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6655348 No.6655348 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't western comic artists draw kids? What the fuck is that?

>> No.6655351

Forget the kids, wtf is that face at the bottom?

>> No.6655352

When most of what you've drawn is over-bulky men in spandex, drawing something like children or cute girls without it looking weird is going to be difficult. Not to mention most modern comics artists don't even particularly good art skills in general, so you end up with horrid goblin-like shrinked adults.

>> No.6655356
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>> No.6655357

>western comic artists
you mean amerishart comic artists
they cant draw adults eiter

>> No.6655358

Will peter for ever be cucked. why are American comics so afraid of give hero's a happy and stable family home.

>> No.6655360

Come on, you know why. Imagine if you were a "professional" cape comic book writer in this day and age

>> No.6655361

you are aware that by saying "western comic artists" you include every single european comic?
And every american comic ever existing?

>> No.6655363

>boy I sure hope there's no dramatic tension in this action-packed superhero comic!
that's you
that's what you sound like

>> No.6655364

Can AI?

>> No.6655381

I care about dramatic tension in battles, fights and criminal activities, not in romance, I'm not reading shojou. Like imagine you put your life on the line everyday, catching criminals, never having a break, then also add drama to your romance life? fuck that, I want to see parts of the hero life where they can be completely vunerable and safe with their love.
why make your own life more stressful then what it already has to be.

>> No.6655384
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It's almost like a strict separation between americans comics, french bande dessinée and Japanese manga is silly, because they often influence each other, and manga/comics that influenced each other will be more similar to each other than two manga of entirely different genres will be.
This is super dangerous ground that we are approaching. This is how you get normalfags trying to argue something like Castlevania is legit anime when the only thing japanese about it is the IP (and even then the IP in question was primarily influenced by western horror franchises).

>> No.6655394

based post

>> No.6655396

Americans are indoctrinated from a young age into believing that suffering is a virtue because unhappy people consume more.

>> No.6655399

this logic applies to nearly everything about America in general

>> No.6655401
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western artists worship ugliness

>> No.6655404
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bruh ok.

>> No.6655567

Kaiji is cute though

>> No.6655601

lack of loli fundies

>> No.6655612

>i-it’a different

>> No.6655618
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No moe culture.

>> No.6655628

I never understood why they don't just have their hero characters retire and give the mantel to someone else. Peter could get married, and give the mantel to some other schmuck who happens to have spider like powers who almost certainly exists for some reason.
Same with batman, same with superman, same with any of them. I don't understand why their suffering has to be eternal. Besides, all good things have an end, it really sort of removes any weight or bearing on any particular story if we know it doesn't mean much, since it'll be erased next retcon.

>> No.6655637
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>why can't [entire industry of artists] draw x?
>can only provide a single example
Tired of this shit. Too pussy to just complain about the artist, has to make it some gay east vs west shit. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.6655640
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>> No.6655642

still looks better than the OP

>> No.6655817
File: 147 KB, 553x825, EI-m2eeWwAYbCPf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debunking the myth of "anime sameface" by accident.
And yes, amerimutt comics are all for making women fugly on purpose, one of the reasons they're failing fast.

>> No.6655818

Godbless the Japanese.

>> No.6655820

>give the mantel to someone else
The company can't afford to kill a famous character for good because said character sells.
Modern comic pros don't have a single creative bone in their bodies, they can't make stuff that stands on itself, that's why they end doing shit like raceswapping existing characters using as an excuse that "audiences don't like new characters"

>> No.6655821

anime coomers see a children thats not drawn sexy and shit themselves

>> No.6655827

These people dont' read indie western comics anon. They think western comics is all capeshit.

>> No.6655841

>Debunking the myth of "anime sameface" by accident
not by accident never believed in it
>And yes, amerimutt comics are all for making women fugly on purpose, one of the reasons
my point was not that it wasnt ugly, my point was that "ugly" character design doesnt equal that the thing itself is bad

also the post said western instead of american cape shit which is just bullshit

>> No.6655844
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forgot to attach image

>> No.6655847

sadly yes. Also it hurts because Asterix and Obelix etc. also count in the category "western comics"

>> No.6655850

Is Joe Mad the only good western comic book artist? I don't think he even does comic books anymore.

>> No.6655853

Another week another thread about this shitty panel being used to define all of modern American comics. Sad. Boring. Try harder.

>> No.6655854

I feel like western artists often have such shit styles because of their spitefulness toward anime. I get the feeling they're deliberately avoiding the traits that japanese artists have successfully isolated as objectively appealing. God forbid they admit defeat humbly, and instead use their competitors methods against them. When I look at old comics from say, the 80's, they look so much more appealing. Am I crazy? Are these fugly styles from the american market a product of too much pride?

>> No.6655855

Post a good one.

>> No.6655876
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>> No.6655881
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>> No.6655896

I don’t know a single person who has ever said a good thing about big mouth. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever heard it talked about at all.

>> No.6655935

>big mouth
>6 FUCKING seasons
How and why
Who the fuck is watching it???????

>> No.6655939

Netflix has a lot of disposable money for their own good.

>> No.6655943

if big mouth was an anime it would be considered a classic and ple filter

>> No.6655961
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that happens because they did not study chad loomis well

>> No.6655975

You assume people watching stuff is necessary when all that you need is one rich connection to finance your garbage.

>> No.6656018

What animu?

>> No.6656030

>Why can't western comic artists draw
Yes, why indeed.

>> No.6656042

When I still hung out with normies they thought Big Mouth was hilarious.
When this first clip happened in the show, this one girl laughed until she was hoarse. I don't get it.

>> No.6656069

Madureira was so good he's still influencing fantasy designs 20 something years after dropping Battle Chasers

>> No.6656074

BlackRock gives them money for this shit out of your taxes.

>> No.6656209
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>desperately clinging to the animu is for pedos faggotry

>> No.6656251

>The dramatic tension of a superhero comic, must be about what happens on his house

>> No.6656257

>Dr pizza

>> No.6656282

why do ironic lolifags never accept their pedo tendencies? japanese lolicons openly brag about referencing junior idol videos.

>> No.6656284

Memories 1995 Cannon Fodder. Best Anime ive watched in terms of style

>> No.6656444

>And yes, amerimutt comics are all for making women fugly on purpose, one of the reasons they're failing fast.

Where is the proof of this?

>> No.6656480

You must be blind if you think that Cpt. Marvel looks good.

>> No.6656482
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keep projecting, pedo

>> No.6656491

I'll check your trips but it is pretty obviously getting harder to make women more sexually interesting in the comic industry. Mainly because there's been a demographic shift toward women audiences, specifically "nerdy" tumblr females who have much higher insecurity levels than the average Stacy. This shift upsets the established male demographic for obvious reasons and all this rebranding is terrible for sales stability. It's not like they're ruining it on purpose but it's pretty incompetent business practice

>> No.6656509
File: 99 KB, 598x901, 293734607_1661715934192500_945983489785544031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making women characters ugly to defeat the patriarchy

>> No.6656516

I can't even parse what this tweet is trying to convey. Give the right version more cleavage and it's just a side grade. There are better examples to get mad about

>> No.6656708

>Why can't western comic artists draw

>> No.6656709

Is that City hunter Kek

>> No.6656842
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>nobody's posted araki yet

>> No.6656846
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>> No.6656862

To play devil's advocate, everyone in JoJo is hideously ugly.

>> No.6656898
File: 478 KB, 715x750, dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>using the ugly shueisha color jobs

araki's art developed some bad quirks after ~2000, but the digitally coloring can turn into some real Ecce Homo shit

i do miss when sensei could draw better facial expressions though

>> No.6656924

My thoughts exactly. Wall-eyed look.

>> No.6656968
File: 2.70 MB, 1384x970, JR-JR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Romita Jr is an artist who peaked in the 90s and has struggled ever since. However, even at his peak, he sucked at drawing kids. Using him as an example is strawmanning because not only has he not been good for 27 years, you're pointing at his weakspot and implying he is the precedent of all western artists in all fields of art
I mean, if you're gonna use an artist for this EAST vs. WEST thread, have you considered all ages comic books aimed at kids and looked at a compare and contrast between how artists who specialize in children's stories interpret kids compared to the artists who specialize in teen-adult stories?