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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 55 KB, 1200x630, How-Much-Retirement-Savings-Money-Bag-and-Question-Marks-Featured-Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6659313 No.6659313 [Reply] [Original]

Post and example of your art and anons will tell you how much you could get for it, Or post your current prices and find out if they are accurate or not.

>> No.6659315

These are the dumbest fucking threads on the planet because /ic/ does not commission art and is filled with crabs. You are not going to get accurate price estimates from /ic/.

Charge based on your time. What is an hour worth to you? Figure it out from that. If you fill up your slots, raise your prices. If no one commissions you, you need to get better and more popular. That's it.

>> No.6659323

Use value based pricing and not cost metrics. Your time is worthless if you don’t produce anything of value. But a doodle from a famous artist can pull millions.

But you are right about the price adjustment based on work queue. Adjust it so that you are able to finish your work and deliver on time and keep your queue full.

>> No.6659327
File: 698 KB, 1500x1300, 2021-Nov-17th_Artwork_07_LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$61.00 USD

>> No.6659740
File: 847 KB, 3309x2000, Zombodroid_18052023085012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should a knee-up drawing like this cost (excluding props and background)?

>> No.6659783

How hasn't Ai completely destroyed the commission market yet?

>> No.6662367

Why are you a fag anon

>> No.6662375

Why are bakeries still around when mass produced, mega cheap bread and pastries have been around since the industrial revolution?

>> No.6662379

How haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.6662544

>please sir buy my prompts

>> No.6662563

You guys are getting commissions?

>> No.6662610


>> No.6662639
File: 764 KB, 1000x874, 108204512_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current prices 50 bucks for single image, 100 bucks for 3 images or 1 comic page. Closed comms and when I'm opening them it will be 60 bucks and 120 bucks

>> No.6664954
File: 1.06 MB, 3000x3016, -XLBt3kBu4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting commissions sheet

>> No.6665135

Wouldn't pay more than 20 for those cartoons.

>> No.6665514
File: 2.87 MB, 1168x1606, small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for this?

>> No.6665530

Imagine a thread like this, but with real artists, not digital prostitutes...

>> No.6665547
File: 637 KB, 616x629, berds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might have already posted dis but about $50 for a drawing like this (full set was 20 drawings)

>> No.6665551
File: 2.49 MB, 1353x990, immagine_2023-05-21_203901936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last drawing job i did i managed to ask $120 for each drawing and it was shit like this, like 200$/hr kek

>> No.6665552

hope you start getting the demand to up your prices, how long did it take you? it's got some character, great stuff

>> No.6665563

Guess I just had to wish it? (>>6665530)

>> No.6665564

i had set up a nice workflow because i had many similar drawings to make with compositions already sketched so they took me about 1 hour each

>> No.6665565

It's ok, got my queue full for the next 2 months and more people asking place in the queue. I hope to see you choose me in the future for your smut needs :)

>> No.6665570
File: 110 KB, 1200x802, 790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different markets the same way Lamborghini doesn't give a shit how many Toyota pick-up trucks you own despite both companies apparently selling metal boxes with four wheels and an engine in them.

AI users are typically in one of those categories
>Wouldn't have hired an artist unless it was free, is such a jew he won't even pay in exposure
>Wouldn't have hired an artist because they didn't know you can just give some dude on Twitter 100$ to draw what you want (which is actually most people, everyone I discuss this shit with assumes this is only for pros, artists have agencies and wait lists so long it takes them a year to do your order, or a simple portrait of your waifu costs over a thousand)
>Wouldn't have hired an artist because they're fucking broke and can't even pay that 100$
>Wouldn't have hired an artist because while they like seeing pretty pictures they don't actually give enough of a fuck to want one custom made but will fuck around with Midjourney to see if it works

It's going to fuck up the lower end part though, /beg/s like me who were catering to the cheap bastards in the first point are headed right back to the wage cage.

>> No.6665584
File: 115 KB, 1280x1152, faa51553-bb65-4c97-92ae-b3de44cb99da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in a manga themed drawing group and i've seen a dude paying 120$ for picrel

>> No.6665874

not good at this, but at the very minimum 150

>> No.6665894

Mine is like $60 per character. Typically takes 2-3 hours per character. I get around 4-5 a week usually

>> No.6665900

It's women's wrestling. There are lot of people with money in that niche because wrestling poses are much harder to pull off and there's less artists willing/able to draw them. There's more Koikotsufags which nobody really cares about.

>> No.6666128

Where the hell do you guys get commissions? Teach me bros...

>> No.6666234

Post an example of your work, please.

>> No.6668169
File: 633 KB, 626x728, 1680155244706020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning to ask $70 for more like this

>> No.6668221

DeviantArt and Pixiv mostly. Also users of the fetish scene come by my fetish art, pick me up and contact me for comms

>> No.6668252

you forgot
>wouldn't hire an artist because they have zero taste and think their terrible ideas and slop the AI creates is actually good

>> No.6668256

how do you guys recieve money without being taxed?

>> No.6668316
File: 596 KB, 740x883, commision sheet nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am overcharging 180-190 percent i think

>> No.6668322
File: 274 KB, 1351x2048, IMG_9695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got a very simple anime style and no idea how to price it, whadyall think?

>> No.6668340
File: 770 KB, 2194x2160, 1684767692062809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds fun. I don't think I'm good enough for commissions but I'm interested in what you guys can say.

>> No.6668343

Depends what you want to draw, I can imagine this skill level getting commed, especially if you brand yourself with couple specific niches that have passionate audience wanting their fantasies drawn. Simple cute girl posing and you will be lost in the sea of thousands of artists offering the same. Specialize to niches of your liking and make yourself available for the audience of those niches and you will be swimming in comms.

>> No.6668353

I want to be able to tell a story with my art, but I don't want my characters to look deformed/bad so I've been practicing figure drawing and studying anatomy for quite some time. Also recently started to think more about proper perspective in my drawings.
I do have a few fetishes but they can wait. Because yea, they rely on storytelling.

>> No.6668356

Understandable. If you want, you could try opening the comms and get paid to practice and improve. Once you get comms, the commissioners usually share your work helping you gather more audience and possible clients. So it helps snowballing your audience and help you make profit from the time you spend drawing and practicing. You'd be getting paid to study.

>> No.6668393

That's a good idea. Maybe I will when I get more confident in my abilities. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6669261
File: 679 KB, 1500x1500, examples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you think? i have like no fucking following though, so i assume it may effect pricing since it's low demand.

>> No.6669281

under 15 for these drawings. You can get better so easy but I dont think youre doing it right

>> No.6669285

what do you recommend. definitely open to suggestions so long as i can stick to my anime/cartoon type stuff

>> No.6669410

The fundamentals will be the same no matter what.
>drawing what you see (most important of all)
>basic perspective
>proportions - while learning human proportions is good, if you want to focus on stylized cartoons, get good at both eyeballing and measuring out character proportions
>human anatomy (while you won't really need super detailed muscles and bone structures if you're doing most western cartoon styles, all your drawings will benefit from having a grasp of how the body works and how things are generally shaped, and some styles absolutely rely heavily on real anatomy)
If you want to draw toon porn, of course try to copy comics, cartoon screenshots, promotional artwork, concept art, even other cartoon porn artists; I'd also say studying 3D cartoons is good practice, since those are fully fleshed out and you can get a better idea of how they exist in 3D space than you might from copying 2D drawings. Well-made toys or cartoon character maquettes can be helpful in this regard as well.
Copying real porn is good as well, since while it might not make for as clear cut a reference as it does for drawing anime/hentai, the poses and angles can absolutely be applied to cartoon art with enough imagination.
tl;dr learn draeing fundamentals, copy a lot of cartoons and porn

>> No.6669985

Would you tell us how do you advertise yourself?
Did you picked your niche because you always liked it or you just landed there for the money?

>> No.6670006
File: 661 KB, 1116x1080, cattos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I last tried to sell drawings. The previous cats were smaller than this and I sold them for 80 bucks. So these should probably start at 120 but maybe even that is too low. Shit takes hours to finish.

>> No.6670155
File: 2.15 MB, 1918x1020, 1683392927696799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw reducing planned commission prices after randomly seeing someone way better than me charging way less

>> No.6670171

You should try your hand at merch. Your stuff looks like someone's niche

>> No.6671047
File: 898 KB, 1000x1300, hair grab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this anon bros?

>> No.6672067

i see you know japanese, how many commisions does that add, percentagewise?

>> No.6673197
File: 1.17 MB, 1712x1190, 1678558464442453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tried to sell a drawing because I always thought my art is not good enough to make money
but would people pay for doodles like this one?
if yes how much could I ask? and where do I find people interested in this type of art

>> No.6673199
File: 881 KB, 1600x1673, 1660931076661813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more doodles

>> No.6673575

I just started to add jap google translations because a japanese person messaged me saying "I need japanese subtitles. I need to masturbate". There has been a few japanese clients but no one has directly asked for japanese text. The pic rel client did comment it is nice of me to give translations though. My fav artist has the dialogue both in japanese and english so kinda carrying out the tradition.

>> No.6673579

You should open comms I think. Hit someone's sweet spot with your subject and brand and they bound to comm you. For pricing, I'd say start with 50 bucks for something like >>6673197 and if you notice your comm slots keep being full, start rising the price. Reach out to niche scenes you are into

>> No.6673582

>AI paint over
Hello sir!

>> No.6674400

You can charge more.

>> No.6674428

It's hard for me to get into the mindset of commissioners; even if I think of how long it takes me to finish something and assign minimum wage to that, it still feels like I could never get away with charging that much because I personally would probably not spend that much on a single piece of artwork.

>> No.6674443

ai-generated = 0.00

>> No.6674883
File: 1000 KB, 1605x2379, IMG_20230525_031313022_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything helps. I wanna start making money just so I can buy more supplies! How should I also go about making a chart? I'm not tech savvy enough to compile my different drawings onto to a single page without distorting the image.

>> No.6674888
File: 782 KB, 1800x1983, IMG_20230501_095705072~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a different sort

>> No.6674951
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 9PetHdf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not how long it takes you, it's how long it'd take the average dude. You make money by drawing faster than that hypothetical average artist would.

I used to work with a similar system when I was a code monkey : the customer paid for about 20 hours of work whether it actually took 2 or 50, and our manager's job was to make sure we'd manage it in 10 or less and pocket the difference.

>> No.6676007

30 looks better than 40

>> No.6676027

i wouldn't but some people would

>> No.6676447
File: 115 KB, 1072x1440, 1615257227567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon. Can you draw maps/castles? What if I raise it to a hundred

>> No.6676476 [DELETED] 

godo read your text

>> No.6676481

much prefer this over the other thing you posted. i feel like these could sell well if you found the right audience for it

>> No.6676604

sadly my commission slots have filled since I posted that
my shit is here if you want to try and get one later: >>6671369

>> No.6676803
File: 573 KB, 1254x1771, 1680768114854454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've actually saved this image a few months back, because I really liked how you drew the boobs, even though I'm an ass man myself.
So I definitely think that you have some skill.
But I'm just a lurker here and never drew or commissioned anything, so I sadly can't be of much help.
Maybe try asking at the Skeb/Pixiv generals at /h/.

>> No.6676997

thanks anon!
I didn't know about that thread
I really appreciate the help

>> No.6677032

I know AI is getting better but even if it wasn’t turbo faggotbehavior there’s no way it could actually fulfill the request of the average commissionlet to begin with. That shit is not making good Sparkle Dog with Rainbow Studded Cock Ring and Highly Specific Patterns x Niche Cartoon Character Having Sex In This One Specific Way Extra Hole edition

>> No.6677583
File: 1.03 MB, 1729x1994, IMG_20230526_024854516_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day I'd just want people interested in what I do. I even have this smol comic I wanna get started on.

>> No.6677593

AI can do a humanoic knuckles fisting a anthropomorphic wolf boy pussy dressed as drag queen in a boxe ring with the Hatter masturbating with a watermelon in the background? No? so thats why

>> No.6678118

I don't care about the bitch but I would absolutely read this frogs adventures.

>> No.6678935

Shiii there’s a demand for landscape drawing

>> No.6678991

I just really need a castle and I'd rather that that money goes to some anon from here than a fiverr commission or whatever, but shit's hard to find

>> No.6679254

>beg style

>> No.6679741

Lovely stuff, you could fetch a high price from people with this sort of stuff

>> No.6679969

How do you get pass the 600$ tax bracket or it hasn’t passed yet ?

>> No.6680489
File: 654 KB, 960x480, asdasdasd300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pixel art still on demand? How much for stuff like this?

>> No.6680496

how did you shill yourself to get so many commissions? i even drew OCs for big artists and still barely had 2 commissions at once

>> No.6680502

charge more my man, your stuff is pretty good

>> No.6680514
File: 2.99 MB, 2303x3120, birb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this for $8, I don't really have much criteria on how much my art values.

>> No.6680517

if you step up your rendering a bit you can charge at least 70$ minimum, but its already looking way too good for 8$

>> No.6680526

95% of the commission market is "draw me MY character, here's the references" and stable diffusion can't do that
Maybe 5% of the market is "draw me this known character, in this situation" and the situation is probably something stable diffusion can't do or take a lot of time
"Draw me a pretty picture" is 0% of the commission market

>> No.6680531

8 is fine
that anon is just seeing this pic but I know you copied a lot of stuff there
because I know you

>> No.6680534

Hi there, just getting some advice

>> No.6680536
File: 412 KB, 845x657, month5flatcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw my fav girls partaking my fav fetish. There are lotsa passionate fans in the genre. In my first year I did free reqs for handful of active members of scene for their OC facing my fav victim and that got lotsa attention. First I was doing a comm every few months, then it started to snowball. Have had consistent stream of comms since June last year. Also some commissioners have paid me to continue my personal set ups like Ayase family tag team and Misty vs Peach and Zelda. I guess some of the old school fans of the genre also see me drawing lotsa influence from one of the most popular and oldest artist of the scene and since the artist doesn't do comms, the next "best" thing is to have me do my take on it

>> No.6680552

Also, I don't know what you refer to copying stuff, you mean tracing or something like that?
Because I made the piece from scratch, sure I played a bit with the rendering but I didn't copied anything in particular other than a wings reference to know the construction.

>> No.6680554

thats pretty cool, must be nice to be so passionate about the stuff you draw
glad for you anon, good luck with the grind

>> No.6682103

I'm glad you would consider reading
What exactly would grab their eye to give me mini? I tend to over complicate these sorta things. Thank btw for replying

>> No.6683062

That's their loss and they, more than likely, have shitty customers.

>> No.6684416

Just be active in the community you're posting. Even a fucking newfags will get more (you)s than you as long as they're active

>> No.6684516
File: 439 KB, 1500x1050, 1679392440282202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a decent bump on twitter after making a couple of fishtank live fanarts, some people asked me if I was taking commissions and since it's almost summer break I thought I could take 1 or 2.
last time I asked in one of these thread you guys told me that I could sell my shit for 70-80$ but that sounds a bit too much, I was thinking 50$ and I'd still feel like I'd be ripping someone off

>> No.6684523

Depends on the pics, but fetish catering action pic of 2 characters in that style and execution, 70-80 would be very reasonable. For solo character simple easy pin up, 50 bucks is good.

>> No.6684641

>2 characters and a goblin
>Full body
>Clean lineart
>Decent skill level

If I hired most of the artists I know to draw that pic it'd cost me close to a hundred. Maybe some of them would throw flat colors in for that kind of money but 50 is too low.

>> No.6684642

It kinda has by inflating prices above 100$ for a mere crab drawing.

>> No.6685362
File: 386 KB, 1500x2500, IMG_20230602_162008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure that I want to deal with commissions but I need to get out of my comfort zone with what I'm drawing so I'm playing with the idea.

Is 50ish reasonable for something like this?

>> No.6685590

50 would be good for single character full body. 50 for bust portrait is reasonable if you are already known and liked name in your scene, but if you are only just making name for yourself and don't have active following and support, clients would probably go for someone with same skill level but more established name.

>> No.6685715
File: 740 KB, 1000x1050, 1655054567199531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see so 60-70$ for a simpler kind of illustration (pic not related, shit took a while) would be a fair price to start
I think I'll learn to use CSP to make better illustrations that use fancy screentones and shit to look more pro
anyone knows of any good drawthread to train taking requests from? whenever I go on the /v/ one all the requests are porn, which is not my swag

>> No.6685734

Where and how to find the comissioners in the first place?

>> No.6685781

Post art online and use proper tags so people into the stuff you draw find you. Then open comms and let it be seen you are available for comms, for example have it read first in your profile and in Twitter have "Comms OPEN" after your name

>> No.6685797

What are some other places better than Twitter? Is it possible on pixiv for example?

>> No.6685819

Yeah, I got most my comms in Deviant Art, Pixiv second

>> No.6686038

I wouldnt do drawthread requests unless you absolutely need to enable single guy spamming 90% of the requests

>> No.6686294

you could easily get 30 for it

>> No.6686354

your stuff looks fantastic man, if anything its people who commission you will rip you off
also couldnt find your blog sadly, would love to see more of your art

>> No.6686790

Bear, right? I'm 100% sure you're either bear or someone else who used to frequent Loomis' drawpile

>> No.6686851

Never been on the Loomis' drawpile
Thank you, if you still care my blog is https://twitter.com/hanameru_

>> No.6687719
File: 3.73 MB, 2500x3400, fhgh4466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never done a commission would never have thought somebody would ask me do draw something for them, but here we are.

>> No.6687744

thank you, followed!

>> No.6688252

Yeah. More than a decade ago I'd only thought of drawing because I want to make some niche smut game with Game Maker but here I am doing art as a side income. Still no game in sight tho, busy as fuck with life and work.

>> No.6688723
File: 238 KB, 1200x1029, 75656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commissions suck, I am getting a lot of money out of them but half of the time the commissioners choose things that I don't enjoy drawing, how would I remedy this? I know it's practically a job, but man, if I draw deer, you probably follow me because you like how I draw deer, and you probably wanted to commission me a picture of a deer.

>> No.6688729

>Commissions suck, I am getting a lot of money out of them but
stopped reading there, shut the fuck up

>> No.6688730

Draw for yourself, use ai for others. Problem solved, you just need to get off your high horse

>> No.6688731

you draw porn or what?
give me advice on making money with comms, I need to pay for boxing gym

>> No.6688733

Yes, furry especially pays a lot

>> No.6688735

I only do comms that I'm excited about
>tfw your interests shift and you no longer want to do 8 comms in queue
Thank God I don't take deposits for slots

>> No.6689775

i do animated loops and i finally got someone interested in my works to offer me a job to animate for him and im only at 150+ followers.
should i offer cheap pricing or is my prices good enough? i have a few rules and i offer discounts for the right situation like 25% off the first 5 commissions and 15% off certain type of payments, no refunds, half payment upfront and no revisions after key frames have been done.
$60 for rough animation sketch
$150 for base color, no background
$200 for shaded and highlights with background included
my animations are pretty mediocre. i had draw them and i dont use tweening

>> No.6690657
File: 659 KB, 1986x2357, 20230606_183850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for stuff like this right here?

>> No.6691044
File: 922 KB, 1000x1412, jeanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much for an illustration like this one?

>> No.6691112

What is maximum number of shekels you ever made on ze single picture? Alzo, where did you founz ze klient?

>> No.6691113

Just barely anyone goes to bakeries, compared to those getting bread at those super markets

>> No.6691349

100, twitter

>> No.6691357

If you do it trad and practice for another year or two you could make bank.

>> No.6691727

Not sure where to ask this, but what kind of rewards do artists put in their patron?

>> No.6691839

from what i know its mostly uncensors (the scammiest way to get patrons), early access to drawings, WIPs, polls, csp/PS files of drawings - all that comes to mind right now

>> No.6691869

I let subscribers nominate and vote girls for monthly pic

>> No.6691881

How much should I charge for something like this? I used to do a ton of NSFW commissions on fiverr, but I've been inactive for a long time and it seems almost impossible to have reasonable prices on there. Where can I sell stuff like this now? I will do literally any request, no matter how fucked up it is.

>> No.6691886
File: 273 KB, 1640x2360, IMG_1530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6693335

Where and how to find people who would pay you for your art?

>> No.6693382

Definitely pursue this! I see action figures in your future.

>> No.6693388

At LEAST $50, that's probably on the lower end. You could probably get up to $70 easy

>> No.6693690
File: 318 KB, 1281x1515, 20230515_141239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for cutest cousin in media

>> No.6693692

>that stick arm
Not much

>> No.6693700

For that you would need first followers or something

>> No.6693702

Yea cuz it's supposed to be a loli, was practicing how to draw em

>> No.6693764
File: 2.36 MB, 3500x3500, portrait sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much for a portrait sketch?

>> No.6694133

are you fucking with us

>> No.6694153

20 Turkish Liras

>> No.6694191

you must live in the middle of nowhere because that is so far from the reality I see

>> No.6694200

>Art commission promo time
>Tfw you get 20 commission slot booked, 12 by the same guy with things that you're kinda into
>Now I cant draw whatever else I want for 1 month
>Money is pretty good tho
This is a good problem to have but I gotta admit after the last comm is finished I kinda wanna take a rest for a few months

>> No.6694660
File: 1.73 MB, 3654x2580, 44B9842D-F861-4457-B918-6251997FFA44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve opened comms expecting at least a few dms but i got nothing. Are my prices too high or am I just not big enough to get any attention?

>> No.6695570

Nothing wrong with prices or skill level but what sets you apart from thousands of other artists drawing cute anime girls posing? What makes your stuff "you", what would make people want to comm you of all people? I'm not saying that cute girls wouldnt sell, but it does help if you have characteristic, niche, that possible clients wouldnt be able to get from any other more established artist.

>> No.6695650
File: 538 KB, 1209x1335, 1683194979441800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's impossible for art to work as a business, especially now. I think I'm done with art altogether. At least I tried..
The AI shit really killed all the hopes I had in doing this.
am I crazy and stupid or is anybody else here feeling this way?

>> No.6695755

What if I don’t want to draw fetish or kink art, what can I do?

>> No.6695757

Kill yourself and stop trying to demoralize other people, loser.

>> No.6695764

As if the suspiciously low prices the people are recommending here wouldn't do a way better job at that.

>> No.6695819

i dont see any price recommendation besides obvious joke ones that are too low
its not like they matter anyway since follower count is all that matters
ive sold my pretty trashy porn art for 100$ because i didnt lowball and got lucky with my 500 followers, and i saw people way better than me selling their comms for like 50$
i'd say you have a chance for selling your shit for any amount below 100 with not many followers, and with many followers you can go turbo jew mode and ask for much more, people will probably buy it anyway

>> No.6696185

I just went to your twitter, you can absolutely charge more at that level of quality. I've seen significantly worse artists charge over $100, so you should start there. Do at least $90, your skills are definitely worth it

>> No.6696214

Art quality and price is okay. It's just that when I see your twitter gallery they're all feels like seeing occasional girls standing around in some pose.

Up your posting frequency and focuses on a few specific topics instead of just random back and forth between different characters.

Nah, me and my clients played around with AI late last year. The novelty wear off and my clients still commissions their regular artists. AI is only taking those cheapiefags that wouldn't have paid more than $10 for an artwork in the first place.

>> No.6696808
File: 51 KB, 757x681, 1686514801797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a general thing but I think splitting your comms up into a bunch of different prices based on how much of the character you're drawing is unappealing. A close up highly detailed portrait isn't really less work than a full body drawing with a moderate level of detail.

>> No.6696961

the same reason photography and printing didn't kill the commission market actually, they just allowed more people to have pictures.

You can still go on any main touristy road in Paris or Moscow or any large "art" city and get your portrait drawn by a human, just like 200 years ago.

Widespread art education has lowered the prices of art far more than any "replacement"

>> No.6696966
File: 1.27 MB, 3402x3138, colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free atm.
just curious, certain that this shit isn't worth money lmao

>> No.6697005

Only a very small percentage of followers are even interested in comms, and out of those only some will choose you over others. It's a numbers game like any other business, you're not reaching enough people
Some vague advice: remove the 2/2 just say comms open and let people try to dm you anyway.
Post more, and post fanart, you need the followers
Reconsider the personal use thing, especially if you ever get into any kind of niche (which, also, you should) there are commissioners who look like little fish from their twitter profile but who then have followers in the thousands on other platforms, make sure to ask for a link as credit and/or add a watermark
Be consistent and keep improving, that's about it

>> No.6697346

I really like how you draw boobers. Do you take commissions?

>> No.6697577

It would make me nervous to try charging that much when I don't really have that big of a following and my following hasn't grown in a while, I always assumed I just needed to get better until people took notice.

>> No.6697600

How do I receive money anonymously? I don't want people seeing my real name

>> No.6697636

i think you need a business account on Paypal

>> No.6697744

worst crab advice, you use a little AI, then you get your reputation driven into the ground, refunds, lots of bullshit

>> No.6697763

Do you also mix your sfw, nsfw, fetish accounts into one account?

>> No.6697892

whichever account you use, once your clients catch up, they're gonna be smoking you out even when you make a different account.

>> No.6697895

How would they to that?

>> No.6697910

Recently I’ve been trying to draw more muscular girls that I haven’t posted yet, would that be a decent niche to jump into?
I get too attached to drawings sometimes where I just stop drawing because my skill level cant reach my own expectations, so I dont post as often as I should be. as far as topics go, I’m not very creative, do you mean like to have more of an interesting premise to what the characters are doing?
I’m generally very fast to sketch but finishing stuff is really difficult, i might try to cut down on the rendering process a bit on personal work to up my posting frequency.
And thanks for the tips, i’ll try to revise the sheet

>> No.6697914

>Little Nuns

>> No.6697971

it has some cute and innocent vibe in it, i like it, but its gonna be hard to charge money for something like that unless you put some stories behind it and get a ton of followers like lowgradef (he was charging something like 20$ afaik)

>> No.6698020

Muscle girls have good and active niche scene going. That's a very valid option.

>> No.6698044

If you use it the correct way they will never notice.
But see this might just be the worst part about Aiggers, consoomers eat that shit up and will give money to aiggers yet if a real artist does it they smoke you? Absolute fucking bullshit.

>> No.6698047

>If you use it the correct way they will never notice.
yeah like that grand blue jap artist did and was caught? People can tell, and now he has a rep of an ai shitter.

>> No.6698053

That is so bullshit. I like seeing ai hate but this is so misguided. It's the people who have a solid grasp on fundamentals and can already draw well without that should be allowed to use AI, not the fucking opposite we see now.
I fucking hate everyone now, I truly do and that's why they don't deserves good shit.
I'll get my coms way up out of spite and go find another job.

>> No.6698063

ai niggers should be executed with no exeptions

>> No.6698068

If only that could be done.
Instead we're forced to live with it as art get even more devalued and our hobbies raped by it.
If anime start to use it I am so done.

>> No.6698133

given how much naked vitriol i get here I'm shocked to receive anything but heckling so thanks.

>> No.6698345

you're confusing ai art and art. It's like saying photography rapes art etc. It does not. Art does not have a fixed goal. The goal of art was realism, and with photography it somewhat changed. But in my real life surroundings people pay good money for realism paintings anyway. And now we got various forms of art (including coom) that just didn't make much sense 150 years ago. AI art does not ruin your hobby, in fact people pay more for more coarse skill levels in my experience. In the end art is a social phenomenon, not a product.

>> No.6698361

thanks bro, I'm trying to get into comissions
if you are interested I have a pixiv account which you can dm me

>> No.6698402
File: 501 KB, 2426x2698, Monk 5fgdgcvbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no clue what to price this. Took me no more than 15 hours of fucking around and not knowing what the to do

>> No.6698723
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x2000, pfp v2 4chan v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for a pfp like this? Big Letters and Big signature are here because it was a commision

>> No.6698786

how much are you guys earning per month?
where do you get clients?

>> No.6698794
File: 314 KB, 787x858, wipall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much are you guys earning per month?
300-1000 bucks a month
>where do you get clients?
Deviant Art, Pixiv, Twitter

>> No.6698795


>> No.6698797


>> No.6698800


>> No.6698806

I doubt it

>> No.6698811

how do i get clients to come back for more commissions?
are repeat clients uncommon because artists hate them?

>> No.6698813

About 50% of my comms are returning commissioners. It's more likely with artists with narrower brand, niche, because fans of particular niche want artists who are familiar with the niche and into it.

>> No.6699040

As >>6698813
Generally if you produced more/better result than the commissioner expected you're much more likely going to get returning client.

Also niche or specific genre your much more likely going to get returning clients with those specific genre/niche, like that guy on /ic/ who draw those wrestling girls.

>> No.6699381
File: 2.05 MB, 2450x2100, mastermeowsan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, how much would you pay for this particular image? I got 13 dollars for this, which even I know is a bit too low, but I wanted to get a feel for the process.

>> No.6700125

Unless you could draw that in less than an hour you were robbed
That's worth $45 easily

>> No.6700138
File: 593 KB, 600x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a retard that paid 110 USD for this. Just price it sky high even if you cant draw. lmao

>> No.6700146

it can, with enough effort, just a matter of alot of inpainting and nudging it in the right direction.

implying its not already fucking destroyed with the prices artists were demanding for absolute low effort slop.

>> No.6700148

5$, if its actually finished maybe up to $30

>> No.6700159

$50 or more lol
>looks appealing too