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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 97 KB, 1346x1000, 18fdb7a00c8faba8a93453833320968adaf70182-1346x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6661304 No.6661304 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, I've just been to Banksy's exhibition. It was horrendous. As expected.
>first thing I see when entering the building is an anti-capitalist quote, something along the lines of "We can't continue unless we destroy capitalism for good"
>Ironically, one ticket costs 26 bucks
>Overpriced merch available, like a metal bottle (22 bucks), some socks (16 bucks), etc.
>next to the men's toilet there was a sign saying "no future" (fuck you Banksy), whereas the women's bathroom had one saying "go home"
>There was a video documentary wanking Banksy as "THE MOST famous artist of the 21st century, of all of art-history even", calling him a "Genius of the Mind" for making the same dumb, vandalistic and repetitive political and satirical statements through his "art" for over 20 years
>includes themes such as "all cops are bastards", jew-wanking, anti-war, portrays monkeys to subvert humans in higher social-positions, supports anarchy, supports rapefugees, supports gay-rights, is anti-capitalism, but also anti-masks (which is based)
>couldn't tell if he was for or against Palestine, but he's definitely against the war between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
>not sure if he himself is a Jew or not, since his art isn't as neurotic, but he definitely panders to them, for "some" reason :^)
>mostly just oblivious boomer visitors
This whole exhibition was a Banksy wank, don't know why people find him so great. Maybe it's because my taste got more refined by Animu-style? (Liberal) normies gobble that shit up like you wouldn't believe, taking pictures all the time baka
What do you think of his graffiti art-style?

>> No.6661306

Oh and they also described him as "a brave soul willing to say ahat others wouldn't dare to say", even though he's anonymous. By that standard, every one of us Anons is a brave warrior kek

>> No.6661311

I will never fucking understand why anglos laud this faggot so much, I literally never even heard him mentioned irl

>> No.6661324
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he is a stencil "artist". that is the equivalent of tracing in the graffiti scene. and as if that wasn't already pathetic enough, he straight up ripped off what blek the rat was doing at the time, only making it more political and gay.

>> No.6661335

Ikr? In all my life I've only heard about his stupid tape on banana "art" and only much later I realized that it was this so-called "Banksy" who "created" that.
Only when this expedition got marketed to hell and back did I become curious enough to go to his wankfest of an exhibition.

>> No.6661338
File: 2.30 MB, 1948x2779, Banksy Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so fucking pathetic. Good for him that he was provocative enough to get all that attention from those boomers, somehow
>blek the rat
Oh yeah, it looks really similar to what Banksy did, crazy. Banksy also made some artworks featuring rats, maybe as a Hommage?

>> No.6661344

Plus, it's not even him doing the graffiti anymore, right? Else he'd get caught and would lose his anonymity. I think he just hires someone now to vandalize the streets

>> No.6661351
File: 537 KB, 960x1528, fb9c919c-ccac-8cc7-d3e0-665585b8c497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Banksy is used as the gatekeeper of modern art.
he draws the line between what normies like and actually understand the meaning of and incomprehensible bullshit critics circlejerk about.

>> No.6661362

Did Banks draw that or is it just some random modern art?
>draws the line between what normies like and actually understand the meaning of and incomprehensible bullshit critics circlejerk about.
What? Please elaborate.

>> No.6661372

>>draws the line between what normies like and actually understand the meaning of and incomprehensible bullshit critics circlejerk about.

not that anon but

i think he means

Normies like Banksy, (n->b)
Banksy is modern art (b->m)
Modern art is composed mostly of money laundering (m -> L$)
Money laundering is supported by (bullshit critiques), who sometimes actually believe their own bullshit but I'm convinced the smart ones obviously don't because they're too good, (L$ -> C)
Graffiti, at its core, tends to be "free art for the people", and by selling it Banksy has, in the eyes of other graffiti artists, sold out.
But, "dont hate the player, hate the game, haters gonna hate"

So normies (n->C) support an industry of money laundering supported by manipulative critics who just "circlejerk" around an artwork until its worth millions. Because normies tend to have kitsch or shit taste, they more often gawk at "OOOOOhhh thats deep" because these tend to be highschool educated at best, fat, stupid and ignorant mass population folks, no offense.

Even at this worst, Banksy is just making money and is putting in A TINY BIT of effort into at least making stencils and a semi-normie friendly image. IT's not surprising he's successful actually, but his images are bit too on the nose from him to be a true believer of his message. The fact that he stays anonymous is my biggest clue he has half a brain honestly.

It is not the case that all modern art is money laundering, (such as public installations) some is actually "Deep" but this is where the tricky part comes in, Banksy's art, in essence, by selling graffiti art, he is undermining the industry to encourage more works like his, which honestly, would be better than duct tape bananas at this point. BUT he is also contributing to the industry and THINKS hes saving it. MAybe he is, maybe he isnt, time will tell and the wishing well.

>> No.6661432

It's been a few years but I've watched a "documentary" on Banksy years ago, which was entirely filmed and produced by one french guy who had set himself to meet him in person.

It was a nice insight into the nitty gritty of these types of graffiti artists, with how they operate and actually produce work. The whole documentary was this french guy trying to pass himself as a famous artist to these established names to get into their circle and then make his own high-brow art exhibit in the United States even though he was a /beg/ at best, and guess what? He did it.

He did eventually meet Banksy, and it really made me realize how overrated the man is. From the footage of his studio the guy managed to get, he seems like your typical faggot rich white guy into liberal art. It's funny when you see him complain about capitalism and then see the palace he works in. If I could recall the name of the documentary I'd recommend it as a watch, it's at least insightful.

>> No.6661468

>they're too good
Too good at what?

>but his images are bit too on the nose from him to be a true believer of his message.
Yeah, I also got the impression that he's bullshitting. His works lack what I call "soul" or something.. It feels lije cimmission-work, if that nakes sense. As if he did it with the libtards' views in mind, trying to pander to them and the Jews, the anti-capitalists and all of them, while adding a bit of "humor" in them.
>he stays anonymous
Yeah but some people do know who he is, right? Like that French guy who searched for him, that you mentioned.

>BUT he is also contributing to the industry and THINKS hes saving it
Why would he think he's saving that industry? Does he WANT to save it? If so, then for what reason?

>he seems like your typical faggot rich white guy into liberal art
So what else did you expect?
He even bought a fucking Yacht to "save" drowning Niggers in the Mediterranean sea to help invade Europe with. All in the name of Anarchy.
>It's funny when you see him complain about capitalism and then see the palace he works in.
Yeah he's a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6661558

I thought everyone knew already that Banksy is an outlet for the white dude from Massive Attack

>> No.6661570

Something I noticed about all anti-capitalist people - They are hyper capitalistic.

They bank on the vapid dreams of people to be free of money, free of consequences, where everyone suddenly gets along, everything is fine and they don't need to pay for anything...

They basically buy into that idea so much that I can't help by smell snake urine in that highly expensive socialist bottle.

It's all a show, they are avid supporters of capitalism, they take from the poor and give it to themselves in the name of pure profit.

Because anti-capitalism, is a fantasy fandom where somehow none of them are capable of actually doing an alternative, only buying books about it and talking as if they'll "change the system".

It's all money, and that's that... People buy the idea like they would any cult or concept that appeals to their average to low state in life.

Anti-consumerism as a concept is coca cola for the financially disabled.

>> No.6661575

What makes you think that?

>> No.6661576


>> No.6661580

[spoiler]Not to mention everything since 100th Window onward has been pretentious dreck.

>> No.6661687

>first thing I see when entering the building is an anti-capitalist quote, something along the lines of "We can't continue unless we destroy capitalism for good"
>Ironically, one ticket costs 26 bucks
Can't stand this anti-capitalist shit, because they never say what their alternative is - because we all know it's some dipshit move where they give more power to the government by giving them control of our money. I somehow doubt wanksy is in favour of giving the government more control of our lives. Capitalism sucks, but it's the best thing we have.

Alternatively, you have people who complain about capitalism, but only because it's trendy to do so, but then are very much capitalists themselves. I notice jim sterling always whinges about capitalism, while showing off another part of his massive consumerism haul (toy collection) each week.
Of course such idiots will say, when caught out, "oh, but we are just living within the system" - Yes, but you don't HAVE to be such a fucking hypocrite, there's nothing forcing you to be such a piggy consumer.

>> No.6661690
File: 331 KB, 1590x2560, 81xyDELs00L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banksy is simply a fucking psyops. It's a facade of anti-establishment values like but has a lot of elements of pro-establishment propaganda in it, he made kilos of artwork about putin being evil and bad with literal pro-war elements, like what the fuck
His art is pretty much fancy "Fuck the system" slogans without any meaning, like most "Subversive" stuff that's widely available and recognizable for the masses. Why rebel or protest when you have banksy, greta thunberg or a netflix cartoon doing it for you?

I'm not saying that he was a psyop since the beginning (in my mind it's plausible), but yeah it's like the most shit tier co-opted fake anticapitalism with neoliberal values kind of stuff, when he dies i'll crack open a cold one

>> No.6662495

When I wrote my comment - Jim sterling is the exact example I had in mind!
That's the icon of the "anti capitalist" mindset - someone with dead end shopping obsession and extreme self worship, the mega-consumer advocating only for people to feed it money.

There is no alternative to capitalism, the more I heard the left when I was there, the more I noticed it's all pipe dreams based on false promises, empty phrases and "intellectuals" all being word-full and without action.

It's similar to Anarchists occupying an abandoned building and feeling as if they "won the system", while all they are is glorified homeless that still need to buy everything from local stores, else they'll starve to death, and they'll get a job or they'll die.

No one has a viable alternative, because the other option is just different variations on dictatorships or something I can only call a "Ratdom".

Ratdoms are small groups living within the big system, leeching off it while trying to give back as little as possible while taking as much as they can, screeching how the system is evil while living as rent free as possible within it, defended by it's armies, police and borders while being douchebags about it.

And you'll usually see more of these in semi-social countries.

>> No.6662501
File: 37 KB, 525x510, 1684558915086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it's because my taste got more refined by Animu-style?

>> No.6662637

Thank you so much for these comments!! Such insightful information. :D

>> No.6662638

Or maybe it's because I always preferred anime style over conventional art.

>> No.6662679

no, anime has nothing to do with it, you're just barely self-aware enough to recognize a vapid grandstanding cunt. Don't read into it any further than that about any of your personal qualities lest you also become a vapid cunt.

>> No.6662688
File: 658 KB, 2560x955, 1383407005018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
The only piece I've seen that I like from him, for the wrong reasons of course.
The dude is so fake it wouldn't suprise me he's a jew.
>I got started with stencils when I was doing graffiti and got chased by the cops and as I lay under a garbage container I was thinking there MUST be a better way and I started cutting into cardboard RIGH THERE you know!
>Big letter B A N K S Y
>Yeah man that totally happend.

>> No.6662749

What did Anon mean by this?

>> No.6662855

Sounds legit though, people get good ideas when under stress

>> No.6662875

Left-wing woke ideology replaced Christianity and the Church pretty much completely
you have your original sin (of being white), but you can repent by obeying our agenda without question
Political rallies act as masses, all art must praise diversity, otherwise it's sinful. If you displease the higher-ups, you will be excommunicated.
I could name hundreds of analogies like that.

anyway, here we have a billionaire covered in gold, getting covered in more gold by another man covered in gold
I wonder what Bible has to say about that...
>Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

>> No.6662902


>> No.6662909

>anyway, here we have a billionaire covered in gold, getting covered in more gold by another man covered in gold
Who are you refering to?

>> No.6663015

That's how the world goes - people follow whatever seems to elevate them from feeling like nobodies.
Haven't you noticed?

Each left-wing person is a warrior of equality, they all fight in the name of global justice, they all go for the sake of replacing the majority in media, and having only the minority represented as the top...

And it's indeed, a culture of misfits, weirdos and self-persona worshipers (The whole gender wars thing is pretty much externalized personalities).

They fight over words, over opinions, over everything... They are even supporting Islam, while Islam, in practice, goes against everything they hold dear, but, Islam is a part of the "minority", therefor, it's just as holy to them as the unicorn phone-sexual with "ring/bip" pronouns.

It's David vs Goliath syndrome, they'll assume that anything bigger is automatically evil, and the small, is the good.
Regardless of what the small is.

Because that's how they see themselves and what this whole movement is rooted on - power complexity... Overthrow the rich to make the poor rise... That's kinda the base of communism - Make the masses rise and you'll lead them like sheep because they believe they are in charge now.
It's babies killing elders and claiming themselves the all knowing and all powerful as they run straight towards the cliff's edge, believing they can fly out of sheer madness.

And yeah, it is rather religious... Because they'll blindly follow whatever their media says and won't doubt a single word.

And that's how you get dumb followers to buy your merch and sub to you on social media.

>> No.6663025


>> No.6664026

>troll artist
>exhibition is troll-y
ofc he doesn't think he's the most famous of all time, it's just a troll-cunt thing to say and you bought it hook line and sinker.

he's a hack, but you gave him $26. Congratulations

>> No.6664235

you're literally an israeli, shut the fuck up.

>> No.6664884

Well actually, I didn't believe him either, I just wanted to see WHY all the normies flocked to him. Because maybe I could learn a thing or two of his methods.
And I learned that basically being cocky and pandering to one side is how you make it. Also, his investors and marketers decided that he'll be famous, not he himself.

>> No.6667548

Any last words for Wanksy?

>> No.6669955

Le bump

>> No.6670330

If the film you're thinking of is Exit Through the Gift Shop, I think you might have got rused anon

>> No.6670340

>you might have got rused anon
How come?

>> No.6670368

At this point, “Banksy” just seems more like a director. Like, I don’t think he does the actually art himself. He had ideas and concepts that he has other artists or companies create for him.

In 2008, he had an art installation in NYC called “The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill” which was a fake pet store full of weird shit like animatronic chicken nuggets with legs dipping themselves in sauce packets, or a “cheetah” that when you saw it from the back, looked like it was sleeping in a cage complete with breathing and swinging it’s tail, but when you went to the other side of the cage to see the cheetah from the front, the “cheetah” was actually a cheetah-printed coat. The exhibit itself was about our relationship with animals and the ethics of factory farming.


The exhibit itself was actually a pretty cool idea in itself. But you think Banksy actually created any of the work? Nope, the animatronics were created by a special effects company named Amalgamated Dynamics


And then there was Dismaland, which was an art installation which was a sinister version of Disneyland. That whole exhibition was a collaboration of 50+ artists.

I’ve concluded that Banksy is not an artist himself, he is just a creative director. I wouldn’t be surprised if his graffiti stencils were done by a team of people too.

>> No.6670384

So, guy who pays others to work while he banks on it with marketing, commercials and "business".
I won't be surprised if that's true and consistent.

...In a way, it certainly supports my previous claim - Ultra capitalist... Can't even bother to do the art, just a name on a sticker that says
"Hi lowlifes, I want a bigger pool - here's your anti-consumer junk to consume and pay me for it".

No, I am literally an Israeli.
You'll find it hilarious to hear that half the country complains that the religious part is stealing all the money through taxes by government budget.
Who needs antisemitism when my own nation stereotypes itself against itself all the type?

It's one of the most face-palm countries on earth.

>> No.6670388

>Maybe it's because my taste got more refined by Animu-style?
Oh my god OP you are such a tool

>> No.6670392

After seeing the videos, yeah... It's consistent - Vegans/animal rights, anti-capitalism, environmentalism... All these share something simple - Avid content consumers that'll rush to throw money at it, believing the concept would "Change the world", while in fact, it's just a circus show, people look, go "Aw yeah, we bad!" and that's that... Reaction factories.

Yeah, the exhibit itself looks pretty cool I have to agree, but, I can smell how the whole thing is almost religious... The ape wanking says it all.
It's religious because it's not really there to make a difference, it's there for the donations and relieving the viewer of the buck.

However, as a display of concept and art, seems like it does it's job to entertain and add the "shock" that'll cause someone to not eat a single meal of meat one day and then forget about it.

I am saying this as a Vegan, the whole "Change the world" thing is a pipe dream, vegans are pretty much nothing more than an easy target audience to sell expensive stuff to.
It never makes any actual difference...

Same with any other goal... The "We change" dream.
Nothing changes, expect the size of the pockets of the show runners.

>> No.6670399

>You'll find it hilarious to hear that half the country complains that the religious part is stealing all the money through taxes by government budget.

I find it ironic that the people who live in a country that is supposedly meant for them doesn’t even follow all the rules of their own faith and instead finds the ones who actually follow the rules to be leeches

>> No.6670400

>They bank on the vapid dreams of people to be free of money, free of consequences, where everyone suddenly gets along, everything is fine and they don't need to pay for anything...
Not really, I feel you just don't get it (by ignorance or on purpose, I can't tell).
>Because anti-capitalism, is a fantasy fandom where somehow none of them are capable of actually doing an alternative, only buying books about it and talking as if they'll "change the system".
Ok, by ignorance then.

>> No.6670410
File: 277 KB, 1512x2016, generator stencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatcha guys think of my street art


I learned during my brief stint as a Philosophy major, the 5 elements to good argumentation:

1) Establish your authority (credentials/experience you have to back up why I should care about your opinion)

2) Define and clarify any ambiguous terminology that could be misconstrued so that both parties arguing are on the same page:
"What do you mean frogs can fly? Of course they can't!"
"Frogs can totally fly, they have feathers!"
"Do you mean Birds? Frogs are green amphibians."
"Ohhhhh. My mistake."

3) Adjust argument to align with any new information, not that you are just giving up, but this part shows you are not a diehard zealot and have actually thought about the intricacies of your argument.
"What do you mean demolish capitalism? You can't do that!"
"I'm for a complete reformation of this otherwise diseased and incompetent system."

4) Whats the catch? Every working system has an X, a downside, an outlier, and ulterior motive, a redpill, a taboo side nobody dare speak of etc. If the person you are arguing with cannot find any flaws within their system of thought, they're probably at best adopting the philosophy just to be edgy and haven't realistically thought it through.

Take for instance the very definition of anarchy:
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.
the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.

Statement 1 and 2 are in complete opposition to one another logically. This is why the joke "Its very hard to organize an anti-organization organization"

5) Lastly, expect the worst in terms of demeaning comments or personal attacks, but try not to take it personally. Some people really are passionate enough to do the proper research but get defensive when they have to explain it. I've learned a lot from actually losing arguments.

>> No.6670412

That's the main conflict within Israel today...

In relation to the artist and the topic, I'd say it's just another successful marketing venture to gather up idiots to eventually bank on.

The "Dream" is the key... Because only in Israel, you discover it's just America in "Jew" branding meant to bank of anyone with Jewish blood.

Like with communism/anti consumerism and various other dreams... It's a lie meant to get money out of fools, the massive housing inflation is pretty much turning most citizens into inmates that can't leave due to how bad the world views Israelies.

Truly a work of art, everyone got deceived - Someone surely gained out of it.

>> No.6670423

There are so many Jews I know in America that are supporters of Israel, yet a lot of these Jews are not religious at all. They eat pork, they get tattoos and don’t observe any of the holidays except for maybe Hannukah or the high holidays. It just makes me wonder why they consider themselves Jewish and would support a country that’s meant to be for followers of a specific faith yet you’re not following the faith itself.

Like, would a non-religious Muslim be able to visit Mecca?

>> No.6670424

Go ahead and enlighten me, what do those things wish to accomplish in practice then?
What do the people buying into that actually end up doing?
What have they managed to change in the system?
What's the outcome of such ventures in expression?

Good thing I am just a random artist and not a decision maker, but, valid points.
I don't take anything personally, I am just an idiot online with a keyboard, my opinion is meant to develop through what others have to say, until we find something that's practical.

Most political debates, especially ones about the core foundations of systems, hardly ever solve issues.

There is no perfect system... There's just what prolongs and what falls on it's face.
Our just is to adjust things constantly, going 100% in on anything is a dead end, because our world does change... LIke now with a global recession and wars.

Big dreams on all sides are a problem I noticed, moderation according to reality is the only thing that sticks.

>> No.6670426

>don’t think he does the actually art himself
Agreed. He even showed some rando spraying his "art" on those carved up cardboards of his in the subway

Yeah he also showed off some videos of that project in the exhibition I was.

>> No.6670428

What do you mean? I'd rather look at cute animu girls than at monochromatic political-satirical hysteria that SOMETIMES does look good to me.

>> No.6670430


>> No.6670432

When religion and ethnicity mixes, everyone ends up in toilet salad.
They support the ethnic concept of "Our home nation", like an Irish American supporting Ireland because "it's my home away from home" in a way.

Or that's what it seems from here at least... Israelies and outland jews have very little in common.

They just know that if things go back, Israel is their plan B.

>> No.6670433

The Jews jew their own Jews in their own promised Jew-homeland... Wtf

>> No.6670435

>if things go back,
In what sense?

>> No.6670436

not that anon but
I'm half ashkenazi jew, have taught english to kids in Israel, consider myself spiritual but ultimately do not believe in God. Both my parents are STEM.
My mother is not jewish, so I am not recognized as Jewish by most if not all the jewish clan. Just like being able to be president if you were born on american soil, people take pride in the strangest things.


I can't hate jews because my Dad is an example of super high IQ jew chemist doing the literal shit work of reducing the carcinogens produced when one filters the shit out of the drinking water. There is no bigger atheist on the planet.
On the other hand, you have this family friend of ours who is orthodox jewish and a weatherman. He just had his 5th kid. How is going to support 5 children on such a salary? God will provide, somehow?

My experience with Jews is that they're really nothing special. in the end:
“I don't want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
being a pretty half breed has its perks, but lack of identity and being ousted from groups kinda leaves me lonely and still here on /ic/. People here are angry, but at least some of them draw. I connect more to people through art.

>> No.6670437

>My experience with Jews is that they're really nothing special.
Jew on damage control

>> No.6670439

If things go bad*
my typing looks like either autocorrect is fooling me or my brain correctly writes the wrong word.

Well, the sense is obvious, allot of people came to Israel either due to bad conditions abroad (one side of my family came from soviet Russia... ended up being a good call) or due to the "American dream, Jewish style" that fell flat when most ended up in dead end factories or cleaning.

Propaganda towards Jew immigration really worked, and allot of people regret it... I have a big issue with the whole "We know the way" type of propaganda art, like the one we talk about here... Anti-consumerism is a selling point, not an actual cause.

>> No.6670441

>I connect more to people through art.
Then why not go on other platforms? This place here is full of crabs and doomers.

>> No.6670443

Whoops meant to tag you, Mr Jew

>> No.6670456

I like honesty, damage control ain't really working for Israel to be frank.

Atheist myself, in Israel the term "Jew" is flawed.
Everyone keeps referring to each other as "Russian", "Ethiopian","Spanish", "European","From-Arab-world" etc'...
That's the result of being a baby immigrant salad nation.

Since the religious jew side win the baby-production hidden conflict, they'll eventually inherit the land.

>> No.6670487

>the baby-production hidden conflict
What? Please elaborate

>> No.6670493

>Go ahead and enlighten me, what do those things wish to accomplish in practice then?
Well, I'm anti-consumerist and I don't bank on anything you've stated. I just don't consume new products, I don't buy unecessary stuff, I repair or make the most of what I need and when I can't I buy only used goods.
I don't have much money by choice because I value time and life over productivity and possessions.
Sure my lifestyle won't change the whole world in a week but I won't buy into economical globalism either. I'd share my knowledge about sobriety with anybody and I will die happily in the healthy soil I nurtured.

I just learn to leave no trace, that's it. Same as when I use public toilets.

>> No.6670496
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>> No.6670501


>> No.6670778

While the obvious side of the demographical conflict in Israel is jews VS arabs living in Israel, both having high birth rates, and the jewish state countering it with Jewish immigration (The current Ukraine-Russia conflict oddly enough brought a population bomb)...

The hidden baby wars are between the religious Jews and the secular Jews... And the outcome of this hidden conflict came with the recent election - The religious parties are slowly growing way bigger, and they are often the jobless bible-obsessed types... They make a huge impact on elections and areas, but, the issue is - They still mostly sit on the back of the secular work force.

As times goes, they will take over... However, they have the down side of basically being semi useless to the economy and external relations.

So... Either they'll learn to be productive, or, have the secular side escape Israel, leaving them in a religious hellhole.
While the secular side also have relatively high birth rate, it's nowhere near the religious one.

Understand that the Arab population within the borders of Israel, are slowly dwindling - Mostly due to a drop in birth rate, as well as their unhealthy tendency to enter blood feuds with themselves and constantly kill each other... Really, their internal issues are baffling...
So, they are less and less of a factor in the demographic wars.

Still, at the current rate, not sure the country will survive... The working formula is basically being a mostly secular state that allows smaller groups to thrive in peace with them.

No one can control the baby factory though.

>> No.6670794

Sounds good actually.

But, it sounds like practical minimalism rather than activist anti-capitalist... Because your way of life aims to make do with less, that's honorable and respectable, you live it, you don't say it.

To be frank, that's what I want out of life as well... If only my country had that option to just live peacefully in some rural area... Except that you need a couple of millions to buy a crappy house here, and the law forbids just be in nature without a special permit or if you own a non-agriculture land.

Thing is, it's an highly individualistic life style... Along with veganism, environmentalism and general "naturism", as in, living off the land...
They are all niche, they don't really aim to make a sustainable system, rather, they bring a sustainable solution for those already not into the world of global fads and the "eat it all" nonsense.

Issues usually come when that approach attempts to build a sustainable little village or a lead a town... This is where anti-consumerism suddenly loses it's weight a bit as a concept.

I know this because my own country actually began as a communist experiment... It fell apart due to the introduction of the capitalist options... Allot of people voted with their actions and just left for the dream of having it all.

I personally prefer the approach of making more with less... I love it, and the roots of my country are laid in it, despite it being lost in time, but, I am rather aware the people around me not only aren't into that.
Opportunism seems to be the general favored, and apparently successful, approach out there.

With all that in mind, I see anti-consumerism, as a movement, as rather empty words in the air... Because yeah, if you truly don't like capitalism, just make do with less.
That's the thing though... People tend to want more.
That's why I find most of the anti-consumer or "no money" concepts as pretty much idea-plagues... They appeal to those that want more and can't have it.

>> No.6670804

Yeah... Sounds complicated, but I get the gist of it. Thanks for elaborating.

>> No.6670863

>first thing I see when entering the building is an anti-capitalist quote, something along the lines of "We can't continue unless we destroy capitalism for good"
based and 100% correct
fuck capitalism

>> No.6670957

I mean yeah but what's the alternative?

>> No.6671010

He's right tho. A large enough group of people will suffer the same flaw from any other. People like to think Jews are special, but they only have of them a caricatural outside view.

They do have a strong cultural habit of mutual aid as far as I know, but Christian or other religious communities do too. But people have lost their cultural roots, and can't appreciate this as much I guess.

>> No.6671058

Gotta love how Jewish identity is based on faith, yet you can only truly be of that faith through the mother

>> No.6671062

Ironically there are a lot of conservative non-Jews that support Israel, but most of the support stems from antisemitism.

Think about it. Why would an antisemite support Israel? Because it’s better for all the Jews to go there than be here

>> No.6671134

That's the catch.
There is no savory alternative at the moment... Unless you want a take on dictatorship.
Or Semi-socialism, that sort-of-works... With high taxes.

True, the only "root" alive to day, is ultra-orthodox individualism.

...Or through the extremely hard process of joining the religion, and being officially recognized as a Jew... Some manage it, but, it's rare.

Yeah, Israel is the biggest Ghetto around... Christians support it to get their "End Times" bad ending video game sequence.
Business people find the tech of Israel profitable,
India... No idea why, they seem to like Israel to an extent.
Antisemites certainly have an interest in pushing all Jews to Israel, because no one wants Jews anywhere (Although it's bizzare how some spanish countries want Jews, there's a whole campaign to make Sphardic- descended jews go back there).

Another reason is because Israel is an unofficial American colony-state... It's a buffer zone between the Arab nations and the west, a rather tactical point against the Iran-China-Russia front, and a way to assert American dominance through proxy.
Israel won't last long without America.

So, there are many interest to keep Israel a thing by many sides.

>> No.6671166

I liked Banksy when I was younger but grew out of it. How old is he now? He's got to be at least 10 years older than me.

>> No.6671373

>True, the only "root" alive to day, is ultra-orthodox individualism.
Pretty much all roots are dead, besides within a few individuals. As far as I've saw, what remains at the group scale has become a caricature of what it's supposed to be.

Nothing, absolutely nothing prevents you from buying any Ye Ol Book and study on your own.

>Although it's bizzare how some spanish countries want Jews
It's easy to bash on them, but Jews are renowned business men: why would anyone refuse people who bring cash and creates job? (makes you things uh).

I have no idea why the Americans keep pushing for chaos in the region. China, friggin red China, is currently behaving as a pacifier in the region lately... I have no idea why didn't the US yield a more positive role in the last decades (well, my guess is that they the army/politic is not controlled in the interest of the US people, but in that of a few individuals, like oilers & weapons manufacturers)

Wish it'll be calmer down there soon...

>> No.6671710

>No idea why, they seem to like Israel to an extent.
Yeah because the Bible originated from that place. Christianslike Israel because of its history

>> No.6671751
File: 103 KB, 1097x841, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't Banksy dumbass

>> No.6671754

>op missed the entire point of the exhibition

>> No.6671802

>I’ve concluded that Banksy is not an artist himself, he is just a creative director. I wouldn’t be surprised if his graffiti stencils were done by a team of people too.
Many artists who make enormous exhibitions work like that, you know? Big names who make big cash, they can hire a team of people or sign a contract with an industry. Even smaller artists can sometimes hire assistants to help them producing their artwork. It's actually a pretty good job whan you want to learn about the tips and tricks to succeed in an art carreer.

>> No.6671808

It's an MI5 psy op propanda bullshit anon. The entire fine art market is a money laundering front for satanic pedos lead by Marina Abromovic, unironically. Don't even bother with globohomo government propagandists like Banksy

>> No.6671809
File: 58 KB, 720x462, L.O.V.E. - Maurizio Cattelan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maurizio Cattelan is the goat of art trolls, learn about his L.O.V.E. sculpture.

>> No.6671831


If the point was taking our money, the yes, I did understand it

Then what about those retarded art school students? Who study that shit and actually paint that shit. But yeah most of that market is just a way to money-launder, I was well aware, thank you

>> No.6671832


FUCK, meant to tag you >>6671808

>> No.6671835

>Then what about those retarded art school students? Who study that shit and actually paint that shit.
They're students, that's the whole point of it. As a student you copy stuff and produce not-so-great work because you're at the begining of your learning process.

>> No.6671851

But they will be corrupted by the money-laundering scheme eventually?

>> No.6671857

>Then what about those retarded art school students? Who study that shit and actually paint that shit. But yeah most of that market is just a way to money-launder, I was well aware, thank you
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell recruited their victims heavily from art schools and MIT

>> No.6671865

What are you trying to say

>> No.6671874
File: 184 KB, 1024x848, jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um nothing at all

>> No.6671942

Yeah, "Revolutionary teen"... Thinking we'll change the world and make everything better, full idealists... Only to realize just managing some income and a house is a miracle.
Yeah, I grew up with leftist ideals...

That's the new generation - what I can appreciate about the religious Jews, is that they still try and honor their ancestors.
I personally prefer if all nations paid more respect to their local heritage, just to have more personality and character to the world... The whole globalist merger is so bland, dead and just... Lifeless.
It's more fun when we can show each other something special, respect each other and ourselves in some deep level... The whole youth worship thing just kills the feeling of "we known each other as nations for a long time and are in peace" and replaces it with "We are all new and know nothing and demand you bend to our pathless idealism".

I have to say, most Jews in Israel are not good business men, myself included - I am terrible at marketing my own art xD
Israel is where all the unsuccessful Jews of the world go to.

I noticed in my own country that chaos drives the right wing political parties here... Oddly enough, constant conflict keeps them relevant.
Also, it leads to more development of defensive weapons, the whole anti-missile system has a constant testing grounds in gaza... The whole thing is seasonal, feels "controlled", and I can't help but feel it's always bad on purpose - Defense weapon sale-pitch presentation...
Even with the most "right wing ultra national with chips along with it" government, still nothing changes.
I live here, it'll never calm down, too many people hold interest to prolong this mess (including Iran and the China axis...).

Also, the Arab world is one massive untapped source of power... They are like the Orks in warhammer, if they ever were to unite, it'll probably doom the world into Islamic hell.
Keeping the area unstable means they never get to rise.

>> No.6671950

Most likely... But that doesn't explain India's affection.
I know many Israeli tourist LOVE to go to India after the army service... It's almost a prime destination for Israelis.

Good point... However, no one complains about TIm Burton when he does it, because you can feel the direction of the artist very clearly... The guy leaves a very special insignia, and usually works with very specific people - you can feel the artist's works and signature, even if it's a massive team.

I don't think Bansky leaves "A mark", it's too much of a general idealist propaganda to really tell it apart from any other artist of the "system bad" variety.

The whole performative art world and Marina Abromovich on top of them is just more reaction factories - Make people feel sick and disgusted, take their money, and advertise themselves as the "twisted dark satanist"... Making them appear more special than they actually are, it's blunt and disgusting because it sells, I find it mostly repulsive.
Twisted artists with zero morals and ethics.

I agree, as far as art that "delivers a message", I'd say it is a blunt way to show them a rather simple method of doing so.

>> No.6671962

I don't know who that blond weirdo is

>> No.6671970

>Islamic hell.
How would that look like, exactly? Holocaust 2.0? But for real now? You know, because the first one didn't really happen as it's told.

>> No.6671971

>I know many Israeli tourist LOVE to go to India after the army service... It's almost a prime destination for Israelis.
Maybe because of the food

>> No.6671974

>I don't think Bansky leaves "A mark"
You're right, I was at his exhibition (I'm OP) and it felt soulles af.

>> No.6671989

>I personally prefer if all nations paid more respect to their local heritage
I recently heard a similar argument, at a lower scale: when means of transportation and information were meager, if you were, say, a tennis champion of your village, everybody knew you were the tennis champion: your personality, your achievements, weren't diluted by masses of surrounding people.

>most Jews in Israel are not good business men
The cliché definitely holds outside of Israel! You may have heard some Jews are a bit too successful :shrug:

>doom the world into Islamic hell
Dunno; middle-East Muslims a few decades ago weren't as extremists as they are today (think https://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/05/asia/gallery/afghan-women-past-present/index.html).). The stress they (US & cie) 've put in the region, and they encouraging religious zealots must have played a big role.

In Europe at least, our "local" Muslims, offspring from earlier immigration waves, lowest parts of the society, seems to have a more rigorous/"limited" interpretation than say, exchange students from the same countries. This is a personal view, so take with a grain of salt.

>How would that look like, exactly
Not him but Muslims have a historical reputation of being fierce warriors, and aren't portrayed in the most flat erring way in today's culture.

>> No.6672020

They'll kill anyone who ain't like them and then proceed to kill each other for dominance... Killing each other is what sets them back at the moment.

Sounds legit.

As expected.

>lower scale
The downside of having everything massive - being a local hero is a dying concept.

>Jews outside of Israel
Most likely, only the smart will stay out of Israel.
It's a first world country in a third world setting.

Within Israel you have examples of secular arabs, muslim arabs and Christian arabs.
Christian Arabs are actually more successful than Jews here, I live near Nazareth, I can attest to it.
Muslim Arabs - that really depends from their backgrounds... You have the ultra rich muslims that live in extremely fancy homes, and then you have the type that goes around with axes looking for jews to kill... fanaticism and family creeds set them back allot, it's sad more than anything.
Secular arabs are rare, met a few, they are very nice people.

Since I live near them, I see examples of all kinds, you'd be surprised there's a moderately sized organization of Vegan arabs as well... Even between vegan Jews and vegan arabs there's no cooperation, it was very sad to see it, since most vegan jews, are leftist and support arabs.

With Arabs and Muslim culture, the family is really the core... That's why family-feuds are so common here, they take family honor religiously.
Co-existence here is always in question... Because everything erupts so easily.

And I agree, it gets more extreme over time... Terrorist groups and strong big muslim families sort of hold the Arab community hostage... Even within Israel.

>Muslim warriors.
Well, logical - They just have allot of experience at war while fighting each other... There is no arab wedding without someone firing guns, I hear it all the time, it's common practice.
If their families unite and go to war against others, they have the advantage of being used to a state of constant war.

>> No.6672104

Not all students become full time artists and not all artists take part of the money-laundering scheme on the art market. There are many levels achievable to live as an artist and you don't have to sell your art to speculators to do so.

>> No.6672121

>It's a first world country in a third world setting.
How is it a first world country?

>> No.6672123

>and then you have the type that goes around with axes looking for jews to kill...
Holy based.

>> No.6672124

>Terrorist groups and strong big muslim families sort of hold the Arab community hostage... Even within Israel.

>> No.6672125

I see. Thank you

>> No.6672284

But a lot of Indian chicken dishes are cooked in yogurt. Isn’t that not kosher?

>> No.6672288

Be surprised, but, the quality of life within Israel, is actually rather good, when people aren't busy killing each other.
A rather stable economy (Except due to recent turmoil), if you get injured, you don't need to pay your life for medical care, and in general, it's mostly fine... There's enough jobs and there are opportunities to grow, most places here have access to everything a first world country usually has.
Heck, my own town is mixed arab and jewish, even asian jews... hearing 6 languages on the street is wild, so, oddly diverse.

Sadly.. Although, the only working method Arabs have, is just buying apartments.
My city is half-Arab now, because they just buy it.
My nations are too blind to ever consider it a future problem.

That's why the west can't understand Arabs... They aren't exactly individualistic, their communities are based around family feuds and connections, if you are an arab, you are fully obligated towards the family, if you bring shame to the family, they'll kill you, if someone shames your family, you are obligated to kill them... That's why you can't solve their issues... Only big untouchable crime families end up being the power the smaller families adhere to.

If you ever see arab houses, you'll notice they build more floors for the newer generations... The bigger the family, the more floors they add, at least true for local arabs.

>> No.6672296

Just a poser punk barfing up his opinion on the latest issue using an exhausted art style. I will never understand people who say claim they are "for the people" while also putting the common man down. The fact that he thinks he has any higher opinion than the very people that consume his merch and view his artwork goes against his own fundamental beleifs. So fuck him, he does nothing, he's a poser wannabe "deep" art cuck.

>> No.6672300

It's fascinating how ignorant we are in the West of the kind of social organisations outside. Why isn't all this taught in geography classes...

>> No.6672343

>My nations are too blind to ever consider it a future problem.
Just like the EU with its immigration problem

>> No.6672350

At least he won't be replaced by AI unlike the majority of /ic/, get fucked digicucks you'll never be a real artist

>> No.6672353

I know right?

>Why isn't all this taught in geography classes...
Because of propaganda, they want us to think if them, Arabs, Chinese, Russians in a certain way

>> No.6672360

Sounds like a new Digimon

>> No.6672363

Found the pokemon brainwashed generation

>> No.6672539

For the same reason political camps keep fighting each other - people just keep thinking in boxes and believe their own concept of life to be the only thing that's valid.
So, they don't teach about stuff they never bother to explore themselves.

Heck, most Jews in my country, including myself, don't know Arabic despite living right next to them.
Even funnier when arab people in Israel don't bother to learn hebrew sometimes.

Mutual consistent ignorance.

It's politics... Immigrants are eventually easy voter power, and, it's that whole "Look at us being good people, oh how wonderful we are for accepting the poor!"... They won't address the obvious conflicts because they don't want to appeal like the bad guys.

In my country, it's pretty much keeping the whole "We are a democratic free nation" face... So, the government will actively ignore this, for the same reason as EU - To not appear like the baddies.

No one is willing to put the pants in the house because everyone are afraid of the backlash... And look where this mentality got us as a global village.
Fake smiles lead to hyper aggression later on, because the average Joe is losing his cool over time,
My country basically starts to show signs of it.


Yeah, it's all propaganda.
When you look into the fine details, you discover whole other systems of living that are completely incompatible with western mindsets... And oddly enough, those places somehow carry on, even thrive.
That's exactly why I hate "anti capitalist" propaganda, because it fails to look at the world and understand there are other players on the board with their own systems, and they'll probably come and wipe you out the moment you blink, it causes needless self-doubt and internal conflict that weakens a nation, that's not good.
Anti-establishment fits young people that know nothing and believe that all they know is all there is...
The true result of anarchy, is the power next door knocking.

>> No.6672586

Found the seething oldfag

>> No.6672598

>My country basically starts to show signs of it.
Trust in mother nature, everything will be okay

>> No.6672602

>Yeah, it's all propaganda.
>When you look into the fine details, you discover whole other systems of living that are completely incompatible with western mindsets... And oddly enough, those places somehow carry on, even thrive.
>That's exactly why I hate "anti capitalist" propaganda, because it fails to look at the world and understand there are other players on the board with their own systems, and they'll probably come and wipe you out the moment you blink, it causes needless self-doubt and internal conflict that weakens a nation, that's not good.
>Anti-establishment fits young people that know nothing and believe that all they know is all there is...
>The true result of anarchy, is the power next door knocking
Well said. Are you a philosopher by any chance?

>> No.6672807

Yeah but propaganda is only a portion of it. Incompetence/ignorance isn't to be over-estimated. As the saying goes:
> Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Quick, throw your balls around to catch'em boyz.

>The true result of anarchy, is the power next door knocking.
As goes the saying (bis):
> There will always be an army in your country, if it's not your's then it will be of your enemy's

All the propaganda machinery, whether it's anti-communist, pro-communist, anti-capitalist, pro-capitalism, anti-Jews, pro-Jews, etc. all of them are blind to some extent. They're just predigested thoughts to be thrown in people's face, and expect some emotional reaction in return as a result of "meh, thinking deep :thumbsdown:"

>> No.6672810

>Well said. Are you a philosopher by any chance?
He's a Jew he said. Analyzing and looking for wisdom is in his blood, he can't help it :wink:

>> No.6672811

>Incompetence/ignorance isn't to be over-estimated
You mean underestimated?

>> No.6672828


>> No.6673037

>You'll find it hilarious to hear that half the country complains that the religious part is stealing all the money through taxes by government budget.
I'm starting to think a stereotypical Jew isn't a master schemer, but just a nepotistic and prideful idiot, hence the golem story about power abuse.

>> No.6673041

>The working formula is basically being a mostly secular state that allows smaller groups to thrive in peace with them.
>in peace
What about Palestine and the alleged starving of population in Gaza Strip?

>> No.6673070

Exactly, even amongst the 'dumb art' he's still got kind of a point to it and that point is trolling the pretentious money laundering art world and mocking their BS. Banksy does it too (like the one where he shredded the sold piece, and the fact it was worth MORE after just kinda proved his point entirely imo).

Don't get me wrong, a LOT of modern art is very much people literally doing banana taped to the wall type shit and being serious about it being some profound statement, but artists like Banksy and Maurizio Cattelan are doing it tongue in cheek. I think the problem with Banksy is that he's just so fucking huge at this point that he'd honestly need to stop doing art to make the biggest statement at this point. Or retire as Banksy and make art under a different name otherwise I can't take him as seriously as I could pre-Dismal land (I think thats about when he fell off for me)

>> No.6673147

>nepotistic and prideful idiot
you mean, a they're regular human?!11!1!!1! noway bruuu

>> No.6673338

last I checked Israel was only good place to live if you are Jewish, or at least the right kind of jew.

Still has something like 60 different laws that are designed to give Jews an edge over other groups and something like 13% of all public land is owned by Jewish nationalist groups. AKA zionist cocksuckers who give the Jewish people a worse rap sheet than the second testament.

>> No.6673403

Maybe, but they seem to have more of Messiah complex than anyone else, with them being loudly political. Them leading the communist coup in Weimar Germany was probably one of the nails that drove antisemitism up in Nazi Germany and they continue to start shit like that. Apparently some study shown they're more likely to be schizo, so it could support the theory.

>> No.6673647

Tough times though, hopefully we'll get through it.
Nah, just surrounded by failed idealists.

> Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
More of people picking the "easier" truth, whatever lightens their burden.
In this case, to imagine Democracy as being the light, and all else being the darkness... Or, from the anti-capitalist side "Money is evil"... The easier it is to grasp, the simpler it makes reality, the more likely they'll pick it and won't bother with it.
> There will always be an army in your country, if it's not your's then it will be of your enemy's
Hits the nail.

>predigested thoughts to be thrown in people's face,
Exactly... Anything to make them go "Hell yeah!", feel like they are right, all else is wrong, and get back to work.
If they start peeling the practical matter of things, they'll have too many questions and doubt to function, they'll be lost and probably become easy prey to the next cult leader that offers them "the light".

Less of being idiots, more of being afraid to handle the world, thy need an easy shelter, like a cell inside the skin... They don't want to peer outside, because it'll require them effort to see.
They hate effort, so, let's praise the sun!

Not in Israel actually, most Jews here are the israeli version of the dude-bros.

prideful idiot sounds about right, no idea about those outside of Israel, but here... It's really just overly prideful dude-bros.

They could have been doing fine if they remained a part of Israel actually.
They insisted on being separate, and they use allot of their resources to train terrorists, dig tunnels, build rocket factories, trade weapons and supplies with Iran freely and of course - most of the aid that goes into Gaza, goes straight to the ruling families there that sent their children to study abroad.

There is starvation in Gaza, the ruling families there keep it that way.

>> No.6673671

The big art world is pretty much a painted image - we see "successful big artists" behind the scenes it's all one person pays another... The stories are payed for, the display is payed for, even the payers might be payed for... It's all a show to convince someone from the outside to buy into that, it's pretty much a similar MO to NFT scams.
The profit comes from those foolish enough to actually get in and buy the useless pieces.

Well, outside of Israel is the successful jews.
Inside of Israel, is all those down on their luck that could not make it big outside.
The place is fine aside from the occasional wars and political turmoils.
There are arabs that live very good here, half my city are pretty much arabs, some live in luxury, others not different than myself.
Allot of jews in the city are actually running away due to how successful arabs are, it's a local concern even.

Buying a house for the average Jewish person is mostly a dream, house prices here are insane.
Be surprised, but it seems the national groups aren't as strong as you think... Current protests against the full-right national government show the nation is rather split in the middle at the moment.
Zionists in Israel are those that go and live beyond the "green border", they are mostly religious people that believe in the "biblical Israeli borders" concept.
But, in practice, they just escape the housing bubble by living rent free in contested lands.
The current government supports them... And as you can imagine, allot of people are extremely pissed off - because those people live without paying for it, while the rest needs to pay their lives to afford rent.

Messiah complex is among religious Jews, their obsession with the coming of the messiah and them being the "children of god" is their whole identity, and it feels like it consumes them.
Normal Jews in Israel sort of just live... Still, I can't attest for what Jews outside of Israel behave life.

>> No.6673772

>the israeli version of the dude-bros.
What exactly am I supposed to imagine with that term?

>> No.6673774

>There is starvation in Gaza, the ruling families there keep it that way.
Why not eliminate those ruling families?

>> No.6673776


>> No.6673777

>successful arabs
Successful in what, exactly? Don't tell me you, as a Jew, only see monetary success as the only valid success?

>> No.6673778

>obsession with the coming of the messiah
That's also what Christians believe

>> No.6673779

*Christians also believe in the eventual coming of Christ

>> No.6673812

Not him but I imagine
> Let's party bruuuuuu, got chicks coming or what? Your siss's looking goood braaa, ama be your unclo brooo

Muslims have it too (Mahdi); Buddhists too (Maitreya).

Why don't we eliminate the Rotschild? Why don't we prevent highly wealthy families from marrying each others? Where do we stop? Who do we put in charge of this?

You're never sure, when you remove an evil, that you're not creating an even bigger one. Political issues are so complex and difficult to evaluate.

> no idea about those outside of Israel
Not him, but, FWIW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2agom-o8Ds

>> No.6673872

Thank you

>> No.6673876
File: 112 KB, 269x268, 124447963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art is reddit tier sure, but the idea of a /pol/tard walking around his exhibition just silently seething at everything kind of makes it worth it.

>> No.6673908

Here's a video portraying the stereotype : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LZprQhKetY

That's what I have been asking, and I think it's because there's a positive feedback loop here :
Right camps in Israel gain power by the threat of the Arabs... Therefor, keeping the threat around means they'll keep being relevant... It's a theory.
Another option is public relations - any real damage to the ruling class of the arabs will lead to massive backlash from the global leftist movements... Everyone hates Israel afterall, any serious movement from the Israeli will lead to such issues.

Method of Operation, perhaps I got it wrong.
It's a capitalist country, I meant in that manner.
Personally, success for me is having a house in the middle of nowhere as I grow fruits and vegetables and have a small humble family, that's actually extremely expensive to get to in Israel, only the rich can get it here.

Yup, they only disagree over who's the Messiah and what he'll do.

>Let's party bruuuuuu, got chicks coming or what? Your siss's looking goood braaa, ama be your unclo brooo
Pretty much, only the middle eastern hebrew version of that, as portrayed in the dumb video I shared above.

>Muslims have it too (Mahdi); Buddhists too (Maitreya).
And no one will ever get it, that's the trick - waiting for nothing forever.

>Why don't we eliminate the Rotschild?
Pretty much as I said above - global powers interests keep business flowing between those big powers... So, unless you grab a pitchfork along with a few million people, nothing will happen from the governing bodies.

These are pretty much the same as Israeli religious jews, religious jews are the same everywhere... And even in Israel people have issues with them, they look the same and act the same everywhere - they are Habbad, the only thing they want, is for all jews to be the same, they believe that if all jews follow the torash - the Messiah will return.

>> No.6673963

I'm not a "/pol/tard", I don't even go on that board

>> No.6674299

Remember when the CIA financed shit like Pollock to counter soviet art? It's the same thing, although there's really no art to counter anymore so they do it just to try and mantain cultural hegemony. It's the case for every art movement that gets shilled too much.

>> No.6674329

>waiting for nothing forever
Looking at history, the difficulty, or the trick, is elsewhere.

> they believe that if all jews follow the torash - the Messiah will return
They must have it all wrong: when the Messiah will return, all Jews will follow the Torah. By the way anon, are you familiar with Matisyahu's "transition"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNXLFO0Qmso

>> No.6674343

Sounds about right... It's amusing to notice how overly-established anti-establishment art tends to be... But, there is also an opposite situation -

Like the whole punk culture...
It stopped being punk the moment it became a fashion statement sold on a Tshirt, a "personality" symbol... Like how Metal stopped being metal when metalists now dream of being "metal stars" and kinda lose the whole point of it, because it's no longer a distortion... It's an established norm.

There are examples of true anti-establishment movements and various small gangs and expression forms that got deleted through commercialism.

Like... Are there any nerds anymore now that Thor is mainstream?

All those honest expression forms are now fully commercialized, fully controlled and basically gone through a similar concept as just being another consumer choice.

We aren't allowed to be abnormal without someone gaining something from it...
The whole gender-wars is pretty much banking off how much money people invest in extreme self expression and child obsession.

Pretty much "Anti capitalist TM" "Anarchist TM" "Punk TM" "Gender TM".

>> No.6674354
File: 235 KB, 1125x1119, 1DF934F4-832D-4B29-A2B0-CD0F88D1EF84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. It’s (ironically) so surface level, sanitary, and corporate it’s revolting. It’s the graffiti equivalent of office motivational posters but banksy is pretending to be against the system instead of being honest.

>> No.6674355

>Thor is mainstream
He was mainstream for centuries a while ago...

But otherwise, as the saying go
> battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster
Pretty sure there was a much older variant of it, like in the Art of War. That's to say, nothing under the sun. People would be better off reconnecting with their cultural roots, they're just repeating history out of ignorance of their past.

>> No.6674369

> the difficulty, or the trick, is elsewhere.
Carrot and stick approach, it works.

>They must have it all wrong
You have no idea how deeply... When Jews got the original tablets from god, they sort of went and build a golden idol...

My nation is rather consistent in having only a minority actually follow god, the rest will do whatever... The whole history of my nation shows that there will always be conflicts about this.
The story about the righteous person in sodom and gomorah sums it all - It's kinda futile to search , and the only guy you'll find - will end up sleeping with his daughters.

When there's a will, there's a way.
Only those that have it from within will truly follow, having everyone follow - is pretty much a miracle, that's the idea behind Abraham as well, he's the one who was willing to sacrifice his son in the name of god.
99% of Jews probably won't do that, because it's nuts, as simple as that.

Convincing others is wasting time... I learned this as a Vegan actually, my nation needs to get off the high horse and get the lessons the Torah shows in simple manners -

In the great flood, only a few were worthy.
Only Abraham got up and decided "Well, one god. by family, I am going to the middle of nowhere".
In sodom and gomorah, only one man was searching for good people.
Even during exodus, Moses didn't get to enter the land he led the tribes to, due to past sins.

Like, how many times can you bang the drum?
Even in nature - only one sperm enters the damn egg cell!

And I am a goddamn Atheist and even I notice this!

>> No.6674376

You know what?
It'll probably be revolutionary to do a street graffiti that says "Stacked papers make a neat working environment"... And written in the dirtiest way possible while still being readable.

>repeating history out of ignorance of their past
Because they each feel like a special snowflake that's gonrepeating history out of ignorance of their pastna change the world and they'll be unique and different...
Exactly the same as all failed special idiots that could not listen to their elders say "Ya dum forkwit! shtop that! It ain't neva gonna work!".

>> No.6674464

>Here's a video portraying the stereotype
Kek wtf did I just watch
I had a different image of Israelis in my mind

>> No.6674768

>Carrot and stick approach, it works.
Not what I had in mind; I'll let you ponder (I like riddles).

> And I am a goddamn Atheist and even I notice this!
Critical thinking is difficult. As a relevant example, atheism in itself bears seeds of contradiction: agnosticism is its more rational twin. Additionally, if I may be allowed a word of caution: be mindful when relying on common interpretations of old stories.

Eh. When I see people talking about Les Jews controlling the world or whatever, I can't help but encourage them to actually go and talk to a bunch of Jews. Your average Jewish mom doesn't control the world for sure... Same goes with "Muslims are terrorists", "Asian are strong at maths", etc. There are bits of truth, but it's far, far from an accurate depiction of reality.

I think a problem with antisemitic campaign is that they wipe out your Israeli bros over the Rotschild, who are smart enough to avoid the fire. The latter did survived the holocaust "just fine" in the end for example. Not your average Jewish mom I guess.

>> No.6674774

Jimmy Savile.

>> No.6675161

>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

>dude, these all-powerful politicians and corporations are just stupid dude trust me
fuck no
Do you think Trudeau just is accidentally selling out all the Canadian gold, taking away guns and suppressing protests because he is stupid?
And Nestle is just too stupid to not use child/slave labor to get the cocoa?

>> No.6675196

You can make that analogy to anything, it's not that simple. Left wing woke ideology is just antichristian nihilistic revenge ideology AKA gommunism; It's essentially the "Cane was right" ideology. It didn't replace Christianity, it's just an abstract Babylonian uprising by people who know they can't physically revolt. It's not a replacement to Christianity at all, because this shit always happens. Look at China, no Christianity and they've just been butchering and cannibalizing each other for eras for the silliest shit (whoops I'm late to work, punishment is death for being late? Time to revolt entirely with my army).
The issue is that Christianity always stood in the way of absolute knife to throat shit flinging. Neither the royalty could kill all their subordinates men and fuck their women as much, nor the subordinates flip the entire system over and kill their royalty and rape their women as much. People get rid of Christianity JUST to do this. Ie. October Revolution.

>> No.6675292

Yeah, that's the local dude-bro xD
>I like riddles
You mean, they keep looking in all the wrong places? I am bad at riddles actually.
>common interpretations of old stories
There are endless ways to view them, there are repeating themes and messages though.
>atheism in itself bears seeds of contradiction
Yeah, keeping an open mind is usually the way to go.
>far from an accurate depiction of reality.
That's how it usually goes, what sticks will always be what's simplest to grasp and the most convenient for the one doing the simplification.

I think it depends on the case - Like, Putin invading Ukraine, stupidity or mastermind?

It's all power struggles - Using whatever tools available to get in power...
The "woke VS traditional" is just outcasts banding together to topple the common method, and it seems to have succeeded, mostly because Christians managed to make themselves look ridicules -
Mega churches/money schemes/total lose of morals/could not keep up with rationality and science.

Now the "woke" is starting to appear like clowns with the gender obsession, race insanity and overall obsessive cry for attention... It's a back and forth between powers where everyone ends up losing their sanity over nonsense.

>> No.6675361

What gives, why hasn't this been thrown into /pol yet?

>> No.6675388

>atheism in itself bears seeds of contradiction
How though?

>> No.6675393

Okay, so a sexual predator scumbag who groomed little kids (boys AND girls), as well as medical patients. Who was also a radio moderator.
But what does this have to do with
>Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell recruited their victims heavily from art schools and MIT
Just to tell me that there are pedophiles among celebrities?

>> No.6675394

You mean communism?
It's Cain

>> No.6675399

Archive this thread please. It's so good. Also jannies and Mods all art is political, so don't think about getting rid of this please

>> No.6675400

>Putin invading Ukraine, stupidity or mastermind
Definitely not an accident and he's not insane.

>> No.6675402

>October Revolution
>happened in November

>> No.6675404

Because Wanksy is the intersection of art and politics

>> No.6675436

Very hard to evade politics while looking at obviously political/activist/propaganda art.
...And the right combo of people replying..

Sort of because the idea of keeping an open mind and having everything as "As long as not proven false or true".
I don't believe in god, but I can't disprove/prove it's existence, I just find the whole concept as non-mattering to me in general, with a personal opinion of it being humans using a crotch for what they can't understand.

Modern Russia is casually provocative and war-mongering, it's not a surprise.
Aside from it being a war of attrition against the west, I can't see what Russia has to gain.

Bluntly so.

>> No.6675449

>Sort of because the idea of keeping an open mind and having everything as "As long as not proven false or true".
I didn't know atheists had an open mind.
At least they're not open any religious concepts or religious books or the idea of there being a God.
So your idea of atheists being hypocrites is because they alao don't understand why we exist and just choose to not believe in religion as a cope? Or something like that?

>> No.6675484

Most atheists will automatically cancel even the notion of gods, so, most won't even ponder on it. Then you have the atheists that are busy fighting religious dogma.
And then there are the likes of me, that I'm personally apathetic to the whole concept - meaning that I consider it as false, but, even if somewhere in the future, it'll be proven as true somehow, I won't care about it, because it'll only make the world dumber if it actually had gods that play games with a bunch of raging meat balls.

The odd part of atheism, is mostly that some of them will fight religion with a certain zeal to it, due to how religion used to chase any non-believer.
Even though, neither side has any proof of anything, it's just people fighting each other to say "Me right you wrong" and everyone looks dumb at the end of the day.

So, one side goes "Flying spagetti monster real!" the other "Flying spagetti monster not real!" and they go back and forth forever screaming at the clouds like maniacs that can't just go "oh cool, bye" due to mutual incapability to accept the unproven opinion of the other xD

>> No.6675503

>Aside from it being a war of attrition against the west, I can't see what Russia has to gain.
Not allowing America to destroy the breadbasket of the world, yet.

The second Russia falls so does food security.

>> No.6675520

It's a global village, and the children don't get along.
Food security sort of fell all over the world due to the war... Since Ukraine also plays a part in it.

Currently it's just the west and Russia seeing who loses their patience first... Usually Russia wins in long-drawn out things, because they are used to bad conditions and make-shift solutions, while the other side is a bit too spoiled in such conditions, however, Ukraine and Russia sort of play on the same board in this manner.

>> No.6675539

Yeah that's the point. Ukraine and Russia were making money and working together for the first time ever, alleviating starvation in the third world and energy crises in Europe... then America fucked everything up for everyone in 2004. And 20 years later Russia had to put their foot down before their most valuable neighbor becomes another Nicaragua.

>> No.6675550


>> No.6675559

I can't believe that hack is still making art. I'd like to think that we've moved past narcissistic decadent art with only the shallowest critiques of capitalism (and always to make the buyers feel good) but we haven't. TikTok still exists.

>> No.6675563

its peak gen-x yea, superficial critiques but they all still vote democrat

>> No.6675569

What can I say, most people are dumb

>> No.6675665

>I think it depends on the case - Like, Putin invading Ukraine, stupidity or mastermind?
I heard he had ties to WEF
Could be a desperate move because of Ukraine cutting away from Russia's influence.

>> No.6675666

Bill Gates is buying a fuckton of farmland while it's being also shilled as good investment.
If we go what happened to housing, we can expect to land prices to massively go up while it's laying barren to not "waste" the value.
I also heard of USA buying up farmland in Ukraine.

>> No.6675714

>>6675539 >>6675665 >>6675666
So, desperation indeed.

Russia still stands as sort of an "old world" power, the more monopoly our side (The West) gains, the less likely someone will be able to criticize it, compete it or question it's authority.
Still, what matters is what's the outcome that'll benefit our countries the most...

Pushing Russia further into the corner won't help anyone, because they already are pulling straws, and going nuke is the last one.

Someone will need to make a good bargain for all sides eventually, because -
Ukraine winning = we all lose due to nuclear war. Russia winning = China will probably make a move on Taiwan, and we'll see ww3 in our life time.

Either someone makes a deal, or someone in Russia stops Putin.
We are toast if any other outcome plays out. because it's all based on heavy desperation.

>> No.6675719

There are always young people that feel lonely, hate everything, thinks they know best that'll look at such art and go "Yeah, fight the power!".

It'll never die because it's easy bait material for misfits/idealists/trouble makers.

>> No.6675748

There might be no real alternative to capitalism, but we can still try to not let reality become some shitty cyberpunk novel. I feel like a lot of american/burgerized anti capitalism people can't really fathom something simpler like fighting for worker rights and instead they just NEED to be at the forefront of muh revolution

>> No.6675749

Russia isn't going to revolt, civil war here would be 1000 times worse than any war in Ukraine, most people understand that. Besides the police force is insanely huge, and they don't afraid to break lifes and literally torture people like after the Belarus protests

>> No.6675827

Healthy balance is usually the key, do adjustments, fix issues and manage the system and just pay attention to the needs of the people... No system is perfect, and things always change.
Like in art, criticism is important.
However, the anti-establishment model is hardly ever constructive, it's mostly destructive.

Someone will have to make a diplomatic gesture than, while the main issue being -
The west is just too greedy, the Russian region wants to keep it's status quo and influence and not be subversive to the western monopoly, while the west ignores the issues it causes by cornering a big nation through purchase power and deals.

How do you make both sides agree on something?

>> No.6676467

>How do you make both sides agree on something?
By humbling the West