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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 330 KB, 828x785, 59C110A7-5F8E-4C3B-B5E3-9644BD7B0C41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6647182 No.6647182 [Reply] [Original]

Should all forms of critique be listened to? Or should only a person of decent or above skill allowed to?

>> No.6647188

Obviously don't listen to everything. There are a lot of opinions and contrasting ones that will contradict if you listen to everything even from high skilled people. It's important to understand your intention with the piece and if the critique would help the piece fulfill that intention better.

For this example I think the anatomy in this pic is what makes it interesting and amusing which is what I assume the artist was going for. Changing it to be more typical anatomy would make it less interesting and obviously the amusement would be gone. However if the intention was to make a gorgeous anime girl then yes you should change the anatomy as it is not delivering on that.

>> No.6647199

If your goal is to to appeal to an average consumer, you should at least take in what they have to say. I wouldn't worry about the specifics too much though. Normies can rarely correctly identify what really makes or breaks a picture for them. Unless you're doing fine art, then you should avoid listening to anything they have to say.

>> No.6647204

Not reading this. Sum it up in 20 words or less.

>> No.6647205

Nobody's work is above reproach.You can't always take only the criticism that you agree with. You have to remember that people at different skill levels are learning by thinking through others' work. It might seem asinine, or tangential, or even petty; but it should be listened to as long as the advice comes from a desire to learn or share knowledge. If all you've ever done is heap praise on your peers, then you've done them a greater disservice than any so-called crab.

>> No.6647208

No. Yes.

>> No.6647220

takes less than 10 seconds to read all that you adhd brain zoomer

>> No.6647322

Crit good for you? Good crit
Crit bad for you? Bad crit
You stupid? ngmi

>> No.6647361

consider everything but remember your own vision, decide for yourself which helps you achieve it and which doesn't

>i don't really have vision for-

>> No.6647368

critique from nodraws is worth less than dirt but this guy made a bocchi the rock fanart with stylized proportions then shat on the original character design in another tweet after they got a few shitty comments so fuck them

>> No.6647455

>exaggerrated proportions are...LE BAD

>> No.6647695

do the people who redline this honestly think the artist drew a ten foot man by accident? Do they think the artist doesn't know how to draw proper bodies? What is their thought process?
>I noticed you accidentally drew his head way too tiny, if I were you I would have made the head 40% bigger. Simple mistake, good thing I'm here to help you.

>> No.6647707

if you know what you want to make, and you make it, then you have no reason to listen to people's input. "buhhh the head is too small!!!" is missing the fucking point of intentional stylization. maybe you don't like it, but art isn't intended to appeal to everyone, nor should it.

>> No.6647709

calling ugly garbage ugly is my god given right
>buh buh it's muh styluh
and it's fucking ugly

>> No.6647714

I think that guy's work while showing skill, is hideous But that's obviously on purpose, its uselles to give critique to someone with dunning krueger.

>> No.6647716

of course! you're well within your right to make your opinion known, but dont be a contrarian little pissant and give unwarranted advice on how to "fix" it

>> No.6649082

fuck you, listen anon, i don't mind stylization or even this particular art style, but don't say "you have the right to make your opinion known" and then say, "dont give unwarranted advice"

the fuck is this small penis bullshit, calling someone a "pissant", first of all, go back to fucking reddit or some shit you retarded faggot

second of all, saying shit like "don't say this about my art" is motherloads level of homo. if you want to make art, make art. if you don't want anyone to criticize your art, then you need to go back to fantasyland and get your balls lobbed off dude

we live in a time where even the greatest of artists are criticized, what the fuck makes you or this small head guy any different from the people who CAN take critique? the only difference is that you are a fucking pussy and you need to go back to your youtube comment social media, you enormous faggot

>> No.6649099

>no fun allowed

>> No.6649129

Take critique only from people better than you

>> No.6649356

fuck you nigger, why can't you write proper paragraphs? or full stops?

>> No.6649392

le grammar nazi, fuck off tranny

>> No.6649590
File: 1.12 MB, 2551x3570, 1682849685017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anatomyfags are annoying and often don't understand anything to do with stylization or composition.
That being said, the original drawing is well made but the proportions are very off to the human eye, something about a cute girl with a very small head just doesn't appeal to us
The artist is probably a gay man. Even "SJW" art made by women like, say, She-ra understand big head-to-shoulders ratio is appealing.

>> No.6649643
File: 326 KB, 1463x2048, Fvl06ZrWwAE8Dhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt help that the clothes are massive too, even if they're based on a real fashion trend

>> No.6649657

i think all critique is worth a listen!
even people with untrained eyes can tell you when something looks bad. someone who know might be able to tell you why it does, though.

>> No.6649660

Anatomy aside goddamn I really like the shape language of those sailor pants

>> No.6649667

Some critique doesn’t need an expert to point out
Others should only be considered if someone’s experienced enough to know what they’re talking about (unlike the person op’s image)

The Bocchi pic is great, end of story.

>> No.6649686

Not everything and every girl needs to be a pretty eye candy ffs.

>> No.6649690

it amazes me how people can just draw something interesting. Whenever I draw something it looks like a map. Like its just a bunch of random lines, there's no form or shape.

>> No.6649694

stop drawing maps

>> No.6649703

Valuing diverse perspectives is important, but expertise can provide technical insights. Consider your goals and trust your instincts as an artist.

>> No.6649708

critisism is useless 99% of the time. You could have posted the same drawing a day later than original, and through sheer randomness of the universe, it would do way better. In a parallel universe, you drew something slightly worse, and it still did even better because the appeal changed. All criticism is just a matter of taste

>her hair should be green instead of blue
>her head should be bigger
yet in another timeline, you drew the bigger head and that same person will say "its too boring, try making the anatomy more stylized"

>> No.6649715
File: 1.35 MB, 1291x2000, 8bebee4a5208c06e776ada5f82976c81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That being said, the original drawing is well made but the proportions are very off to the human eye, something about a cute girl with a very small head just doesn't appeal to us
You have low testosterone.

>> No.6649726

it's a good piece but god the tiny head makes it look so fucking stupid

>> No.6649762
File: 222 KB, 1000x1293, 8736970b6fd5502e4f628b64cafad828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girl with a very small head just doesn't appeal to us
What about a burly man with a small head

>> No.6649767

now THIS is a small head

>> No.6649770

Don't let any of these creatively bankrupt niggers gaslight your vision, as you have a soul and they don't.

>> No.6649773
File: 79 KB, 500x820, image_9184939031514359999495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its cool, the op artist perhaps was inspired from this artist

>> No.6649780

then dont make fanart of a moeshit anime meant to be eyecandy

>> No.6649784
File: 128 KB, 773x818, image_4844391931514359189757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His girls have normal size heads

>> No.6649846

hello, jollyjack

>> No.6649930

Actually really dig this overall. Colors, way it's shaded, the outfit, but the tiny head really does fuck with the appeal hard.

>> No.6650000
File: 60 KB, 1014x720, tumblr_obj2d67j9A1rz0goio1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criticism i feel is acceptable as long as it's an attempt to assist the objective. Some fart sniffing art connoisseur would probably look at pic related and hate it pointing out the absurdity and terrible anatomy. I love it because it's objective is to be a dumb and funny image and it succeeds in that in spades. Merit matters only when the objectives match. I'd rather get tips on how to draw men by someone like Araki or Toriyama than some coomer artist who only knows how to draw women. Also criticism shouldn't just be thrown around unwarranted, it can come across as dickish and its not a good look for artists trying to market themselves.

>> No.6650020

santine i love u

>> No.6650026

>cute girl
this looks like a dude, with a cute girl hairstyle, wearing clothes that were designed for an obese man in the style that a cute girl would wear.

this is why I hate this image. it's just a mismatch of shitty ideas altogether. I'm not saying his technique is bad, but the vibe, the creativity, the feel, the expression. is dogshit.

>> No.6650045
File: 74 KB, 720x699, tumblr_pi7fms2htV1r4uqv4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space marine gigachad

>> No.6650114

You are a faggot.

>> No.6650153

you can make it and give it a spin. actually you can make any type of art you want, so stop being a faggot thinking someone should fit into your own made up beliefs

>> No.6650157
File: 37 KB, 598x351, Screenshot_287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do every artist lurk 4chan?

>> No.6650161
File: 324 KB, 1448x2048, FraiXaVXsAAZR2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through this dude's gallery. Really good stuff. People just get onery when anime girls aren't drawn "on model". And no i'm not talking about tween tumblr-style shit, this one's got artistic merit and is creative.
This mongolian basketweaving forum isn't some secret club. Someone must've tipped him off that he was being talked about here.

>> No.6650169


>> No.6650176

>People just get onery when anime girls aren't drawn "on model"
All kinds of idiots to that, it's not exclusive to "animu girls"

>> No.6650179

Imagine being this creatively bankrupt lmao


>> No.6650310
File: 215 KB, 496x368, vlcsnap-2023-02-16-15h09m44s420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little stupid children called the PPG ugly for having no hands and feet and looked like "bugs".

Now they are single biggest IP CN has ever produced and has made Craig so famous even the Japanese made a anime adaptation of the PPG in his honor.

Never listen to retards. They don't know jack shit about art. If professionals thought Craig's creation had potential, then no sub IQ faggot with zero taste has the right to dictate your vision.

>> No.6650312

>something about a cute girl with a very small head just doesn't appeal to us
Don't tell this faggot about Bleach

>> No.6650399
File: 123 KB, 1156x1042, artpolice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653960

Wonshin Baek


>> No.6653997

There is nothing wrong with this piece. Clearly it's on fucking purpose.

>> No.6654015


>> No.6654028

A good portion of criticism is coming from perma/beg/s like the one in the OP who think they figured it all out by drawing a couple of boxes. So yeah you can listen to it but can disregard anyways.

>> No.6654720

The only good critic is somebody that has long, direct experience with the tools.

>> No.6654938

>make cute innocent character into a tattooed smoker loser

>> No.6655033

Less Tiktok zoomer

>> No.6655059

This is clearly done on purpose, but I think there is some legit criticism for having the head so tiny- it makes it genuinely difficult to see the head and body as a unified whole, the head and face just seem disconnected from the body somehow. Not to mention that it's harder to make the face expressive and read clearly when it's really tiny like that. As much as I understand that it's a deliberate stylistic choice, it still just doesn't gel for me.

>> No.6655218

You are a fool.

>> No.6655230

mogs eye see tee bee aytch

>> No.6655562

receiving critique is useless. never in my life have I asked for critique and I never will. I don't need anyone telling me what I need to do to improve my art, I already know. I don't trust any of you idiots to give competent critique.

>> No.6655632


>> No.6655655

Accident or not the result is shit and fuck you

>> No.6655679
File: 165 KB, 928x1232, 00081-934473462..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're afraid and not confident in your art at all, work on your fundamentals TODAY

>> No.6655686

you can cope with muh style all you want it's still ugly as fuck

>> No.6656264

>posts aislop in response

>> No.6656301

Yeah, I borrowed it since they can't be copyrighted, you can just save them and use them however you want

>> No.6656420
File: 459 KB, 500x2507, fan artists are cowards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: coombrain weebs are mad again

>> No.6656425
File: 353 KB, 590x605, 1632360295851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebs rn

>> No.6656427

Sorry women want to look at women and not moeblobs that consist little more of tits and ass with a child's face

>> No.6656440

You should be able to hear criticism and know if it's right or wrong. In the words of Araki:

"Some will read some of it [advice] thinking, 'this is wrong'. But you can only say something is wrong if you know the way"

>> No.6656479

>making a grown up version of a child character is pedophilia
Am I understanding this correctly? Because its very confusing.

>> No.6656489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6656493
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, ggwon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

antis are pedos who virtue signal to distract

>> No.6656494
File: 587 KB, 1448x2048, washing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad

>> No.6656502

that faggot was defending that chick that looks like the avocado guy lmao

>> No.6656518

anatomy is a scam people doesn't pay attention to that shit as long as you can make the error look attractive.
Only turbo autists like us pay attention to it

>> No.6656571

so you agree the races are equal?

>> No.6656574

criticism on /ic/
>nice drawing except I dont like anime, so its actually shit
>here's how to improve, just draw a completely different thing
>well you see I want to kill all jews, so your character needs a smaller nose.

>> No.6656582

No, terrains are different and the engines change every year

>> No.6656626

>That being said, the original drawing is well made but the proportions are very off to the human eye, something about a cute girl with a very small head just doesn't appeal to us
speak for yourself motherfucker

>> No.6656634
File: 242 KB, 700x1024, image_2023-05-16_013810957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a specific type of person who saw that loomis head diagram and that was the last thing they ever learned about art so they treat it as law.

>> No.6656652

>draw normal proportions
>3 likes and 1 comment saying "mid fr fr nocap boring ass"

>draw exaggerated, cool and fun proportions since you are an experienced artist with vast, intuitive understanding of what looks cool and what doesn't
>400k likes, thousands of comments singing praise of your immense talent, original creator of the character says "sick work man!", and 2 jealous nodraw losers saying "ugh... this isn't the perfect 8 heads canon.. uh le da vinci vitruvian man..."

Yeah imma take the second one with a side of steamed crab, thank you.

>> No.6656715

What does this retarded twitter shit have to do with anything you autistic nigger

>> No.6656923

technically good but ugly as fuck and not even in an interesting way

>> No.6656933 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1536, 1682476319654797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cool thing is that AI art pretty much replaced all of these uncreative boring animefags.

>> No.6656938

The fucktard anti just couldn't restrain his autistic impulse to virtue signal and "dunk on the weebs"
It's VERY likely that >>6656420 >>6656425 is just hoarding CP in his hard disk given how much he attacks anime

>> No.6656939

based and honest criticism, also not tarned as advice and without visible superiority complex.

>> No.6656942

>so you agree the races are equal?
woke marxists who spread critical race theory hate the idea of color blindness, so yes, I fucking support it 100%

>> No.6656979


>> No.6658047
File: 654 KB, 2625x3685, spies 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got it

>> No.6658074


>> No.6658075


>> No.6658078

Haha nice

>> No.6658079


>> No.6658102

this makes perfect sense now.

>> No.6658111
File: 38 KB, 500x375, xxxholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6658115

I kneel

>> No.6658126

i kneel

>> No.6658155

KAZ = kill all zoomers

>> No.6658158

gj glassboy, gj

>> No.6658207

big brains

>> No.6658871

>1 reply
>not a fpbp
i aint reading that shit either

>> No.6659203


>> No.6659218

This is genius

>> No.6659304
File: 737 KB, 1296x730, a shitty meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659307


>> No.6659338

It's not a grown up version but more like a sexualized version with mixed attributes of an adult and a child.

>> No.6659406

Grown up is adult, dude, cut the crap.

>> No.6659424

Which one's the "child attribute"?
Please don't make me laugh saying "It's just the pigtails"

>> No.6659433
File: 61 KB, 526x576, 1564153351456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it's the "anime style", that's why he mentioned "weebs" specifically.
For these people it's ok when two underage girls romance in a cartoon, and it's suddenly bad when it happens in anime because the evil weebz would like that.

>> No.6659545

So the anime style is a "mixed attributes of an adult and a child"?

>> No.6659718

You should ask yourself "Is what this person saying true?" then answer yourself honestly and with humility, and then incorporate that into your future work if it's useful. The skill level shouldn't come into it.

>> No.6659765
File: 59 KB, 549x559, HaraGokuEg7FiwYUwAEeNYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attributes of a child
Looks 100% like a child, dude, sure

>> No.6660949

I don't even know what the guy was trying to imply

>> No.6660986

Top is romance. Explicitly the pander to females kind

Bottom is porn. Explicitly the pander to coompedobrains kind

Know the difference.

>> No.6660995

Both have underage girls kissing, the only difference is the hypocrite's double standard.
>Bottom is porn
You think a kiss is porn, your brain is damaged.

>> No.6661018

The only way this critique makes any sense is if they have this exact same attitude with any work of fiction that does not use perfect anatomy. Which they definitely don’t.

>> No.6661020

They think they are more experienced and qualified to judge than they actually are.

>> No.6661409

kek good job

>> No.6661443
File: 96 KB, 1000x600, when the artist is horny for kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6661446
File: 47 KB, 1200x735, barely veiled horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this

>> No.6661458

Ngl that does illustrate your point beautifully.


>> No.6661477

I think both suck, what now?

>> No.6661539

>Both have underage girls kissing
Which they do. I was kissed by a 5 year old in kindergarden and again during highschool. The different here is the bottom tranime example is pornographic for the male gaze with zero romantic connection between the two girls licking (yes licking, I seen that clip you false flagging shitposter) the girl in the middle.

The reaction to bottom is the male perversion, the top is the female romanticism.

>> No.6661543
File: 56 KB, 679x345, sexpest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think both suck, what now?
You're not a hypocrite then, good, either both are fine or both suck.
>says "tranime", praises cartoon and mentions male gaze
You're a hypocrite and possibly a groomer.

>> No.6661545

delicious projection

>> No.6661561

Not my problem you can't tell the difference, your brain sounds more fried than mine.

>> No.6661568

Yes, you're projecting
So you are another hypocrite then

>> No.6663534

Just copy and paste it into chatGPT and ask it to make a shorter resume of it