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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6659632 No.6659632 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken the black pill. I've realized I won't be able to draw the things I want and make a living out of it. I have now decided to shamelessly draw whatever that's trendy and increase followers till I have somewhat stable income source through patreon or commissions. And only then should I draw the things that I like.

>> No.6659634

>draw the things I want and make a living out of it.
what was that?

>> No.6659636
File: 1.19 MB, 1067x1335, c1_20230228_16133669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit like this

>> No.6659640

If gay Genshin men fucking each other in the ass was trendy would you draw that? What would you do if all the fujos who followed you for gay genshin sex unfollowed you because you decided to draw loli exclusively? Letard.

>> No.6659642

you do you bro, who are we to try to persuade you otherwise

>> No.6659643

hmmm need a job at Ebb Software

>> No.6659645

if this is yours then you should just draw that

>> No.6659650

Yeah, if drawing porn helps me monetarily, sure. Would never draw Loli tho. I find it disturbing.

>> No.6659653
File: 53 KB, 600x502, eab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all are my art bros

>> No.6659654

If you actually plan on doing this. I think you could get some quick follower boost with a drawing of dehydrated Ganon+hydrated Ganon from tears of the kingdom, in your style and still enjoy making it.

>> No.6659656

Boi, wouldn't I just love that!
I want to, but I'm broke af...

>> No.6659659
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It's like big brother T always said;
"draw what people want for the money
draw fanart for the clout
and sometimes draw what you like to keep chugging"

>> No.6659661

Interesting character! I'll draw him, hopefully. Thanks, anon!

>> No.6659697

you've realized nothing, that's an illusion all in your head to make you stop. if your bastard brain is sending you signals like that, then it's a good sign to push forward harder than ever. the flak is thickest over the target or whatever the saying is

>> No.6659787
File: 196 KB, 500x600, 154788621356654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have decided to follow clout and money and become a cabon copy because i saw those other guys get all the followers and money even though i am not aware of the hidden machinations and rigged tactics, because i can't draw the things i like if i can't gain a profit from it"
Honestly, i wonder why i cared to tell anyone to strive for better anyway when i'm always met by whining and autistic screeching.
I'll keep my secret formulas, cheat codes and magic spells and sell it to you guys for a monthly subscription.

>> No.6659800

I don't want to go homeless, anon.

>> No.6659803

The fuck you're doing art for then.
Get a job.

>> No.6659806

Why can't art be my job?

>> No.6659809

If you subscribe to my patreon and get the premium extra limited $99.99 tier you can have access to private online tutoring from yours truly (mediated through a member of staff), for only $24.99 an hour.

>> No.6659826

I'm still not getting your point, anon. Maybe it'sv because I'm an ESL, or on the spectrum. If your point is that hunger for money corrupts the artistic spirit, then yes, I concur.

>> No.6659844

>missing on one of the best paying niches
Regardless, I don't think anyone should be ashamed of drawing porn. An artist must go where the clients are and if pron is the leading sector of digital art nowadays, why not? Art imitates life
Even Bouguereau would agree

>> No.6659867

Yes, but also my point is that so many retards go into arts because they see the 1% of online artists with huge following and tens of thousands of patreon money and think;
>"wow i can do that too and then i dont have to get a real job"
Without even knowing that its all fake and gay and they will wish to have had gotten a job because they hate art anyway but it pays the bills now and they've got no other way to earn money besides selling ass.

>> No.6659883
File: 6 KB, 253x199, denton_try_getting_a_job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6659884

How happy will your patreons be waiting for the next Big booby waifu of the month meme trend when you hit them with shit like this?

>> No.6659963

>shamelessly draw whatever that's trendy
>increase followers until i have income from patreon
sorry anon but this is pure madness. It doesn't work like that, you'll have literal zero motivation to do so if you don't believe in it and think of it as a soulless grind. Fanarters are built that way naturally, you aren't. You'll just have a broken soul and a small amount of fake fans. Do instead:
- Look for potential jobs in the industry, motivate yourself to make a definitive portfolio and send it
- Look for side jobs IRL like small illustrations, IRL drawing classes, freelancing into smaller projects, commissions... it never is a single thing
- Keep your socials updated, but don't obsess over getting likes or followers. Maybe do the occasional bait post like the dehydrated ganon thing lel

>> No.6659965

You thought you could have a job where you could do whatever you wanted? How young are you?

>> No.6660752

wuf, don't stop being you!

>> No.6660991

Bro, the sci fi/horror genre would love this shit, just keep trying to find the market for it.

>> No.6661004

>I want to, but I'm broke af...
What do you mean?

>> No.6661085

I follow you. Your work is great. Inspiring, really. Have you tried selling you work in person? Have galleries exhibit some of your work? I'm sure it can all be better appreciated in person. Maybe sell prints, framed originals, make an art zine or a short graphic novel. Your work would look great as album covers. You could license the usage.

A lot of your art is so meticulously constructed, rendered, and detailed, I'm sure it takes quite some time to complete. But your skill is pro, so maybe you could have some luck with some less time-consuming work. You could probably churn out some paintings that would still be your vision and style, but less involved and maybe only slightly compromised for market appeal. As far as social media growth, maybe post more frequently. Again, your skill is good enough that your sketches and half-finished drawings are worth it.

>> No.6661092

Don't sell out, self-insert instead.

Your art, by the post, falls under a genre, a genre with very specific followers that tend to like similar things - Why do art you have nothing to do with, when you can just do fanart for similar successful artist, and link it to your own special works?

You'll both get the right audience, and in general, just have fun drawing the exact kind of things you like anyway... By taking notice of such communities, you might get the eye of bigger projects, due to your specific art style, and how you show you fit right in.

I'll never do stuff I have zero relations with... Because the result will just be fake, and people will see right through it.

Enter where you fit and take over everyone's attention - That's the way.

>> No.6661239

>drawing for the fame and money

Yep, with that mentality you're never gonna make it, sorry.

Should have become an actor or some other gay shit if you want that.

>> No.6661277

"selling out" isn't easier. Those people drawing coom are not taking a shortcut, they're doing what they want, and they're working hard. You aren't nobly refusing to take the easy route. All routes are hard.

>> No.6661376

i doubt it.

>> No.6661380

This is probably just another larp thread.

>> No.6661695

Thanks <3
I assume they'll be happy if I add tits to it :)
My work doesn't invite many commissions, sadly. I'm not averse to the idea of working on commissions.
Yes and yes
Thanks, Anon. I'd love to do all that one day. And yeah, you've got a point, I'd start posting sketches. I spent a bit too long, unnecessarily so imo, on details. Perhaps, I should start posting WIPs of my work also.
I agree with you, but I still need a bit of following on social media if I want to get some monetary incentive out of my work. I'm gonna start making fan arts of video games I like(?)
That's not end goal, obviously. But I need some means of sustenance if I want to keep on drawing and improving, don't I?
I think I can work hard, too. :|
That's mine, anon.
I wish :')

>> No.6661750


O rly
What else have you got?

>> No.6661787
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>> No.6661928
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>> No.6662431

Post more examples

>> No.6662435

idk man there's probably room for you in the market doing concept art or art for TTRPG game books and shit

>> No.6662443

I remember your posts about lewd commissions, ur stuff is incredibly cool, I wish teh internet sphere let artists like you gain popularity lol... Not that I can talk, I only draw hentai. Although thankfully I am a coomer so that works out

>> No.6662457

I honestly don't think it's actually them, because artist with this sort of competencies can easily experiment and could have done so without having to crow about it like a little Nancy boy. How do you get so good without having developed a sense of self or aesthic aspiration that you have to seek validation about frankly small decision like this with people that have no demonstrable credibility on the subject?

>> No.6662493


>> No.6662494

The artist has posted their work over the years on /ic/ and in the self promotion thread. Relative to his skill, he doesn't have a very big or active following. Pretty sure this was more or a less a vent thread for him. We would all like to make the art we want and be able to support ourselves financially through it. The reality is that in order to get there, we may have to compromise more than we wish. I suppose OP thought he might hear from other artists in similar situations.

>> No.6662514

In that case I feel the fact that they pose this question demonstrate lack of initiative somehow, but without having been able to look at how they behave on social it would be difficult to diagnose. There is definitely an audience for this type of content, without being able connect with appropriate audience it wouldn't matter what type of flavor of the month cow tit fita anime girl you draw.

>> No.6662517
File: 3.08 MB, 3429x4274, c1_20230520_10430008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a character design job I did, like a year or two ago.

>> No.6662521

Forgot to tag you

>> No.6662526

what books / exercises did you do to train yourself to draw so well? I know you used Jeno Barcsay, but I'd to hear more thoughts on improvement from you, if you're willing

>> No.6662529

*I'd love to hear...

>> No.6662565
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x4945, c1_20230412_08515851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, anon :')
Thanks, Anon <3. Seems like I'll be boarding your ship soon, lol. I've already started working on a somewhat NSFW Chun Li digital piece :|
It is me. :')
Honestly, I've seen some amazing artists here. I take heed to any advice that I get on here lol. You guys are one the reasons I started learning digital art. I'm not as good at it as I'd like, but I'm improving I think.
Thanks for being understanding, anon. I don't want to draw NSFW stuff, but feel like I might have to, in order to survive. And yeah, this thread is just me venting, for this is the only place where I can lol.
Perhaps you're right, anon. There may be audience for this stuff, and I'm just failing to engage/socialize with them on a bigger scale.

>> No.6662575

Sure. And yeah, that's the book I learned anatomy from. Besides him, there's artists like Vilppu, Hogarth & Michel Laurichella(Morpho) whose works I've learnt greatly from. They all emphasize form over shape, imo. I'd say if one wants to improve, they should a get a bunch of cheap 60gsm copier paper and start studying the works of artists that I mentioned. Not just copy their work, but analyze and re-construct it in their style.

>> No.6662589

Thanks wuf! So you use Vilppu's modelling tone for shading? I know Hogarth teaches a similar concept in Dynamic Anatomy. I always found the concept hard to apply, though, maybe I'm just not good enough at form in the first place...

>> No.6662611

It's all just basic shapes, anon. The limbs, the head, pectorals, abs.. Everything. Adding values is where, I think, things get a bit tricky. If you're finding it difficult to add values to your shapes, try the halfway to black method. Works great for most matte surfaces. Download Scott Robertson's lessons from the courses thread.