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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 91 KB, 1080x1357, 7e5e8315eec31907969dce3e082b4672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651979 No.6651979 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of tracing over my sketch to clean it up and then coloring it the specific way I do it.
We have AI stuff that can generate stuff, but is there any AI tools/models that can take a drawing and colorize it based on your rough direction, using a specific style? Or a tool that cleans up lineart as well?

>> No.6652011

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.6652038

go to your board, nobody likes you

>> No.6652341

sega dreamcast

fuck you piece of shit AIfag

>> No.6652355

Yes there are, controlnet. But most of the time it looks like shit and doesn't make sense, but I guess if you try long enough and do enough shit with it you can get pretty good results maybe? Ask the fa/g/gots

Still painting is the most fun part for me so I don't know why you would want to skip that

>> No.6652362

I want an ai that can give me interesting poses and perspectives with generic grey figures that I can draw over or reference. Like an idea generator but actually good. I can draw what I see, but I don't see anything worth drawing.

>> No.6652365 [DELETED] 

No. AI just steals and shits out a complete image, and it's pretty much always low res.

>> No.6652366

Just use 3d models in CSP? You can literally use them like a ragdoll and create every pose imaginable.

>> No.6652374

First, that takes forever since the controls are shit, and second, i can't create good poses. If I could do that, I'd just draw them straight away. I need ideas that are good and popular.

>> No.6652380
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 347776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sketching but it's chaotic fun how I do it, as a result I next need to clean the lines and that's no fun. The reason I need them cleaned is cause they are gonna be used in a game engine.
Coloring I kinda like it, but sometimes I just wanna get it over with with the colors I choose. Again reason is that I have too many game sprites that I need to finish and I am just one person.
I saw an AI that could color in the frames for an animation based on the colors in the keyframes so I thought there might be something similar for art to save time.

>> No.6652388

Just collect and study the poses and “camera angles” you find interesting and try to come up with your own variations inside your head.
Don’t outsource your imagination to an outside force (whether it be other people or AI). It might work in the short term, but consequently, it weakens your imagination. Which is something you can work on and make it stronger instead, like a muscle.
In fact, try not to outsource any step of drawing to an outside force. The same logic applies to every part of drawing (it weakens your own ability when you could’ve strengthened it with practice), and it also weakens the sense that your artworks are truly your own creation, which will greatly reduce the satisfaction and pride you get when you finish your artwork.
I believe OP >>6651979 is effectively wishing for some monkey’s paw shit as well for said reasons.

>> No.6652391

>I am tired of tracing over my sketch to clean it up and then coloring it the specific way I do it.

>> No.6652414

>AIniggers once again out themselves to be lazy subhumans
kill yourselves

>> No.6652441

I used Petalica paint on a crappy drawing for shits and giggles and I was surprised honestly
Your best option is probably to use Krita's Colorize Mask and then put your drawing through Stable Diffusion IMG2IMG around 0.25 Weight for rendering
>t. ai-fag who is learning trad art

>> No.6652786
File: 518 KB, 852x602, 1683838102032776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's called img2img and the fill bucket tool, you will still have to do color correction afterwards probably

>> No.6652799

the moment you do this you can't call it yours, what a bunch of lazy dishonest fags.

>> No.6652801

OMG thank you this will save so much time in my artist workflow I love AI!

>> No.6652802
File: 257 KB, 1005x639, kez55t3q8p437iaac81vlsotd2ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes OP there is a blender method to do what you are talking about. https://3dcinetv.gumroad.com/l/osezw

>/ic/ once again utterly and completely ass devastated by AI.
The real holocaust hasn't even starts friends..

>> No.6652809

>>>/g/ is that way poojeet

>> No.6652855

Not for inking or cleanup, but clipstudio has an AI colouring system, if you just throw down a few quick scribbled colours, it can auto colour the whole image for you.

It's not even the same drawing at that point, so why bother? I think an AI that would render over what was specifically drawn would be cool, at least as a way to quickly create a base to paint over. Maybe an AI that inks drawings in a specific style to save on work for comic artists etc.
But no, we get this uncreative slop. What's the point of creating when it becomes unoriginal and something no longer crafted by your hand?

>Everyone:"Man AI images look like shit"
>(You):"The real holocaust hasn't even starts friends.."
Holocaust? For what? Our senses? No one here is even talking about work or anything (which is what I assume you're referring to), so your vague doom faggery comes of as limp and embarrassing.

>> No.6652860

I already answered OP and gave him an exact solution for his request (manually posing AI images with blender and control net) and here you are in full damage control.

>> No.6652862

If AI images are so shit, then why are you people so salty about it? Clearly you have nothing to worry about. Post your work, btw.

>> No.6652870

>What's the point of creating when it becomes unoriginal and something no longer crafted by your hand?

Because it looks better. The point of the artwork being made isn't always the struggle, it's the thing being made in the end, ultimately the goal is to create the best looking possible thing that meets your vision, and you SHOULD appreciate the quality of art.

>> No.6652889

/ic/ sounds so butthurt talking about this. Look, we're all scared, but it's your choice to either employ the tools or stay traditional.

>> No.6652897

Outside of this place I’m seeing people actually enjoy AI art. You’ll see the “AI can’t do hands/feet” comments every now and then but, for the most part, people enjoy just seeing their favorite characters more.

>> No.6652907


>> No.6652909

Christ, go meltdown somewhere else, this is pathetic.

>The point of the artwork being made isn't always the struggle, it's the thing being made in the end
Yes, but it's also about being distinctive, which is why particular artists are hired, but AI just hovers around anime and stock photo bullshit. The biggest sin of all is that it's boring.
Also, the struggle IS why artists like drawing. Why do you think they're so opposed to this bullshit? They've sapped the fun out of creating things, but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.6652918

Nobody needs to accept anything. It's here to stay either way. AI is not there yet, but it's going to get better. At some point we're just being a bunch of luddites telling people not to have fun.

>> No.6652923

Holy FUCK go back to /g/ already you unwashed third worlder waste of life.

>> No.6652925

it's a bunch of people who call you lazy frauds
>nobody needs to accept anything
then accept you fags being kicked out of creators' platforms like a good little boy

>> No.6652928

>then accept you fags being kicked out of creators' platforms like a good little boy
I don't need to accept anything. If I can produce work people will consume, I will be okay. It's not my fault you don't have creativity.

>> No.6652930

Neat are you going tell me though these opinions are on reddit

>> No.6652931

You are just coping and capping HARD if you think there's even a plurality of artists that think struggle is the best part of art, not the unfortunate reality of art. I guarantee if there was a magic machine that scanned your brain and created exactly what you want, at least 85% of artists would instantly use it.

>> No.6652933

>It's not my fault you don't have creativity.
lmao, I hope you're baiting. well at least you didn't say you create, that puts you slightly above the average AI user

>> No.6652937

This is an artist only thing. I’m telling you, in fan communities elsewhere online everyone is just generating waifu pictures and enjoying it. Your value as an artist remains the same and maybe even increases as your work will stand out naturally. In the end everyone wins. For series that had little to no fan art can now have that hole fulfilled by someone who cares.

>> No.6652938

Will you back up your claim with your AI shit and is it going to be smug anime girl or a repost

>> No.6652950

No dont think it'll work
But if you find any AI image generator that can take it in rough sketch and churn out about 80%-90% clean lineart that'll be great, could cut down about 15-20 minutes of work per character

>> No.6652951
File: 475 KB, 972x863, e804d5967214a1b1080fda6d7e0a370b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your defensiveness is making you assume things. I'm a struggling /beg/ artist with foolish dreams of making a high-quality comic. Laugh at me if you want. I know I suck. I don't plan to use AI as a shortcut, I want to see how the technology develops, there must be a healthy, efficient way to employ what is perhaps the most significant technology in the history of humanity on art.

>> No.6652957

I'm almost certain you're the same faggot.

>Nobody needs to accept anything. It's here to stay either way.
If nobody accepted or accepts AI, it won't be used within the industry, or be tolerated in cultural spaces (social media). It needs to be accepted. Cope.

>if you think there's even a plurality of artists that think struggle is the best part of art
Is the best part of mountain climbing the view? Is the bets part of going for a drive the destination? Are you really this stupid?
> I guarantee if there was a magic machine that scanned your brain and created exactly what you want, at least 85% of artists would instantly use it.
Sure, but at that point art really would be dead as everybody would be creating great images all the time, and people would probably still lament the joy of creation being taken away; just look at people talking about AI art, they mention how unfulfilling it is fairly regularly, likely because there's no struggle to it.
(if anyone has that image of those redditors talking about how they proompt all day and feel unfulfilled from it, that would be great)

>This is an artist only thing. I’m telling you, in fan communities elsewhere online everyone is just generating waifu pictures and enjoying it.
I've mostly seen people get pissed at AI. I guess we're seeing different things buddy.

>> No.6652964


>> No.6652966

First post here, you're hilariously wrong.
>nobody will ever ever ever forevers and ever will accept AI art
Okay. I guess all the people making AI art now don't exist? I feel like you're debating if AI art will have a place in the artscape. To me, this is a reality already. I don't know why you're in denial.

>> No.6652970
File: 7 KB, 383x101, killyourselfNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of the drive can very very very easily be the destination, you've probably never talked to anyone in your life or you're being insanely dishonest if you think there arent a ton of people that have really fun places they want to go to, but don't like having to drive two or three hours to them and you would never in your life say "oh you took a bus? I bet you had way less fun on your trip"

Same for mountain views, many people like mountain climbing but a shitton of people take mountain lifts because they simply like the view.

You are genuinely incredibly bad faith if you believe either of these apply to even most people, let alone every artist or every person.

>> No.6652974

Unless your artstyle is already like the output (in other words, you already know how to render like that) then this is useless. People aren't gonna be interested in looking at "oh, just another proompter"

>> No.6652982

>Okay. I guess all the people making AI art now don't exist? I feel like you're debating if AI art will have a place in the artscape. To me, this is a reality already. I don't know why you're in denial.
Denial is you believing it's going to get received and accepted within normie community. It's already getting banned within payment processors and platforms.
Of course, it will inevitably have a place like cancer or a parasite within it's host, but it will essentially tantamount to nothing where it matters, and that's IF interest doesn't just whine due to the monetary incentive being non-existent, Anti-AI learning tools and copyright reforms to deal with the wave of shit that comes with AI content overload.

I love how AIshitters use the "It will get better" as if tools to combat them won't advance as well. You've now seen the response of payment platforms. And it'll only get worse as time comes.

>> No.6652986
File: 367 KB, 1232x1785, 1683970618058439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like AI to assist me in-
Good luck lol

>> No.6652993

>First post here, you're hilariously wrong.
Pretty shit sense of humour if you found it hilarious. Guess I'll take the L all the same.
>I guess all the people making AI art now don't exist?
Speaking of taking L's, how can you interpret what I said as that? I said people need to accept AI for it to be wildly used, not that those using it currently are going to blink out of reality. Just because some people are using it, doesn't mean it's more than something of a niche currently, it seems the public opinion is pretty heavily against it to me. Time will tell though, but it's not looking so good for AI acceptance >>6652986

Yes, got that from the guy above you.
>The best part of the drive can very very very easily be the destination, you've probably never talked to anyone in your life or you're being insanely dishonest if you think there arent a ton of people that have really fun places they want to go to...
Not even going to respond to the rest. You're retarded anon. I don't know how you take the very common phrase "it's the journey, not the destination", especially when we're talking about creating art, and then argue against it so pedantically... and you try to say I'm not talking to other people... it's a sad projection anon.

>> No.6652995

>Denial is you believing it's going to get received and accepted within normie community
Normies are the ones that turned cinema into rollercoaster Marvel rides, please don't make me laugh by pretending the masses have any sort of "artistic standard". But either way that's not important, because "normies" just care about good looking art. AI or human-made. That's why your survival depends on you, not if tech gets developed or not.

You're in denial of that fact. You think they're not coming for you. You think you're inherently better because your ego is very frail. You think hard-work exempts you from competition, when in reality it's the means by which to compete.

If you don't want to use AI, that's fine. And I bet that puritans will support you because of it, good for them, and good for you. But to think that just because 'i don't deem it worth it' nobody will employ it, well that's just denial.

>> No.6652996

Sometimes, it's not about the journey. Very often, in fact.

>> No.6652997

>Y-YOU're in denial!
You might as well have included luddite as well, cmon

>> No.6652998

Go to Clip's asset store and filter the search to free poses. People pump out loads of them every day, though most are jewish "free for x hours" uploads that get paywalled afterwards.

>> No.6653000

Amazing argument, clever, original.

>> No.6653006

But sometimes it is about the journey anon, many such cases actually. That aside, it's a turn of phrase, a metaphor, not something you're supposed to literally think means I'm talking about a real journey, and then start babbling about 3 hour bus drives like a retard.

>> No.6653012

Did /ic/ have the same reaction from trad to digital art as now with digital to AI?

>> No.6653013

look up miura art before and after digital(the answer is yes)

>> No.6653027

That's really great and I'm real happy for you bro, but when you say things like "The struggle is why artists like drawing" or "the best part of the drive is the journey not the destination", 100% of everyone reading it is going to interpret that as you saying that the destination does not matter, only the journey in every situation.

This is especially true when you actually DO get people in every AI thread ever including this one that if you didn't put huge effort into your art, nobody is allowed to like it and nobody can possibly enjoy it, and doubly so when there's movements to ban it with the a reason cited being "it's about the journey not the destination".

>> No.6653059

>This is especially true when you actually DO get people in every AI thread ever including this one that if you didn't put huge effort into your art, nobody is allowed to like it and nobody can possibly enjoy it, and doubly so when there's movements to ban it with the a reason cited being "it's about the journey not the destination".
>It's not about learning the skill, you can't prohibit ME from gaining the same respect and privileges as them without learning anything nor taking the time they took to mass produce non-effort garbage!
Sucks to suck AIfren

>> No.6653070

>It's not fair people enjoy accomplishes made on effort! I should be able to invest no time or interest at all and receive the same amount of acknowledgment!
I'm genuinely disturbed by the mental gymnastics of you people. AIshitters are worse than humans at this point

>> No.6653086
File: 95 KB, 945x526, ewoJICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJidWNrZXQiOiAiZmlsZXMubGJyLmNsb3VkIiwKCSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAia2V5IjogInB1YmxpYy9yc253aWN3aXA4cGx2aHJnYmVkdS5qcGciLAoJICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJlZGl0cyI6IHsKCSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJyZXNpemUiOiB7CgkgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICJ3aWR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not even at the respect or acknowledgement phase you retard, I didn't even say "you aren't allowed to like things made with effort", but you absolutely are saying I'm not allowed to like or enjoy things if the original artist didnt spend 20 hours making them.

>> No.6653091

>We're not even at the respect or acknowledgement phase you retard, I didn't even say "you aren't allowed to like things made with effort", but you absolutely are saying I'm not allowed to like or enjoy things if the original artist didnt spend 20 hours making them.
You absolute retard, you're doing the same speculation you're accusing me of doing. When did I say you're ONLY allowed to enjoy things made through effort, you can absolutely like garbage however you want.
The only difference is that AI's efforts have been rightfully equalized to it's worth, which is Zero (0) Dollars.

>> No.6653101
File: 492 KB, 872x512, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic calmly debates AI, using logic and facts.

>> No.6653108

suck my cock your all fucked AI is king motherfuckers well die by next year tops

>> No.6653113

If nobody wants it and it has zero value then why are artists scared shitless it will replace them? Why does /ic/ infinitely seethe and want to get the guy who was making thousands of dollars off AI art banned? Why are the top artworks on pixiv for weeks almost always include a few AI generated picks?

It's very obvious the hate for AI art doesn't come from "well, people just think it's worthless", it's just gatekeeping and seething.

>> No.6653115

Uh oh, s.0.y fueled melty

>> No.6653117
File: 19 KB, 484x321, smook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653119

>be annoying faggot thread after thread
>"lol y r u so mad gaiz?!"

>> No.6653122

>House floods with shit
>Why are you disturbed by the house being flooded with shit, huh, HUH!?

>> No.6653124
File: 117 KB, 1564x487, uh oh aibros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653126

>If nobody wants it and it has zero value then why are artists scared shitless it will replace them?
Your question answers itself. Nobody wants to lose their job, even if they don't think they will, the paranoid fear will still strike them.

>it's just gatekeeping and seething.
All artists can really do is complain, if that irritates you so much, you're the one seething buddy.

>> No.6653129
File: 27 KB, 500x460, E8AH2EFVgAAkIcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like AI art just hide or filter it, every platform by now has extensive tools so you dont see anything even related to AI, instead you deliberately entered a thread about AI to say AI art doesn't count and should be banned because you don't want it in your feed.

>> No.6653133

>If you don't like AI art just hide or filter it, every platform by now has extensive tools so you dont see anything even related to AI, instead you deliberately entered a thread about AI to say AI art doesn't count and should be banned because you don't want it in your feed.
Why do that when you can juse eliminate it and save space as well? Companies might have some brains after all!
Sorry not sorry, aiCHADS

>> No.6653135

>should be banned because you don't want it in your feed.

>> No.6653136

they're not wrong lol
aicels can make their own spaces

>> No.6653137

>M-MUH Samefag
Nigger there's less than a minute between those posts, at the very least be literate for the love of our lord and savior

>> No.6653140

>aicels can make their own spaces

>> No.6653141

train a model on your drawings, make a checkpoint

>> No.6653163
File: 133 KB, 340x340, user_23744_3TE98SS9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the humancels literally admitting "ummmmmm I just don't want to see it so it should be banned"

absolute bottom of the barrel

>> No.6653170 [DELETED] 

I don't get why AIfags keep saying this. Trad and digital are mediums. The fundamentals are the same. AI shit is not a medium

>> No.6653177

Your retardation is showing needing to keep responding to every damn post like your trying to appease your alcoholic father with any accomplishments is honestly quite laughable
>most significant technology in history...on art
>practically photobashing and tracing but now actual monkeys with typewriters could do it too and feel special

>> No.6653220
File: 1.67 MB, 1755x952, picros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There;s already AIpictors but the numbers over there is just really sad.
#1 daily ranking is 34 hearts. While i'm sure the number of AI artist using that site is on around hundreds

>> No.6653244

>While i'm sure the number of AI artist using that site is on around hundreds
Haha, even AI bros don't like AI art.
That said, why look at others AI art, when you could just quickly proompt your own?

>> No.6653295
File: 255 KB, 1552x1328, girl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you guys still mad about AI, sad.

>> No.6653320

And you're admitting you invade spaces where you're not welcomed, like the tranny you are.

>> No.6653336

>posting one of the extremely few artist with a somewhat tolerable use of AI in the workflow as an example
it's like trying to pass albinism as the norm. make no mistake, above all what makes people annoying with AI is the flooding/spamming from fags without an ounce of artistic sensibility were all AI pictures as carefully crafted and modified you wouldn't be getting the boot. but you fags keep trying to pass a pic with 90% of the workload is handled by the machine as being only 20% AI or less. I will add that AI is no substitute for all the theory that can elevate your art.

>> No.6653367

Might as well post the korean gacha shit hack.

>> No.6653392

let's compare. "Art and art critque". Let's get down with with /ic's mission.

>> No.6653408
File: 71 KB, 456x683, 1674936078150401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did this guy touch it up with a bunch of schizophrenic blur, if you have this little artistic sense just let the ai do all the work

>> No.6653411
File: 286 KB, 600x800, Fu5SEI4WAAAAzm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more than you think, most are just not so open about it yet.

>> No.6653416
File: 1.01 MB, 3253x1861, zhengxin-yang-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm i just checked his artstation this guy actually draws its over i guess

>> No.6653418

Is called motion blur lil bro, though I'm not a huge fan of it either.

>> No.6653476
File: 315 KB, 1896x1500, yangzhengxin-zheng-xin-yang-nber2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will AI actually make rendering obsolete? There's still plenty of anomalies, namely on the roller skate and the knee vagina. The reason he blurred out the other one was definitely to mask the slop considering AI can't into perspective. But the rendering looks fine and even kept the rim light and gave her abs.

>> No.6653495

the real reason why AIfags invade art spaces, spam garbage and misstag their crap. Nobody wants their shit, not even themselves.

>> No.6653502

Shaking up the art world is a good thing. Tired old ways need to be challenged.

>> No.6653522

I just visited /g/ and saw what their stable diffusion thread was creating and god damn, that's really good for just a computer. I can only imagine what it will look like a year from now. Holy shit, that's really good.

>> No.6653539

>t. pa/g/eet raiding /ic/

>> No.6653543

God morning, sirs.

>> No.6653546

I can see why /ic/ fags are getting upset over AI. AI is kicking your asses with the work they produce and all you can do is sit around and call anons pajeets. The future is now, old man.

>> No.6653548

Thanks to Fanbox banning AI, now pajeets are starting to shit up /ic/ again

>> No.6653549 [DELETED] 

AI didn't fix his shit anatomy lmao. What a fucking hack.

>> No.6653554

Holy shit, AI is uncovering the real crabs of the art world. The fucking SEETHE is hilarious.
>AI is Trump
>/ic/ is CNN
AI is tearing you a new asshole, /ic/ holy shit

>> No.6653556

Take your meds.

>> No.6653558

>You will eat ze bugs!

>> No.6653559

Draw better art. kek

>> No.6653561

you owned his ass lol

>> No.6653564

>"AI is superior"
>doesn't go to an AI focused site and shits up regular art sites instead

>> No.6653566

That's what you think AI is? You really think AI is the New World Order here to take over your, "art careers"? Honestly, the way art is being drawn now, IS the New World Order, stuck in its old ways, reluctant to change. AI is the new awakening and all you seething artfags are just worried that you spent YEARS developing something to make money out of it. None of you draw for the love of it, and AI is doing that, running circles around you.

>> No.6653568
File: 529 KB, 1536x1536, fp4vjJXBmnkAYNMb798wrgqEV2UWKD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top picture on an aifag-dedicated site is picture of an anime girl with a hand that has only 4 figures
top kek. There's also the deformed eyes and furniture, plus the flowers with stems phasing through their vase.

>> No.6653569

>this post was brought to you by ChatGPT

>> No.6653572
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x2560, 1684021475079416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething, artfag. Look at what the future looks like and I'm so glad it doesn't involve you, your shitty art, or your shitty attitude. Learn to draw better, faggot.

>> No.6653575

Yes. Back when ic was a newspaper, the letters to the editor were always some luddites whinging about digital. I miss the weekly strip.

>> No.6653576

Now be a good crab and point out the mistakes. kek

>> No.6653583

Be me, want to listen to chill music for studying, go to YouTube... Eyes are assaulted by ai art. It's a me problem, I'll download some stuff I guess...

>> No.6653584

Good morning, sirs.

>> No.6653585

there's no point arguing with a hack. you have no understanding of anatomy, color, composition. In fact, you don't even have a style to call your own or anything to set yourself apart from the crowd of AI users.
>learn to draw better
I am, I improve and you do not. you just wait for the next data to pilfer and claim your betters' achievements as your own. I hope you'll set aside this childish behavior

>> No.6653586

is this the new ainigger cope? is it because you can't fix any of your pics so you'll call any knowledgeable person a crab?

>> No.6653588

The greatest joy an ai fag can feel is having "their" art pass for real art.
They are quite literally art trannies seeking validation for their chosen art gender. Ywnbaa

>> No.6653590

Have you even seen a hand before?

>> No.6653591
File: 1.90 MB, 1536x1152, 1684022156422357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you vomit out artfag college bullshit while AI is advancing. I love to see you seethe. Nothing makes me happier.

>> No.6653592

Pretty sure that's a real digital painting. Not ai art.

>> No.6653593

Look at you fucking faggots lose your shit over what a computer is learning to do in a matter of hours. How does it fucking feel to have put all of your fucking eggs in one basket only to have AI come around and show all of you fuckers up, turn you into fucking crabs and nitpick the TINIEST details.

>> No.6653594

>I get my rocks off to making people mad
Pathetic r*ddit behavior.

>> No.6653595

>I am tired of tracing over my sketch to clean it up
If you intend to do a lined piece, don't bother with the full sketch. Just do some construction and line over it, skip the chicken scratching

>> No.6653596

oof, that's some copium. you know normal people aren't proud to display their ignorance and lack of skill.
weak false flag

>> No.6653597

That's a real painting. I can see brush strokes.

>> No.6653598


>> No.6653599

Please tell me you can see the lettertype on the bottom and realize it's AI art because if you think that's a real digital painting, you don't belong anywhere near a pencil or a stylus. Go find a trade, be a plumber, a mechanic, something that involves learning your trade.
Because an artist, you might not ever be. I'm just being honest.

>> No.6653600

this particular fag shits up /v/ on the regular

>> No.6653602

>CNN supporters
Seethe harder, faggots. I post up stable diffusion art and you söyfags are LOSING your shit.

>> No.6653603

Please don't be so aiartphobic. Those small flaws an be found in some real art too. And what about interaiart? Art born with a mix of ai and hand made?

>> No.6653604

>techtranny calling anyone a $0yfag

>> No.6653605

are you this afraid to learn? we could help. you'll stagnate by solely relying on the model.

>> No.6653606

Just fyi, I was baiting ai fags with these. Following >>6653588 but it baited you instead whoops.

>> No.6653608

What is drawing from imaginatio

>> No.6653609

And I'm not posting anything to piss anyone off, I'm showcasing what AI is able to accomplish and it's all of YOU who are fucking losing your shit, spitting venom because none of you can draw to that caliber. It took a computer half an hour to do, what most of you söyfags spent 50 grand to learn at some piece of shit liberal university so that you can walk around with your expensive paper and demand you get paid 200 dollars an hour.
You dumb faggots prance around here defending anatomy, perspective and color theory, but I'm sure none of you put it to practice. You're just as useless as your self taught, dunning kruger brains allow you to be.
You're the real crabs of /ic/—pompous liberal s who söyfags who can't appreciate technology but rather keyboard commado from your safe spaces while real artists can appreciate the advancements in technology and coexist side by side with it.

>> No.6653612

It's ok, I am here for you. You are a real artist. Ai art is real art. Keep doing your thang honey!

>> No.6653613

Lmao you are such a lying faggot.

>> No.6653615

Now point out my grammar mistake like the good little crabs you are and seethe even harder, because that's all you know how to do.

>> No.6653616

You will never be an artist.

>> No.6653620

damn, chill out. you're acting irrational like a woman.

>> No.6653622

Which one are you, the self taught, dunning kruger douchebag who drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon because he wants to pretend he's in the ghetto, or are you the liberal artfag who spent SO much money on that expensive paper on the wall, going to underground art shows like you're some revolutionary guerilla art wasting daddy's money?

>> No.6653623

Don't wallow in self pity and copium. Just draw better than AI. Then brag about it. PYW to give 'em hell!

>> No.6653624

>50 grand to learn
Anon you could prob take a community college class or use online sources that most say to do but apparently your wrap in the CalArts meme of social networking
>If you were considered poor too you'll also be getting Fasfa but I'm guessing your not American

>> No.6653626
File: 1.33 MB, 650x366, 2682f81666a5571efe123ccaf5dd62dd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love to see you seethe. Nothing makes me happier.
>And I'm not posting anything to piss anyone off

>> No.6653628
File: 719 KB, 4000x4000, 1684023595315459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck catching up.
I know about financial aid. So yeah, I am American.

>> No.6653632
File: 1.16 MB, 867x902, 1624855300630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't. Here's my original receipt.
There's my (You)
The liberal faggots started talking shit, so I Trump'ed them a new asshole.

>> No.6653633
File: 2.24 MB, 640x480, 320196616_492864476266374_6941456476547327703_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck catching up.
I'm still ahead. (animator)

>> No.6653634
File: 210 KB, 1024x576, shazam-cyberpunk-2077-sipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't need good anatomy
>it doesn't need good composition
>it doesn't need credible perspective
>it doesn't need coherent lighting
>it doesn't need good color balance
more seriously, fix your pieces. you present half-assed jobs that happen to be very rendered. this should be a step for you to craft a more complete piece but you discard it without a care. note that I'm not criticizing the rendering itself. if you want to bring AI pictures to the next level you'll have to learn some theory.

>> No.6653636

Now do that in 60fps. Who the fuck wants that 24fps bullshit anymore?
Oh wait, the past.

>> No.6653640

You will never be an artist.

>> No.6653641

don't interpolate me, I beg ye!

>> No.6653642

Not my pieces, I'm just a fan. But that's a good point to make. I can only imagine what AI could create with learning some theory.

>> No.6653644

So know about getting paid for going to school

>> No.6653645

You already have been.

>> No.6653646

You're 40 years too late.


>> No.6653660

an new hire at my studio submitted interpolated work and got chewed out big time. looks like complete shit.

>> No.6653662

trans girls are girls
ai art is art

>> No.6653665

preach! I'm headed to /g/ to give our sisters some support.

>> No.6653666

anon... you are kinda looking like a basedjack with this wall of text...

>> No.6653667

fake praise is real praise

>> No.6653668

lol you're one of those people who dont participate in art in commercial sense but still tries acting like they have a say in it. whatever, good luck competing with a sea of proompters.

>> No.6653682
File: 332 KB, 1024x1536, 50chrl76nnza1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize on paper AI has been a think for about 3-4 years. but
Didn't Dalle-2 and Stable diffusion come out in July?
Anyway It hasn't even been a year since this really went mainstream...

Also there is a shit ton of uncurated AI slop I would argue its the same shit that plagues all digital art even before AI (there's no real bar to submit work and endless algorithms to compete with).

>> No.6653715

looks great!

>> No.6653749
File: 42 KB, 579x177, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thumbnail

>> No.6653755

your ai art passes. you are valid

>> No.6653892
File: 46 KB, 645x103, 08 flashbacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga your on /ic/ patty yourselves on the back same fagging here and back looking for validation

>> No.6653908

>I wake up
>Another obvious /g/ faggot yelling ad nauseum
Be original, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6654040

If it was perfect you'd just say it's soulless because imperfection is a crucial part of art

>> No.6654057

the new meta is telling AI trannies their art passes.

>> No.6654137

>fake girls to masturbate to
heck of a perspective on life you got there. clearly superior to that of animals who spend years raising kids.

>> No.6654141
File: 20 KB, 558x418, 1670006471402272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can fuck off and stop trying to invade art spaces when the overwhelming majority of artists are telling you worthless leeches to go away.
But you won't stick to your own platforms because all of you know it'd miserably fail >>6653220 . You are literally parasites. Every single aspect of AI is predicated on desperately trying to suck up to artists and coasting on their work, the trannoid comparisons are fitting.

>> No.6654186
File: 6 KB, 888x94, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pixiv will no longer feature ai slope in it's front page
not like this, Aisisters

>> No.6654194

Wow wtf. So only cis-art is allowed? No ai-art at all? Aiphobia is a mental illness. Wrong side of history!

>> No.6654233

>Not for inking or cleanup, but clipstudio has an AI colouring system, if you just throw down a few quick scribbled colours, it can auto colour the whole image for you.
Wait really?

>> No.6654236

Luddities did nothing wrong, in fact they were right, hope some mentally ill artist caps a few aifags on the way out

>> No.6654244

Yeah my rebuttal Is a hammer to the aifags skull

>> No.6654248

Why is it always coom art? You have ai robot at the touch of a button and all you commission is more coom. Some creativity

>> No.6654250

>spent 50 grand to learn at some piece of shit liberal university
>he isn't self taught
Kek ngmi

>> No.6654252

>liberal s who söyfags who can't appreciate technology
Techfags are the liberals you lying grifter. The entire age of libs have been built on all the pajeet tier tech that's been pumped into society the last 20 years

>> No.6654253

Don't forget to dilate you disgusting freak

>> No.6654330

>endless, pointless arguing
Fact is, AI will eventually do a lot of the work currently done by humans in the video game, movie, TV and advertising industries. If some new technological shortcut can increase profit margins and still arrive at a result *good enough* for the average consoomer, it will be adopted by industry. This has always been the case.
But aside from those industry jobs, practicing traditional artists are not going to lose anything to AI. On the contrary, they will only gain in status and respect. They are training their minds and hands, their creativity and dexterity, while the prompter's brain atrophies into jelly and his hand is useless except for clicking and cooming.
The divide between artists and prompters will only grow with time. In the short-term, yes, prompters will fake their way into artists' spaces. Eventually, safeguards will make this practically impossible. And that is what prompters fear most, all their protestations to the contrary notwithstanding. An artist can amuse himself and amaze others with only a stick in the sand, while the prompter cries out, "Where's my laptop? Why can't I get WiFi out here?! REEEEeeeee..."
The prompter's mistake is the same one made by everyone here looking for shortcuts: He can't enjoy drawing because he is in a hurry to receive accolades. He wants attention. Great artists (sometimes) get attention, but they don't draw for attention. They draw because can't imagine not drawing.

>> No.6654353
File: 874 KB, 737x480, 1668707011936211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the idea that it's going to get adopted by ~the industry~ is dubious due to the copyright hellhole that is currently being pried open by legislators.

>> No.6654379

You mean "censorship" ?

>> No.6654380

In concept art, for instance, it'll be used by artists as a time-saving device. The AI generated images won't be used as-is. But one artist will be able to do the work of ten. There won't be any jobs for non-artist proompters.

>> No.6654383

I mean sites for artists who actually draw and paint will have tools to detect frauds and prevent them from posing as artists.

>> No.6654393

It's really fun throwing shitty art at the AI to see what it does with it, sometimes can come up with some fun character concepts. This is a process prompters will never know. I've found ways to get consistent styles but it involves drawing a base to consistently hit the same latent spaces.

AI should be completely banned from Pixiv at this rate, some illegal shit in nearly every country going on in certain tags.

>> No.6654405

no shit? go to your AIcuck space s, don't invade others. of course you won't do that, because you seek validation,

>> No.6654408

the artists whose art is being scrapped are far more upset. you should ask them what they think about you creating cheap mimics of their art

>> No.6654410

>the way art is being drawn now, IS the New World Order, stuck in its old ways
>new world order, stuck in its old ways
what a fucking retard lmao. go back to flinging cow shit at each other, Rashit. that's the only art you'll ever make

>> No.6654415
File: 361 KB, 640x838, 1666528206309339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIniggers are such lolcows. not even the shittiest chris chan level of artist seethes so hard when their mistakes are pointed out. yet AIcucks seethe over an image they didn't even make in the first place.
>I'm showcasing what AI is able to accomplish and it's all of YOU who are fucking losing your shit, spitting venom because none of you can draw to that caliber
Yes, I cannot draw to the caliber of the artist who you're ripping off, and I'll always be envious of them. one day maybe, I'll get better who knows
>söyfags who can't appreciate technology

>> No.6654418

looks like janky garbage, and it's once again a filter pasted over a recording. basically, digital rotoscoping, while traditional rotoscoping is an already shady method of """"""""""animating""""""""". not an animation :)

>> No.6654439

Kawaii amputee-chan

>> No.6654476

Was going to say but is it me or is it terrible at profile shots?

>> No.6654490

why did it completly butcher the hair and eye color? what an useless piece of crap

>> No.6654497

funny because i see tons of people complaining about their favourite character tag on pixiv getting invaded by ainiggers

>> No.6654498

You talk about increasing profit margins but really if they're allowing torrenting to go unchallenged why not just find ways to get it for free. Most stuff isn't called goyslop for no reason and if "good enough" is the bar you set there's already plenty of stuff offering that for free and better even

>> No.6654499 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 896x1152, 1684035745515657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ still pissing their panties over Ai? While you've been foaming at the mouth the Ai has been mass producing breath taking content for the masses to enjoy. While this post was made, four new illustrations just as captivating as the one posted here have been created!

>> No.6654516

why the fuck does she have fat ribs

>> No.6654529

trying way too hard, not even worth a (You)

>> No.6654539

>you guys are TOTALLY MISSING OUT, if you don't buy in NOW you're going to MISS THE MOONSHOT you guys, EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT, come on DON'T MISS OUT PLEASE!
You just sound like someone shilling for a shitcoin lol

>> No.6654540

>I guess all the people making AI art now don't exist?
Considering that there is no such thing as an AI "artist", yes, absolutely correct.

>> No.6654546

this, AI-generated pictures are not Art. it's the crux of the debate, the very thing Ai users want to make people accept to justify their dubious practices.

>> No.6654547

It's terrible at everything that isn't common. People don't tend to draw profile views.

>> No.6654565
File: 258 KB, 854x480, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Latent Space Visualization.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the pictures themselves are art- or rather, they're an unholy agglomeration of other people's artwork and photographs. The base principle on which image generators work is to train to replicate the images that they're trained on exactly, and as a side effect of that they also generate countless interpolations between those images. Animorphs, in a sense.

>> No.6654571

What is the Greek word for "fear of the new"?

>> No.6654572

no artist, no art, simple as. it would be the same if a monkey took a picture of a painting.

>> No.6654597

its terrible at anything that isn't
>front facing anime girl with a vague expression
>nonsensical landscape
>photorealistic trump/biden
>furry stuff sometimes
people aren't afraid of the new though they're just pissed at worthless parasites

>> No.6654609

>pissed at worthless parasites
Sounds more like anger and envy based on the insults and low effort.

>> No.6654615

stop shitting on the carpet, how is it hard to grasp?

>> No.6654617


>> No.6654621

see, you're doing it again, you come in, act annoying and take people telling you to leave as a victory. it's kindergarten-level. you dismiss each and every argument as "Y-you're just mad". admit that you're trolling to save face at least.

>> No.6654641

No one's jealous or afraid, we hate you the same way we hate robo callers.

>> No.6654722
File: 922 KB, 1024x1520, reddit_hates_ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6654890
File: 10 KB, 939x93, PixivSetting4numbnuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to do picrel more.

This. The content is getting old and stale without any artistic effort by the AI image posters.

>> No.6654898

>the same way we hate robo callers.

>> No.6654913

cute :3
I wish we could focus more on the fact it's insane "we" replaced democratic governance and regulation with "oh the free market is the only real regulater we need, everything else is cumbersome.gommunism"

Like: the sheer amount of times I see AI fanboys go "haha ur survival depends on it u will be miserable".
That shit is insane.
We as a society have to work on allowing people to live and survive by default and make work exist only for the sake of having more than enough.
Societies can drift apart.
Morals can decay.
Democracy can collapse.
We don't live in a post-historical world and we best start acting like it.
The only people tgat stand to benefit from the continued veneration of "muh free market" are the modern day pharaohs like Musk and Bezos.
We cannot keep building pyramids, a more equitable society is possible.

This is I think the real discussion we should be having in relationto AI and in fact since the 50s and 60s.

I wish you the best in ypur pursuits anon.
That animation is beautiful.

>> No.6654922

I just think it's rad this stuff is being generated by machines and only intermediately by humans.
The technical aspect, the fact that this is possible.
It just feels like this is an interesting development, I can understand the excitememt.

Did you ever play minecraft as a kid?
It's probably similar to the initial notion of "wait, this world is infinite and randomly gemerated" but in a much more generalized, real life context.

>> No.6654932

I don't get it, these models are trained on human works and pictures of everything and derived from it, why wouldn't it be able to generate something decent looking in the first place?

I genuinely don't get how people are surprised by this when in reality there are humans who have been drawing/painting utterly insane rendered pieces that seem almost impossible and yet all of a sudden a machine learning algorithm of code derived from millions of these images is exciting? It feels like it should be a given at this point

>> No.6654977

>I just want an ai that does all of the interesting parts so I can trace it like a coloring book

>> No.6654986

it still takes too much effort to get results good enough. Its getting better but still better to put that effort into drawing.

>> No.6655324

>I don't get it, these models are trained on human works and pictures of everything and derived from it, why wouldn't it be able to generate something decent looking in the first place?
Very naive view considering there's a billion artworks out now but /ic/ and especially /beg/ can't seem to make anything at all, even if they tried copying the drawings directly

>> No.6655327

Are you sure you're not projecting? That's how hard it is to get to that level, which is why most people are in awe when they see high level painters do the work and create something. No shit beginners and intermediates aren't going to be at that level..? Meanwhile those great rendered paintings along with the most realistic photos of everything imaginable are in the data sets as perfect inputs to generate from? There's a difference from a piece of machinery running that had access to memory storage of all those millions of pictures at one point vs a human brain that can barely hold an image for a couple seconds before blurring out. Are you just retarded

>> No.6655332


>> No.6655343

I'm here for the op picture. Fuck AI and fuck pajeets.

>> No.6655373

Trad chads stay winning

>> No.6655386

Nobody likes AI, cuz that shit gets spammed like crazy, I'm speaking purely from a coomsumers perspective here, all the usual nsfw image sites get flooded with it so you have to go 8 pages back till you get the actual good stuff it fucking sucks and I hope ai will get Perma banned from any nsfw site

>> No.6655388

A million ai faggots don't tag their trash properly and keep flooding galleries with their soulless garbage

>> No.6655390

Are AI fags the troons of the art community?

>> No.6655448

For the last time, yes.

>> No.6655473

first reflex when the AI bans started rolling out? trying to pass their images as human-made. that should tell you everything

>> No.6655501

>This is an artist only thing. I’m telling you, in fan communities elsewhere online everyone is just generating waifu pictures and enjoying it
no, but even if it was it would make sense, right? parasites taking your work and cloning shitty variations for it while making funny faces

>> No.6655543

>AI images look like shit
That's the opposite of what most people complain about.

>> No.6655566
File: 74 KB, 1024x989, cat looks at your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>About 1700 positive prompts and a about 6100 negative prompts
Do people actually fill excel spreadsheets to draw their generic anime girls? I thought the point of AI art was that it was easy, because the computer's doing all the work.

>> No.6655590

the sad thing? minimal skill gain

>> No.6655732
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1676713580625056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI has limitations
you will not be more human by abandoning the learning process
fuck technology reliant pansies
if god ever existed or will exist in the future, then you are not graced by his eyes in the slightest.

>> No.6655912
File: 103 KB, 1344x706, 123980814519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656278

Where's all the "work smarter not harder" quote, I thought this is your favorite phrase

>> No.6656339

You're incapable of doing either, ESL-kun.

>> No.6656667

wheres the work?