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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 473 KB, 598x876, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6656977 No.6656977 [Reply] [Original]

are your political views obvious from your art?

>> No.6656982

>art style
seem to be different things if i remember correctly

>> No.6656984

I don’t know what this means. You might be able to guess at a person’s political views based on a rudimentary and childish stereotypical worldview, but how about confirming whether you’re right? You might be surprised when you actually try interacting with people.

>> No.6656990

People want to view their political opponents as cartoonish stereotypes. It helps to reaffirm their own world view without ever actually having to do the leg work of learning anything.

>> No.6656997


Is it that it's easy to tell a person's political views from their artstyle alone, or is it that these kinds of Tumblr-ites specifically can't help but force-feed you their ideology at every turn?

>> No.6657001

I've been put on twitter lists with titles like "checking this account on pride month -thinking emoji-" and "suspect crypto fascists" so yeah I guess sure

>> No.6657008

pyw and show that it is not just the subject you are drawing

>> No.6657014

she looks like a 3 3/4 feet tall woman that should have been 6 ft tall.

>> No.6657017

it is because I draw military stuff (not nazi/fascist) and any artist who draws military without expressing any political opinion is suspected of being right wing. OP said art, not art style

>> No.6657031
File: 131 KB, 1186x1800, 13551-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It dun get any more obvious than this.

>> No.6657035
File: 70 KB, 600x922, Ee17uBUUMAAvt1R-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6657038

Jesus fuck what is that nigger tranny whale? People no ways create trash that only exist inside our worst nightmares

>> No.6657044
File: 2.36 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20220130_222426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is my political view based on this?

>> No.6657060

weed smoking retard aka fence sitter

>> No.6657065

alt right chud

>> No.6657074

Looks like a chud to me, frankly.

>> No.6657092

They shouldn't be, Ive always been treated neutrally by all persuasions. But it is pretty easy to clock a liberal by their art these days. Not all liberals draw "that way" but everyone who draws "that way" is a liberal. No I won't elaborate, if you know you know.

>> No.6657108

Libertarian. Probably likes Penn and Teller.

>> No.6657116

Tumblr pretty much showed us that alot of leftists create ugly art

>> No.6657136

The male gaze won't defeat itself, anon! As punishment, draw 26 obese women with alopecia and a variety of other comorbidities and unshaved body hair!

>> No.6657139

Your favorite artist are most likely a leftist/liberal, retard. They make up 90% of artist.

>> No.6657143
File: 1018 KB, 500x500, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think that hollywood going to shit and the rise of popularity of foreign entertainment is unironically causing America to lose power and standing globally?

I mean seriously, everyone and their dog likes to talk about how the US has more 'soft power' than any other wannabe superpower nation, and how that 'soft power' helped them achieve goals globally. Maybe that was the case back in the 80s-00s when America was making movies and other things that people actually wanted to watch, but now every movie is a vehicle for some flavor of insane Californian politics and it must be hugely alienating to foreign viewers.

I unironically think that it's partially responsible for shit like Putin invading Ukraine, like maybe in past years when people said he was more level headed it was because he could see himself and Russia learning to coexist with America, but indoctrinating 5 year olds to be trannies and the rampant destruction of anything traditional was a bridge too far. I mean it must be demoralizing as all hell to see the rival nation that your nation lost the Cold War to turn into a disgusting degenerate shithole.

Everyone plays Genshin today. Few more games like that and a subsect of normies will probably love China the same way weebs went crazy for Japan. Western shows, movies and video games are getting replaced by korean and japanese products. Genshin, Elden Ring, vtubers, seemingly unstoppable rise of anime and manga. US soft power is the weakest in decades.

>> No.6657149

Not in asia they don't, good thing I only follow based asians

>> No.6657151

I fucking hate all of you.

>> No.6657156

Are you literally arguing that the rise of foreign entertainment is responsible for Putin invading Ukraine?

"Well gee, I was gonna let the ex-Soviet satellites do their own thing, but people are watching K-dramas and that got me reconsidering!"

>> No.6657160
File: 32 KB, 981x1608, 35136 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6657176
File: 67 KB, 912x869, 1661437858435675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really what I wanted to explain but in recent years anglo media seems to have been degenerating really fucking bad, and it's not just regarding the whole woke shit. Like, what property or IP is even in effect in America right now? What are people watching? As far as I’m concerned the only things america is really offering right now is butt ugly "adult" animated series and these increasingly middling Marvel movies. Sure there’s stuff here and there, but we don’t have Game of Thrones going on anymore, for action movies outside of Top Gun Maverick I guess we kind of have John Wick, which is middling, what are we even watching and selling right now? In Japan that answer is crazy simple, One Piece, MHA, Jujutsu Kaisen, Nintendo’s using American infrastructure to make a hugely globally
popular Mario movie. I mean Japan just has shit going on. I’m serious, what even is the US offering? They are now stuf in a limbo of vaguely recognisable shit with no standard nor staying power. It’s crazy because even in like 2012, you’re an American, what are you doing? Simple, you’re watching game of thrones, you’re playing Skyrim, Marvel is still alright, everyone’s watching Breaking Bad, easy. Now we have nothing.

>> No.6657181
File: 392 KB, 982x614, lemon wife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are my political views, /ic/?

>> No.6657187

Post your work

>> No.6657189

Back to /r/eddit, faggot. Anime/Manga isn't created by liberals/shitlibs. Nips are actually very conservative
t. been to Asia.

>> No.6657197

For a while, American stuff was actually pretty big in Japan.
Golden Age Disney/Disney Renaissance and Frozen movies were huge, baseball is still going strong, a lot of 80s/90s action movies like Die Hard, Terminator, and Independence Day are iconic over there, they still love KFC and it's a tradition to get it around the winter holidays (so much so the stores frequently sell if you dont place an order in advance). Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the X-Men are well known, but there isn't much interest in american comics beyond them outside of things popular with westaboos like Hellboy. Marvel movies however are just "okay"-tier popularity. some like the old raimi spider-man movies did quite well, others like captain marvel, thor, and guardians of the galaxy are ignored.

The Japanese don't have much interest in modern American stuff though. The last thing to "catch" was Game of Thrones which got a decent sized following but still pretty niche. this is true for a lot of the world, since about 2014 the US has lost a lot of its cultural footprint in the rest of the world.

t. westerner living in japan.

>> No.6657199

I'm favorite artists aren't from Tumblr, reddit newfag

>> No.6657203

so leftists who draw shit like this >>6656977 really hate themselves?

>> No.6657205

>aRRpil O'nell
great facial expression too...

>> No.6657207

Doug Tennnapel showed us the left doesn't have a monopoly in stupidity.

>> No.6657208

nta, but its sort of a 'if you know, you know' situation when it comes to some art. Its like looking at AI art from a distance and not seeing at first what exactly is wrong with it, but the more bits and pieces you can pick out, the more the art looks 'wrong' and by the time you are acquainted with that art, you can pick off exactly what it is just at a glance. Can you be wrong? ofcorse since there would always be outliers who unironically like and make that kind of art. A very good artist might mask what there politics are in there art or hell even incorporate it into it and it dosent look like hot shit on the sidewalk, most /beg/ tier artists make the mistakes of doing that when they just cant grasp that kind of nuance and fumble making that kind of art.
a lemon stealing whore of coarse. But damn if that isnt fine work.

>> No.6657209

I've thought about this and I really do think that the neurotic behavior and lack of self awareness in our media and entertainment industries (as well as political powers using it more blatantly as a tool) is what's collapsing our society. We essentially let our cultural communications sector become an unholy incest orgy with all the defects that result. And now it's a defective little monster with severe cognitive disability and it thinks it can do anything it wants without consequence. It drives the opinions of the masses because a nations media is always its propaganda arm. Everyone knows the only thing that keeps us on top is our money and influence. You can't really challenge the rich kid when he pays or threatens everyone else to shut you up. Now both dollar hegemony and soft power are failing and other nations are jumping on the opportunity. You can connect this back to art since media and art go hand in hand. Seeing the decline in the quality of academic art and the preference for money over quality in media has been the most depressing part for me personally. I don't think most creators with an established career today even remembers how to be compelling. Without media of substance to consume, the average person isn't exposed to higher cognitive thinking. We reduce art to black and white and good vs evil and erase all nuance because punching the bad guy, sex, and comedy make more money. The "American idiot" has been a worldwide meme since at least the 90's. Now we're being reduced to nothing but pure pornography. Instead of people making fanart of media because they enjoy it they rush to make porn of it instead. Soon we'll have nothing else. This vacuum created by loss of substance in our entertainment is being filled with carnally satisfying garbage that's going to completely stunt the minds of people who could have had so much potential.

>> No.6657210
File: 80 KB, 528x680, DOUBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.6657213
File: 688 KB, 220x237, 1682677686725706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best example of a non-liberal artist is a literal cuckold

>> No.6657220
File: 109 KB, 768x1024, c01bd27154f01624846489e9bbbbf0c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about industrial revolution, anon?

>> No.6657223

>little lolis should be legal

>> No.6657251

leftoids hate anime/manga

>> No.6657401
File: 310 KB, 1016x1208, Dykes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your favorite artist are most likely a leftist/liberal,
t. dyke

>> No.6657407

>left doesn't have a monopoly in stupidity.
In the west, they do. See pic>>6657401

>> No.6657475
File: 161 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230516_233318_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.6657478
File: 1.10 MB, 1337x752, Bild_2023-05-16_233559428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking struwwelpeter

>> No.6657489

Lol, my drawing would be a self portrait, too bad I shaved this january

>> No.6657506

the texture of the hair just vividly reminded me of it

>> No.6657573

still not a piece of shit leftist

>> No.6657584

didnt guardian of the galaxy and super mario bros did well in japan?

>> No.6657615

Putin isn't trying to conquer Ukraine to protect it from the western degeneracy or out of any goodness in his heart. The Russian state has been providing all sorts of excuses, including safety concerns over NATO expansion, ideological threat from the West, protecting Russians from Ukrainian nazis wanting to genocide them, etc. They're casting as wide a net as possible to recruit as many foreigners as they can into supporting their cause abroad. Also, he's been making moves on Ukraine since two decades ago when he was covertly trying to install a pro-Russian government there. I think he felt he was losing influence there and was running out of time to keep Ukraine close to Russia, so he chose to go all in.

>> No.6657622
File: 71 KB, 750x422, 61C6AFB5-C4DB-40EB-8886-91E559182479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6657625

Ofc he's gonna go all in. It's right next to his border. When ur the big "powers" of this world, u have lots enemies and become insecure. U wouldnt let ur enemies have the land next u where they could potentially mount an attack. It's basic geopolitics.

>> No.6657626

Hot. As long as they don't preach at you demanding you adhere to their worldview who cares

>> No.6657629
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, striga-and-morana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"can we have lesbians?"
>"we have lesbians at home"
>lesbians at home

>> No.6657631

The Russians create their own enemies.
Japan is literally right next door anyways.

>> No.6657646

>Draw a straight couple
>Call it lesbian for EZ gaybucks
Based western cartoons

>> No.6657650

As long as you have nukes, getting invaded is a very remote possibility. Invading neutral countries makes sense to acquire their natural resources, and that's what Purin has been doing. It's about the Ukrainian farmland. Unfortunately for Ukraine, neutrality means they have to fight alone. It's an example of why you need a robust domestic military industrial sector to be able to manufacture your own weapons in sufficient quantities to repel attacks. It also shows that when large powers ask you to give up your nukes in exchange for security guarantees, as Ukraine did, you might want to think twice, because they might violate those guarantees as it suits them.

>> No.6657653
File: 2.07 MB, 2969x2043, 108115520_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like 2 gay men, ngl desu senpai

>> No.6657657

Lemon man looks like he just wants to grill and watch tv.

>> No.6657662

Keep inserting niggers everywhere, you left the world no choice. I prefer a cute Asian girl or a cute anime girl than some wokeass fat drag nigger with their horrible lingo and accent and their gross looking hair.

Everytime I see an American movie I can imagine the smell of those apes, my mind can't comprehend how you guys live among those creatures.

>> No.6657663
File: 2.90 MB, 288x512, 1676384143593045.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black men can be pretty good bros, they got your back if you're buds.
And you'd be surprised how smart they can be too if you give them the chance.

>> No.6657664

Cute monke

>> No.6657666

who cares?

>> No.6657752

I hated them so much. Literally their personality is that they're gay and they make a Berserk reference.

>> No.6657822


>> No.6657839
File: 46 KB, 636x382, FtoFoBFWIAI68Sp(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vast majority are 90's liberals (generic Clinton era shit) and are constantly being called out for not being left enough anymore... overton window has shifted to the point now milquetoast liberals are now considered conservative/facist by twitter troons

>> No.6657841
File: 246 KB, 1280x1600, FwQRnhmWwAElz0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6657842


>> No.6657843

where's the sus?

>> No.6657844

bottom right newspaper

>> No.6657845

ah, thank you

>> No.6657876

That's a man

>> No.6657910

the cuck shit wasn't his drawing, it was someone who was learning from him. cringe for not respecting historical facts.

>> No.6657920

There's "well intentioned but ignorant and naive" liberals who go with the flow on Blue Team and get theur news from CNN, and then there's dyed-in-the-wool LEFTIST leftists, anon.

>> No.6657937

99% of artists before 1990 would be considered alt right extremists by today's standards

>> No.6657952

By the standards of their own country and/or time? Sure.
By 2023 anglosphere standards? Absolutely not.

>> No.6657953
File: 9 KB, 648x463, untitled(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you?

>> No.6657958

In this case, is it even the art style, or is it the character depicted in the art.
A fat, ambiguously brown woman with that hair and that outfit would scream liberal regardless of the art style. Unless she was in a political cartoon meant to make fun of liberals, I guess.

>> No.6657981

>super mario bros

>> No.6657987

>I unironically think that it's partially responsible for shit like Putin invading Ukraine,

It's amazing how incredibly stupid some people are.

>> No.6658000
File: 133 KB, 400x400, 59133489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6658048

Was Miura a liberal?

>> No.6658054

This is porn

>> No.6658069

Why are western lesbian couples always depicted with one being the "man"?

>> No.6658099

Because most women are "bisexual" which really just means they're attracted to men but aren't utterly repulsed at the idea of sex with women.
Women with daddy issues or sexual trauma will be either unwilling or actively afraid of men and will be left only with the being okay with sex with women.
But at the end of the day, what they really desire is to be a woman in a relationship with a man.
This is why lesbians use strap ons.
This is why lesbians have a "top shortage" where very few lesbians want to play the man role and most are resigned to being switches.
This is why lesbian bed death is so common despite the many orgasms they brag about.

I'm sure there's some lesbians out there who this doesn't apply to, but the majority have been like this in my experience.

>> No.6658112

That's bullshit. Many women are repulsed by the idea of having "sex" with another woman.
The "bisexual" ones are a minority, don't let anyone fool you.

>> No.6658132


>> No.6658138

bro even I am repulsed by the idea of having "sex" with another woman

>> No.6658164

oh wait even the fags and dykes over there hate niggers
i guess >>>>/t/witter or suicide are your only options

>> No.6658211

It’s a thing in all cultures. Japan has seme and uke for men and tachi and neko for women. Though less of a “thing” for lesbian couples things like strawberry panic and older Yuri shows heavily played into the “male” role. Even modern Yuri manga heavily utilizes a “top” (male) and “bottom” role. And while not directly equivalent to a man you see many parallels

>> No.6658252

>Many women are repulsed by the idea of having "sex" with another woman.
Well, they hate each other after all.

>> No.6658382
File: 2.81 MB, 1200x1505, gil-elvgren-featured-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I make sure not to draw any inspiration from lefty, commie scum.

>> No.6658423

Try 2012.

>> No.6658427
File: 2.15 MB, 2130x2842, unknown (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right that the shit culture is causing the US to lose standing and soft power as a result but the west has already memed the rest of the world into adopting the meme language of post enlightenment liberal democracy. that is the kind of western legacy that will last for centuries, regardless if people prefer to play chink gachashit or watch jap cartoons about sibling incest.

so long as the US can find retarded incumbents willing to go die for trans rights in the name of democracy, its capacity to launch insurgencies and topple regimes in shithole nations will remain strong for decades to come.

the US already accomplished its objectives in ukraine, btw. the result of this war isn't really going to do much for these nations. their TFRs are going to be a biggest factor in the long term.

>> No.6658490

>only reason you don't invade your neighbor is because that big guy down the street will beat you up
>he cuts his dick off and starts shitting his pants all the time
>oh, now's my opportunity
america is joke now so it makes sense that their political threat would wane

>> No.6658513


What were frank frazettas politics? Do you have a source?

>> No.6658542

There's also top shortage among gay men. Maybe most people are just bottoms...

>> No.6658604

Or most people with atypical sexual preferences are the type to get abused and groomed in the first place, making them eternally subservient to someone they perceive as a power role. Maybe the Romans were right when they said homo tops are the based ones still worthy of respect.

>> No.6658974
File: 386 KB, 1007x1292, IMG_8423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6659017

except the US didnt change their budget in military and still have air bases in germany like Ramstein for quick access

>> No.6659141
File: 9 KB, 290x174, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter if their commanding officers look like this

>> No.6659147
File: 1.01 MB, 719x873, aeaew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, guess mine

>> No.6659154
File: 206 KB, 1200x678, EkZINqPVgAE0uNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftoids unironically would "fix" that problematic anime into this:

>> No.6659155

Why. Are they. Always drawn. SO FUCKING UGLY AND FAT.


>> No.6659156
File: 1.93 MB, 2894x4093, FtuubRxaQAAr2YD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are western lesbian couples always depicted with one being the "man"?
Because leftoid troons are desperate to shove themselves into every single piece of fiction
Meanwhile, japs depict the bigger girl in the couple as the bottom

>> No.6659163
File: 513 KB, 874x700, 012a6dbdecebf7ba9ef109302ddea03a7c6bbe5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, japs depict the bigger girl in the couple as the bottom
okay but this is bullshit and gets annoying so fast. the over reliance on gap moe has over saturated the market and it just pisses me off now.

theres 1000x more lolidom in /ll/ than there is the other way around, and its ridiculous. it makes no sense for an adult woman to be an incompetent failure while a literal child takes advantage of her and is the "adult" it reeks of disgusting pedophillic fantasies that pushes all of the fault onto the child instead of the adult taking responsibility for their actions.

>> No.6659164
File: 133 KB, 470x247, 280481075_1612623152435112_5346674000961542733_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the leftoids are hellbent on "normalizing" their narcissism on society, so they try to shove their appeal everywhere and on everybody's face 24/7
It's how they look, so they're trying to force that as the "new beauty standard".

>> No.6659167

I don't watch/read/care about loli/shota/whatever involves an underage
> the other way around
That would be the top being man-like as in >>6657629

>> No.6659170
File: 108 KB, 736x849, 1651563010360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its either 1 extreme or the other
how about you just make it a normal fucking story. if the adult is lusting after a child, the adult should be the one in charge and the mature one of the two.

having a grown ass adult woman who can't cook or take care of her daily life without a LITERAL child doing it for her is fucking retarded. a grown woman should have had a few relationships in the past and know how to properly handle herself and be mature about it, the child should be the one who's learning.

the normal contrast in such a manga is that the adult is mature and keeps their barriers up, but is slowly broken down by the youthful innocence and energy of the younger girl. letting down their jaded barriers around their heart to accept the younger girl despite knowing they shouldn't be going for it.

but instead, we get an uwu fragile and pathetic loser of an adult who should just kill themselves, being strung along and relying on a child. its gross and pathetic.

gap moe is SHIT

>> No.6659171
File: 249 KB, 603x649, 1683429979742019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes no sense for an adult woman to be an incompetent failure while a literal child takes advantage of her and is the "adult"
Nee-San, remember to bring chocolate pudding or I'm telling.

>> No.6659174

I don't understand how these people aren't called out by their own "side" for drawing what is essentially hyper-racist caricatures, this shit is drawn so intentionally badly and ugly. I don't think any black weebs or nerds I used to play Street Fighter 3 at the arcade with would want to be drawn that way - that fat lady on the right of the book cover is just a few line edits away from becoming a 4chan meme.

>> No.6659177

>how about you just make it a normal fucking story. if the adult is lusting after a child,
I hope you can see the absolute retardation in your post

>> No.6659202
File: 93 KB, 640x632, xjK4MPbAarURVBR8thVwlydkjg5_qFG3KFmp5BJZbTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also do it because they get their kicks from "making nerds squirm in disgust" or "making nerds cry because they got that toy taken away", they're miserable control freaks (Which is why they're leftoids)
They never get called out because anyone who would do so would then get outed as a "traitor to the cause" or some bullshit like that, a VERY common line of thought in commie/leftoid circles, where "everything I don't like is nazi" (Despite nazis being ALSO socialists)

>> No.6659206

>Making a skinny nerdy boy squirm
>Him editing my art to be sexier to appeal to a wider audience
>Him shooting a tiny pathetic cumshot out when he busts to it
>When he's done fapping he posts it
I want to draw like a sjw now

>> No.6659212
File: 319 KB, 1184x1312, bobagirl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making sjws upset is always morally correct

>> No.6659215

Christ, Natsumi in the tumblr drawing looks like a rabid mole rat or some kind of little goblin that's gonna rip your dick off.

>> No.6659216

Skinny nerd boys squirming is hot too, it's a win win.

>> No.6659226

Sarkesian genuinely gets too much hate, but she's in the wrong here. In comparison tobooby armor you see in fantasy, It's barely any different from the male armor.

>> No.6659267

She deserves all the hate, her handler boyfriend as well.

>> No.6659270

>tomboy art
>just a girl with short hair
god i hate these fucking subhumans so much, they are like the nonbinary of men. They want to be special and ''not like other coomers'' but they all like the same trashy big titty girl with make up and shit. The are also the type to call reverse traps(aka real tomboys) gay but cum loads to turbo gay shit like astolfo. Fuck these retards.

>> No.6659287
File: 36 KB, 252x258, 1594005206337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you view the world as red vs blue guessing somebody's affiliations is as easy as flipping a coin.

>> No.6659306

>trashy big titty girl with make up and shit. The are also the type to call reverse traps(aka real tomboys) gay but cum loads to turbo gay shit like astolfo.
I cum to all 3.

>> No.6659332

>they all like the same trashy big titty girl
Calm down, Anita.

>> No.6659351

So that when they send it to China and other countries that don't believe in gay shit, they can just call the manly lesbian a dude and nobody will know the difference.

>> No.6659353

Hate the puppeteer, not the puppet.

>> No.6659390

fuck you simping cunt
she is complicit and got the credit and the influence, she deserves it, she earned it...
did she ever finish her patroen/kickstarter goal, the one that got delayed forever?

>> No.6659391

kino manga

>> No.6659392

No, steppe niggers just want their empire back. You are just doing a different flavour of American exceptionalism where you can’t imagine someone acting without being about burgherstan
T. Strelkov ejoyer

>> No.6659401
File: 31 KB, 700x661, 4any4p8ja5de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN, no wonder Jews rule the world, smart bastards.

>> No.6659748

>every tomboy should be like my gay retarded shitty reverse trap fetish
>tomboys can't enjoy both feminine and masculine hobbies/things because I'm a retarded nigger that spazzes out on an anonymous finnish sauna forum

>> No.6660272

People just want the entire fucking world to be a cartoon, the cognitive dissonance is unreal

>> No.6660764

Krekkov is still an obnoxious faggot and a hypocrite.

>> No.6662157

What's so terrible about her, other than bad takes on fiction?