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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 381 KB, 1175x2048, 1655332901439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632682 No.6632682 [Reply] [Original]

Always leave text about this thread here.
It's thread
It's questions
It's answers
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies

>> No.6632706

blackpill me on Huston vs Hampton

>> No.6632956

where can i find references of naked people just standing there or doing other mundane every day actions? there's tons of pictures of models doing artistic or action poses but i have a little trouble drawing more mundane poses because i can only find pictures where the body is obscured by clothes

>> No.6633213

what are good enough canvas dimensions for twitter and/or Instagram? also 300 or 600 dpi?

>> No.6633219

hampton is just a vilppu copycat

>> No.6633228

Nothing matters. Both work.

>> No.6633250

hampton stole from huston
use huston as a main book and use hampton asa supplement

>> No.6633288

yeah, because construction and anatomy is proprietary knowledge, and drawing as an art BELONGS to Huston.

>> No.6633379

>he doesnt know

>> No.6633713


>> No.6633845

Any reccomendations for a photo editor on android that can stitch together pictures easily? Just so I can slap multiple pages of work into one image without transferring from my phone.

>> No.6633896

I ask this every thread and nobody ever answers

>> No.6633942

What's an easy way to colour on Krita?

>> No.6633958
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>> No.6634149
File: 644 KB, 960x539, 1665133000059832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a stupid question. Is this really just HRB? I don't really understand.

>> No.6634158

have one good idea -> make good picture
have many ideas -> choose best one -> make good picture
have a mediocre/vague idea -> work hard on refining it -> make good picture

Depends on the artist. In the end, it doesn't matter as long as the art is good.

>> No.6634159

Very obviously a basic round brush with slight pressure for opacity and size. If it has a different stamp then resizing has rendered it irrelevant.
If you're asking because you feel uncomfortable sketching on digital no matter the brush, that might be the answer to your woes. Just draw on a canvas at least double the size you want your image to be. It might sound weird and like it won't solve much but it absolutely does.

>> No.6634165

You're right on the money, anon. I've been trying to sketch with G pen(5px) lately and it just doesn't feel that natural. That's why I started questioning my choice of a brush. Thanks I'll try that.

>> No.6634384

Anyone got a good tutorial on rendering? I do flats right and really want to step it up

>> No.6634406

>If it has a different stamp then resizing has rendered it irrelevant
what does this mean???

>> No.6634408

DPI is for printing

>> No.6634520

Can I get a blackpill on buying IG followers?

I have a very low opinion of IG and I do it as a chore because people always ask for IG.

I have about 600 followers from long-term growth but I'd like to see that number reach a few k in the next few months/half a year without spending a fuckload of time farming likes and followers. I'll keep posting but I need that number to look more respectable so people think I'm solid when they see my page. Shit isn't growing at all on its own.

>> No.6634796
File: 321 KB, 591x716, 225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6634911

How do i construct stuff when i'm studying? for example if i wanted to study bridgman or some other artist I would just copy the shapes to the best of my ability but thatteaches me nothing abt how the figure works/how to apply it to other art that isnt that exact angle. I've seen people construct that in their studies but other than doing those balls and cylinders I'm a bit lost on how construction is actually done step by step

>> No.6635413
File: 25 KB, 434x455, 1665875366387998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using Clip Studio, the weaboo choice judging from your animu picture, just download a metallic brush from the assets store.
Speaking of brushes, I wonder how many artists are secretly using Lazy Nezumi?

>> No.6635481
File: 82 KB, 302x403, krenz face brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you draw something on a big enough canvas then resize to a small enough size/make the brush small enough it can be almost impossible to tell if it ever had a stamp in the first place, since it loses a lot of the more unique characteristics. Pic related. Close spacing makes it look like a bristle-y brush even though it's a guy's face, and when resized small enough it looks incredibly close to just a basic round stamp.

>> No.6635972

no idea but is a seudo-truth that social media shadow ban some accounts if they are very explicit, so avoid sex poses and shit, leave it "cute sexy" and the more hardcore shit in other sites like pixiv, then, you can just cut the images and show only the faces for example, and leave the full image in other websites.
If you only do SFW then is more easy since you can reach everyone, but of course if your art is not appealing in the first place you are fucked anyway, so you always need your reality check.
Some people said that the follow-unfollow formula could work, but you need to work on it, in short terms you need to first follow artists close to your theme, your topic, that look similar or do the same, but they have more followers and likes, so, later you check their post and look on the likes, all those people are giving likes to those images, so they consume those kind of images, so those are your target, you could follow them randomly in groups of 10-20 persons per day for example, and then is just hope that they will actually follow you back and keep with you, in some parts you could gain some "momemtum" and people could start to follow you slowly by themselves, and that's it. Also when you follow similar artists the algorithm start to recommend your account in other people accounts if they have that option activated, so that helps. Then you start to unfollow the people that dont interact with your account and keep those who do

>> No.6635982

to this day? probably no one because all the softwares had a built-in stabilizer, or at least all the important; photoshop, krita, csp, sai

>> No.6635994

Been fucking around with Autodesk Sketchbook for a while. Never drew before certainly not in a big way, even though my job involves a lot of CAD work.

Been amazed how easy it's been, despite having to learn proper line work, coloring, shading, etc. Still have a ways to go.

Feel like if I want to make my own stuff though, I probably should use some other software, and maybe even one of those drawing boards. Any advice on this for someone just starting out and looking to draw casually?

>> No.6636015

You can try fashion model walks. For more mundane "sexy" stuff, there's David Dubnitsky. The models aren't nude, but the pics are more risque and so there's at least more skin showing, since that's what you're asking for. Sorry I couldn't help more anon.

>> No.6637360
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1683062310568982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i supposed to hold an image in my head while drawing?
if i draw an image in my head its blurry af and disappears as soon as i stop looking at it
if i let my brain do it i get a high res image but it disappears as soon as i look at it
also I can't do the latter consistently because idk how to tell my brain to give me an image
this is such a pain dayo

>> No.6637379

Anyone else act shizo with their (digital) pencil brushes? I have a couple of different favorites that I keep coming back to, but the problem is that I'll have one as my standard comfy sketching brush for days or weeks on end, and then one day it suddenly feels like SHIT just out of nowhere, like the pen pressure settings are off or something and I have to change to another pencil brush.Rinse and repeat. This is driving me nuts. This doesn't happen with the brushes I use for painting.

>> No.6637405

Lmao he can't see the crisp red apple

>> No.6638722
File: 17 KB, 690x692, 2023-05-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to start painting but there's a million different brushes/tools/techniques. Are these the only 2 brushes I need? One transparent and one not?

>> No.6638755

yes. focus on colors first and then play with different brushes later

>> No.6638766

Is it okay to draw but not want to have an online presence?

>> No.6638825

If dcolor in digital, i color the base color 100 opacity right, do i hate to lower the opacity of the shadow layers so they color on top of the base color?

>> No.6638829

Go to bed, drunk-anon.

unacceptable. Illegal, in fact. Morally base.

Get a brush that can blend a soft edge easily. chalk brushes. Hard round is a meme. Pencils, charcoal, and brushes have texture, so why not get a textured digital brush? It'll help you learn rendering much more easily

>> No.6639453
File: 436 KB, 1448x2048, FYxLGX2UEAA6ajt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need the sauce for this twitter artist

>> No.6639465

Should i start posting my work somewhere even if i suck

>> No.6639495

if you want to? it'll keep you pressured to post more, probably.

>> No.6639503
File: 53 KB, 1127x807, manga ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me why manga are always in perfect black and white on the internet but I've never in my life seen one printed on white paper? It's always cool or warm gray paper

>> No.6639535

How do I properly draw bodies?
I can manage the bsic construction but past that I'm fucked

>> No.6640076
File: 103 KB, 406x503, 1667774134806100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a really stupid problem:
I have this lineart that I accidentally merged down onto the background layer, and it happened too long ago to undo. Is there a way to rescue the lines from this so I can color on a layer underneath them like normal? I tried using convert brightness to opacity, but that seems to only work correctly when the background is pure white.

>> No.6640096

Are commissions still a viable source of income When AI exists?

>> No.6640098

Depends on whether or not you want good art.

>> No.6640099

You mean it depends on the clients? I'm not really sure because I haven't open commissions before.

>> No.6640102
File: 117 KB, 459x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color to Alpha

>> No.6640105
File: 3 KB, 486x777, a e s t h e t i c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


486 x 777

its in the (1:1.618) golden ratio and 777 is associated with lucky<3あああ!

technically anything in the golden ratio proportion is a good choice

970 x 1563

>> No.6640107

thanks, I'll try this

>> No.6640112

>open commissions
>see if anybody commissions you
There's your answer

>> No.6640130

I just want another person's perspective on this who already opens commissions.

>> No.6640269

what the fuck kind of perspective do you want? if you're already popular and have a steady stream of customers they're not going to drop you the second ai comes into existence. if you don't then who the fuck knows? fucking open comms and see if anyone wants to throw money at your chicken scratch garbage.
luck issue skill issue brain issue etc

>> No.6641122

Do you know about any tutorials on convincing backgrounds ? Not in a perspective sense, just how to draw the usual forests, deserts, cities and all without it looking like I'm just copying random shit from google images.

>> No.6641545

How to get rid of paper texture when graphite rendering? I use smooth copy paper, yet the texture keeps showing up. How do those bargue artists do it?

You need hard round brush with opacity pressure, without opacity pressure, and airbursh & selection tool. I recommend doing Sinix's distillation studies before doing full fledged paintings. Just work with large brushes and focus on shapes.

>> No.6641549

Draw bigger or think of it like a built in noise filter

>> No.6641556

>How to get rid of paper texture when graphite rendering?
Steven Zapata talks about it here:
Basically you have to go over it many times with the pencil at different angles to fill in all the little holes of the paper.

>> No.6641584

Thanks. He's using a mechanical one. I have notice mechanical pencils leave a lot less grain.

>> No.6641681
File: 28 KB, 969x455, bridgeman23_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody here keep a digital sketchbook? If yes, how?
I rarely want to do trad anymore but miss having some unified medium you can flip through with pages and spreads instead of many different files.

>> No.6641690

No real elegant solution for it on digital but I saw Jen Claessens' digital sketchbook, seemed ok.
Also FZD recommended something similar

>> No.6641719

Thanks! You're right, it's not elegant to flip through, but it looks ok and might feel nice to draw in.
I'll try combining this method with CSP's fanzine format. Should do the trick.

>> No.6641776
File: 2.32 MB, 1231x937, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably a legitimate mouthbreather, but is this piece I found a real oil painting? It had a note attached that it was gifted to a woman in 1972 but I feel like it's just one of those pre-printed ones that then has a finish applied to make it look like a painting. I know classic oil painters could get their shit super thin to where you couldn't even really see brushstrokes. I took some very close shots though, am I a jackass?

>> No.6641778
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>> No.6641779
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>> No.6641781
File: 1.36 MB, 1208x736, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6642138

what are some ways to practise composition?

>> No.6642150

New to oil painting, thinking of following The Joy of Painting as a chill weekly activity with some friends.
What's a good cheap brand for the eight colors used in the show (Titanium White, Prussian Blue, etc...).
I bought the Artist's Loft set (https://www.michaels.com/product/oil-paint-set-by-artists-loft-24-pieces-10452898)), but they only lasted 1-2 paintings (I was doing a practice session with one other person).
I'm asking for volume more than actual quality of oil colors.

>> No.6644270

How do you know when to start building an online presence? While you're learning or after the fact?

>> No.6644318

I'm in the market for a new monitor, my only requirements are that it's 240 Hz and compatible with a screen arm. What qualities should I look for for art, and does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.6646804
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>> No.6646811

>I rarely want to do trad anymore
Opposite for me, I want to do Trad now with AI shit going everywhere.

>> No.6646822
File: 172 KB, 1024x683, ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what kind of metal

smooth shiny metal are kind of like mirrors really
it almost has no "shadow area"
the form is defined by the warped reflections of stuff around it.
let those reflected stuff serve as your pseudo contour lines of some sort to help define the shape if thats where youre going at.
a bit white scratches that goes around the form help too.
the duller the reflections means the less smooth or rougher surface is.

its my unga bunga method it has flaws no doubt

i hate rendering metal anyways its gay

>> No.6646906

Anyone know a good drawing app on Android? All the ones I found are shit

>> No.6647775
File: 239 KB, 640x640, image_dhYJc26X_1683683405386_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my art weeb trash

>> No.6647776
File: 227 KB, 640x640, image_i8b-2spw_1683671589533_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.6647777
File: 206 KB, 432x768, image_z1XjO0gD_1683650044876_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a third

>> No.6647861

Any tips for drawing with pencil? Just general tips for sketching and getting comfortable doodling

>> No.6647955

What the FUCK is the deal with skeb.jp?
>make account
>it instantly gets banned for no reason
>account page claims I violated the terms of service in the .5 seconds between making the account and clicking on the profile page
>use a different twitter to make a new account
>use a VPN
>use a different device
>same result every time
How the fuck does anybody use this website?

>> No.6647973
File: 584 KB, 3000x4265, H4500-L202855298_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that there's a lot of construction and emphasis on volumes in old master drawings. But then, starting at the time of the dutch primitives and ending in the Belle Epoque, the drawings look like pic related. They look nice enough but there's an obvious lack of those constructive techniques. What happened?

>> No.6647986

graphite varies in hardness which affects how it marks paper. https://pencils.com/pages/hb-graphite-grading-scale

small soft circles for rendering, “shading.” it’s not a bad idea to use cheap printer paper for practice and warming up, but even the texture of a cheap sketchbook is going to be far better for drawing, providing more texture (visually and physically) that helps make forms more apparent, in my opinion. also, a lot of pencil sharpeners are terrible and will just break your lead. I suggest using a pocketknife or a razor blade/boxcutter. don’t cut yourself

>> No.6648025

Thank you.

>> No.6648394
File: 2.27 MB, 1370x871, 1235r3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to digitial drawing
What canvas size should I be working on? like 4000x4000? My pc can handle it easily if that matters.
Also, how I do I get the kind of texture like in pic related? Is it a filter?

>> No.6648738

What angle is recommended for a display tablet? I have a cintiq 22 at about 30 degrees and I feel like I have a hard time comfortably using the entire screen

>> No.6650260

A while ago I saw talk on this board about how the ability to measure quickly without methodically checking everything manually is important and I'd like to get better at it. I feel like I'm pretty good at copying pictures accurately the slow way but when I try to work faster without double and triple checking everything it kind of falls apart. I've been meaning to study Bridgman but I dread the idea of taking months to go through it because every copy takes forever

Anyone have advice on how to practice this effectively?

>> No.6650275

looks like its a noise filter

>> No.6650521
File: 292 KB, 609x308, 1658596677796139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think you can control your style to an extent, or is there part of it you can't control because it comes from your personality, the equipment you use often, personal taste, etc? I ask because I am deathly afraid of making a nsfw account and going through the effort of attempting to keep it a separate style from my regular work only for one of my friends or family, years down the line, to pull up some degenerate porn and go, "Did you draw this? It looks like yours."

>> No.6650716

Thousands of animators have to draw on-model for dozens of shows throughout their careers. Rushed/newbie drawings get corrected by superiors sometimes but it's usually by someone who also had to adapt to that style for that specific project, and it's not needed that often since it'd majorly slow things down otherwise.
You absolutely can play the long con if you really wanted to but taste is most likely to betray you. You'd have to actively avoid things you've noticed you tend to gravitate towards and the end result of things done under this disguise might not appeal to you as much.

>> No.6650800

solid advice, thanks

>> No.6651343
File: 93 KB, 733x1048, c874696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the artist just using default csp brush with minor setting changes? Also is the blur tool being used for smudging here?

>> No.6651737
File: 1.99 MB, 3871x2844, DP123844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If plein air started in 19th Century Europe, what does it imply of earlier landscape artists? Was there a way for them to study nature from the painters' studio, or was this an entirely imaginative process?

>> No.6652090
File: 683 KB, 1366x768, Screen Shot 2023-05-12 at 6.08.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys organize all your files on your computer? Down to filenames.
I need someone to explain this to me.

I have basically a matryoshka doll of New folders containing containing new folders containing new folders..you get it.
around 17GB of this, nightmare scenario that has resulted from me putting things away without caring.

I'm aware there's no easy to sort through all these memes, references, artworks, music, anime etc. but I'm just looking for some guidance from a more "OCD" inclined anon. thanks in advance.

>> No.6652159

What is the general commission rate for kind of sparse black and white sketches?
I want about 18 done for my self published novella

>> No.6652191
File: 97 KB, 879x692, 51be300db12b96f99419b48a423eaec3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on what kind of painting did they use to make backgrounds in 1990s cartoons and how could I replicate it digitally?

>> No.6652252
File: 45 KB, 813x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, newbie here. I made myself a doc, to keep in mind of the art knowledge/material I came across. I was wondering about fundamental books for inking, color, painting, and more? I got most of the big ones down for drawing/figures. Just want to make sure I look through the right materials, before I "relearn" to draw. Especially with the drawing exercises.

>> No.6652256
File: 3.86 MB, 5850x3150, Arkelis-Request-SFW-NO-POST-LIGHTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for frame of ref, heres my pyw.

>> No.6652258
File: 3.52 MB, 5850x3150, Arkelis-Request-SFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652259
File: 708 KB, 775x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent project

>> No.6652306
File: 314 KB, 1200x914, 32922f989db421a261a2b58112b39ebd4f565023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could call Rocko an early "Silver Age" cartoon, which is when all was still done by hand and digital imagery was incredibly rare and only in feature animated films. A notable change in the industry was the outsourcing to Japan and Korea; animation work used to be handled domestically before. It's likely the BG work was also done there.

These backgrounds would have most likely been done with gouache or watercolors (or acrylic?). If you're concerned with making something "look" trad, you can always use specific brushes, textures, dirty marks, filters and color adjustments. Traditional pigments have a certain color to them, which is why the color of digital anime looks so different from the one on physical cels.

If you're asking about the deeper-level stuff (composition, colors, line quality, aesthetics, light/dark), it's a little more complicated. I don't know any courses for this specific interest, but learning those different facets of painting and drawing would be useful. The other very important skill is an inner sense of design.
I'd reference/copy the backgrounds you like to get a sense of them. I'd also encourage expanding your visual library of animation backgrounds. This could be anything from Walt Disney cartoons, Ralph Bakshi movies, Soviet/ExYu animated shorts, UPA animations and the like. And there's also something neat about the McCracken/Tartakovsky era CN.

>> No.6652572
File: 142 KB, 1024x1024, roky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, cool! Thanks, I'll try to mess with brushes some more. I kinda got it a bit but it still feels off to me.

>> No.6652595

I don't know much about it, but didn't they draw outdoors and paint indoors?

>> No.6652632

That looks like watercolor to me, but they probably used digital inking techniques, or something of the sort.

>> No.6653955

I use digikam to navigate my porn folder.
Can have tags, can search for duplicates, drag and drop from one folder to other, make icons for folder and doesn't crash while default linux file manager does. But it can't open non-images, sees krita's files, only open krita and go there manually, photoshop's/csp extensions have to be added manually into searchable extensions

>> No.6654456
File: 412 KB, 1196x1666, tom wolfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do rich people own the art world?
You can't really make it in the history of art nor the art world unless you have connections with the rich. You could probably make some cash doing commissions and whatnot, but you won't really be remembered by anyone.

>> No.6655000

>beginner course
>NO you can't look at pictures, you have to draw from life!

>> No.6655009
File: 32 KB, 1000x554, MV5BYWU3OGUyZDAtOGRhYS00ODk1LTkwZWEtZjg0M2IyNTA0MDIyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODc5ODk2OTg@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a bunch of artists/illustrators on Youtube making bank from their large subscriber bases. They're going to have higher name recognition than most modern artists today.

>> No.6655017

I use Pinterest for gathering references and shits, but lately their recommendation algorithm is fucked, and I am starting to see more and more machine generated images, so, does anyone have a better or alternative page to gather references?

>> No.6655228

>They're going to have higher name recognition than most modern artists today.
When? In 2050? Probably no one will give a fuck about Jazza then.

>> No.6655283

Is it better to try to finish pieces quickly or to go through and make sure everything is as close to perfect as your current skill level can allow?

When I try to draw a person I can make a pretty shitty (but "complete") drawing in 30 minutes, but it takes me maybe 5 hours to make that same drawing look good to my eyes. I'm wondering if it's better for learning to shit out 10 bad drawings or take the time to make that 1 drawing look good.
I know quantity > quality, but it's not like I'm taking 500 hours per piece, so I feel like this is a fair question.

>> No.6655284

It's industry standard to print on cheapo (usually recycled) paper. It saves the publishers millions in the long run and keeps physical manga prices cheap so more people buy more manga.

>> No.6655291

You should be aiming for a mix of studies (can be gesture drawings or sketches in the 30 min ~ 2 hr range) and either longer pieces from imagination (with reference, of course) or longer studies (i.e. a 10 hr long figure pose). Aim to make maybe one "finished" piece a week and spend the rest of the week doing studies, sketchbook drawings, etc. At the end of every month choose one longer piece to go back and revise, then rinse and repeat.

>> No.6655304

Ok that makes sense.
I've been doing gestures daily as a warmup for a little while now, but I think it would do me some good to add in sketches

This is the first I've heard of revising a piece so soon after finishing, but I think I'll try that out. I start seeing issues with pieces pretty quickly after finishing them so there would definitely be merit in that.
Thanks anon

>> No.6655310

At what point do the tools you use actually help your art?

>> No.6655311

Depends on the tool. Some tools are easy to use and help improve your art straight away. Other tools have a steep learning curve where you actually get worse before you get better. Some are crutches and will cripple your skills in the long run if you rely on them for too long.

>> No.6655323
File: 817 KB, 618x429, ahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this dude using to color this? Paint? Color pencils? Crayon? I can't tell, or is it just plain digital.

>> No.6655325
File: 179 KB, 1144x1076, 1659409148968734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing artist studies has been pretty helpful, I just wish I actually stick to a rendering method I wanna use rather than constantly want to change it every time I see something new. I'm stuck tweaking things ad nauseum instead of working on being consistent with one and then i'm annoyed that I take too long to finish anything. I might have commitment issues...
Any advice on how to force yourself to stop fucking around? I feel like i'm at the cusp of getting past /int/ once I figure it out.

>> No.6655340

Search for clip studio paint on social media and you'll find some of the most dogshit art you'll ever see.The only good users are japs. Why is this? I've never seen such a torrent of crap art from literally any other software.

>> No.6655359
File: 2.22 MB, 2348x3378, noofd2x5zjt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a mix of ink, ink wash and acrylic/gouache paint to me. Seems to match up to what he says in this interview from around the same time:
He specifically mentions Liquitex brand acrylic paint.

>> No.6655842

Would tracing photos improve my drawing?
I'm thinking it should help me get a grasp on shapes and perspective from real life. I'm thinking to do this in addition to drawing something.

>> No.6655875
File: 169 KB, 576x1024, FwGlPwmaMAANUhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be wary with tracing depending on how /beg/ you are. A good practice might be to draw from a ref photo and then do the drawing again but with tracing. Then go back to your original drawing and "fix" the areas you think look wrong/wonky/could be better now that you've traced the reference photo and have a better idea of the shapes/angles that would better convey the object/ scene. Also, if you're going to trace, keep it loose and don't trace every little bump and curve. Take curves and "compress" them to straight lines/angles to help you get used to seeing the most important shapes, only trace over some of the texture on an object, etc. Pic related is kind of what I mean (it's not a trace-over though).

>> No.6656112
File: 15 KB, 640x480, 死.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nta, but jazza is perhaps not the best example.
by 2050, lets try 2024.

having a connection to the rich seems like the easy way out when you're broke, because you see it happen all around you, illegal activity a la money laundering. You dont know it, but you feel it, as a working broke artist. Like someones cheating the game.

So let them. Anyone involved with "the rich" or propagating theories is probably an active scam artist.
If you're good, and you have to be THAT good to be noticed by """"the rich"""""they will probably have their hands tied up in money laundering that theyll go "Shit why didnt i wash my offshore money with you?"

so dont break. just find that niche, that ikigai, i promise, being an honest, independent person who draws and just loves what they do will carry you through till the end. If it doesn't, then you will have spent your life drawing, penniless, frustrated, but drawing.

IDK maybe i dont know anything about how the way money works. money talks. time is money. livelihood. big house. All that shit? Its nice.
its nice to have money but I assure you it will not fix core familial issues, a fool and his money soon go seperate ways.

Everybodys family has a fool, they tend to be associated with artists, so live to change that. God bless.

>> No.6656128

People for sure have been drawing outside for a while (Rembrandt's etchings, Da Vinci's drawings). I wouldn't be surprised watercolorist pioneered plein-air; paint tubes made it much easier for oilers

>> No.6656174

>In 2050? Probably no one will give a fuck about Jazza then
You might be right, but is anybody going to give a fuck about any contemporary modern artist 27 years from now? Longevity in today's art world is only a dream few experience. The most successful work is the work that speaks to the concerns of the audience viewing it. Concepts like posterity or timelessness will only lead to doom for the artist. To put it another way, it's up to your audience whether or not you'll be remembered. It's out of your hands, so you may as well be true to yourself.

>> No.6656832

What are the taxes/fees that one in the US has to end up paying? I just want to have a relative idea of how much I need to add to my base charge for comms cause US decided to fuck everyone over.

From what I've looked over, it's gonna be:

paypal fee
sales tax
state tax
self-employment tax (save at least $400 for it or at least 15.3% of total income)

Is there anything else I'm missing or is that about it?

>> No.6657344
File: 115 KB, 687x807, 1669342842891420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the ideal set up for these express keys for the intous small pro?

>> No.6657457

Anyone know a resource for high resolution images of Edgar Payne's landscape paintings?

>> No.6657668

I have barely drawn anything this year. It's not because ai art generators, but I picked up the interest in ai because I don't really want to draw anymore. But I have thousands of drawings, so I was easily able to gather enough of my drawings to train a model. Actually I made 2 models. And this year I have uploaded more images to my instagram and pixiv than ever in the past. And I'm happier with how the images look than every before. I promise you can not look at and tell that I didn't draw it. But it's all a little better.

But, no one cares. Now that I like the art. Now that I'm satisfied with the quality, I see that no one cares. In other words, the problem was not my skill level. All the work I put in and kick myself because it's not good enough. But now it's as good as I wanted it, and it's not any more popular.

And you can try to spin it however you want but at the end of the day, I'm glad I'm not drawing anymore. I'm was only ever creating art for myself. I'm not going to pander to what people want. I could do that right now with ai but I won't. So I got what I wanted. I make my own art designed by me for me. And I'm not spending as much time or effort anymore. It's win/win.

Sometimes I'll touch up an ai gen by painting over a face or an extra arm or whatever. But basically, I don't have to even own a sketch pad anymore.

>> No.6657670

There is no ideal, it's personal preference, I never use them nor even pen buttons

>> No.6657671

Is there a way to fully remove the wacom pro pen's cap? It's limiting my tilt range. I'm not even referring to the tilt sensor, it's just that I can't tilt it as much as a pencil or else it doesn't draw at all because the cover on the tip gets in the way of the nib. Can't even get answers about this on Google because it thinks I'm referring to the tilt sensor.

>> No.6657677

So, I am using CSP and the brushes are all in japanese, do i manually have to translate them or is it a option that i missed?

>> No.6657681


>> No.6657694

i just calibated my colors
is it really normal for my brightness to be so low?

>> No.6657709
File: 108 KB, 1476x2087, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Content ID:1837572

Can someone download this pen and draw a few lines? I feel like there is something wrong with my CSP settings. See picture.

350 dpi A4 canvas Brush Size: 10.8

>> No.6657722
File: 79 KB, 965x1028, Screenshot 2023-05-16 182730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting brush... it seems to vary it's size based on speed

>> No.6657723

How to get commissions? I'm not sure where to start.

>> No.6657726

Oh true, I was wondering why I couldnt produce the same lines as in the example picture but I usually draw strokes quite fast.

>> No.6657813

nvm fixed it

(Seems like my main issue was the click/pressure threshold being too high)

>> No.6658239

>Start gesture/figure course
>Doing great
>Reach a point where I suddenly feel like a retard and it's getting too hard
>Get discouraged
>Drop course and pick a different book/course expecting it to be the one
>Fail again
It's so fucking frustrating, how do I get out of this point? Lately was doing Eviston's Gesture course, good accuracy and forms up to the torso, but the legs are fucking filtering me, always coming out at the wrong angle, too short/long, or just not the right shape, his reels are not long enough to take careful measurements and still finish in time.

>> No.6658289
File: 294 KB, 1033x1324, handboook-cover-16thedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book still relevant today? Should I wait for newer edition instead?

>> No.6658852

Are there any cute female artists who stream

>> No.6659231
File: 42 KB, 133x240, 1636738282115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the question?

>> No.6659239

How do I get really good at copying styles? I've been super hyper-obsessed with one in particular and want to replicate it down to the bone.

>> No.6659245

Copying it is a good start, but not enough. You need to do memory drawings.

1. Copy drawing
2. Put away reference + your copy
3. Draw the reference again from memory

It makes the visual information "stick" with you much quicker, and it comes out in your imagination work more easily.

>> No.6659268
File: 390 KB, 1600x1050, 539bda3e559ffb3d7c0cc07ce506cf0b-105925475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to learn how to draw cars and robots and stuff

are these guiding lines just for learning or will you always have to draw them?

do you eventually learn to sketch without them?

>> No.6659552

How long should you wait between copy and memory?

>> No.6660044
File: 3.96 MB, 2480x2748, FaDdA5IaAAENraP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brushes with what configuration could give lineart/coloring with similar results? Specially with the way Big Man is colored/shaded

>> No.6660059
File: 85 KB, 496x512, copied shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I put together references to create something new instead of just copying shit?

also should I care about backgrounds?

>> No.6660553

So... is it safe to use a Behance account if you own adobe software illegally? my schizo brain tells me they can track everything you do once you use anything related to their services.
I had first hand experience from them monitoring my shit so that's why I ask.

>> No.6660563

NTA but just make some unrelated mini self projects or illustrations on the same vein (so whenever you do these if you want), grab reference/objects from real life, not from the artist, and translate it into the visual language that you think the artist would use for them.
I'd still advice to drift away from this at some point, after all no one wants to see a discount copy if they can see the original thing, the safest way to go is to acquire some elements from one artist, and some other techniques from another, add your own spice into the mix and now you've got yourself something that you can judge and improve upon based on your personal taste.

>> No.6660576

you can do it immediately after. Look up the David Finch study streams (they're also linked in /msg/) he shows you how to do them

>> No.6660730
File: 631 KB, 1175x2048, saki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are the circles and squares under the portrait area for?

Anyway, what's the best place to post my degenerate shit to get the attention of random degenerates who'll paid me to draw more degenerate shit? I've noticed that tw**er rules are very relaxed compared to ins***ram, I'm thinking I should just post there with some #hashtags and hope for the best.

Also, original character please do not steal.

>> No.6660740

Same proccess as with everything else.

Guiding lines will always be helpful, even if you're at pro level but you can learn to sketch without guiding lines pretty quickly, however once you realize their utility you'll want them there, your example was very carefully constructed, you'll rarely go that deep into construction.

>> No.6660788

what to do if there's nothing i want to draw

>> No.6660843
File: 3.71 MB, 1836x3264, 1592551701532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly just grab reference & start drawing from it
>like the sticky

>> No.6660852

grids and extreme heavy perspective measuring and construction if you want accuracy
but you can get pretty good at sketching when you learn to memorize shapes and get good at drawing basic forms from any angle

scott robertson's book is great to learn that perspective stuff, and his videos help you understand how he actually approaches sketching

>> No.6660854

the answer is always hands

>> No.6661259

Is just copying references with some perspective fundies ok? I just want to make simple stuff like old works of toriyama.

>> No.6661283

The dimensions can change as much as you want its the ratio that matters. I think IG is safest with square ratios. Twitter can accept any ratio but the preview photo ends up cropped if its not 5:7 or 1:1

I use 3000x3000@300dpi to start and expand/crop to fit the composition. 300dpi is the standard for printing and as far as I know most digital artists stick to that even if they have no intention of printing their art.

>> No.6661299
File: 81 KB, 914x472, 1608917445073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to actually learn from an art book? I'm going through Bridgman and Loomis atm and making notes and summaries on the side, is it a waste of time? Should I just be copying the example art?

>> No.6661320

NO. What you should do is UNDERSTAND, grasp what the book is trying to teach you.

>> No.6661663

any video/channel/course in how to use different digital brushes in detail? mostly csp ones

>> No.6662403

If passion is supposed to fade and dedication/willpower are needed to continue, how am I supposed to enjoy doing things on a higher level?

>> No.6662625

Starting commissions with no idea how lenient i should be with payment. Should i give a free sketch and then ask for 50%, or nothing until first 50% is paid? Do artists that do full 100% payment upfront receive less traffic of customers?

>> No.6662629

Don't be lenient with the payment. Your clients will fucking step all over you. Hold your end, no matter what.

Have them pay 100% upfront, and limit the amount of revisions you give them.

>> No.6662636

passion fades?

>> No.6662667

How do I get warmed up faster? It feels like for the first hour or so that I sit down to draw I can't actually make any progress and I'm actually just "relearning" how to draw things.

>> No.6662881

Do you do construction first while figure drawing?

>> No.6663020

line-of-action.com helps me alot with warming up

>> No.6663046

Is form the vocabulary of drawing and perspective the grammar?

>> No.6663054

If I could find a cheap stylus, I would draw on my Android phone. But I need one with a pointed tip, and all that I have found so far is eraser end things that block my view of the lines I draw.

>> No.6663062

something like this?

>> No.6663110

whos the bridgman of painting? i don't understand how light works

>> No.6663139

Only ngmi's use construction

>> No.6663156
File: 60 KB, 1126x666, Screenshot from 2023-05-20 10-38-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm working on an interesting project. I'm trying to make a single androgynous 2D model, and then use sprite deformation to turn it into typical masculine or feminine characters. The problem is that I'm having trouble dividing up the parts of the body into a way that looks good.

The big parts that are filtering me are the hips and shoulders. I know how to draw feminine hips, but doing it programmatically and making it look right starting from an androgynous base is difficult.

>> No.6663453

Loomis or Vanderpoel, maybe

>> No.6664402
File: 48 KB, 1024x576, kill_me_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a beginner, how do you get over the existential dread of wanting to be an amazing illustrator but being absolutely lost as to what to do, where to start, and being utter dogshit at everything you try?

>> No.6664424

Nobody ever made it without good instruction. Those with mentors made it faster than those without. People with good teachers who cared to guide them for years are truly blessed. Honestly, most of us cannot have mentors which is why I post this so much:


It’s a good enough roadmap for self study. You start with basic shapes, and you slowly add good shape and anatomy. Then, you move into master copies and studying for favorite artists.

>> No.6664444

The first step is to destroy your ego. Erase all notions of being an amazing illustrator from your mind. You can begin to grow only once you have freed yourself of desire.

>> No.6664519

I'm currently studying on how to draw a dead bodies, their gesture, facial expression, for an upcoming short comic project on October, in which one of the story involves after-war setting where bunch of dead bodies and corpses are scattered around the battlefield. So how do I study this one /ic/?
>inb4 study with irl war video or gore
Not necessary about gore, but for war video, most of them are shaky and have low bitrate, its really hard to see their gesture, let alone expression for me to study them. Is there any books recommendation or material where I can study them? thanks

>> No.6664603

Can I sell fanart?

I mean, I see tons of it being sold, but is it legally considered your work or those guys work? Suppose I draw a portrait of Walter White, can I sell this online?

>> No.6664664

yeah, the original character is not yours but the rendition you drew is yours

>> No.6664956

For artistic depictions of dead bodies and such, look at movies(like, war and zombie movies are your best bets) and some old paintings of anatomy.
For reference on gore, there is plenty medical gore in the internet, like on reddit and probably here.
For a tip, most dead bodies in a drawing is mostly a normal human laying down , covered in blood.

>> No.6665047

So, how do you start drawing? At what point drawing a line or a shape you tell yourself "this is good enough" and continue with the rest of the drawing?
I really struggle with this. I keep redrawing and fixing same lines multiple times because they're never 'good enough' and in the end I'm never satisfied with my drawings. I'm a beg, obviously.

>> No.6665162

I say move on a little faster. In the beggining it's tempting to fix it one, two, several times, but sometimes you need other experiences before being able to reach where you are going for. Specially if you're studying, like, if you're drawing 10 hands on a page to study, don't worry if most of them don't look good at the start, move on to the next one, try again, restart and don't sweat about it. With time you'll feel more comfortable about this, but it's common for begginners to fixate on a single drawing. The same applies to details in a single drawing, you may feel like getting that left eye to be just perfect... but that's not the point. If it's no good, move on, draw more. Another tip I can give is if you have a drawing that you hate, don't destroy it, instead feel free to work on top of it and experiment some more. Or if it really bothers you, just drop it, but keep it, later on you'll get back to it and see how much you improved, you can even give it another try on a different piece of paper.

>> No.6665168

you need to also calibrate gamma contrast and brightness, not only colors

>> No.6665177
File: 24 KB, 612x612, gettyimages-530333968-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where would the anus be? the cocyx and sacrum take up so much space

>> No.6665235

Alright, thanks.
What mostly bothers me, is this: when I put enough effort to move on?
You know, I could draw something in 5 or 10 minutes, something terrible, and call it a drawing, or spend entire day fixing it...
There's no way to measure effort, other than time, I guess.

>> No.6665373

You can practice with time constrains like from gesture and life drawing. These sessions usually start with quick 2 or 5 minute poses and then they move to 10, 20 minutes, some can go for over an hour. Even if you don't have access to something like this in your area, you can time yourself and introduce this into your own studies. This way you are forced to move on after 5 minutes, even if you drew just a leg, with practice you'll get faster in the sense that you'll try to quickly cover the most important points without fixating on any detail, it will help develop an intuition on what those important points are.

Another thing is that you need to separate what's practice, what's a commission, what's something you'd like to hang on a wall. Sketchbook and studies are supposed to be messy, unfinished, full of mistakes even, don't worry or try to make them to fancy. If you're working on a specific piece, then you may want to plan ahead a little more and take some time polishing it.

>> No.6665426

Well, it depends. If somebody commissions you to draw a piece with a character from an existing IP, the commissioner is technically paying you for your time, materials and labor. It is a single transaction between two parties.
Let's say you set up a table at a comic con and were selling a limited number of prints (less than 100) of a Batman that you drew. You're now selling a mechanical production of an IP to the public without permission of the rights holder. Could you get away with it? Probably, but all it would take is for a DC rep to walk past your table to get you shut down.
Now let's say you post a drawing on social media of a popular character, and the post blows up. Somebody else takes your drawing, removes your signature/watermarks, and puts it on a T-shirt for sale. What are your rights in this situation? You may have created the piece, but you aren't the right holder to the character. Your piece is a derivative work, produced without permission of the IP owner, and therefore it is not protected by copyright law. The best that you can do is let people know that your work is being used without permission, and report the seller to the appropriate parties.

>> No.6665442
File: 31 KB, 1024x259, D06B2427-71FE-4EAD-954B-9CCA72912136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon there is a literal gaping hole in the pelvis

>> No.6665469

Is using stripe with ko-fi a good way to use an online alias for commissions? I don’t care much about my bank knowing it’s me, but I heard if you use PayPal, the customer can see your name. It would probably include fetish art btw, so I don’t want just anyone out there to know my name, AND I would hope the bank and whatever services I use just see that I’m getting “paid for art” generically without getting any more specific than that.

>> No.6665475

It helped me to put references directly on the canvas in another layer.

>> No.6666165
File: 41 KB, 640x791, 1606303070441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad that I sexually enjoy when people lust after my shota cub self insert OC

>> No.6666327

How do I stop being so full of self loathing and just fucking draw without standing in my own way?

>> No.6666339

Do studies

>> No.6666344

day drink at a petting zoo

>> No.6666355

Don't mean to sound like an asshole but quite literally get over yourself.
Decide you don't give a fuck how it'll look or what anyone will think. Expect to fuck up and just amuse yourself with the fact that you suck. You suck. So? I suck. Sooner or later we'll suck less but why lie to ourselves? Ego is gay. Practicality is based. Keep it real and don't let failure live rent free in your head because we're all failing all the time at something. All of us. Live and breathe failure. Let it run through your veins. Then pick up the pencil because you made failure your bitch so who cares how the drawing turns out.

>> No.6666420

theres this artist on tumblr whos really good at hatching and has this way of hatching that uses long lines that go rhythmically along the form, he draws in an anime style and doesnt upload frequently with gaps of years/stopped uploading period
does anyone know who im talking about?

>> No.6667153
File: 445 KB, 501x514, 1664099816035147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the inner workings of being a professional mangaka, so bear with me. Why do most professional manga artists find themselves in a situation where they are struggling to hit deadlines on their next chapters? What's stopping them from creating the entire manga from start to finish, and THEN go into the field and drop the chapters weekly or monthly without having to worry about meeting deadlines?

I want to create a manga one day, but I don't want to have to worry about deadlines, especially because I'm really lazy and have no drive to draw every day, I just want a create a story and share it with the world, so I was thinking I could create the entire thing first, and then release chapters every week or month safely.

>> No.6667202

>What's stopping them from creating the entire manga from start to finish
The problem is that you have no idea how readers are going to react to a work. There's no incentive to create a complete work if it gets cancelled after only one chapter due to poor reader reception. Producing pages on a weekly basis allows creators to fine tune their stories to their audience's tastes. I don't think people realize how important the readership is to a series' longevity.
>I'm really lazy and have no drive to draw every day
>I just want a create a story and share it with the world,
You can still do this. There's just no guarantee anybody will still want to read it once you've finished.

>> No.6667247

I understand. But by that point, it seems like you're making stories for other people, instead of making stories for yourself. If you have to constantly concern yourself with how other people feel about your writing choices, then the story loses what you had in mind for it, doesn't it? But I suppose if the risk is getting your story cancelled, then yeah, I can see how that is a huge deal. Thanks

>> No.6667280

The work load is, as far as I know, the leading reason that mangaka quit manga. If you can't make weekly work you can try monthly at the cost of a few extra pages I believe. All their systems are just built on satisfying the customers, including manga. The conflict between what mangaka want and what the editors demand is a well recorded one. I'm not sure why there doesn't appear to be an option to publish in totality. It must be too cumbersome to edit if the publisher wants something changed, since redrawing/rewriting one page could cause you to have to redraw/rewrite a ton of later pages. Way more time and resource consuming than just rewriting a novel on your laptop.
Japs have this habit of sticking to what works for them, even if other ways become available. They still love cash over credit, they still use old filing systems, they still have the same workplace culture they did 20 years ago. So they're probably sticking to weekly/monthly release schedules for the foreseeable future. You either have the resolve to keep up or you don't. Same goes for every japanese too.

>> No.6667717
File: 843 KB, 1659x2048, 4E3131F1-386F-40BC-9E5C-C3B0266095F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know about tumblr, but that description reminds me of f_ru12 on Twitter and Instagram.

>> No.6668089
File: 310 KB, 512x512, FODWWrKakAAn7kw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner who is wanting to draw like Ko Takeuchi, Kiyohiko Azuma, and Momoko Sakura

Where do I start?

>> No.6668143
File: 37 KB, 665x461, you must master this first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis's Fun with a Pencil has you draw little cartoon characters to learn construction, so it might not be a bad place to start if a lot of their works are similar to the picture you posted. After that (or during, I'm not your mom), start copying those artists' works by eye, put both the work and your copy away, and try to redraw it from memory. You don't have to do a whole picture at first. You can just pick a character or object. It is worth attempting whole pictures though. Check your work, see what you need to improve, and try again, either with the same one or something different. It's going to be bad at first, and you might even hate it, but it's an effective way to learn how to replicate someone's style. Eventually, what you find easy to do will combine with these styles, and then you'll have one of your own! Good luck anon.

>> No.6668151

Thank you kind anon

>> No.6668234
File: 415 KB, 947x1069, sadfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy's good but not who i'm thinking of, i tried recreating the artist's style from memory, it's probably not accurate and i suck ass at hatching (hence why im looking for him). i am positive he was on tumblr and mightve been on there exclusively

>> No.6668577
File: 308 KB, 563x351, viv cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have a successful webcomic anymore? Ideally I'd like to be successful enough just through character merch sales (pins, stickers, printed copies) but this is probably just a pipe dream right? I only wonder if it's possible because of the success of folks like Vivziepop but the internet is a very different place compared to when she was a (debatably) dedicated webcomic artist.

>> No.6668696

I'm an amatuer artist, but over time I feel like Procreate doesn't gel for me but the brushes in Clip Studio Paint does. Should I keep trying to find the right brushes on Procreate or just stick to CSP?

>> No.6668895

To me it seems like the zoomers just don't read. Webcomics are too much work/thinking. If you want their adoration I'd guess you need to animate stuff with voice acting so they can mindlessly consume it. Don't forget to feature quirky subversive characters who look cute on the surface but are heckin murderers or evil in a politically correct way. These kids eat that shit up with things like fnaf, hazbin, bendy and the ink machine, etc.
In my view, webcomics are only worth it if you get genuine enjoyment and satisfaction out of it. Chances of fame through that avenue are slim to none compared to the early internet.

>> No.6668945
File: 1000 KB, 1815x2022, 2d742a6353a5645ac29d74d2247c1fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna argue that webtoons are the new era of webcomics. People scroll more than turn pages/press buttons. There are webtoons of all sorts of genres
>Slice of life
>sci fi
You just gotta have a well defined art style, a concentrated beginning, middle, and end, and lore.
There are asian cartoons that are coming from webtoon adaptions, so this is the new wave of webcomics
Now go out there and make something

>> No.6668984

What do you guys think of painting memes on canvas? Funny or stupid?

>> No.6669415

Dangerous, going by Jimmy's mental state.

>> No.6670118


>> No.6670191
File: 423 KB, 637x480, S01e10_Val_aiming_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anons who are further in their comics/manga/sequential art stories, what are some good material for storytelling beats that you've found?
From what I learned
>Fiction-Hero's Journey class in College
>Looking at Pixar story lectures
>Trey Stone and Matt Parker "Statement, But, Therefore"

>> No.6671018

Whats a good way to improve over the summer? I've got 2 months

>> No.6671576
File: 121 KB, 900x601, PenNibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ebay the cheapest place to find collections of dip pen nibs?

>> No.6671580

Do nothing but study (you won't).

>> No.6671582

Copy Bridgman Twice

>> No.6671702
File: 3.28 MB, 579x574, video2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good exercise to learn how to draw heads and faces? What about using it to learn to draw other things?

>> No.6671712

>Is this a good exercise to learn how to draw heads and faces?
I did the same exercise and it helped me. You can build on the exercise by rotating the head up and down, so you combine the two rotations and draw the head from every angle. That was super helpful in memorizing the shape and features of the skull from different views

>> No.6671725
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, source_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did the same exercise and it helped me

Do you think it would be helpful if I released my app that takes this photo and spits out this animation? Like, does the rotation help teach the form or are just the still images all you need?

>> No.6671726

The animation looks cool but it's not necessary, it's moreso whatever helps you learn the best. If you think an animation would help you see imperfections in your art it could be helpful in that case

>> No.6671911
File: 16 KB, 2036x158, Illustration7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean, is this only for clip 2 users? i dont have a card anymore

>> No.6672093

Is there a wrong way to learn to draw?

>> No.6672227

Whos Jimmy

>> No.6672354

Does anyone here have that interview that goes "overly realistic art will always be inferior to the real deal which is why stylization is important"? It was a vertical image of an interview.

>> No.6672624

Which website should I use to find out what artists are the most popular? And who are the most popular artists right now?

>> No.6672826

>hoard tutorials and don't actually draw
>doodle from imagination without ever using any kind of reference

>> No.6673558

Besides yoshikadu hamada is there any other mangakas or comic artists that draw live?
It's very relaxing when I'm doing my own stuff but getting tired of the same guy.

>> No.6674109

would AI be a bad thing to use as reference?

>> No.6674157 [DELETED] 
File: 846 KB, 1161x798, 1612917015729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a special boy

>> No.6674466

If it's as tool of inspiration yes. I've done some doodles based on silly MidJourney stuff
But for anatomy and the physical imperfections of reality? No
Stable Diffusion has improved on hands, but it's only taking information on the most idealized version of a concept. Cars, technology, women, celebrities, fashion. All of the information is a beautifully referenced version of it. I saw ai art of an immensely obese man for a comedy sketch and the man looked the same every time, same facial structure, same hairline, same facial hair, and same ethnicity. The folds of his clothing were tight, meaning no tension in the wrinkles.
All this to say, I wouldn't rely on AI for sincere and realistic stuff, as the info it's taking from are like stock images, magazines, and popular photos, which are based on idealized photoshoots where idealized models are cast while wearing idealized clothes with idealized lighting.

>> No.6674514

How the fuck do I learn actual composition with staging and environment and characters. Every resource is usually about landscapes and exteriors with no characters/interactions present and it doesn't help much. I want to draw characters in an actual environment and I dont know how to reliably position them and the camera. The shit storyboard artists do is what i want to learn
I draw coom if that helps understand where I'm coming from

>> No.6674831

What kind of paper should I buy for an ink drawing? I want to start doing completed works that arent inside a sketchbook but don't know what kind of paper to buy.

>> No.6674845

bristol board

>> No.6675244
File: 111 KB, 759x371, 1659905470205844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw something I really like
>post it
>spend the next day checking every response to it instead of just moving on to something new
how do I stop being an attentionwhore?

>> No.6675260

hello this question is only for people who are really good at drawing.
ok, say that i want to draw expressions well and in general peoples faces and heads. Do you suggest I first learn some kind of construction on how to draw the face and head like loomis or do you suggest that I just look at a reference and try and copy it using measuring etc?

>> No.6675932

Make an effort to not find validation in how others view your work, and to not use external measures of success (online engagement) to define your work.

>> No.6675936

>Line art
>Flat coloring Color Mask
>Stable diffusion at low denoising strength
>Try a few different models and prompts and see what looks appealing, and then try to recreate it on my own back in Krita
Is this a retarded way to learn how to render effectively?

>> No.6675938

How do I clean a plastic palette with oil paints?
Water + dish soap take a ton of time.

>> No.6675947

Have you tried copying Hentai? Redrawing doujin pages sounds like it could help
>Referencing Loomis while making it obvious you didn't read Loomis
Go download Fun with a Pencil and read it, it will teach you exactly what you want to learn

>> No.6675970

Any resources that explains perspective theory well? I find a lot of Youtube videos that just regurgitate the rules/method without explaining anything.

>> No.6675984

Erik Olson's course is probably the most comprehensive and goes through multiple examples.

>> No.6675988

So Krita has that overly complicated stabilization system.
What are the good settings for light, medium and strong stabilization?

>> No.6676213

>Not doing assignments in art books, or drawing nothing out of them
won't you have "AI render" feel after it?
You can just take someone's art and recreate it

>> No.6676333

FWAP exercises in digital should be fine, right. I keep getting filtered by it because I hide away the pencils and the printer paper. It's much easier mentally to just plug in the tablet and draw

>> No.6676395

Ah nvm it probably should be fine

>> No.6676671
File: 364 KB, 468x805, explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I need some advice. I'm trying to follow FZD's advice in his 101 vid which looks pretty good, but there are some things I don't get which I tried to describe in the pic attached.

Left is ref (screen grab, sorry for the quality)
Mid is my attempt at drawing it
Right is his process, with the sketch, the line weight and then the contour lines + details added.

People have told me my drawing are too clean, and I get it but I don't understand really how to make them livelier and more chaotic. I've circled in red the areas which I don't understand.
In the sketch, where are the scribbles coming from?
In the line weight, I get that the darker areas are darker because they are in shadow in the ref and they delimitate the shape of the branch, but why does he add those seemingly random lines? How does he know where to put those lines?
The last one I get it's mostly adding more line weight and contour lines in the way he thinks is necessary to describe the form.

Any help on how to sketch in a similar way?

>> No.6676988
File: 46 KB, 563x744, c82ea89b3c6334d6fa74c5aa78016b68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what style is this? I'll post a few more examples. I'm obsessed with it. how do I learn to paint like this?

>> No.6676990
File: 65 KB, 480x800, 566dd692665b02f309c47e4eb54a1df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how best to describe it, the style has a very loose, "patchy" form

>> No.6676991
File: 192 KB, 791x791, 1440012695065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677031


>> No.6677040

When is it appropriate to use stiff vs soft brushes for acrylic/oil paintings?

>> No.6678428

I love drawing with pencils but I hate how they smear the moment I accidentally pass my hand over them, what are some cheap pencils that wont smear?

>> No.6678455

> I hate how they smear the moment I accidentally pass my hand over them
So don't do it then.
Alternately, put a tissue under your hand.
Wear a glove.
Use a pencil with a harder lead.
Do a combination of all four.

>> No.6678578

Is there any good place to learn how to stylize a reference? you know so I don't copy a reference too closely

>> No.6678643
File: 533 KB, 2409x1763, what I&#039;ve been using.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good colored chalk for sidewalk art that's better than Crayola, but not $50-a-pack artsy-fartsy stuff (since the chalkboard I'm drawing on doesn't stay untouched for long.)
What I'm really interested in is chalk with darker values. Everything in regular stores is super bright with nary a midtone.

>> No.6679132
File: 241 KB, 478x818, 1672957779996173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this option called in CSP where you make a layer a certain color by pressing it? Don't have it installed atm

>> No.6679602

What does the side circle on the Loomis head correspond to anatomically? It seems to vary even in Loomis' own examples.

>> No.6679720
File: 2.65 MB, 1385x920, 1673172759457795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would properly set up a perspective grid for this image? I'm very stupid and don't really get how the beginner perspective guides translate to looking up such that the horizon isn't visible.

>> No.6679725

Taking the circular cuts out the side of the head is just a quick way of making the head an oblong shape because human heads are longer than they are wide.

>> No.6679747
File: 1.57 MB, 1293x886, 1664258057644235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I figured it out, I just hadn't found the right lines.

>> No.6679975

"Change layer color"
Menu gives you the options of Layer color and Sub color

>> No.6680003

Having a wide repertoire of rendering methods is a good thing; don't sweat it.

>> No.6680006

Just have different sprite sets for each sex. Androgyny isn't real outside of culture/fashion. The sexual binary is real and if you want your sprites to look good you have to embrace the differences. 2D games in general don't do character customisation well and it isn't a very important feature if this is your first game.

>> No.6680015
File: 1.30 MB, 1175x2048, data_sheet_mutio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6680170

Tilt. Is it actually practical or just a gimmick? I feel it's a cool thing at first but then I grow tired of thinking about how to properly angle my pen to get the specific stroke I want.

>> No.6680184

should I avoid using 3D models as references?

>> No.6680188

I hate tilt, personally. Always turn it off

>> No.6680312

is there any quicky way to make no-border collages of several art in one big picture? it's in different dimensions

>> No.6680394

What the hell is "thick coating" style? I came across this term today and all matches just look like regular digital painting

>> No.6680584

I have a strange question, why does it feel like there's a strange delay in CSP but not in Photoshop?
Like when I use a brush in PS it feels more fast? I don't know how to explain.

>> No.6680592 [DELETED] 

On pens where I use tilt, I use this curve (combined w/ pressure sensitivity). The middle angles are the most sensitive, so I can make dramatic marks without having to constantly lever my pen up & down in my fingers. But I don't use this pen much desu.

>> No.6680593
File: 1 KB, 216x223, Screenshot 2023-05-30 130206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On pens where I use tilt, I use this curve (combined with pressure sensitivity). The middle angles are the most sensitive, so I can make dramatic marks without having to constantly lever my pen up & down in my fingers. But I don't use this pen much desu.

>> No.6680837

Assuming you mean 厚塗り, that's just the word they use to mean painterly styles (at least more-so than cel-shading).

>> No.6680852

im stuck on sai2
I will never have access to all the brushes guides tutorials on photoshop and csp
it was over before it even started

>> No.6680893

How do I properly apply construction to my drawings? It feels like when I don't use construction, things are more "natural" but the perspective and proportions are bad. When I do use construction, it feels like a procrustean bed I have to cram everything into.

>> No.6680901
File: 128 KB, 1440x1440, sommmaru-20230520-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any resources for making art like this? I can't quite find the name for this style.

>> No.6681063
File: 159 KB, 465x347, brush1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush is this?

>> No.6681073

Seems like a sumi-e brush, maybe the kuretake?

>> No.6681171

That looks like it thank you

>> No.6682289
File: 53 KB, 355x577, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i hide these panels in coolorus for photoshop?
I want to hide "Swatches", "Schemes" and "Shades and tones"
so only "Color history" and "blender" show up in the Mixers tab.
i'm new to photoshop.

>> No.6682671

How does brow bone work

>> No.6683630

Does Krita have this thing?

>> No.6683662

There's no dedicated make-sketch-blue button but a bunch of destructive and non-destructive ways to achieve a similar effect, you can see David Revoy go over the options here
I'm used to sketching in colour from the start no matter the software since that's what I do on paper. Might be worth trying if you haven't already, after trying a bunch of other options it's by far the most comfortable to me.

>> No.6683793

Disabling channels in layer properties seems to work for what I want, thanks

>> No.6683871

You draw to create. If you want someone to see, show; if you don't, Don't
God bless

>> No.6683876

Based skeb banning possible Westrash

>> No.6684599
File: 8 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, I’m looking for an app or site I saw years ago here, it would take an image and return a bunch of charts relating to color distribution
pic is how I remember one, it was a color wheel with blobs or circles where the size of the circle would indicate the prevalence of the color, with more desaturated colors towards the center
there were other charts too

>> No.6684695

Not really a stupid question, but more of a stupid mindset.

I get why construction works, but I can't get over how just souless and autistic it all feels to me.

>> No.6684696

Choose one day of the week for social media posting/whoring. That way, you aren't thinking about it the rest of the week, and you'll have a bunch of time to practice then pick out a few good pieces to post later. It's normal to want validation, but getting it this way is clearly detrimental to you.

>> No.6684732

I exclusively use SAI2. How do I cope with the fact that CSPtards/PSfags have all the best brushes, guides, tutorials, and therefore will always be faster and better than me?

>> No.6684736

then make ur own version of it

>> No.6685286
File: 343 KB, 496x725, EezlXROUcAEtp28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make art that looks like this? what brushes should i use?

>> No.6685438

how can I be comfy while drawing? computer chair isn't comfy enough and I can't draw in bed.

>> No.6685444

Draw on the floor

>> No.6685480

Masturbate while drawing with the other hand

>> No.6685496

It looks like it involves a bit of post processing. Added textures to different screen or darken layers, plus some chromatic aberration. They probably used a "crayon" brush to get the rough edges and a soft (air) brush with a dodge mode to get the lit gradient effects on the characters faces.

>> No.6685664

this one maybe

>> No.6685927

That's why artists study gesture, cause it's about infusing soul into the drawing.

>> No.6686000
File: 688 KB, 1143x822, sdf2345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to practice in getting better at my Sketches. I get the idea of gesture and construction, but while I practice that something always feels missing in my works. Would doing time gestures but trying to complete a character within the time frame be considered good practice here?

>> No.6686072

Where's this from? Love the art style.

>> No.6686082

"the art of Yoh Yoshinari rough sketches" book. It's a popular one, so you should be able to find it easily within the book thread or other means.

>> No.6686373

I think that might be it, thanks, anon

>> No.6688268
File: 111 KB, 687x322, phuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a burning question - where the fuck do I find screentones?
Need them delivered to europe.

>> No.6688663
