese animators would love to animate all the pins and jewelry on Haruhi as well

>> No.6666281

People liking these redesigns is a good reminder that the taste of the people on this board is totally removed from what's popular with normies. Never take anyone's aesthetic guidance on this board as solid advice; you will be the next twitter lolcow of the day

>> No.6666283

Calling all japanese people boring like that is kind of racist

>> No.6666438

well, those are definitely flavor-blasted alright. Just like factory goyslop snacks with a billion chemicals and colored in radioactive colors no edible food should be.

>> No.6666470

all of these are missing the point. She should have redesigned characters from shows she watched

>> No.6666487

Let me guess. Drawn by a femoid?

>> No.6666524
File: 150 KB, 350x729, Haruhi_suzumiya_NEW_PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay faggots, are you bad enough to FLAVORBLAST this boring anime shit?
I’ll post mine soon

>> No.6666604

>let's fix this boring design
>let's just add the most obvious stereotypical personality clues without understanding how context and aesthetic works
westoids just don't have drip they just don't understand

>> No.6666609

thread pinned.
i hope you deliver

>> No.6666620

cant wait

>> No.6666695

Avatar was good but I would not call it subtle.

>> No.6666740
File: 214 KB, 1500x1009, haruhi suzumacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6666844

The style of the vampire knight girl has more soul than 98% of current anime and online artists today

>> No.6666864

looks like George Takei at various ages

>> No.6666881

They all look like they came from the same show.
Also, totally missed with Tohru's design (if that's supposed to be her?) She looks socially akward and got bad self esteem. Tohru is none of that.

>> No.6666935

bro somehow made haruhi worse

>> No.6667086

at some point of the video she says she removed the arm band because it's offensive, even though it's just a captain arm band

>> No.6667316
File: 49 KB, 680x550, WesternArtistsLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate the faggots that make these redesigns. Everything westerns touch, they ruin. Fuck off back to Tumblr already.

>> No.6667321
File: 310 KB, 1016x1208, Dykes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with the design. These Tumblr dykes will seethe over any 2DQT that is more attractive than them. Fuck them.

>> No.6667324

Tumblr + Anime = Ugly.
Does Not Mix

>> No.6667327

>The art's not even bad
Get your eyes checked. The Tumblr redesigns look like shit.

>> No.6667383

This look like a fucking pain to animate, mainly the Haruhi

>> No.6667385

I hate zoomer art so mich

>> No.6667573
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, Blackwashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Tumblr art is trash

>> No.6667740
File: 109 KB, 1240x550, Ea4Uwv-XgAEk9H9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one ever on the face of the Earth said left is problematic
Poor gaslight, retard fag

>> No.6667743

Oh, look, she's on her way to topple AMLO's socialist gooberment!

>> No.6667750

>faggots saying they like this shit

>> No.6668504

mfs who draw these couldn''t animate a walk to save their life

>> No.6668673

sword lesbians is an homage to utena schizo

>> No.6668678

i want all the faggots that said this is good to leave

>> No.6669936

No, it's what the schizos would LIKE Utena (and anime in general) to look