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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 113 KB, 573x822, FZOsbDqaQAABnTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6654343 No.6654343 [Reply] [Original]

I want to draw like this when I'm 54

>> No.6654347

kys pedophile

>> No.6654350


>> No.6654355
File: 186 KB, 1237x1237, FrwpMPxWIAIQAah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6654357

How much time do you think did he spend on the bg and bridge pylon? Or does he have a slave for that?

>> No.6654358

photoshop filter some photo, trace over 3d models, apply basic bitch rendering, what more do you need? you could it within a year

>> No.6654361

Traced a photo. Maybe painted it for 10-15 hours.

>> No.6654385

>tfw no brown short haired anime tomboy childhood friend gf

>> No.6654388
File: 2.16 MB, 5092x6966, ba2d87af8f35e1a079352ec1e6fe45a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, and nothing will stop me

>> No.6654421

Why are you only giving yourself six months to get to this level?

>> No.6654423

this, range really fell off this past decade

>> No.6654440
File: 287 KB, 749x729, 1ac57837aee524930ac1db9_6f14cabe_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6654463
File: 62 KB, 760x623, 165465141545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reminding me

>> No.6654474 [DELETED] 
File: 893 KB, 544x960, 1671377961444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6654481

Go away, pajeet.

>> No.6654483

Your machine vomit is worthless.

>> No.6654492

this shits gross to look at just because of the way the skin is shaded

>> No.6654523

This is anything but gross. If you want gross look at Shirow's post-90s output.

>> No.6654527

>he thought we'd be fooled
fags like you beg for regulations that'd make everyone's lives worse

>> No.6654855

I don't like AI, I don't like how it steals and all that, it's soulless, took no effort. but that is beautiful and I would even use it for studying hair shapes and nice cloth shading

>> No.6654858

wow girly, passes for cis-art pretty well. how did you get her skin so smooth? I've been on SD for 6 months and still have issues with my skin.

>> No.6654859


>> No.6654861

People never fail to seethe at something they will never be able to do using their pen tablets kek

>> No.6654882

that's a lot of assumption, girl

>> No.6654908

are you upset because your trick didn't work? lol

>> No.6654939

assurt roastie detected.

>> No.6655010

so is this what aI bros think? That artists are mad because the AI art looks better? What a sad mentality. You are angry at artists for drawing better than you, so by your logic, you expect artists to be bad at AI since it "mogs" them? Is this your thought process? Please respond, don't just disappear and shitpost in another thread. Be honest for once in your damn life.

>> No.6655450
File: 148 KB, 932x1200, Ey4gHsVUYAQCMhG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even that guy but all this shit about SOUL, THE HUMAN TOUCH, etc etc is all just an appeal to quality, probably the biggest fear for artists is someone saying "I appreciate the effort and human touch but I like this one(the AI one) more"

>> No.6655471

That doesn't change anything. If they like the AI drawing more than that doesn't delete the artist's drawing. He still enjoy drawing it.

>> No.6655476
File: 204 KB, 850x1212, sample-c6a65c5433d0e4b6a208fda63fc68448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you guys say, Range is my gold standard for anime illustration and character design.

>> No.6655481
File: 74 KB, 626x417, man-fishing-river_23-2148204141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ability to draw isn't stopped by AI any more than the invention of fishing nets and fish farms means you can't be happy you caught a huge trout and want to mount it on a wall.

>> No.6655487

I think the issue is the AI being touted as absolutely better. it's speed cannot be denied but the pictures are rife with inconsistencies that are just alien. secondly, for those picture to truly shine they require extensive reworking from an actual artist to smooth out the various kinks. I'd say they consistently a spit out pictures that are 80-90% complete at best while lacking the proper initial groundwork (composition, perspective, flow).

>> No.6655556
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, frosty tears in rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6655573
File: 2.03 MB, 1024x1344, 1683852026481755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but if you want to be realistic, most human art also has a lot of properties that detract from its enjoyment, it could be unrendered, it could be uncolored, it could just be at the sketch phase instead of finished, the artist could just be lazy and not draw often, etc...

If we're just assessing quality in its totality, I'd say 80% of AI art (even with minor hand problems) looks more appealing than 80% of human art, and only 10% of human art looks better than 90% of AI art.

>> No.6655574

based lolifag

Actually why is the first post to any loli posts are always the same? is it really just that one anon searching for these threads 24/7?

>> No.6655575

yet complaints about AI art spam on art places have extended to be besides just artists but also consumers
curious how that works

>> No.6655576

woah, I thought this was cis-art until I read your post. def passes for cis-art. you go girly.

>> No.6655583

you're not assessing quality in it's entirety. you're looking at rendering and think "wow pretty". ai has alien imperfections that are just emphasized by the level of rendering. a sketch could be very good and not require rendering, the AI is incapable of making sketches as it is overly orderly and unthinking which runs counter to the process of sketching. AI got pigeonholed into a very narrow range of pictures/compositions.
>AI art
not a thing, it is a misnomer and as long as you people use it you will come off as disingenuous. there is no AI art, only AI pictures.

>> No.6655584

>uncolored or unrendered detract from the enjoyment
could you make it even more obvious that you are a nodraw consoomer? that kind of mentality is why the video game AA and above industry is shit

>> No.6655595
File: 67 KB, 850x857, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_mogu9_9__sample-cf16c410e104aa8ee13a44d92083ad48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all, but you're just appealing to your own tastes, for a loooooot of people having something be colored and rendered is "prettier" than a sketch, or prefer something be fully rendered and designed and gorgeous but with minor flaws than flawless and still uncolored and unrefined.

It's fine if you like sketches and soulful incomplete or simplified pictures, but

>not everyone will agree
>that doesn't mean everyone who doesn't agree isn't allowed to like it and all the art they like should be banned.

>> No.6655622

you're the one passing out your own taste as an absolute. and I'm saying you're assessing incompletely.
>fully rendered and designed
it's not designed at all
>minor flaws
alien flaws that a human doesn't make in that fashion. you're minimizing the flaws while overemphasizing an artist's shortcomings and assuming the size of the people who would agree with you when you lack the data to make such claims.

>rendered AI better than uncomored!
>a sketch can be enough
>well uuuuh the artist is lazy and it's just your taste bro!

AI pictures' vaunted qualities would have been lauded more where they not spammed. you can't appeal to authority or majority currently

AI pictures are never complete
>that doesn't mean everyone who doesn't agree isn't allowed to like it and all the art they like should be banned.
it's not art, no matter how many times you repeat it and they should go to dedicated platform. you do not get to paint your side as the victim when the pushback was provoked by its actions.

>> No.6655636
File: 44 KB, 400x400, whimmy-whimmy-divinecreature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DON'T pass off my own taste as absolute, at all.

I have basically never seen an AI user say you aren't allowed to like sketches or simple art or the effort and I haven't said so in this thread, but if you go to ANY thread about AI in the last 6 months you absolutely will see people saying soul, soulless, AI doesn't have soul so it's not art, it's too perfect, it's too good, I like sketches, "no effort no art", it's about the journey not the destination, and a billion other extremely subjective definitions for their own art that they want to use to get it banned.

Passing my own taste as absolute in even close to the same level as human art enjoyers would be me saying anyone who posts anything uncolored or rendered less professionally than the average artstation concept designer should be banned from pixiv forever.

>> No.6655641


>> No.6655667

AI isn't art, simple as. It's not a judgement of the aesthetic quality of its pictures, it just isn't. masquerading it as such is the crux of the problem. it's independent of soul or effort, it is based on a fundamental definition of what is art. a non-sentient program can't be an artist, hence it isn't art.

>> No.6655671

Kys faggot normie
Go worship some niggers while they rape your sister, pussy

>> No.6655673

calm yourself, eslkun.

>> No.6655692
File: 57 KB, 350x268, 350px-Number_17A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't agree that art requires effort and intentionality, Jackson Pollock is one of the most popular artists in the world and his whole "artstyle" was to splash colors on a canvas wildly, to you the artist in this case wouldn't be Jackson Pollock, it would be the brush and gravity so it's not art, but almost nobody would say Jackson Pollock isn't an artist and you'd get kicked out of artschool for saying it.

His N17A painting(pic related) sold for 200 million dollars 5 years ago.

And that's not even getting into how there's MUCH more intentionality and deliberate decisions being made into what is eventually outputted, nobody wants to get something like pic related when they want a picture of a dog.

I think the only real standard for "is it art" is if someone likes or gets emotion enough from it to call it art.

>> No.6655707

>I think the only real standard for "is it art" is if someone likes or gets emotion enough from it to call it art.
an you are wrong, should have saved up the mental gymnastic.

>> No.6655718
File: 100 KB, 750x538, going west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jackson Pollock was an artist, but the vast majority of what he produced, and what he's famous for, wasn't art.
The dictionary definition of art is
>The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
If no skill and imagination is involved in making it, it's not art.

>> No.6655730

>there is no AI art, only AI pictures
This kind of pedantry makes you come off as desperate. Like you can't cope with how totally AI has surpassed you, so you try to denounce its accomplishments on a technicality. Surely there are still other arguments you can make, without having to reach for the "ackshually this isn't art because it just isn't OK".

>> No.6655744

believe what you will, as long as AI isn't sentient, AI art won't exist. even then it'll be subject to debate, see monkey with a typewriter.
>you can't cope with how totally AI has surpassed you
oh, you're baiting, nvm. there's a reason fags on /ic/ call AI users the troons of the art world.

>> No.6655748

>dictionary definition of art

Look up RETARD in the dictionary and you’ll get each and everyone one of you retarded fucks that posted in this thread.

>> No.6655760

Don't worry, just learn to draw their form and an ai will render exactly everything, from shade to color, your favorite art style.

>> No.6655778
File: 435 KB, 527x750, 860B0267-61C3-4872-8558-2C687F8214A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this style most

>> No.6655795

"From the age of six I had a penchant for copying the form of things, and from about fifty, my pictures were frequently published; but until the age of seventy, nothing I drew was worthy of notice.

At seventy-three years, I was somewhat able to fathom the growth of plants and trees, and the structure of birds, animals, insects and fish.

Thus when I reach eighty years, I hope to have made increasing progress, and at ninety to see further into the underlying principles of things, so that at one hundred years I will have achieved a divine state in my art, and at one hundred and ten, every dot and every stroke will be as though alive."

>> No.6655828
File: 835 KB, 2400x3600, 1683921582428890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro really pulled out a dictionary to decide whether something is art or not

>> No.6655831

Fuck off pajeet. Pick up a pencil.

>> No.6655832


>> No.6655835
File: 9 KB, 364x366, 1493244810076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6655846

When will ainiggers get a containment board?

>> No.6655873

I'm serious. You look like a moron.
Like, earlier you were talking about how AI can't handle composition, perspective or flow. These are all reasonable criticisms. Now, you're instead making a semantic argument. You're not saying anything about the capabilities of AI, only that you're using a particular definition for the word "art".
I also think your definition is somewhat suspect. By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?

>> No.6655874 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1683617890171299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.6655877

do you draw like range murata now?

>> No.6655880

I should get a koikatsu-clone game someday

>> No.6655887

I understand, you are mad you can't fully take credit for what's generated. I'm sorry words don't have the meaning you want them to have.
>You're not saying anything about the capabilities of AI
irrelevant, I'm telling you why the word is misused and by extension why not welcome on artists' platforms.
>By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?
no, just like AI pictures are pictures. ChatGPT's output is indeed text but it's not creative writing nor is it art.

>> No.6655903

>ChatGPT's output is indeed text
But is it "words"? You also wrote
>I'm sorry words don't have the meaning you want them to have.
Which is an interesting proposition if we're talking about the prospect of a mere machine generating words. Surely, an AI can't MEAN anything by the characters it outputs. Meaning implies intent.

>> No.6656015

I can be an anime loli now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX9rVCy6jwc

>> No.6656019

>When will ainiggers get a containment board?
When will racist trolls?

>> No.6656021

You want to be a pedophile?

>> No.6656090


>> No.6656164

Unironically how can I do this?

>> No.6656181

shadman is pedoshit
murata is pedokino

>> No.6656207
File: 794 KB, 960x544, 1673636337272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies deleted my pic
lmao I didn't get a warning or anything, strange.

It really is nice. There's another anon who seems to exclusively post stuff like this but he doesn't post that often. Always nice to see this style.

There are a few Range Murata loras, 2 of them are just naturally smooth like his art. It's especially neat to use them in 3D or CGI models instead of anime models, the image I posted before was in an anime model. The loras are on WD's discord and gitgud I think, or civitai.

>> No.6656221

>the pictures are rife with inconsistencies that are just alien
Have you ever thought about how some people enjoy those things? The idea that art has to be "perfect", whatever that means, is nonsensical. I love when AI fucks up, it's often hilarious or endearing. The little guy is trying his hardest, okay?

I agree with your numbers.

>> No.6656224

So you post off topic crap again, fuck off AI roach.

>> No.6656225

>By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?
Kek, yeah. Nice one. When ChatGPT writes a poem it's not ACKSHUALLY a poem...

>> No.6656227
File: 771 KB, 960x544, 1675993680436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total crap? Really?

>> No.6656231

>By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?
no, art is different from than the mechanics used to create it.

SD itself cannot produce art by definition. AI prompting, however, is an art; it's just a low quality art.

>> No.6656233

>SD itself cannot produce art by definition.
Yes it can. Input art, output art. That's what it does.

>> No.6656252
File: 690 KB, 1153x877, Kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Jewish golem as a strawman for all artists

>> No.6656260

AI cultists really can't go a second without posting their synthesized diarrhea outside of their dedicated containment threads, can they?

>> No.6656265

Those are artifacts of art. It's like how you use architecture, which is a formalized design methodology, to design and build a house but the house itself isn't architecture. You wouldn't say "I live in an architecture" or "my architecture smells a bit weird".

I know that people refer to art pieces as "art" but it's a linguistic shortcut rather than a literal thing. I can see how over time, people begin to misunderstand it because they're so used to that phrasing. Like how "farming (you)s" doesn't mean you're literally a farmer.

>> No.6656269

I like how the OP isn't even about AI yet it's derailed into AI shitposting again because of a single samegagging AI troon.
This board is dead and the mods helped kill it

>> No.6656279


>> No.6656307

Literally how?

>> No.6656322
File: 339 KB, 2048x1152, media_FvVoXT5aMAEMAW9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The programmers would be the artists in this case. Who is the artist in this scene? The robot or the human who made the robot?

>> No.6656334

Your parents aren't the ones shitposting on 4chan even though they made you

>> No.6656531

so the robot is the artist in this case then

>> No.6656572

There is no artist in this scene.
Just a picture making robot.

>> No.6656591

>AI prompting, however, is an art
again, nope. either you are acting stupid or you don't realize the underlying consequences if your statement was true.

>> No.6656593

just because you don't like precise language doesn't mean you can dismiss its veracity

>> No.6656598

the person who drew the girl, obviously. printers are not artists.
Is my screen an artist because it displays pictures from input?

>> No.6656616

Another thread diarrhea'd by AIfags.

>> No.6656707

Range murata?

>> No.6656722

Rangeban AI faggots on sight

>> No.6656736
File: 674 KB, 900x1200, _suisei_no_gargantia__by_naruko_hanaharu__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is indeed great, but there is another i like, not so much as Murata
well there are many more great artists

>> No.6656743

those numbers might be close to true only if you count in all the shitty art elementary school kids have to churn out during art classes
AI art has a lot of imperfections and they only mount when the poses are more demanding and interesting
AI art is only good with simple, stiff poses, with heavy framing of the picture and even then it has a lot of artifacts that you can spot if you look at it for long
not to mention AI is only good at one style really
that is the heavy render, LN sameface type of art
so you will enjoy AI only if you enjoy those artist CG type of pics, where its basically the same picture with different layers turned off or on

>> No.6656754

is this upscale an attempt to trick fag into thinking it's fully AI-generated?

>> No.6656755

just shitty pics and scans from artbooks

>> No.6656781

Martial arts are also an art. It's not a particularly groundbreaking statement to say that something that requires human input is an art. Even making a bench is an art.

Basically if it has a success/failure case and is the process is non-formalized (i.e. open ended or too complex to make into an algorithm), it's an art. I'm willing to retract my statement that AI prompting is an art once it gets sufficiently advanced that it requires literally zero thought or foresight to do. As of right now, it does require some effort and fiddling to get something relatively interesting and there's no flowchart to automatically get the desired result. If any of those points are incorrect, then I will admit it's not an art.

>> No.6656839

"An art to xyz" =/= "Art"

>> No.6656843

it is though

>> No.6656847

Martial arts have an art to it, but it's not artwork. I punch a board and break it - is that artwork? I punch through the same board but faster - is it more artwork now? It it less? By that logic me deciding to go to the local track and field to run a mile is now inherently art. I'll just call it "running art." Boom, now I'm artwork. See how silly your logic is?

>> No.6656850

>By that logic me deciding to go to the local track and field to run a mile is now inherently art.
only if you actually apply some kind of method and attempt to achieve some ideal for running

>> No.6656857

semantic semitic trickery. take one use of a word and substitute it for another to justify your argument. gtfo you sophist, you're trying to argue for something that is non-negotiable.

>> No.6656861

But it's not ARTWORK. Oh my goooooooood, anon, cmon man. You're intentionally taking the piss now.

>> No.6657168

It takes years to get that gud.

>> No.6657171

It's crazy how a robot can draw better than AI.

>> No.6657659

>another thread derailed
Stop taking bait you retards.

>> No.6657695

>semantic semitic trickery
the entire modern concept of art as a pretty picture or something that "makes you feel" is semantic trickery. Unless you think a toilet is art. Art is the application of skill and perseverance towards and idealized form of beauty and any other definition will lead to people using the term "artwork" to justify utter bullshit like shitting on a canvas.

>> No.6657741

>How much time do you think did he spend on the bg and bridge pylon?
A few minutes. Doesn't take a master to notice that it's not hand drawn.

>> No.6657749

That image was drawn by a human and is being reproduced by a robot. The human who made it is the artist.

>> No.6657756

the human who drew the original picture
the robot is just a printer in this instance, and the human who made the robot is just the human who made the printer

>> No.6658043

you can hate those all you want, I'm with you but don't try to justify ai-generated pictures as being art because that shit exists. you really overblow the "skill" required in AI and give a human the credit for something he had no direct control over. it's not art and forcing its acceptance as art would be more detrimental than anything.

>> No.6658195

Maybe. I just think a shitty skill with a low skill-ceiling is still a skill, it's just an unimpressive skill. Maybe something that could help clarify what I mean is the following. There is an art to fake pseudo-art like shitting on a canvas or shoving lasers up your ass but the art is of swindling and cheating rather then the work itself. I think some forms of art can be harmful. I'm willing to change my mind on that last bit but it's what I currently think.

>> No.6659331

>money laundering

>> No.6659333

This is just a printer. Are they trying to reinvent the wheel?

>> No.6659357

Shut the FCK up retard

>> No.6659476

you're trying to confuse and derail. again, you're trying to argue something that is non-negotiable, ai pictures are not art, get over it. skill and technique are irrelevant in this matter, stop conflating "an art" and Art.

>> No.6659761
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, ai_i_am_this_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still going at it
>still pushing the same non-argument
Are you using AI to write your posts? I feel like a human would have gotten bored by now.

>> No.6659790

dude, there is no argument to be hard, you bend over backward trying to validate algorithmically-generated pictures as art when they by definition cannot be. swap word meanings all you want, attempt to negotiate, cherry pick bad technical or aesthetic example it won't change a thing. you claim having arguments but they rely on a flawed premised, you are just being a sophist.
tldr; not art & cope

>> No.6659793

Doesn't Japan have less pedos. Teens aren't considered children over there. Americans are hyper obsessed with protecting children and then don't even do a good job at that. They lump in teens with children, when teens are not children. Teens are young adults.
Puberty is the transition from child to young adult. It's crazy they think 16 year olds are literal children. A 16 year old is more similar to a 20 year old than a 7 year old. You can see the difference. Americans just ignore it. You can't be considered a child if you can ejaculate or ovulate. Once you can conceive a child, you are no longer a child. Children can't create life yet.

Americans treat 17 years olds as if they are 7 year olds. It's ridiculous. If it's completely normal for teenagers to have sex, then they aren't children. Children don't have sex. Treating a person in his 20s who had sex with a 17 year old the same as someone who abused a 7 year old is insane. In what way are 17 year olds similar to 7 year olds at all.

>> No.6659799

>fake pseudo-art
AI is the pseudo-art. shitting on the canvas is art. it's terrible and insulting but it is art. that movement was pushed to devalue aesthetics but art is not solely that.

>> No.6659849

>the post that mindbroke /ic/

>> No.6659850
File: 232 KB, 450x450, 8b0ade85664061d5f3329ea7d8b2d618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6659862

I like this artist, I wish I could draw these kinds of comfy backgrounds

>> No.6659863

It's not art. It has no ideals that it strives towards, it has no beauty it wants to capture, it requires no skill to make. Those are required for something to be art.

>> No.6659953

brainlet take. next time you feel this way about art, keep staring at it.

>> No.6659958

Jackson Pollock and other contemporaries of his time were literally fucking nobodies who were then promoted by the CIA to counter the then-trending Soviet state realism the USSR was pushing by promoting the west as a bastion of free expressionism. Pollock prior to that was a literal nobody getting drunk on the sidewalk.

>> No.6659962

This and it's clearly obvious if you looked. The foreground was drawn over, the background part of the bridge is just a photo with a grainy filter over it.

>> No.6659970

>it could be unrendered, it could be uncolored, it could just be at the sketch phase instead of finished, the artist could just be lazy and not draw often, etc...
Literally subjective. Photorealism rendering is not ideal expressionism. The entire fucking point in media before mentally ill trannies started taking over was the ESCAPE from realism; escapism. That was what video games, cartoons, music, art, was for. Not to escape back into another form of realism, one with 12 fingered "people" everywhere.

The moment you freaks stop projecting what is "better" then I'll respect AI for being a little more than a image remixer.

>> No.6659981

skill is irrelevant in calling a piece art. kids do art and they mostly suck at it. those shitty art pieces required intent and imagination, they were created with a message in mind, no matter how bullshit it is.

>> No.6659990
File: 9 KB, 236x235, 7b4185ec32d70be7ece201c2d761dea9--frog-meme-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is pedoshit
>Whatever, at least I know what thread this is going to be
>AInigger shits it up with AIshit, which is worse than pedoshit
>Post gets deleted (I was hoping it was because it's AIshit but it's likely too realistic looking pedoshit)
>Literally without fail the second AIniggers post once they constantly spam and shitfling more AItrash everywhere until thread 404s

Why is it like this? They unironically act like futafags on /aco/ where they will not listen to the OP's rules to NOT shit up the thread with their gay porn and act like the victim when called the fuck out. They do this on every board on 4chan except /a/ because they actually have mods there. Seriously they are basically trannies. Same exact mental illness.

>> No.6659994

>By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?
No, it's actually that it isn't a sentient human's thoughts. Since art is literally the definition of expression, which neural networks cannot do.

>> No.6660001

That's just a printer idiot. You know, that thing that's been around for decades? Didn't replaced artists by now if you noticed.

Maybe shitskins don't have printers yet and just isn't informed about the current state of the world.

>> No.6660088

>It's crazy they think 16 year olds are literal children. A 16 year old is more similar to a 20 year old than a 7 year old.
WRong. 99% of women today act like children mentally. That's the problem

Wheither pedos back then groomed kids to actually act maturer than now, the facts are a 10 year old fucking a 30 year old back then would be more like a 30 year old women today fucking a 50 year old man. Because the average 30 year old women is more mentally mature akin to a 21 year old women 20 years ago. Until we stop becoming mentally ill, no one should fuck until further notice unless you want more autistic Sonicchu autists taking over the population.

>> No.6660128

Okay, but is it WORDS?
I didn't realize this dumb simile would be such a massive stumbling block for you. Is it because of the recursion? Is it because any attempt to define what a "word" even is would reveal that language isn't absolute, and bring down your whole worldview?

>> No.6660148

Yes, but that's not launage, expression, thoughts. Just like how a book containing a sentence does not make it an writer. The person putting the words down is the writer. Just like the person stroking the brush or drawing the lines is an artist.

Telling ChatGPT to plagiarize a story it got from the internet does not make you the writer, it makes the AI a printer.

>> No.6660183

>Just like how a book containing a sentence does not make it an writer.
Well, I for one am willing to concede that a piece of AI art is not, by itself, an artist.

>> No.6660269

But the AI did all the work. By 'stealing' it, but at end of the day, it's what's remixing images into a "new" picture. The "artist" in question just told a slave what to do. In other words, you're just a commissioner and nothing more. Hell you're not even that, because you hate the idea of paying for art, you're just a leeching requester.

>> No.6660315

they have crooked legs

>> No.6660373

>AI art

>> No.6660390

>you're instead making a semantic argument.
I'm not, no artist no art.
>You're not saying anything about the capabilities of AI
they are irrelevant, intent and direct application of this intent is paramount.
>only that you're using a particular definition for the word "art"
I'm using the main use of it, you're trying to worm your way into AI pictures acceptance as art via the very semantics you accuse me of.
>By the same logic, couldn't you argue that ChatGPT's output isn't actually words?
no, by my logic, ChatGPT can't produce art, I didn't say AI couldn't produce pictures/pixels.

>> No.6660867
File: 861 KB, 1805x2560, love-0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, too. Except closer to Takamichi.

>> No.6660869

>that pic
Trash. The background is just a photograph.

Range Murata had some very nice pencil drawings, but this shit ain't it

>> No.6660870

>fags shit up shit
>rent free

>Same exact mental illness.

>> No.6660874

>Range Murata
was the last thing of note he worked on 20 years ago now?
last exile?

>> No.6660958

calling everyone a pajeet like a deranged schizo isn't helping your case lol

>> No.6660959

Never, get over it.
AI is here to stay lol

>> No.6660967
File: 1.40 MB, 1232x2200, 1684400217957790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't matter much when it's completely deplatformed, and this is just the beginning. Go pick up a pencil, talentless ghoul.

>> No.6660970

You have billion dollar corporations backing and supporting AI- some of them are trying to make their own brand you are quite literally mentally insane if you think "deplatforming" is going to do anything to stop this shit lol

>> No.6661037

billion dollar corporations using AI to generate even more goyslop even faster. i'm so scared

>> No.6661042

How are AIfaggots still shilling their shit, everyone here has been telling them to fuck off with their goycattle bootleg generators
Altman and Emad pay well it seems

>> No.6661071

No, it really doesn’t. AI looks like a hodgepodge of shit that it doesn’t understand.

>> No.6661113

If anything I think there’s been a little uptick in activity recently. AI debates helped revive this place when it was at its lowest point.

>> No.6662418
File: 627 KB, 1805x2560, 1662749326280220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6663256

not artwork nor critique

>> No.6663518

>But the AI did all the work.
No it didn't.

>> No.6663842

Neither is AI
Yeah your right, should have worded that better. All it did was remixed other peoples work, which anyone can do in Photoshop.

>> No.6664178

No one can do that.

>> No.6664276

>99% of women today act like children mentally

>> No.6664279


>> No.6664334


>> No.6664337

It wasn't this bad years ago, a 18 year old american back then is a 32 year old today.

>> No.6664742

some anime about an elf working together with a police officer to solve a murder in a modern setting where magic exists.

>> No.6665141
File: 139 KB, 700x1000, copcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop Craft. He also did the art for the original light novels. Anime version was pretty QUALITY, though.

>> No.6665625
File: 309 KB, 759x855, tmp-1542143242359259138-4gqPnW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked the way Murata draws his male characters, they have that air of masculinity that I hardly find in other mangakas, it's the inverse of the stereotype of the ones who best draw women are other mangaka women

Pic rel one of the hundreds of "male" character that i see on twitter

>> No.6665954
File: 103 KB, 1000x1100, FtF2qh-aEAI7HoR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me when it's not just imitating a style that got stale 20 years ago. Why have the imitation when the historical original exists, has all the social and nostalgia element and is actually made by a real person you can appreciate? AIfags just don't get it. No one cares about you or your little prompts. It's neat that it can do this, but that's it. Art has always been a social phenomenon, not about the technical component. Art was going for realism when realism was an unreached goal. Not because there was a particular need to do it. With photography the goal of art changed, art didn't. What you're showing is the equivalent of photos, saying "look how perfect this is, why draw?". But no one cares.
Just like photos, the price for AI pics is already touching 0, while the price of art stays the same.

>> No.6665960

I get the vibe that he's actually bisexual, there is clearly a type of male that dominates his works.

>> No.6666167

whats the source? looks really fucking good

>> No.6666249
File: 203 KB, 1280x1797, Cal_2001_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, some of his male characters do have an air of eroticism, but I don't think he's bisexual or homosexual, I mean, we don't usually think the same when an a female artist does erotic work with female characters, I think it's his personal taste, that he finds aesthetically pleasing drawing good looking males, but who knows.

>> No.6666277

I wish I could replicate his rendering, digitally. It's so smooth. His style is super pleasing. I'd love to watch his process.

>> No.6666294

> you could do it within a year
you say that but I bet you still cant do this after years of drawing dunning kruger-kun

>> No.6666303

Bruh an ms paint doodle looks more interesting to me than this
ai art just follows the trend that anime art has been setting for the past decades of it all looking like the same shit, it blends together and becomes boring mush

>> No.6666376


>> No.6666532

If you're not attracted to that you're gay.

>> No.6666562

that's a woman

>> No.6666585
File: 246 KB, 384x369, thanks anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That takes me back, also good post.

>> No.6666619

>Art is the application of skill and perseverance towards and idealized form of beauty
You literally just re-stated "pretty picture or something that makes you feel" in more pompous way.

>> No.6666663


>> No.6666888

no, I've had people literally say that some random flowers that grew in a field are art because it made them feel. Feeling something is not at all sufficient for something to be art.

>> No.6669946


>> No.6670837

that guy has feminine features

>> No.6670864
File: 35 KB, 500x376, tmp-1542143242359259138-7K3z6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i know, hence the "male"